East Indies: September 1624, 22-30

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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'East Indies: September 1624, 22-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp410-416 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: September 1624, 22-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp410-416.

"East Indies: September 1624, 22-30". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1878), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp410-416.

Sep 1624, 22-30

Sept. 22.—The Swallow ready to depart. All the wages of the Whale's men to be paid, save only for the third voyage from Surat to Persia and back again, according to Sir Henry Marten's judgment. The whole remain of silk sold to Alderman Cambell and partners at 26s. per lb. at 4 and 6 months, and to rebate at eight per 100. Halsey to receive 150l. of the wages of his brother deceased at Ahmedabad. Roberts, late master of the Little James, to receive the remainder of his wages. Report of Mr. Munnes that he had attended Mr. Sec. Conway concerning a letter to be procured from his Majesty to the States and Prince of Orange requiring their letters into the Indies to prevent any further effusion of blood or other disaster that may happen between both nations in those parts, and also to provide for the safety of this Company's goods, and that it shall be lawful to remove thence and to plant elsewhere, according to agreement in the last treaty, whereto Mr. Secretary showed much readiness, "not doubting but he should suddenly effect the same to the good content of the Company, being well satisfied of his Majesty's resolution concerning forts and other things by that declaration which he made concerning the same at the departure of the Dutch Commissioners." Mr. Secretary further promised copies of such despatches as shall be sent from him to the Dutch; he also gave some touch as if he thought the Company did a little suspect him, but they should find he would declare himself for the good of the Company, and would never give way that the Dutch should overtop this Company, adding that the Dutch have questioned three of the Bewinthebbers for their miscarriage of the Company's affairs. Report of Mr. Governor that himself and committee had attended at the Council Chamber, as had been appointed, but none sat save the Lord President and Sir Henry Marten, and that the Governor is of opinion that the Lords of the Council will not meet again till his Majesty comes to Hampton Court. It was thought fit that the Lord President be attended to understand what time the Company shall attend the Lords Commissioners at Hampton Court, and to intreat his Lordship to be a means that, according to the King's pleasure, Sir Henry Marten and the two Chief Justices be inserted in the commission. The consideration of buying powder referred to the committees for that service. 30 fodder of lead, 5 tons of Spanish iron, and 5 tons of English iron to be provided to be sent by the London. The King of Denmark having obtained from the State that Mr. Pett may build him a ship here, desires the Company would lend him their dock at Deptford; to which the Court readily condescended. Request of Mr. Welden, late the Company's servant in the isles of Banda, to be heard in reference to the powder he was said to have wasted and some "round matters" which he charges upon the Dutch for the benefit of the Company, all which he had delivered in writing at a former Court, referred. Ephraim Ramsey, one of those that had been tortured at Amboyna, to receive 10l. as a free gift of the Company. Concerning the buying cider, the dyeing and dressing of cloths, and an offer of Mr. Strowd for 30,000 pieces of calicoes, to include "nicanees" (being striped stuffs made of cotton wool).
