America and West Indies: July 1716

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'America and West Indies: July 1716', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: July 1716', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,

"America and West Indies: July 1716". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.

July 1716

July 3.
240. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Abstract. Refers to enclosed affidavits relating to Bahamas. A nest of pirates are endeavouring to establish themselves at Providence and by the addition they expect of loose disorderly people from the Bay of Campeachy, Jamaica and other parts, may prove dangerous to British commerce, if not timely suppressed. A vessel of the force they have captured will soon render them formidable to the number of merchantmen passing through the Gulf from Jamaica. Has commissioned the master of a sloop to make enquiries as to their strength and designs. It highly concerns H.M. service that some Government should speedily be established there and the place made defencible against sudden attempts by pirates or the Spaniards, who have so often obstructed the settlement thereof, as well knowing that, should the English grow strong there, that island might be reckoned the very key of the Gulph of Florida. He committed to prison one Captain Forbes, a pirate who came to Virginia last month, after beating the Spaniards from their batteries on the coast of Florida for guarding wrecks and was accessory to taking the French ship (encl. i.), but he escaped. Has asked the Admiralty for an additional guardship, not relying on the professions of the gang at Providence that they will only seize French and Spanish ships. They have already plundered some trading vessels belonging to these parts. Mr. Ludwell (v. 24th May) writes that he will send his answer to the Council of Trade, without allowing the Governor a sight of it, unless he will submit the dispute between them to the determination of the Council. This is not a reasonable request, for six out of ten Councillors are his relations, and by his 44th Instruction the Council have no cognizance of such cases. Asks to see his answer. Except this dispute with the Auditor, this Colony is perfectly easy, etc. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 5th, Read 10th Sept., 1716. 3¾ pp. Printed, V.H.S.C., Spotswood Papers II., 168. Enclosed,
240. i. Deposition of John Vickers; late of the Island of Providence. In Nov. last Benjamin Hornigold arrived at Providence in the sloop Mary of Jamaica, belonging to Augustine Golding, which Hornigold took upon the Spanish coast, and soon after the taking of the said sloop, he took a Spanish sloop loaded with dry goods and sugar, which cargo he disposed of at Providence, but the Spanish sloop was taken from him by Capt. Jennings of the sloop Bathsheba of Jamaica. In January Hornigold sailed from Providence in the said sloop Mary, having on board 140 men, 6 guns and 8 pattararas, and soon after returned with another Spanish sloop, which he took on the coast of Florida. After he had fitted the said sloop at Providence, he sent Golding's sloop back to Jamaica to be returned to the owners: and in March last sailed from Providence in the said Spanish sloop, having on board near 200 men, but whither bound deponent knoweth not. About 22nd April last, Capt. Jenings arrived at Providence and brought in as prize a French ship mounted with 32 guns which he had taken at the Bay of Hounds, and there shared the cargo (which was very rich consisting of European goods for the Spanish trade) amongst his men, and then went in the said ship to the wrecks where he served as Comodore and guardship. There are at Providence about 50 men who have deserted the sloops that were upon the wrecks, and committ great disorders in that Island, plundering the inhabitants, burning their houses, and ravishing their wives. One Thomas Barrow formerly mate of a Jamaica brigantine which run away some time ago with a Spanish marquiss's money and effects, is the chief of them and gives out that he only waits for a vessell to go out a pirating, that he is Governor of Providence and will make it a second Madagascar, and expects 5 or 600 men more from Jamaica sloops to join in the settling of Providence, and to make war on the French and Spaniards, but for the English, they don't intend to meddle with them, unless they are first attack'd by them; nevertheless Barrow and his crew robb'd a New England brigantine, one Butler master, in the harbour of Providence and took a Bermuda sloop, beat the master and confined him for severall days, but not finding the said sloop fitt for their purpose, discharged her. About a year ago one Daniel Stillwell formerly belonging to Jamaica, and lately settled on Isle Aethera, went in a small shallop, with John Kemp, Matthew Low, two Dutchmen, and—Darvell to the coast of Cuba and there took a Spanish lanch having on board 11,050 pieces of eight, and brought the same into Isle Aethera; and Capt. Thomas Walker of Providence having received advice thereof from the Governor of Jamaica, seized Stillwell and his vessell, but upon the coming of Hornigold to Providence, Stillwell was rescued and Capt. Walker threatned to have his house burned for offering to concern himself, Hornigold saying that all pirates were under his protection. It is common for the sailors now at Providence (who call themselves the flying gang) to extort money from the inhabitants, and one Capt. Stockdale who came passenger with deponent to Virginia was threatned to be whipp'd for not giving them what they demanded, and just upon his coming from thence he payed them 20sh. for which the aforementioned Barrow and one Peter Parr gave him a receipt on the publick account. Many of the inhabitants of that Island had deserted their habitations for fear of being murdered. Sometime about the beginning of March one Capt. Farnandez, an inhabitant of Jamaica, in the sloop Bennet mounted with 10 guns and with about 110 men took a Spanish sloop with about three millions of money as it was reported and silks and cochenile to the like value and brought the sloop into Providence and there divided the money and goods among the men and is returned to the North side of Jamaica to try whether he may go home in safety and if he found he could not he gave out that he would return to Providence and settle amongst the Rovers. Signed, John Vickers. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp.
240. ii. Deposition of Alexander Stockdale of Barbadoes, merchant. Corroborates preceding. Signed, Alexr. Stockdale. Same endorsement. ½ p.
240. iii. Lt. Governor Spotswood's Instructions to Harry Beverley, Commander of the sloop Virgin of Virginia. Whereas I have received information that divers ships richly laden having been cast away in the channel of Bahama and other the coasts of America under H.M. dominion, and that under pretence of fishing for the said wreck'd goods, divers persons as well H.M. subjects as others have assembled themselves with their vessells armed and equipped in warlike manner, committing depredations and other acts of hostilitys, upon the Spaniards and other nations in amity with H.M. and that the said persons have also taken possession of the Island of Providence, and intend to strengthen themselves there under a Governor of their own choosing, you are to make enquiries there etc., as in covering letter. Williamsburgh, 15th June, 1716. Same endorsement. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. Nos. 45, 45 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1364. pp. 432–439.]
