Volume 16: November 2-December 31, 1691

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Volume 16: November 2-December 31, 1691', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696, ed. Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp200-211 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Volume 16: November 2-December 31, 1691', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Edited by Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp200-211.

"Volume 16: November 2-December 31, 1691". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Ed. Joseph Redington(London, 1868), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp200-211.


November 2–December 31, 1691

Nov. 2.
1. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the governor and company of merchants of London, trading to the East Indies, as to the refusal to accept their bills under their common seal, for the customs of their goods and the demand for personal security for the same. Dated 2 Nov. 1691.
Also the petition. 2 pages.
Nov. 4. 2. Mr. Rowe's report about Count Beveridge's levy money. Dated 4 Nov. 1691.
Also the muster roll of the troops disbanded, Jan. 8, 1688. 1½ pages.
Nov. 6. 3. Report of R. Cotton and Thos. Frankland, Postmasters General, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Leasson and Ashburnham Frowde, stating that they found that the petitioners stood charged in the books of the Post Office as alphabet keepers in the Foreign Office, with the sum of 529l. 14s. 2d., due from Don Pedro D'Ronq~ullo, late Spanish ambassador, for his letters and packets from foreign parts, asking their Lordships to write to the Governor of Jamaica (where the ambassador had property) to seize what would satisfy the debt. Dated 6 Nov. 1691.
There is a minute on the dorse to write to the Governor, &c.
Accompanied by the petition and two certificates. 3 pages and two halves.
Nov. 7. 4. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Deborah Dionis, advising the issue of a fresh warrant for the importation of certain chocolate. Dated 7 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“To be done according to the report 24th Nov. 1691.”
Also three other papers. 4½ pages.
Nov. 10. 5. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Lewis Sowlade, a French Protestant, praying for a nolle prosequi for having entered certain coarse Jersey stockings as Jersey woollen hose, whereby they were forfeited. Dated 10 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“To remit him the King's part.”
The petition and an affidavit. 2 pages and 2 halves.
Nov. 11. 6. “An estimate for repairing the dammage don by the fire at Kensington Novr 11th 1691.” 2 pages.
Nov. 12. 7. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Dutton Colt, Esq., collector of customs in the port of Bristol, who, suspecting a combination amongst the officers in that port, planted one he thought might be confided in with the suspected officers, and on board the “Bristol Merchant” the factor detected the officers and merchants in combination, and the petitioner recovered for the King 2,772l., besides 500l. which the officers were fined; the officers were also condemned to stand publicly in Bristol at the assize time, with a paper signifying their crimes. Advising that he deserved a gracious recompence from the King. Dated 12 Nov. 1691.
The petition and another enclosure. 4 pages.
Nov. 13. 8. Computation of the fees and charges of the installation of the Elector of Brandenburgh and Duke of Zell [as a Knight of the Garter]. Dated 13 Nov. 1691.
Headed—“Fees payable by the Soveraign of ye Order for the installation of a Forraign Prince.”
The fees amounted to 368l. 6s. 8d., and were shared by the Registrar of the Order [of the Garter], the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and divers others.
This note is added at the foot:—“The dinner will amount to about 100l more, but that is to be order'd by the Board of Green-cloth.”
The following appears to be the minute on it, “Nil 11 Apr. '92.” 1 page (quarto).
Nov. 14. 9. Certificate signed Charles Fielding, showing that Lieut. Martin Laycock in the late Lieut.-General Douglas' regiment was wounded at Limerick, and behaved himself honourably, as became a soldier. Dated 14 Nov. 1691. ½ page (quarto).
Nov. 14 10. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury on the memorial of Mons. Hop, concerning the visiting and searching the captain of a Dutch man-of-war as he was passing in his boat from his ship towards London, and taking two packets from him: justifying the proceedings of the officers of customs. Dated 14 Nov. 1691.
Accompanied by the petition (in French) and three other enclosures. 9½ pages.
Nov. 16. 11. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that the informations in which Mr. Colt was concerned against several merchants at Bristol were exhibited by devenerunt for the forfeiture of the value of the goods, and the fines payable upon the compositions for the forfeitures were payable into the receipt of the Exchequer, and not accounted as customs or additional duty. Dated 16 Nov. 1691. 1 page.
