Index: N

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659, ed. Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659. Edited by Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Index: N". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 31, 1657-1659. Ed. Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


Nagu, Roger de, marquis of Varennes, Varenne, killed at Gravelines, 236.

Nani, Giovanni Battista, Venetian ambassador in Germany, despatches to the Senate, 10, 20, 29, 32, 101, 121, 139, 153, 251.

Naples, Italy:
-, Queen Christina urges attack on, 158, 160; design considered impracticable, 161.
-, Cromwell has no inclination to consider plan, 171.
-, many refugees from, at Paris, 158; people disaffected, 159; great alarm, at, 161.
-, Guise's expedition against, 158; talk of designs on, to divert Spanish attention, 235.
-, Stoakes captures Spanish ship from, 200; English squadron in Mediterranean to protect ships against squadron at, 261.

Naseby, Nesbi, state ship, Mazarin shown over, 220; Montagu goes to hoist flag in, 301.

navy, the fleet:
-, 1657:
-,-, people will be encouraged by news of achievements, 1–2; Cromwell asks vote for, 48.
-,-, numerous vessels building for, 2; preparations hastened, 5; busy with equipment of new fleet, 19.
-,-, squadron stationed off Dunkirk, 43, 51; another squadron to be sent there, 47.
-,-, squadron to be kept in Mediterranean, under French orders, 51; 52 ships in commission in various squadrons, 66.
-,-, confidence in superiority over Dutch, 66; Dutch compelled to salute, 73.
-,-, threat to use against Algiers, 67; squadron for convoy duty in Mediterranean, 121; picked squadron there, 137; may assist French designs in Italy, 141, 146.
-,-, Denmark would dispute entry into Baltic, 99.
-,-, Giavarina asks for ships, against Turk, 100; merchants ask for fleet against Tripoli, 101.
-,-, Portugal ready to grant use of ports to, 116; use of Portuguese ports desired, 118.
-,-, Portuguese ask for squadron to drive off Dutch, 118; ships reported at Lisbon to convoy Brazil fleet, 135.
-,-, six frigates expected at Leghorn, 141; more ships sent to Mediterranean, 158.
-,-, building of 30 new ships resumed with vigour, 174; launch of Richard, 209; number reduced to fifteen, 237.
-,-, despatch of squadron, under Goodson, to watch Charles and Dutch, 174; destroys Dutch squadron off Ostend, 177; conveys Aumont to Ostend, 195; reported losses at Ostend, 199.
-,-, squadron blockading Ostend, rest scouring coast, 184; captures troops from Galicia, watching for more, 193.
-,-, squadron takes part in siege of Dunkirk, 206; ships sent to Mardick and off Dunkirk, 211.
-,-, parliament grant needed for support of, 226; accounts of referred to committee, 295.
-,-, ships to be sent to Spanish coast to watch for treasure fleet, 233; no ships seen in Spanish waters this year, 237; two ships granted to take Don John to Spain, 271.
-,-, ships kept in port ready to sail, supposed for Spain, 259; Spaniards believe can deal with, 260.
-,-, squadron to intercept treasure fleet, 260; no longer time to equip ships for, 268.
-,-, intention to equip number of ships for eventualities, 280; sixty ready, 293, 296.
-,-, parliament orders return of cost of, 292; arsenals busy building new ships, 293; parliament decides to send very powerful fleet to sea, 296; Montagu goes to join squadron of forty ships, 301.
-,-, Swedes press for squadron to be sent to help their king, 299.
-, grand fleet off Spain:
-,-, absence of news from, 2, 17, 111; anxiety about, 38.
-,-, supplies sent to, 5, 43, 47, 111; reinforcements reach, 13.
-,-, merchantmen for E. Indies may join, 10; Spaniards slow in fitting ships against, 30.
