America and West Indies: October 1674

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: October 1674', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: October 1674', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,

"America and West Indies: October 1674". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.

October 1674

Oct. 13. 1359. Order of the Council for Trade and Plantations. That John Locke, Esq., Treasurer, pay to William Swan 75l. for three-quarters of a year's salary as clerk to this Council. [Col Entry Bk, No. XCIV., p. 119.]
Oct. 15. 1360. Proposal of Ferdinando Gorges, agent of Col. W. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to the Council for Plantations. Submits that many of his Majesty's subjects in St. Christopher's have their estates detained by the French upon pretence of melioration and untrue contracts; that all imaginable endeavours have been used by the French, by hiding and imprisoning some negroes, and shifting others from island to island, to hinder them from electing to return to their English masters according to the 13th Article of Breda; that the French claim the sovereignty of the seas there, and have shot and killed a master of an English vessel because he refused to strike the flag to a French vessel; that the inhabitants of all the islands desire a competent supply of negroes yearly; that whereas the public seal is lost or carried away by Sir Chas. Wheler, they may have another granted them; that his Majesty's two companies of foot in St. Christopher's have received no pay since June 1671, though privy seals are passed for the same, and are reduced to great want of food and clothes, to their great dishonour amongst the French, neither has the Governor received any pay. In margin, "Recd &c. read in Council, 15 Oct. 1674." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 62.]
Oct. 16.
1361. Warrant to Sir Thos. Chicheley, Knt., Master-General of the Ordnance. To deliver ordnance, carriages, powder, shot, match, arms, and other stores mentioned in estimate hereto annexed to John Lord Vaughan, Governor of Jamaica, for supply of said Island. 3/4 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIX., p. 112.]
Oct. 22. 1362. Petition of Gilbert Bruning to the King. That petitioner and his brother have as considerable a plantation in Surinam as any Englishman, and are resolved to remove themselves and slaves to Jamaica and to persuade others to do the same, understanding Commissioners are to be sent thither to assist his Majesty's subjects therein,, and knowing the advantages the Dutch may take to delay the same, prays he may be joined in said Commission. Underwritten is a reference, his Majesty being graciously inclined towards the petitioner, the Council for Trade and Plantations are to report to the King what they think fit to be done therein, when his Majesty will declare his further pleasure. Endorsed, Read in Council 22 Oct. 1674. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 63.]
Oct. 22. 1363. Petition of Gilbert Bruning to the Committee for Trade and Plantations. That petitioner desires to be one of the abovesaid Commissioners, having brothers and great concerns in the Colony of Surinam, and that he is not desirous of a sum of money, as the Commissioners already designed, but that it may be employed towards the hiring of a ship to fetch off the planters. Endorsed as above. 1/2 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 64.]
Oct. ? 1364. Several brief heads proposed to the Council for Trade and Plantations by Mr. Gorges and Mr. Cranfield before his Majesty's Commissioners for Surinam proceed on their voyage. That persons be appointed to treat with the intended Commissioners about terms for their encouragement; that a judicious registrar be appointed to record all their proceedings; that one of his Majesty's ships be provided to carry them direct for Surinam, for the passage by Barbadoes commonly proves long, and near the equinoctial line passengers are subject to calentures and other mortal distempers; that letters be procured from the States for the civil reception of the Commissioners. Suggestions in reference to the planters at Surinam, most of which are embodied in the Report in the next abstract. That the Commissioners have exact copies of the Council books touching all former proceedings at Surinam; that the Governor make no proclamation except the English Commissioners first approve; that the Commissioners have power to assure the English that they shall be transported to any of his Majesty's sugar plantations, and that letters be sent to the respective Governors for their civil reception. That the Dutch Governor, knowing that the English have great quantities of specklewood cut for transportation, have lately put a duty thereon of 30 per cent., which will be a great loss to them on their removal; that his Majesty's ships may ride with their guns mounted, and that there be two large flyboats and a lesser vessel, being about 300 English and 1,100 or 1,200 negroes, besides household stuff and utensils for 20 sugar works, and large parcels of sugar and specklewood; and that Mr. Brant, who is newly come thence, may be privately sent to prepare the people for removal, that they may sell their cattle, and keep themselves clear from new debts, for the Dutch have already sent three or four great ships to Guinea for negroes for Surinam, thereby to bring the English planters into debt by giving them large credit for negroes, and by this means to put a lawful check on their removal; and the English planters have above 500 cattle, worth there 20l. a head, for which the Dutch would give little or nothing had they certain knowledge of the removal of the English, knowing they cannot transport them. Endorsed, "Proposals of Mr. Gorges and Mr. Cranfeild, 1674." 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., Nos. 65.]
