East Indies: September 1627

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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'East Indies: September 1627', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp392-403 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: September 1627', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp392-403.

"East Indies: September 1627". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1884), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp392-403.

September 1627

Sept. 5. 483. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The prices first propounded for masts to be paid to Crewe. Report that Sir John Wolstenholme had acquainted his Majesty with the general decay of trade, and particularly the declining of the East India Company, and what great prejudice would follow if the trade should fall into the hands of the Dutch, whereupon the King seriously protested he would not lose the East India trade, and seemed to require the Company to set down their demands what they would have him do for them, whereupon the Court was moved to prepare their demands against Mr. Governor's coming to town, but after some discussion as to whether to pursue the matter at Court or leave it to the wisdom of the State, all concurred that if any particular man would advance the business by private solicitation it would be far better than that the Company should do it; the further consideration deferred. Concerning a receipt for the money for the 100 barrels of powder paid to the city. Information that Mr. Rainsborow had found out the making of iron musket bullets, which he conceived would do more execution than lead, piercing "through both sides of the ship," when leaden bullets would flatten; a proposal to have some made for a trial was approved, but nothing resolved. Petition of Zachary Gilby for satisfaction for damage done by the Company's servants, who had opened a sluice and overflowed his cellar, to be inquired into. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 71–74.]
Sept. 8.
The Hague.
484. Dudley Lord Carleton to Sec. Conway. The judges for the Amboyna business are nominated, viz., Asperen, Coorn, Casenbroot, Rosa, Loensius, Persyn, and Wyngaerden, the three first of the High and the others of the Provincial Council, all men of good reputation for integrity, and the most free from private interest that can be found in those two colleges. The revocation of Coen is to be treated on by the deputies of Holland and the States General on Monday next. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 12. 485. Court Minutes of the East India Company. On consideration of "the invention found out by Mr. Rayneborow" for making musket bullets of iron instead of lead, and upon dispute and debate finding the same in reason to be more useful in execution with great ordnance than bullets of lead, ordered that one ton of said iron musket shot be provided against the setting forth of the next fleet. Bill exhibited in Chancery in the name of the Countess of Leicester and others concerning Richard Westby's estate, read, with the Company's answer, which was ordered to be engrossed and put in. Mr. Acton's bill of charges for taking out copies of depositions in Lady Dale's cause, to be paid. Report of Mr. Auditor Hanson in relation to the very imperfect accounts of Edward Collins and Mr. Blyth, the rating of their saltpetre at 4l. the cwt. and the price of powder, which comes but to 3l. 17s. the barrel, of which 451 barrels had been made; ordered that 20 cwt. of saltpetre be sent down down to Blyth to be worked out by itself, that the certain charge of every barrel may plainly appear, and that Collins perfect his accounts and use more diligence. By reason of sickness William Webber being unable to gather in the Company's debts on forfeited bonds, Thomas Corne was appointed to said place; and in regard Webber had been their ancient servant, ordered that his former allowance of 10s. per week be continued till further order. Request of Robinson for payment of President Hawley's wages to Christmas last; he was wished to have patience until the arrival of the Company's ships, which would not be long. On information that John Walker had sold old stores without order, ordered that henceforth no old stores be sold without consent of the Court, and that Auditors call on Walker for his accounts. Ordered that the turret and other decayed places of Crosby House be forthwith repaired. Dethick's demands and propositions referred to the Committees of the yard. 3½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 74–77.]
[Sept. 12/22.] 486. Instructions from Dudley Lord Carleton to his cousin Dacres. To desire the Prince of Orange particularly to read an answer Carleton has presented to the States to a justification of the sending of Coen to the East Indies by four or five of the Bewinthebbers without the knowledge of the rest, and directly against the resolution of the States, and to further Coen's revocation, for which a fit opportunity is now presented of a fleet setting out for the Indies. And to let his Excellency know that Carleton has understood from divers men of quality in this country that this man's sending will prove the ruin of the Company, so as since it gives so little contentment at home, and is so exceedingly displeasing abroad, it is fit promptly to be remedied; and by that his Majesty will judge how he may rely on the States good intentions in accommodation of other great differences betwixt the two Companies in the Indies. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 13.