[July 3.] 241. [? Mr. Cary's] answer to the reasons against the Virginia Act for monopolizing the Indian trade etc. (v. May 30). Endorsed, Recd. from Mr. Carey, Read, 3rd July, 1716. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 37.]
[July 3.] 242. Merchants trading to Virginia to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Reply to Mr. Cary's memorial concerning the Virginia Act for monopolizing the Indian Trade, etc. (v. June 12, etc.). Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Offley), Read 3rd July, 1716. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 38.]
July 4.
243. Abstract of a letter from North Carolina [? to Richard Beresford]. I am just returned from Virginia where I was informed that the fort built at Christ Anna by Col. Spotswood was finished it lyes on Meherrin River about a small daies march from Moratoke and about 50 or 60 miles from some part of James River and Appamatocks River. The fort consists of five large pentagonal log-houses which serve for bastions, and a curtain of mauld wood with earth on the inside from one house to another, etc. Each house has a great gun about 1400lb. each, etc. The Honble. Mr. Boyle gave a considerable sum to pious uses one of which is the conversion of the Indians and at his charge are taught several of the youth of the Tributary Indians at Williamburg one of which that can read and write is to be Usher to ye School at Christanna. I saw the fellow the other day at Mr. Bland's, the agent for the Indian Company at James River. The Govr. is now building a handsome house near Christ Anna, where he intends to live when he shall be out of the Government. It will cost him about 5 or £600 sterl. and divers other people encouraged by the Governr's. example are settling plantations that way. I saw abundance of iron, steel and other utensils carrying thither, there is a couple of forges sett up, and it is expected it will be a place of note. There is in three of the frontier counties of Virginia a company of 12 Rangers who make it their business upon the Governor's orders to range and make discoveries, one of these companies has made a discovery of a passage through ye mountains between Rappahanock and Potowmake River very easy for horses the pass being of easy ascent and falls very easy to the westward, they report that they went about 40 miles to the westward of the mountaines from whence divers runs and brookes of water made into small rivers they saw some new cabbins and much sign of Indians being near: they did not perfect their discovery being so few in number. Upon this discovery, it is said the Governr. will order the three companies of Rangers and some small number more with a few goods to perfect ye discovery very shortly they expect in Virginia 'tis not far from thence to the Charokees and some other great Nations of Indians for they say that the Sinnagars make war that way on great Nations of Indians they named some towns to me but they have slipped my memory except those called the Connanwas. It is probable that those runs and brookes make into the head of Potowmake which it is said runs much further through the mountains than any other river and Collo. Moore assures me that there is no probability of a passage to the Charokees that way which I heartily wish may be true for should there be any expectations of their being furnished with goods from Virginia it might prove of ill consequence to your Government. These things cause many speculations in Virginia and some here for that Governmt. is certainly a very politick and ingenious gent. and looks as far as anybody. Some imagine this only an amusement, that under the notion of discovering this pass they make a more profitable discovery of a mine: For near thereabouts a parcel of Palatines are settled in a town call'd Germanna, some of which are miners and have given some hopes of mines that way, and Coll. Mitchell your Engineer has given in some propositions to the Treasury in England relating to mines which have been communicated to the Governr. of Virginia. Others think that the proffit upon skins is the utmost view for Indian stock is now risen to 112 and 120 and 'tis said they have a large stock, but certainly these don't conjecture right because the Governr. who was the cheif promoter of it must certainly have further prospects, which makes others beleive that this will be the most readiest means of continueing him Governr. because of the expectation some at home may have of being sharers in so profitable a business as mining, and the buildings and projections he makes may easily induce them in England to beleive there is some considerable prospect of advantage that makes him thus push forwards after such matters. Let it be as it will he has gain'd himself the ill will of most of the leading men in Virginia, he has dissolved the Assembly after a very unusual manner and has superseded Collo. Ludwell Deputy to Auditor Blathwaite in England. Coll. Ludwell is one of the Council and most of the Councel are related to him, etc. Signed, Richd Beresford (i.e. as a true copy). Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th June, 1717. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 68.]
[July 4.] 244. Rowland Tryon, of London, merchant, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Proposes William Dottin for the Council of Barbados, in the room of John Hallet, decd. Dottin has always been a strenuous asserter of H.M. right and title, is possessed of a very considerable clear estate in that Island, noways ingaged in law-suits. Having had a liberall education in this Kingdom, he was formerly preferred by Mr. Lowther to be Judge there, but removed upon Mr. Lowther's being recall'd, etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read 4th July, 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 54; and 29, 13. pp. 337, 338.]
July 5.
245. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. Some papers relating to the present scituation of the affairs of South Carolina being referr'd to us, we desire your Lordships will please to let us have as soon as you conveniently can a particular account of the present state of that Province as likewise what your Lordships have contributed on your parts towards suppressing the Indian war, whether any provision be made for the future security of the said country, further than what has been given by the Crown. [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 22.]
July 6.
St. James's.
246. Order of King in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their opinion thereupon. Signed, Robert Hales. Endorsed, Recd. Read 25th July, 1716. ¾ p. Enclosed,
246. i. Petition of Henry Thompson, on behalf of Lord A. Hamilton, to the King. The Lord Hamilton is entirely innocent of the crimes against the Spaniards on account of which he lies under your Majesty's displeasure, occasioned by the affidavits of Samuel Page and William Arlington (v. Nos. 158 vi. vii. etc.). The said affidavits are in a great measure groundless and malitious, etc. Prays that Page and Arlington may be directed to enter into securities before one of the Secretarys of State for their appearance when the said accusations come before H.M. Copy. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 11. Nos. 25, 25 i.; and 138, 14. pp. 453–455.]
July 6.
St. James's.
