Queen Juana: 1506

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: 1506', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp73-85 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: 1506', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp73-85.

"Queen Juana: 1506". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp73-85.


1506 (?) [Beginning of.] 8. King Philip to Jehan De Hesdin.
[Le Glay. Negociations Diplomatiques entre la France et l'Autriche, Vol. I. p. 200. Fragment.]
Instruction pour Jehan de Hesdin, escuier, mareschal des logis du roi de Castille, de Leon, de Grenade, etc., de ce qu'il aura à dire de la part dudit seigneur roy à Gonzalve Fernando, devers lequel presentement l'envoye.
Premierement :
Lui presentera ses lettres de credence, pour l'exposicion desquelles lui dira premierement la bonne et singuliere amour et affection que ledit seigneur roy luy porte, tant pour les vertuz et leaulté qui sont en luy, comme aussi pour ce qu'il le tient pour son bon et leal vassal et subgect, et qu'il a espoir et confidence qu'il luy vouldroit faire plaisir et service, ainsi que icellui seigneur roy assez a esté adverty, tant par le roy des Romains son pere, lequel luy en a fait pluiseurs bons rapports, comme aussi par pluiseurs autres, dont grandement le mercye.
Et à ceste cause et pour cette confidence luy a bien voulu faire dire et declairer les choses qui s'ensuyvent :—
Assavoir, comme depuis le trespas de feue la royne Ysabeau, que Dieu pardoint, le roy don Fernando, roy d'Arragon, son beau-pere, ait chercié tous moyens à luy possibles pour avoir usurpé et detenu ses royaumes de pardeçà, et en prive et deboute ledit seigneur roy, la royne sa compaigne et leur enffans, contre Dieu, droit et raison.
Et, pour ce faire, pour couverture et dissimulacion, car jasmais ne se fait grant mal que soubz couleur et dissimulacion de quelque bien, affin de mieux parvenir a son intencion et non se mectre de prime face en l'indignation des grans ne du peuple, a, incontinent après ledit trespas de ladite feue royne, delaissié le tiltre de roy ; mais, contre ce, il a prins tiltre de gouverneur et administrateur perpetuel desdits royaulmes ; tellement qu'il eust peu sembler que en nom il n'estoit riens, mais en effect, en euvre et en gouvernement il eust eté le tout.
Tost après qu'il eust prins ledit tiltre de gouverneur et administrateur perpetuel, feist tenir courtès en la ville de Thore, esquelles courtès il se feist par les procuradores et autres jurer pour tel en se vantant en ce de certain testament de ladite feue royne, lequel toutesfoiz ledit seigneur roy n'a jasmais peu veoir, ne autre pour luy, par copie ne autrement, quelque requeste ou poursuite qu'il en ait faite ne fait faire. Par quoy appert clerement que ce n'est que abuz, combien que, quant ores il en eust quelque chose, que ce ne peut de riens avanchier ne prejudicier quant au droit dudit seigneur roy.
Ce fait, après qu'il a esté ainsi juré gouverneur et administrateur, en a bien usé ; car il a entierement disposé à sa voulenté de toutes choses, ne plus ne moins que s'il eust resté seul roy, sinon que, ès publicacions de justice qui se faisoient et en expedicions de lettrages et autres choses, faisoit dire de par la royne sa fille, comme vraye heritiere, et de par luy comme gouverneur et administrateur perpetuel, sans faire mencion nulle du roy, non plus que s'il n'y eust droit ne action quelconque.
Oultre plus, affin d'avoir plus grant coleur d'usurper ledit gouvernement et de en animer les grans et le peuple envers et à l'encontre dudit seigneur roy, feist publier et courir la voix partout que ladite royne sa fille estoit folle ; par quoy il devoit gouverner pour elle, et que ledit seigneur roy son mari la tenoit prisoniere, avec autres mensongies et bourdes infinies.
Encoires plus, icellui seigneur roy d'Arragon, en toutes devises, secretement et autrement, en sa chambre et ailleurs, aussi en sermons publicques, a journellement dit, fait et souffert dire et preschier dudit seigneur roy touts les vices, opprobres et choses deshonnestes que l'on pourroit dire de prince, pour par les moyens dessusdits mectre le peuple et aussi lesdits grans maistres en une horreur et hayne envers icellui seigneur roy.