Stokes Bay.
487. Sir William Becher to Sec. Conway. Yesternight arrived three great ships of the Flemings from the East Indies extraordinarily well manned and provided with ordnance. They report that two English ships came along with them and put into Dartmouth, but so weak of men that they could not have come, but they helped them. Extract. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXVIII., No. 16, Cal. p. 342.]
Sept. 14. 488. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The number of pepper bags to be forthwith made up to 5,000. Petitions of Jane Spurling, Fraunces de Garden, Magdalen Jackson, Barbara Kest, Appolidorus Absey, Anne Corbett, and Cicely Hayden for part of their husbands', brothers', or friends' wages denied. 1 p. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 78.]
Sept. 14.
489. Robert Barlow to. Sec. Coke. There will be ready eight or nine East India ships within eight days to set sail if the wind fit them. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 14 ? 490. Sec. Coke to Sec. Conway. Understanding that three East India ships of Holland were come into Stokes Bay, dispatched letters to Sir Henry Mervin, whose ship the Entrance was at Portsmouth, to make stay of them, according to his Majesty's command. But neither Sir Henry nor his son, being there, has written to Sir John Jephson to perform that service, so that this fair opportunity might not be lost, and directed him to seek direction from his Lordship, who best knows his Majesty's mind. Has twice spoken with the King on this business, and finds him very resolute to have the ships stayed, but without spoil or pillage. 2 pp. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXVIII., No. 26, Cal., p. 343.]
Sept. 15.
491. (William Towerson) to Sec. Conway. Has received his Lordship's letter and acquainted Sir John Jephson with its contents, and after taking account of the gunners and other officers placed in platforms and bulwarks to keep guard night and day over the Dutch ships, finds there is no possibility of their getting away, so thought fit not to urge them to strike their yards; besides they daily weaken themselves in discharging their men, which come from London to get passage for their own country. 1 p. [Dom. Chas. I., Vol. LXXVIII., No. 35, Cal. p. 345.]
Sept. 15.
The Hague.
492. Dudley Lord Carleton to Sec. Lord Conway. The revocation of Coen, the instructing the judges of Amboyna, and other particulars are silenced for the present with the noise of this declaration (Carleton's efforts to prevent the supply of ships from Holland to France), and because he finds the carrying forward of two businesses at one time in this State is, according to our English phrase, like hunting two hares at once, he pursues this hotly, leaving other things in the hands of the Committees of the States General, to whom seven of the States of Holland are joined, who are framing answers on the whole negotiation. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 17.
493. Sir John Jephson to Sec. Conway, Governor of the Isle of Wight. Has received a letter from Sec. Coke intimating his Majesty's pleasure for the stay of the three Dutch East India ships. Can give no other assistance but by staying their men ashore, and if the like be done in the island believes they will lack men to handle their sails till the George and Convertive be ready. Has sent a letter to Capt. Mervin from his father. Towerson told him he saw him with Lord Conway. Capt. Mervin is commanded by his father to take the ships. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXVIII., No. 48, Cal. p. 347.]
Sept. 19.
Carisbrook Castle.