247. Order of King in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. Read 17th July, 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
247. i. Petition of Sir John Lambert to the King, in behalf of himself and others late owners of the Count de Paix. The said ship under the command of Capt. Lewis Doyer was in Sept., 1713, richly laden at St. Domingo with sugars, indigo, gold dust, amber greece etc. with orders to sail to Havre de Grace in France. About two days after her departure a cask of brandy, by accident or the wilful act of the Captain took fire, which by the diligence of Mr. John de la Croix pylot was extinguish'd and during the time that he was extinguishing the fire, the Capt. wilfully run the ship aground near the Island of Henegua, where he went on shore and took with him gold dust and amber greece and other valuable merchandize. Some of the crew were sent to procure barks to save her cargo. But some masters of sloops of Bermuda, confederating with Lt. Governor Bennett, came and forcibly broke up and plundered the said ship, frighted the men away belonging to her, and robbed a brigantine which they had procured for the purpose aforesaid of a great quantity of the said ship's cargo which had been laden aboard her. They carried the cargo of the Count de Paix, to the value of about £20,000 sterl. to Bermuda and disposed of it to their own uses, as well as the ship etc. Petitioners are advised for relief to file their bill in your Majesty's Court of Equity in Bermuda, but that Governor Bennet and several others of the confederates, who now are of the Council, being appointed Judges of the said Court ought not to be Judges to determine the said cause, which petitioners are inform'd cannot by any Act of that Island be heard until good security be given in treble the sum sued for to pay costs, which is impossible for petitioners to comply with, being no inhabitants of the Island, but ready to give undeniable security here. Pray that the Governor and other confederates be instructed to put in their answer to petitioners' bill in equity and that four Commissioners be appointed to judge the cause, with liberty of appeal, etc. Endorsed, Withdrawn. (v. Aug. 10.) 2¼ pp. [C.O. 37, 9. Nos. 38, 38 i.]
July 6.
St. James's.
248. Order of King in Council. Confirming Act of Virginia, 1713, declaring what shall be accounted a sufficient seating, planting, etc. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd Aug., Read 31st Oct., 1716. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 46; and 5, 1364. pp. 439, 440.]
July 6.
St. James's.
249. Order of King in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report thereon. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. Read 25th July, 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
249. i. Petition of Col. William Partridge to the King. Prays H.M. confirmation of some lands purchased by him in New England in order to his settling the same, etc. v. A.P.C. II. No. 1259. Copy. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 90, 90 i.; and 5, 915. pp. 1–3.]
July 6.
St. James's.
250. Order of King in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report thereupon. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. 19th, Read 25th July, 1716. ¾ p. Enclosed,
250. i. Petition of Capt. Priswick, in behalf of Joshua Jones of Antego, to the King. Prays that Jones may be appointed to the Council of Antego, he being fitly qualified and having a very good estate in the Leeward Islands, etc., and there being several vacancies. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. Nos. 14, 14 i.; and 153, 12. pp. 432–434.]
July 6. 251. Col. Douglass to the Council of Trade and Plantations. A scheme for settling the late French part of St. Kitts (v. June 22nd). Signed, L.C. Douglass. Endorsed, Recd. Read 6th July, 1716. 3 pp. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 12.]
July 6.
St. James's.
252. Order of King in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. 16th July, Read 16th Aug., 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
252. i. Petition of Geo. Lyddale and Robt. Clayton to the King in Council, on behalf of themselves and other planters in the late French part of St. Christophers. Pray H.M. to ascertain their tenure, etc. v. A.P.C. II. p. 684. Copy. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 152, 11. Nos. 16, 16 i.; and 153, 12. pp. 437–439.]
July 6.
St. James's.
253. Order of King in Council. Referring representation upon stores of war wanted in the Leeward Islands to the Board of Ordnance for an estimate and their opinion thereupon. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 16th Jan., 1716/17. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 37; and 153, 12. p. 481.]
July 6.
St. James's.
254. Order of King in Council. Approving representation of April 20, and appointing Willm. Carter to the Council of Barbados. Examined pr. William Sharpe. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd Aug., Read 31st Oct., 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 57; and 29, 13. pp. 345, 346.]
July 6.
St. James's.
255. Order of King in Council. Approving representation of June 28th. The Council of Trade and Plantations upon the first vacancy in the Council of Barbados, after the determination of the cause depending before the Governor and Council between him and Sir John Colleton, are to present the said John Colleton to this Board in order to his being appointed one of H.M. Councill in the said Island. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1½ pp. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 58; and 29, 13. pp. 346, 347; and (endorsed, Recd. Read 16th May, 1717) 28, 15. No. 7; and 29, 13. pp. 375, 376.]
July 7/18.
Rio Essequebe, Fort Kykoveral.
256. I. Dallens to the Directors of the Dutch West India Company. Signed, Is. Dallens. Endorsed, Read 20th Oct., 1716. Dutch. 2 pp. [C.O. 116, 21. No. 153.]
July 10.
257. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. Enclose accounts of office expenses from Xtmas to Midsummer. There was then 9 months salary due to this Commission and six months to the Secretary and under officers, etc. Accounts, certified, annexed. [C.O. 389, 37. pp. 122–124.]
[July 10.] 258. The Merchants' reply to Mr. Cary's answer (July 3) to their objections to the Act for regulating the Indian trade in Virginia. Endorsed, Recd. Read 10th July, 1716. 2¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 40.]
[July 10.] 259. An account of skins imported from Virginia, Christmas, 1706–1709, and 1712–1715. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Cary) Read 10th July, 1716. 6 pp. [C.O. 5, 1364. Nos. 39 a–39 f.]
July 11.
260. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Abstract. Refers again to Mr. Ludwell's suspension and his malicious talent. He offered him his charge against him the day it was finished, requiring his answer, which is in accordance with H.M. Instructions, etc. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 11th Sept., 1716, Read 23rd Aug., 1717. 2pp. [Printed, V.H.S.C., Spotswood Papers, II. 175. [C.O. 5, 1318. No. 20; and 5, 1364. pp. 497–500.]
July 12.
