East Indies: August 1626

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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'East Indies: August 1626', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp228-239 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: August 1626', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp228-239.

"East Indies: August 1626". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1884), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp228-239.

August 1626

August 1.
349. Thos. Barker, John Purefey, and Geo. Smith to the East India Company. Their last letter sent by a Hungarian gentleman By way of Tauris, directed to the Consul at Aleppo. Received the Company's letter of September 27th, 1625, the 18th of last month, and perceive the reasons for revoking former resolution to send two ships directly for Gombroon this summer monsoon. Are sorry for the chief cause, but hope the effect may prove prosperous for the safety of the ships; should have been much comforted by their safe arrival, having advised the King and Khan of Shiraz that they were expected, and sent advice and assistance to fellow-servants at the port. Hope, however, that after times will make amends and mend decaying credits, lost partly through the encroaching insinuation of the Dutch and partly by promising much more than could be performed. Have received within a small matter the amount of this year's cavidal, being 30 loads of silk of Guylan in readiness to be sent down to the port. Account not yet made up, for Mullayimbeg is not here, though daily expected from Court. Are ignorant what they have effected, but understand his Majesty commanded Mahomet Allibeg to give favourable entertainment. The Dutch have received 300 loads of silk of Guylan, but have not made up their accounts; Mullayimbeg's ministers allege their firman was not effectual, so they were constrained to make a new petition to his Majesty. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1228, pp. 8, 9.]
Aug. 4. 350. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Law, the chief mason, sent out in the London, to lose half his wages according to the condition of his entertainment, because by a letter from the President and Council at Jacatra of 13th Oct. 1625, he is accused to be ignorant of what he was shipped for; Sambrooke to enter this order on Law's account. Mr. Keightley with the party to whom the statute of bankruptcy sued against Edward Jourdain was assigned for the use of all the creditors, declared that after he failed, Jourdain passed over his adventure to one Edwards in trust, of which they now made demand on behalf of the creditors; to which was answered that Sir John Gore being interested in said adventure, the Court would declare their resolution on Wednesday. Indigo sent home in the last ship, found to be mere earth; ordered that the factors at Surat be written to, to examine this abuse. All remains to be cleared out of the warehouses before the arrival of any ships. Whether to buy quicksilver for next year from Venice at 3s., all charges or nearer home as last year at a cost of 3s. 4d.; resolved to buy at home and such quantity as there shall be need of. Complaint made that the carpenters at Blackwall were searched before they had forsaken the works; it was remembered that order had lately been given to forbear the search unless there were cause of suspicion, which Steevens had not made known, for which neglect he, was blamed in Court; and it was observed that his brother walks up and down with his rule in his hand and gets 2s. 2d. a day. Examination of Steevens concerning his brother, also about Fotherby's proceedings and employment of men which Fotherby absolutely denied. He then complained of the badness of the oakum, but Mountney affirmed he buys rice oakum, accounted the best, for caulking. To Steevens declaration that he expected the like privileges as Burrell had, to govern the men and yard and make wages, &c., he was answered that Burrell's taking more on him than belonged to his place was the cause of his dismission, that Steevens was employed for his art to build and repair the Company's ships, and in that kind he should order the work as he thought meet governing the men, but for entertaining and making their wages that should remain in the clerk of the yard, only for carpenter's wages Steevens and Fotherby should jointly agree, the labourers and other