Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.
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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].
'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,
"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 32, 1720-1721. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1933), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.
McDowal, Col., St. Kitts, 251 i.
McKenzie, Lt., 251 i.
Mackworth, Sir Henry, proposal by, for paper currency secured on landtax, 343.
McMahon, —, 490 i, ii.
Macphedris, Archibald, recommended for Councillor, New Hampshire, 404, 412.
Madeira, trade with Car. S., 656.
-, -, Leeward Islands, 204 i. x–xiii.
-, -, Maryland, 214, 656.
-, -, Newfoundland, 260 i.
-, -, Pennsylvania, 309, 656.
Maine. See Massachusetts Bay.
Malherbe, M. de., 501, 501 vii, viii.
-, letter from, 501 xiii.
Manesty, Sprig, Secretary, Victualling Office, letter from, 275 ii.
-, -, letter to, 275 i.
Marlborough, Duke of. See Churchill, John.
Marsh, John, letter from, 601.
-, -, letter to, 586.
Marshall, Capt., 125.
-, John, document signed by, 180 xviii.
Marson, Edward, deposition of, 472 iv.
Martin, Capt., reward voted to, 396.
Martinique, Governor of, hanged by pirates, 463 iii.
-, -, Governor of, and Governor General of French Leeward i., letter from, 6 i, 374, 501, 713, 739.
-, -, -, letter to, 364; and see Feuquières, M.
-, hostages at. See Nevis, invasion of.
-, pirates off, 463 iii, 739.
-, -, co-operation invited against, 501, 501 i ff.
-, Sta. Lucia, 6 i, 148.
-, soil of, 7.
-, -, trade, illegal, at, 463 iii.
-, trade with Antigua, act to stop, 557, 557 i–iv.
-, -, Barbados, 364, 384.
-, -, N.E., 197, 656.
-, -, Rhode Island, 197.
-, -, Nova Scotia, 203.
Mary, H.M.S., 35, 47 iv, 340 ii, 523.
Mary, sloop, 513.
Marygalante, pirates threaten to seize, 251 iii.
Maryland, Act laying duty on tobacco exported, 214.
-, Act of Parliament, against clandestine running of uncustomed goods, Proclamation for observance of, 178 i.
-, Acts of Trade and Navigation, 77.
-, Agent of. See Hart, Col.
-, Annapolis, 214.
-, -, magazine built at, 656.
-, boundaries of, 178, 214, 656.
-, Charter, 656.
-, Council of, Minutes of, 178 i.
-, Customs, Collector of, letter from, 304 i.
-, defence, act providing for, 214.
-, exports and imports, 656.
-, forts, 214.
-, French settlements, effect of, 214, 304 i.
-, government of, 214.
-, Governor of, Commission of, 192, 192 i.
-, -, provision for, 214.
-, immigrants, convicts, 656.
-, -, Irish, 214, 656.
-, -, rebels prisoners, 656.
-, -, -, transported, 214.
-, Indians, good relations maintained with, 178.
-, -, number of, 214, 656.
-, -, peaceable, unless provoked, 214, 656.
-, inhabitants, character of, 214.
-, -, clothing of, 656.
-, -, increase of, 214, 656.
-, -, Irish, 214.
-, -, number of, 214, 656.
-, lands in, undeveloped, described, 178.
-, Lt. Governor of. See Calvert, Charles; Hart, John.
-, Lighthouse on Cape Henry, contribution to, invited by Virginia, 396.
-, magazine, built, 214.
-, Militia, 214.
-, mines, 181 i, 214, 656.
-, Naval Stores, instructions for making, proceedings on, 178 i.
-, negroes, clothing of, 214, 656.
-, -, number of, 214, 656.
-, neighbours of, 214.
-, pirates, commissions for trying, proposed, 254.
-, Potomac, R., 178.
-, Proclamation, 178 i.
-, produce of, 214.
-, prosperity of, 656.
-, Queries concerning, 181 i.
-, -, replies to, 214.