261. Governor Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Repeats June 28. Continues:— I now send an Act which I past the other day, to prohibitt the importation of French and other forreigne sugar, rum, cotton, or molasses into this Island, the necessity of which Act will appear to your Lordships from the reasons given in the preamble thereof, and therefore I shall not trouble your Lordships with a repetition of them, or assigne any other reason, hopeing that what is mentioned in the said preamble, will not only justify my passing the same, but engage your Lordships to gett H.M. assent thereto, it being what I hope will not only prove beneficially to H.M. interest here, but also to the good of the Collony. In my former, I forgott to acquaint your Lordships that Mr. Barry Tankerd a member of H.M. Councill for this Island has desired to be excused from any farther attendance at the Councell board, he alledging that his private bussiness will not permitt him any longer to attend the publick affaires, which obliged me to dismiss him from his place at that board, and to swear Mr. Archibald Cochran in his roome, to the end the publick bussiness might not suffer for want of a Quorum, which untill he was sworne could hardly be made, and indeed it now sometimes happens, that wee are but bearly a Quorum, many of the members being absent, and Coll. Richard Oliver lately dead, which I doubt will likewise oblige me verry speedily to swear another person as a member of that board, which I hope will not be disagreeable to your Lordships, in regard I have nothing in view but H.M. servis, and the publick good of the Collonies. Mr. Cochran is not only a Gentleman of sense and a good estate in this place, but is zealously affected to H.M. person and Government, and therefore I must beg that your Lordships will gett him aproved of by H.M. etc. Signed, W. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 8th Sept., 1716, Read 5th April, 1717. 1½ pp. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 55; and 153, 13. pp. 9–11.]
[July 12.] 262. Governor Shute to the Council of Trade and Plantations. A list of persons recommended for the Council of New Hampshire:—William Vaughan, Nathaniel Weare, John Plaisted, Richard Waldron, Samuel Penhallow, Mark Hunkin, John Wentworth, Joseph Smith, Theodore Atkinson, Richard Gerrish, George Jeffrys, John Frost. Signed, Samll. Shute. Endorsed, Recd. 12th, Read, 17th July, 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 89.]
July 12.
St. James's.
263. Order of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, etc. Appointing Col. Francis Bond to the Council of Barbados in the room of John Hallet, decd. Signed, Wm. Sharpe. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd Aug., Read 31st Oct., 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 59; and 29, 13. p. 348.]
July 13.
St. James's.
264. Warrant by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, appointing William Carter to the Council of Barbados, in the room of John Pilgrim, decd. Countersigned, P. Methuen. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 352.]
July 13. 265. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Methuen. In reply to June 22, upon Col. Douglass' proposal, quote from Representations of 3rd May, 1715, proposing that Commissioners be sent for settling the disposal of lands in the late French part of St. Christophers, etc. Continue:—But by information we have since receiv'd from the Govr. and others, we are induc'd to believe it would be more to the advantage of the Crown if these lands were sold here to the highest bidder or granted upon quit-rents under such limitations as are propos'd in our foresaid Representation, especially since in this interval of time, those lands are so much better known to many persons in this Kingdom than they were formerly. And this method we take to be better than disposing of them by Commissrs., which would be not only more chargeable but also more dilatory; and here we must observe that H.M. Revenue has already considerably suffer'd by delaying the settlement of that Island, since the Peace; for had this settlement been then made, we have reason to believe, that by this time it would have encreas'd H.M. Revenue of the Customs between 30 and £40,000 pr. ann., to wch. we must also add that an increase of people in that Island will be an addition of strength and security to the rest of H.M. Leeward Caribbee Islands. As to Col. Douglass's proposal we are not able to report more particularly upon it, till directions are given how these lands are to be dispos'd of. [C.O. 153, 12. pp. 425–427.]
July 13.
266. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Methuen. Representation upon Mr. Popple's petition (v. 28th June). We desire you will please to represent our humble opinion that not only Mr. Popple's long and diligent services in this Office, but his constant adherence to and his particular zeal for the interest of the Protestant Succession in H.M. Royal Family do recommend him to H.M. gracious favour. And as the Petitioner has been many years imploy'd in the business of the Plantations, and done the Publick considerable service therein, we conceive H.M. favour to him in this particular may not be drawn into a precedent upon any other application for the like grant, and are therefore humbly of opinion that if H.M. shall be graciously pleas'd to gratify the petitioner according to his request, it will be a reward very well bestowed for diligent and faithfull services. 2 pp. [C.O. 239, 1. No. 26; and 153, 12. pp. 427, 428.]
July 14. 267. Deposition of Robert Daniell, Depty. Governor of South Carolina. I renewed the commission of Captn. Mathew Musson to take pirates etc., the commission he had from the Lord Hamilton being nearly expired, and he intending to cruise about Cape Florida a station now much frequented by pirates. I added a further power against the Yamasees and other our Indian enemies who were likely to be mett with upon that coast. Having intelligence of severall pirates lying amongst the Bahama Islands, he mett there one Perrin from Virginia on board a sloop in which Hornigold the pirate sailed and which he took last winter from the Spaniards, having on board sundry goods which Perrin pretended to have bought of Hornigold. Musson seized the sd. sloop and sent Perrin in a sloop properly owned by him and the sd. goods under command of Joseph Carpenter to this Governmt. in order to be prosecuted for his clandestine and illegall trade. Mr. Carpenter came to anchor to the southward a little of Mr. Gibbon's Bridge and coming ashoare to give me an account of his proceedings, in the mean time Mr. Wigg went on board and commanded the hatches to be opened which the sailors refused adding that their orders were to the contrary. About 9 of the clock that morning Col. Rhett and Wigg came and informed me the sailers threatned to knock out the braines of any that should offer to open the hatches till orders from the Governour in whose custody she then was, and by whose Commission she was seized. I answered that the sailers were commanded to keep the hatches fast, and as for their ill language I believed