Treasury Books and Papers: September 1745

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Treasury Books and Papers: September 1745', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].

'Treasury Books and Papers: September 1745', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,

"Treasury Books and Papers: September 1745". Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.


September 1745

Sept. 4.
120. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Fox.
Order for the issue of 1,000l. to Mr. Sharpe for law charges of the Crown.
The Customs Commissioners' report read on the petition of Thomas Peele, of Liverpool, for allowance of interest on a tobacco debenture, and for his law costs. Agreed not to allow either.
General Wentworth to be excused the 4s. per £ tax in Ireland, as Col. of a regiment of horse there, his stay in England being by His Majesty's express commands.
A petition of Thomas Bryan for a reversionary lease of Tiddington farm, co. Warwick, referred to the Surveyor General of Lands. Same from Lord Gowran for renewing the office of Master Forester, and Forester of the woods called Farming Woods, part of the Forest of Rockingham, in Northamptonshire, &c., invested in him by his mother's death: referred to same.
The memorial of Philip Barker, agent to Col. Edward Trelawney, Governor of Jamaica, read concerning Sir Chaloner Ogle's bills from Jamaica for subsistence for the garrison at Ruatan, and concerning deductions proposed to be made from the pay of troops with provisions there. Referred to the Secretary at War and the Paymaster of the Forces.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. p. 180; Letter Book XX. p. 182; Crown Lease Book VII. p. 78.]
Sept. 10. 121. J. Scrope to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland.
“The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury conceiving that it may be necessary for the publick service at this time that Sir John Cope should be supplied with such money as he shall have occasion for, for the extraordinary expenses of the forces under his command, desire you will give orders to the respective Receivers of the Customs, Excise, and other publick monies to furnish him or Col. Guest with such sums as shall be wanted for the said service; taking their bills for the same on the Paymaster General of His Majesty's Forces, which will be duely paid. And their Lordships desire that you will direct the said Receivers to give them notice from time to time of the money they shall advance and of the bills which they shall receive on the Paymaster General for the same.”
[North Britain Book XIV. p. 195.]
Sept. 11.
122. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox, Mr. Lyttelton.
0rder for the issue of 158,229l. 15s. 4d. to the Paymaster General of the Forces in part of his memorial of the 11th inst. for 208,229l. 15s. 4d.for subsidies.
Same for 10,252l. 12s. 9d. to the Treasurer of the Navy for services as in his memorial of the 10th inst.
A report read from the Surveyor General of Lands on a petition of Edmd. Waller for a reversionary lease of some lands in co. Bucks. Agreed to.
A petition read from John Mill for an allowance of 100l. for carrying money to Ostend. The Paymaster of the Forces to pay this out of the poundage stopped from the army.
A petition read from General Cornwall for orders to make Mr. Paterson, formerly agent to his regiment of marines, pay over or secure a large balance in his hands due to said regiment. Mr. Paterson to attend my Lords on Tuesday next.
A report read from the Customs Commissioners on a petition of Isaac Stephenson, of Bridlington, for 50l., the King's share of the seizure of the ship “Success,” to be remitted. Agreed to.
A petition read from John Tucker for a new lease of some quarries, &c., in the Isle of Portland. The Surveyor General of Lands to summon Mr. Roper (the officer appointed to take care of His Majesty's quarries in the said Isle) in order to know the true state of the case, and the conveniency or otherwise to the Crown if the grant should pass as desired.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To Mr. Wyndham for the Duke of Cumberland 1,000 0 0
For the Privy Purse 3,000 0 0
To Mr. Stone, Mr. Ramsden et al. 1,400 0 0
To Mr. Keene for 1744 Lady Day pensions 6,862 12 2
To Mr. Basket in further part 1,000 0 0
Write to the Auditor of the Receipt to give directions to the four Tellers to give the Bank specie in exchange for Exchequer bills for such sums as they conveniently can, not exceeding in the whole the sum of 200,000l., “it being highly necessary to support the Bank at this critical juncture.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 181–2; Letter Book XX. p. 183.]
Sept. 12. 123. J. Scrope to the Commissioners respectively of Customs and Excise, Scotland, to give orders to their officers at Inverness to supply the commanding officer of the forces there with all public moneys in their hands, taking bills from him for same drawn on the Paymaster General in London.
