Index: J, K, L

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: J, K, L', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Index: J, K, L', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"Index: J, K, L". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.


Jacobites, 758 ii.

-, in service of Spain, 47 iii.

Jagara. See Indians, Five Nations, Niagara.

Jamaica, 95.

-, Act, additional duty, 288, 527 xxxvi.

-, -, objection to, 523.

-, -, renewal of, recommended, 705 i.

-, -, concerning indigo imported, 603.

-, -, to enable trustees to sell estates of William and Charles Bowles etc., 634, 634 ii.

-, -, to encourage white settlers, petition against, 720 i.

-, -, for fitting out sloops, 527 xxxvi.

-, -, -, criticism of, 527 iii.

-, -, -, preamble of, 527 iii, xv.

-, -, -, referred, 599.

-, -, to impose duties to defray the extraordinary charges of the Government, referred, 599.

-, -, to oblige the inhabitants to provide themselves with a sufficient number of white servants, confirmation of, recommended, 459.

-, -, -, objection to, 338.

-, -, -, proposed, 288.

-, -, -, referred, 593.

-, -, to prevent all fraudulent trade with Hispaniola etc., 338.

-, -, -, repeal of, 459, 607, 627.

-, -, to prevent enticing of slaves, confirmation of, recommended, 35.

-, -, for qualifying members of Assembly etc., recommended for confirmation, 634.

-, -, for relief of persons who have suffered from piracies etc., confirmation of, recommended, 459.

-, -, -, referred, 593.

-, -, revenue, 288, 288 i–iii, 608.

-, -, -, referred, 599.

-, -, for settling the N.E. part, objections to, 634.

-, -, -, opinion on, desired, 634.

-, -, -, amendment of, proposed by Governor, 705, 705 i.

-, -, -, -, rejected by Assembly, 705.

-, -, -, repeal of, proposed, 705.

-, -, for settling the Windward part, proposals for, 562, 562 iii.

-, -, for vesting lands in trust for George Reid, 634.

-, -, for vesting Pero Plantation etc. in the Crown, 459.

-, Act of Parliament, proposed for, 288, 523, 634.

-, Acts, money bills, reasons for passing, 35, 35, i.

-, -, private, instruction concerning, 744 i.

-, -, referred, 336, 338.

-, -, report upon, 459, 704.

-, -, transmitted, 340.

-, Acts of Trade and Navigation, seizures for breach of. See Jamaica, seizures.

-, Anguilla, proposal for migration from, 213, 213 vii.

-, Assembly, Act of Parliament, threat of, proposed, 288, 523, 634.

-, -, Address, by, 116, 116 ii, 459, 527 xii, 634, 634 i.

-, -, -, reply to, 527 xii.

-, -, adjourned, 213, 288.

-, -, amendment of act for settling N.E. part recommended to, 705 i.

-, -, -, rejected by, 705.

-, -, Mr. Beckford's influence in, 562.

-, -, charges against, by Captain Vernon, 527 iii.

-, -, character of, 523.

-, -, disputes in, 705, 705 i.

-, -, dissolved, 459.

-, -, elections of. See Act for qualifying members etc.

-, -, Governor's speech to, 116, 116 i, 213 i, iii, v, 288, 288 i, ii, 459, 527, 527 xxxvi, 562, 562 i, 634, 634 i, 705 i.

-, -, -, address in reply to, 116 ii, 213 ii, iv, vi, 288 iii, 562 ii, 634, 634 i.

-, -, and Hispaniola Act, 459.

-, -, Journal of, 213, 459, 527 xxxvi, 634.

-, -, loyalty of, 634 i.

-, -, measures for defence recommended to, 338.

-, -, meeting of, 116, 459, 562.

-, -, members arrested, 562, 562 ii, 634.

-, -, -, ordered to withdraw, 705.

-, -, qualifications of. See Act for qualifying.

-, -, payment of Lord A. Hamilton, refused by, 288, 288 i–iii, 380, 459, 527 iii, xxxvi, 562, 562 i, ii.