Sept. 24–25.—Ordered that Richard Willis, late secretary to the Lord Treasurer, may take out his eight half-capitals in goods, notwithstanding he has formerly taken out 28l. in carpets. Lanman's charges against Ball read; some were disliked and ordered to be left out, the rest to be given in writing to Ball, and his answer required thereto. Inconveniencies having ensued since the fees of transports [transfers of adventures] have been suspended, which would be prevented if re-established, ordered that the fee of 5s. formerly allowed upon the transport of every 100l. be reduced to 2s. 6d., and be thus distributed, viz., 1s. 6d. between Messrs. Lanman and Ellam, 6d. to Mr. Secretary, and to. Jeremy Sambrooke the other [6d.], which will encourage them to keep men's accounts carefully. Ordered that Mr. Bacon attend Sir Thos. Smythe with the declaration of the Company's readiness to attend the Commissioners of the Navy about the Lady Dale's business. The bonds of arbitration to be renewed concerning Capt. Greene and Cartwright. Capt. Welden's relation read, wherein he labours to justify himself concerning the objections against him, and by way of recrimination accuses Moore, Cartwright, and others that had given information against him, saying that Moore by negligence had lost a bag of 400 ryals, which was stolen out of his counting-house, and that Cartwright played away all he could finger, both of the Company and his own. The Court "took knowledge" that divers complaints and objections are made in court and information sent home against men which are presently forgotten, and ordered that for the future a black book be kept to record the errors of the Company's servants. Then Welden was called in, and after being questioned was willed to withdraw; the minutes of 11 Aug. last are then read, and after discussion the resolution of the Court, that they rest unsatisfied in anything alleged for his justification, is declared to Welden by the Governor. The quantity of cider in the Company's storehouses, viz., 423 butts and 5 hogsheads, thought too small to furnish out the Christmas fleet; ordered that 200 butts more be bought, as also 500 oxen and 1,500 hogs. Survey of stores at Plymouth in the custody of James Bagg, delivered by John Young. Ordered that Mr. Ellam, both in the letters to Jacatra and Surat, shall give advice to forbear all reprisals, "but to right wrongs received or against the Portugals." Letter delivered by Michael Yonge, boatswain of the Dolphin, from Mr. Rastell, President at Surat, desiring that said Yonge may receive the wages of two servants run away to the Portugals; but the Court would by no means give way thereto, lest it should encourage others to do the like. Money collected for poundage by Thos. Pory, purser of the Dolphin, more than his due, to be put into the poor box. [Sixteen pages. Court Minute Book, VII., 120–125, 130–141.]
Sept. 25. 617. Morris Abbott, Governor, the Deputy Governor and six Committees of the East India Company, to Carleton. The pieces received from his kinsman (nephew) are all most effectually con trived, but especially the last remonstrance to the States, which favours are so abundantly conferred and so constantly continued that they are every day more and more obliged, and will endeavour to express their best thankfulness. Send maps of the Moluccas, Banda, and Amboyna; also of the Straits of Sunda. Of the latter map Carleton will have occasion to make use. Have desired a letter mandatory from the States General and the Prince of Orange into the Indies, for the security of their servants and estates, until these misunderstandings may receive accommodation; but concerning this he will receive a speedy despatch from Sec. Conway. Have received no letters from him since the 10th, but understand the business sleeps not, for Sir Noel Caron told the Lord Grace of Canterbury and others, "that the States do exceedingly distaste the bloody proceedings at Amboyna, and do not only acknowledge that our people died innocent, but declared that Speult and three or four more of the chief shall suffer for it, as well they have deserved; and further, that old Boreel and his son, as persons ill affected, shall not any longer meddle with the East India business." Notwithstanding the commission proceeds, the Lords have met twice, and their third meeting is at Hampton Court on the 27th instant. The original in the Holland Corresp. is endorsed, "Recd. 12th Oct." [One page and a half. East Indies, Vol. III., No. 46.]
Sept. 25.
618. Dudley Carleton to (his uncle) Sir Dudley Carleton. The East India Company either dissemble or think themselves very much bound to (Sir Dudley) for his great care and industry in their business; but some of the indiscreeter sort have not so well appre hended the reasons whereupon he framed and presented those articles to the States, and they have used such absurd language before some of the Council as hath caused their Lordships to put them in mind of their want of good manners. They have a great desire to know what will be done upon the arrival of Mareschalk in Zealand, and nothing can satisfy them but the States must hang him up. The Lords meet expressly at Hampton Court, to take a resolution; but thinks nothing will satisfy these merchants, because they are set upon it not to continue the trade, and the King seeks to hold them to it. [Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 26. 619. Minutes of a Court of Committees to hear petitions [see p. 483]. Woodall to be warned to Court to clear doubts about employing unskilful surgeons. Resolved that all that come home without leave, or that run away, shall not only forfeit their wages but be liable to pay for their passage and victuals homewards. [Three pages and a quarter. Court Minute Book, VII., 125–128.]