[North Britain Book XIV. p. 200.]
Sept. 16. 124. Warrant under the royal sign manual countersigned by the Treasury Lords to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, authorising them in accordance with the powers set out in the Privy Seal of 1728, June 5, to cause payments to be made out of the Civil List revenues, Scotland, to Sir John Cope, Commander in Chief, Scotland, of such sums as shall be necessary for the contingencies of the army or other services relating thereto: taking bills for same from said Cope on the Paymaster General of the Forces: all with a view to said Cope being furnished with such a credit as the present circumstances of affairs and the exigencies of the King's service may require.
[Ibid. p. 201.]
Sept. 16. 125. Royal warrant, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, for the issue of 800l. to Herman Verelst to reimburse his expenses for transporting to Georgia 73 German protestants now at Gosport, who were taken by a Spanish privateer in their voyage to America, and were afterwards brought to England in a cartel ship; and for supplying them with clothing, bedding, arms, ammunition, working tools, &c.
[King's Warrant Book XXXVI. p. 207.]
Sept. 17.
126. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Fox, Mr. Lyttelton.
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of the Forces of 124,964l. in part of 174,964l., as in his memorial of this day; and 54,879l., in part of 59,691l. 4s. 7d. as in same.
Same for 10,000l. to the Navy Treasurer to pay the Chest at Chatham one year to 1745, Lady Day.
Mr. Davis to pay out of the King's money in his hands 200l. to Mr. Stone to answer Wolter's bill drawn on him, and 193 guineas for a person not named.
Mr. Nesbit's letter read concerning the ship “Antonio” or “St. Mathew,” seized at Dubin for having French or Spanish goods on board, Nesbit having been represented as concerned in soliciting a pass for her. To be sent to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland.
Two letters read from Mr. Corbet, transmitting some voluntary declarations of smugglers taken by Lieut. Lucas, and now detained on board His Majesty's ships under the command of Admiral Vernon, in the Downs. To be sent to the Customs Commissioners, who are to give the necessary directions for prosecuting with severity the persons mentioned in the said smugglers' declarations.
A memorial read from Col. Hugh Warburton and Lieut. Col. Hopson praying that their regiments may have the same pay and sea provisions as they had at Gibraltar. Read also another memorial of Lieut. Cols. Ryan and Ellison of the two regiments to be raised for the garrison of Louisburg. Write to the Paymaster of the Forces to advance them three months' subsistence and to propose to their Lordships a method for paying their subsistence for the future.
Same read from the subaltern officers of the three Independent Companies for the Province of South Carolina praying four months' advance to enable them to make their journey. My Lords agree thereto with respect to such of them as actually embark.
General Cornwall and Mr. Patterson, his late agent, called in concerning money of Cornwall's regiment of marines remaining in Paterson's hands. My Lords think it proper that the King's warrant should be had directing Mr. Paterson to pay back to the Paymaster of Marines the money that remains in his hands (except the sum he has given security for), and indemnifying him from any future demand.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the Secretaries of State for their Secret Service for 1745, Lady Day quarter 2,250 0 0
To Mr. Keene, equipage and advance 1,236 0 0
To Mr. Davis 500 0 0
To Mr. Selwyn for the late Queen's servants 3,572 9
For Richmond Lodge 956 2 4
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 183–4; Customs Book XVI. p. 20.]
Sept. 17. 127. Warrant under the royal sign manual, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, to the Paymaster General of the Forces, the Secretary at War, the Comptrollers of Army Accounts, the Auditors of Imprests, and the Commissary General. “Whereas our House of Commons, by their address of the 8th of April, 1745, have desired that we would be graciously pleased to give directions that no warrant be granted to muster compleat any regiment, troop, company, or forces under any other denomination employed in any of our islands or colonies in America untill a certificate be first had from the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army that proof hath been made upon oath of the real numbers of which such regiment, troop, company, or forces did consist during the time or times for which such warrant shall be granted; and that in such certificate there shall be also set forth to what publick service, in which the said forces are employed, the sums saved by the pay of the non-effective men have been applied, and that the said certificate or certificates be annexed to such warrant to muster compleat and a duplicate thereof lodged in the office of the Secretary at Warr for the time being.” In accordance with this request, direct and command hereby that the commanding officer upon the spot of every regiment, &c., serving in America from and after 1745, Dec. 24, do transmit to the agent or person employed to transact the business of the said regiment, &c., from time to time, and at the usual times and in like manner and form as muster rolls are made and taken, true and exact lists of the real and effective names and numbers of the commission officers, non-commission officers, and privates of each regiment, &c., to be subscribed by him and two other officers of the corps at the bottom of the said list (in like manner as the docquet of a muster roll is written), and attested upon oath by the said commanding officer before a Justice of the Peace or chief magistrate at or nearest to the place where such regiment, &c., is, which said oath is to express that such men are in such services, and that they are not otherwise employed in our service or belonging to any other corps either by sea or land. Further that the said commanding officer certify the sums saved by the pay of the non-effective men, and to what public service in which the said regiment, &c., is employed, the sums so saved have been applied or are intended to be applied: all which said lists and certificates the said agent shall produce to the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army, who upon satisfaction as to how the money saved has been applied, are to make a certificate to the Secretary at War of the proofs given to them: and the said Secretary at War is hereby charged not to prepare any warrants for a royal sign manual for mustering the regiment, &c., where muster rolls are wanting until such certificate and other proofs are laid before him as aforesaid; and such certificates shall be annexed to the respective warrants to muster the said forces, whether complete or not, and a duplicate thereof annexed to the warrants directing the pay of such regiment, &c., without which no such payments shall be made by the Paymaster General, or allowed upon his accounts. Further, the agent or commanding officer of said regiment, &c., within six months after such warrant shall be granted for mustering complete, is to certify upon oath to the Paymaster General in what manner the moneys saved by the pay of the non-effective men have been applied to the uses proposed by the certificate annexed to such warrant, upon pain of forfeiting his personal pay.
[King's Warrant Book XXXVI. pp. 207–9.]
Sept. 19.
128. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Fox, Mr. Lyttelton.
“The Chancellor of the Exchequer acquainted the Board that Mr. Trevor had drawn on him from Holland by bills of exchange for 2,138l. 5s. 0d. advanced by him (Mr. Trevor) to the Dutch forces then enbarking there for England, part of which forces are since arrived in the river of Thames; and General Wentworth having by his memorial of this day's date acquainted their Lordships that he being appointed by His Majesty to take the command of three Swiss battallions, part of the said forces, the proper officers had represented to him that as they had received no part of the money so advanced in Holland, they could not march without an advance of money to enable them so to do. Their Lordships upon consideration of this affair are pleased to desire the Paymaster General of the Forces to pay out of any moneys in his hands applicable to the extraordinary expenses of the war the said sum of 2,138l. 5s. 0d. contained in Mr. Trevor's said bills: and also to pay out of like money to Lieut. Genl. Swartzenburg the further sum of 2,400l. upon account of the said troops to enable them to undertake their march. And their Lordships will procure the proper warrants from His Majesty for allowing the same upon his the said Paymaster's account.”
A memorial of the 13th inst. read from the Paymaster of the Forces on a letter to him from the Secretary at War of the 12th inst. relating to bounty money to be paid for additional men in the Foot Guards. My Lords observe that as yet there is no estimate laid before them for such additional establishment.
Order for the issue to the Navy Treasurer of 50,000l. to pay ships under order of payment, in part of his memorial of the 18th inst. for 55,000l.
A letter read from Lieut. Cols. Hopson and Ellison concerning a memorial in behalf of the troops going to Louisburg. To be sent to the Paymaster of the Forces, to whom said memorial is already referred.
A petition read from Henry Lascelles for discharge from a prosecution commenced against him by order of the Customs Commissioners by way of surcharge on his accounts as late collector of the 4½ per cent. duty in Barbados passed several years since. “My Lords observe on reading this and other papers laid before them by Mr. Lascelles that the Commrs. of the Customs in the year 1733, upon taking into consideration the report of the Comptroller General relating to the petitioner's accounts, admitted and allowed for the time past all the matters which had thitherto been done by him, and had passed his accounts and delivered up his security bond: notwithstanding which he informs their Lordships that a bill is by them filed against him. Their Lordships are pleased to refer these papers to the Commissioners directing them to report to my Lords forthwith what new matter has been laid before them to induce them to open an account which has been for so many years closed and passed; my Lords not thinking it proper to stay proceedings without such information first laid before them.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 186–7; Customs Book XVI. p. 20.]