Aussi a-il fait tout son povoir et par tous les moyens qu'il a peu et sceu adviser, par dons, promesses, alienacion des biens de la couronne et autrement, de gaigner et attraire lesdits grans maistres à luy.
Et combien que ledit seigneur roy ait bien sceu et journellement esté adverty des choses dessusdites, lesquelles il a paceimment souffert et enduré, en se mectant tousjours en tout devoir de faire et porter audit seigneur roy d'Arragon sondit beau-pere, tout l'honneur et toute la reverence qui luy a esté possible et que bon fils est tenu de faire, esperant tousjours par doulceur et amour le vaincre et luy amolyr le ceur.
Ce nonobstant, icellui seigneur roy d'Arragon, en perseverant tousjours de mal en pis et veullant spollier ledit seigneur roy et sesdits enfants de leur sucession, non seullement d'Arragon et de Naples, mais de tout, s'il eust peu, s'est allé marier et alier aux François, ennemis perpetuels des couronnes de Castille et d'Arragon, et a fait ung mariaige si vitupereulx, comme chacun scet, secretement, sans le sceu dudit seigneur roy, et en entretenant cependant l'ambassadeur d'icellui seigneur roy de belles parolles et de bourdes, nyant ledit mariaige jusques il estoit tout fait, disant tousjours qu'il vouloit tant de biens à icellui seigneur roy que merveilles, et luy estre bon pere ; ce dont il a par effect monstré tout le contraire.
Encoires, non content de ce, ledit Seigneur roy d'Arragon, tost après ledit mariaige fait, a poursuy et fait poursuyr devers noster saint pere l'investiture dudit royaulme du vivant de ladite feue royne Isabeau, en l'an quinze cent et ung ; laquelle investiture se feist expressement pour iceulx roy don Fernando, ladite royne Isabeau et leurs enffans procreez d'eulx deux et non de l'un d'eulx.
Pardessus le droit de ladite investiture, a-il autre droit d'une part, pour ce que ledit royaulme de Naples a esté gagnié et conquis, non d'argent, gens ne sang d'Arragon mais de Castille, d'autre part, par le mariage de monseigneur le prince avec madame Claude a y droit acquis pour mondit seigneur le prince.
Non obstant encoires toutes lesquelles choses, ledit seigneur roy, estant pour lors occupé en plusieurs autres ses grans et urgens affaires, veant que promptement ne povoit obvyer ne remedier aux choses dessusdites, sans avoir mis tout le royaulme en guerre, à la totale destruction d'icellui, pensant tousjoures vaincre par bien faire, aiant aussi quelque espoir sur les belles parolles que ledit seigneur roy son beau-pere disoit journellement, contraires toutes fois à ses euvres, mais pensoit que quelque jour il se convertiroit, feist certain traictié avec luy ...
13th June. 9. King Ferdinand The Catholic to his Ambassadors staying with King Philip.
[Simancas. Patronato Real. Capitulaciones con la Casa de Austria. Legajo 2. f. 17. Original draft, most probably to be put in cipher.]
Rio Negro, xiii. de Junio de dvi. Sobre las vistas del Rey don Felipe y Rey Catolico.
Esta tarde por dos postas he recebido vuestra carta y las dos del Arçobispo de x. y xj. del presente yo le respondo en claro como vereys el plazer que he havido de saber que las cosas estan ya puestas en manos, etca., y que yo continuare mi camino fasta topar e me juntar con el Rey y la Reyna mis fijos y assi lo hare de manera que no lo puedan estorbar todos quantos alla lo estorban. demas desto direys al Arçobispo que esto de mi ida alla yo lo fago por seguir su voto y consejo que es que me confie enteramente y tanbien porque veo y creo que esta es la salud para todos estos negocios. mas le direys que lo que alla han dicho que yo proveya que es verdad como ya se le ha escrito que algunas cosas estaban ordenadas para que si fueran menester se pusieran en obra. mas que mi fin quando se ordenaban no fue para que se pusiessen en obra salvo que hove por bien que se ordenassen por contentar al condestable que lo solicitaba y atizaba estrañamente, y entonces no caya (fn. 1) yo que el lo fazia por poner discordia pero en fin podeys certificar que de mi parte ninguna cosa dello se ha puesto ni porna en obra ni en todo el Reyno se hallara carta ni provision ny renglon mio que toque a esta materia, y que ahunque yendo solo de la manera que voy al Rey mi fijo estava cierto que yo no havia de innovar cosa alguna, pero que por mayor satisfaccion del Arçobispo que con tan santo celo dessea nuestra concordia yo embio aqui firmada y sellada la cedula que el deman de, y me placera que como dice cobre otra tal del Rey mi fijo, pero que para mi yda yo no esperare la dicha cedula ni otra cosa alguna, y que pues de mi parte no esta fecho ni proveydo nada ni embiadas cartas a grandes ni a ciudades, etca. ni fecho otra cosa alguna que seria bien que el Arçobispo procure de suyo que si algunas cosas ha proveydo el Rey mi fijo para fin de discordia las suspenda y embie por las provisiones o mensaieros si algunos fueron embiados porque no hagan alguna alteracion en el Reyno que quando estemos juntos si place a dios se proveeran todas las cosas sin alteracion y como cumple a la paz y bien del Reyno.
