East Indies: July 1626

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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'East Indies: July 1626', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1884), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp217-228 [accessed 15 February 2025].

'East Indies: July 1626', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1884), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp217-228.

"East Indies: July 1626". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1884), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp217-228.

July 1626

July 4. 337. Minutes of a General Court of the East India Company. Appointed for election of Governor, Deputy, Treasurers, and Committees. Mr. Governor, observing so poor an assembly, took occasion to remember an Italian proverb intimating that it is by reason of the ill success which of late years the Company have had in their returns, it being the natural inclination of all men to follow the rising not the declining sun, nevertheless he wished them not to be discouraged, for he had yet good hope of a plentiful increase. The Acts of the last General Court being read, the first clause concerning the gratifications was confirmed. Mr. Governor next made known that the standing Committee and some of the generality had met two or three times and heard divers propositions for giving contentment to the Delinquents, and that of Mr. Scott was most approved of, viz., that those who have brought in but part of their adventure, and from whom no more payments can be expected, should stay to the last and receive out no dividend until those who have brought in their payments orderly shall have received out so much that the remainder of their adventure proportionately may equal that of those in arrear, and from that time all to divide alike; in which case the Delinquents are to have both brokes and interest remitted. But considering that the loss of interest will not much exceed 20,000l. in the 1,600,000l. stock, he was of opinion it were much better to carry a fluent and open hand towards them (many being in want and misery) than to press upon them in a strict manner; whereupon, after remark, by a general erection of hands, said proposition was ratified. Next followed the election of the Governor, whereupon, in an address from Mr. Governor to the generality, he made known to them his earnest and hearty desire that they would release him from that employment, which he did not for form and according to custom, but really from his heart, both in respect of his own particular and also in respect of the good which may redound to the Company. Mr. Governor having left the chair the Deputy Governor in a speech dwelt on the state of the Company's affairs, which he said do now as it were lie bleeding, and weighing the many good offices Mr. Governor is able to do the Company, he entreated them to join with him in his particular suit to the Governor to continue in his place. It was further intimated by one of the generality that if Mr. Governor should leave the Company, it would overthrow their whole affairs, for it would be imagined he gave it now over because he knows it is bad. The Court, notwithstanding further remarks from Mr. Governor, would in no sort incline to satisfy his request; whereupon Mr. Governor, upon withdrawing himslf as desired, said he had learnt as well to obey as to govern and being put in election with Alderman Cambell and Alderman Freeman, Sir Morris Abbott, Knt., was again most freely elected Governor for the year ensuing. Sheriff Clitherowe re-elected Deputy. Robert Bateman, Treasurer, then made known that his resolution was not to hold that place any longer, for (owing to the death of Mr. Stone) the whole burden would lie upon him that since taking this" employment he had been forced to give' over trading, which had tended much to his prejudice, nevertheless it was reported, which troubled him to hear, that Mr. Stone and Mr Harrison should get their estates by being Treasurers to the East" India Company, which cannot but reflect upon himself a matter very strange to his understanding to be imagined by any, when out of salary they pay 280l. yearly to three servants to assist them. Upon debate it was considered that the trade being declined and the stock at an end, one Treasurer would be sufficient, and by erection of hands Robert Bateman was again chosen Treasurer, who seemed much displeased that he had deserved so ill at the Company's hands as to be denied his request, but though against his will, was content to accept the place for this year only, Mr. Warner promising to continue to be assistant to him. A loss in one of the cashiers accounts of 52l. which Mr. Treasurer knew not how to rectify, was ordered to be put to the account of profit and loss. Election of Messrs. John Williams, Humphrey Smith, John Langham, Henry Andrewes, Simon Edmonds, and John Gayer, Committees, in the places of Fowkes and Cartwright, deceased, Alderman Venn chosen Sheriff of London, and Messrs. Crispe, Strode, and Browne. Names of the 24 committees elected for the ensuing year:—
Alderman Cambell Clement Harby.
Alderman Ducie. Job Harby.