Coll. Rhett pretty well knew the nature of a common sailer whose prejudiced education may plead for the rudeness tho' no way justifye it, and that he might send on board what officer he pleased to prevent any imbezlemts. and that I would send the Marshall of the Admiralty on board likewise. Rhett answered that he would take the vessell and goods into his custody and carry the goods on shoar to secure the King's part. I replyed I was under the same obligations to see that the King's interest was secured, and therefore would not permitt Col. Rhett, or any body else to take the goods out of the sloop, etc. They departed as I thought contended. I ordered Nathl. Partridge, Marshall of the Admiralty, to go on board and take care accordingly. In the afternoon he informed me that Capt. Howard, Coll. Rhett, Wigg and a great many of Capt. Howard's men with armes and hand granadoes came on board and having broke open the hatches were taking out all the goods. I went upon the Bay and saw Capt. Howard's long boat and pinace and the Customehouse boat on board in which Howard, Rhett and Wigg with a great many others went to take away the goods aforesd. Hereupon I immediately sent for Capt. Porter and the Town Captns. and ordered the flagg out at Granvill's Bastion, some guns to be loaded, and the Companies to be called to armes, which was quickly done, there being instantly in armes I beleive abt. 140 men. I went down to the end of Mr. Gibbon's Bridge and called to Capt. Howard and Coll. Rhett to come on shoar of which Capt. Howard tooke no notice. But as for Rhett he draws his sword and flourishing it severall times sett up a Huza at me and put off from the sloop in their boats. Upon this I ordered Capt. Porter to through a great shott over them to bring them too, which Capt. Howard no way heeding keep rowing to his ship which lay at the end of Rhett's bridge, but Rhett being in his usuall trim stood up in the boat, and with his continued drawn sword in one hand and his hat in the other being in a perpetuall deriding motion flourishing both at me bringing up every now and then the chorus of his attempt and disdain with a Huzzah. But having still hopes of bringing them to their obedience and reason I ordered the soldiers to fire over and before them all wch. proved ineffectuall Capt. Howard's boat getting safe on board with the goods. Capt. Rhett continuing his aforesd. postures with an additionall turn as I am informed of his backside to me, but dare not affirm it for a truth because I have not seen this last part of his anticks, before he gott on board reced. a shott I hear in his side, and not another touched I think. I resolved to go on board Capt. Howard to expostulate with him and demand Coll. Rhett, and accompanied only by Geo. Rodd came within five or six feet of the side. The man of war Lieut. being a little before the entring place presented a gunn at me and swore God damn him if I offered to come on board he would shoot me and againe repeated his damncon if he did not. This salutation made me look Capt. Howard full in the face who stood at the entring place with a drawn sword in his hand, wch. pointing at me in a surly manner said, what would you have. This unexpected reception made me smile and turned back again without speaking a word with intent to return to the men. I had but just returned from the ship when I heard Coll. Rhett say I will kill the old Rogue let me goe God damn me I will kill the Dogg. I saw him with a drawn sword in his hand strugling with Capt. Howard to gett over the side, etc. Rhett presently laid a shovell, which he had picked off the bridge, upon Mr. Rodd with all his might. Rodd made a shift to put by the fury of so unexpected an assault with his drawn sword and beleive out of a principle of good nature spared Rhett's life which he had then in his power. Sworne in Councill, 14th July, 1716. Signed, Robt. Daniell. 3¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 387. No. 5.]
July 14.
S. Carolina.
268. (a) Warrant for committing James Fellows Lt. of H.M.S. Shoreham (v. July 19) for abusing and threatening to kill the Governor, calling all the inhabitants pirates, and assaulting Joseph Swaddle, etc. Charleston, July 12th, 1716. Signed, Geo. Rodd, H.M.Attorney General.
(b) Deposition of Nathl. Partridge, Marshal of the Admiralty of South Carolina, as to Col. Rhett and Capt. Howard breaking open the hatches of the sloop Betty, etc. as above. July 14, 1716. Signed, Nath. Partridge.
(c) Deposition of George Rodd, Attorney General of South Carolina. Confirms Governor Daniel's account supra. July 14, 1716. Signed, Geo. Rodd.
(d) Deposition of Thomas Hepworth, Capt. of Militia, Charlestown. The Governor ordered him to bring his company to Gibbon's Bridge, where after Coll. Rhett and Capt. Howard had refused to bring to and come ashore at the Governor's command, they fired towards the boat etc., ut supra. 14th July, 1716. Signed, T. Hepworth.
(e) Deposition of Joseph Swaddell, South Carolina, 14th July, 1716. On July 11th, Lt. Fellows, after abusing deponent and the Governor for an old rogue and pirate, and threatening that as soon as they got into the river, they would make the Government shake (with the Shoreham's guns), struck deponent for saying he would take the Governor's part, etc. (v. 19th July.) Signed, Jos. Swaddell.
(f) Deposition of Antho. Mathewes, Charlestown, July, 14, 1716. Confirms (b) and (d) above and Governor Daniel's account.
(g) Deposition of Capt. Matthew Porter, Commander of the Forts of Charlestown, 14th July, 1716. Confirms preceding.
(h) Deposition of Joseph Swaddell, South Carolina, 14th July, 1716. Confirms preceding. Rhett called the Governor "old Rouge old Dog old Crooked back Lurkenburg Dog," etc. Signed, Jos.Swaddell.
(i) Deposition of David Bourke of Charlestown, 14th July, 1716. About the beginning of May last deponent arriving in Charlestown in a sloop from St. Augustine, Edward Brookes, Surveyor, and Richard Wigg, Searcher and Surveyor, came on board and seiz'd several goods for want of due certificates to be produced (they alledg'd) for the exportation of the goods, amongst which there were five peeces of broad silk bone lace. Deponent told Wigg not to carry away that foolish parcell of lace, for that it belonged to Mrs. Delamore, upon which Wigg answered: Take it back againe for she will scold more than its worth. Signed, Dad. Bourke.
(j) Deposition of Capt. Thomas Walker of Charlestown, 16th July, 1716. Confirms (f) (g) etc. Signed, Tho.Walker.
(k) Deposition of William Gibbon of Charlestown. Confirms preceding. Signed, William Gibbon.
(l) Deposition of Andrew Allen. Confirms preceding. Signed, Andrew Allen.The whole endorsed, Recd. from the Agent for South Carolina. 10¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 387. No. 9.]
July 17.
St. James's.
269. Warrant of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, directing Governor Heywood to annul a grant made by Lord A.Hamilton of the escheated estate of Anna Williamina Bernarda Kupius, in Jamaica, to Edward Pennant and Anthony Swymer, and to grant it to Edward Nichols. (v. A.P.C.II. No. 1284.) Countersigned, P.Methuen. [C.O. 5, 190. pp. 353–355.]