-, revenue of, 214, 656.
-, shipping of, 214, 656.
-, -, duty on, 656.
-, soil of, 214, 656.
-, Sugar Loaf Mountain, 178.
-, tobacco, 214.
-, -, duty on, 214, 656.
-, -, exports, 656.
-, trade, illegal, measures to prevent, 214.
-, trade with Lisbon, 214.
-, -, Madeira, 214, 656.
Mascarene (Mascarenc etc.), Paul, Major, description of Nova Scotia by, 241 xx.
-, -, Councillor, N.S., 180 vi.
-, -, document signed by, 241 xvii, xviii.
Mascarino, Simon, 527 i.
-, instructions of, 527 ii.
Mason, James, grant of, in Mass. and N.H., negotiations for sale of, 273.
-, -, -, heirs to, 273.
Massachusetts Bay, The, Act, for censorship of press, objection to, 514 i, 579.
-, Act, for emitting £100,000 bills of credit, rejected by Council, 514 i.
-, -, for establishing form of writ for calling a General Court, 660 viii.
-, -, impost, 93, 103, 411.
-, -, laying duty on N.H. goods and vessels, 333.
-, -, to prevent trading with Cape Breton, rejected by Assembly, 514 i.
-, -, concerning qualification of Representatives, criticism of, 656.
-, -, for regulating culling of fish, 461 i.
-, -, -, repeal of, 476.
-, -, -, -, petition for, 461.
-, -, -, report upon, 471.
-, -, for regulating fees, 83 i.
-, -, -, repeal of, petition for, 83.
-, Acts, affecting British trade and shipping, instructions concerning, 743 ii.
-, -, Governor's signature to, Assembly's condition, 579.
-, -, transmitted, 45, 45 i.
-, Agent of. See Dummer, J.
-, Assembly, 411.
-, -, Act for establishing form of writ for calling, 660 viii.
-, -, Address by, to Governor, 660 i.
-, -, -, reply to, 660 ii.
-, -, Address by, on paper currency, 514 i.
-, -, adjourned, 579.
-, -, adjournment, right of, claimed by, 579.
-, -, -, from place to place, dispute concerning, 655.
-, -, -, opinion on, 655, 660 vii.
-, -, on censorship, 514 i.
-, -, character of, 579.
-, -, charges by, against Governor Shute, 579, 579 i.
-, -, -, reply to, 579 ii.
-, -, Councillors, suspended, elected members, 93, 103.
-, -, dissolved, 93, 93 iii.
-, -, encroachments on Prerogative by, 514, 579, 622.
-, -, executive powers claimed by, 622.
-, -, Governor's instructions ignored by, 514.
-, -, -, message to, 660 vi.
-, -, Governor's salary, 514 i, 656.
-, -, -, refusal to settle, 579.
-, -, Governor's Speech to, 93, 93 ii, iii, 514, 579 ii, 655, 660 iii, v.
-, -, -, reply to, 514 i, 655, 660 iv.
-, -, independence desired by, 656.
-, -, Instructions communicated to, 579.
-, -, -, disregarded by, 622, 656.
-, -, Journal of, 45, 315, 514, 660, 741.
-, -, libel on, punishment for, desired, 514 i.
-, -, meeting of, 93, 143.
-, -, members of, Act concerning qualifications for, criticised, 656.
-, -, -, character of, 514.
-, -, memorial by, 579, 579 i.
-, -, Pamphlet bill, rejected by, 579.
-, -, party led by Cooke in, 514.
-, -, proceedings of, criticised by Council of Trade, 622.
-, -, powers of, excessive, 656.
-, -, Public Fast, right to appoint, claimed by, 579.
-, -, right to appoint Attorney General, dispute concerning, 655.
-, -, opinion on, 655.
-, -, Riot bill rejected by, 579.
-, -, Speaker. See Clark, John; Cooke, E.; Lindall, T.
-, -, Speaker, Governor's negative voice, question of, 93, 93 i, ii, iv, 143, 200, 349, 655.