[Nich.] Leatt. [John] Milward.
[Robt.] Bell. Mr. Mustard.
[Thos.] Styles. [Gyles] Martyn.
Henry Garway. [John] Cordell.
William Garway. [John Williams.
[Thos.] Mun. Humph. Smith.
[Jeff] Kirby. Henry Andrewes.
[Ant] Abdi. John Gayer.
[Edward] Warner. John Langham.
Mr. Spuratowe. Simon Edmonds.
July 7.—Court Minutes of the East India Company. An action to be entered against Thomas Reynolds who broke up the hold in the Expedition. The searchers and under officers at Gravesend to be gratified for dispatch of the last ships. Request of John Powell that Weldon's adventure might be transferred to him in regard of a debt that since Weldon's death he hath letters of administration granted by Sir Henry Marten; to encourage well-deserving men in their service the freedom of the Company was bestowed upon him gratis, and said adventure of 50l. transferred to him, provided he relinquished all claim to a pretended debt of Wm. Wilson, whereto he willingly consented. Information of Mr. Governor that the Persian Ambassador desires a further supply of money; debate whether it be fit to give way any further in this kind to him, for since their last accommodation Mr. Governor found him very inconstant in his resolutions; and that he desires before writing into Persia a sight of the Company's letters that he may frame his accordingly, and he would have the Company write what they think good and he will sign. Agreed that vernham, his interpreter, should tell the Ambassador as from himself to sell some of the silk for his present occasions, "which will be far more honourable than to borrow, that writing the letters was his own promise and they cannot expect less; but for the Company to direct the Ambassador what to write and to acquaint him with their letters, or to meddle with the silk or the merchant they must be excused. In regard of their great debt at interest and the many disbursements to be made on return of their ships within two or three months; a speedy sale of all their pepper at a Court of Sales by the candle was discussed, but the consideration deferred. Treasurer Bateman of opinion that the Court of Sales be not deferred, for if it be not speedy the town will be much emptied by reason of the Bristowe fair; resolved that the sale be Wednesday next, and that all who have underwrit for pepper and have not yet received it, have notice to come and weigh it out before Tuesday night. That the Lord Duke's resolution concerning Brooks was that his trial must be at Dover, for to try him here in the Admiralty will be an absolute . infringement of the privileges of the Cinque Ports. It was remembered that Brooks and Churchman offered to submit to the Company rather than to abide the trial, so if their submission come freely and speedily, resolved to refer the ending of the cause to the arbitrament of Sir Henry Marten. Concerning three chests of cloth of gold lately arrived at the Custom House from Florence, and an offer of certain pieces of cloth of gold, and a fair suit of tapestry hangings. Ordered to forbear to deliver the 100 barrels of bad powder to Evelyn, as ordered at last Court, but to carry them to Deptford. where Mr. Blyth undertakes to work them anew and make them serviceable.