July 18.
270. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr.Secretary Stanhope. Enclose following:
270. i. Draught of Instructions for Samuel Shute, Governor of the Massachusets Bay. In the usual form, but clause 4 runs:—"You shall yourself take and also administer unto each of the Members of H.M. Council, as well the oaths appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken instead of the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the oath mentioned in an Act pass'd in the first year of H.M. reign, for the further security of H.M. person and Government, etc.; as also make and subscribe, and cause them to make and subscribe the Declaration mentioned in an Act of Parliament made in the 25th year of K.Charles II., for preventing dangers which may happen from popish recusants; together with an oath for the due execution of your and their places and trusts, as well with regard to the equal and impartial administration of justice in all causes that shall come before you, as in all other matters. And you are likewise to take the oath required to be taken by Governors of Plantations, to do their utmost that the laws relating to the Plantations be observed."
270. ii. Draught of Instructions for Samuel Shute, Governor of New Hampshire. Clause 4 ut supra.
270. iii. Draught of Instructions for Governor Shute relating to the Acts of Trade and Navigation. In the usual form. [C.O. 5, 914. pp. 373–502; and (incomplete, 30 pp.) 5, 752. No. 12; and 5, 189. pp. 185–296.]
July 19.
271. Mr.Secretary Methuen to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. Concludes:— I desire you will represent him to H.M. in Council as a person fitly qualified for this trust, if you have no objection thereto. Signed, P. Methuen. Endorsed, Recd. Read 19th July, 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
271. i. Joseph Micklethwait to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of Great Britain, etc. Recommends Col. Francis Bond for the Council of Barbados in the room of John Hallett, decd., etc. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 14. Nos. 55, 55 i.; and 29, 13. pp. 339–341.]
July 19.
272. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Methuen. We have no objection to Col. Francis Bond being appointed to the Council of Barbados, etc. [C.O. 29, 13. pp. 338, 339.]
July 19.
Shoreham, in Ashley Cooper River, South Carolina.
273. [? Lt.] James Fellows to Mr. Burchett. Describes Lt. Governor Daniel's firing on Capt. Howard and Col. William Rhett, Depty. Surveyor Genl. of H.M. Customes, and directly upon H.M.S. Shoreham with her colours flying, etc. Cf. July 14th supra. I presented my muskett at the Governour and call'd him an old Rogue and told him that if he advanced one step further towards the ship, I would shoot him, etc. On the 11th, being ashore and finding one Joseph Swaddle (one of the crew), who had been ashore on the 4th and fired at Capt. Howard, I struck him in the face, he immediately returning me severall till the Marshall at whose house we were parted us. The Governour being brought and recognising me, immediately ordered me to be put in irons and without any other writ or order for my commitment. I was that night put in irons, where he kept me till the 13th, thô Capt. Howard had demanded me of him, but said he would send me to England in irons being as his lawyer said guilty of High Treason, in calling him old Rogue and threatening to shoot him, but on the 13th I removed myself by a Habeas Corpus by giving bail for my appearance at the tryal and for my future good behaviour. Signed, James Fellows. Copy. 4½ pp. [C.O. 5, 387. No. 6.]
July 19.
St. James's.
274. Order of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, etc., in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Signed, Robert Hales. Endorsed, Recd. Read 25th July, 1716. ¾ p. Enclosed,
274. i. Board of Ordnance to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 17th July, 1716. The acct. of the stores remaining in the Leeward Islands (v. 22nd Jane) is so imperfect that we can't make a true estimate of the charge of what are demanded, but as near as we can guess they may come to about £2,343 14s. 6d. £10,492 0s. 5d. is due to this office for stores supplied those Islands since 1702 (v. 12th June), which was order'd to be paid out of the duty of 4½ p.c. Parliament having given no money to this office for such service, we humbly conceive if the Islands can't supply themselves at their own charge with stores of war, as they used to do, then their particular demands should be laid before the Parliament, and the rather because it does seem unto us, that the stores which have been sent within the time abovementioned, have been fully sufficient for any occasion that has happen'd there, had there been due care taken in the expence and preservation thereof, for want of which their demands have very much exceeded in proportion to other parts of H.M. Dominions; and as these Islands are not in the charge of any of H.M. Officers that are accountable to this Office; it is our humble opinion that they should not only explain the demand they now make, but also be oblig'd to give an account in what manner they have expended so much as has been already granted them. Signed, Tho. Erle, M. Richards, Tho. Frankland, John Armstrong. Copy. 2 pp. [C.O. 152, 11. Nos. 13, 13 i.; and 153, 12. pp. 429–431.]
July 20.
275. Governor Lowther to the Council of Trade and Plantations. My last to your Lordshipes bears date the 30th of Dec., since which I have not been favour'd with any of your commands, however, I had done myself this honour long before now, if Mr. Morris who commands H.M.S. the Roebuck had return'd to England at the time he was directed by the Lords of the Admiralty, for as we alway's endeavour to send our dispatches of this kind by some of the Commanders of H.M. shipes, so Mr. Morris having continued here so long beyond expectation, is the reason your Lordshipes had not the accounts and papers contain'd in the inclos'd schedule transmitted you sooner; your Lordshipes have also here inclos'd two packets directed for the King of Spain; as they accidentally fell into my hands, I thought I could not do better than to send them to your Lordshipes in order to be dispos'd of as you shall think fit: I am unacquainted with the contents of them, but do imagine they are publick papers and accounts that relate to the Kingdom of Peru: I have likewise taken the liberty to inclose a packet directed to the Principal Officers of H.M. Ordnance which I desire your Lordshipes to send them by one of your Messengers. Signed, Rob. Lowther. Endorsed, Recd. 19th Sept., 1716, Read 16th Oct., 1717. Holograph. 1 p. Enclosed,
275. i. List of papers enclosed in preceding. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 15. Nos. 19, 19 i.; and (without enclosure) 29, 13. pp. 410–413.]