-, -, opinion on, 393.
-, -, on trade with Cape Breton, 514 i.
-, -, vote by, 660 vi.
-, Attorney General, opinion of, 93.
-, -, right to appoint, disputed by Governor and Assembly, 655.
-, Boston, 95, 103, 153, 177, 180 vi, 200, 200 i, 203, 241, 251, 261, 727 i.
-, -, fashions in, 190.
-, -, Newspapers, 242.
-, -, shipbuilding at, 614.
-, -, sturgeon, 84.
-, boundaries, 656.
-, -, enquiry concerning, 181 i.
-, -, with Connecticut, 229.
-, -, -, map of, 229.
-, -, with N.H., settlement of, by Council of Trade desired, 333.
-, -, with Rhode Island, dispute concerning, 109.
-, Castle William, 200 i.
-, -, stores at, account of, 741 ii, iii.
-, censorship of press, objection to, 514 i.
-, Charter of, 93, 93 iv, 349, 393, 393 ii, 656.
-, -, appreciation of, 190.
-, -, infringements of, 579.
-, constitution of, 656.
-, -, criticism of, 656.
-, Council, 315, 411, 445.
-, -, bill rejected by, 514 i.
-, -, dependent on Assembly, 579.
-, -, governor supported by, 514.
-, -, grants by, 39 ii, iii.
-, -, minutes of, 45, 315, 514, 741.
-, Council and Assembly, grants confirmed by, 39 ii, iii.
-, Councillors, suspended, 93, 103.
-, Court of Admiralty, decrees of, prohibited, complaint concerning, 699 i.
-, -, Judge of. See Menzies, James.
-, -, jurisdiction of, 51, 64
-, -, -, denied, 153, 153 i, 699 i, iii.
-, -, -, report upon, 117, 135.
-, -, -, -, referred, 136.
-, -, -, -, requested, 51.
-, Court of Common Law, prohibition of Admiralty decrees by, 699 i, iii.
-, Crown government, objection to, 333.
-, Customs, Collector of; See Jekyll, John; Blechynden, C.
-, defence of, 655.
-, exports and imports, 656.
-, fees, act reducing. See Act for regulating fees.
-, Fishery, 656; and see Act for regulating culling.
-, Fishing vessels, illegal trade by, 445.
-, forts, 656.
-, -, return of, required, 181 i.
-, French settlements, effect of, enquiry concerning, 181 i.
-, Governor of. See Shute, S.
-, -, instructions of, disregarded by Assembly, 622, 656; and see Shute, Instructions.
-, -, right to adjourn Assembly, challenged by Assembly, 579, 655.
-, -, opinion on, 655, 660 vii.
-, -, right to appoint Attorney General, dispute concerning, 655.
-, -, right to negative choice of Speaker upheld, 349, 411.
-, -, opinion on, 393, 411.
-, horses, exports of, 656.
-, imports, excess over exports, effect of, 655.
-, coins and currency, paper, depreciation of, 343, 655.
-, -, measures to prevent, 411.
-, -, -, forgeries of, 259.
-, -, -, issues of, 656.
-, -, -, act for, rejected by Council, 514 i.
-, -, -, sinking fund, 343, 656.
-, independence of, tendency to, 190, 699 iii, iv.
-, Indians, 622.
-, -, Christian, in, 656.
-, -, -, numbers of, 656.
-, -, Commissioners sent to, 655.
-, -, conciliated, 514.
-, -, Five Nations, presents for, objection to, 514 i.
-, -, French intrigues with, 743.
-, -, hostile attitude of, 614, 743.
-, -, Kennebec, 656.
-, -, Penobscot, 656.
-, -, numbers of, required, 181 i.
-, -, quiet, 93.
-, -, raids by, 319, 655.
-, -, hostages taken for, 319.
-, -, treatment of, 411.
-, -, treaty broken by, 655.
-, -, war with, 656.
-, inhabitants, census of, required, 181 i.