494. (Sec. Conway) to (the Admiral and Commanders of the three Dutch East India ships in Meadhole, near Cowes). Understanding that three ships belonging to the East India Company of the United Provinces riding near Cowes, "in Medo," are by his Majesty's special command to be stayed, yet so as no spoil, injury, or contempt be permitted to any of the persons or goods, holds it the duty of every faithful subject of his Majesty or the States to do all endeavours to keep a fair understanding betwixt them, and therefore his Majesty will by no means give just cause of offence to the States, yet is resolved to tire out his patience no longer with expecting justice to be done in the business of Amboyna, for the fairer deciding whereof his Majesty at the Treaty of Southampton reserved himself free without breach of Treaty to do himself right on that East India Company in case they did him not justice within 18 months, which is long since past. A great part of the good of Christendom will rest in their discretion, for if they accommodate themselves to his Majesty's will there will be no cause of offence, nor will they run any danger of pillage; but if they refuse by resistance they will declare themselves enemies and become subject to the fortune of war, which is a point of greater consequence than may be well foreseen. Hopes the long time he has served in the States will give them assurance that he would not abuse any of their subjects. 2 pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 36.] Another copy is in [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXXVIII., No. 66, Cal. p. 351].
Sept. 19. 495. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that 50l. out of his wages be paid to Philip Barden, lately come home in the London, and 5l. to the widow of Capt. Jourdain for her present relief and defraying charges in her cause against Jonas Viney concerning her husband's estate. Relation by Mr. Governor of their late conference about dispeeding away two pinnaces to Jacatra and his reasons for thinking it would be better to change one of the pinnaces into a ship, the Jonas, which business being now again seriously considered, it was thought that though this might seem to cross the Company's resolution to desert the. trade, yet without a present supply of shipping and stock their ships in the Indies, whereof at least 2,000 tons are serviceable, must either return empty or lie and rot, which were great indiscretion to admit and not to adventure a matter of 60,000l. or 70,000l. for the speedy gathering in their stock abroad, which said ship and pinnace with their stock would come to; it being intended that they should (if dispeeded before Christmas) go for Bantam, there to meet the Company's other ships from Surat, and if Bantam be open then help them to relade and hasten their return homewards, if shut then they will be ready to accompany them back to Surat, which will add much to their strength in resisting the Portugals. Hereupon it was observed that it was the opinion of many of the better sort of adventurers that this Court hath no power to send out their goods once brought in without their consent; but the Court being satisfied to the contrary, and finding by Mr. Treasurer's account that notwithstanding the return of the London and Reformation their stock within the land will be but sufficient to satisfy their debts, divers overtures were made to supply this occasion, viz., that every adventurer be moved to send in 10l. or 5l. more upon the 100l., but it was thought in vain to attempt this course, every man being so disheartened would rather stay three or four years for moneys than part with any more, be it ever so little; another proposition was to buy the pepper for ready money, with leave to sell where they please; lastly, to raise this sum by sale of their cloves and debts due; but nothing was concluded, but deferred till Friday next, when all the Committees are to be warned to be present on penalty of 20s. each for default, only stay was ordered in expending any more money on the great ships, save the Jonas and Pinnace, for which provision was ordered to be made for their victualling. Letter read from Robert Bloyse at Jacatra, declaring the abuses of Gabriel Hawley in buying a junk of 170 tons and employing her wholly to Macassar, Siam, &c. for his own private trade; also for using the Company's tar, cables, masts, &c., as was also attested by Philip Barden, lately come home in the London; ordered that these abuses be registered in the Black Book, to the end they be further questioned on Gabriel Hawley's return; and it being observed out of said letter that Mr. President Hawley is much to be blamed for connivance to his said kinsman, the Court was of opinion for this and other disservices to call him home. 3½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 79–82.]
Sept. 20.
496. Sec. Coke to Dudley Lord Carleton. And if the States' slackness or rather refractoriness in the business of Amboyna and revocation of Coen bring at this time any interruption to that Company's returns, his Lordship will make the States capable that it is done as well to save their honour, which was engaged to his Majesty, as for the interest of justice and protection of his own subjects in their lives and estates. But of this he will take notice as occasion shall be given, and not before. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 20.
The Hague.