El condestable fizo y dixo aqui muchas cosas trabaiando que otros grandes y cavalleros se juntassen y juramentassen con el para estorvar que entre mi y el Rey mi fijo no haya concordia y que en caso que no lo pudiessen estorbar que se juramentassan con el para que tomassen la boz de la Reyna contra el Rey mi fijo y contra mi y ciertamente yo no pudiera creer del tal cosa y solamente lo digo para que el Arçobispo este sobre aviso que creo que esto que aqua el condestable procurava lo procurara meior alla porque hallara mas que le sigan para ello. tanbien se dice que va con ardid de concertarse con don juan Manuel y dar a su fijo la encomienda de Castilnovo que yo le di para que mejor pueda por su mano estorvar la concordia. estad en todo sobre aviso y no participeis nada desto sino al Arçobispo.
Pareceme bien que vos don pedro vengays luego y que vos fernando de Vega y el Cor (fn. 2) quedeys alla.
9. Rionegro, 13th of June '506. Concerning the interview of King Philip with the Catholic King.
This afternoon I received by two couriers your letters, as well as those of the Archbishop, of the 10th and 11th of the present month. I have answered in common writing, as you will see, that I have great pleasure in knowing that the affair is already in hand, etc., and that I shall continue my journey until I meet the King and the Queen, my children, and carry out my intentions in such a manner that all those who wish to disturb them shall not be able to do so. Moreover you are to tell the Archbishop that I undertake this journey in order to follow his advice and counsel and to show confidence, and likewise because I believe that it will be beneficial with respect to all those negotiations. You are, however, to tell him also that what has been said there about certain measures which I have taken is the truth, and in fact it has already been written to him that orders had been given to make certain preparations in case of need. But when I gave those orders it was not my intention to carry them out, and I only consented to them in order to satisfy the Constable who solicited them, and incited me with great passion. I did not then believe that he did so in order to foment discord, but at all events you can say that on my part nothing of the kind has been done, nor will be done, and in the whole kingdom not a single letter or order, or even a line from me to that effect will be found. Going alone, as I go, to meet the King my son, I was persuaded that I ought not to disturb anything, and in order fully to satisfy the Archbishop, who with so holy a desire wishes to reconcile us. I send with this the papers under my signature and seal which he asks for, and I approve that, as he proposes, he accepts another similar paper from the King, my son. In as far, however, as my journey is concerned, I shall not wait for the paper, nor for any other thing. As I have done nothing and sent no letters to grandees or cities, etc., or prepared any other measure, it would be well that the Archbishop, in his own name, should procure that, if the King, my son, has taken measures calculated to create discord, he should suspend them and recall his orders and messengers, if he has sent any, in order to avoid disturbances in the kingdom. When we meet we shall, with the help of God, provide for everything without producing commotions, as the peace and weal of the kingdom requires.
The Constable did and spoke many things here, asking other grandees and cavaliers to unite with him, and to swear to prevent a reconciliation between me and the King, my son, and, in case they could not prevent it, to bind themselves by oath to set up the claims of the Queen against the King, my son, and me. Certainly I can scarcely believe it, and I mention it now only in order that the Archbishop may be vigilant. I am persuaded the Constable will more easily attain there what he has endeavoured to attain here, because he will find more persons to follow him there. For this purpose, it is said, he is extremely desirous to reconcile himself with Juan Manuel, and offers his son the knight commandership of Castilnovo, which I have granted him. He thinks that it is easy through him [Juan Manuel] to prevent the reconciliation. Be vigilant, and do not speak on this subject to any one but the Archbishop.