-, -, address upon, 634, 634 i.

-, -, -, Council of Trade upon, 338.

-, -, presents to Governor, instruction concerning, 744 i, ii.

-, -, privileges of, 527 xii.

-, -, prorogued, 459, 634.

-, -, resolution of, 213, 562, 562 ii, iii.

-, -, revenue, perpetual, refusal to fix, 288, 338, 459.

-, -, -, assurances to, concerning, 338.

-, -, -, deficient, refusal to make good, 527, xii, 634.

-, -, Speaker of. See Kelly, Edmund; Modd, G.

-, -, treason, suggested, 527 iii.

-, Attorney General. See Monk, William; Kelly, Edmund.

-, Bennet sloop, case of. See Hamilton, Lord A.

-, Campeachy Bay, right to cut logwood in, insistence on, 284.

-, coins and currency, paper, issue of, Instruction concerning, 339, 744 i, ii.

-, condition of, representation upon, desired, 634.

-, Council, 213, 459.

-, -, Governor's speech to, 705 i.

-, -, Minutes of, 35, 213, 340, 459, 634.

-, -, President of, instruction concerning, 744 i, ii.

-, -, quorum, difficulty in securing, 459.

-, Councillors, absentee, 591, 592, 598, 598 i, 747.

-, -, -, objection to, 459.

-, -, appointed, 436, 443.

-, -, deceased, 414, 459, 742.

-, -, payment of money advanced by, refused, 459, 634, 634 i.

-, -, -, ordered, 380.

-, -, persons recommended for, 414, 444, 459, 742.

-, Court of Admiralty, 634.

-, -, Judge of. See Savile.

-, credit of, bad, 523.

-, Custom House Officers, 472 i–iv, 493, 496 i–iii.

-, -, serving on juries or militia, instruction concerning, 744 i, ii.

-, defence of, measures for, 337, 338.

-, escheats in, 705.

-, factions in, promoted by P. Beckford, 562.

-, forts and fortifications, accounts of, 213 ix, 459, 459 i, 705 ii.

-, -, Port Royal, 472 i–iv, 496 i–iii.

-, -, -, Hanover Line, guns for, despatch of, recommended, 337, 338.

-, -, -, request for, 340, 459, 523.

-, Governor of. See Lawes, Sir N.; Portland, Duke of.

-, Governors of, letters from, abstracts of, 344.

-, guardships, 288.

-, control of, by Governor, desired, 340.

-, -, sloop for, 705 i; and see Naval Squadron.

-, health of, 523.

-, High Treason, trials for, 527 iii.

-, Hispaniola, trade with, 340, 340 i–iii; and see Act to prevent.

-, Independent Companies at, 706.

-, -, Navy manned from, 35.

-, -, subsistence of, provision for, 288, 459, 634, 634 i.

-, -, -, renewal of, recommended, 705 i.

-, Indians, Mosquito, agreement with, 213, 213 viii, 288.

-, indigo, see Act to prevent all fraudulent trade to Hispaniola, etc.

-, -, imported from French Plantations, seizure of, 340, 340 i–iii, 472 i–v, 496 i–iii, 558.

-, -, case referred, 472, 493.

-, - law concerning, 603.

-, -, order restoring, 628.

-, -, report upon, 608.

-, inhabitants, census of, difficulty in procuring, 459.

-, -, -, required, 338.

-, -, registers, not kept, 459.

-, -, numbers of, 459.

-, -, increase of, resolution on, 213.

-, Irish in, 527 iii.

-, Jews in, petition of, 720 i.

-, -, -, referred, 730.

-, -, tax on, 288.

-, -, -, objection to, 523.

-,lands in, grants of. See Act for settling N.E. part etc.

-, Lt. Governor of. See Du Bourgay.

-, Lt. Governors, list of, 707.

-, logwood cutters from, 459.

-, -, seized by Spaniards (1714), 327 ii.

