America and West Indies: August 1716

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'America and West Indies: August 1716', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1716', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1716". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.

August 1716

Aug. 1. 293. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Council and Assembly of North Carolina. Abstract. Have received the laws recently revised by them. Take notice "how unreasonably you concern yourselves in matters relating only to us, which is our property, vizt. you would in a clause of your last Act oblige our Receiver to take your bills for purchasing our lands, and for the payments of the small quit-rents we have reserved by the deeds of sales. We think you have nothing to do with our lands," etc. This clause will be repealed. Tenants should be held to payment of their quit-rents, and purchase money due for lands made in sterling, or at 16 dwt. the crown, or produce equivalent. No more lands are to be sold in N. Carolina, only sales made here at the Board will be good. All laws repealed by the Lords Proprietors are void, and no law can be in force for more than two years unless confirmed by them within two years. Have agreed to the petition of the inhabitants of Bath Town that it may be made a sea-port, etc. Signed, Carteret, Palatin, Ja. Bertie, for Beaufort, Fulwar Skipwith, for Craven, M. Ashley, J. Colleton, J. Danson. Printed, N.C. Col. Rec. II. 235. [C.O. 5, 291. pp. 35–37.]
Aug. 1. 294. Same to Governor Eden. By your report and enclosures we are of opinion our officers are fully vindicated from the malicious complaints by Mr. Lee. Commend his readiness to relieve orphans and widows and others reduced by the calamities of the war, in accordance with their instructions, etc. Repeat part of preceding. Signed as preceding. Printed, N.C. Col. Rec. II. 238. [C.O. 5, 291. pp. 37, 38.]
Aug. 1.
St. James's.
295. Patent constituting Bath town a sea-port (v. No. 294). Signed as preceding. [C.O. 5, 291. pp. 39–41.]
Aug. 2/18.
Rio Essequebe op't Luys Naby.
296. Commandant Vanderheyden Rézen to the Directors of the Dutch West India Company. Signed, Pr. Vanderheyden Rézen. Endorsed, Read 20th Oct., 1716. Dutch. 23 pp. Enclosed,
296. i. List of enclosures. 1 p. [C.O. 116, 21. Nos. 151, 152.]
Aug. 2.
297. Archd. Cumings to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I humbly represent what observations I have made in relation to the trade of this port since I was appointed Surveyor and Searcher thereof. There is annually imported here 2000 hhds. of molosses and 2 or 300 hhds. of sugere and rume from Suriname, Cayan, St. Domingo and St. Thomas being Dutch, French and Danish ports and there being no duty more paid here then if our product: and our product in all the Islands paying 4½ p.c. to H.M. it would seem highly reasonable these forreign commodities should pay the 4½ p.c. to H.M. upon the importation here, or more to putt the importers upon levell in trade with those trading to our own Islands, and make a revenue of 800 or £1000 per annum, etc. The Act in relation to the wool of the Plantations wants an explanation because all forfeitures are to be prosecuted in any of H.M. courts of record in Westminster now if allowed to be prosecuted in the Court of Admiralty here as other forfeitures are, then the officers are sure of justice, but the Common law courts grant prohibitions against the Judge Admiraltry as not cognoscible in his Court which is very injurious to the crown if sustained in ther power so to doe for the officers of the revenue can expect justice no where but in that court in putting the acts of trade in execution, for the officers labour under many difficulties in these charter Governments all officers appointed by the Crown are lookt upon as a burden and imposition on them. When I was appointed as Surveyor and Searcher here Coll. Heathcote as Surveyor Generall gave in a Memoriall to the assembly for a regulation of fees for my office, and the coppy of the fees establish'd att N. York for said officer, they being upon establishing fees for the Collector and Comptroller att the same time they were not so mannerly as to give him any answer thereto so that Act being sent home to your Lordships to gett itt approved, I hope your Lordships will be pleased to consider the memoriall and table of fees established att N. York in 1710 etc., that the Surveyor's fees may be established before said Act passes but it would be an advantage to trade to have a generall table of fees appointed att home for all the Continent and Islands, ther being now a great disproportion in the same, etc. Signed, Archd. Cumings. Endorsed, Recd. 8th Oct., Read 14th Nov., 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
297. i. Copy of Act of the Massachusetts Bay, stating the fees of Custom house Officers. Same endorsement. 1p.
297. ii. Copy of Memorial of Caleb Heathcote to the Lt. Governor, Council and Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay, 14th June, 1716. As Surveyor General, he has deputed Archibald Cumings Surveyor and Searcher of Boston. Prays them to appoint him such fees as are usually allowed to such an officer in other Plantations, etc. Signed, Caleb Heathcote. 1 p.
297. iii. Copy of Surveyor and Searcher's fees established at New York. Endorsed as covering letter. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 95, 95 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 915. pp. 11–14.]
Aug. 3.
Shoreham, South Carolina.
298. Lt. Fellow to Mr. Burchett. Refers to letter of July 19th, q.v. Deputy Governor Daniel tells the people here, that he as Vice-Admiral to their Lordships of the Admiralty board is invested with equal power with them, and sitts in the Admiralty Court, as Judge of the causes tryed there; he grants commissions to every master of a sloop, as private men of war, that will have them, and has taken as a companion that Swaddle whom I mentioned 19th July, altho' since my writing that letter, that Swaddle has been bound over to the peace, not only for endeavouring (by snapping a musket three times) to kill Col. Rhett on the 4th July (who transmits this letter) but for saying since that he would shoot him; which has been proved against him by three witnesses, because Col. Rhett seized a ship of which he was master some time since for his then being guilty of indirect trade. On the 2nd of this instant Govr. Daniel permitted one Rod a lawyer of this place to bring into the Assembly and Council a writing in behalf of all the inhabitants, tho' none of them were privy or consenting to it, setting forth that Capt. Howard, myself and all the officers and company of H.M.S. Shoreham were guilty of high treason and rebellion, but it was signed only by Rod, and was rejected both by the Assembly and Council as spurious and false. I think it is very hard that we should lay under the carecter of being rebels and being guilty of high treason for assisting the officers of H.M. Customs in the execution of their office according to our Instructions, etc.
The Indians are breaking in upon them both to the Northward and Southward, and have already comitted some acts of hostilitys, which he [the Governor] at present seems to take very little notice of, and it is evidently plain that unless H.M. takes this Colony into his own hands and sends a prudent Governor, a man of resolution, with a regiment of good soldiers to support him, this (which was the most flourishing Colony in all America) will in a very short time be entirely ruin'd; for he refus'd to pass an Act of Assembly which was for the advantage of the Colony, till they gave him £100. etc. Signed, James Fellow. Copy. 2¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 387. No. 7.]