497. Dudley Lord Carleton to Mr. Deputy [Misselden] at Delft. Refers to his "pressing provocations" and "expostulations" which it neither became him to do nor Carleton to suffer. As to what was reported at Amsterdam out of his mouth, since he denies it Carleton inquires no further into it, but he must not marvel if Carleton is careful to preserve his own honour from so foul a blot as corruption, specially in the cause of the East Indies, wherein, besides loss of honour and goods, he demands right for the effusion of innocent blood of his countrymen, which he follows with all fidelity and industry, as will in part appear from a Discourse collected out of his papers and memorials touching the Amboyna business sent herewith, that it may give both him and Mr. Barlow some light in the information they are to give these judges who are this week to receive their commission. Endorsed, "To Mr. Deputy of Delft." [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 20. 498. Opinion of Sir Fulke Greville, Francis Sydenham, and six other naval captains. Whereas by warrant of Sir Henry Mervin, Admiral of the Narrow Seas, three Dutch East India ships had been stayed, but the wind not serving to carry them into Portsmouth harbour they should be brought under command of Cowes Castle. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXVIII., No. 75, Cal. p. 353.]
Sept. 21
Isle of Wight.
499. Sec. Conway to Sec. Coke. Giving account of passages and discourses with the captains and officers about the point of fighting with the East India Dutch ships if they refuse to stay by fair means. Thinks they are not safe at the Cowes, especially if any Dutch men-of-war come, therefore desires they have punctual order in every point how to behave themselves towards them. Minute. [Dom., Chas. I., Conway's Letter Book, p. 285, Cal. p. 354.]
Sept. 21. 500. Memorandum by Sec. Lord Conway. Has given the best assistance he could to induce the captains of the Dutch East India ships to suffer their ships to be stayed without fighting, assuring them they should not be pillaged nor any indignity offered them which he has done for the reasons herein stated; a willingness in the Dutch to obey his Majesty if it were his pleasure to have them stayed, to remain in his protection, without which they were resolved to fight and in all extremity to sink themselves. Would advise that speedy resolution be taken to carry the Dutch ships into some safe port, for they are not in any assurance at the Cowes longer than the King's ships are there, and it would be a great scorn for his Majesty that they should escape. Is persuaded the Dutchmen will suffer themselves to be carried whithersoever his Majesty shall be pleased; but in case they refuse, advises that the commandment should be peremptory, the execution quick and resolute, and the rest left to God. 2 pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 37.] There are copies of this. State Paper in Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., Nos. 3, 4, Cal. p. 354. Endorsed, 21 Sept. 1627, sent to Mr. Weld to be communicated to my Lord Steward, the Earl of Holland, and Mr. Sec. Coke.
Sept. 21–22. 501. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Francis Carter, son of the surveyor, who had good knowledge of the Latin tongue, arithmetic, and other mathematical studies, to be registered for a purser's mate. Recapitulation of the proceedings at the meeting of the 19th. A fair assembly being now made Mr. Governor fell again to the former propositions, since when hath happened the arrest of the three Dutch ships. Some of opinion that until it were seen what the State would do there could not be any certain resolution, yet Mr. Governor urged that they should proceed without relation thereto, the design being to send first to Bantam, where their wants are great, and thence to Surat, which could not be effected unless the ships were fitted by Christmas, and that without a supply the trade will be lost and the stock in the Indies being at least 200,000l., which, with the charge of 60,000l. or 70,000l. for setting forth said ship and pinnace, will produce a return of 600,000l., besides the 2,000 tons of serviceable shipping, which would argue a great weakness in the Company and indiscretion in the Committee if forced to return empty. It was objected that this must first be communicated to the Generality in regard divers adventurers give out "that it is not in the power of the Committees to dispose of their estates once brought into the kingdom without their consents," their order being to hasten the return of their estate and not to adventure any more; to which was answered that this was agreeable to the direction of the Generality and. the ready way to hasten home their stock which otherwise would be in danger to be lost. Another Committee advised that though they should thus be indebted 60,000l. more than their stock in England would make good, they should not be discouraged, their stock in the Indies being at least 200,000l., which he durst undertake to secure for one in the hundred, besides their expectation of recompense from the Dutch upon the arrest of the three ships; propounding further to buy out those adventurers who were unwilling to hazard more at 80 percent., to be paid out of the pepper of the London and Reformation for their 12th division and their good debts, and intimating the dishonour the Company would receive if they suffered the Hollanders wholly to possess the trade; which reasons inclined the Court to the continuance of the trade as before declared, and it was thought the money might be supplied out of their debts and by sale of their cloves, but notwithstanding long debate resolution was suspended till they might see what would be the issue of the three Dutch ships. Barlow to be ordered to enlarge his former direction of 15,000 ryals to 30,000 ryals.