I am of opinion that you and Don Pedro ought to return immediately, and that you, Fernando de Vega, and the knight commander should remain there.
27th June. 10. Treaty between King Ferdinand The Catholic and King Philip.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Capitulaciones con la Casa de Austria. Legajo 2. f. 24. Original.]
The most intimate friendship and alliance is to prevail between the contracting parties. King Ferdinand is to leave the government of the kingdom of Castile to King Philip, etc.
Villafafila, 27th of June 1506.
27th June. 11. Additional Treaty between King Ferdinand and King Philip.
[Archivo General de Simancas. P. R. Capitulacs con la casa de Austria. Legajo, No. 2. f. 21.]
xxxiij. bartolome Ruiz concertado. don fernando por la gracia de dios rrey de Aragon, de las dos Secilias, de ierusalem, etc., fazemos saber a los que la presente vieren que oy dia de la fecha desta fue assentada cierta capitulacion de amistad e union e concordia entre nos y el Serenisimo principe don filipe, rrey de Castilla, de leon, de granada, etc., nuestro muy caro e muy amado fijo y por la onestidad y lo que se deve a la honrra de la Serenissima princessa doña juana, rreyna de Castilla, de leon, de granada, etc., nuestra muy cara e muy amada hija no fueron alli espresadas algunas cosas y causas conviene a saber como la dicha Serenisyma rreyna Nuestra hija en ninguna manera se quiere ocupar ni entender en ningun negocio de regimento ni governacion ni otra cosa y aunque lo quisiese fazer sera total destruycion y perdimiento destos rreynos segund sus enfermedades e pasiones que aqui no se espresan por la onestidad como dicho es queriendo proveer y remediar y obviar a los dichos daños e ynconvenientes que desto se podria seguir fue acordado y asentado entre nos y el dicho serenisimo Rey nuestro hijo que en caso que la dicha serenisima Reyna nuestra hija por si misma o inducida por qualesquier personas de qualquier estado o condicion que fuesen, se quisiese o la quisiesen entrometer en la governacion e turbar e venir contra la dicha capitulacion que nos ni el dicho serenisimo Rey nuestro hijo no lo consentiremos antes seremos muy conformes en lo remediar y seyendo requeridos para ello el uno por el otro nos ayudaremos e daremos ayuda para contra qualesquier grandes o personas que para ello se juntaren e esto faremos sana e derechamente sin arte e sin cautela alguna la qual ayudaremos la una parte a la otra e la otra a la otra a costa de la parte que la pidiere y asi juramos a dios nuestro Señor y a la Cruz y a los Santos quatro evangelios con nuestras manos corporalmente tocamos e puestas sobre su ara de lo guardar e complir. en testimonio de lo qual mandamos fazer la presente firmada de nuestra mano e sellada con el sello de nuestra camara. dada en Villafafila a veinte e siete dias del mes de Junio año del nascimiento de nuestro Señor Jesuchristo de mill e quinientos e seis años. yo el rrey.
yo miguel peres de Almaçan, Secretario del Rey mi Señor la escrivi por su mandado e fue presente a lo susodicho con los dichos testigos. esta sellada con el sello real del dicho Señor Rey de Aragon e signada con el signo del dicho secretario Almaçan. e yo bartolome ruyz de Castañeda escribano de Camara del Rey e de la Reyna Nuestros Señores e secretario de las cortes que Sus Altezas mandan faser doy fee que saque este traslado de la dicha carta original e va cierto. bartolome rruyz.
