Treasury Warrants: August 1718, 16-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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'Treasury Warrants: August 1718, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1962), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Treasury Warrants: August 1718, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1962), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Treasury Warrants: August 1718, 16-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1962), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


August 1718, 16–20

Aug. 16. William Lowndes to the Navy Treasurer to apply to the payment of wages to several workmen who are to be discharged from Woolwich Yard 1,000l. out of the tallies and orders remaining in your hands on the Land Tax for the year 1718 [which orders were drawn and issued to you] without interest. Upon your transmitting hither [to the Treasury] the orders for the said sum my Lords will sign warrants for creating interest thereupon at 4 per cent. per an. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 138.
Aug. 18. Royal warrant dated Hampton Court to Nicholas Lechmere, Esq., Attorney General, and Sir William Thomson, Solicitor General, for a great seal to grant to George, Lord Newburgh, the office of Surveyor and Auditor General of all the King's Revenues arising in America in reversion after the death or other determination of the estate and interest of Horatio Walpole, Esq., in the said office: to hold for the natural lives of James Cholmondley and George Cholmondeley, sons of the said Lord Newburgh: to be executed by himself or approved deputies: with the salary or annuity of 500l. sterling. King's Warrant Book XXIX, p. 264.
Treasury warrant to Anthony Cracherode [Treasury Solicitor] to pay 71l. to William Calderwood (who is retained as a witness for his Majesty at the now ensuing Assizes for Lancaster) to enable him to provide himself with necessaries and to defray the charge of his journey there. You are also to take care that he be subsisted in Lancashire at the rate of 2s. 6d. per diem as long as his stay there shall be necessary for his Majesty's service. Money Book XXVI, p. 463.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the abovesaid Cracherode as imprest for prosecution and defence of law suits relating to his Majesty's service. (Money order dated Aug.19 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Aug. 21 for 1,000l. in part hereof. A like letter dated Sept. 18 for 1,000l. hereof [being the remainder] hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 463. Order Book X, p. 169. Disposition Book XXIV, pp. 140, 149.
Aug. 18. Money warrant for 20l. to David Mossom for the charge of his passage to New England, whither he is going a minister. (Money order dated Aug. 10 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Aug. 21 hereon.) Money Book XXVII, p. 3. Order Book X, p. 169. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 140.
Letter of direction for 1,132l. 4s. 8d. to Richard Hampden on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: and is intended to be paid over in manner following: viz.
£ s. d.
to Peter Crank, Esq., for the balance due to him on a stated accompt for Transport service 108 15
to Lancelot Stepney and John Goddard for the balance due to them on a like account 1,023 9
£1,132 4 8
Disposition Book XXIV, p. 138.
Christopher Tilson, in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries, to the Earl of Lincoln [Paymaster General of the Forces] to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Sir Mathew Decker for the full pay of four Battalions of the Troops of the Duke of Brunswick Luneburg. Please state the whole account of the said Battalions so that a royal warrant may be obtained to authorise payment. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 341.
Same to Mr. Pringle. My Lords approve of two warrants, viz. (1) concerning the Establishment of Half Pay for the Officers of 13 Regiments of Foot and Dragoons disbanded in Ireland, and (2) for paying the assignments made by the Colonels of the three Regiments lately embarked on board the Fleet. I return the drafts thereof so as they may be fairly transcribed and laid by you before the King for his signature with the first opportunity. My Lords have no objection against allowing the Regiments in Garrison at Minorca the five discontinued men on the musters of each Company between Xmas 1716 and Xmas 1717 for the like uses and purposes as the same have been allowed by his Majesty to the Troops and Companies in Great Britain. You'll please therefore prepare the necessary warrant to be signed by the King accordingly. This comes in answer to yours of July 28 last. Ibid., p. 342.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests enclosing (a and (b) infra relating (a) to the demands of the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel for Great Britain's proportion of the arrears due for his Troops which served in the joint pay of Great Britain and the States General during the late war, and (b) touching the allowance of pay to private men unmounted which served in Spain and Portugal. The Treasury Lords approve the said Reports and direct you to prepare warrants to authorise the Army Debts Commissioners to act conformably thereto. Send the draft warrants to my Lords to be perused and [by them] laid before the King for his signature.