workmen to be rated by Mr. Fotherby. The Court then admonished them both to bend their endeavours for the good of the Company, and live lovingly together without pride or malice. The parish duties for the house wherein the Persian Ambassador dwells to be paid, as also bill of 21l. presented by Adrian de Bee late the Ambassador's steward when audited. Sherburne's bill of charges allowed. Afternoon. Warrant ordered for payment of Adrian de Bee's bill, also for 4l. for two months' attendance upon the Persian Ambassador. Petition of Elizabeth, widow of Nicholas Sadler, Clerk of Deptford Yard, that an amount charged upon her husband's account of his adventure might not be defalked out of her division, pretending it was paid for the Company's occasions though not entered in his books by reason of his sudden sickness, but that she might take out something for her present necessities; the Court rested satisfied that the amount was charged justly, but in regard of her poverty bestowed 5l. upon her out of the poor's box. A submissive petition presented by Brooks praying the Company to pardon him, therefore Mr. Governor wished an end might be made with him for estate he had none; ordered that warning be given to Churchman to repair to the Conrt at which time there should be an absolute end made with both; meantime Messrs. Mustard and Spurstowe were entreated to take Sir Henry Marten's advice therein. Examination of John Yonge, upon whom many aspersions had been laid by Brooks and Churchman, who also charged him and Chauncey with receiving a barrel of white pepper, to which Yonge answered whose it was he knew not, but that he procured from his wife a bushel of it for Sir John Hippisley's lady. Brooks' solicitor then charged him with the receipt of four silver spoons and the top of a casting bottle, to which he answered that Mr. Scudamore told him they were pawned by the surgeon of the Moon for 35s., and he released them, because they should not be lost, and he only desired back his money laid out when he would give them up. The Court held these answers reasonable, and the solicitor said he could not charge him with more at present, but would 5n Wednesday next give him and Mr. Chauncey their full charge in writing; Mr. Yonge desired to go down and "use his best" for recovery of the pepper remaining in the custody of the Mayors of Dover, Canterbury, and other places thereabouts. Consideration of the differences between Messrs. Fotherby and Steevens, and it was observed that the peevishness of both causes this discontent; as for Steevens he cannot removed as yet in regard he is upon their great ship, which will be 10 weeks before she is launched. Mr. Chamberlain to pay for his gumlac after the rate of 7l. 10s. according to the first agreement, 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 57–63.]
Aug. 6. Delft. 351. Edward Misselden to Sec. Sir John Coke. Has received no answer to his letters [see ante, Nos. 281. 286]; doubts they have miscarried or have net been acceptable. Has gone as far as he can in the things committed to him by his Majesty, and given his Majesty an account of the time and pains employed therein, and if recommended to the Privy Council he will not despair to have put these two great causes of the Merchant Adventurers and East India Company in a good way. The former are made to believe that his Honour holds it no good policy to have the trades of the kingdom so digested into corporations, but he doubts not to give his Honour satisfaction to the full. 1 p. [Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 6.
352. Misselden to the Duke of Buckingham. Has given his Majesty an account of his time and pains employed about the Tare and the East India Company, and if he may do his Majesty further service and save the charge of an ambassador, would be glad his Grace might have the honour. In Queen Elizabeth's time his predecessor, Mr. Gilpin, was thus employed and this state is hardly to be watched but by their like, nor could it be thought less honour to his Majesty to oppose a M. Joachimi with the Governor of this society (the Merchant Adventurers). Entreats his Grace to be very tender of the East India business the more provocation his Grace may have to leave them the greater will it be to his honour to do them good; if there lies anything in the way he would that his Grace should think him worthy to be an instrument to remove the same. 1 p. [Holland. Corresp.]
