East Indies: December 1624, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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'East Indies: December 1624, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp457-465 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: December 1624, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp457-465.

"East Indies: December 1624, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1878), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp457-465.

Dec 1624, 1-10

Dec. 1. 698. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Resolved, after discussion, not to "imprest" (advance) above 1,000 marks upon Sir Thos. Roe's ruby. Capt. Blythe entertained to go admiral in the next fleet for Surat at 20l. per month; 100 marks to set him to sea, and half wages until he falls past Gravesend, and to be bound from private trade. Bond to be entered in the Admiralty to prosecute Capt. Greene. Concerning Serjeant Frend, who had petitioned his Majesty; the secretary to attend Sir John Coke, Master of Requests, and acquaint him that this [Mrs. Salmon's] business had been referred to arbitrators and then to a committee of the Upper House of Parliament, and that the Company would do as their Lordships directed. Consideration again taken whether to desert the Persian trade or go on with it; 200 or 300 cloths to be sent there in the next ships. The Company goes not now into Persia upon a discovery but upon a certain trade, and have not only Ormuz but Kisme and other ports "to friend," and that that trade is the most ancient in Christendom; in the end it was agreed to proceed for the present with all moderation, and for the future to be guided by this year's returns. The wages of Capt. Towerson, murdered by the Dutch in the Indies, to be paid. The Company's petition for leave to work out their saltpetre, fetched from beyond the seas, into powder; it was answered they might put off their saltpetre to Mr. Evelyn, and Burlamachi would serve them with powder. Request of Capt. Fowkes for something towards his setting forth, and to be authorised to punish such as shall offend under his command. Mr. Wills entertained master of the Lion at 8l. per month, the Court being well possessed of his sufficiency and honesty, out of their former experience. Discussion with Capt. Gerard Fowkes about his entertainment; out of their love and good opinion the Company bestowed on him some plate of the value of 10l., and said that howsoever they entertained men in the quality of soldiers, yet it was not their meaning that they should be exempt from other fitting labour, and that in fair weather he should instruct and train all the men aboard, as well mariners as soldiers, to the use of their arms. Mr. Philip Hill accepted 50s. per month to serve as "ancient" in the Indies. Thomas Thornborough chosen purser in the London; Robert Bloys purser's mate, Thomas Grove steward, and Stephen Jumper his mate. For the Palsgrave: Ralph Cartwright purser, and Adrian Montgomery his mate, Robert Goswell steward, and Francis Lloyd his mate. For the Lion: Malachi Martyn purser, and Thomas Joyce his mate, Stephen Miller steward. For the Pinnace: Edmond Bayneham purser, and Nicholas Woolley his mate, Robert Jones steward, and John Gunne his mate. Philip Garland, recommended by Lord Windsor and Sir William Windsor, entertained for a surgeon at 3l. per month. [Six pages. Court Minute Book, VII., 221–227.]
Dec. 2/12. 699. The States General to King James I. This is an English translation of the enclosure to Carleton's despatch of 29 Nov., (No. 695 I.) with the additional clause:—That as they will enjoin the Governor General of the Indies, secretly and speedily, to inform himself of all the passages of this action, and to send them over the original pieces of it; so they leave it to his Majesty to appoint, if he think fit, some of his subjects to assist him in this action and the search thereof. Dated The Hague, Dec. 2/12 1624. [Three pages. Holland Corresp.]
Dec. 3. 700. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that the bill of complaint exhibited by John Lamprey against the Company in the Court of Requests be answered. Concerning the business between the Company and Mrs. Salmon, wife of Capt. Bonner, which comes referred from his Majesty to certain persons, but which had been heard by a committee of the Upper House. Thomas Johnson, who had refused to go purser's mate in the London, did at this Court recant his error, but was told it was too late. Thomas Harris entertained factor at 60l., rising 10l. for six years, and Thomas Offley at 50l., rising 10l. for seven years. Messrs. Hatch and Friday, preachers, to be at the Court on Wednesday next. Request of Mr. Woodcock, who brought Mr. Wills to give satisfaction concerning his behaviour at Ormuz, for his wages; but the Court conceived him nothing justified by what Mr. Wills spoke. Petition of Sherrock, Ramsey, and the rest from Amboyna who had been examined upon the late murder of the English there, and stayed from present employment to testify therein as there shall be cause, for maintenance; to be read at the next Court.
Minutes of a Court mixed of committees and of the generality, wholly for consideration of the cases of those in arrear of their payments of adventures, which arrears, Mr. Stone affirmed amounted in November to 80,000l. The matter being fully argued, and no possible means appearing how to settle it otherwise than it is, but by apparent wrong to the Company, it was agreed in the end and ordered not to end this business of delinquents now, but to put it off until some good returns, when there will be means to deal better with them than now the committees can. Motion of Mr. Welden to receive back the 50l. he had paid in towards 400l. adventure in the second joint stock, because his whole wages are swept away; but the Court gave no ear to the motion. That 1,000 loads of timber are wanted in the yard. Motion to build another ship to go to Surat, but the Court being thin, that business was put off. [Seven pages and a half. Court Minute Book, VII., 227–234.]
Dec. 3.
701. Sec. Conway to Buckingham. Sends letter from Sir Dudley Carleton [see ante, No. 678], from which it will appear that there is some assurance of due satisfaction from the States on the business of Amboyna. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXVI., No. 12, Cal., p. 400.]
Dec. 5.
702. Sec. Conway to Sir Thos. Smythe. Recommends to him the furtherance of the trade for Persian silks propounded by Sir Robt. Sherley. [Domestic, Jac. I., Conway's Letter Bk., p. 176, Cal., p. 402.]
Dec. 5. 703. A list of all the factors and assistants in the Indies under the command of the President at Batavia, and where employed. Wrongly dated and placed in 1623, where it is calendared. See ante, No. 352. [O.C., Vol. X., No. 1124.]
Dec. 6. 704. Sec. Conway to Carleton. His of the 15th of last month [see ante, No. 678] arrived very seasonably, "the King, Prince, and Duke of Buckingham being at the utmost period of despair of receiving any just satisfaction in the business of Amboyna, and being in consultation for setting forth a royal force and power to take that by strong hand, which they saw no hope to obtain by a fair mediation, now worn out of breath by the dilatory proceedings of the State," yet did graciously make a suspense on receipt of his letters, and rely upon his judgment for a speedy answer, which with much earnestness is now daily expected. [Holland Corresp.]
Dec. 6. 705. Sec. Conway to Sir Thos. Coventry, Attorney General. His Majesty is pleased that he prepare a commission to the East India Company to build forts in the Indies in as large and ample manner as by the treaties with the Dutch may be warranted. The treaties will be brought by the merchants, who desire expedition. A minute of this letter erroneously addressed to Attorney General Heath is in Conway's Letter Book, p. 177. Domestic, Jas. I., Cal., p. 402. [Half a page. East Indies, Vol. III., No. 53]
Dec. 6. 706. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report of Mr. Deputy that he and others had attended Sec. Conway this morning, who declared that the King, graciously tendering the prosperity of this Company, was pleased, for the better accomplishment of the intended design upon the Dutch East India Company, to enlarge his sea forces by addition of merchants' ships and Newcastle ships to the ships royal now at sea, "which might be able to attempt, second, and make good the action if any resistance should happen," and for further confirmation of his Majesty's resolution therein he declared that the King had given intimation of this preparation and the reason thereof to the King of Spain and other foreign States, that they may not apprehend it to be intended against them, and that therefore the King's honour was every way engaged by force to take reparation of the insolencies of the Dutch at Amboyna, if otherwise it were not forthwith given. Mr. Secretary therefore advised that the King's purpose to protect the Company and the Duke's care therein be represented to the generality, and that something by way of petition or remonstrance to the King be conceived, and to contain an expression of thankfulness for his Majesty's care and support, and a request for a continuance of his protection and intentions to right them. In all which proceedings the King's purpose was not to draw the Company into any charge or to require anything by way of contribution from them. Report of Mr. Governor that the King having duly considered the overtures made by Sir Robert Sherley concerning the Persian trade and the important consequences depending thereupon, and having with the advice of the Lords of the Council weighed the several answers given by the merchants of London to those propositions, he was now resolved, with the assistance of his nobility and such others as would join with him, to pursue that trade his own way, hoping to bring the whole trade of the Persian silk upon freight hither into England by contract between the two Kings; and Mr. Secretary wished them to take knowledge of the King's purposes that hereafter they might not say they were surprised; to which they made answer that the Company had not deserted the trade, and related what had been done last year and was intended to be done this year; but Mr. Secretary seemed unwilling to argue in answer to their objections, and said he had no commission from the King to treat with the Company in this particular, but if they had anything to propound concerning the same they might repair to Sir John Coke, who had commission from the King for that business. Mr. Secretary then called for a letter from Sir Dudley Carleton of Nov. 15, wherein was certified that the Bewinthebbers had debated the business a week at the Hague, and that the States will not accept of any justification from them, but will make an act intimating their resolution to give the King satisfaction; but he observed that these were but words, and said that the King would fetch satisfaction whether they would give it or not. Mr. Secretary also promised to send a warrant to Mr. Attorney forthwith, to dispatch the warrant for fortification. After much discussion, and in consideration of the Portugal's strength "sent lately with commission to take revenge," it was ordered that the Dolphin, of 500 tons, be got ready with all expedition that she may go a fourth ship for Surat. In consequence of the Company's petition to the Council of War, orders have been given to draw a warrant for the Company to receive powder out of the Tower at 10d. per lb. That as a fourth ship is ordered for Surat, in addition to the intended stock of 35 chests of coral, 3,000 weight of quick silver, 2,000 or 3,000 weight of elephants' teeth, 40 or 50 pieces of satin, and 200 cloths, there be sent out 10,000l. in money. [Four pages and a half. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 235–239.]
Dec. 7.
The Hague.
707. Carleton to the Prince of Orange. Has just replied in writing to the States General, touching the business of the East Indies, showing how with the preservation of the treaty the three points desired by the English merchants can be accorded, and unless the English have satisfaction in clear terms touching these three points, he sees no means of getting out of this sea of troubles, red with English blood, and tossed by winds, fears, and jealousies. Also, unless his Excellency at this juncture takes the helm himself, he fears that, notwithstanding the good will of the States and of the chief men near the King to accommodate differences, that they will make "naufragium in portu." Entreats his Excellency to give the finishing stroke to this business, the benefit of which this State will feel, not only in trade but in other ways, which requires a warmer and more vigorous affection than these cursed mercantile distractions will suffer. His Excellency, according to the final resolution that he procures from the States, will answer the Duke of Buckingham's letter, for without his Excellency's endeavours Carleton fears it will fail, and accompany the letter from the States to the Indies with his own, as the English merchants desire who are in want of every thing that can give them the heart to continue their traffic together. French. [One page. Holland Corresp.]
Dec. 8–10. 708. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that Mr. Woodall provides a surgeon's chest for the Dolphin, and being a good sum of money out of purse by providing former surgeon's chests, he is to have 100l. imprest on account. Mr. Turvill to be dealt with privately for good ordnance which is higher rated than formerly. An able proctor to be entertained to prosecute Woodcock and Capt. Greene effectually in the Admiralty. John Powle, William Webber, Ephraim Ramsey, and George Sharrock, who are attending here for such use as may be made of their testimony in the business of Amboyna, to be employed and allowed 10s. per week from 18 Sept. last. Concerning the question between Capts. Welden and Powell about goods taken from Powell on consideration of Capt. Welden's suit about his adventure in the second joint stock; "the Court would not meddle in any such manner until the case of delinquents be settled." Sir John Coke to be attended for his further satisfaction concerning Bonner's estate, and to be let know that the Persian trade cannot be forced nor this Company led in the course of this trade otherwise than by their own experience. Desire of the Treasurers that the Court would take knowledge of the state of the Company's cash, and consider the charges and expenses they had to provide for. A statement in detail follows, and the Treasurers pray "that entry be made thereof in the record of this Court." They set forth that four ships are already prepared, and that a fifth is agreed upon to be made ready, that merchandise is to be provided for them, ryals to be sent in them, bills of exchange paid, the monthly interest for money taken up, the Governor and committees to be gratified, wages and Christmas remembrances, custom for silk and other goods, the last dividend not yet fully paid, and the warehouses empty of ready money commodities. Some expectation there is of money to come in, as the returns from Holland, also that God may be pleased to send more ships, but which will draw more charge. Mr. Lanman doubted not but there will appear stock to a better proportion than is conceived; and it was also remembered that there is paid since Midsummer of the Company's debt 70,000l., though in November and this month 15,000l. is taken up at interest. The Court, howsoever, did not conceive that when the accounts are cast up there will appear any great defect in their stock, yet they took the motion in good part. In the end it was held fit that moneys be called in from debtors, and the adventurers called upon for "our Lady's payment." Offer of Mr. Popillion (sic) of a "cup of crystal covered, set with rubies, emeralds, and other stones," either to buy it at 800l. with interest for a year, or to send it to the Indies on his own adventure; answer deferred. Charges of Mr. Williamson, proctor in the Admiralty, for fees, &c. Complaint of Capt. Browne that the London will be over deep laden, and will draw 21 feet of water abaft; ordered that he have the same proportion of plate for his cabin as his brother had. Mr. Friday, a preacher, who "came home with good reputation, only some small touch of private trade," which he promised to forbear and hinder in others, entertained at 100 marks per annum, instead of 50l.
Dec. 10.—Concerning the estate of [Rich.] Fursland, late the Company's President in the Indies, amounting to 1,100l. or 1,200l., which Hale, executor with the mother and four sisters of the deceased, desire an end to be made with: the Court remembering that none in eminent place come home but bring an estate with them, and that he had been a very good and useful servant at small wages, viz., 150l., considering the place he bore, agreed to gratify him with 100l., which might make up so much of his estate as had been deducted for private trade. Report of Mr. Governor that "a friend of good quality" had spoken to him concerning the Persian trade and the erecting a new Company for their trade, and of an intention of the State to send two of the King's ships, &c; committee to attend Sir John Coke, "who is the man principally used in the business," thereon. Offer of the Company to pay 312l., the very uttermost that can by any colour of right be claimed out of the estate of Turberville, late the Company's servant, deceased in the Indies, accepted by Sir John Strading. Concerning the jewelled cup belonging to Mr. Papillion; Mr. Kerridge of opinion that the Mogul would be much delighted with it; after debate, it was bought for 800l., and Mr. Papillion offered 30l. to 10l. that it would be sold in the Indies for double the money. Request of Henry Knolles, an adventurer and "the Prince's servant of the spicery," to take out four bags of pepper for the Prince's house, granted. Mr. Wills master of the Dolphin, appointed vice-admiral. The Palsgrave to be launched, the Elizabeth brought into dock, and the London carried down to Tilbury. Request of Sir Henry Roe that the Company, who had agreed "to bear the adventure" by sea to the value of 1,000 marks upon Sir Thos. Roe's jewell, would also do so by land from Surat to Agra, refused. Consideration of the business principally to be handled at the General Court in the afternoon, viz., the resolution of his Majesty to raise a sufficient power by sea to chastize those Dutch that have dishonoured his Majesty and murdered his people in the Indies, and the Duke's favours, for which it will be fit to give thanks; that by this encouragement the Company is resolved to set out a fourth ship; and what has been done concerning delinquents. Ordered that the estate of Robert Bradstreet, the Company's servant deceased in the Indies, be paid to the parties interested. Bargain with Mr. Turvill to deliver 30 culverins and demi-culverins at 13l. per ton by 30 June next. Concerning the petition to his Majesty about Bonner's estate.
Dec. 10.—Minutes of a General Court. Those absent to be fined 12d. per piece. Mr. Governor told the Company that the book read at the last Court concerning the cruelties of the Dutch at Amboyna is now published and dispersed into all parts of England, and also published in Dutch in the Netherlands. That his Majesty's Ambassador with the States hath, like a worthy servant to his Majesty and a noble patriot to his country, pressed for justice and satisfaction, but the Dutch are as cold now as in the beginning. That the committees have solicited his Majesty with all diligence at Whitehall, at Theobalds, at New market, at Woodstock, at Hampton Court, &c. That the Lords, by the King's commands, have heard the business and joined in a letter to the Duke for a preparation by sea to right the Company. That the Lord President took particular information from those six returned who had been tortured, and all these found plainly that it was an intended practice to root the English out of the Indies, whereof his Majesty being satisfied, order was forthwith given for stay of the Netherlands' ships bound to or from the East Indies. That after this order one of his Majesty's ships employed on the Narrow Seas was lost and another employed into other parts, whereupon a committee attended his Majesty and the Lord Admiral, to the end that through want of force upon the Narrow Seas the service might not be unperformed. That the Company find Mr. Secretary very noble, who acquaints them with all that passeth with the Lord Ambassador and the States, and that the Ambassador shows no less care. That they find in Sir Dudley Carleton's letters hope of a good and present settling of the business, both in point of right and restitution, and that the resolution of the State is that if the present force upon the Narrow Seas be too weak, he will arm more. Mr. Deputy added that the substance of all tends to this: the good conceipt his Majesty hath of this trade, having expressed himself thus far that he holds it not only a benefit but an honour to the land, and has always said he will protect the Company. Mr. Governor then told the Court that having received so gracious a declaration of his Majesty's real intention to right the Company, it was thought fit, and so advised by Mr. Secretary, that the generality "should represent unto his Maj. their thankfulness for this his intended favour." Opinion of "a worthy member of the Comp." thereon; that if the Company here fall upon the Dutch by way of