Aug. 8.
299. Council of Trade and Plantations to H.R.H. George Prince of Wales, Guardian of Great Britain etc. We have no objection why the Royal Assent may not be given to the Act of Nevis to settle the estate of Thomas Herbert etc. (v. 19th June). [C.O. 153, 12. p. 436.]
Aug. 8. 300. Lt. Governor Bennett to Mr. Popple. Hopes the Board will suspend their opinion on Mr. Jones' recriminations till he has answered them. It is not true that the Bermuda men go partners with the Jamaica men in the Spanish galleons. The Jamaica men forced the Bermuda men from the wreck. They returned when the others had quitted. The fortifications have suffered by the late storm. Abstract only. ¾ p. [C.O. 37, 24. p. 3.]
[Aug. 8.] 301. William Partridge to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to his petition for H.M. confirmation of lands purchased by him in New England, July 31st. The settlements I propose will be undertaken at my own charge. Quotes the encouragement given by the French Government to settlers on Cape Breton, and "at Pegibscot about 20 miles from the lands I propose to settle the Massachusetts Governmt. have confirm'd to eight Proprietors a large tract of land obliging them to settle two towns in 7 yeares. And for their encouragement have built 'em a good fortification to defend 'em against the insults of the Indian enemy, which the Government have oblig'd themselves always to support at their own charge." Prays for a favourable representation accordingly. Signed, Wm. Partridge. Endorsed, Recd. Read 8th Aug., 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 92.]
A[ug. 8.] 302. Mr. Bridger's survey of Damarasconte River, by William Partridge's lands. v. July 31st. Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. Read 8th Aug., 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 93.]
Aug. 8.
303. Memorandum of letter from [? Mr. Popple] to Mr. Dummer to know if he has any objection to Col. Partridge's petition, (v. 6th July). [C.O. 5, 915. p. 5.]
Aug. 8.
304. Paul Methuen to the Lords Proprietors of South Carolina. The Spanish Embassador and Consul having renewed their complaints of the robbery committed upon the Marquis de Navarres, and their application to have such of his effects restored as are in the hands of Mr. Craven, Govr. of Carolina, and H.R.H. being desirous to be fully apprized of this matter, I must desire you to let me know what has been done in it, in pursuance of directions you received by Mr. Secry. Stanhope, 10th Nov. and 13th Feb. Signed, P. Methuen. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 351.]
Aug. 9.
305. Mr. Dummer to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Reply to Aug. 8. I am not properly Agent for the Province of the Massachusetts. About a year since when Mr. Dudley's Commission was superseded, the Assembly thôt it necessary to elect me, to which H.M. Council concur'd, but Col. Burgess's Lt. Governour disallow'd the choice of both Houses, and there has bin no other oppertunity since till this last session in June, of which I have had no account, etc. The principal gentlemen of all orders in the country writ to me, that the countrey look't upon me as their Agent still, etc. I assure yor. Lordpps., as far as I have authority to do so, that I believe the Province will be very well pleas'd that Mr. Partridge's purchase be confirm'd, etc. I had when formerly Agent an Instruction to promote the settlement of the Eastern parts of New England, etc. He must be ty'd down to plant and settle the countrey granted to him in a reasonable time, etc. Signed, Jer. Dummer. Endorsed, Recd. Read 9th Aug., 1716. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 94.]
Aug. 10.
306. Mr. Popple to Sir John Bennet. The Council of Trade and Plantations having been attended by Sir John Lambert etc. in relation to the petition presented in his name against Lt. Governor Bennet (v. July 6th), and the Council of Bermuda etc., and being unable to prove the allegations of the petition, he has own'd himself much imposed upon by them who presented the same without his having seen it, and has thereupon desired it may be withdrawn. [C.O. 38, 7. pp. 328, 329.]
Aug. 11.
Hampton Court.
307. Warrant of the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, granting leave of absence for one year to William Cock, Secretary of Virginia, etc. Countersigned, P. Methuen. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 370.]
Aug. 11.
308. General Heywood, Commander in Chief of Jamaica, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges receipt of H.M. Commission by the Adventure man of warr etc., July 25th, "wch. was publish'd according to custom and then gave notice to the Councill to meet on Tuesday following, wch. was as soon as possible they could etc., from wch. time wee have sat daily in Councill in obedience to H.M. Instructions to make what inquiry wee can into Lord Hamilton's late conduct." Refers to enclosures, and memorials presented by Don Juan del Valle and Mr. Moret etc., "all wch. complain of pyracys committed by vessells from this Island," etc. Continues:—All imaginable care is taken to get what proof wee can to set things in a clear light, but whilst wee are using all means possible to doe justice to our neighbours, they daily take our vessells. I have had an account of near twenty of one sort or other wch. have been seiz'd by Spanish Picaroons and carryed into St. Jago and Trinidado, two ports in the Island Cuba where they confiscate both vessells and cargoe tho' come from H.M. Northern Plantations and nothing on board them but the produce of those Plantations. Wee are not only infested wth. them but wth. other pyrates composed of all nations and I have great reason to fear they will encrease for the search wee make for the person that committed the depredations on the Spaniards ashore on the coast of Florida near where the wrecks lay, also the pyrates that were wth. Capt. Fernando and seized on the sloop that came from La Vera Crux about wch. a memorial is put into the Councill by Don Juan Guavara (this is the vessell in wch. my Lord is a third concerned) and likewise for such concern'd in those horrid pyracys in the Bay of Hondo on the coast of Cuba complain'd of in the French letters, the ship after being wholly plundered and kept some months was by them sent into Port Royall and there seiz'd by the Navall Officer, has drove from the Island great numbers both of the sea-faring men and others that were therein concern'd for fear of being took and brought to punishment. Had an immediate stopp been put to these depredations on the first notice I am perswaded this Island had not layn under the unhappy character it does at present nor run the risque it must necessarily doe from the loss of so many of its inhabitants. On the first notice of the loss of the Spanish Flota it was not certainly known where the ships were wreck'd but suppos'd to be either on the Bahama shoar or Florida coast and thereupon severall vessells were fitted from this Island as well as other Colonys and had not Comissions been granted wch. were given out on pretext of suppressing pyracys these unhappy disorders had not been comitted: and what