Aug. 9—15. 353. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Examination of Messrs. Gibbon and Oxenden, but the Court perceiving they in no sort answered the informations given of their knowledge concerning great quantities of the Company's wrecked pepper yet remaining in divers men's hands, Mr. Governor made known to them that they must expect to hear from the Company in a course of law which would enforce what they are unwilling to reveal. Suit of Groves, a grocer in Southwark, who had bought 93 bushels of the wrecked pepper, that in regard he had brought it all into their warehouse they would give him satisfaction and his charges, to which was answered he had delivered but 60 bushels, but he protested he had not an ounce left. The Court approved not these excuses, and remembering his and his brother's insolent behaviour and how often he had falsified his word, told him they intended to proceed against him by a legal course; but in the end in regard he was a young man and a citizen were pleased to show him favour, wishing him to make good the pepper, and then he should have the same consideration as had been allowed to others. Brooks and Churchman having by their petitions wholly submitted to the censure of the Court, resolved that draft of a release be drawn up, and Sir Henry Marten attended for his opinion, and if he approve Sir George Newman should deliver up then bail. Churchman and Brooks' solicitor then called in, who humbly thanked the Court, but desired that they might not be debarred from taking their remedy against Chauncey and Yonge or any others who had any of their goods, which they had full liberty to do. Messenger from Sir Dodmore Cotton now at the house of the late Persian merchant with Sir Robert Sherley and Mr. Wither to know whether the Court had taken any order for the burial of said merchant, to which was answered they will neither meddle nor make in the business, but wished the messenger to attend the Persian Ambassador and from him to receive directions. Report of Committee for sale of the Elizabeth and Ruby, that no man will give more than 120l. for them, which was thought too little, yet it was wished they might be put off before winter, for the breaking up of them then would be most unseasonable. Steevens to give a second notice at the Shipwrights' Hall of the Company's intention to let the house and yards at Deptford. Estimate of provisions for the next ships referred to committees; that there was much complaint in the late letters from the Indies of want of provisions, which in Mr. Munn's opinion was without cause, for all things have of late been sent in such large proportion as it is impossible they can be so unfurnished; the business to be put off until the arrival of the ships. Offer of their services by Evans and Mynours, late master and mate of the Scout; also Capt. Hall's desire to serve as commander, who expected the like allowance of 15l. per month made to Capt. Swanne; the Court approving of them all as honest and able men, willed that Evans and Mynours attend this day sennight, and that Capt. Hall, who had undertaken to return from another voyage before Christmas, be treated with and offered 20 marks per month. Resolved that the beef stealers be prosecuted at the sessions. Petition from John Hilton, both in Dutch and English, that he had been employed divers years in the Indies under the Holland Company, and in particular by Peeterson Coen, in translating Dutch into English, offering his service to the Company; the Court observing him to be so meanly clothed, demanded the reason, to which he answered that he lost all in the service of the French against Rochelle; in commiseration he was given present entertainment at Blackwall at 12d. per diem and promised better employment if he demean himself well and civilly. Consideration of the complaints against Thomas Chauncey, who (as is informed), has notoriously abused the trust committed to him for recovery of the pepper and other wrecked goods and in concealing above 300 bushels of pepper, to be divided between him, John Yong, and Mr. Eaton of Dover; ordered that further examination thereof be deferred and that Chauncey make a perfect journal of all his proceedings in that service. Note presented by Mr. Governor of divers persons indebted to the Company who refuse to make payment, amongst whom Mr. Bownest is charged with 1,124l. 2s. 7d.; said account to be examined and report made how the Company may proceed for recovery of same. Concerning Edward Jourdain's creditors. The accounts of Robert Davies, who went out master in the Little Richard and came home in the Discovery, to be made ready by Mr. Sambrooke and the Court books searched, so the business be ended.