Appending: said Reports:
(a) from the Army Debts Commissioners dated Dorset Court, Westminster, 16 August inst. and signed by L. Smelt, John Plumptree, [Sir] Will. Gordon, Tho. Palmer. The Hesse Cassel demand is for a month's pay for their march in returning home and for two months' pay in lieu of notice which they ought to have had before their dismission. By the 7th article of the Treaty of 7 Feb. 1701–2 and 10 April 1702 for taking into the service of Great Britain and the States General 6,000 Hessians (as part of the Establishment of 40,000 men) it is stipulated that after peace made the Landgrave shall have notice of dismissal of his men two months before they begin their march; and in the 10th article it is agreed that after the war is ended they shall be paid a long month's pay for their march and return: and in the 6th article of the Treaty of the next year for taking another Regiment of Hessian Foot into the like service (as part of the Establishment of the 20,000 men) it is provided that as concerns their dismission after an accommodation or peace they shall be treated in all respects as the other 6,000 men. From these Treaties there remains no doubt upon the allowance of the March Money; and as for Advice Money we are of opinion that it is reasonable that it should be also allowed for the reasons we have lately given in our Reports to your Majesty in the like demands made by the King of Denmark and by the Duke of Saxe Gotha. Great Britain's proportion of the March Money and Advice Money for the 6,000 men is a moiety and amounts to 194,589 guilders 15 stivers. For the Regiment in the 20,000 men Great Britain's part is for all the 10 Companies of which it consisted and the Major. The rest of the Field and Staff Officers is to be paid by the Dutch according to the Convention with the States General of 30 Aug. 1703. The allowance therefore for March and Advice Money for this Regiment will be 39,346 guilders 2¼ stivers: making in all 233,935 guilders 17¼ stivers. But there having not yet been any warrant from the Crown for making this allowance we cannot give credit for the same without an authority from your Majesty.
(b) Report dated Dorset Court, Westminster, 1718 July 24 from same to same. In examining the accounts of the Regiments of Horse and Dragoons that served in Spain and Portugal during the late war we find several private men borne on the muster rolls unmounted, for whom the Regiment wherein they are mustered demand pay after the rate of 18 pence a day for every such Trooper of Horse and 11 pence a day for each Dragoon to answer the subsistence and off-reckonings of the said unmounted men. Upon enquiry we find that these have been the usual allowances for pay of such men according to the custom of the Army, and we are of opinion the like allowances may reasonably be made in the accounts of these Regiments. But no establishment or general authority has been produced to us for allowing any pay to unmounted Troopers either of Horse or Dragoons. The pay demanded cannot therefore be allowed without your Majesty's warrant in that behalf.
Out Letters (General) XXII, pp. 343–5.
Aug. 18. Christopher Tilson to Mr. Boscawen. By memorial to my Lords Sir Rowland Gwyn has demanded 200l. per an. in lieu of the lodgings late the Duke of Ormonde's which are now in your possession. Please inform my Lords of the state of this case. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 345.
Treasury reference to the Principal Officers of the Works of the petition of the lords of the manors, gardeners and other inhabitants of the parishes of Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, showing that the bridge commonly known by the name of Stanford Bridge over the Creek in the High Road from London to Fulham Ferry is very much broken and out of repair, and therefore praying that they may pass through a part of his Majesty's private road leading from London to Fulham during the time the said bridge is repairing, “which will not exceed a week.” Reference Book IX, p. 405.
Royal warrant dated Hampton Court to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to put on the present and all future Establishments of Ireland an allowance of Half Pay to Capt. Richard Wolseley as Capt. of Horse: to commence from June 24 last: in accordance with the said Lord Lieutenant's letter of Jan. 6 last representing that he deserved same in regard to his case and former services. Out Letters (Ireland) X, pp. 213–14.
Same dated same to same to place a pension of 30l. per an. on the Establishment of Ireland for Anne Philips, widow of Capt. Robert Philips, in regard to her poverty and the services of her husband: as by the said Lord Lieutenant's letter of July 25 last. Ibid., p. 214.
Aug. 19. Same dated same to the Treasury Lords to pay 200l. to Simon Mayne, gent., as royal bounty: without account. (Money warrant dated Aug. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 22 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Aug. 21 hereon.)
100l. to Nicholas Dixon, gent., as royal bounty. King's Warrant Book XXIX, pp. 239, 240. Order Book X, p. 171. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 140.
Same dated same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to constitute Casper Frederick Henning to receive for the King's use from the South Sea Company his Majesty's dividends on the stock, interest and share “which we now have or shall or may hereafter have” in the said Company. His receipt therefor is to be a sufficient discharge and he is to pay the moneys so received “to our own proper hands or to such person or persons as we by our warrant under our royal sign manual from time to time shall direct and appoint.” King's Warrant Book XXIX, pp. 240–1.
