Index: F

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659, ed. Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659. Edited by Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659. Ed. Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


Facombrige, lord. See Bellasis, Thomas, lord Fauconberg.

Fagon, state ship, William in convoy of, 17n.

Fairfax, state ship, arrives in Thames, 69; sent to Toulon, 225.

Fairfax, Farfax, Ferfax, Thomas, third baron, goes to get order against Buckingham recalled, 127; surety for his good behaviour, 128, 241, 296; Buckingham allowed to stay at house of, 241; returned for parliament, 285.

-, -, Mary daughter of, married to Buckingham, 127, 296.

Falcombrige, Falcombridge, Falconbridge. See Bellasis, Thomas, lord Fauconberg.

Falcon, sent with supplies to Blake, 7n.

Fargues, Balthazar de, betrayed Hesdin to Spaniards, 191n.

Faro, Fernando de, Portuguese minister to the Netherlands, arrives in Holland, 231; concerned with differences over the Indies, 232; treating with commissioners, strongly disposed to adjustment, 233.

-, because of epidemic, 105; because of sickness and severe weather, 197, 206.
-, at re-opening of parliament, 158, 162.
-, on Cromwell's death and succession, 242, 258.
-, for blessing on parliament, 277, 280, 282, 285, 289, 291.

Fauconberg, lord. See Bellasis, Thomas.

feasts, petition against celebration of, 6.

Ferdinand III, the emperor, Charles proposes to send Ormonde to, 29n; his envoy unable to have audience of, 32; death of makes French hold back, 50.

Ferfax. See Fairfax.

Ferreira. See Rebello, Francesco Ferrero.

Ferte Imbault, marquis de la See Estampes, Jacques.

-, Senneterre. See Senneterre, Henry de.

Fiennes, Finnes, Nathaniel, member of Council, commissioner of the great seal, to report on draft to Bendish, 8n; speeches at opening of parliament, 158, 288.

Fifth Monarchy men, Millenarists:
-, conspiracy of, discovered, 45; parliament to deal with affair, 46.
-, further conspiracies by discovered, 53.

Finchen, Col. Charles, offers services to Venice, 151.

Finet, Sir John, master of the Ceremonies, reference to Philoxenis, 269.

Finnes. See Fiennes.

Fionia. See Funen.

Fisher, Fischer, Fiscier, Payne, medal presented to for Latin poem on Venetian victory, 7; at work on verses for Protector's elevation, 21.