Sept. 22.—The Court having received certain knowledge that the three Dutch ships lately come from Surat are stayed under his Majesty's arrest at Portsmouth, it was conceived very necessary to give his Majesty humble thanks for his favour, Mr. Governor therefore assembled this meeting to deliver their opinions whether to do. so by petition or word of mouth; after debate it was concluded by general consent to deliver thus much in effect by word of mouth, viz., that the Company return hearty thanks for this beginning, and beseech his Majesty to continue his noble resolution, whereby the ships may not be released until the business between the Company and the Dutch be brought to some good issue, the only way to encourage the Company to go on in the trade, and Mr. Deputy and a Committee were entreated to accompany Mr. Governor to Hampton Court on Monday morning next to attend his Majesty. It was stated that Mr. Secretary Coke had been acquainted with the stay of the Dutch ships, and the Company's desire to have warrant for the apprehension of the Amboyna judges reported to be in them, who readily vouchsafed to write a very effectual letter to Capt. Towerson commanding care of said ships and search and apprehension of the persons, which was accordingly sent down by Mr. Powell, one of the Company's servants. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X., 82–86.]
Sept. 22. 502. The Privy Council to Sir Henry Mervin, Admiral of the Narrow Seas. To make stay of and arrest the three Dutch East India ships which lately rode in Stokes Bay, and to cause them to be brought under the fort at Portsmouth, and if they refuse to force them thereto, with the assistance of his Majesty's ships and all other men-of-war or merchant ships in the bay. 1 p. [Dom. Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 11, Cal p. 354.]
Sept. 22.
Carisbrooke Castle.
503. (Sec. Conway) to (the Admiral and Commanders of the Dutch East India ships in Meadhole, near Cowes). Has received information that a pinnace is come to them full of men, which brings a great jealousy that they may break from that moderate order taken for the avoiding of extremity; advises them to consent to the request of the King's Admiral for going into some safe harbour, where they will remain in his Majesty's protection and safe from all manner of pillage or offence and receive all good treatment until the cause be composed between his Majesty and the States according to equity; if they come to blows he shall hold himself discharged of all inconveniences that may arise. 1 p. [East Indies Vol IV, No. 36.] Another copy is in Dom. Chas. I. Vol. LXXIX., No. 12, Cal. p. 355.
Sept. 22.
Isle of Wight.
504. Sec. Conway to Mr. Burrell. To send away the Convertive and all the other ships he can to lie at the Cowes, advertisement being come of a Dutch fleet to take away the East India ships. [Dom., Chas. I., Conway's Letter Book, p. 285, Cal. p. 355.]
Sept. 22.
505. Sec. Conway to Capt. Mervin. If the wafters come the Dutch East India ships may be attempted and taken away, which would be an inevitable mischief and of longer consequence than can be foreseen. Will employ his best mediation with the admirals and captains of the ships to give assurance for their remaining under the King's protection. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 13, Cal. p. 355.]
Sept. 22.
