Entry Book: August 1660

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 1, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Entry Book: August 1660', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 1, 1660-1667, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1904), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol1/pp51-53 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Entry Book: August 1660', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 1, 1660-1667. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol1/pp51-53.

"Entry Book: August 1660". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 1, 1660-1667. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol1/pp51-53.


August 1660

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Aug. 3 Same for the payment of one annuity or pension of 600l. per an. to Col. Sir Raph Knight for good service done by him "to be paid to him, his heires and assignes for ever out of the Receipt of His Majesties Exchequer. Nevertheless when lands of the like value be settled on him then the letters patent to be void and the annuity to determine." Ibid, p. 1.
Aug. 7 Treasury warrant to Auditor Kinnesman (Kinsman) to deliver to Sir Charles Harbord a particular of Finkley Walk, co. Southampton, with a view to Mr. Manning's case. Ibid, I. p. 51.
Aug. 7 The Treasury to the Clerk of the Pipe to deliver to Sir Charles Harbord, Surveyor General of Lands, all such surveys as said clerk had received from Sir Gervase Lucas or any other, by order of the late Council of State, touching any His Majesty's lands, &c., in England and Wales; the Treasury requiring an immediate accompt of the present state of said lands from said Surveyor General. Early Entry Book I. p. 48.
Aug. 9 Letters patent for the issue of 800l. to Sir Allen Apsley, Kt., Master and Surveyor of His Majesty's Hawks. Ibid, XIV. p. 3.
Aug. 11 Treasury warrant to Robert Foster to repair to his office as one of the undersearchers of London port. Ibid, VIII. p. 28.
Same to Sir Robert Pye, Auditor of the Receipt, to pay to Mrs. Priscilla Bowcher 100l. for one year on her patent for a pension, dated 1644, Dec. 15, and to pay same regularly hereafter. Ibid, I. p. 59.
[?] The Treasury to the Wardens of the Mystery of Goldsmiths of the City of London, to nominate a number of persons for the making of fresh trial pieces of gold and silver, the standard pieces of the reign of James being wrought out, and those heretofore made use of being necessary to be changed in regard of the inscriptions and prints which are fixed and engraven thereon. Ibid, p. 57.
Aug 13 Letters patent for the payment to Charles Coleman, Doctor in Music (he having been sworn and admitted in ordinary a viol among the lutes and voices in the King's private music, loco Thomas Ford, deceased) and to Charles Coleman, his son; of an annuity or pension of 40l. per an., and 20l. by the year for strings as formerly paid to Robert Johnson. Ibid, XIV. pp. 17, 21.
Aug. 14 Sir Philip Warwick to the Attorney General signifying the Treasury Lords' assent to the royal warrant for a grant of Liskeard Park, in the Duchy of Cornwall, to Thomas, Alice, Mary, and Thomasine, children of Joseph Jane, late Clerk of the Council, deceased, in consideration of said Jane's sufferings, the lease to be for 99 years from date here of and under the like conditions as formerly granted to Sir Warwick Hele. Ibid, I. pp. 54–5.
Prefixing:—Said royal warrant of date June 22.
Same to Sir Heneage Finch, Solicitor General, to proceed with Sir Richard Prideaux's patent as Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall, the matter being now adjusted. Ibid, p. 60.
Aug. 18 Letters patent for the issue of 100l. to William Legg, Master of His Majesty's Armories in the Tower of London, as imprest towards taking the general remaine of the stores belonging to the office of the Armory. Ibid, XIV. p. 2.
Sir Philip Warwick to Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Attorney General, signifying the Treasury Lords' assent to the royal warrant prefixed in extenso for a lease of Curry Mallet (the park and demesne lands, with the lodge called the Gatehouse, within the scite of the manor of Curry Mallet, co. Somerset) to John Viscount Mordaunt and Elizabeth his wife, for 31 years from determination of a lease thereof formerly made to John Poulett ("Pawlett"), Esq., afterwards Lord Poulett ("Pawlett"), for 90 years, or for the lives of said Lord Poulett and his sons John and Francis. Also of the residue of said manor. Also of the manor of Shepton Mallet. All under the same rents as the said park and manor were formerly granted under to Thomas Cary, father of the said Elizabeth. Ibid, I. pp. 65–6.
Aug. 18 Warrant from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners notifying them of the restoration to the Earl of Kinnoul of the unexpired term of his father's lease of the customs and subsidies of all sorts of smalts, saffer and potashes at the rental of 240l. per an., with full benefit of the other clauses of the letters patent for same, viz., for a place in the Custom House for compounding for said customs, and to sue for same in the King's name. Early Entry Book I. p. 71.
Aug. 20 Letters patent for the issue to the Treasurer of the Navy of 100,000l. on account for the service of the Navy. Ibid, XIV. p. 2.
Aug. 21 Treasury warrant to Sir Edmond Sawyer for a particular of the Stewardship of Cookham and Bray, co. Berks. Ibid, I. p. 74.
Aug. 22 Letters patent for the issue of 300l. to Col. Robert Broughton, without accompt, for money disbursed for the late King in 1643. (Money warrant thereon dated Sept. 5.) Ibid, XIV. p. 2; I. p. 92.
Aug. 24 Warrant from the Treasury Lords to Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, for a particular of the woods or coppices in Finckley Walk, co. Southampton. Ibid, I. p. 74.
Aug. 27 Treasurer Southampton to the Customs Commissioners. "These are to pray you weekly to pay, in ready money, into His Majesties Receipt of Exchequer every Munday in the forenoone the moiety of all summes of money as you shall receive for His Majesties duties on Tonnage and Poundage, the other moiety being assigned to the mediate use of the Navy. You are for that service from time to time to pay according to such tallyes as shalbe struck upon the Customs." Ibid, VIII. p. 47.
Aug. 28 Sir Philip Warwick to [? Secretary Nicholas]. The Treasury warrant of the 18th instant for Daniel O'Neal's contract for gunpowder was prepared for the Attorney General, but before it was delivered out Mr. Stroud and Mr. Wandsford pretended a former patent and prayed to be heard thereon. As the Treasury Commission is now dissolved and the abovesaid warrant is unsigned, "My Lord Chancellor directed to acquaint your honour with the state of this business to the end that you informing His Majesty his royal pleasure may be signified and observed." Ibid, I. p. 70.
Aug. 30 Warrant under the royal sign manual, dated from Whitehall, to the Earl of Southampton, Lord High Treasurer, and to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and all other officers concerned, for constats or particulars of the following royal lands with a view to the grant of same to the value of 7,000l. per an, to George Duke of Albemarle, viz., the manors, parks and demesne lands of Theobalds, Cheshunt and Enfield and the chase of Enfield (cos. Midd. and Herts); park of Bestwood (co. Notts); forests or chaces of Holte, Eastbewre, Westbewre and Finkley (co. Southants); forests or parks called Broyle and Ashdown (co. Sussex); park of Galtres, called New Park, co. York; castle, honour and manor of Bolingbroke, co. Lincoln, or of any other lands which shall be chosen by said Duke or his agents to a value not exceeding 7,000l. per an.: all with a view to the passing same to said Duke under the Great Seal, but with the exception of mines of gold and silver, advowsons and arrears of rent. Ibid. I. pp. 87–9.