Flanders, Spanish Netherlands, 141, 210, 224, 244.
-, couriers from, 95, 170, 218, 223, 228.
-, couriers interrupted, 112, 115, 117, 156, 169, 187, 196, 222, 226, 284.
-, news from, 15, 33, 126, 130, 199, 243, 253, 279.
-, Irish levies to to serve Charles in. 2; Scots mutiny and go to, 6; Scots nobles may join Charles in, 31.
-, project to invade with French, 7; Spanish occupation in Portugal will make conquest easier, 24.
-, Spanish ministers in hope to profit by Dutch disgust, 10; Buckingham staying in, 38; Buckingham free to return to, 70.
-, Spanish payment to Charles in, 13; preparations of Charles in cause uneasiness, 43; Charles still in, 156.
-, England to have share of conquests in, 26; without Cromwell's help French will make little progress in, 36.
-, English troops to unite with French to fight in, 49; Lockhart goes to, to command forces, 50.
-, English squadron ready to sail for, 52; ships have sailed for, 61; Montagu supposed to have sailed for, 85; he sails for, 111.
-, all in motion in, 56; English expected to attack coasts of, 91, 95.
-, Hewson reported taken prisoner to, 73; Sexby caught on way to, 96.
-, joint attack unlikely as Spaniards forewarned, 105; Spanish measures to defend, 111.
-, commitment in may delay operations in Baltic, 113; English reinforcements sent to, 114.
-, Cromwell to have seaport in, by treaty, 113; will give English open way into, 115.
-, Penaranda asks for help in, 121; Dutch unlikely to help recover lost places in, 129.
-, supplies of clothes and food sent to, 122, 125; all energies of government devoted to, 126.
-, English and French mean to get great sums out of, 126; forbidden to trade with English, 180; ineffective, 181.
-, help to Sweden would weaken offensive in, 140; Naples enterprise would divert enemy forces from, 161.
-, Finchen's war service in, 151; Pudsey served in, 157; Ormonde returns to, 177.
-, birth of Spanish Infant celebrated in, 160; plot to carry off 2 young Englishmen to, 180.
-, Charles has strong force in ready for invasion, 165, 179; Dutch squadron off, ready to embark them, 174; Spaniards held back his forces in, 188.
-, Goodson sent to watch coast, 177; Lockhart to command in, 186.
-, proposed peace congress in, 183; Spaniards would not accept for congress, 193.
-, French and English will soon begin further enterprises in, 186; great stir in, 194; king goes to arouse enthusiasm, 204.
-, Lorraine or Franche Comte would suit for peace congress, 193.
-, English ships capture Spanish troops off, 193; Lockhart has command of English army in, 220.
-, Cromwell means to persevere with campaign in, 197; allies mean to do great things in, 216.
-, Nuncio warns electoral college that will fall into hands of English, 198; Spaniards dread consequences of fall of Dunkirk to, 213.
-, Dutch fear of English forces in, 214; English firmly established in, 219; Dutch policy to establish neutrality with other provinces of, 223.
-, congratulations on successes in, 217; Cromwell delighted at successes in, 222; gazettes express satisfaction at success in, 239.
-, Cromwell means to secure conquests in, 222; further conquests expected in, 226.
-, troops who object to royal title sent to, 228; route shorter for letters than France, 242.
-, Rome uneasy at progress of English in, 234, 241; French regret Cromwell's death as will stop progress in, 245.
-, success in obliges court to return to Paris, 244; consultations about corning campaign in, 283.
-, English establishing themselves firmly in, 252; danger from establishment in, 268.
-, Duval sent to England from, 263; Morgan knighted for services in, 271; a whole regiment brought back from, 286.
-, Don John recalled from, 271; French will have to grant English further portion of conquests in, 287.

fleet. See navy,

fleet, Danish. See Denmark, fleet of.

-, Dutch. See Netherlands, fleet of.

-, French. See France, navy of.

-, Spanish. See Spain, fleet of.

-, Swedish. See Sweden, fleet of.

-, Turkish. See Turkey, fleet of.

-, Venetian. See Venice, fleet of.

Fleetwood, Flitud, Flito, Charles, Major General for Eastern Counties:
-, resigns major generalship, 16; much moved in opposing change to monarchy, 35; Cromwell sees Lambert in presence of, 88.
-, grant of estate in Ireland to, 74; greatly pleased, 75; may have post of lieut. general in succession to Lambert, 92; appointed lieutenant general, 140.
-, has seat in Council, 140; offers Richard devotion of army, 248, 251, 254.
-, Colonel Cook nephew of, 156; Richard follows army officers to house of, 255.
-, army wants as generalissimo, 254; army divided about, 255; not disposed to take generalship, 257.

-, George:

levies for Sweden will go to fight Poles under, 29; officers approach for levy, 110.

Frisendorf will leave matters in hands of, acts for Sweden without title, 108; at audience with Frisendorf, 110.

issues patents to English ships which prey on Danes, 116; circulates pamphlet to discredit Brandenburg, 232.

Fleming, Flemingh, Sir Oliver, Master of the Ceremonies:
-, Rebello protests to, 83; introduced Palatine minister, 99.
-, arrangements for foreign ministers at Cromwell's installation, 83.
-, not allowed to stay at Petkum's private audience, 86; will not introduce Passerini, 156.
-, attended Melo on public entry, 107; interpreted for Giavarina, 136; interprets for Passerini, 158.
-, indisposed, 150; recovered, at Melo's audience, 151.
-, Giavarina informs of Angelo incident, 218; ordered to bring Nieuport to Hampton Court, 232; attended Nieuport to audience, 251.
-, informs foreign ministers of change of ruler, says new credentials required, 242; tells them that usual formalities expected, 245; but does not specify, 246; Giavarina's reply to approved, 256; attended Giavarina at audience, 263; notified Salvetti of audience, 267.

Flemings, hatred of, for English, 125.