was said to Jonathan Barnet (as will appear from his deposition) was too great an encouragemt. to be given to those sort of people, and his Lordship being concern'd as an owner and receiving of 468 pound 5 ounces troy weight of plate at one time wch. he has since owned to the Councill (v. Minutes, 9th Juno) and suffering vessells that had landed upon and plundered the Spaniards to come in and goe out of port again without any manner of discountenance (wch. I cannot doubt but has been transmitted home) hath encouraged and led others into the like misfortunes wch. will I humbly conceive merit your consideration in respect to this Island. And now I am to give your Lordships an account of two unbappy differences that have arisen from debates in H.M. Councili the first was, how the soldiers should be subsisted? And after much discourse thereon the quest. was put and carryed five against four that they shd. be subsisted out of the Treasury as they had lately been, the other four Gent. were of a contrary opinion and desired they might enter their dissent and give their reasons, the principall of wch. was that there was no law for ye doing of it; of which opinion I likewise was. The Board then ask'd how I propos'd they shd. be subsisted, I told them by calling an Assembly who I was well assur'd would take effectual care in the matter. It was again ask'd how they shd. subsist till an Assembly could meet. I answered if they would agree wth. me in calling one I would find an expedient to subsist them till that time, and from the fourth instant I have subsisted them at my own proper charge and shall untill the meeting of the Assembly. The second was when there was a full Councill a debate arose and the quest put. Whether an Assembly shd. be called or not? The numbers were even five and five so that as I am by H.M. Instructions to advise wth. the Councifi in calling Assemblys I must either agree wth. the noes and not let the soldiers be subsisted but out of the Treasury wch. before I had given my opinion was contrary to law. (Besides another more powerfull reason wch. was that Mr. Knight, Receiver Generall, sent word by Coil. Delawny Capt. of one of H.M. two Companys of Foot there was no money in the Treasury and therefore could not pay him a month's subsistance that was due to him and his Company for wch. he had an order sign'd by Ld. Hamilton;) or else agree wth. the yeas and call an Assembly that I am well assured will subsist them and I have great reason to believe will doe everything H.M. shall require of them for the honour of his most sacred Majesty and for the service of the country. Accordingly I ordered writts to be issued out for an Assembly to meet the 17th of Sept. next to wch. the five Negatives desired they might enter their dissent and show their reasons. These differences I foresee cannot be avoided, for the five noes, viz. Messrs. Rose, Peek, Mumby, Bernard and Broderick, Attorney Generall, were of Council with my Lord and look on themselves oblig'd to stand by what they did before and in my opinion right or wrong will all vote the same way, and so I have found it in every argument that has been at the Board since I have had the honour of the Governmt., and. I cannot but believe his Lordpp. was by Mr. Broderick led into some of the wrong measures he has taken, as he was Attorney Generall and seldom from his house, etc., I doe not find in my Instructions there is any one that impowers me to act as Vice-Admirall in these seas wch. led me at my first coming into the Government to commit some few errours in signing about half a dozen passes for ships wch. were printed off with the title of Vice-Admiral, but so soon as I had the Instructions from his Lordship I found the errour, and have since omitted signing with that title humbly waiting H.M. pleasure therein. I have not time to draw out copys of the Memorials that have been given in, but inclose coppys of two or three of the most material depositions that have been taken in Councill, but the Minutes of Councill are so voluminous since these examinations that I could not possibly get them coppyed to goe by these ships, etc. Signed, Peter Heywood. Endorsed, Recd. 11th Oct., 1716, Read 9th Jan. 1716/17. 4 pp. Enclosed,
308. i. M. Michon (Intendant of the French Settlements in Hispaniola) to Governor Lord A. Hamilton. Leogane, 18th June [? N.S.], 1716. Mr. Morett and Capt. Escoubes are now bound for Jamaica to desire justice from yr. Excellcy. etc. since you are known to be a declared enemy to all pyracies, and ye Government of Jamaica has always had ye honour of purging the seas of that sort of people. We are not surprized to see the Spaniards under ye pretext of defending their coast from all forreign commerce to take vessels att sea going on their lawfull occasions; they are rogues by profession, but these are English fitted out at Jamaica, who without your privity, and without doubt contrary to your express commands, plunder indifferently both French and Spaniards, they have four sloops commanded by Henry Jennings, Legs Ashworth, James Carnique, Saml. Liddell, and acknowledge Jennings for their chief, 'tis these that have taken the Mary of Rochell, Capt. Escoubes, and ye Marianne, Capt. le Gardew, at ye Bay of Hondo, worth abt. 50,000 crowns. Demands restitution and punishment etc. Signed, Michon. Copy. 1¼ pp.
308. ii. M. le Comte de Blenac, (Governor of the French Settlements in Hispaniola) to Governor Lord A. Hamilton. Leogane, 18th July [? N.S.], 1716. It is a miserable thing that I am oblidged to demand justice for the daily robberies and piracys committed by vessells fitted out of Jamaica, on our French ships. Some time since I desired your Excellency would restore to Mr. Basseau what had been taken by an English vessell from a Spaniard, in which he happened to be coming from La Vere Cruz. I understand they have offered at Jamaica to restore to him 4000 p 8/8 of what was taken from him. This is not Justice my Lord. I hope Mr. Morett and Mr. Lescoubett will meet with better usaige, etc. (v. preceding). The first Captain of this Garrison goes to reclaym a vessell fitted out of this Island under my Commission for Louissanne, with cargo of the value of 50,000 p 8/8, who was taken in the port of Marianne where he put in, to put ashoar some letters as he was going to the Havanna. They are five vessells fitted out from Jamaica that took him as they returned from fishing on ye wreck and but some few dayes after they had taken out of the Bay of Hondo a French vessell of the value of 700,000 livres commanded by Mr. Lescoubes. I understand the pirates have sent part of the effects to Jamaica etc. Demands that the effects of the owners of the pirates be seized for compensation, etc. Signed, Blenac. Copy. 1½ pp.
308. iii. M. de Chouppe to Governor Lord A. Hamilton. Leogane, 24th July [? N.S.], 1716. I demand your protection about a robberry committed three days since by one Dennis an Irishman upon me, he having taken a barque with 70 barrills of pork etc., value 80,000 livres. The Count of Blenac assured me he had recommended this affair to you, etc. Mr. Morett will demand your justice, etc. Signed, de Chouppe. Copy. 1 p.