Nov. 17. 12. Report of the agents for taxes to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Wm. Cawthorpe and Christopher Randes, receivers of the county of Lincoln, of the 12d. aid and other aids, as to the allowance to be made to them for bringing the same to the Exchequer. Dated 17 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“24 July '94, agreed to.”
The petition and a schedule of the expenses.
“They recommended 124l. to be allowed.” 3 pages.
Nov. 20. 13. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on a letter from Mr. Bridgman touching a complaint made to the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, that Mr. Waring, the collector of Deal, had forcibly taken several wrecked goods out of the possession of the Serjeant of the Admiralty of those ports; stating that they had directed their officer to insist upon the custody of the goods until the duties were paid. Dated 20 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“23 Nov. 1691. A coppy of this to be sent to my Ld Sidney with the proclamac[i]on.” 1 page.
Nov. 23. 14. Certificate of Robert Howard as to the grant made to William Bridges, Esq., who was appointed to the office of deliveries of all manner of ordnance, showing what was due to him, and as to another grant to him of the office of storekeeper of the Ordnance, showing what was due to him for this office. Dated 23 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“Respited, Jan 23, '91–2.”
Also his petition, praying to be paid. 2 pages.
Nov. 23.]
15. Petition of the Lady Russell to the King, praying for the grant of a lease for 31 years of the farm called Horrards farm, if the Lady Frances and the Lady Althamia Vaughan, or either of them, should so long live. The King held a lease of the farm from the Dean and Chapter of Winchester.
Minuted:—“The King releases his interest to the Dean and Chapter, 23 Nov. 1691.” 1 page (quarto).
Nov. 24. 16. Petition of William Banks to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that Col. Thomas King, deceased, had 300l. per ann. paid him in the consideration of 5,000l. due to him from King Charles II., and on the credit of the same the petitioner had lent him 126l., to be paid by instalments; but before he received the first payment the colonel died: praying payment of the same with interest. Dated 24 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“Mr. Squib to stop some of the money when it comes to be paid.” 12 April 1692. 1 page.
Nov. 24. 17. Report of R. Cotton and Thos. Frankland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mrs. Alice Price, in the behalf of her husband Thomas Price, the present deputy postmaster of Stourbridge, in Worcestershire; finding that the said Price in 1686 undertook to perform the stage between that place and Cosell, in Warwickshire, without salary or advantage more than a halfpenny a letter, above the postage from such of the inhabitants as would voluntarily pay it; and they believed he was a loser and unable to pay what was due to their Majesties, viz., 91l. 0s. 5d.: recommending him to their Lordships' favour. Dated 24 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“Agreed to. 1 xbr '91.”
Accompanied by the petition. 2 pages.
Nov. 24.]
18. Petition of Dr. John Jones to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that he was continued as apothecary to the household upon their Majesties' accession to the Crown; that their Lordships had signified their pleasure that Mr. Chase should be apothecary to the person, and Mr. Rottermont apothecary to the household; praying payment of the allowance due to him.
Minuted:—“24th Nov. 1691. A certificate where used to be paid.”
There is also this further minute:—“This is to be considered when there is any disposition to ye Treasurer [of the] Chamber's office.”
Certificate of his admission to the office.
Also another petition praying for what was due to him. 2½ pages.
Nov. 25. 19. Presentment of the Comrs for Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, referring to their presentment of 26 Oct., and stating that their Lordships promised 500l. a week should be paid them; but 1,500l. only had been ordered, whereas that was the “fifth disposition day,” and three of the regiments were to be embarked on Friday next. The masters would expect to receive half their freight, and the rest to be secured before they sailed. They had presented on the 9th inst. that 7,695l. was necessary to begin to hire ships and buy provisions for the forces to be brought from Ireland, and their Lordships had promised it should be paid on the previous Saturday; for want whereof Mr. Henley, at Bristol, and others in other ports, were at a stand, for nothing but ready money would satisfy. Further estimating the cost of sending two regiments of foot from Leith to Mooredijck in Holland, viz., at 1l. per man and 4l. per horse, at 2,040l. praying their Lordships to order that sum. Dated 25 Nov. 1691. 2 pages.