July 10.—Mr. Governor observed that the Company's dilatory proceeding upon occasions of difference begets much discontent and evil report upon the Company which he advised might be reformed, instancing the business about which Sir Charles Cornwallis has come so often. Order concerning 12 diamonds and certain sparks of diamonds belonging to John Browne's estate. 200 pieces of fine blue bastas to be exposed to sale at the next Court of Sales, and set up at 10s. per book. About Ball's business, the solicitor having neglected to draw up the sentence in the Star Chamber, and to enter action against his executors. Relation of the proceedings before the Lords between the Persian merchant and those to whom the silk was sold, the merchant now accounts the Company his very loving friends; seeing the Ambassador has sealed up the silk. Milward will petition the Lords to be quit of the bargain. The Court altogether unwilling to meddle with the money, the merchant resolving to allow the Ambassador no money, but when the silk is sold and weighed out the merchant will go over into Holland. Order to inquire into the value of the rent of the house and ship yard at Deptford. Questions if the remainder of this stock produced any profit whether Delinquents shall share therein, secondly, whether those that have paid in half or more shall be quit of interest and brokes or only Delinquents that have not paid half; resolved to have a meeting purposely to settle same. Committees nominated to take care of the sale of the two ships, if not sold at the Court on Wednesday. Mr. Warner entreated to second the proceeding of Messrs. Martyn and Hanson in stirring up those indebated to the Company to bring in e moneys due. Alderman Hodges and others complaining that they are called upon when they owe nothing, the Auditors were directed forthwith to perfect the account of debts, also to see how Littleton's account stands, and to cast up brokes upon goods bought from the time payments were due until they were made. Consideration about the powder mills; that notwithstanding the King's command for cessation of the work, yet three or four had made offer to re-establish it, and that my Lord Duke had been moved by petition to mediate to his Majesty for continuance of that work. Answer presented of those underwriters for pepper who had not taken it out; the Court of opinion they could not force them to take the Star's pepper which was not then in England, and is of another sort. Examination of Fotherby concerning his book of accounts for 1625 not yet brought in, also of Webb who depends on Fotherby's for 1624. Fotherby at his own request is freed from "keeping a cash." Examination of Mountney why his books for 1624 and 1625 were yet imperfect; that Edward Seager was ordered to keep the books for him and Mr. Walker at the Custom House; he was required to finish his accounts without delay, Mr. Governor declaring he knew no way to rectify these things but absolutely to suspend all those whose accounts were not delivered in until their accounts be perfected. Concerning the dismission of John Catterall the timber measurer, he was ordered westward to buy great timber to finish the work, and therefore for a time it was resolved to continue Catterall as formerly.
July 12.—The Persian merchant gave the Company thanks for bailing him in the action against him by Messrs. Geere and Darling, and signified that the difference was now ended by the Lords of the Council. He also said that he had sold his silk to Capt. Milward, and entreated the Company to deliver it, and to keep account of the quantity that belonged to the King of Persia and to himself, and to receive the money; but the Court would not meddle therein. The Governor then told the merchant that he had not kept his promise to allow the Ambassador the money he required; whereupon he seemed much disconcerted and offered to deliver his key and all to the Company, but observing his violent passions and resolute proceedings the Court refused to meddle therewith. To have Sir Henry Marten's opinion as to ending the business of Brooks and Churchman by arbitrament. The Star's pepper to be put to the candle at 18d., 19d., and 20d. at 3–6 months garbled, and ungarbled 1d. per lb. less. Inventory of Browne's estate to the value of 89l., besides rings and stones belonging to three or four factors sold together by Sir Thomas Smythe for 100l.; so his brother was acquainted that there is 348l. due from Browne to the Company and but 140l. from them to him. Confession of Thomkins and Thomas Horne, labourers in Blackwall yard, that they had stolen nails to the value of 20s., and sold them to one Bird in Rosemary Lane. Warner, one of the masters of Bridewell entreated to make his warrant to send them thither to be punished. It appearing that divers women and girls come into the yard under the pretence of buying chips, but to steal nails, ordered that none be suffered to come into the yard to buy chips. Petition of David Bourne read, that he was excluded from being an adventurer because he had not paid in the first year's capital, and therefore required payment of 500l. due upon account of the old stock, and 375l. paid in upon his subscription of 4,000l. in the new, with interest, and complaining of the Act whereby he alleged he was hindered from sale of his adventure when it would have yielded 20 per cent. profit, which he conceived the Company had no power to do, or to tie them to their adventures when it was a losing trade. Order of 17th June 1617 read, and it was declared that the whole scope of the Company's orders gives them power to do as they shall see cause. That there was an Act of General Court that the dividends on the old stock shall supply payment of those in arrear in the new; that in August 1623 Bourne himself transferred 500l. from the old to the new account; that there is no Act to hinder the sale of adventures but of only such as were admitted by grace, and that was made when a great personage underwrit a great sum, paid in never a penny and yet sold his adventure for 400l., that order being made to prevent the like practice, and in no way extending to him; that if he thought meet his case might be propounded to a General Court; and that he had received more favour than any, the Company having paid him 60l. or 70l. to relieve his necessities, and remitted his brokes of 30l.; but they refused to answer his petition in writing or give copies of their orders, and would not hearken to his motion that he and they should each nominate two to determine the difference with the Lord Keeper for umpire, forseeing how dangerous was such a course. John Sadler to pay 30s. freight per cwt. for nine bags of turmerick, and Mrs. Byam to pay the same rate for hers. 23 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 1–23.]