-,-, cruising off Spain, 10, 13, 30; scattered by storms, but stations resumed, 28.
-,-, proceeds to Teneriffe against treasure ships, 39; victory at Sta. Cruz described, 63–4; losses slight, 64; ships suffered severely in action, 75.
-,-, watching for treasure ships, 43; anxiety at absence of, news from, 75, 78; victualled for 6 months, 47; had to withdraw to Portugal for repairs, 75.
-,-, ships sent home for repair, 75; Blake reports in good condition, 85.
-,-, supplies sent to, 75, 78; Montagu's fleet likely to join, 89.
-,-, 24 ships watching Spanish coast, 81; Stoakes ready to take over command, 85.
-,-, captures Dutch ship with treasure from Teneriffe, 81; ordered to watch Dutch squadron, 132.
-,-, Spaniards hiring Dutch ships in order to engage, 81; numbers 58 ships, sails away from station off Cadiz, 87; returns to station, 101; keeping station and maintaining blockade, 127.
-,-, Stoakes left in command of, 101; question of fresh commander for, 102, 105.
-,-, ships preparing to reinforce, 129; danger to fleet of Indies from, 161.
-,-, reported detachment of squadron to Mediterranean, 143,146; returns hurriedly to Downs, 147.
-, fleet under Montagu:
-,-, sails away, plans unknown, 85; reported going to Baltic, 86; held up in Downs by weather, 89; two false starts, 91.
-,-, surmises about, too few troops for a landing, 89; will sail for Portugal, 99.
-,-, probably waiting to observe Dutch, 91; still at anchor, keeps Dutch, idle, 94, 102, 105, 111.
-,-, surprise and conjectures at long delay, 97.
-,-, engagement with. Dutch unlikely, 99; Dutch fleet salutes, 109.
-,-, would embarrass Denmark greatly if steered for Sound, 101.
-,-, sails for Dunkirk, 111; assists in siege of Mardike, 115; share in repelling night attack, 126.
-,-, seizes 7 Dutch ships in Downs, 224.
-, squadron in Mediterranean:
-,-, Cromwell asks Venice to grant facilities to, 119, 181.
-,-, strength of, can act against corsairs or in Italy, 158; to co-operate with French arming at Toulon, 161.
-,-, refused permission to careen at Porto Ferraio, Genoese grant facilities to, 159, 161.
-,-, off Leghorn, stopping ships that enter, 164; leaves Leghorn with threats, 187; Grand Duke's complaints of, 200.
-,-, Venice may get advantage from, humbling corsairs, 172; arranges peace with Tunis, 180.
-,-, 4 ships to to Tripoli, 180; 10 ships set apart for destruction of pirates, some at Zante, 190.
-,-, experiences difficulty with Tripoli, 200; surmises about intentions of, 234–5.
-,-, separates into squadrons, for Toulon, Leghorn, Genoa, 224–5.
-,-, reinforcements and supplies for, 234–5; proposal to send considerable reinforcement to, 259, 261.
-,-, intended for convoy of merchantmen, 261.
-, fleet for the Sound:
-,-, decision to send squadron of 25, Goodson to command, 266; leaves Downs, driven back by storm, 267; held up by contrary winds, 270.
-,-, some think will go to Spain, 266, 274, 296; would not have gone without hope of profit, 268.
-,-, Ayscue and Duval go with, 267; they come back with, 283.
-,-, impatience for news of, 270; Boreel declares news of sailing false, 273.
-,-, driven back by storm with much damage, 274; sailed again with favourable wind, 276.
-,-, Opdam to avoid clash with, 277; Dutch aware of departure of, 283.
-,-, King of Sweden expecting arrival of, 281.
-,-, damage from storms etc. renders unable to keep at sea, 282; some ships return, terrible hardships and sufferings, 283; French disquieted by disaster of, 287.
-,-, damage to being energetically repaired, 284, 286; may be delayed by lack of money, 289.

Negri, Antonio di, Venetian Resident at Zurich, told why Giavarina's despatch delayed, 242.

Nemours, house of, men from at Lockhart's entry, 30.

Nesbi. See Naseby.