Oct. 27.
Villiers House.
1365. The Council for Trade and Plantations to Col. W. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands. Would have sooner acknowledged receipt of his of 9th Jan. 1674 with the map of St. Christopher's and account of the island in answer to theirs of the 20th March 1673, had they not hoped to have been able to have sent the determination of the controversies between the English and French in St. Christopher's; but that affair having received no further progress than what he will find inclosed, cannot in expectation of the conclusion thereof any longer forbear to answer his of the 3rd Feb., 7th March, and 23rd July last. Desire he will send the particular matters of fact of all injuries received from the French since the Treaty of Breda, which, with former complaints, shall be transmitted to his Majesty's Ambassador in France. Desire also a narrative how St. Christopher's and the other islands were taken at first by the French from Lord Willoughby's Deputy Governor, and of all transactions between the English and French ever since. Cannot but take notice how modestly he expresses the payment of his own salary so much in arrear, and have agreed to represent it effectually to his Majesty, with the present state of the two companies of soldiers in St. Christopher's, a supply of negroes and other material things mentioned in his letters, and in the petitions of the Council and Assembly of St. Christopher's, and of the Representatives of the Leeward Islands. Suppose the certificates sent in his of the 3rd February concerning the 4 1/2 per cent. were only to justify himself in their opinion, who were not apt to entertain any such suspicions of him, and are not forward to give credit to any assertions before he is heard, which may satisfy him in that which he seems so much concerned for. Will in future maintain a constant correspondence with him in answer to all his letters. Encloses,
1365. I. Lord Ambassador Lockart to H. Slingsby. At his public audience he insisted chiefly that the mutual friendship between the two Kings should be propagated amongst their subjects by a Treaty of Commerce, and discoursed about St. Christopher's with M. de Pompone, whom he had much ado to persuade the affair could be in the condition represented; which occasioned his giving in his first memorial, judging it safer to see their answer before coming to more particular condescensions. But notwithstanding often repeated instances never could obtain a return to what he had proposed, save by way of excuse that their present pressures from the near approach of the campaign would not allow their entry to a Treaty of that importance, which must be remitted to the end of the campaign.
1365. II. Lord Ambassador Lockart's first memorial. Recites how the Commissioners twice sent by his Majesty of Great Britain to demand the English part of St. Christopher's, according to the 7th article of the Treaty of Breda, were obliged to return without effecting anything, because of the difficulties framed by the Senators de la Barre and de St. Laurence, on behalf of the West India Company; and how his Majesty agreed with M. Colbert that Commissioners should be nominated on both sides to decide all like disputes, who should sit for a year and a day from the day the said part of the island should be restored to his Majesty; and if during that time the English did not repay to the French the price paid for their lands and goods, the same should remain to the French purchaser. Reasons why his Majesty's expectations have not been answered. These have reference to waste and meliorations, Ambassador Lockart entreats his Most Christian Majesty that putting aside all small difficulties and animosities of said Commissioners, he will give orders, that his Majesty of Great Britain be restored without any delay under any pretext whatsoever to possession of his part of St. Christopher's, and that the English may be re-established in their habitations or goods on reimbursing to the purchasers the price they received; the expiration of a year and a day not at all hindering their right, since the Commissioners have never been able to agree, Sir Chas. Wheler and M. de Baas having remitted several articles to the decision of their Majesties.
Mem. That this letter to Coll. Stapleton was delivered by Sampson to one who belongs to Capt. Gorges and promised to deliver them to one Capt. Hare, Commandant of the ship Unity. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLV., 81–84.]
Oct. 27. 1366. Copy of the above letter but without the enclosures. Endorsed, a true copy compared by me 20 June 1676, W. Stapleton. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 66.]
Oct. 27.
Villiers House.