-, -, -, protest against, 338.

-, merchants trading to, petition of, 4 i, 472 i, 493, 496 i–iii.

-, -, -, referred, 472.

-, -, -, report upon, 608.

-, -, -, order upon, 608.

-, Militia, scheme for, 527 iii.

-, Mines, patent for, 562 i.

-, Naval Officer. See Betts, T.; Corbiere, A.

-, Naval Squadron at, 35.

-, aid for Bahamas, 35, 47, 47 ii v.

-, complaint against, 527 iii, xii, xv.

-, -, Commodore of. See Vernon, Capt.

-, negroes. See Act to prevent enticing of slaves.

-, -, duty on, 288.

-, -, rebellious, Mosquito Indians to suppress, 213, 213 viii, 288.

-, papers, public, transmitted, 558.

-, Papists, 527 iii, 720 i.

-, Pero Plantation, act for vesting in the Crown proposed, 459.

-, pirates, capture of, 288.

-, -, depredations by, 288, 527 i–v, xii–xv, xxxiv, xxxv, 758.

-, -, sloops armed against, 288.

-, -, execution of, 340, 459, 463, iii.

-, -, privateersmen liable to turn, 213.

-, -, supplied by inhabitants, 527 iii.

-, -, trials of, 288, 459, 463 ii 523, 523 i, 634 iii.

-, -, -, Commissions for, 340, 744 i.

-, -, women, condemned and reprieved, 523 i.

-, Port Royal, Commander of, order to, 340, 340 i–iii; and see Forts.

-, -, merchants etc., petition of, 496 ii.

-, -, officer commanding at, complaint against, 340, 340 i–iii; and see Brooke, Thomas.

-, poverty of, 527 xii.

-, Prerogative of the Crown, infringement of, 607.

-, prisoners executed for high treason, 527 i.

-, privateers called in, 213.

-, privateersmen, liable to turn pirates, 213.

-, Proclamations, 459.

-, quit rents, 459.

-, Rackham, John, pirate, trial and execution of, 288, 340, 523, 523 i.

-, Receiver General. See Mill, Richard.

-, Revenue, accounts of, 213 x, 459, 459 i, 705 iii.

-, -, Act, 288 iii, 338, 527 ix, xi.

-, -, Act, 288 iii, 338, 527 ix, xi.

-, -, deficiency of, 288, 459, 527 xxxvi, 634, 705.

-, -, -, Assembly refuse to make good, 288, 288 i–iii.

-, -, increase of expenditure, complaint concerning, 634 i (a).

-, -, -, -, reply to, 634, 634 i (b).

-, -, settlement of, need of, 527 iii.

-, -, -, by Act of Parliament proposed, 288, 459, 523, 562, 705.

-, St. Thomas in the Vale, parish, 634.

-, sailings, list of, 562 i.

-, seamen, lack of, 527 xxxvi.

-, seizures in, Commodore's inter ference in, 340, 340 i–iii.

-, -, Crown's share in, enquiry concerning disposal of, 35, 286, 338, 459.

-, settlement of. See Act to encourage etc.

-, ships searched at, case of. See Jam., indigo; John galley.

-, Spaniards captured after cessation of arms, restitution made to, 634.

-, -, privateers, 459, 527 iii.

-, -, -, depredations of, 213, 284, 288, 340, 634.

-, -, -, protest against, 292, 292 i–iii, 527 xii.

-, -, -, instructions to plunder, 527 ii.

-, -, ships seized by, 523, 527 i.

-, Spanish ship taken, 527 i.

-, -, restored, 527 ix.

-, -, -, protest against, 527 xii.

-, Spain, war with, Proclamation of cessation of arms, 213.

-, stores of war for, 459.

-, -, difficulty of supplying, 338.

-, -, to be provided by Jamaica, 338.

-, trade with Cartagena, 634.

-, -, with Hispaniola. See Act to prevent etc.

-, -, with Nova Scotia, 203.