August 15.—Offer of Abraham Chamberlain to take his oath that he bought the gumlac at 7l. the cwt., nevertheless if any two of the Committees would take their oaths the price was 7l. 10s. he would willingly submit; whereupon ordered that if Mr. Chamberlain will take his oath as aforesaid the Company will accept the 7l. per cwt. Mr. Deputy related that by direction of the Lords of Council himself with other committees attended the Persian Ambassador, and demanded what he could allege why the King of Persia's silk brought hither by the Persian merchant lately deceased should not be disposed of according to the will of the said merchant. To which the Ambassador made answer he would neither meddle nor make with it, but left the ordering thereof to the Lords and the Company; that the goods of his master the King of Persia can never sink, intimating (as is conceived) that howsoever the goods are disposed of here his master will receive full satisfaction for them from the English in Persia; he was desired to send this answer in writing, or to send Mr. Vernon his interpreter with the Committees to the Lords, but he refused saying he had often sent to the Lords and received no satisfaction, and thereupon discovered his discontent in having no more respect showed to him by the State, declaring that never Ambassador was so meanly used coming from so great a Prince as he had been, for he observes that Ambassadors coming from petty princes receive honourable entertainment, having their charges defrayed and are courted and visited by the Lords, but he has not had any respect afforded him due to an Ambassador, no nor been suffered to use his master's goods to supply his urgent occasions. He further insisted that it may so fall out that his master may become possessor of Aleppo and other places in Turkey where our merchants trade, and that the English may then have cause to use his Majesty's favour, and then the disesteem this State has made of him will not be forgotten. Mr. Deputy and the Committees thereupon attended the Lords at Whitehall yesterday and made known what is before expressed, and the hazard and danger the Company run in their estates in Persia by the Ambassador being thus ill-treated and neglected. Many of their Lordships seemed sensible of the Ambassador's complaint, especially Lord Carlisle, who though he much condemned the Ambassador's rash affront to Sir Robert Sherley was of opinion that he had just cause of exception against the State, for their great neglect of him, principally in being denied his suit to have relief out of his master's silks for his maintenance, which he conceived was one of the greatest barbarities ever offered to an Ambassador in a Christian commonwealth, and therefore taking it as a dishonour to his Majesty to undervalue said Ambassador, from whom in the name or the King of Persia he had received a present of great value his Lordship promised to acquaint his Majesty with the Ambassador's grievances, and doubted not that such respect and formality should be expressed to him as that he shall depart the kingdom with contentment. This business being debated in the presence of Sir Dodmore Cotton and the son of the Persian merchant, their Lordships ordered us follows: [the Order is dated 24 Aug. see p. 238.] Richard Leaver's adventure transported to Sir John Wolstenholme and others, Sir Morris Abbot, and Henry Garway. Examination of Thomas Chauncey who brought a journal of his proceedings at Dover concerning his recovery of wrecked goods of the Moon; he confessed he was sharer with Brockendon in 100 pipes of oil bought at Dover, and was charged with taking 300 bushels of pepper which Churchman gave information were sent to Eaton's house, and that John Yonge and himself were to be sharers, but he utterly denied this. He was reminded by Mr. Governor that by his own confession he had sold 170 pieces of calicoes, in this he only pleaded pardon for such an error, but more he would not acknowledge. The Court advised him to deal fairly with them and confess the truth, but in no sort prevailed with him, whereupon a Committee was appointed to call Chauncey, Mountney, and Churchman before them in the afternoon. Request of Steevens for his brother to go master carpenter in the great ship now making ready, but he was held unfit for that employment, for it would much discourage their ancient servants if so young a man were made Commander of them. It was objected to Mr. Steevens that complaint is made from the Indies that many men sent thither for carpenters are found no workmen, but he alleged it was no fault of his, for he gave notice to the Committees how long they had been at the trade and so left them to receive or reject them. He was advised with all possible expedition to finish their ships, and when time serve they will consider his brother's request. Touching the employment of the under measurer in Black wall Yard. Steevens much blamed for suffering 30 loads of timber to be brought into the yard so small and not worth 18s. per load, whereas the Company paid 28s. per load. About a bargain of timber near Uxbridge. The wharf at Deptford to be repaired. Letter read from Thomas Turner, purser of the Anne, confessing his oversight in paying several persons one year's wages more than their due. Ordered that said sums so unduly paid be repaid or allowed on their accounts. Offer of 20 butts of Canary wine at 19l. the butt, but the price conceived to be unreasonable, so to forbear buying for a month or two, when the city is likely to be better stored with it. Suit of Davies, master's mate of the Discovery, for the remainder of his wages; the Court having no exception against him save only suspicion that he had gained so great an estate out of the Portugal prize taken by him, and he offered to refer himself to Rastell, then President at Surat being confident that no man is able to charge him with embezzling one ryal, the Court ordered payment of same amounting to 270l. Discussion with Evans, late master of the Scout, who propounded his desire to go master in the Star, and thought his services would deserve 7l. per month; he was offered 6l., but insisted on his former demand, same was referred to further consideration. Ordered that the Elizabeth and Ruby be sold with as much speed and at as good a rate as can be. 16 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 63–78.]