-, ships of. See ships, Dutch, and ships, Flemish.

Flito, Flitud. See Fleetwood.

Florence, Tuscany, Italy, 178. despatches dated at, 77, 81, 187.

-, Grand Duke of. See Medici, Ferdinand II de'.

Florida [N. America], ambassador from to seek Cromwell's help against Spaniards, 146–7.

-, king of, 147.

Flushing [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], Dunkirkers carry prizes to, 47; Sexby seized when escaping to, 96; Nieuport proposed to go by convoy to, 129.

Flying Fame of Amsterdam, captured off Cadiz with Spanish sailors and treasure, 81, 95.

Flying Horse, Cavallo volante, English merchantman, encounter with Venetian squadron, 207.

Fontainebleau [Seine et Marne, France], Queen Christina staying at, 156.

foreign ministers. See under ambassadors.

Forno. See Furnes.

France, 132, 157:
-, 1657:
-,-, news from, 7, 57, 100, 229.
-,-, letters sent via, 113, 144, 155–6, 159, 171, 181, 234, 252, 271, 281–2, 286, 291.
-,-, passport through refused for Charles's envoy, 2; Scots for service of, land at Dunkirk, for Charles, 6.
-,-, Lockhart sent back to, 7; talk of offensive and defensive alliance with, 34; alliance delayed on account of Sweden, 43.
-,-, proposed to invade Flanders together with, 7; Spanish attack on Portugal will make easy for, 34.
-,-, joint declaration with England on right of search, 10; alliance with England reported, 50.
-,-, uncertain if York going to, 11; Bordeaux asks levy of Irish for, 25.
-,-, close relations with Dutch broken, England might enlist help against Dutch, 25; will make little progress in Flanders without Cromwell's help, 36.
-,-, expeditionary force ready for 49, 51; rendezvous in, 52; safely landed in, 60, 67; more men to sail for, 67.
-,-, secret articles of treaty with England, 50–1; England to help at sea, 52.
-,-, close negotiations with Spain renewed, 50; Swedes promote alliance of with Portugal, 79.
-,-, English consider Dutch hampered by imbroglio with, 58; Cromwell wishes to interpose for adjustment between Dutch and, 61; Giustinian to move cautiously about, 74.
-,-, treaty with directed against Dunkirk and Gravelines, 60.
-,-, English in deserting freely, so cannot expect much from, 70; English disinclined to serve in, 75.
-,-, attempt to win over English Catholics from Spanish side, 72–3.
-,-, adjustment signed with Dutch, 76, 105; particulars of, 76; England could have prevented adjustment if wished, 79.
-,-, slow movement delays attack in Flanders, 85, 91; English agreement with to attack Flanders, 91; Bordeaux to apologise for slowness, 98.
-,-, capture of Montmedy by, 95, 97, 102.
-,-, pressure from likely to induce Cromwell to help Sweden, 98; will have to help Sweden if hard pressed, 140.
-,-, Eilenburg travelling home by, 135; Spaniards forewarned of designs on Flanders, 111; will furnish supplies for joint forces, 112.
-,-, not interest of, to hand Dunkirk to English, 112, 114; would like to terminate campaign but pushed on by Cromwell, 113–4; Cromwell complains that not keeping agreements, 114, 120.
-,-, Dunkirk will give English open way into, 115; surprise at allowing English footing in Flanders, 117; supposed to be putting off enterprise, 119; English deeply committed by, 127.
-,-, forced to agree to attack on Mardike, 120, 133; can make no advances for peace without England's consent, 145.
-,-, Mardike handed over to English by, 121; possibly because impossible to hold, 127.
-,-, Dutch would be involved in hostilities with, if broke with England, 129.
-,-, possible naval help for in Italy, 140; would like to have some port in Italy, 146.
-,-, labouring with English to hold Mardike and damage Spaniards, 145; Cromwell anxious to continue union with, 147; English negotiations with proceed very slowly, 150.
-, 1658:
-,-, proposed joint attack with, on Naples, 158, 160–1, 171; Court toys with idea of, 160.
-,-, Cromwell bears with pope for sake of, 184; Cromwell protects Vaudois with help of, 186.
-,-, alliance with England confirmed for another year, 184; to be renewed yearly, 184.
-,-, likelihood of some further enterprise in Flanders, 185–6; Lockhart returning to, 195.