-, -, with Portobello, 634.

-, -, with Spanish settlements, 698.

-, -, -, prevented, 634.

-, -, illegal, from East Indies, instruction concerning, 744 i.

-, Trade fleet, Spanish fleet to intercept, 47 iii.

-, Vane, pirate, trial and execution of, 459.

-, Virgin Islands, inhabitants of, invitation to emigrate to, 288, 459.

-, -, -, act to encourage, 562, 562 iii.

-, -, -, -, objection to, 500.

-, -, -, -, report upon, 597.

-, -, -, -, prohibited, 640.

-, Warner, pirate, trial of, 463.

-, Weekly Jamaica Courant, copy of, 562 i.

Jamisson, David, Attorney General, N.Y., opinion by, 264 iii.

Jefferys, David, Agent for contractor for Naval Stores, N.H., 57, 118, 127.

Jekyll, John, Collector, Mass., letter from, 190, 699 iv.

Jenings, Colonel, Secretary, Va., 270.

-, E., Councillor, Va., document signed by, 63.

Jennings, John, recommended for Council, Bermuda, 463 i, 519.

-, -, appointed, 521, 532, 739.

-, -, Speaker of the Assembly, 463 i.

-, Richard, recommended for Council, Bermuda, 463 i, 519.

-, -, appointed, 521, 532, 739.

Jesuit priests, in N.E., 743; and see Nova Scotia; France.

Jews. See Jamaica.

Johannot, Daniel, petition of, 22 i.

John, galley, case of, 340, 340 i–iii, 472 i–iv, 493, 496 i–iii; and see Jamaica, indigo.

Johnson, frigate, 327 ii.

Johnson, Benjamin, deposition of, 47 v.

-, Dr., Mayor of New York, replaced, 48 i.

-, -, letter to, 264 iii.

-, Robert, Governor, S. Carolina, attempt to restore, 372, 413, 484, 484 i.

-, -, -, -, failure of, 484, 484 ii.

-, -, -, letter from, 363 i, 484 i.

-, -, -, ship chartered by, 125.

-, -, -, supported by Capt. Hildersley, 413.

-, William, deposition of, 535 v.

Johnston, John, Councillor, N.Y., appointed, 90 i, ii, 104.

-, -, jr., Councillor, N.J., appointed, 90 i, iii, 104.

Jonathan and Sarah, sloop, 573 ii.

Joncure, —, French interpreter, intrigues with Indians, 48.

Jones, Bell, Secretary to Board of Ordnance, letter to, 11, 18.

-, Griffith, deposition of, 535 v.

-, Jesurum, act concerning estate of, 616.

-, John, act concerning estate of, 616.

-, John, Capt., 372.

-, Robert, Capt., 213 vii.

-, William, recommended for Council, Bahamas, 758 i.

Jouagate, Indian, 298 i.

Joye, Charles, Deputy Governor, South Sea Company, document signed by, 350 i.

Justinien, Pere, French Missionary, N.S., 180 xvi, 241 ix.


Keen, William, letter from, 331, 335, 441.

-, -, letter to, 335 i–v.

-, -, salmon fishery of, 335, 335 i–vii.

-, -, testimonial to, 331 i.

Keith, W., Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, report by, importance of, acknowledged by Board of Trade, 656.

Kelly, Edmond, Attorney General, Jam., 527 iii.

-, -, complaint against, 527 iii.

-, -, document signed by, 116 ii.

-, -, speech of, to Assembly, 527, iii.

-, -, superseded, 681.

Kennedy, Thomas, Capt., 79, 416 i, 734.

-, -, deposition of, 430.

-, -, mission to England, 734.

King, —, letter to, 679.

-, Lord Chief Justice, opinion by, 428.

-, William, case of, 490 ii.

King James, pirate ship, 28.

Knight, Edward, deposition by, 167 vi, vii.

Knott, Capt., captured by pirates, 33 i.

-, -, case of, 79.