11. Collated by Bartolome Ruyz.
Don Ferdinand, by the grace of God, King of Arragon, of the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, etc. We make known to all who may see this instrument that on the day named in the date of this, a treaty of friendship, amity and alliance was concluded between us and the most serene Prince Don Philip, King of Castile, Leon, Granada, etc., our very dear and much beloved son. For the sake of honesty and out of respect for the honour due to the most serene Princess, Doña Juana, Queen of Castile, Leon, Granada, etc., our very dear and much beloved daughter, certain circumstances and reasons were not stated in it, viz., that the said most serene Queen is not inclined, on any condition, to occupy herself in the despatch of any business concerning the royal prerogatives and government, or in any other business, and that even if she were inclined to do so, it would be to the total destruction and perdition of these kingdoms. Considering her infirmities and sufferings, which for the sake of her honour are not expressed, as already stated, and being desirous to remedy and prevent the evils and inconveniences which would be the consequences thereof, it has been concerted and concluded between us and the most serene King, our son, that in case the said most serene Queen, our daughter, either from her own choice or from being persuaded by other persons of what estate or condition soever, should attempt, or that they should attempt, to meddle in the government, or to confound and oppose the said treaty ; neither we, nor the said most serene King, our son, shall suffer it, but on the contrary shall be unanimous in preventing it. Either of us, if requested by the other, shall help and assist the other against all grandees or other persons who may combine for such a purpose, very effectively and honourably without any deceit or reserve. The assistance to be given by each one to the other is to be at the expense of the party which asks it ; and so we swear to God our Lord, with our hands touching the Cross and the Four Holy Gospels, placed on the altar, to guard and to fulfil all this ; in testimony whereof we order this instrument to be drawn up, and to be signed by our hand, and sealed with the seal of our chancery.
Given in Villafafila, on the 27th day of the month of June of the year 1506 after the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I the King.
I, Miguel Perez de Almazan, secretary of the King my lord, have written this instrument at his command, and was present at this act, together with the witnesses.
It is sealed with the royal seal of the King of Aragon, and signed with the signature of the secretary Almazan, and I, Bartolome Ruiz de Castañeda, Escribano de Camara of the King and the Queen, our lord and lady, and secretary of the Cortes, certify that their highnesses have ordered me to make this copy, which I have transcribed from the original, and which is correct. Bartolome Ruiz.
27th June. 12. Protestation of King Ferdinand The Catholic against the treaties concluded with King Philip at Villafafila.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Capitulaciones con la Casa de Austria. Legajo 2. fo. 23. Original.]
Reclamacion de Su Alteza de las escripturas hechas en Villafafila el año de 1506.
Por quanto a todos es notorio el grande agravio que la Serenissima Reyna doña juana mi muy cara e muy amada fija e yo don fernando, por la gracia de dios Rey de Aragon, de las dos Sicilias, de Jerusalen, etca., recebimos en la contratacion y concordia tan preiudicial a la dicha Serenissima Reyna mi fija y a mi y a mi derecho y con tan enormissima lesion de nosotros, la qual dicha contratacion y concordia es forçado que yo la faga y firme y jure entre mi y el Serenissimo Rey don felipe mi yerno, por quanto yo fiandome del y de su palabra y juramentos yendo a buena fe y como entre padres y fijos se deve puse mi persona de manera que siendo el con mi fabor apoderado destos rreynos de Castilla y de Leon y estando junto con los grandes dellos y con mano poderosa y fuerte mi Real persona esta en peligro notorio e manifiesto, y mis rreynos segun las ocurrencias de tiempo y estando mi persona en la forma susodicha estan en el mismo peligro, por esto por impression y miedo de lo susodicho y porque de otra manera no se pudian evitar los dichos peligros, queriendo el dicho Rey mi yerno totalmente tomar como toma de fecho la administracion de los dichos rreynos despojandome a mi de la administracion que de