-, -, clothing of, 699 iii, iv.
-, -, increase of, 656.
-, -, numbers of, 656.
-, Irish immigrants, 190, 656.
-, -, linen and woollen manufacture by, 699 iii, iv.
-, iron works, 656.
-, labour, high wages of, 656.
-, lands in, grants of, confirmed, 39, ii, iii; and see Mass., Maine.
-, Lt. Governor of. See Dummer, William.
-, Lighthouse account, 656.
-, linen manufactures, 656, 699 iii, iv.
-, lumber, export of, 656.
-, Maine, 261.
-, -, Crown rights, 118.
-, -, lands between Nova Scotia and, grants of, 22 i, 158.
-, -, -, petition for, 22 i, 49, 761, 762.
-, -, -, referred, 22.
-, -, -, report upon, 324.
-, -, woods in, Crown right to, denied, 93, 579.
-, -, -, waste of, proclamation prohibiting, 352 i.
-, manufactures in, 656.
-, -, return of, required, 181 i.
-, -, woollen and linen, 699 iii, iv.
-, -, -, report upon, 190, 200.
-, Mason's grant, sale of, negotiations for, 273.
-, Militia, numbers of, 656.
-, -, return of, required, 181 i.
-, mines, 181 i, 656.
-, Naval stores, 656.
-, -, encouragement of, proposed, 656.
-, merchants trading to, petition of, 461.
-, -, report upon, 471.
-, News from Robinson Cruso's Island, 514 i.
-, Newspapers, 261.
-, Nova Scotia and, 656.
-, "An order of our Sovereign Lord the People," proclamation concerning, 50.
-, Pamphlet bill, 579.
-, Patent Offices, return of, required, 181 i.
-, pirates, 242.
-, -, effects of, seizure of, 727 i.
-, -, order upon, 728.
-, Prerogative of the Crown, encroachments on, 50, 514, 579, 656.
-, prices, low, effect of, 655.
-, printing, censorship of, instructions for, disregarded, 655.
-, -, -, objections to, 514 i, 579.
-, -, enquiry concerning, 411.
-, -, libels on government unchecked, 655.
-, prisoners in Canada, order for restoring, 411.
-, -, Governor's refusal to restore, protest against, 174.
-, Proclamations, 50, 352 i.
-, produce of, 656.
-, -, enquiry concerning, 181 i.
-, Public Fast, right to appoint, claimed by Assembly, 579.
-, Queries concerning, 181 i.
-, -, reply to, 259, 259 i.
-, revenue, 656.
-, -, accounts of, 319 i, 741 i.
-, -, return of, required, 181 i.
-, Riot bill, 579.
-, rum, imports of, 656.
-, Secretary of. See Willard, Josiah.
-, sheep raised in, 153, 699 iii.
-, shipbuilding, 656.
-, ship captured by Spaniards, 513.
-, shipping, 656.
-, -, clearances from, 656.
-, Stores of war, account of, 200 i, 741 ii, iii.
-, sugar, molasses, etc. imports of, 656.
-, trade, fur, 656.
-, trade, illegal, enquiry concerning, 181 i.
-, -, -, seizure for, prohibited, 699 i, iii; and see Court of Admiralty.
-, -, return of, required, 181 i.
-, trade with Cape Breton, 445.
-, -, act to prohibit, rejected by Assembly, 445, 514 i.
-, -, measures to prevent, proposed, 445.
-, -, Dutch, 656.
-, -, French West Indies, 656.
-, -, Martinique, 656.
-, -, New Hampshire, duties on, 333.
-, -, Nova Scotia, 177.
-, -, Portugal, 656.
-, -, Spain, 656.
-, -, Surinam, 656.
-, -, West Indies, 656.
-, -, woollen, 699 iii, iv.
-, Treasurer. See Allen, J.
-, Whale oil, 656.
-, winter, severity of, 94.
-, Woods, Controller, Governor proposed as, 201, 201 i.