308. iv. M. le Comte de Blenac to Governor Lord A. Hamilton. Leogane, 25th July [? N.S.], 1716. Letter of introduction for Mr. Morett, sent to demand reparation for vessels referred to in preceding, etc. Signed, Blenac. Copy. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 21, 21 i.–iv.; and (without enclosures) 138, 15. pp. 160–170.]
Aug. 16.
309. Mr. Secretary Methuen to the Governor of South Carolina. I am commanded by H.R.H. to transmit to you the inclosed lists of the rebel prisoners who have been ordered to be transported to South Carolina, and am to signify to you H.R.H. pleasure that you do with all convenient speed return exact lists of those rebel prisoners that have landed in that Province, etc. Signed, P. Methuen. Annexed,
309. i. A list of 104 rebel prisoners ship'd (in order to be transported) on board the Susannah, Capt. Thos. Bromhall Commandr., for South Carolina. Leverpool, May 7, 1716:—Ewen Shaw, Jno. McIntosh, Jno. McIntosh, Dond. Smith, Jno. Shaw, Peter Shaw, Ewen McIntosh, William McIntosh, Ja. Robertson, Dun. McIntosh, Alex. Lesley, Dond. Shaw, Don. Duff, Elias McBeane, Jno. McIntosh, Alex. Stewart, John Ray, Dun. McCullum, Patrick McLaren, James Robertson, Dun. McGregor, Ja. McIntosh, Hugh Stewart, Mall. McVane, Don. Robertson, Don. McCullum, Ja. Robinson, David Robinson, Mall. Reide, Neil Stewart, Don. Cameron, Don. Robinson, Dun. McNaughton, Alen Baton, Jno. Cozens, Dun. Stewart, John McPherson, Neil Stewart, Will. McDonald, Don. McPherson, John McVane, James Robinson, John Cammel, Alex. Dalketty, John Robinson, Dan. McKeels, John McLaren, Don. McCoy, Patrick Stewart, David Duckter, Alex. Shaw, Thomas Duff, Jno. Fotheringam, Geo. Cornell, John Heard, Jona. Newton, Geo. Hamond, John Guttry, John McQuin, John Robb, Thos. Guild, Thos. Robb, James Robb, John Crocket, Will. Dalzell, Ludo. Grant, Henry Serjeant, Henry Gill, Bernard Shuttard, James Simpson, Mall. McGregor, Don. McPherson, Will. Frazer, Ja. Creighton, Jos. Chambers, Ja. McDonald, John McDonald, Jno. Mathewson, David Smith, John Lemon, Dan. Frazer, Ja. Swinhoe, Ja. Bruce, Rose McDonald, John Cameron, Angus McPherson, Fargus McGillivray, Hugh Clark, Will. Shaw, Hugh Frazer, Dun. Robinson, Thos. Ross, Duncan McPherson, John Eggoe, Don. Davidson, Don. McGillivray, George Forbess, Patrick Smith, Willm. Eggoe, John McInnis, Francis Yeoman. Receipt for above on board the Susannah. Signed, Richd. Gildart, Henry Trafford.
309. ii. List of 81 rebell prisoners ship'd on board the Wakefield, Capt. Thomas Beck Commander, for South Carolina. Leverpool, April 21, 1716:—John McQueen, Alex. McQueen, Loughlin McGillivray, Don. McPherson, Dun. McQueen, John Shaw, John McIntosh, David McQueen, Don. McIntosh, John Shaw, Lough. McBrane, Jno. McDonald, Don. McIntosh, Don. McCoy, Ja. McGillivray, Jno. McCoy, Robt. Richardson, Willm. McIntosh, Jas. McIntosh, Owen McGillivray, Jas. Clark, Jno. McLeane, Jno. McGillivray, Jas. Rash, Duncan McIntosh, Don. McPherson, Wm. Barry, Mall. Kenedy, Alex. Shaw, Wm. McGillivray, David Croft, Jno. McCloude, Alex. McGillivray, Jno. Burne, Don. McDonald, Hugh McCoy, Alex. McLeane, Lough. McBeane, Don. McIntosh, James Wilkie, Lough. McGillivray, Jno. Ranken, Caul. McDonald, Wm. Cowson, Finlow Ferguson, John Baine, John Nicholson, Andrew Songster, George Mitchell, James Dunlap, Willm. McKency, Jno. Richardson, Geo. Burfick, Alex. McIntosh, Alex. McQuin, Don. McDonald, Jno. McGillivray, Don. Smith, Alex McQueen, Geo. Disart, Cha. Ross, Jno. McGillivray, Robt. Young, Jno. Frazer, Jno. McIntosh, Thos. Clark, Geo. Cunningham, Ja. Flint, Will. Henderson, Thos. Barnet, Philip Lyon, James Wilson, Robt. Guttry, Jno. Bagby, Will. McIntosh, Pattr. Sinclair, Cha. Stroughan, Miles Moor, Donald Steward, James McGillivray, Alex. McPherson. Receipt for above. Signed as preceding. [C.O. 5, 190. pp. 358–360.]
Aug. 16.
310. Mr. Sec. Methuen to Lt. Governor Spotswood. Encloses lists of rebel prisoners ordered to be transported to Virginia, and asks for lists of those that have landed there, as preceding. Signed, P. Methuen. Annexed,
310. i. List of 18 rebel prisoners ship'd (in order to be transported) on board the Anne, Capt. Robt. Wallace, for Virginia. Leverpool, 31st July, 1716:—William Young, John McBean, Robert Ferguson, Alex. Boyle, Willm. Sinclair, Gregor McGregor, Mark Browne, Angus McBean, Alex. Cummin, John Browne, Robt. Bruce, Willm. McIntosh, Danll. McBean, Alex. Murrey, Alex. Murrey, David Murrey, Patrick Chalmers, James Graham. Receipt for above. Signed, Richd. Gildart, Hen. Trafford.
