America and West Indies: September 1716

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'America and West Indies: September 1716', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717, ed. Cecil Headlam( London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: September 1716', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Edited by Cecil Headlam( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: September 1716". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Ed. Cecil Headlam(London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

September 1716

Sept. 5.
329. Mr. Popple to Mr. Carkesse. On the 3rd of Augt. Mr. Lowndes writ to the Commissrs. of the Customs upon a letter from the Council of Trade and Plantations for an account of the duty of 4½ p.c. in the Leeward Islands, etc. Their Lordships desire the said acct. may be dispatch'd with all convenient speed. [C.O. 153, 12. p. 453.]
Sept. 6.
St. James's
330. Commission and Instructions from the Lords Proprietors of Carolina for Richard Pindar, Attorney Genl. of S. Carolina. Signed, Carteret, P., M. Ashley, J. Colleton, J. Danson. Copy. [C.O. 5, 290. pp. 99–101.]
Sept. 13.
331. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Methuen. Enclose extracts of letter from Governor Spotswood, July 3, and affidavits relating to pirates in the Bahamas, etc. Continue:—This is a matter of such importance to the Trade and Navigation of this Kingdom in those parts, that we find by our books, the former Commissioners of this Board have made 8 several reports since 1702 to her late Majesty, setting forth the miserable condition those Islands were in, by the neglect of the Proprietors, the consequence it wou'd be of, shou'd they fall into the hands of the French, Spaniards or pirates, and the necessity of immediately taking care thereof by the Crown, the substance of which reports with our further observations are contain'd in our Representation of 14th Dec. last. Refer to Representation of 24th March (copies enclosed). To which we have nothing to add, but that shou'd the pirates, or any foreigners make a settlement there, it wou'd cost much more to dislodge them, then to secure those Islands in time, which seems absolutely necessary to be done, for that they are by their scituation the key to the whole Gulph of Florida, so that whoever is master of them, may if they please be master of all the Spanish and most of the French trade in those parts. Autograph signatures. 2 pp. Enclosed,
331. i. Copy of C.S.P. Feb. 2, 1708/9.
331. ii. Extract of letter from Lt. Governor Spotswood, 3rd July, 1716.
331. iii., iv. Copies of depositions of John Vickers and Alexander Stockdale. [C.O. 23, 12. Nos. 72, 72 i.–iv.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1293. pp. 24–26.]
Sept. 13.
332. Mr. Popple to Mr. Solicitor General. Encloses, for his opinion in point of law, Act of Antigua, 1715, to enable Richard Cockran and Archd. Cockran to dispose of certain lands in Old North Sound etc. [C.O. 153, 12. p. 454.]
Sept. 13.
Hampton Court.
333. Order of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom etc. in Council. Confirming Act of Nevis to settle the estate of Thomas Herbert etc. Signed, Ja. Vernon. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd Sept., Read 31st Oct., 1716. 1½ pp. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 26; and 153, 12. pp. 459, 460.]
Sept. 13.
Hampton Court.
334. Order of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom etc. in Council. Referring to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury Capt. Walton's petition and the representation thereon, May 15th, to do therein for the said Walton as their Lordps. shall think proper. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 27; and 153, 12. pp. 461.]
Sept. 13. 335. G. Bampfeild to Mr. Popple. Prays that an Act of Jamaica, 1703, to confirm an agreement between Olivia Read and Nathaniel Brown etc., and an Act of Antigua, to enable Richard and Archibald Cockran to dispose of certain lands, may be confirmed, etc. Signed, G. Bampfeild. Endorsed, Recd. Read Sept. 13, 1716. ½ p. [C.O. 137, 12. No. 1; and 138, 14. pp. 472, 473.]
Sept. 13.
336. Mr. Popple to John Fortescue Aland, Solicitor General. Desires his opinion in point of law upon Act of Jamaica, to confirm an agreement between Olivia Read etc., ut supra. [C.O. 138, 14. pp. 473, 474.]
Sept. 13.
Hampton Court.
337. Order of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom etc. in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Signed, Ja. Vernon. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 27th Sept., 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
337. i. William Penn, absolute Proprietor and Governor in chief of Pensilvania, and his Trustees to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Requests the Royal approbation of William Keith appointed by them Lt. Governor over the said Province, etc. Signed, William Penn, Hen. Goaldney, Silvans. Grove, Joshua Gee. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 37, 37 i.; and 5, 1293. pp. 27–29.]
Sept. 18. 338. Mr. Perry and Mr. Hyde to Mr. Popple. Offer to be sureties for Mr. Keith etc. (v. preceding). Signed, Micajah Perry, John Hijde. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 27th Sept., 1716. Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 38.]
Sept. 18.
339. Peter Heywood, Commander in Chief of Jamaica, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. It has been impossible to gett the Minutes of Councill transcribed (v. Aug. 11th). I am sending one copy to the Secretary of State with the original depositions, and a copy of the Minutes to the Board by the next ship, etc. Refers to enclosures to the Governors of the Havanna and St. Jago de Cuba, etc. I have intentions to send some person to make a formal demand of the vessells taken by their privateers and restitution of their effects etc. Signed, Peter Heywood. Endorsed, Recd. 30th Nov., 1716, Read 9th Jan., 1716/17. 1 p. Enclosed,