-, -, preservation of, instructions for, 579.
-, -, waste of, 333, 491.
-, -, -, Proclamation prohibiting, 319, 352 i.
-, -, -, Act of Parliament proposed, 319.
-, wool, imported from one Plantation to another, seizure for, 153, 153 i.
-, wool and linen manufactures, 656, 699 iii, iv.
-, -, -, measures to prevent, 656.
-, York, 261.
Massey, John, pirate, petition of, 621, 621 v.
Massy, Capt., 241 iii–v, 298 vi.
Mathew, Wm., Lt. General of the Leeward Islands, 501 xxi, xxv, 633.
-, -, letter from, 204 iii, 251 i.
-, -, letter to, 251 i, v, 287, 501.
Matthews, Scare, petition of, 355.
Maxwell, Thomas, Councillor, Barbados, 31.
-, -, document signed by, 709.
-, -, suspended, 364, 366, 366 iii, 490 ii.
-, -, -, petition of, 421, 422 i.
-, -, -, report upon, 435 i.
-, -, -, -, referred, 451.
-, -, restored, 509.
May, River. See Carolina S., Altamaha.
Maycock, Thomas, Councillor, Barbados, 490 ii.
-, -, complaint against, 687, 687 v.
-, -, document signed by, 709.
-, -, suspended, 364, 366, 366 iii.
-, -, petition of, 421, 422 i.
-, -, report upon, 435 i.
-, -, -, referred, 451.
-, -, restored, 509.
Mein, Richard, deposition of, 452.
Melton, Thomas, document signed by, 416 ii.
Menzies, James, Judge of Admiralty, N.E., letter from, 153 i.
-, -, memorial by, 153 i, 699 i.
-, -, prohibition against, 153, 153 i.
-, -, report upon, 117.
Meriwether, —, Treasurer, Nevis, death of, 204 i.
Messurer, Thomas, deposition of, 47 v.
Metanies, The, 47 iii.
Mexico, French and Spaniards in, 47, 327 ii.
Mexico, French and Spaniards in, 47, 47 v, 304 i, 309.
-, Indians, join with French, 327 ii.
-, -, oppressed by Spaniards, 327 ii.
-, -, ready to join English, 327 ii.
-, -, taxes on, relief from, 327 ii.
-, Inquisition, The, 327 ii.
-, mines, 304 i, 309.
-, Dr. Sinclair's adventures in, 327, 327 i, ii.
-, Viceroy, 327 ii.
-, -, letter to, 327 ii.
Mexico, City of, 47 v, 327 ii.
Miamis, R., 656.
Middleton, Arthur, document signed by, 702.
-, letter from, 714.
Mill, Richard, Receiver General, Jamaica, 472 ii, 572 ix, xi, 705.
-, -, -, document signed by, 213 ix, x, 459, 459 i, 705 ii, iii.
-, warrant of, 472 iii (b), 527 xxxvi.
Miller, —, pirate, 527 iii, iv.
-, John, 260 i.
-, P., document signed by, 472 i.
Milliken, James, 251 i.
-, deposition of, 204 xxiv.
-, grant of, continued, 756.
Mills, Henry, Barbados, 490 ii.
-, Nehemiah, petition of, 473 i.
-, -, referred, 473.
-, Richard. See Mill, R.
Mines, Jamaica, patent for, 562 i.
-, Mass, 656.
-, coal (N.Y.), 656.
-, -, N.S., 241 xx.
-, copper, N.J., 520 i, 656.
-, -, (N.Y.), 656.
-, -, N.S., 241 xx.
-, iron, (Ma.), 656.
-, -, N.H., 447 i, 656.
-, -, N.J., 656.
-, -, N.Y., 656.
-, -, Pa., 309, 656.
-, -, in the Plantations, 698.
-, silver, Mexico, 304 i, 309.
-, -, N.H., 656.
-, -, V.I., 500.
Missillimackinack, Strait, 656.
Mississippi, R.
-, communication with Canada, discovery of, 656.