July 12. 338. Minutes of a Court of Sales. Bezoar stones, Jambi, Priamam, Malabar, and stony pepper, blue calicoes, pintado, red and other hangings sold; with names of purchasers and the prices. 1 p. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 24.]
July 12.
The Hague.
339. Dudley Carleton to Sec. Lord Conway. After presentation of his Majesty's letters to the States, related his Majesty's kind usage of their two East Indian ships at Plymouth; to which he had a very respectful answer renewing their assurance to give his Majesty satisfaction both in point of honour and profit for what concerned the business of Amboyna, and for answer to the points in his Majesty's letter, requiring time. [Extract Holland Corresp.] The "Memoire" of what passed at Carleton's audience of the States General on 10 July 1626 on the occasion of certain ships of their subjects come from the Indies to Plymouth will be found under date of 29 April 1627 in Holland Corresp., with other extracts about Coen on the same State Paper, all of which are abstracted.
July 13.
840. Jonas Colbach to [the East India Company] In answer to Harris' partial and railing letters. Hopes the Company will not cast his eight years' service behind his back through the false ealumny of his adversaries; is confident in conscience that his accounts are just and honourable; paid what was forced from him to avoid a far greater peril to his person and also the payment of a greater sum of money. Will deliver the rest by word of mouth at the appointed time. Fragment, the last page only, [O.C., Vol. XL, No. 1231, p.1.]
July 13–14. 341. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Consideration of the abuses committed in the yard at Blackwall through neglect of the Company's chief officers. The Court conceived themselves much wronged by a report that some of them are discontented with their salaries, and therefore wished them to speak to this point, but none replied. Discussion on the vast expense of timber; Steevens examined and much blamed for being so ill an Husband that he suffered great timber to be hewed out when small will serve, to increase his own profit in chips, whereof by Fotherby's confession from 10s. to 25s. a week is made; reported that there is wastefully spent in building a ship of 600 tons 500 loads at least. Examination of Fotherby, who said Steevens was moved to these complaints out of a grudge for checking his brother for absence. Examination of the clerk of the ironworks, who was condemned for carelessness for delivering what the workmen required without account, which led to divers parcel of nails being stolen. Examination into the stealing of beef and pork from the Storehouses, and Pingly much blamed for carelessness. The porter also charged with neglect in suffering any to leave without being searched, and expressly commanded to search all persons that go in or out of the yard. In conclusion ordered that all women and girls be debarred from going into the yard upon any pretence, and that no more chips be sold, but kept to be expended in the slaughterhouse in lieu of billets. Whether some of the servants now in the yard might not be spared: John Robinson, clerk of the cordage, warned to provide himself betwixt Michaelmas next Boatswain Ingram petitioning betwixt this and Michaelmas next. Boatswain patience; his report of for increase of salary was wished to have patience; his report of the extreme disorder and abuse committed by their servants in the yard, partly occasioned by the contention of Fotherby and Steevens in the division of chips, and that the Company's orders are not duly read, whereby officers and workman newly entertained are ignorant how to carry themselves. Fotherby and Steevens much blamed for their neglect, and required to read said orders at least once a quarter. They were admonished to set apart all manner of heart burning, embrace one another with true affection, and join willingly together in one mind as they are in one service for the good of the company.