Sept. 27.
Hampton Court.
620. Order of the Privy Council on the complaint of the East India Company concerning the execution of his Majesty's subjects in Amboyna. All the proceedings, on his Majesty's demand of reparation, having been maturely considered by the Committee especially appointed by his Majesty for the examination of that cause, who, having weighed the unheard-of cruelties and tortures exercised upon his Majesty's subjects, the improbability and almost impossibility of the attempt imputed, the contempt of treaties, and the cautelous and malicious proceedings in the torture, as appears by the evidence of the fact, and the relation of those that had commanded at Amboyna themselves, all justified by six witnesses from those parts, their Lordships, having considered with how much patience his Majesty waited until August 12th last, that there has not followed any effectual reparation, that the letters of the States, though signifying a good intention of justice, have not produced any other effect than offers which induce delays his Majesty's honour and justice may not brook, considering the great terror of the said execution and violent proceedings by which his Majesty's subjects are forced to refrain their trade, except they may find the sensible effects of his protection, have advised his Majesty that letters should be written to the High Admiral of England, authorizing and requiring him presently to put in readiness so many of his Majesty's ships as shall be requisite to seize so many of the ships and goods of the Dutch East India Company as they shall find either outward or homeward bound. And if said ships quietly submit, then to take care for the preservation of the same, and fair usage of the men until his Majesty and his subjects receive satisfaction for said outrage, and the Dutch Company consent to so fair an interpretation and execution of the treaties, as his Majesty's subjects may trade in those parts, with equity and safety. And his Majesty's pleasure is hereby declared accordingly, and letters ordered to be written to the Lord High Admiral of England to the effect aforesaid. Two copies, French and English. There are also copies in French and English in the Holland Corresp. [Two pages. East Indies, Vol. III., Nos. 47, 48.]
Sept. 27. 621. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Some dozen mariners of the Whale having appeared before Sir Henry Marten, he desires to know what ports the ship made before her casting away, and what is the law or custom of merchants in that case. Letter read from Lord Annand signifying the King's pleasure that the Chief Justices and the Judge of the Admiralty should be commissioners for examining the late injuries done by the Dutch. On consideration how much it concerns the Company's affairs in the Indies that the Swallow be forthwith dispeeded away, Messrs. Kirby and Martin are entreated to take especial care therein. Offer of Burlamache and partners to take the remain of the Company's silk, not accepted. [One page and a half. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 129–130.]
Sept. 28.
622. John Winge to Carleton. In answer to his letter of the 17th, the author of the Dutch declaration is utterly unknown to him, and so is the placard, it having never been published, nor spoken of in these parts. Confesses to having translated it into English, being entreated by one of the Dutch preachers of the town to do his best therein. His excuses for doing this. "If it be not the substantial truth I desire the God of truth, to reveal it plainly and revenge it fully, upon such as should dare to invent such infernal falsehood there and vent it here, to the patronage of a fact so foul, hideous, and execrable, for barbarous cruelty and bloody inhumanity, as hath been unheard of under heaven, and may be a prescription to the most savage pagans, to teach them a higher strain of tyranny and treachery, than (till now) they have ever learnt one of another, or of the Devil their father." It adds much to his former distresses and turns them into despairs, that in hoping to be serviceable to his country he should be hurtful to the same. As God is his protector and a good conscience his buckler he comfortably calls his Majesty to witness that ignorance and simplicity are his only errors. Yea, so far was he, from fear of falsehood, that he willingly sent divers copies for England for the Company. Beseeches him to take this his unwise carriage in the best construction, for he can say for himself what God said for Abimeleck, "I know thou didst this in the integrity of thine heart." Understands that the Commissioners at Middelburg are in great consultation to give speedy satisfaction. [One page and a quarter. Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 29. 