Nov. 25. 20. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Mr. Edward Randolph, appointed Surveyor General of Customs in North America, certifying that there was nothing in their deputation or instructions to interfere with the business of surveying the woods upon the coasts of Virginia, Maryland, New York, and the more northerly parts of New England and Nova Scotia, in case it should be thought fit to employ the said Randolph therein for the preservation of the woods, in like manner as was granted to Mr. Brenton for the provinces of Maine and New Hampshire, in New England. Dated 25 Nov. 1691.
Report from Mr. Blathwayt to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Mr. Randolph; letter from him to the Lords of the Treasury, and “A discours how to render the plantations more beneficiall & advantageous to this kingdome.” 8 leaves.
Nov. 25. 21. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Capt. Henry Villiers, of Brigadier Steuart's regiment, then in their Majesties' service in Ireland; stating that it was the King's pleasure that he should be allowed on the musters in Ireland, notwithstanding his absence from thence, by reason of his attendance on their Majesties' service as Governor of Tinmouth, &c. Dated 25 Nov. 1691.
Minuted:—“Agreed to when ye regimt comes to be cleared. 1 xbr '91.”
The petition, and a copy of the King's warrant. 2 pages.
Nov. 27.]
22. Petition of Edward Randolph to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that 101l. 15s. were due to him, for which the Comrs of the Navy had given him a bill, registered, to take its course; praying that their Lordships would assign what was due to him, that he might provide for his sea voyage.
Minuted:—“November 27th, 1691. Hee must leave some one to looke after it, when it comes in course to bee paid.” 1 page (quarto).
[Nov.]. 23. A bill of law charges for their Majesties' Comrs and Governors of the revenue of hearth money; beginning Trinity Term 1691, to the end of Michaelmas Term 1691. 15 pages.
[? Nov. or
24. “Necessaries de termino Sancti Michaelis anno regni Gulielmi et Mariæ Ris et Regine tertio, anno domini 1691.” [They are chiefly stationery articles. Michaelmas term ended 28 November.] 1 long page.
April to
25. Part of a collection of papers, marked 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, probable enclosures relating to the affairs of Barbadoes. Three are receipts by Mr. Thos. Sadleir for goods delivered him out of the Custom House, to supply the Duke of Bolton's regiment in the Caribbee Islands, and four are receipts by Col. Kendall for his salary. 7 pages, or parts of pages.
Dec. 2. 26. Presentment of the Comrs for Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that their Lordships had promised on 26 Oct., 5,471l. 15s. 8d. should be paid by 500l. a week, for conveyance of dragoons to Holland, one week of which had been missed, which they prayed might be made up. On the 12th ult. they presented that 7,698l. was necessary, to hire ships and buy provisions for the great number of forces to be brought from Ireland, and their Lordships had promised it should be paid the following week, upon which Mr. Henley at Bristol, and other correspondents, were promised half a month's pay in hand to the ships which should come into the service, and ready money for provisions, but as it was not paid, everything was at a stand. The readiest way to transport the regiments of foot from Leith to Holland would be to carry them by the head, the men at 20s. each, and the horses at 4l. each, which would amount to 2,040l., and they prayed that sum might be ordered. Dated 2 Dec. 1691. 1¾ pages.
Dec. 2. 27. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Ozee Belin, a French Protestant, praying to be discharged of His Majesty's part of a parcel of cloths, stuffs, &c., by him compounded for, by licence of the Court of Exchequer, which had been seized as forfeited for non-payment of customs. Not objecting to their Lordships' clemency, if they saw fit to exercise it. Dated 2 Dec. 1691.
The petition in French, and a translation thereof. 3 pages.
Dec. 3. 28. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on an order of the Committee for Trade and Plantations, and the copy of a petition thereunto annexed touching the ketch “Salisbury,” and certain goods about which there was an appeal from a judgment given in the Court of Assistants in Boston in New England; advising that there was no cause for the seizure or forfeiture of the ship and goods, and submitting the matter to favourable consideration. Dated 3 Dec. 1691.
There are other proceedings touching the same matter, which is reported on under the date 7 Oct. 1691. See Vol. XV. No. 47.
Also four enclosures. 7 pages.
Dec. 7. 29. Letter of the Earl of Nottingham to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing copies of two memorials from the General Assembly of Virginia, for leave to erect a grammar school and college in that colony; praying them to give their opinion on the memorials, that he might lay them before the King, who was disposed to grant the prayer of them. