Queen Juana: 1505

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: 1505', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp70-73 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: 1505', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp70-73.

"Queen Juana: 1505". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp70-73.


1505. Feb.? 7. Summary of the Proceedings of the Cortes In Toro.
[Simancas. Patronato Real. Cortes. Legajo 2.]
La suma de los abtos que fisieron los procuradores de las cortes de las cibdades e villas destos Reynos estando juntos en las cortes generales que se fizieron en la cibdad de toro este año de mill e quinientos e cinco años es lo siguiente.
Primeramente despues de averse mostrado a los dichos procuradores de cortes el testamento original de la Señora Reyna doña ysabel nuestra Señora que Santa gloria aya y de averseles leydo dos clausulas del dicho testamento que disponen cerca de la subcesion e administracion e governacion destos Reynos e una provision patente que sobrello dio la dicha Señora Reyna doña ysabel nuestra Señora juraron e rescibieron a la muy alta e muy poderosa Señora la Reyna doña juana nuestra Señora fija ligitima primogenita heredera de la dicha Señora Reyna doña ysabel por Reyna e Señora e ligitima subcesora e propietaria destos Reynos e Señorios e asy la nonbraran e yntitularan de aqui adelante y le dieron y prestaron la obidiencia y reverencia e subjeccion y vassallage que como subditos e naturales vasallos deven e son obligados a le dar e prestar e al muy alto e muy poderoso Señor el Rey don felipe como a su ligitimo marido e asimismo juraron al Señor Rey don fernando, padre de la dicha Reyna doña juana nuestra Señora por administrador y governador destos dichos Reynos e Señorios por la dicha Reyna doña juana nuestra Señora segun se contiene en las dichas clausulas del testamento de la dicha Señora Reyna doña ysabel y en la dicha carta patente que sobrello dio y fizieron pleito omenaje en forma de derecho para lo asi tener e guardar.
E despues de avidas algunas platicas entre los dichos procuradores en las dichas cortes todos unanimes e conformes presentaron una peticion antel dicho señor Rey don fernando en que en efecto se contenia que aviendo sido ynformados particularmente de la enfermedad de la dicha Reyna doña juana nuestra Señora consederando que asy de derecho como segund las leyes destos Reynos al dicho Señor Rey don Fernando solo por ser padre de su Alteza le es devida y pertenesce la ligitima cura e administracion destos Reynos e Señorios segund que en la dicha clausula del dicho testamento por el no poder por los dichos ynpedimentos se contiene de manera que agora en el dicho Señor Rey don fernando concurren todas las maneras de cura y administracion que de derecho y leyes destos Reynos se dispone por la forma y manera e segund e como la tenian jurado loando y aprovando lo que cerca de la dicha administracion o governacion destos Reynos la dicha Señora Reyna doña ysabel por el dicho su testamento y provision patente que sobrello dio dexo ordenado e discernido que ellos conformandose con el derecho e leyes destos Reynos sy necesario es todos unanimes e conformes en nonbre destos dichos Reynos e Señorios siendo informados particularmente y costandoles de la dicha enfermedad que es tal que la dicha Reyna doña juana nuestra Señora no puede governar que proveyendo al bien e pro comun destos Reynos nonbravan e avian e tenian al dicho Señor Rey don fernando por ligitimo curador e administrador e governador destos Reynos e Señorios en nonbre de la dicha Reyna doña juana nuestra Señora segund e por la forma e manera que la dicha Señora Reyna doña ysabel lo dexo ordenado por el dicho su testamento y provisiones y ellos lo tenian jurado.
E asimismo el dicho Señor Rey don fernando a suplicacion de los dichos procuradores de las dichas cortes como administrador e governador destos Reynos e Señorios, juro en forma de no enajenar el partrimonio de la corona Real destos Reinos segund e por la forma que la dicha Señora Reyna doña ysabel nuestra Señora lo dexo ordenado por su testamento e asymismo juro de guardar los previlegios e buenos usos e costunbres de todas las cibdades e villas e lugares destos Reynos e Señorios segund e como que fasta aqui les han sido guardadas segund que mas largamente todo lo susodicho se contiene en los abtos que sobrello pasaron. Miguel perez dalmaçan.
7. The Summary of the proceedings of the Procurators of the cities and towns of these kingdoms, assembled in the General Cortes, held in the city of Toro, in the year 1505, is as follows.
In the first place, the original copy of the will of our Lady Queen Isabel, who is in eternal glory, was shown to the said Procurators, and two clauses of the said will concerning the succession, administration and government of these kingdoms were read to them, together with a letter patent, given by the said Queen, Doña Isabel, our Lady, concerning the same subject. [The Procurators] swore allegiance to the very high and mighty Lady, the Queen Doña Juana, our Lady and legitimate firstborn daughter and heiress of the said Lady Queen Isabel, as Queen, Sovereign Lady, and legitimate successor and possessor of these kingdoms and dominions, and called and styled her so thenceforth, and promised and offered her the obedience and homage and servitude which subjects and born vassals were bound to give and offer to her and the very high and mighty Lord King Philip, her lawful husband. They swore at the same time the oaths of homage in the prescribed form to the Lord King Ferdinand, father of the said Queen Juana our Lady, in his quality of administrator and governor of these kingdoms and dominions, according to the contents of the said clauses of the will and the letters patent of the said Lady Queen Isabel, and promised to keep and observe it.
This done, some discussions took place between the Procurators of the said Cortes, and then all being of the same mind they presented unanimously a petition to the said Lord, King Ferdinand, the substance of which was, that after having been particularly informed of the infirmity of the said Queen Juana, our Lady, they considered that by right as well as according to the laws of these kingdoms the lawful guardianship and administration of these kingdoms and dominions is due and belong to the said Lord, King Ferdinand, alone, as being the father of her Highness, and as according to the contents of the above-mentioned clause of the will. For, in consequence of the impossibility which follows from the said impediment, all right of guardianship and government devolves on the said Lord, King Ferdinand, in accordance with the laws and statutes of these kingdoms, and which they [the Procurators] had sworn to observe. Praising and approving all that the said Lady Queen Isabel, in her will and letters patent, had ordained and decided with respect to the administration or government of these kingdoms, and conforming themselves to the customs and laws of these kingdoms, they all being of the same mind, having been privately informed, and it being notorious that the said infirmity renders it impossible for Queen Juana, our Lady to govern, name and accept and consider in the name of these kingdoms, and for the good and common weal of them, the said Lord, King Ferdinand, as lawful guardian, administrator, and governor of these kingdoms and dominions, in the name of the said Queen Juana, our Lady, according to and in the form and manner that the said Lady Queen Isabel ordered in her said will and letter, and they had sworn.
At the same time the said Lord, King Ferdinand, administrator and governor of these kingdoms and dominions, formally swore at the instance of the Procurators of the Cortes not to alienate the property of the Royal Crown of these kingdoms, according to and in the form which the said Lady Queen Isabel, our Lady, ordered in her will. He swore likewise to preserve intact all the privileges, customs, and usages of all the cities, towns, and other places in these kingdoms and dominions, according to and as they have hitherto been observed. All this is contained more at large in the instruments which were drawn up on these subjects. Miguel Perez de Almazon.