310. ii. List of 95 prisoners that went on board the Scipio at Leverpool in order for transportation, 30th March, 1716:—Chas. Londey, Alex. Stewart, Thos. Selbie, Danl. Campbell, Danl. Stewart, John Stewart, Danl. Setton, Henry Murray, James Taylor, Danl. Robertson, John Sotherland, Willm. McIntosh, Danl. Dovice, Walter Scott, Alex. Robertson, John McDermott, Willm. Woofe, Mail. McIntosh, Jno. McLearn, Danl. McLearn, James Morrison, Alex. Dutt, Jno. McLearn, Danl. McCoy, Charles Stewart, Peter Cummin, Jno. Glessen, Dunc. Robertson, John Nicholson, Jno. McCook, John Stewart, Lang McIntosh, John Kenneyday, Jno. Kerr, Danl. Stewart, James Campbell, Alex. McLearins, James Robertson, Wm. Thorburn, Jno. McGilveray, Wm. McIntosh, Peter McLane, Danl. Stewart, Danl. McQuinn, Danl. McDanell, John Robertson, James Blare, Jno. Ridley, Paul McCoy, Jno. Fraizer, James Nimmo, Peter Cummin, Pau. Briggs, Alex. Ridley, John Shields, Jno. Shaw, Frans. Ferguson, Jno. Glass, James Selkeld, Wm. Watson, Wm. Ballintine, Ed. Hunt, Frans. Robertson, John Stewart, John Todd, John Stewart, Cha. Erwinn, Peter Derritt, William Stewart, Jos. Oswell, Ha. Fersyth, Jno. Lindsey, Jos. Burtton, Jos. Asking, Alex. Reed, Geo. Meldrem, Geo. Gartey, Geo. Burdis, Jos. Procter, Wm. Watson, John Duncan, David Cowty, Wm. Howard, Jos. Aughinbeck, Thos. Tett, Coul. McKenney, Petr. Watson, Jos. Richey, Wm. Hall, Hugh Ross, Wm. Young, Jos. Coute, Jos. Strock, Danl. McPherson, Alex. McLearn. Receipt for above. Signed as preceding.
310. iii. List of 54 rebel prisoners ship'd (in order to be transported) on board the Godspeed, Capt. Arthur Smith, for Virginia:—Davd. Graham, Willm. Johnson, Thos. Barry, Jno. Shaftoe, James Rutherford, Jams. Dixon, James Renton, Ninian Brown, Alex. McGiven, George Neilson, Willm. Sympson, Willm. Ferguson, Patrick Smith, Danl. Grant, Alex. Orack, Willm. McPherson, Thomas Shaw, Miles Begg, James Shaw, Humphrey Sword, James Sinclair, James Bow, Jno. Chambers, Thos. Hume, Ja. Mallone, David Lawder, Hugh McDugall, Danl. Kennedy, Patrick McCoy, Mall. McCollum, Willm. Shaw, James McIntosh, Rowland Robson, Hector White, John McGregor, Frans. McBean, John Cameron, John McArdy, John McCollum, Angus McDermott, George Hodgson, Jam. McIntosh, Danl. Stewart, Alex. McIntosh, James McLearn, John Stewart, Loughlin McIntosh, Finlow McIntyre, John Kenny, Hugh McIntire, Dun. Ferguson, Ja. Somervill, John McKewan, James Crampton. Receipt for above. Signed as preceding.
310. iv. Receipt for Richd. Witherington and Richd. Burch, two rebels prisoners on board the Godspeed for Virginia. Leverpool, 28th July, 1716. Signed as preceding.
310. v. List of 126 rebels prisoners ship'd (in order to be transported) on board the Elizabeth and Anne, Edwd. Trafford Commdr., for Virginia or Jamaica. Leverpool, 29 June, 1716:—Alex. McKenny, John White, Willm. Donaldson, Alex. White, Owen McPherson, Mal. McNoughton, Jam. Robinson, Tho. Holland, Alex. Watt, James Wood, Willm. Martin, Francis Betty, Fredk. Abbott, Alex. Bruce, Robt. Coblin, John Peter, Jno. Johnston, Jams. Malcome, Wm. Stroak, John Michey, Lawrce. Ferguson, Jno. Donaldson, Willm. Noble, Robt. Grant, Robt. Anderson, Robt. Duncan, Jam. Ray, Alex. Stewart, Robert Robinson, Alex. Carr, David Mitchell, Silvester Prophet, Jno. Gledening, Geo. Mergibanks, John Harris, Adam Chisolme, John Kennedy, Willm. Finlow, Jam. Patterson, David Arnott, James Peter, John Ogilby, James Wattson, Alex. Kidd, James Wattson, Donald Stewart, James Lindsey, John Shaw, Jno. McIntosh, Duncan Clark, Owen McPherson, Donald Shaw, John McIntosh, Robt. Bruce, James Johnston, John Burne, Willm. Lyon, John Dunbarr, Jno. Abercromby, Fergus Greame, Willm. Dunn, Robt. Smith, Danl. McGilliveray, Dun. McQuin, Willm. Wright, Jno. McBean, James Petello, Geo. Dickinson, Patk. Ferguson, Robt. Reide, Robt. Finney, Alexr. Ferguson, James Ferguson, William McGillivray, Thos. McIntosh, Willm. McGruther, John McCullon, Thomas Foster, Alexr. Stewart, Chriso. Charns, James Blackwood, Archd. Menzies, Robt. Stewart, John Stewart, Alexr. Stewart, Alex. Carr, Angus Shaw, Robt. Menzies, James Urquart, Danl. Thompson, Robt. Stewart, Willm. Maxwell, John Stewart, Jno. Brown, John Rutherford, Geo. Lauder, James Murry, Geo. Rutherford, Walter Tankard, Robt. Kerr, John Hunter, Charles Smith, John Kerr, Robt. Johnston, Nich. Montgomery, Dond. Ferguson, Jno. Rutherford, James Stewart, Jno. Mondell, Jno. Portius, Willm. Turner, Duncan McFale, James McIntosh, Willm. Craster, Hugh Cane, Charles Henderson, John Robinson, Robt. Stewart, John Stewart, Malcome Stewart, James McIntosh, Patrick Stewart, John Stewart, Archd. McLoughlin, Francis Hume, James Nisbott. Receipt for above. Signed as preceding.
310. vi. Receipt for James Innis, a rebel prisoner on board the Africa, Richd. Cropper Master, for Barbadoes, and James Ayston a rebel prisoner on board the Elizabeth and Anne for Virginia. Leverpool, 15th July, 1716. Signed as preceding. [C.O. 5, 190. pp. 361–365.]
Aug. 16.