derecho por muchos respectos me pertenece y ahun teniendo a la dicha Serenissima Reyna doña juana su mujer mi fija fuera de libertad privandola de todo lo que le pertenece por ser heredera y propietaria destos dichos rreynos e yo forçado como dicho es por los sobredichos peligros impression y miedo oy que son veynte y siete dias de Junio de quinientos y seis años en esta villa de Villafafila he de fazer firmar y jurar acto e concordias e scripturas en las quales le dexo al dicho Rey don felipe la administracion destos dichos rreynos y le he de fazer e firmar e jurar scritura que si la dicha Serenissima Reyna su muger mi fija determinara por si misma o induzida por qualesquiera personas entremeterse en la governacion destos dichos rreynos y turbar la dicha concordia que entrel y mi se ha de fazer, que yo no lo consentire antes sere muy conforme con el para remediarlo, las quales concordia y escritura y juramento yo no fare firmare ni jurare de mi voluntad espontanea antes aquellas fare por evitar los peligros susodichos y por el miedo e impression susodichas porque es cierto que si yo por fiarme del y de su palabra no me huviera puesto donde estoy ni en el estado que estoy, y mi Real persona fuera en su entera libertad y los peligros y miedo susodichos cessasen tal concordia ni scritura ni juramento yo no firmaria ni juraria ni consentiria por ser como es muy prejudicial y en enormissima, lesion de la dicha Serenissima Reyna mi fija y mia. por ende por conservacion de mi derecho y porque al delante se puedan mostrar autenticamente las causas porque yo firmare y jurare y consentire las dichas concordia y escrituras para que no embargantes aquellas como nullas y de ningun efecto yo pueda quando sera menester cobrar mi derecho y administracion y fazer lo que devo y soy obligado por derecho natural a la dicha Serenissima Reyna mi fija para que cobre su libertad y derechos que le pertenecen como a Reyna heredera y propietara destos dichos rreynos, y no pudiendo por los dichos peligros miedo e impression protestar publicamente ni abierta sino secretamente, porque en fazer publica la dicha protestacion hay aquellos mismos peligros e impression. por ende aqui delante de vosotros Micer Thomas Malferite rigiente mi cancelleria y de Mossen juan Cabrero mi camarero ambos del mi consejo y de bos Miguel peres de Almaçan mi Secretario y notario publico por autoridad apostolica y rreal protesto y denuncio y reclamo que el dicho auto concordias y escrituras que oy he de fazer las fare firmare y jurare por fuerça, impression y miedo indubitado y por salir de los peligros susodichos y por sacar mi persona rreal en libertad y evitar la perdicion y daño de mis rreynos y no porque de mi espontanea voluntad ni de mi grado yo quiera ni consienta en dexar la administracion destos dichos rreynos y lo que me toca de derecho por muchos respectos ni me place ni consiento en la privacion de libertad de la dicha Serenissima Reyna mi fija ni de lo que le es quitado de lo que le pertenece como a heredera y propietaria destos rreynos, antes no consiento ni entiendo consentir en ninguno de los dichos actos y concordias y scrituras y juramentos, porque aquellos no enbargantes como nullos impresivos y de ningun efecto quando pudiere quiero como dicho tengo ayudar a la libertad de la dicha Serenissima Reyna mi fija y a que cobre lo que le pertenece como a heredera propietaria destos dichos rreynos, y cobrar la administracion que a mi por muchos respectos de derecho me pertenece, requiriendo a vosotros los susodichos que seays testigos de la presente mi protestacion y reclamacion y a vos notario y Secretario susodicho que recibays acto e instrumento publico della para que al delante autenticamete pueda parecer. fecho e otorgado e firmado e jurado fue lo susodicho en la dicha villa de Villafafila a veinte y siete dias del dicho mes de Junio año del nacimiento de Nuestro Señor Jesu Christo de mill y quinientos y seys años, a lo qual todo fueron presentes por testigos los surodichos Micer Thomas Malferite y Mosen juan Cabrero.
Yo el Rey.
Yo Miguel peres de Almaçan secretario de su Alteza e notario publico por las autoridades apostolica e rreal presente fui en uno con los dichos testigos al otorgamiento desta escriptura de proteste e reclamacion que Su Alteza fizo segund e de la manera que dicha es e en nuestra presencia Su Alteza firmo en ella su nombre e a su pedimiento. la screvi e fice en ella este mi signo acostunbrado en testimonio de verdad. [Signo.] Miguel peres de Almaçan. [Rubrica.]