Aug. 17. 354. Letters Patent granting licence to the East India Company to erect and maintain in any convenient places in Surrey, Kant, or Sussex such mills and other houses as they shall think fit for making powder on agreeing with the owners of the soil and those that have lawful interest in the waters thereof. See ante, No. 342. [Sign Man. Gar. I., Vol. II., No. 13, Cal., p. 407.]
Aug. 18. 355. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Bill of charges of Mr. Williamson, the Company's Proctor, together with fees of the suits against Capt. Greene and Mr. Woodcock in the Admiralty, to be audited and paid. Request of Chauncey for 14 days leave to accompany his partners to Exeter, where they had bought a bargain of sugar, whereupon the Court inclined to end the question between the Company and him presently, for where men trusted are questioned they must be cleared in the opinion of the Company or discharged, and because the business had relation to Yonge and Mountney's son, ordered that young Mountney be forthwith sent for. Concerning Longe's suit in the Exchequer against Edward Scudamore for the estate of Longe's brother who died in Siam and charged him with 16,000l.; his accounts so confused that they could not be distinguished, the goods and accounts delivered to the President and Council at Jacatra. The business with Brooks and Churchman being ended, a further gratuity of 10l. is bestowed upon Scudamore for his expenses since coming to London. At the desire of the Persian Ambassador's interpreter, ordered that an inventory be taken of the Persian merchant's estate. Concerning Abraham Chamberlain's purchase of gumlac at 7l. the cwt., the bargain to be ratified at that price. He is asked to explain his ambiguous words by way of aspersion upon the Company, and charges Cappur with having a spleen against him upon an ancient grudge, but was wished to be more charitable, for Cappur was a, sworn officer and an honest man, and to do him injustice without any colour to advantage himself was very unprofitable, and the Court could not be induced to believe it. Motion for buying 20 pieces of ordnance deferred till the coming home of their ships. Ordered that the great ship now in dock carry 36 pieces of ordnance, the Star 26, and the two pinnaces 12 a piece. Those merchants who have brought their pepper to England again, contrary to order, to have the broke of 5l. per bag laid upon their accounts, according to order of the General Court of 29th August 1623. Offer of 140l. for the Elizabeth and Ruby to be accepted, and liberty given to any of the Company's servants to buy them, notwithstanding a late order to the contrary. Offer of Thomas Symonds of a parcel of cordage from Muscovy, one half whereof his Majesty has taken; Committee to view same and agree for so much as they think good. Ordered that a release to the Company, according to a draught made by Cappur and allowed by Sir Henry Marten, be offered to Brooks and his wife and to Bartholomew Churchman to sign, when all suits against them concerning the casting away of the Moon and Tryal should be let fall. Examination of John Mountney who was required to deliver the accounts and journal taken by him at Dover; at first he seemed unwilling yet at length brought same into Court which Mr. Governor entreated the Committees for this business to peruse. 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX., 79–84.]
Aug. 22. 356. Sec. Lord Conway to Sir William Becher clerk of his Majesty's Council Sir William knows well what care and order the Lords have taken concerning the business of the Persian merchant, prays him to see their Lordship's intention touching the letters to be written to the Lord Mayor for commanding the execution of that order to be presently executed Indorsed: Touching the Persian Ambassador and the merchant." ½ p. [East Indies, Vol. IV, No. 26.]