July 14—Concerning the course to be pursued against George Ball's executors for recovery of the sums due. Motion to lay hold of the Persian silk to secure the Company's estate in Persia against any sinister practice of the merchant or of the Ambassador, who now conceives himself not respected like an Ambassador; resolved that letters be written to the Company's factors and that all passages be freely set down that have occurred since the Ambassador's arrival, the dissension betwixt him and the merchant, and the good offices of the Company to both. Ordered that bills be set up on the Exchange for letting the ship yard and houses at Deptford. Concerning the selling of the Elizabeth and Ruby. Instructions to Thomas Hanson, one of the warehouse keepers employed for bringing in debts due to the Company. 340 barrels of indigo dust sold at 9½d. per lb. at 3–6 months, the Company undertaking not to sell any more before Lady Day next. Petition read from Brooks and Churchman, which the Court expected to be an absolute submission, but which proved to be a justification and laid imputations on the Company, for which reparation was demanded; resolved that as they had begun legally so should they end legally, that the ship "was beastly lost," and as to their demands for restitution of goods they had already been answered; that Churchman's wages when imprisoned with the Dutch if not received should be paid. Ordered that Sherburne sue out the Commission of Oyer and Terminer from the Lord Duke for the trial of Brooke. Signing of mariners' wives' bills for two. months' pay yearly. Gratifications ordered to the searchers at Gravesend for this year's ships. Concerning the business of Anthony Lound, it was resolved to fine him 20l. for his private trade, "so uncredible as he had reported." Petition of John Harris for a sapetto in the Custom House; ordered that the sapetto be brought to the Company's house to be viewed. 10½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 25–35.]
July 15. 342. Petition of the East India Company to the King. In obedience to his Majesty's command, petitioners have dissolved their powder mills in Surrey and discharged their servants, but having arranged for the purchase of large quantities of saltpetre, and been at great charge in erecting said mills, pray for licence under the great seal to erect mills in Kent and Sussex. With reference to the Attorney-General to prepare the grant desired by petitioners. Theobalds, 1626, July 15. See Patent dated 17 August, No. 354. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. 31, No. 85, Cal., p. 376.]
July 17–20. 343. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning a bargain of gumlac bought by Mr. Chamberlain at 7l. 10s. the cwt., and his desire to exchange same for "gumlac upon sticks" and to buy aloes; referred to the committees of the warehouses to treat with him and report. About Littleton's debt to the Company; if he give not present satisfaction to be put immediately in suit As soon as the accounts of those that are behind are perfected, ordered that the cash accounts be audited every month. Request of Alderman Johnson to buy the 18 butts of aloes referred to the committees for the warehouses to treat with him. The former order confirmed, that such of the Company's servants as have not brought in their accounts shall lose their wages from the 24th June till the time of bringing them in. Motion by Mr. Treasurer to make sale of some things remaining in the treasury. Opinion of Mr. Stone that no action of account will lie against Ball's executors, but that the Company could proceed at common law if they have any bond of Ball's and can prove a material breach thereof, or by bill in Chancery which will lay open Ball's fraud and discover what a great estate of his is come to the Company's hands; the Court approved rather of a bill in Chancery, but first ordered that Ball's widow should know their resolution to recover satisfaction against her and the other executor for damage sustained by her late husband's fraudulent proceedings. By order from the Lords, the Persian Ambassador is to be present when the merchant weighs out the silk to Milward, as also Sheriff Clitherowe to preserve the King's peace and prevent such dangers as otherwise by the violent disposition of those people might happen. A submissive petition of Bartholomew Churchman read, desiring the discharge of his bail; the Court answered they could not discharge him and try