Netherlands, Dutch, Holland, Low Countries, States, United Provinces:
-, 1657:
-,-, making enquiry about ships in Turkish dominions, 3; waiting to see action of England about ships serving Turks, 4, 41; coolness about, 41.
-,-, likely to unite with Spaniards, 5; Spaniards egg on against English, 24; rupture not desired with, 31.
-,-, duke of York passes through, 10; English ships plundered by, 23; action justified, 24.
-,-, greatly stirred by question of search, 10; squadron armed because of, 31; importance to of resisting claim, 74; deeply resent claim to search, 131.
-,-, friendly relations with France broken, English would enlist French help against, 25; French plunder ships of, 31.
-,-, Denmark enlisting troops in, 28; proposed mission of Meadowe to, 31, 34.
-,-, suspected of instigating Denmark against Sweden, 28.
-,-, will be cautious about escorting Spanish treasure, 39; reported intention to go and rescue treasure fleet, 57; deny that helping Spaniards, 73.
-,-, danger of trouble with England, 58; not disposed to war with Spain, 61.
-,-, English attach no importance to bravado of, 58; English closely watching actions of, 66.
-,-, differences with France intensifying, 58; Cromwell wishes to interpose for adjustment between, and France, 61; Venice to move cautiously about interposition, 74; adjustment with France reported, 76; adjustment ratified, 105.
-,-, victory in East Indies, besieging Goa, 76; Portuguese unable to resist at sea, 79; circumstances favourable for, and against Portugal, 86; hope to get satisfaction about Brazil, 109.
-,-, Montagu's fleet delayed from fear of rupture with, 91; Lockhart speaks of constant suspicion caused by, 93.
-,-, ships reported to have reached with Spanish money, 95; will contribute to accommodation between Sweden and Denmark, 107.
-,-, Melo says unlikely to get satisfaction, 109; Portuguese offer places in E. Indies to English, to save from, 118.
-,-, does not suit to have English established in Flanders, 115; works at Mardike cause great misgivings to, 122.
-,-, Melo asks for English interposition with or help against, 118; strongly opposed to English plans in Low Countries and covertly doing a thousand things contrary to the treaty, 124; fear interruption of trade and being forced to rupture, 126.
-,-, Council uncertain whether or not to take notice of behaviour, 125; does not behove to break with England as would involve hostility with France, 129.
-,-, commissioners of landed at Lisbon, well received, 129; commissioners unable to settle about Brazil and return, 132.
-,-, Portuguese talk of war with, but will probably seek adjustment, 132; merchants goods and seized in Portugal, 134.
-,-, ministers of take oath not to accept presents, 134.
-,-, E. India Co. denounce to Cromwell for injuries, 135; Cromwell accuses of supplying munitions to infidels, 137–8; Nieuport says have no great trade with Turks, 138.
-,-, Downing sent to, expected to send back Nieuport quickly, 141; sending him back, 211.
-,-, Melo asks Cromwell's mediation with, for Portugal, 146; probable rupture with England over Portugal, 147.
-,-, English merchants ask for letters of reprisals against, 146.
-, 1658:
-,-, adjustment with Portugal, Cromwell desires share in, 149; Portuguese release ships and goods and send ambassador to, 177.
-,-, perturbed by Cromwell's dealings with Muscovy about whale fishery, 150; will defend passage of Sound against Swedes, 174.
-,-, Cromwell denounces secret assistance to Spaniards, 162; feeling stirred against by attack on E. Indiaman, 163; supply men and ships to Charles, 169; pretend that help private, 185.
-,-, said to be ready to assist landing by Charles, 173; reference to false friendship of, 177.
-,-, Goodson's report intensifies feeling against, 177; talk of what might happen, if really assisting Charles, 182.
-,-, will transfer passage of letters to Zeeland if Flanders stopped, 181.
-,-, money for Ostend turned over to, by Spaniards, 199; complete dependence on Baltic trade and herring fishery, 215.
-,-, talk of measures to relieve Dunkirk, but realise danger, 206; do not look on siege with friendly eye, 211; plan to introduce succour, 212; anxiety about fall of Dunkirk, 214.
-,-, trying to cultivate friendly relations with England, 211, 232; anxious to keep peace, from fear, 214.
-,-, decision to prosecute war with Portugal with energy, 211; Portuguese ambassador arrives in, 231–2; has audience about differences over Indies, 232.
-,-, proposed alliance with England for maintenance of Baltic trade, 215; Nieuport speaks about, 232.
-,-, English possession of Dunkirk a serious matter for, 220; Boreel disgusted at having done nothing for Dunkirk, 223.
-,-, should establish neutrality with other Netherland provinces, 223; inspire mission from Danzig to Cromwell, 233.
-,-, proposals for adjustment with Portugal, 232–3; Portugal will not restore Brazil places to, 233.
-,-, Spaniards egg on, English harshness may drive to action, 235; ill will with England constantly growing, 237.
-,-, E. India Co. complains of action in taking ships, 237; English merchants advised to withdraw capital from 266; merchants complain of action in Indies, 275.
-,-, English rupture with desirable, to prevent enterprises in Italy, 241; rupture more likely because of help to Denmark, 244.
-,-, decide to declare openly for Denmark against Sweden, 243; succour for Denmark, 249, 267, 273.
-,-, order all English royalists to leave country, 246, 252; Charles leaves on hearing of Cromwell's death, 251.
-,-, complimentary mission on Cromwell's death, 251; Nieuport employed for, 264.
-,-, anxiety to be on good terms with England, 252; Nieuport to go and inform of present state of England, 256.
-,-, war with Sweden may involve one with England, 262, 266; Nieuport assured that might succour Denmark with easy mind, 266; Boreel says have no fear of English, 273.
-,-, English plans, jointly with France, would aim at destruction of, 268; English inform French of decision to break with, if France will help, 276.
-,-, assisted Denmark by virtue of previous agreement, 270.
-,-, English would prefer Venice as mediator (with Spain) before, 271.
-,-, do not wish for rupture with England, 276; have infantry for Denmark disembarked, 277.
-,-, French will try for an adjustment between, and England, 278.
-, 1659:
-,-, couriers from held up, 279; Boreel fears English mean war with, 281.
-,-, aware of Swedish offers to England, do not desire rupture but preparing for it, 280; arming furiously with great energy, 286, 293.
-,-, do not desire ruin of Sweden, only preservation of Denmark, 281.
-,-, Richard reminds parliament of naval armament of, 288; Thurloe gives account of fleet and forces in Sound, 295.
-,-, depressed by Portuguese victory at Elvas, 290.
-,-, promise compensation for ships taken in Indies, pay more than value taken, 294.
-,-, in proportion as commit themselves to Denmark, England will help Sweden, 296; Swedish pamphlet on hostile intentions of, 301.
-,-, sending deputies to Denmark for an arrangement between the two crowns, 302.