1367. Report of the Council for Trade and Plantations concerning the orders to be sent by the States General to the Governor of Surinam. That the States General give positive and effectual order to the Governor of Surinam :—1st. That everything in the article to the full intent and meaning be bonâ fide done and permitted to be done without equivocation, necessary to the due execution of said article; 2ndly, that he permit the ships sent to bring off his Majesty's subjects to ride anywhere in the rivers or creeks of Surinam as his Majesty's Commissioners shall find expedient; 3rdly, that he receive his Majesty's Commissioners friendly and permit them to buy provisions at the same rates as they are sold to the inhabitants; 4thly, and permit said Commissioners to send for the English, concerning their removal, and to come to them at any time; 5thly, all English, having discharged their debts, to embark with their families, negroes, slaves, goods, and utensils, and particularly their coppers, mills for making sugar and indigo, in any vessel now sent by his Majesty, with no other limitation of time for putting up their names for departure, but 10 days before embarking; 6thly, any Englishman, in debt, willing to relinquish his lands and goods to his creditors, to embark, as is the practice in the States Dominions; 7thly, those English who are in debt to have liberty to discharge by discount so much as they have good debts there, whereof the English and Dutch Commissioners jointly to judge; 8thly, that the English may discharge their debts by delivering lands, houses, and goods equivalent to their creditors, to be judged by an English and Dutch planter nominated by the parties; 9thly, if the sworn Appraisers cannot agree to be referred to the Commissioners on both sides; 10thly, if neither Appraisers nor Commissioners agree, the whole matter to be referred and decided in Europe, and meantime the debtor to have liberty to remove himself, family, and overplus of estate under certain specified conditions; 11thly, no duty or payment of any kind to be demanded of the English embarking; 12thly, no person to be hindered from removing by the Governor or any other under severe penalties; 13thly, the English who remove to have liberty to sell any of their goods and estates, and to appoint attornies to manage or sell estates left behind, and to recover their debts; 14thly, that reparation be made to the English for all the wrongs they have suffered since the surrender of Surinam to the Dutch, and particularly those whose cattle or goods have been taken by the Governor's warrant during the late war, for which satisfaction was promised and credit given in the Governor's books; 15thly, the Commissioners and ships to stay there at least two months, with direction to the Governor to prolong that time if not then dispatched, and that they may depart when they see occasion; 16thly, these instructions to be published at Paramaribo and Toorarica within three days after delivery to the Governor or his Deputy; and 17thly, authentic duplicates of these orders; and lastly that the States appoint Commissioners to treat upon the place with his Majesty's Commissioners and compose differences. Signed by Lords Culpeper and Gorges, Sir Jos. Williamson, Edm. Waller, and four others. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 67; also Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXVIII., 59–63.]
Oct. 27.
Villiers House.
1368. Address of the Council for Plantations to the King. His Majesty having appointed Commissioners for the removal of his subjects from Surinam according to the 5th Article of the late Treaty, their Lordships offer their opinion and humble advice :—That one 4th-rate frigate and two great fly boats be forthwith provided for that service, there being about 300 English there with 1,100 or 1,200 slaves, besides household stuff, &c., and that they be ready to sail as soon as may be after his Majesty shall have received from the States General the necessary Commissions and Orders to their Governor and other officers in Surinam. And that his Majesty's charge and trouble may not be rendered fruitless by artifices and obstacles on purpose contrived, further advise that his Majesty's ministers in Holland be instructed to procure the following particulars. Here follow the 17 articles abstracted in the preceding. With Mem. This advice, with a copy of Major Banister's protest, đđ to Sir Joseph Williamson, 30th of October 1674. [Col. Entry Bk., No. LXXVII., 67–70.]
Oct. 27. 1369. Copies of preceding address and articles, in French. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 68, 68. I.]
Oct. 27.
Villiers House.
1370. The Council for Foreign Plantations "to Major Banister, in Jamaica." [In Locke's hand.] Are assured that the original articles made between Col. Byam and Abraham Crynsens about Surinam, and those between himself and Crynsens are in his hands. Would have him send them by the first opportunity, with an account what number of English removed with him from Surinam, how many slaves they brought away, and in what part of his Majesty's dominions they disposed of themselves and their stocks. Mem. This letter was đđ on the Exchange, to Mr. Hen. Rumball, 2nd Nov., who promised to đđ it to Capt. Lowther, of the Swiftsure, now going over with Lord Vaughan. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. LXXVII., 66.]
Oct. 28. 1371. Minutes of the Council for Plantations. On reading the particulars of their advice concerning Surinam [see ante, No. 1367]. That Arts. 6, 10, and 14 are very convenient if they can be got; that in Art. 5 the precise number of ten days is not absolutely necessary to be insisted on, but a convenient number, and as few as may be, that the two months mentioned in Art. 15 are absolutely necessary, but the power to the Governor to enlarge the time, only convenient if it can be got; and that the other articles are absolutely necessary. And they were of opinion that his Majesty's minister in Holland should have instructions to act accordingly. 1 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXI., No. 69.]