Brooks, and therefore willed him to have patience, but considering his poverty and what a violent clamorous disposition he was, he should have the 10l. stayed out of his wages for 40 ryals of 8 delivered by him to the Dutch in the time of his imprisonment as a gratuity, and also 10l. for his hhd. of butter expended for the Company's use. Order for delivery of the sappetto in the Custom House to John Harris, who came home master's mate in the Moon, upon certificate of Mrs. Burgis consent. Names of the committees chosen to take care of the several provisions and stores to be bought this year, viz., For the warehouses. Beef, pork, butter, fish, cheese, salt. Beer, cider, wax, candies, sugar, spice, rice, honey, juice of lemons, soap. Bread, meal, flour, biscuit, peas, French barley, plats for the breadrooms. Wine, "vine eager," "beere eager," aqua vitæ, sweet oil, rape oil Cordage, pitch, tar, rosin, masts, deals, wainscotes, timber, tremails, planks, sheathing boards, pipe staves, hogshead staves. Iron, lead, sheet lead, copper, billets, appparel for mariners, iron hoops and brass shivers. Elephants' teeth, quicksilver, vermillion, tapestry, coral, silk stuffs, gold and silver lace. Powder, shot, ordnance, canvas for sails and pepper bags, flags, waste cloths, stores for gunners, cooks, armourers, boatswains, and stewards. Ryalls. Cloth. Cash. For the yards. To hire and allow imprest to mariners. To take up old stores at the return of ships. To order the business of Bolt ropes. To order the making of masts and carving work. To audit Mr. Hurt's accounts every 14 days. To oversee Mr. Sambrooke about mariners' accounts and "firm the tickets." The Committees to divide the business referred to them so that two at least join for providing each sort of provisions. Canvas for pepper bags having of late been bought without warrant, the Committees for canvas are entreated to take care for buying it for the future. Elizabeth White again denied the wages of her husband who came home without leave and never demanded them for three years. Estimate ordered of all materials wanting in the yard. Hanson's account of the Persian Ambassador's charge to be audited. The two nail stealers at Bridewell having much accused Bird the receiver, ordered that they be brought up for punishment "according to the justice of their house."Peas to be provided, and Sir John Wolstenholme to be spoken with concerning some sherry sack out of prize goods. Jane Beckensale to receive one month's pay of her husband's wages in the Jonas. Ordered that so many pipestaves at 9l. per 1,000 as will amount to 200l. be taken in payment of a debt of one Preby.
July 19.—Concerning the buying of canvas for pepper bags without order; ordered that for the future it be bought by the Committees for Canvas. Payment ordered of salary due to Richard Atkinson at the time of his death. Thomas Rilston showed his book of payment of wages at Blackwall; at his request the Court consented to Mr. Yonge resuming that business. Debts long due from Alderman Freeman, Messrs. Morer, Betteridge, and others to be called in. Request of the Persian merchant who was without weighing the silk to Milward, for a certificate under the Customer's hand for his discharge, which was given. Demand of Grove, who bought great quantities of the Moon's pepper, for an "unreasonable account of costs and charges." Examination of Bird, the receiver of nails; he utterly denied that he knew they were stolen or had encouraged the thieves; also of John Borer, the receiver of the stolen beef; ordered that Sir John Leman, or any other justice, be requested to cause them to be bound over to the Sessions. Offer of Thomas Symonds to buy three or four barrels of indigo, the price to be set at 5s. 10d. at 3–6 months. Concerning the great abuse of those who take out pepper to transport and yet sell in town, contrary to an order of General Court; ordered that 5l. a bag be put on each man's account that hath so offended. Complaint of Fotherby that there was a very scandalous blot laid upon him by some aspersions which Steevens had cast on him for having so many servants and rating them himself, and permitting his brother to be one of the foremen; after examination of their disputes the Court admonished them both to have a care of their charge, and to live as lovers and friends together, and ordered that Fotherby and Ducy should rate Steeven's servants. Note of divers wants at Blackwall Yard presented by Steevens.