Aug. 23–25. 357. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Renewed his suit of Steevens on behalf of his brother to go master carpenter in the great ship, to which was answered that three or four very able men are suitors for that place, having been 11 years in the Company's service, but if in the Star or either of the pinnaces his brother were content to take that place his service would be accepted. Being demanded when the great ship would be ready to be launched, Steevens said that in regard of the late order to search the workmen many were gone and the work much hindered, yet he hoped within six weeks to have her afloat; he was commanded to use all possible diligence therein and to dock and trim the Scout likewise. Proposal of Mr. Governor to have the Star, or one of the pinnaces, made ready by the 20th of October, deferred. Resolved that the great ship carry 240 men, the Star (80) as many as in her last voyage, and the pinnaces 60 a piece, and to be victualled for 20 months. The Elizabeth and Ruby sold to John Southam for 140l., who seemed desirous to relinquish the bargain, being informed that taking down the masts and shrouds would cost 20l. or 30l., and were not worth 7l.; resolved that the masts and shrouds be included in said bargain. Upon Mr. Deputy's relation of the refusal of the Persian merchant's son to obey the Order of Council of the 15th instant, and of his complaint to Lord Dorset, who thereupon has given very dishonourable speeches against the Persian Ambassador and the Company, saying that they have brought him over hither, and that he is an impostor, and their Ambassador, and that he had explained it was not the intention of the order of the Board to give power to the Company to meddle with the goods of the Persian merchant's son but only with those of the King of Persia; resolved as well to make known the Company's proceeding according to said order and to desire their Lordships further explanation thereof, as also for clearing themselves from Lord Dorset's calumniation's that a Committee to include the Governor, Deputy Governor eight Committees, and Mr. Rastell, attend the Lords tomorrow morning at Whitehall, Ten barrels gumlac to be forthwith sent to Amsterdam. Jane, widow of Francis Sadler, late the Company's secretary, deceased, to be supplied with 30l. out of her adventure, allowing interest for same. Request of Cottle, Brooks' solicitor, for payment of three months' wages to Brooks from Jacatra to the Cape, but was answered it was unreasonable not only in respect of the precedent, but for that wages where the ship miscarried have been adjudged in the Admiralty to be lost the Court promised upon the release being sealed to write to Sir John Hippisley and Sir George Newman to deliver up Brooks' bail. Petition of Jeremy Crewe for satisfaction for 73 masts delivered at Blackwall; discussion thereon. The Court gave him answer that they are not for their turn, and advised him to take them out of their yard, but he, presuming upon a contract, threatened to recover satisfaction for same by bourse of law. Ordered at next Court to take into consideration whether it may be expedient to enter into consortship with the Dutch concerning their joint voyage into Persia. Petition of Robert Pretty, his father, George Chester, having delivered to the value of 200l. in pipe staves, prays that accounts may be cast up and their bills delivered up. Ordered that 4,000 pipe staves, though defective, be accepted at 8l. the 1,000, that the accounts be made even, and on payment of the remain Pretty and Chester have their bills delivered.
Aug. 25.—Report of Mr. Deputy that Mr. Governor, himself, and Committees had attended the Council yesterday, and not only gave account of their proceedings in the differences between the Persian Ambassador and the son of the Persian merchant, according to Order in Council of 15th inst., but also desired their Lordships' explanation of said order, in regard the son of the Persian merchant refuses to have an inventory taken of the goods claimed to belong to himself, this refractoriness being occasioned through the ill council of his interpreter, Martyn, who knows that if the merchant's son deliver up his estate into the hands of the Company, then he, his wife, and two feminine servants, who live in the house and are reported to have been in Bridewell, shall be deprived of their livelihood, and therefore their Lordships were desired to take some order herein, as well to preserve the estate of the merchant's son from being further wasted as to secure the Company's goods and servants' lives in Persia, which were in great danger, it being affirmed that the deceased merchant wrote to Persia, whereupon it is divulged that their servants and goods there, if possible, will be stayed until the King be advertised of the return of his Ambassador and the proceeds of the silks, nay, further, that though he receive satisfaction herein, yet he will possess himself of their servants and goods to enforce the Company to continue trade with him. Whereupon their Lordships ordered that it was and is their intention that the son of the Persian merchant be commanded to deliver up