-, army, Charles likely to have employment in, if rupture with England, 244.

-, fleet:

reported encounter with Blake, 15; two ships to watch Maltese in English port, 57; 40 ships sailing for Canaries under Tromp, 77.

squadron of 50 ships to protect trade, 26, 31; 7 warships cruising in English waters, 66.

English superior to in ships, guns and men, 66; England renders great service to Portugal by keeping at home, 95.

powerful squadron kept at sea, object not known, 79; said to be for Brazil, 85.

Montagu's presence prevents sailing, 94; engagement with Montagu unlikely, 99.

detained by contrary winds, reported intentions, 105; passed through Channel, saluted Montagu, 108.

should have reached Portuguese coast, news of awaited, 113; Portuguese anxious for retirement of, 118; news of arrival at Lisbon, 129; capture of ships from Brazil, 132, 134, 149, 160.

success against Algiers pirates, 119; English fleet at Cadiz ordered to watch, 132.

English squadron in Channel to watch for return of, to prevent taking booty home, 135.

government recalls hurriedly from Portugal, 147; sent against Portugal, 212; squadron sails for Portugal, 217.

squadron destined for Danzig, 212; reinforcements sent to fleet guarding Sound, 243.

ships constantly passing through English waters, 214.

suspicion of helping Dunkirk, Montagu watching closely, 217.

for Baltic, held up, 249, 252; sighted near Sound, 262; throws troops into Copenhagen, 265, 269; engagement with Swedes in Sound, 265–6, 269, 270, 274; to winter in Holland, 267; to stay on at Copenhagen, 276; icebound, 278; English fleet will go to observe, 296.

reinforcements for Baltic countermanded, 277; 40 more ships being equipped, 250; another fleet arming for Denmark, 293, 302.

-, merchants of. See merchants, Dutch.

-, ships. See ships, Dutch.

-, States General of:

ready to act to prevent ships serving Turks, 3; deputies left Hague for Christmas celebrations, 4.

do not desire new faiths, 14.

send 2 ships to watch Maltese in English port, 57; send assurance to Cromwell that no intention of helping Spaniards, 66; ratification of naval treaty by withheld, 131.

press for restitution of Morning Star, 73; Cromwell releases Starling at request of, 135.

eager to see Downing, mean to have closer relations with England, 156, 163; Downing presents remonstrances to, for help given to enemies, 185.

representations to Princess of Orange, for brothers to leave country, 201.

meeting at Hague, Nieuport staying for, 223; occupation of Dunkirk obliges to alter Nieuport's instructions, 229.

likely to remonstrate about Montagu's seizure of ships, 224.