July 21.—Mr. Clarke to warn those to the Court that have taken out pepper to transport and sold it in town, to hear their answers. Report of Steevens that the chief carpenters and workmen take it very ill to be searched, secretly resolving when they have their wages to leave the work, that all have been searched three times and nothing found; that last year he was forced to send to the coast towns to hire men, and that his opinion was that the quarter men, about 50, should not be searched at all. After discussion the Court directed that the chief workmen be told that this direction was given not because they are suspected, but because that the rule is general because none should be offended, but ordered by erection of hands that for a time searching be forborne unless there be cause of suspicion. 20l. lent to Mr. Woader to provide necessaries for Lord Wimbledon's service on the security of the adventure of Mrs. Sadler, his mother-in-law. Wm. Garway to have the rich indigo at 5s. 10d. at 4–6 months. Account of powder bought in the East Country [Dantzic] by order of Court amounting to 256l., but there is loss of 161l. for power taken away by the King of Denmark's army. Petition road from Brookes, wherein he justifies himself, winch the Court distasting, answered they use all diligence to go to a trial; he then excused the meaning of his petition, hoped the Court would accept his submission by word of mouth and desired their favour; to which was answered that the Company had no reason to favour him because he had cast away two ships, and scandalously pursued them in Parliament; notwithstanding he resolved to refer himself to their favour and tore up his petition, promising to present forthwith in writing his submission. A collection of payments in arrears from good men amounting to 16,900l. was presented, and yet the Company wants money; this was conceived to be a great injury, and so resolved to call for these payments forthwith, otherwise to charge brokes and detain all dividends from the defaulters. Note presented of divers men who have underwritten for pepper, and either have not taken it out or refuse to sign their bills; order thereon. Difference between Burgis and Harris for the sappetto referred. Request of Richard Hall, anchorsmith at Blackwall, for increase of allowance for iron work, but the Court saw no cause to alter the prices agreed upon.
July 24.—The sappetto to be delivered to Mr. Harris on paying 7l. which Mr. Yonge disbursed for the recovery. Request of Jacob Johnson, a diver of Dover, who had contracted to recover all the Moon's 59 ordnance, for payment on account, he having taken up 43, resolved not to pay any more until his bargain be performed; those that have taken out pepper to transport and have sold it in town to be warned to Court according to former order. Letter to be written to Sir Robert Anstruther for recovery of 161l. worth of powder taken by the King of Denmark. Mr. Brooks presented a more submissive petition, acknowledging the casting away of two ships, yet not with any evil intent, and referring himself wholly to Mr. Governor and Mr. Deputy, but the Court would not accept his submission unless he would mend the direction of his petition. Petition of Coja Shaw Zuares, the Persian merchant, complaining that Mr. Smethwike had wronged him concerning the bargain with Milward for his 94 bales of silk by adding words after the contract was signed and sealed. The Court told his son that this was no court of justice, but sent for Smethwike who acknowledged he had subscribed two or three lines for his own memory's sake. Milward was to have allowance for wet or rotten silk; ordered that a copy be given to the merchant. Petition of Wm. Webber, who pretended he had paid 6l. 5s. for charges of George Sharrock's sickness and funeral and recovered against him in Guildhall, and desired the Company's favour for reimbursement the Court remembered that Treasurer Stone had given Webber 40s. for the funeral and ordered the Court books to be searched. Petition of Susan Somerson for a gratification for a book of plots presented by her husband to the Company in his lifetime denied, the Court conceiving he did no more than his duty therein.
July 26.—Request of Mr. Andrewes for abatement of price of silks bought by himself and Mr. Yonge, because they were shorter and narrower than those shown in Court and much stained. Motion of Mr. Symonds, who bought all the Malabar pepper and sold divers parcels in town to grocers, concerning payment for same. Complaint of the anchor smith that his rates for murtherers were brought to 4½ and he cannot live to work at that rate, whether to raise the rate to 5d., and also to accept Hall's offer of 11s. the cwt. for old iron. referred to Mr. Styles and Mr. Mountney to order as they think meet. Information of Bartholomew Churchman and Anthony Lound that Mr. Eaton of Dover had 200 or 300 bushels of pepper yet undisposed of, and that Messrs. Yonge and Chauncy were sharers therein; also that the pepper warehouse at Dover had been robbed. Request of Mr. Chamberlain to alter the price to 7l. of a parcel of gumlac he had bought, which was misentered at 7l. 10s.; deferred till Mr. Governor should be present. Warrant presented for Capt. Henshawe's division out of the Malabar pepper, but all being sold the Court could not accommodate his desire. Security for payment of Littleton's debt accepted Petitions of John Brooks and Bartholomew Churchman read, Brook's submission accepted, but to Churchman's intimating that his imprisonment was undeserved, and that he was innocent, the Court would not give answer unless he more freely represented his submission. The Court willed Mr. Sambrooke from time to time to advise with the Auditors to perfect such collections of debts and adventure as by the Court should be given them in charge. 21½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX 36–57.]