12. Protestation of His Highness against the Treaties concluded in the year 1506, at Villafafila.
It is notorious to all that we, the most Serene Queen, Doña Juana, my very dear and much beloved daughter, and I, Don Fernando, by the grace of God, King of Aragon, of the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, etc., are much injured by the conclusion of the treaty which is so prejudicial to the said most Serene Queen, my daughter, and to me and my prerogatives, and which contains the most enormous injustice towards us. The said covenant and treaty between me and the most Serene King Don Philip, my son-in-law, was obtained by force, and I am obliged to sign and swear to it, because, confiding in him and his promises and oaths, I went to see him with that good faith which ought to subsist between a father and a son, and then found myself placed in such a position through his having by my favour taken possession of these kingdoms of Castile and Leon, and assembled the grandees thereof, and united a powerful and strong army, that my royal person is in notorious and manifest danger, and consequently, considering what is going on in these times, as well as the position in which my person is placed, my kingdoms are exposed to no less danger. Thus, from fear and apprehension of what has been stated, and because the dangers cannot be avoided in any other manner, since the said King, my son-in-law, is determined entirely to usurp, as in fact he does, the administration of these kingdoms, despoiling me of the administration which on many accounts belongs to me by right, and even depriving the most Serene Queen, Doña Juana, his wife and my daughter, of her liberty and all that belongs to her as heiress and proprietress of these kingdoms : forced, as I have stated, by these dangers, and my apprehensions and fear, I am obliged today, on the 27th of June 1506, in the town of Villafafila, to conclude, sign, and swear to an instrument, alliance and treaty, by which I commit to the said King Philip the government of these kingdoms. Moreover, I am forced to conclude, sign, and swear to a clause, according to which, in case the said most Serene Queen, his wife and my daughter, should determine to take part in the government, and to disturb the treaty, whether by her own decision or induced by any other persons, I am not to consent to it, but in agreement with him oppose her. The said treaty, clause, and oath [are forced from me], and I shall not conclude, sign, and swear to them of my own free will, but only to avoid the above mentioned dangers, and from fear and apprehension. For it is evident that if I had not confided in him and his word, if I had not been placed under such circumstances as I am, if my royal person were at full liberty, and if the said danger and fear were to cease, I should not sign such a treaty and clause, nor swear such an oath, nor consent to such enormous injustice to the said most Serene Queen, my daughter and me. Therefore, in order to preserve my right and to be able afterwards to prove in an authentic manner the reasons which induce me to sign, swear, and consent to the said treaty and clause ; and further, in order to be able, when necessary, and notwithstanding them, they being null and without effect, to recover my right and government, and to do that which according to the right of nature is my duty and obligation towards the most Serene Queen, my daughter, viz., to enable her to recover her liberty and the prerogatives which belong to her as Queen, heiress and proprietress of these kingdoms ; and considering that in consequence of the said dangers fear and apprehensions, I cannot protest publicly and openly, but only secretly, as a public protestation would be attended by the same dangers, and cause the same apprehensions : for all these reasons, and in presence of you, Micer Thomas Malferite, President of my Chancery, and Mosen Juan Cabrero, my Gentleman of the Bedchamber, both of my Council, and you Miguel Perez de Almazan, my Secretary, by Apostolic and Royal Authority Public Notary, I protest, denounce, and declare that I shall conclude, sign, and swear to the treaty, covenant, and clause, which is to be concluded today, under the unmistakeable influence of force, apprehension and fear, that is to say, because I wish to avoid the above stated dangers, as well as to recover the liberty of my person, and to prevent the perdition and ruin of my kingdoms. Of my own free will and determination I would never consent to abandon the government of these kingdoms, and the rights which on various accounts belong to me, nor would I consent and approve that the most Serene Queen, my daughter, should be deprived of her liberty, and despoiled of what belongs to her as heiress and proprietress of these kingdoms, but on the contrary, I do not consent, nor shall I consent to any of the deeds, treaties, and clauses which are to be sworn to, they being not binding and of no effect. Moreover, I intend as soon as I can, according to what I have stated, to help the most Serene Queen, my daughter, to recover her liberty and what belongs to her as heiress and proprietress of these kingdoms, and to have the government again which for many reasons belongs to me. I, therefore, request you who are above named to be witnesses of this my protestation and revocation, and order you, my Secretary and Notary, to draw up the deed and public instrument, in order that it may hereafter be produced as authentic proof. This was declared, signed, and sworn to in the town of Villafafila, on the 27th day of the month of June of the year 1506 after the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in presence of the aforesaid witnesses, Micer Thomas Malferite and Mosen Juan Cabrero.
I the King.
I, Miguel Perez de Almazan, Secretary of His Highness and by Apostolic and Royal Authority Public Notary, was, together with the witnesses, present at the act of this declaration, protestation, and revocation which His Highness made in the aforesaid manner. His Highness signed it in our presence with his name, and at his command I wrote it out and signed it with my customary sign manual in testimony of the truth. Miguel Perez de Almazan. [Sign manual.]


  • 1. Sic.
  • 2. Comendador.