La Boue, Renold, 241 ii, 298 vi.

Labrador, 223 i.

La Chaise, Pere, in N.E., 743.

La Hontan, map of, 692.

Lake Erie, 656.

-, fort on, 263.

-, -, proposed, 656.

Lake Huron, 656.

-, Michigan (Illinois), 656.

-, Ontario, 303, 656.

-, -, settlement, British, on, 692.

-, de Puans, 656.

-, St. Clair, 656.

-, Superior, 656.

Lakes, The Great, 178.

-, -, forts on, proposed, 656.

Lamb, John, deposition of, 501 xxv.

Lambert, Joseph, Lt., 573 (g).

Landy, Capt. Francis, engagement with Spanish privateers, 277 ii.

La Salle, Travels of, 656.

Lascelles, C., memorial of, 421.

-, Henry, Collector, Barbados, charges against, 687, 713, 754.

-, -, petition of, 34.

-, -, seizures by, 34.

-, -, report by, 432 i.

La Sonde (Lassonde), 241 vii.

Lavigne, Nicholas, document signed by, 180 v.

Lawes, James, recommended for Councillor, J., 444, 459.

-, Joseph, Lt., R.N., deposition of, 527 ix, 527 xxiii.

-, Sir Nicholas, Governor of Jamaica, Address to, 459, 527 xii, 634, 634 i.

-, -, Commission of, for trying pirates, 288.

-, -, -, revoked, 664 ii, 665.

-, -, complaints against, 499.

-, -, dispute with Capt. Vernon, 340, 340 i–iii.

-, -, document signed by, 213 vii, viii, 496 iii.

-, -, dormant warrant by, 472 i–iv, 496 iii.

-, -, instructions to, 186 i, 339, 605, 628, 654, 673, 744 i.

-, -, -, returns required by, demanded, 338.

-, -, letter from, 35, 35 i, 116, 213, 288, 337, 339, 340, 459, 523, 527 viii–x, xiv, xxxiv (e), 562, 597, 634, 705.

-, -, -, referred, 670.

-, -, letter to, 338, 380, 527 v–vii, xxxv, 640.

-, -, Order by, 340, 340 i–iii.

-, -, Proclamation by, 459.

-, -, recall of, proposed, 4, 4i.

-, -, salary of, 459.

-, -, -, in arrears, 705.

-, -, instruction concerning, 380.

-, -, Speech of, to Assembly, 116, 116 i, 213 i, iii, v, 288, 288 i, ii, 459, 527 iii, xxxvi, 562, 562 i, 634, 634 i, (b), (c).

-, -, -, -, reply to, 116, 116 ii, 213 ii, iv, vi, 562, 562 ii.

-, -, -, to Council and Assembly, 705 i.

-, -, warrant by, 472 i, iv, 496 iii, 558.

Lee, Francis, petition of, 687 i.

-, George, petition of, 355.

Leeward Islands, The; and see Antigua; Nevis; Montserrat; St. Christopher.

-, Acts, 28, 28 i.

-, -, general of, 204 i, v.

-, burials in, 204 xvii.

-, christenings in, 204 xvii.

-, drought in, 28 i, 107, 204.

-, fees in, list of, 204 xv.

-, -, order concerning, 204i.

-, 4½ p.c. duty, 197.

-, -, farming of, report upon, 52, 53.

-, Governor of, 192; and see Hart, John; Hamilton, W.

-, -, letter to, 81.

-, guardships, 500.

-, -, complaint concerning, 500, 501, 501 i. ff.

-, -, co-operation with French against pirates, proposed, 501, 501 i. ff.

-, -, cruise of, 28.

-, -, Governor's authority, dispute concerning, 500, 501, 501 i ff.

-, -, manned by soldiers, 501, 501 xxv.

-, -, more powerful, request for, repeated, 251.

-, -, pirate captured by, 28.

-, -, seamen pressed for, 501 ii.

-, -, refit at Boston, 251, 501.