311. Mr. Sec. Methuen to the Governor of Maryland. Encloses list of prisoners, rebels, ordered to be transported to Maryland, and desires list of prisoners that have landed, ut supra. Signed, P. Methuen. Annexed,
311. i. List of 80 rebel prisoners ship'd (in order to be transported) on board the Friendp., Capt. Michael Mankin, for Maryland or Virginia. Leverpool, May 24, 1716:—David Stewart, John Hay, Allen McLane, Robt. Henderson, Alex. Spalding, Willm. Semm, Thos. Forbess, John Conahar, Willm. Grant, Finlow Cameron, John McDonald, Willm. McGillivray, James Webster, John Dalgaty, James Nevery, Dugall McQueen, David McQueen, Henry Ferguson, John McBean, Farg. McGillivray, Will. McGillivray, Thos. McNabb, John Brenden, Robt. Stubbs, Thos. Potts, John Ramsey, Abram. Lowe, Alex. Shonger, David Mull. Thos. Rutter, James Lowe, Willm. Bane, James Hill, John Shonger, Geo. Thompson, John Glandy, Alex. Rend, James Denham, James Hendrick, Henry Murray, Henry Willson, Willm. Moubray, Willm. Davidson, Willm. Ayre, Patrick Hunter, Willm. Mann, Alex. Mortimer, James Allen, James Mitchell, Alex. Neave, Thos. Donaldson, Thos. Smith, Patrick Cooper, Thos. Park, James Small, James Shaw, Cha. Donaldson, Don. Robertson, Alex. McDugall, Leonard Robertson, John McLoughlan, John Robertson, Thos. Lowry, James White, Alex. Gordon, Jerom Dunbarr, John Ross, Alex. Smith, Alex. McQueen, Willm. Cummin, Hector McQueen, Henry Lumsden, John Peter, Jno. Martison, Archd. McDarran, John McDonald, James Robertson, Patrick Robertson, Andrew Davidson, Andrew Daie. Receipt for preceding. Signed, Richd. Gildart, Hen. Trafford. [C.O. 5, 190. pp. 366, 367.]
Aug. 16.
312. Mr. Sec. Methuen to the Governor of the Leeward Islands. Encloses list of rebel prisoners ordered to be transported to St. Christophers, and desires list of rebel prisoners that have landed in that Island, ut supra. Signed, P. Methuen. Annexed,
312. i. List of 30 rebel prisoners ship'd (in order to be transported) on board the Hockenhill, Capt. Hockenhill Short, for St. Christophers. Leverpool, 25th June, 1716:—Andrew Ramsey, Mark Benerman, Archd. Christye, Walter Steward, James Currey, Lawrence Charters, James Heys, John Ridley, James Congleton, Robt. Creswell, Patrick Gardner, James Congleton, Patrick Murry, Willm. Henderson, Henry Ogleby, Thos. Dalmohoy, Willm. Hardwick, Walter McLearne, Willm. Murry, John Robinson, Don. Cameron, Alex. McIntosh, Kenedy Beane, Dond. McPherson, John McCoy, Willm. Ramsey, Thos. McKensey, Law. Oliphant, John Sword, Alex. Lawtey. Receipt for above. Signed, Richd. Gildart, Hen. Trafford. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 367.]
Aug. 16.
313. Mr. Sec. Methuen to the Governor of Jamaica. Encloses list of rebel prisoners ordered to be transported to Jamaica, and requests lists of those rebel prisoners that have landed there, ut supra. Signed, P. Methuen. Annexed,
313. i. List of 47 rebel prisoners sent on board the Two Brothers, Capt. Edwd. Rathbon Commandr, for Jamaica, in order for transportation. Leverpool, 26th April, 1716:—John Duncan, Duncan Bean, John McIntyre, Alex. Smith, Denis McIntyre, Robt. Handyside, Alex. Duncan, Danl. Smith, Angus McDermott, Alex. McLear, John Kenneyday, Jno. McCoy, Danl. McLean, Danl Robertson, Mich. Trumball, John McCullum, Denis McDonall, John Cannon, Geo. Moody, Duncan Robartson, John Stewart, Alex. Kenneyday, John Stewart, Duncan McNormer, James Carmell, Alex. McNabb, Alex. McClaser, James Robartson, Peter Ferguson, John Robartson, Duncan Stewart, Robt. McCullaugh, Duncan McGibon, John McFarlin, Geo. Mortimore, Philip McDorton, John Scott, Willm. McDonald, Alex. McPherson, John McNabb, Duncan Shorter, Robt. Wallis, John Stewart, Angus McDermott, Duncan McInlier, Edward McCann, Angus McIntosh. Receipt for above. Signed, Richd. Gildart, Hen. Trafford. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 368.]
[Aug. 16.] 314. Number of the rebels prisoners delivered by Colo. Rapin to Sir Thos. Johnson etc. in order for transportation, showing sailings etc. Total (v. supra), 639. Signed, J. Rapin, Comry. Genl. of the Rebells Prisoners. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 369.]
Aug. 16.
315. Council of Trade and Plantations to H.R.H. George Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Realm, etc. Reply to July6th. Quote Col. Partridge's petition. Continue:—We have several times been attended by petitioner and other persons acquainted with that country, etc. The petitioner proposes to build three towns on those lands to consist of 40 families at least at the first settlement, and to give them such encouragement as he doubts not in a few years to make a considerable improvement, the first town to be compleated and settled in two years from 1st May, 1717, the second in two years after that, the third in two years more: provided there be dureing that term no war with the French or Indians, which in that case would obstruct his proceedings. Upon which we humbly represent, that these lands are in a very good climate, the soile is fertile and capable of producing hemp. It has plenty of trees fit for masts and other naval stores with navigable rivers, and good harbours as also a good Fishery on the coast. From all which it may be reasonably presumed that in a little time such a settlement may turn to the advantage of this Kingdom in furnishing of Naval Stores and otherways in return for our woolen and other manufactures. Besides, it will be a great security to H.M. Northern Provinces, by haveing their frontieres strengthened by such a number of people. And therefore we think it will be of service that the petitioner be gratified in what he desires. But we must here humbly take leave to observe to your Royal Highness that the whole country between the River Sagadehoc and Nova Scotia, has already by his late Majesty King William's Royal Charter of 7th Oct., 1691, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusets Bay been granted to them with power to make and pass grants of particular grants of land within that Province, but with a reservation nevertheless that no grants of any lands between the River Sagadehoc and the Gulf of St. Lawrence (in which the lands petitioned for are included) should be of any force until H.M., his heirs, or successors shall have signified his or their approbation of the same. But as the purchassers from the Indians were in possession 30 years before the grant of the above mentioned Charter to the Massachusets Bay, they conceive the said Charter will not be any impediment to H.M. confirmation of their titles, and Mr. Dummer, late Agent for that Colony, has assured us that he had formerly directions from them to incourage as much as possible the settlement of the Eastern parts, and not to oppose a proposition then made of the like nature, and that he has reason to believe they would be very well pleas'd with such a settlement from the advantage they would receive by it. If H.M. shall be gratiously pleased to gratify the petitioner, we most humbly propose that as there are upon these lands great numbers of trees fit for masts for the Royal Navy, there be a clause in the patent reserving to H.M., his heirs and successors all pine trees of the diameter of 24 inches and upwards at 12 inches from the ground, which are to be marked by the Surveyor of the Woods there, or in his absence by one to be appointed by the Governour whome the petitioner is willing to fetch from New England, to maintain while he is upon the survey, and to send back to New England again at his own expence; and in order to preserve a nursery of trees for the future, that the said Surveyor do mark out such parcell or parcells of that land, not exceeding 10,000 acres as he shall judge most proper for that purpose, out of which no person shall be allowed to cut any pine trees whatsoever but such as shall be marked by the Surveyor as unfit for the Royal Navy. That there be also another clause in the Patent obliging the patentees to compleat their settlement in the time abovemention'd, provided there be no war as aforesaid upon penalty of forfiture. And that the Patentees be restrain'd from exporting to any forreign parts not in H.M. Dominions any deals masts plancks or other ship timber hemp pitch tar or other Naval Stores whatsoever. [C.O. 5, 915. pp. 6–11.]