Sept. 26.
129. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Lyttelton.
An order of Council read concerning supplying the forts in Guernsey and Jersey with dry provisions. Messieurs Le Cocq and Lempriere to perform this service, and a proper contract to be prepared.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the Treasurer of the Chamber for messengers 1,000 0 0
To Mr. Davies for Capt. Dansey 100 0 0
To Lord Tyrawley on his appointment as Ambassador 2,100 0 0
To Mr. Walpole as Usher of the Exchequer 2,021 11 10½
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. p. 187.]
Sept. 26. 130. Petition to the Treasury from the makers of sail cloth in Great Britain. Set forth that a great quantity of linen is imported from Russia under the name of Broad Brown Rissia, paying a very small duty, and made use of for sails for shipping, contrary to the Act of 12 Anne, to the prejudice alike of the revenue and of petitioners: that there was lately a trial in the Exchequer Court on some of the said linen being seized, wherein the Court declared its opinion that all linen whatsoever proper to be made use of for sails for ships (except from Ireland) was by the said Act liable to pay sail cloth duty: that there is now a parcel of the said Russia linen under seizure, and the Customs Commissioners have made an order for the delivery of it to the merchants, which petitioners take to be directly contrary to the determination of the Exchequer Court: further that there is a fleet now expected from Russia, wherein will be brought great quantities of the said brown linen, which if suffered to be imported in the usual manner will very much hurt petitioners. Pray relief in the premises.
[Reference Book X. p. 285.]
Sept. 26. 131. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise respectively, to order their officers in the northern parts of England to supply the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces there, or Mr. Abbot, the Deputy Paymaster of said forces, with all such public money as they may have in their hands, taking bills therefor from same drawn on Thomas Winnington, Paymaster of the Forces, and payable to the Receivers General of Customs and Excise respectively.
[Letter Book XX. p. 184.]
Sept. 28. 132. The Marquess of Tweeddale to the Treasury, enclosing (a) infra from Duncan Forbes, Lord President of the Session, representing the necessity of an immediate supply of cash to be sent to Inverness to render effectual the service of the 20 independent companies, for the raising of which commissions have been entrusted to said Lord President. Two months' subsistence for said companies would be 4,290l. 6s. 3d., according to the estimate of George Ross, who is recommended by the said Lord President to be agent for said companies. 1 page.
:—(a) Extract of a letter from said Lord President to said Marquess, dated Culloden, 1745, Sept. 13. Looks for a good effect from the abovesaid commissions, but they can be of no service without arms and pay. Has written to Sir John Cope for arms, but must also be supplied with money and credit from London. “Bank notes have no currency with us at present, and coin is miserably scarce. Besides that, the little that is is lockt up because the communication being stopt trade is at a stand, and no one will part with the little money he is possessed of for a bill. In these circumstances some cash must be sent. And if with that there was a clever armed vessel ordered to attend and carry dispatches betwixt this and Leith or London the credite which might be ordered would become more effectual, and orders might readily be received and intelligence given. Your Lordship, it is true, in yours of the 17th August mentioned if I laid out any money for intelligence or other ways Mr. Pelham would repay it, and I accordingly laid out small sums without hesitation. But when the question is to feed such a body of troops in the present condition of the country I really cannot find the money when the pay of these companies comes to be put on any regular foot.” 1½ pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXVIII. No. 10.]
Sept. 29.]
133. (a-d) Four papers of account relating to the Aggregate and General Funds, viz.:—
(a) Statement of the income of the Aggregate Fund for 1744, Xmas, and 1745, Lady Day quarters, followed by same of same of the General Fund for same quarter. 2 pages.
(b) Abbreviated statement of both income and charge of said two funds for said two quarters. 1 page.
(c) Same of same and same for the two quarters, 1745, Midsummer and Michaelmas. 1 page. (d) State of the Aggregate, General, and South Sea Company's Original Funds at 1745, Michaelmas. 1 page. [Ibid. No. 11.]