July 26.
344. Answer of Henry Sill to three demands made by the President. Concerning some part of Colbach's proceedings in Jambi, about the business of the China junk. Before Colbach's arrival the junk was surprised, and notice carried to the King, who summoned Colbach and required him either to make resignation of the Company's junk here riding full laden or to commit himself to custody, net to suffer as a prisoner, but to be ready to answer the issue; he out of a timorous humour chose to deliver the junk, notwithstanding the non-approbation of Croft and Withers. The payment of 5,000 ryals was concluded by consultation, and cannot be disallowed, for the junk which he had enthralled was worth 20,000 ryals to the Company, and it was better to redeem it with 5,000 than to let the King sell it to the Dutch. (2.) As to the examination of Staverton and Bogan's hooks, he was only a short time chief; the burden was too heavy for him by reason of sickness, and he was forced to have Wm. Flint write as he directed while lay sick on his bed. (3.) As to how his sickness might disable him in the procuring of debts. Has conceived these answers not as proceeding from a malignant heart or aggravated as one that seeks Colbach's ruin, but only to justify his own honesty. 1½ pp. [O.C., Vol. XI., 1231, pp. 2,3.]
345. Certificate by Elsmore concerning the [taking of the] Pahang junk [by order of Colbach]. Colbach inquired of their lading, but not giving credit to their answer willed Elsmore to send two of the ship's company with a black to search, who found as related, despoiled them not of the value of a farthing, but dismissed the Noqueda and the rest with free possession of their junk, who at once fitted themselves with provisions and left, but Colbach said they were the Company's enemies and had killed their servants, and he would protest against Elsmore if he refused to take her, alleging how beneficial she might be for the Company's service at Lagundy, as also at Jambi to bring pepper over the bar. Signed by Wm Davis, purser, and other officers of the Coaster. 1½ [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1231, pp. 3, 4.]
346. Richard Croft and Peter Bell to President and Council at Batavia, Heartily lament the loss of the Lion, yet it is some comfort that she sold her hull to its value, and that our country men there lost confirmed [Fragment] ¼ p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1231 p. 4.]
July 29.
From my house at Deptford.
347. Sir Robert Sherley to the Privy Council. Refers to the diligence he has used to express his natural duty to his Majesty and his native country, the overtures he has made for the profit of both, and the affronts and indignities he has received from the merchants who have sought to engross the public good to their particular uses, who have openly traduced him with the names and titles of an impostor, and he knows not what else, and the better to persuade a belief of their untruths have cunningly and dishonourably procured from his master, the King of Persia, an unknown person of mean quality to be sent with letters of compliment only, whom they invited to the doing of what he now repents, finding Sir Robert's reputation and commission avowed by those that know better what belongs to the honour and greatness of his Majesty of Persia than he does. This, with the daily experience he has of the merchants juggling and underhand dealing to hinder his return, makes him bold to desire their Lordships either by some royal act to assure his going hence, as it is pretended he shall, or that he may have leave to depart presently to seek the best way he can, though never so perilous. Will endeavour while he lives to make his country as happy as his industry or fortunes will give him leave. Indorsed: "The East India Merchants to be dealt with for his transportation." 2 pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 25.]
July 31.
348. Richard Wyld to John Banggam. Is ignorant concerning the remains belonging to Benthall, Hopkinson, and himself in Banggam's hands; marvels at his silence and small consideration for a friend's estate; it is almost two years since the delivery. He must remedy this or it will draw an irremediable scandal on his reputation and he will be justly condemned if his business give not better satisfaction than his advices have hitherto done. Shall expect exact account from him at his soonest conveniency. Has order to demand an account of Hopkinson's goods in Banggam's and Goodwin's hands. 1½ p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1232.]