-,-, ambition to unite Vaudois valley to Pinarolo, 186.
-,-, English believe betrayal of Hesdin a trick of, 191; more who deplore than rejoice at fall of Dunkirk, 219.
-,-, Lorraine or Franche Comte would suit for peace congress, 193.
-,-, women taking great part in negotiations in, 193; Lockhart flitting to and fro from, 197.
-,-, Cromwell means to pursue campaign energetically in concert with, 197, 200.
-,-, Ostend fiasco may cool relations with, 203; Faucombrige speaks as if dividing Europe with English, 215; Boreel accuses of not knowing own interests, 233.
-,-, Portugal places great confidence in mediation, 233.
-,-, arrangement with English to attack Porto Longone, 234; understanding with for enterprise in Italy, 235; fear of attack on Porto Longone by, 241.
-,-, can easily and quickly send mission on change of ruler, 243; deep regret for Cromwell's death, because of Flanders, 245.
-,-, may use opportunity to secure Mardick or Dunkirk, 244.
-,-, will do everything possible to maintain Richard, 245; Cromwell recommended son to maintain union with, 247.
-,-, English pleased at successes of, 249; no decision about recognition of new Protector, 263.
-,-, increase of English in Flanders might arouse jealousy of, 252; complaint that not fulfilling treaty, retort, 270; English speak sharply to, 275.
-,-, co-operation with to help Swedes, 261; proposal to help Sweden and break with Dutch if will help, 276.
-,-, great designs in contemplation in Italy, in conjunction with England, 268; would put every obstacle in way of English peace with Spain, 274.
-,-, settlement with for merchants' losses in war with England, 274; asked to appoint commissioners, 275.
-,-, mordant criticism of alliance with England, from Rome, 275; Dutch incline to suggest mediation of between Swede and Dane, 277; will try for adjustment between English and Dutch, 278.
-, 1659:
-,-, Bordeaux back from, 281; posts from delayed, 284; English demanding renewal of alliance with, 287; reports of peace negotiations with Spain, 287, 290.
-, army of, French troops, 194.
-,-, English force ready to unite with, in Flanders, 49, 55, 112; weakness of makes joint operations unlikely, 105.
-,-, Louis stays to put in order, 58; greatly reduced at Montmedy, 97; takes Montmedy, 102.
-,-, advance on Dunkirk, Cromwell informed, 111; lays siege to Mardike, 115; Mardike surrenders to, 116.
-,-, reported defeat by Spaniards, 113; moved on Gravelines but repulsed, 122.
-,-, Mardike lost without help from, 130–1; winter quarters established for near Mardike, 133; help asked to defend Mardike, 142; troops sent, id.; troops quartered there, 155.
-,-, destroys two Spanish redoubts, 189; captures fort near Dunkirk, 203, 214.
-,-, Mazarin sends to England to get muskets and pistols for, 195; feeling scarcity of provisions, 206.
-,-, losses at Ostend, 199; loss serious for, 200; hard pressed in sortie from Dunkirk, saved by English, 211. king visits to rouse enthusiasm, 204; troops withdrawn from Mardick, 227.
-,-, at battle of Dimes, 213–4; losses heavy, 214; Dixmude taken by, 223; enters Bergues St. Winox and Furnes, 226; Linch and Gravelines threatened by, 228, 238; Gravelines surrenders to, 239.
-,-, king's illness may give respite to, 226; progress of obliges Court to return to Paris, 244.
-,-, besieging Ypres, inflicts severe defeat on enemy, 243; believed to have taken Ypres, 246; takes Ypres, 249.
-,-, takes Oudenarde, 246; besieges Armentieres, 249; successes enable to winter in good quarters, 253; money collected by cavalry raids of, not shared with English, 270.
-, clergy of, remonstrance against assisting heretics, 124.
-, king of. See Henry IV; Louis XIII; Louis XIV.
-, marshals of. See Aumont, Antoine d'; Monchy, Charles de, sieur d'Hocquincourt; Porte, Charles de la, duc de La Meilleraie; Senneterre, Henri de, de la Ferté; Tour d'Auvergne, Henri de la, vicomte de Turenne.
-, merchants. See merchants, French.
-, navy of, English to co-operate with in Mediterranean, 51, 259, 261; arming at Toulon, 146, 161; 5 English frigates to unite with at Toulon, 225.
-, Queen Mother of. See Anne.
-, ships of. See ships, French.