-, -, description of, 656.
-, French forts along, 656.
-, French grants of, 656.
-, French settlements on, progress of, 178, 656; and see France.
Modd, George, Speaker, Jamaica, document signed by, 634 i.
Molesworth, John, a Lord Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 123.
Molineaux, John, Speaker, Montserrat, document signed by, 204 vii.
Monk, William, Attorney General, Jamaica, patent of, 681.
Montgomerie, Col. John, Governor of New York, petition of, for settlement of salary, N.Y., 564.
Montserrat, and see Leeward Islands.
-, Act, detaining slaves, etc., 28 i.
-, -, enquiry concerning, reply to, 204.
-, -, for exempting Members of Council and Assembly from arrest, etc., 28 i.
-, -, granting excise duties to Lt. Governor, objection to, 633.
-, -, raising poll-tax, 633.
-, -, for reducing interest from 10 to 6 p.c., 28 i.
-, Acts, collection of, 204 i, iv.
-, -, delay in transmitting, 633.
-, -, referred, 567.
-, Agent for, 138.
-, Assembly, members of, act to protect, 28 i.
-, -, -, embarrassments of, 28 i.
-, Assembly, Speaker of. See Molineaux, John.
-, burials in, 204 xvii.
-, christenings in, 204 xvii.
-, coins and currency, lack of, 633.
-, Councillors, 204.
-, -, proposed, 204.
-, -, Act to protect, 28 i.
-, -, appointed, 632, 632 i.
-, -, death of, 633.
-, -, embarrassments of, 28 i.
-, -, persons recommended for, 227.
-, forts, account of, 204 i.
-, inhabitants, census of, 204 xvi.
-, -, migration of, 684.
-, Lt. Governor of. See Tolmash, T.
-, map, surveyor needed for, 204 i.
-, Naval Officer. See Webb, N.
-, negroes, numbers of, 204 xvi.
-, Piers, petition of, 545.
-, produce of, 204 xiii.
-, raid on, 501.
-, -, reparation for, to be pressed, 684.
-, revenue, accounts of, 204 i, vii.
-, taxes paid in produce, 633.
-, trade with Madeira, 204 xiii.
-, Treasurer, accounts of, 204 i, vii; and see Cochrane, John.
Moody, John, Col., lands of, at Placentia, required for fort, 11, 17, 18, 23.
-, -, opinion on, 14, 14 i.
Moore, Augustus, document signed by, 539 ii (b).
-, James, elected Governor of S. Carolina, 194, 195, 372, 408.
-, -, act for support of, 195.
-, attempt to displace, failure of, 484, 484 i, ii.
-, -, charges against, reply to, 363, 363 i.
-, -, letter from, 292, 413, 484, 484 i, 714.
-, -, letters to, 484 i.
-, -, representation to, 66.
-, -, brother of preceding, captured by Spaniards, 125.
-, John, Councillor, Jamaica, leave of absence, 459.
-, -, -, letter to, 591, 611, 747.
-, Samuel, Councillor, Jamaica, absentee, 459.
-, -, -, letter to, 747.
-, Thomas, Clerk of Assembly, Car., 66.
Morris, Lewis, Chief Justice, N. J., opinion by, 264 ii.
-, -, recommended for Surveyor of Customs, N.Y., 401.
-, -, jr., Councillor N.Y., appointed, 475, 482, 492.
-, -, recommended for, 470.
-, Thomas, Councillor, Antigua, document signed by, 501 i.
-, Vallentine, Councillor, Antigua, leave of absence, 204, 204 xliv.
Mortensen, Christian, deposition of, 500 iii.
Morton, Jos., Landgrave and Councillor, Car. S., death of, 683.
-, -, document signed by, 249.
Mosquito, Indians, agreement with, for suppressing negroes in Jamaica, 213, 213 viii.
-, -, King of, document signed by, 213, 213 viii.
Moville, 327.
-, French at, 656.
Mullins, Richard, petition of, 355.