623. Court Minutes of the East India Company. That Mrs. Jackson may make use of the books concerning her deceased brother Cokayne's estate at her pleasure. Mr. Deputy acquainted the Court that himself and others had attended the Lords concerning business of Persia, where Steele had laboured to maintain that the trade there had been originally procured by Sir Robert Sherley, who procured from that King three several phirmaunds for free trade for the English but Mr. Deputy not only cleared the Company from any such obligation, but made it appear that Steele was a very unfit man to be used in that business. That Mr. Deputy asked the Lord President whether the Company might not print the declaration of the proceedings at Amboyna as it is truly set down by the English, whereto he gave neither approbation nor prohibition; it was therethought fit to use some means for the printing of it both in Dutch and English, that the truth may appear and that those innocent souls that have without either mercy or justice suffered in their persons, may not suffer a second time in their reputations. Mr. Governor reported that himself and others had on Monday last attended the Lords Commissioners at Hampton Court concerning the business of Amboyna, where the Lords showed themselves zealously affected to do the Company right with a general detestation and abhorring of that cruel murder, committed upon our men but withall by no means would have the two Companies disunited, or the treaty made void, but to be new moulded in such sort as it may not be left to the dangerous interpretation of the Dutch, and albeit it was hard pressed by Mr. Governor and the rest that there is no possibility of good accord between both nations in the Indies yet the Lords would hear of no utter falling off, but were exceeding forward that the English Company shall be repaired and the offenders punished, especially that the King's honour be upheld, which cannot be without a just satisfaction for the violences upon the lives and goods upon his subjects. And having willed the Company to withdraw their Lordships consulted awhile and then attended, his Majesty, and afterwards the Lord President signified to the Company that his Majesty is resolved to right the Company really, and for that end hath given direction to the Lord Admiral to stay any ships of the Dutch East India Company, either outward or homeward bound, until full reparation be had of all injuries according to justice. Afterwards Mr. Governor and the rest were called in to his Majesty, who in his own person made declaration of what had formerly been delivered, affirming "that then only it will be a fit time to treat with the Dutch, when by the stay of their ships, the business shall move to a treaty of their parts." Mr. Bell affirmed that he had on behalf of the Company moved the Clerk of the Council that some act of Council might be entered on this business, but could not obtain it. Upon a motion which was made to the Lord President for leave to acquaint the generality with his Majesty's royal purpose thus to right the Company there grew much dispute, which was referred to another Court. [Two pages and a half. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 142–144.]
Sept. 29.
The Hague.
624. [Carleton] to Edward Misselden. Touching the business of the East India Company, the 17 Bewinthebbers are now at Middelburg, consulting upon the definitive answer the States have summoned them to make to Carleton's complaints. Cannot write what it will be upon any certainty, but by the time Misselden arrives in England believes he will meet with all they have to say. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 30.
625. Dudley Carleton to Sir Dudley Carleton. By Sec. Conway's next despatch he will understand the King's resolution to silence him in the point of the East Indies, and without using more words to set forth his ships royal to take as many of the Holland East India Company's ships as they can, until satisfaction be fully made. This being the resolution taken at Hampton Court. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
(Sept.) 626. Sir Robert Sherley to Sec. "Connava." Cannot but wonder that his business, being none of the least, should so much suffer neglect. Is expecting either a despatch of his business or an answer to his master. Has been this day with the Lord Chancellor and Lord Grandison, who expect from his honor answer for what they have sent. "The business probable in their opinions." Endorsed, "Sept. 1624." [One page. East Indies, Vol. III., No. 49.]
Sept. 627. Affidavits of Edward Collins, aged 25, a factor at Lareca, and of John Beaumont, aged 48, chief factor at Looho, factories under Amboyna, before Sir Henry Marten, Judge of the Admiralty. That Emanuel Thompson, second factor at Amboyna (one of those tortured and beheaded by the Flemings in 1622/3), at the time of his death had divers hogs, hens, a pretty library of books, and much good apparel, bedding, and other things, to the value of at least 250l., all of which were lost by his death. Certified copies. Apparently imperfect. Endorsed, "Affidavits of Henry Billingsley, &c. in the business of Amboyna." [Two pages. Holland Corresp.]