Same dated same to the Earl of Radnor, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 34l. 13s. 0d. to Andrew Trebeck, preacher at the Royal Chapel of St. James's, for the accustomed allowance for the sermons preached by him at the said chapel during our absence at that our Court in the years 1716 and 1717, and is for 33 sermons at one guinea each, viz. 14 in 1716 and 19 in 1717 according to a certificate from the Bishop of London, then Dean of the said Chapel. Ibid., p. 247.
Money warrant for 75l. to the Corporation of Lyme Regis for three quarters to 1718 June 24 on the annuity towards repairing the Cobb Pier there. (Money order dated Aug. 20 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Aug. 21 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 144. Order Book X, p. 149. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 140.
Aug. 19. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take in loans to the amount of 25,000l. on the Coals Duties as by 9 Anne, c. 17: and is for providing for the ministers of the fifty new churches in London as by the Act 1 Geo. I., St. 2, c. 23.
Prefixing: precept from the Commissioners for the said Act, calling for said money for said purpose. Money Book XXVII, p. 2.
Money warrant for 53l. 8s.d. to Richard West, one of his Majesty's Counsel learned in the law, for 65 days from April 21 last (when he was appointed as legal adviser to the Board of Trade in matters not of that importance as to require the opinion of the Attorney or Solicitor General) to June 24 following. (Letter of direction dated Aug. 21 hereon.) Ibid., p. 4. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 140.
Treasury warrant dormant to the respective Paymasters of the Lottery Fonds as follows to pay to Auditor John Stone the sums as follows for auditing the accounts of the said Paymasters: being the like fees as were allowed for the said accounts when examined and passed by the Auditors of Imprests:
for the annual account of the Paymaster of the 1,500,000l. Lottery anno 1710 “and so in proportion for a greater or lesser time” [than a full year] 150
for ditto of the 500,000l. Civil List Lottery 50
for ditto of the 1,400,000l. Lottery anno 1714 140
for ditto of the Classis Lottery for 2,000,000l. anno 1711 200
for ditto of the 1,500,000l. Lottery anno 1711 150
for ditto of the Classis Lottery for 1,800,000l. anno 1712 180
for ditto of the 10l. Lottery for 1,800,000l. anno 1712 180
Prefixing: memorial from said Stone to the Treasury Lords representing the progress he has made in examining several of the accompts and vouchers of the said Paymasters, which business has been attended with a very great charge for clerks, house rent, stationery ware &c. There have yet been no allowances made by your Lordships for auditing these accompts, some of which are almost ready for Declaration. Therefore praying some allowance. While these accounts were under the audit of the Auditors of Imprests they had an allowance after the rate of 100l. for every million. Money Book XXVII, pp. 4–5.
William Lowndes to Mr. Sloper. My Lords desire you to let them know in whose hands the money for the Garrisons of Annapolis and Placentia doth remain from the first establishment thereof; and whether any part of the money voted for the service of the said Garrisons remains in the Exchequer. “With this you are to consider the cases of the respective persons to which the enclosed [missing] relates.” Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 347.
Aug 19. Treasury approbation of the proceedings of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland with respect to the appointing the Receiver General of his Majesty's Land Rents and Casualties to be Receiver of Forfeitures and confirming their nomination and appointment to the said office of Receiver of Forfeitures accordingly; and the taking security from him accordingly: and (in pursuance thereof) desiring the said Barons to prepare a draft warrant for a privy seal for the King's signature.
Prefixing: memorial dated July 29 last from the said Barons to the Treasury Lords. The late Acts for forfeited estates do direct the payment of the moneys therefrom into the Receipt of the Exchequer in Scotland. There is no Receipt of the Exchequer in Scotland, but there is his Majesty's Receiver General of his Majesty's Land Rents and Casualties. As we have received no directions from your Lordships upon that subject we have appointed the said Receiver General to receive all the said moneys and to give acquittances for the same so that no stop might be put to the public service; and we have taken security from him in 5,000l. in respect thereof. But we are no ways empowered to issue out the said moneys without a special privy seal to that purpose. There is likely to be speedy occasion for ordering such payments. Out Letters (North Britain) IV, pp. 387–8.
Treasury warrant to Robert Dundas, Esq., Solicitor General in Scotland, to enter claims to forfeitures conformably to his letter and the report thereon from the Attorney and Solicitor General of England as follows.