depredation in the Narrow Seas they will do the like in the Indies, and make havoc of all; notwithstanding, he agreed that the wrong is such as not to be sampled in any age, and therefore if right may be had without the "justling" of both States, it is well to be warranted. Mr. Governor's reply; that the Company had well observed those rules that might conduce to a real satisfaction, and yet without the least touch to the general amity of both States; that if the Dutch allege the parties are in the Indies, we answer, Mareschalk, "a principal man in the sentencing our people to be butchered as they were," is come home, why is not he delivered into the hands of justice ? Mareschalk was required by the States, they deliver him not, nay, which is worse, they use this bloody guilty wretch for defence of their foul murder—this is why his Majesty, with advice of the Lords, hath given order for stay of the Company's ships. But since his Majesty required reparation, August is past, September, October, November, and part of December, still they do nothing, whereby appears that the States have no such command of their subjects as to force them suddenly. Further arguments. "Therefore to be doubted they will not yield except a greater force command them," and suppose the Dutch ships be stayed, it is for no other end than that by this means they be forced to do us right, which by way of treaty they will never. Mr. Governor had had good experience of "their treating," and found nothing but tricks to delude; and in the last treaty for damages to the value of 1,100,000l., the Company had restitution of 80,000l., and "if so great losses may be so easily compounded, what shall hinder the Dutch from persevering in their wronging us." Argument of one of the committees, that if the course now held do no good, the Company must acquaint a Parliament with it; it pleased the King to write that if reparation were not made by such a day he would then repair himself, and yet nothing is done; it is therefore to be believed his Majesty will do it, but yet so as to make no breach between that State and this "the world may see it is far from his thought," notwithstanding, if right be not had, this Company cannot follow the trade. Opinion of one of the Company who had lived 30 years in the Netherlands; that the State there is compounded of many parts, and that of the East Indies is a great one; the States cannot do as they would, lest it should stir a tumult, and therefore the fairest and safest way will be to take the Dutch Company's ships on the Narrow Seas; all the doubt is whether this may not bring a greater mischief upon the Company's people in the Indies. To which was answered that this, well followed, would let the Dutch know what to expect on like occasions, and that a great Lord had said, so often as the Dutch shall injure the Company, so often his Majesty will require reparation. Mr. Governor said, that "till the horrors of this act of Amboyna did publish the good nature of the Dutch, the Company was not believed, and now if the Company complain and seek ease, let no man find fault." The King's promise of reparation brings comfort to this sick trade, and therefore it is fit they present their humble thanks to his Majesty. Divers others argued this point, and it was agreed, no man contradicting it, that the King should receive thanks from the Company, but whether by word of mouth or writing, was left to the consideration of a court of com mittees. Mr. Towerson, whose brother had been butchered at Amboyna, gave great thanks to the Company for taking to heart the death of their innocent servants, and testified the extraordinary pains of the committees in following the business, not doubting that if the course projected be well followed, all will be helped; affirming further that he heard it spoken by some great persons near about his Majesty, that if this course help it not, they must right it with their bloods. Mr. Governor then told the Court that the state of the Company's affairs doth require that a payment be brought in "at our Lady;" upon which a discussion arose; that 70,000l. of the Company's debt is paid and that they are in expectation of three ships out of the Indies which would have been here before, but it seems they have had some conflict with the Portugals, in which the rumour is our ships have had assistance from the Dutch. Mr. Deputy said what was required was for the six ships lately gone and now to be sent out, which will be so chargeable that unless a payment be brought in so much must be taken up at interest. Consideration of a gratification to the committees. The Governor, Deputy, Treasurers, and Committees to have at the same rate as they last had, and 150l. to 200l. to be distributed to those committees whose pains and travail have been extraordinary for the Company's service. Mr. Deputy said that two of the committees of the Netherlands Company are dead, worth each 10 tons of gold. [See ante No. 678.] Suggestions concerning the business of Delinquents. [Nineteen pages. Court Minute Book, VII., 239–258.]