[July 20.] 276. List of white inhabitants in the respective parishes of Barbados, 1715. Names and ages. Enclosed in preceding. Endorsed, Recd. 19th Sept., 1716, Read 16th Oct., 1717. 303 pp. [C.O. 28, 16. No. 2.]
July 21. 277. Sir E. Northey to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Has no objection to the Act of Nevis to settle the estate of Thomas Herbert, etc. (v. 19th June), etc. Signed, Edwd. Northey. Endorsed, Recd. 27th July, Read 8th Aug., 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 15; and 153, 12. pp. 434, 435.]
July 21.
Boston, in New England.
278. Lt. Governor Tailer to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Sends by Mr. Woodward, Secretary of the Massachusetts Bay, Acts and Sessional papers etc. since his acting as Governor, etc. Signed, Wm. Tailer. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Woodward) 10th Oct., 1716, Read 21st May, 1718. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 147; and 5, 915. p. 119.]
July 24. 279. Sir John Lambert to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I owne the favour of yours, and would have personally attended your Lordships, etc., but I am advised to goe into the country for the recovery of my health, and therefore have committed the care of my buisness to Mr. John Moller and Mr. Pye my sollicitor, etc. Signed, John Lambert. Endorsed, Recd. Read July 25, 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 9. No. 39.]
[July 25.] 280. (i.) Certificate by Lt. Governor Spotswood. Wm. Richardson, master of the sloop Susanna of Bermuda, was accused by John de la Croix mate of Le Count de Paix, belonging to the Royal French Company of Senegal, of robbing him upon the high seas (v. following). On the trial of the Susanna Richardson did own that he took out of the French wreck at Heneagua goods which he sent to Bermuda, etc., consigned to Wm. Joell sr., etc. The goods found in the possession of Richardson and Wm. Joell jr., and supposed to be part of the merchandizes taken out of the wreck, are by decree of the Court of Vice-Admiralty sold, and the produce secured for the benefit of such persons as shall within 18 months make due proof of the property thereof pursuant to the xxxiii. Article of the Treaty of Commerce, etc. 26th Feb., 1713 (14). Signed, Alex. Spotswood. Copy. 3¼ pp.
(ii.) Minute of Council of Virginia. 24th Nov., 1713. It appearing very improbable that Richardson (v. supra) should bring along with him a person upon whom he had committed piracy, it is the unanimous opinion of the Council that the single testimony of John de la Croix is not sufficient proof. But forasmuch as it hath appeared that Richardson hath made a false entry of the goods imported in the Susanna etc. ordered that he be prosecuted before the Court of Admiralty etc. Copy. 1½ pp.
(iii.) Deposition of Michael Alysha, surgeon, and Abra. Urquhart, late of Bermuda, 25 July, 1716. Deponents heard Lt. Governor Pulleine declare that if he had arrived one month sooner he would have had for his share of the goods taken out of the Count de Paix £1,500, and these came to the hands of Mr. Bennett, etc. Signed, Michael Alysha, Abra. Urquhart. Copy. ¾ p.
(iv.) Deposition of Edward Jones, 25th July, 1716. Corroborates preceding. Capt. John Pennyston, master of a sloop, told deponent he had brought goods from the French ship to the value of £6,000 to Bermuda, and that he would not have come into the sd. Island, had not his owners first made terms with Mr. Bennet. Capt. Pennyston advised with deponent what measures to take for that Col. Wm. Otterbridge, one of the Council and one of the owners of Pennyston's sloop, had together with the rest of the owners arrested Pennyston for goods taken out of the French ship and carried to another port, and filed a bill against him in the Court of Chancery in Bermudas upon that account. Deponent maketh oath that there is an Act of Bermuda that any person that is not an inhabitant of the said Island shall [? not] sue any inhabitant until security be given in treble the sum sued for to pay costs, etc. Capt. Leonard White, one of the Council, hath received considerable quantities of goods taken out of the French ship for his dividend. All the Council belonging to the Court of Equity are nominated and appointed by Mr. Bennet excepting two, etc. Signed, Edwd. Jones. 3¾ pp. Copy. The whole endorsed, Recd. Read 25th July, 1716. [C.O. 37, 9. Nos. 40–43.]
July 25.
281. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes. Desires an account of the annual net produce of the duty of 4½ p.c. in the Leeward Islands since 1702. [C.O. 153, 12. p. 432.]
July 25.
282. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney General. Encloses copies of reference and petition of Henry Thompson, etc., July 6th, and desires opinion by to-morrow morning whether petitioner's request may be granted, and the proper method of doing it according to law. [C.O. 138, 14. pp. 455, 456.]
July 26. 283. Sir E. Northey to Mr. Popple. Reply to preceding. I am of opinion the Ld. Archibald Hamilton may by an Act of K. William III. be prosecuted in ye Court of King's Bench for his misbehaviours as Governor of Jamaica and in order to that it may be proper for a Secretary of State or other magistrate to take Page and Adlington's recognizances to appear there and give evidence, etc., but witnesses cannot be obliged to give other security then their own recognizances for such appearance, etc. Signed, Edw. Northey. Endorsed, Recd. 27th, Read 28th July, 1716. ½ p. Overleaf,
283. i.–v. Duplicates of Nos. 282, 158 v., vi., and 246, 246 i. [C.O. 137, 11. Nos. 26, 26 i.–v.; and (without enclosures) 138, 14. p. 457.]
[July 25.] 284. Memorandum of patterns of cloth dyed with Carolina and Spanish cochineal. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Gaudin) 25th July, 1716. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 34.]