Prefixing: letter dated Edinburgh June 7 last from the said Dundas to the Treasury Lords. By the Act of 1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 20, for encouraging Superiors &c. in Scotland the Lords of Justiciary are authorised on the application of the Lord Advocate or the Solicitor in Scotland to call before them persons suspected of designs against the Government and cause them to find bail and in default thereof to suffer single and life rent escheat. Under this Act the late Earl of Marshall [Earl Marischal] and others to the number of 28 were adjudged to have incurred the said penalty. By the Act of Forfeitures of the same year [1 Geo. I., c. 50] the estates and chattels of Rebels attainted between 24 June 1715 and 24 June 1718 became forfeit to the King for the use of the public, but this second Act is not to contradict the first said Act. The said Earl Marshal and most of the other 28 persons who incurred the penalty of their single and life rent escheat have since been attainted for high treason. By the said [second] Act and by the Act of 4 Geo. I., c. 8, for vesting Forfeited Estates directions are given for entering claims to Estates falling thereunder. I judged it incumbent on me, in the duty of my office, to enter a claim in behalf of the Crown to the single and life rent escheats of persons incurring the said penalty as above, and I have accordingly done it. But I find that some difficulties are surmised how far these single or life rent escheats are surrendered by his Majesty to the use of the public. I lay the case before your Lordships for your commands.
(2) Report dated 16 Aug. inst. from [Sir] Nicholas Lechmere and [Sir] William Thompson, respectively Attorney and Solicitor General of England, on the above letter. We are of opinion that his Majesty was intituled to the penalties and forfeitures of single and life rent escheat under the first named Act and that the benefit of such penalties and forfeitures still continues to his Majesty's use notwithstanding anything that appears to us in the second abovenamed Act or in the third abovenamed Act. For this reason we are of opinion that Mr. Solicitor General of Scotland has done well to enter claims for his Majesty's use to the said penalties and forfeitures before the Trustees for Forfeited Estates and that it will be proper for him to pursue claims in the name and behalf of the Crown and to transmit to your Lordships from time to time an account of his progress thereupon for your Lordships' further directions. Ibid., pp. 388–90.
Aug 20. Letter of direction for 41,081l. 4s. 10d. to Henry, Earl of Lincoln, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster General of the Forces: out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax anno 1718: and is intended to be reserved in his hands to attend my Lords' directions as to the application thereof. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 139.
Henry Kelsall [in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries] to the said Earl of Lincoln to supply [apply to] services as follows the sum of 57,081l. 4s. 10d.; being the above sum of 41,081l. 4s. 10d. together with 16,000l. out of tallies and orders remaining in your hands on credit of Malt anno 1718 with 4 per cent. interest thereon [which interest is to commence on the said orders] “from the time of your Lordship's disposing thereof”: viz.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
in further part of 650,000l. voted for Guards and Garrisons anno 1718.
for one month's subsistence from 25 Sept. 1718 to the Forces provided for in this sum
41,452 10 6
upon account of clearings 5,000 0 0
46,452 10 6
in further part of 35,766l. 5s. 0d. voted for Forces in America anno 1718.
for the same month's subsistence to the Regiments and Independent Companies provided for in this sum; and upon account of subsistence from 25 Sept. 1718 to several Officers of Col. Philips's Regiment to enable them to proceed to Annapolis
3,177 10 4
in further part of 57,613l. 14s. 7d. voted for Forces in Minorca anno 1718.
for subsistence to the said Forces for the abovesaid month
3,848 16 9
in further part of 39,382l. 14s.d. voted for Forces in Gibraltar anno 1718.
for subsistence for said month for said Forces
2,473 1 6
in part of 13,551l. 9s. 5d. voted for provisions for the said Garrison 1718 1,129 5 9
3,602 7 3
£57,081 4 10
Disposition Book XXIV, p. 145.
Aug. 20. Treasury warrant to the Collector Inwards, London port, to swear George Nodes in as deputy to James Bouche, one of the King's waiters, London port. Out Letters (Customs) XVII, p. 114.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Gibson, a King's waiter in London port, proposing William Bowdon for approval as his deputy. Reference Book IX, p. 402.
Christopher Tilson (in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries) to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland. The Commissioners for Trade and Plantations have represented to my Lords that it is necessary for them to have accounts of the exports and imports in North Britain since the Union; and likewise of the produce of the Customs within the same time. My Lords direct you to make up the same and to send them to the said Commissioners; and to do the like annually. Out Letters (North Britain) IV, p. 391.