into the Company's hands not only the goods belonging to the King of Persia, but also all such goods, jewels, plate, &c. as he claimed to belong to himself in right of his father's will, so as the Company shall be in some sort secured if any such course be acted by the King of Persia as is suggested. The Committee then attended Lord Conway at his house in St. Martin's Lane, to whom (by reason he was absent from the Board) they imparted said order, telling him they did it the rather that he might be free from the importunity of the Persian merchant's son, who, relying much upon the favour of his Lordship and Lord Dorset, will no doubt endeavour to revoke said order; his Lordship after many fair and courtlike complement, with a large profession of love to the Company, approved of said order, and promised that if said Persian merchant's son should again trouble him he would let him know he must not expect any alteration of said order. Draught Order framed by Sir Wm. Becher was then read, and, some small alteration being made, the Secretary was required to attend Sir Wm. Becher and cause same to be engrossed and subscribed that they may proceed to the execution thereof:— At Whitehall, the 24th August. Ordered that the letter to the Lord Mayor of the 18th inst. be no further proceeded in, and that the East India Company take care that no violence be offered to the son of the Persian merchant deceased or his servants, and that he be provided with necessaries out of such goods as he pretends to belong to himself by the will of his father; that the Company cause all the goods in his possession, either belonging to the King of Persia or to himself, to be inventoried, and the inventory signed by the Ambassador of Persia and himself, and to be taken into possession of the Company, distinguishing the goods claimed by himself from those acknowledged to belong to the King of Persia; all which goods or the proceeds thereof are to be transported by said Company into Persia to be disposed of in the like manner as the silks are ordered to be disposed of by order of the 15th inst., and the goods claimed by the son of the Persian merchant shall be sold by him, and the proceeds likewise delivered to the Company to be transported into Persia and disposed of as aforesaid, saving so much as shall be from time to time disbursed by them to the son of the Persian merchant for his necessary occasions, for which he is to give them a receipt [pp. 72–73.] Concerning the provision of cider, it now being a fit season to buy apples. Four sacks of pepper discovered in a hoy from Sandwich laden with corn to be brought to the Company's warehouse and examined; supposed to be part of their wrecked pepper. Andrew Evans and Wm. Mynors, late master and mate in the Scout, desirous to be employed again, ordered to attend on Wednesday next. The release to be subscribed by Mrs. Brooks and Richard Cottle, wife and solicitor of John Brooks, late master of the Moon, confirmed, together with a letter from the Company to Sir John Hippisley and Sir George Newman that the Company are content not to prosecute Brooks and Bartholomew Churchman for casting away the Moon and Tryal, and desiring that their bail be delivered to them. Ordered further, that so much of that order of Court as gives them leave to sue Chauncey, Yonge, or any others who have their goods, be delivered to them under the secretary's hand. 9½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 85—94.]
Aug 25.
358. Thomas Friday to Bell. Is sorry for the death of Harris. Jonas Colbach's business is here finished, for he is censured of the Council his effects seized, and he a prisoner aboard the London. The Anne arrived very leaky and is broken up. There is disastrous news for the Palsgrave and Dolphin are fled no man knows where. The manner was thus: there were four great galleons came from Lisbon and challenged the English and Dutch ships in Swally roads ship to ship or all together, but they refused; in the meantime the fleet from England arrived on the coast, and the galleons encountered them and fought with them three days; they boarded the Lion thrice, the master, Rd. Swanly, being slain, and she valiantly freed herself; the Palsgrave and Dolphin fled and left the Lion in this distress, while the Jonas and Anne and three Dutch ships in the road most basely lay still, yet heard their ordnance and were urged by President Kerridge to succour them. The Lion escaped to Gombroon and there her goods were landed, which Rufrero perceived, being there with a fleet of frigates, and resolutely assaulted her; the men made such resistance as their weak ability could perform, but being unable to defend her, blew her up and fired her; the Portuguese saved the men, whom they presently hanged, but one they saved and sent with letters to Kerridge. By this occasion they are all idle at Surat, having neither goods nor money; they sent a pinnace to look for the Palsgrave and Dolphin and to advise the fleets of Europe to join six Dutch ships which are in the Red Sea. The Great James and Jonas are gone richly laden for England. Much mutilated. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI, No. 1233.]