Portuguese ambassador has audience of, 231; Spain asks to interpose for mediation, 271.

letter for torn up by James, Downing says their business to resent, 251.

Danish king thanks for help, 270; French try to prevent from committing selves further with Denmark, 276.

-, the Spanish. See Flanders.

Newbury, state ship, puts in at Aldeburgh, 283n.

New Forest, co, Hants, Richard Cromwell's hunting accident in, 106.

New Year's day, precautions against disorders on, 152.

Newfoundland, Terra Nova [N. America], ships from taken by Dunkirkers, 150.

newspapers, gazettes, speeches of Slingsby and Hewitt garbled in, 213; report satisfaction of people at success in Flanders and with government, 239.

Nieuport, Niuport [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, Louis to help English to take, 51; Spanish forces withdrawn to, 227.
-, Dunkirk garrison raids as far as, 246; English want to begin campaign with siege of, 287.

Nieuport, Niuport, Willem, Dutch ambassador in England, 222, 224.
-, Giavarina to cultivate, 3; informs foreign ministers of adjustment between French and Dutch. 76.
-, Giavarina sees about Dutch ships serving Turks, 3; does not understand States' delay about, 25; presses matter, says waiting for England's action, 41; Giavarina to deal with about, 52.
-, says reasonable for Dutch to help Spaniards, 5; tries to remove suspicion that helping, 66.
-, tells Giavarina of successes in E. Indies, 76; hopes Portuguese will give satisfaction about Brazil, 109; says no news of 129.
-, attends Cromwell's inauguration ceremony, 82; claims to precedence, 82–3.
-, nothing definite to be learned from about fleet 95; hopes to bring back naval agreement, 129, 131.
-, has leave of temporary absence, depressed at having to return, 122; detained by fresh business, 129.
-, departure interpreted as breach, 129; takes leave of Cromwell, 131; waiting in Thames for a wind, 134; sails, 139; arrival at Hague, 143.
-, detained by naval treaty alone, 131; Giavarina sees, denies that Dutch supply Turks, but accuses English, 138.
-, declines present, 134; news of return as ordinary awaited, 139; expected back quickly, 141, 143; Downing to urge to accept present, 149.
-, went to discharge old instructions and receive new ones, 143; servant of leaves for Hague, 182.
-, expected to return before long, 182, 214, 217; ordered to return with all speed, 211; tarries, possibly detained by meeting of States, 223.
-, to try and arrange alliance to maintain Baltic trade, 215; mission from Danzig designed as backing for, 233.
-, occupation of Dunkirk necessitates alteration in instructions, 229.
-, arrives, interview with Thurloe, 231; sent for to Hampton Court, confers with Cromwell, 232; tries to see Cromwell again, met with evasions, 235.
-, account of Portuguese ambassador at Hague, 233.
-, fruitless visit to Hampton Court, explains to Thurloe reason for going, 237.
-, stopped from sending news of Cromwell's death to Hague, 244; only minister with fresh letters of credence, 248; had audience, 251, 256, 258.
-, going to Hague, will return with wife, 256: departure deferred, 258, 262.
-, performed office of condolence and congratulation, 264; attended. Cromwell's funeral, 269.
-, claims victory for Dutch over Swedes, 265; astonished at decision to send fleet to help Swedes, 266; says Opdam ordered to return to Holland, 267; informs Giavarina of victory, 269.
-, reported Swedes would get nothing but words from England, 266; says Spain has asked States for mediation, 271.

-, -, secretary of. See Crook, J.

Normandy, France, Richmond took refuge in, 34; regiments of, sent to help of Mardick, 142.

Northumberland, Northumbria, Nortombria, ship in Venetian service:
-, demand for pay of, 125, 183, 249, 272; satisfaction promised, 133, 145, 173, 256.
-, lost captain in, Dardanelles fight, 173; new captain being sent for, 183, 192.
-, left without money, cables, or provisions for crew, 194.

Norwich, state ship, took Haynes and mortars from Scotland to Mardick, 122n.

nuncios, papal. See under ambassadors.