-, -, victual at Barbados, 501.

-, imports and exports, return of, difficulty in obtaining, 204 i.

-, inhabitants of, census of, 204 i, xvi.

-, -, decrease of, 548.

-, -, emigration to Jamaica, encouragement of, forbidden, 640.

-, lands in, grants of, restriction of in Instructions, alteration suggested, 659 i, 666, 671, 678.

-, negroes, acts concerning, 500 i.

-, Officers in, list of, 204 xiv.

-, -, fees of, 204 i, 204 xv.

-, -, suspension of, ordered, for neglect of duty, 204.

-, Patent Officers in, neglect of duty by, 107, 204, 204 i.

-, -, deputies, neglect of duty by, 204 i.

-, pirates, 500 ii, iii, 501.

-, -, attack by, 251, 251 i ff.

-, -, effects of, disposal of, dispute concerning, 28.

-, -, executed, 28.

-, -, guardships unfit to cope with, 251.

-, -, increase of, 318, 426.

-, -, measures against, proposals for, 501, 501 i ff.

-, -, -, -, by French, 501, 501 i ff.

-, -, ship taken by, 500.

-, pirate ship captured in, 28.

-, provisions for, request for grant of, 204.

-, H.M. Regiment at, guardships manned by, 501, 501 xxv.

-, returns, difficulty in obtaining, 204.

-, -, imperfect, 107.

-, stores of war, accounts of, 204 i.

-, -, payment for expenses concerning, petition for, 128.

-, -, -, recommended, 133.

-, Surveyor General. See Jeatt, John.

-, trade with Holland, 44.

-, -, Italy, 44.

-, -, Madeira, 204 i, x–xiii.

-, Vice-Admiralty, rights of, dispute concerning, 28.

Legard, Barnabas, Clerk of the Crown, etc., Barbados, 100.

Lengerken, Herman von, deposition of, 621 ii.

Lenoir, John, Deputy Secretary of Barbados, complaint against, 621, 621 i–iv, 734.

-, -, letter from, 419 i.

-, -, Judge of the Admiralty Court, Barbados, 452.

-, -, appointment of, 34.

-, -, objection to, 34.

-, -, petition of, 34.

-, -, sloop condemned by, 34.

Leonard, Robert, 520 i.

Les Bourg, document signed by, 241 xv.

Leslie, William, document signed by, 490 i.

Leveret, John, grant confirmed to, 39 iii.

-, Governor, grant to, 39 ii.

Lewis, John, deposition of, 527 xvii.

-, -, Councillor, Va., document signed by, 63.

Lightfoot, Richard, Councillor, Barbados, 366 i, 419 i, 490 ii.

Lillington, A., Barbados, 490 ii.

Lincoln, Earl of, 255 ii.

Lindall, Thomas, Speaker, Mass., document signed by, 514 i.

Lisle, M. de, maps of, 303.

Livingston, George, son of, captured by Spaniards, 125.

-, Robert, Secretary of Indian affairs, and Town Clerk of Albany, patents of, 303, ii, iii.

-, -, letter from, 206.

-, -, petition of, 303 i.

-, -, recommended, 303.

-, -, salary of, 303 i, iv, v.

-, -, services of, 303.

-, -, Speaker of Assembly, N.Y., 303.

-, -, -, document signed by, 554.

-, -, plantation of, N.Y., 263.

-, -, Mayor of Albany, 48 i.

-, Philip, son of preceding, petition for succession to his father's offices, 303 i.

-, -, -, recommended, 303, 385, 525 i.

-, -, appointed, 556.

Lloyd, John, Agent for S. Carolina, 386, 683, 702.

-, -, appointment of, 714.

-, -, document signed by, 363, 363 i.

-, -, letter from, 372.

-, -, mission of, 712, 714.

-, -, postmaster, Car. S. 408.

-, Thomas, 573 ii.

Loan, Capt., captured by Spaniards, 10.

Logwood cutting; See Campeachy Bay.