339. i. Peter Heywood to the Governour of the Havanna. Jamaica, 16th Aug., 1716. I have H.M. positive commands to inquire into the male disorders of some of his subjects against those of his Catholick Majesty, etc. As H.M. hath and will do all things becoming a friend and good allie etc., so he cannot doubt of a suitable return from his Catholick Majesty by his causeing his subjects to make repairation to the English for the great injuries done them since the cessation of armes by landing on this Island and robbing their plantations of their negro slaves, etc., by taking their vessells going on their lawfull occasions (without their having been guilty of any prohibited trade) and by frequent depradations committed by the Guarda del Costas under pretext of securing their own trade, who have piratically carryed our ships and vessels to the city of Trinedad, where right or wrong they have been condemned as good prizes, wch. hath been represented often to the Marqs. de Cassa Torres, but no redress could ever be obtained for his Britannick Majesty's subjects, which may have irritated too many of them, and carryed them on to the commission of severall acts which cannot any wayes be justifyed. Very lately I have an account of seven or eight vessells carryed into St. Jago de Cuba and Trinidad, and unjustly condemned, so that their Majestyes subjects here in the Indies seem to be at open warrs, whilst there is so perfect an understanding between them at home etc. Invites H.E. to put a stop to such illegal proceedings and to order satisfaction to be made etc. Signed, Peter Heywood. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 2 pp.
339. ii. Peter Heywood to Don Matheo Lopez de Congas, Governour of St. Jago de Cuba. 24th Aug., 1716. Asks for reparation, as in preceding, for vessels unjustly condemned as prizes at St. Jago on Cuba, etc. Signed and endorsed as preceding. Copy. 2 pp.
339. iii. Address of the Independant Companies at Spanish Town to Peter Heywod, Commander in Chief of Jamaica. We have six months' pay due, etc. Going to be paid this day our Lieutenant would pay us but four months and out of that stop mony etc. Lord Hamilton promised us new cloaths and we have paid the mony, but have not had any. We humbly desire to know before he goes off the Island, who will pay the remainder of our mony etc. Going to Lord Archibald Hamilton to know how we should come by our cloths, or our money, which we have paid upon that account, he has ordered Corporal Moody to be put in close prison until he is gone off the Island, etc. Pray for justice. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 22, 22 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 138, 15. pp. 170–172.]
Sept. 20.
Hampton Court.
340. Order of Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom, in Council. Confirming grant of lands to Col. Partridge with such clauses and exceptions as are mentioned in the report of the Council of Trade and Plantations, 16th Aug., etc. Set out, A.P.C. II., pp., 711–714, q.v. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 16th Jan., 1716/17. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 100; and 5, 915. pp. 24, 25.]
Sept. 20.
Custom ho., London.
341. Mr. Carkesse to Mr. Popple. Encloses following. Signed, Cha. Carkesse. Endorsed, Recd. 21st Sept., Read 2nd Nov., 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
341. i. Account of the net produce of the 4½ p.c. in Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands 1702–1715. Total, £78,528 2s. 5¼d.=£6040 per annum. Signed, Robt. Paul, Assistant Compr. Genl. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. Nos. 29, 29 i.; and 153, 12. pp. 463, 464.]
Sept. 21.
342. Mr. Popple to Mr. Pringle. Encloses letters directed to the King of Spain, sent by Governor Lowther (v. July 20), to be laid before Mr. Secretary Methuen. [C.O. 29, 13. pp. 341, 342.]
Sept. 24.
343. Mr. Secretary Methuen to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following etc. Continues:—You are to report what you shall judge may be most effectual for retrieving the bad condition of that Island, and as this is a service of importance, I shall be very ready to concur with you in your deliberations on this head, and to meet you when you shall let me know that it is convenient for you. Signed, P. Methuen. Endorsed, Recd. 26th Sept., Read 16th Oct., 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
343. i. Thomas Pitt to H.R.H. George Prince of Wales, etc. Appointed Governor of Jamaica, petitioner has endeavoured to gain the best account he is able of the present state of that Island, etc. He is inclined to believe that the affairs of that Country are in great disorder and confusion. That the Island is also in a most dangerous state and almost defenceless, as well from the want of a greater number of white people to prevent any insurrection of the negroes, as ships of war to secure the coasts, trade and navigation, and to put an end to the robberyes and disorders in those parts. Prays that the condition of Jamaica may be taken into consideration and that he may be given such instructions and powers as may be thought necessary, etc. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 2, 2 i.; and 138, 14. pp. 474–478.]
[Sept. 27.] 344. The case of William Keith, late Surveyor Genll. of the Customes in America. In spite of his good services to H.M. in Virginia, Jamaica and Carolina, 1714–1715, approved of by the Commissioners of Customs, he was superseded by a warrant from the Treasurer to appoint another gentleman in his room. He is now come home to justifie his reputation. But being recommended by a considerable body of the people called Quakers, the Proprietor has nominated him Lt. Governor of Pensilvania, etc. Prays for their Lordships' favour and dispatch of reference, Sept. 13th. Endorsed, Recd. 27th Sept., Read Oct. 16th, 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 39.]
Sept. 27.
345. Mr. Popple to John Fortescue Aland, Solicitor General. Encloses Act of Barbadoes, 1716, to dock the intail on a plantation in St. Michael's parish, and to enable Tho. Somers to sell the same, etc., "Upon which Act the Council of Trade and Plantations desire your opinion in point of law, with what convenient speed you can." [C.O. 29, 13. pp. 342, 343.]
Sept. 27.
346. Mr. Popple to Mr. Solicitor General. Encloses, for his opinion in point of law, Act of Antigua, 1716, to enable Andrew Murray and Elizabeth his wife to alien or settle certain lands, etc. [C.O. 153, 12. p. 455.]
Sept. 29. 347. Petty expenses of the Board of Trade, stationery, postage, etc., from Midsummer to Michaelmas, 1716. 4 pp. [C.O. 388, 77. Nos. 20–22.]