506. Sec. Coke to Sec. Conway. The orders sent for stay of the three Dutch ships have not varied from his Lordship's directions of the 21st. But because exception was taken against the warrant being under one hand alone, he drew another, which the Lords signed and sent to Sir Henry Mervin, and the King expressed so much sense of his honour that the ships should be carried into Portsmouth that if he had not been satisfied that the Lords warrant would be effectual his Majesty would have written a peremptory command under his own hand. The Dutch Ambassador has not prevailed with the King for their dismission, and seemed jealous, as if the King's intention had been to raise money, but is satisfied on that point and addressed himself yesterday to the Lord Steward, with whom Coke dealt by all means to persuade a willing submision. Has endeavoured to separate the interests of the States from the differences of the merchants, and withal to express the King's care to prevent spoil His Majesty was much displeased with the carriage of the ships to the Cowes, and the Lord Steward joins with Lord Conway and himself in protesting against it. Fears Capt. Mervin is not free from blame and is not without jealousy that he has been wrought upon. His Lordship will please carry a watchful eye over their proceedings. The best news they could hear would be of the peaceable mooring of those ships in Portsmouth harbour. 3 pp. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 14, Cal. p. 355]
Sept. ? 507. "Declaration concerning the arrest of the three Dutch East India ships." By Treaty it was agreed that if the States should not within 18 months do justice for the extreme wrongs suffered by his subjects from the Dutch in Amboyna his Majesty should be free to seek his own justice. That time expired and nothing was done, and the English merchants importuning for justice, his Majesty gave order for staying any Dutch East India ships that should come upon his coast, and three of them coming lately to the Isle of Wight, order was renewed for their arrest. This endangered a fight with his Majesty's ships, but Conway, then in the Isle of Wight, foreseeing the hazard of such an encounter, prevailed upon the Dutch Commanders, [as appears by the annexed papers see ante Nos. 494, 503.] to submit to his Majesty's authority, and they went peaceably into Portsmouth, where his Majesty has given such order for their safety as will take away all cause of complaint, having no other intent but to keep them as pledges to procure justice to his subjects, and upon satisfaction therein will readily dismiss them. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 38.]
Sept. 24.
Cowes, aboard the Loyalty.
508. Capt. Robert Bargrave to Edward Nicholas, at his house in Channel Row, Westminster. Was even now sent to let the Admiral of the Dutch East India ships know the King's commands, which they all seemed willingly to obey, but the wind falling so contrary that they could not carry them into Portsmouth they were commanded to strike their yards, which they did. They muse much at the occasion, yet seem to understand it is about the Amboyna business, of which they all protest themselves innocent of. Extract. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 22, Cal. p. 356].
Sept. 24. 509. Consultation aboard the Expedition. Examination of a Complaint against John Samuel, purser, for refusing to deliver up apparel for the ship's company homeward bound and for his neglect of place and charge. Signed by John Head, John Arnold, James Preston, Alexander Lord, Roger Wright, and Peter Killinge. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. Xl., No. 1257b.]
Sept. 26. 510. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Gratuity of 20s. to Henry Compton, messenger to the Lower House of Parliament, who in the Parliament time had shown himself ready to serve the Company. Renewed request of William Robinson for Henry Hawley's wages referred. Report of Mr. Governor that with Mr. Deputy and Committees he had attended the King according to order, and given thanks for his favour in the stay of the Dutch ships, desiring continuance thereof, that at last his honour for the murder of his subjects might be repaired and the Company's damages really restored, that in answer his Majesty promised to right and support the Company, but withal expected they would now follow the trade bravely, that Mr. Governor said that what is already done had much cheered the Company inasmuch as that they had resolved on sending a ship and pinnace, and on settlement of their differences with the Dutch, would receive encouragement to proceed more comfortably than of late they had done. Letters read from Portsmouth, from Mr. Towerson and John Powell, relating what passed there concerning the Dutch ships, and advising that warrant be sent down for taking ashore their sails and yards, so they may be disabled from stealing away, and for apprehending the Amboyna men; resolved to send said letters to Mr. Sec. Coke, and desire warrants accordingly. Offer of Sir Henry Vane to sell the Company some fat oxen; to treat with him for the price. Ordered that the proportions of victual and other provisions for these ships be made out. On consideration that men are move willing to be entertained to go northward than to the southward, resolved that the Jonas and Dove go first to Surat, and afterwards as occasion require. Request of Mr. Covell to buy or borrow powder denied, the Court remembering the late great fight, that they have but 285 barrels of which the City desire to have 100, and that it will be fit to furnish these ships with a greater proportion than necessary. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 87–90.]