-, ships seized for carrying, 513.

London, Bishop of, powers of, relating to ecclesiastical benefices and schoolmasters, instruction concerning, 667, 673, 680 i, 686, 696 i, 715, 716, 730–732, 735, 735 i, 736, 736 i, 737, 737 i.

-, -, letter to, 29.

Londonderry, Earl of. See Stewart, R.

Long, —, 193.

Longueil, M. de, 692.

Longueville, Peter, petition of, report upon, 324.

Lonsdale, Viscountess, act concerning, 215, 222.

Lorance, Capt., 473 i.

Lord Chamberlain, the. See Newcastle, Duke of.

Lords Justices, The, in Council, order by, concerning Admiralty Courts, 136.

-, -, -, -, Barbados, 166, 280, 317, 366, 366 i, ii. 419 i.

-, -, -, Carolina, 185, 228, 234-236, 245, 248, 255.

-, -, -, concerning commissions for trying pirates, 258.

-, -, -, -, Maryland, 130, 132.

-, -, -, -, money bills, 186 i, 233, 464.

-, -, -, -, New England, 425 i.

-, -, -, -, New York, 239.

-, -, -, -, Nova Scotia, 168, 425 i.

-, -, -, -, Virginia, 131, 142.

-, -, letter, petition, representation to, concerning Admiralty Courts, 135.

-, -, -, -, Bahama I., 161, 170, 225, 766.

-, -, -, -, Barbados, 265.

-, -, -, -, bills of credit, 186.

-, -, -, -, Board of Trade Office, 165.

-, -, -, -, Carolina, 192, 217, 237, 276.

-, -, -, -, German Protestant Refugees, 155 i.

-, -, -, -, Jamaica, 284.

-, -, -, -, Massachusetts Bay, 174.

-, -, -, -, money bills, 655.

-, -, -, -, New England, 253.

-, -, -, -, New York, 134, 155, 175, 239, 240, 268.

-, -, -, -, Nova Scotia, 180 i, 231, 253, 266 i.

-, Minute of, 247.

-, Secretary of See Delafaye, C.

Lorey, Robert, Depty. Naval Officer, Nevis, document signed by, 204 xi.

Louisiana, map of, 692.

-, French claims in, 303.

Lowe, Joseph, petition of, 83.

Lowndes, William, Secretary of the Treasury, letter from, 639.

-, -, letter to, 96, 537, 597, 653.

Lowther, George, pirate, petition of, 621, 621 v.

-, Robert, Governor of Barbados, 365, 754.

-, -, act concerning, 215, 222.

-, -, charges against, 21 i, 317, 366, 366 i.

-, -, -, reply to, 29, 452.

-, -, -, upheld, 280, 419 i.

-, -, charges by, 21 i, 29, 280, 452.

-, -, -, reply to, 29.

-, -, -, dismissed, 280, 361 iii.

-, -, Commission of, 189.

-, -, Councillors suspended by, 317, 366 i, 605; and see Barbados, Councillors; Cox, S.

-, -, Declaration by, 29.

-, -, answer to, 29.

-, -, departure of, 145.

-, -, exactions of, 374.

-, -, influence of, at Court, 366 i.

-, -, Instructions to, 25, 36, 105.

-, -, infringement of, 348, 488.

-, -, leave of absence, 20, 20 i, 29.

-, -, letter from, 29, 314, 410, 427, 428, 452.

-, -, letter to, 20, 25, 105, 402, 490.

-, -, nephew of. See Frere, John.

-, -, officers displaced by, 713.

-, -, replaced by, 317, 366 i.

-, -, petition to, 34.

-, -, recalled, 20, 20 i.

-, -, Secretary of, 285.

-, Viscountess Lonsdale, 215, 222.

Ludlow Castle, H.M.S., 35.

Ludwell, Philip, Councillor, Va., dismissal of, proposed, 12.

-, -, document signed by, 63.

-, -, remonstrance by, 12.