[July 25.] 285. [Stephen Gaudin to the Council of Trade and Plantations.] The Comittee apointed by the Parliament to inspect into the miscariages and to prepare a Bill to resume the grants of Proprietary Governments seemed somewhat at a loss how to fix proper causes and reasons for the doing thereof. Those concerned therein by their authority, craft and influence on those as are best able to inform the Comittee of the most material reasons for so doing, stiffling continualy ye evidence etc. As a British Merchant I humbly offer what I think most weighty, and what I hope weighs most with all lovers of their country, the improvement of the Navigation and encouragement of the manufactures of Great Brittain. Upon this account I believe that all those Charters do provide that they shall not make any laws in those Colonies that are repugnant to the laws, constitutions, or advantage of Great Brittain upon forfeiture of those Charters. Now what can be more repugnant to ye laws and advantage of Great Brittain then to burthen by unequal taxes the manufacturer, the trade, and shipping of Great Brittain, whom they call strangers in respect to themselves. Thus in Carolina and Pensilvania, Maderas and Fyall wines, which are ye product of the wooling manufactures of Great Britain, att ye first it pays double duty, and at ye last much more then that, if it belong'd to old England men, than if it belongs to livers in the place. The like impositions are laid upon ye shipping of such as are not built in thosse places to encourage their own building, and thus Brittish merchants are treated as foraingners in their own Colonies, contrary to the known laws of ye Realm. A duty is likewise laid upon the importations of English manufacturies to encourage their own, so that it was in vain that the Parliament of England to encourage our exportation tooke away the small duty our wooling manufacture was charged with. Now the Lords Proprietors by ratifying such acts of their Assemblys do ipso facto forfeit their Charters, elce they may truely be termed Independents of the Crown and Laws of Great Britain, as is often asserted in those Assemblys. Endorsed, Recd. Read 25th July, 1716. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 35.]
July 26.
286. Mr. Popple to Col. Partridge. The Council of Trade and Plantations desire to speak with you, Mr. Dummer and Mr. Belcher, at ten of the clock on Tuesday morning, and that you then come prepared to make good the severall allegations of your petition, (v. July 6th), and produce what power you have from Mr. Toppan to make this proposal, and a scheam of the manner of your intended settlement, and how you intend to put it into execution. [C.O. 5, 915. p. 4.]
July 27.
St. James's.
287. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Reply to July 5th. By the blessing of God a happy Peace is at last concluded between the inhabitants of Carolina and the Cherike and other Indian Nations, bordering upon that Province; H.M. was graciously pleased upon our humble petition and representation to him of that calamitous war, to give his Royal orders for arms and ammunition to be sent thither, to the relief of the inhabitants, and we having at that time receiv'd effects from thence, we order'd the same to be immediately dispos'd off, and the produce thereof was laid out in arms, ammunition etc. wch. was forthwith sent thither, and as we have since receiv'd intelligence from our Officers are safely arriv'd in Carolina; by the great assistance the inhabitants receiv'd by these arms being sent from hence, and the great diversion the Cherike Indians (who came after their alliance with us into our side) gave the enemy the Yamasee and Creek Indians, who first began this cruel war, were almost entirely cut off and destroy'd, and a Peace is with the greatest Nations of Indians concluded, which we have all imaginable reason to hope will continue to be lasting; for by the powerfull assistance they may constantly expect from the Cherikes and the great supply of warlike provision the Province has receiv'd from Europe, they will be able upon any great emergency to arm their negroes, and by these means, they will be impower'd to resist a greater force than the Indian enemy will in all humane probability be able at any time to bring against them. We have given leave to our Govr. to come home for a short time, he is ready to give yor. Lordships an accot. how the war began, what peace he has concluded, and what care the Province has taken to prevent the sudden incursions of the Indians for the future. Signed, Carteret, P., Ja. Bertie for Beaufort, J. Colleton, Fulwar Skipwith for Craven, J. Danson. Endorsed, Recd. 27th July, 1716, Read 8th May, 1717. Autograph signatures. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 62; and 5, 1293. pp. 91–93.]
July 28.
288. Council of Trade and Plantations to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Reply to July 6th. We are humbly of opinion that the petition (of Henry Thompson) desires no more than what is just and reasonable. Enclose Attorney General's report, July 26th. [C.O. 138, 14. pp. 457, 458.]
July 28.
Hampton Court.
289. Warant of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, appointing William Dummer Lieut. Governor of the Massachusets Bay. Countersigned, P. Methuen. [C.O. 5, 190. pp. 356, 357.]
July 28.
St. James's.
290. Warrant of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, appointing Francis Bond to the Council of Barbados in the room of John Hallett, decd. Countersigned, P. Methuen. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 357.]
[July 31.] 291. Wm. Partridge to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following, etc. (v. July 26). Signed, Wm. Partridge. Endorsed, Recd. Read 31st July, 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
291. i. Abstract of following. Endorsed as preceding. 1¾ pp.
291. ii. Copy of deed of sale of lands by Indians to Walter Phillips, Feb. 15, 1661. Signed, Josle and Agithe (Totem marks).
291. iii. Copy of deed of sale of lands by Indians to Walter Phillips, Jan. 19, 1662. Signed, Wittinose, and Erle Dugles (Totem marks). 1 p.
291. iv. Copy of deed of sale of lands by Erle Dugles to Walter Phillips, 28th Dec. 1674. Signed, Erle Dugles (Totem mark). 1 p.
291. v. Copy of deed of sale of lands in Nos. ii. and iii. supra, by Walter Phillips to Christopher Toppan, Nov. 10, 1702. Signed, Walter Phillips. 1½ pp.
291. vi. Copy of deed of sale of lands in No. iv. supra, by Walter Phillips to Christopher Toppan, Nov. 10, 1702. Signed, Walter Phillips. 1½ pp.
291. vii. Copy of deed of sale of half the above lands by Christopher Toppan to William Partridge, Nov. 18, 1715. Signed, Christopher Toppan. 2 pp.
291. viii. Copy of deed of sale of lands by Daniel and Dick Swash, Sagamores, to Elizabeth Gint, Jan. 3rd, 1662, etc. 1½ pp.
291. ix. Copy of deed of sale by Thomas Jent (son of Elizabeth Gint No. viii.), of above lands (No. viii.) to Wm. Partridge, Jan. 10, 1715. Signed, Thomas Jent. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 91, 91 i.–ix.]
July 31.
292. Thomas Dod to Mr. Popple. Mr. Blathwayt being informed that complaint hath been made against Col. Ludwell his Deputy in Virginia by the Governor of that Colony, desires a copy thereof. Signed, Tho. Dod. Endorsed, Recd. 31st July, Read 8th Augt., 1716. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1317. No. 42; and 5, 1364. p. 403.]