Aug. 16.
Portsmo. in N. Hampre. in N. England.
316. Lt. Governor of New Hampshire to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Soon after my arrival in N. England I gave yor. Lordships an account of my assumeing the Govrmt. of N. Hampr. my expectation and almost assurance of Col. Burgess's following me and of his arrival in this Govermt. caused me to do no more than the necessary for ye preservation of the peace and administration of ye Govrmt. till he came on the spot and now we are informed of ye king's pleasure to appoint Col. Shute in his room and not knowing when he shall arrive according to my duty I herewth. send ye Minutes of Councill and wt. Acts have been made since my comeing over. I shall at all times studiously endeavour to approve myself faithfull in ye trust and charge committed to me etc. When I had the honour to come before your Ldships last year I gave in a paper (in my humble opinion very conducive to ye benefitt of this country and whose welfare I have very much at heart) wch. has been much improved to my disadvantage or at least so designed but how come at and by whome, I am in the dark. I am not a little surprised yt. I am no sooner come abroad in the world but I find sundrie assailants pushing at me and makeing strong efforts to my detrimt. I am no wayes conscious of my meritting such treatment and must resolve it into ye invidious spirit wch. prevails which would have all things done ill wch. is new and not done pr. advice and concurrence. It is matter of very great affliction to me to hear yt. I had not ye good opinion of your Ldships etc. I make it my request yt. yr. Lordships would inspect my behaviour and beleive yt. I am a faithfull subject and honest man etc. No signature. ? Handwriting of George Vaughan. Endorsed, Recd. 1st Oct., 1716, Read 26th June, 1718. Enclosed,
316. i. Duplicate of boundary agreement between Connecticut and the Massachusetts Bay. v. C.S.P. 24th Aug., 1713. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 161, 161 i.; and (without enclosure), 5, 915. pp. 143–145.]
Aug. 16. 317. George Liddell and Robt. Clayton and others to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Petitioners have been at great expences in improving their plantations in St. Christophers. They may be removed, and deprived of the benefitt of their crops growing thereon, unless H.M. pleasure be signified to the contrary, and are at present thereby discouraged from making further improvements etc. Pray for a speedy report on their case, v. 6th July. Endorsed, Recd. Read 16th Aug., 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 18; and 153, 12. pp. 440, 441.]
Aug. 17.
318. Mr. Popple to Lt. Governor Spotswood. The Council of Trade and Plantations have commanded me to transmit to you copies of what has been offer'd against the Act for regulating the Indian trade (cf. May 9, July 10 etc.), to be communicated to the Council and Assembly of Virginia for your and their observations thereupon, by the first opportunity, not doubting but Mr. Cary will send you copies of such papers as he has presented in favour of the Act. I am further to inclose to you two clauses of the Act for the encouragement of the trade to America, and to remind you of the 16th, the 100th and 101st clauses of your Instructions. And to acquaint you, that their Lordships with you had pursued the directions in the said 16th Instruction before you had given your assent to the said Act. [C.O. 5, 1364. pp. 430, 431; and 5, 1335. No. 198.]
Aug. 17.
319. Mr. Popple to Richard Shelton. Encloses extract of Lt. Governor Spotswood's letter, May 23, complaining that the Government of Carolina had not yet done justice to the forces sent to their assistance, etc. The Council of Trade and Plantations do not doubt the Lords Proprietors will give immediate directions for the performance of the Articles, upon which they receiv'd such effectual and immediate relief. [C.O. 5, 1364. p. 412.]
Aug. 20. 320. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Methuen. Enclose following for his information. Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed,
320. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to H.R.H. George Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom etc. Aug. 17. Representation upon petition of George Liddale, Robt. Clayton etc. (v. 6th July). It seems reasonable to us that the petitioners and others who have been at the expence and trouble in cultivating the lands temporarily granted to them in the late French part of St. Christophers, should enjoy the same under the like conditions as they have hitherto held them, and remain in the quiet possession of the said Plantations till H.M. shall think fit to give directions for the disposal of the said late French part of St. Christophers: And we presume to lay before your Royal Highness our humble opinion, that it will be for H.M. service that the Royal Pleasure be signify'd as soon as may be upon what we had the honour to offer the 13th of the last month as well as formerly thereupon, whereby the present possessors may know what to depend on, H.M. Revenue, and the Trade and Navigation of his subjects be advanced, and that and the other Leeward Islands further secured by a new accession of people. [C.O. 239, 1. Nos. 26, 26 i.; and 153, 12. pp. 444–447.]
Aug. 21.
321. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Methuen. Enclose copy of Lt. Governor Caulfeild's letter (16th May) giving an account of the miserable condition of the Garrison, which we have formerly several times represented to Mr. Secretary Stanhope, etc. [C.O. 218, 1. p. 313.]
Aug. 22.
322. Mr. Popple to Mr. Blathwayt. Reply to July 31st. A copy shall be sent as soon as it can be dispatched. The Council of Trade and Plantations desire a copy of your deputation and instructions to Mr. Ludwell. [C.O. 5, 1364. pp. 431, 432.]
Aug. 22.