Sept. 27.
511. Edward Misselden to Dudley Lord Carleton. Sends letter received from the East India Company. Was bold to send to his Lordship a former letter from the Company because in it was mention of his Lordships discontentment at him. Hoped his Lordship would have vindicated him, but received no answer; protests at length that he knows no cause for it, and begs his Lordship's good word. Begs a line from his Lordship's secretary in answer, as also whether the Ambassadors for England are yet agreed on who they are and when they go? what is the resolution of the Bewinthebbers lately brought to the States, whether any of them or their deputies are to be sent over with the Ambassadors, and whether the States took any caution for the forthcoming of the Amboyna men? The East India fleet lately gone hence, meeting with a storm the Vice-admiral and another were wholly cast away, and two others on ground, and all through not daring to come into English harbours. The Bewinthebbers are like madmen thus to put the Company to such infinite adventures through their obstinacy; hopes it will make them or the States see their error. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 28.
The Hague.
512. Dudley Lord Carleton to [Sec. Coke]. His letter of the 20th gave him subject for an audience with the States General, and not long after three of their deputies brought a verbal answer to his propositions. For the business of Amboyna they had named their judges and framed commissions for them, as also for a fiscal, with such an adjunct as should be thought fit to have equal charge with him. Touching Coen, they had his revocation in serious debate and would quickly resolve. The conclusion was a motion for Carleton to write for the release of the three East India ships stayed at Portsmouth, which they made a matter of much moment as contrarying the Treaty of Southampton and crossing all his Majesty's desires with this State. What took place in two hours long discourse. Offered to make further instance, according to their desire, absolutely to free their ships in case they would minister to him matter for it, as by present revocation of Coen, by proceeding promptly and roundly in judgment upon the Amboyna judges, by restraining them meantime by imprisonment to the end that they might not combine in their answers, and by setting such course of correspondence with the English Company as might agree with the right sense of the Treaty of Association, that it might appear to the world they did not approve of their men monopolising that trade with the loss of the lives and goods of Carleton's countrymen. In this case, and not otherwise could he counsel the release of those ships, for without such a course some of the States themselves have often said they have not authority to reduce these directors to reason. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 28.
513. Edward Reed to Sec. Conway. Within an hour of his Lordship's departure there was an accord between Capt. Mervin and the East Indian ships that on warning they would weigh anchor and attend the King's ships into Portsmouth, since which wind and tide have failed for moving them. This morning is come to Cowes a Holland man-of-war as forerunner of five more coming to wait these East Indian ships for Holland. The English Admiral doubts that force will be used to take them away. Excuses they make for delaying their departure. The Guernsey ships sent to assist on occasion. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 47, Cal. p. 360.]
Sept. 28.
Cowes Road.
514. Sir Henry Mervyn to Edward Nicholas. The Dutch ships are obedient to his Majesty's arrest. This morning the wind is S.W. and they are fitting themselves to go for Portsmouth harbour, but will not get in till tomorrow morning. [Extract, Dom. Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 48, Cal. p. 360.]
Sept. 28.
515. William Towerson to Nicholas, Secretary to the Duke of Buckingham. The Dutch ships yet at the Cowes, Sir Henry Mervyn having them under command waiting for a "sleat of fair wind" to bring them into Portsmouth. Three of the King's ships at Cowes. [Extract, Dom., Chas, I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 49, Cal. p. 361.]
Sept. 29.
Stokes Bay.
516. Sir Henry Mervyn to Nicholas. Received his letter this morning even as he was bringing in the Dutch East Indian ships. [Extract, Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXIX., No. 63, Cal. p. 363.]