Franche-Comte, France, suitable for peace congress, 193.

Francis and John, East Indiaman, captured by Dutch, 237.

Franciscans, captured, paraded through London, 54.

Frankfort on Main [German Empire]:
-, despatch dated at, 198.
-, discussion in electoral college, Spaniards inactive, 197; nuncio warns of danger from heretics, 198.
-, Leopold elected emperor at, 232n; Ranzou acted for Denmark at diet of, 277.

Frederick, East Indiaman, captured by Dutch, 237.

Frederick III, King of Denmark, 300.
-, preparing large forces, suspected designs against Sweden, 28; persistent hostile acts against Swedes, 65; war declared by, 79; invades Bremen, 86.
-, imperial envoy expected, to stir against Sweden, 65; Sweden can turn all forces against, when settled with Pole, 77.
-, will withold attack until Germans have entered Poland, 79; unlikely to draw back from Swedish hostilities, 99.
-, letters to Cromwell justifying breach, 86; mission of Meadowe to, 107, 118.
-, strong enough against all attacks even by sea, 99; in difficulties if English close Sound, 101; inclined to accept English mediation, 127; asks for mediation, 177.
-, poor, having strained resources, 101; asks Cromwell for levy of infantry, 156.
-, measures to increase strength of army, 156; harsh terms exacted from, 178.
-, honours Meadowe at departure, 215; has not sent fresh credentials to resident, 264; resident presents letters from to Cromwell, 267.
-, expecting succour from Dutch, 249; Dutch fleet for delayed, 252; Dutch succours for, 267, 293; because of previous arrangement with, 270.
-, Opdam to hand over all prisoners and ships to, 270; conflict of with Sweden matter of great moment to Dutch, 277.
-, appoints Ranzau ambassador extraordinary to England, 277.

Frederick III, duke of Holstein Gottorp, accessions under treaty of Roskilde, 178; king of Sweden married to daughter of, 264.

Frederick William, margrave of Brandenburg, elector:
-, Schlezer negotiating in interests of, 100; arrest of minister an affront to, 139.
-, reports of leaving Swedish side, 102; makes terms with Casimir, 125.
-, union with Austria causes great jealousy to Protestants, 153; pamphlet on Sweden's case against, 232.
-, outcry against about Thomas, 163; Cromwell writes to about, 163n; mission of Jephson to, 205, 215.
-, Schlezer abandoned by, 232; means to send some one else with compliments. 272; emperor designs to ruin by making generalissimo, 301.

-, three men arrested for complicity in plot against Protector, 8.
-, not in habit of rendering favours which do not bring advantage, 73.
-, Montagu's fleet not sailed to co-operate with, 102.
-, likely to stop couriers from Flanders, 112; expelled Jesuits from Mardick, 227.
-, English frequently come to blows with, in squares, 142; English officers at Mardike ordered to keep on good terms with, 147.
-, Lockhart will maintain privileges granted by, in Dunkirk, 222.
-, Ballarino warns shipmasters to be careful, in trading to Venice, 279.

Friendship, Amicitia, merchantman, captured by Tunis warships, 143; Venetian interest in, 153.

Frisendorff, Johan Frederick von, Swedish envoy extraordinary to England, arrival to communicate particular secrets, 108; long audience, 109; probably for help, 110.

Friuli [Italy], menaced by Turks, 148.

fruit, expectation of supplies of, from Jamaica, 160; war enables Dutch to monopolise trade in, from Spain, 271.

Fuente, marquis la. See Tello de Guzman, Gaspard.

Funen, Fionia, Denmark, captured by Charles X, 172; Swedes concentrating in, 281; loss of by Swedes disquiets French, 287.

Furnes, Forno, Furne [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium], Spaniards encamped near, 220; taken, 222; French take possession of, but English claim, 226.