323. Governor Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Being sensible of the necessity there is of having an Agent to negotiate the affaires of these Islands in Britaine I did at my first arrivall recommend that matter to the consideration of the Councill and Assembly of this, as well as the other Islands, but I could not then gett them to come to any resolution in that particular either in this or the other Islands, however since my last returne to this place I againe recommended the same, and urged the necessity thereof, upon which boath Houses have made choyce of William Nevine Esqr. as Agent for this Island, and accordingly a bill has been prepared and past by them and assented to by myselfe, which I send by this opertunity to the Agent with directions to lay the same before your Lordships hoping that it will meet with your aprobation and so obtaine the Royall assent. I also send the Agent an other Act to encourage the importation of Protestant white servants, with directions to lay the same before your Lordships, and I must intreat your Lordships will endeavour to gett it past by H.M. in regard a speedy supply of those people will greatly contribute to the benefitt and setling of this place. Nothing elce of moment has occurred, etc. Signed, W. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 20th Oct., 1716, Read 5th April, 1717. 2½ pp. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 55; and 153, 13. pp. 12, 13.]
Aug. 22. 324. Mr. Pye to Mr. Pople. I am directed by Sir John Lambert who is indisposed att the Bath to move yr. Lords. that his petition may be withdrawen and the rest of his papers returned, etc. Signed, Jon. Pye. Endorsed, Recd. Read 22nd Aug., 1716. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 10. No. 1; and 38, 7. p. 329.]
Aug. 27. 325. Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Popple. Encloses following. Continues:—Col. Ludwell having faln under the displeasure of the Lt. Governor by personall and family disputes, I have some time past discontinued him as my Deputy having constituted Mr. Grimes in his stead, which deputation was not arriv'd in Virginia before his suspension, it being in the main perhaps more agreable to Coll. Spotswood to have the management of the Revenue in his own or creatures' hands, etc. I have writ to him more than once that he would lett me know his exceptions against my Deputy of wch. he never returned me an answer, etc. Signed, Wm. Blathwayt. Endorsed, Recd. 4th Sept., 1716, Read 23rd Aug., 1717. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed,
325. i. Copy of Mr. Blathwayt's deputation and instructions to Philip Ludwell to be Deputy Auditor in Virginia, upon the nomination of Lord Godolphin. 4th Oct., 1711. Same endorsement. 2½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1318. Nos. 23, 24; and (without enclosure) 5, 1364. pp. 520, 521.]
Aug. 28.
Hampton Court.
326. Warrant of the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, granting a free pardon to Henry Crichlow late of Barbadoes in America, Surgeon, of murther, for the death of David Robinson in that Island, etc. Countersigned, P. Methuen. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 371.]
Aug. 31.
327. H.M. Warrant renewing grant of King William III. and Queen Anne of £50 yearly to a Protestant Minister and £30 yearly to a Protestant Schoolmaster, resident in Pensilvania. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1233. No. 56.]
Aug. [—.]
South Carolina.
328. [? Thomas Walker] to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I was formerly directed by H.E. Genll. Nicholson to render to your Lordships an accot. of the state and condition of ye Bohamia Islands wch. has a long time bin without governmts., The want of wch. has laid those Islands open to be a recepticall and shelter of pirates and loose fellows and gives ye inhabitants as well as ye trading vessuals from other parts ye liberty and oppertunity of inriching themselves by sideing and dealing with, entertaining and releiveing such villians who from time to time resort there to sell and dispose of their piraticall goods, and perfusely spend wtt. they take from ye English, French and mostly Spaniards, and as I am an inhabitant of New Providence have bin an eye witness to those ellegiall and unwarrantable practises commited both by ye piratts and inhabitants and others tradeing there, and have used ye uttmost of my endeavours to put by and prevent them, as alsoe by my goeing to the Havana hath bin a means of preventing ye design of ye provoked Spaniards comeing to cut those Islands off for the piraces ytt. has since ye peace bin commited even by some of the inhabitants of those Islands. Refers to enclosed deposition of Richard Ward. The pirates daly increse to Providence and haveing began to mount ye guns in ye Fort for there defence and seeking ye oppertunity to kill mee because I was against their illegall and unwarrantable practices and by no means would consent to their mounting of guns in ye Fort upon such accots. I was thereupon forced with my wife and family to acquitt ye Island to my great expence and damage and ye latter part of June last arrived safe to this Province where I remaine upon expence in hopes thatt H.M. will be gratiously pleased to take those Islands under his care and protection, etc. that ye Islands may become a flourishing plantation, etc. His Honr. the Governr. of this Province has lately granted commissions against ye pirates thatt resorts att Providence by virtue of wch. commissions ye grand Pirate Capt. Benja. Hornigold man of warr sloop of tenn guns is taken and destroyed, though he has escaped himself, this step in some measure has disabled him from doeing such damages upon ye heigh seas as he would have done if he had continued his command in the said sloop wch. did accomidate 135 men, when he last sayld out of Providence, and by some commission granted as aforesaid great quantities of piraticall goods traded for att Providence was reprized and brought into this Port, and most justly condemnd. wch. has bin a great service to H.M., and ye said Governour by his granting such commissons, I hope will put a stop to ye Island of Providence falling wholly under ye command, and into the hands and possession of pirates as 'twas like to doe when I left ye place and seemingly ye pirates were increeseing and groweing so strong under ye resolution of fortifieing and strengthining the place and haveing got to so great a head that consequently will putt ye Crown to some expence and charge to reduce and subdue them, if speedy measures, be not takein from hence and other Governmts. to putt a stop to their designs and if lett alone will be of ill consequence. Encloses deposition of Thomas Walker, junr. "to fully make appear how I was treated pr. Hornigold ye pirate and others of his Society, together with ye reasons of my comeing to this Province," etc. No signature. Endorsed, Recd. 16th, Read 17th Jan. 1716/17. 3¼ pp. Enclosed,
328. i. Deposition of Thomas Walker jr., South Carolina, 6th Aug., 1716, as to Benjamin Hornigold's threat to shoot his father, etc. Signed, Tho. Walker, junr. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1 p.
328. ii. Deposition of Richard Ward, New Providence. 14th Oct., 1715. The Spaniards at the Havana were preparing to cut off the inhabitants of the Bahama Islands, on account of piracies committed upon them from thence. Thomas Walker's arrival pacified them, etc. Signed, Richard Ward. Same endorsement. Copy. ¾ p.
328. iii. Governor Nicholson to Thomas Walker. Piscataqua, Jan. 31, 1714 (15). I suppose you doe give the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, of Trade, of the Customs, and the Lords Proprietors a full accot. of all affaires concerning your Commission as Judge of the Admiralty, etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 52, 52 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1293. pp. 64–68.]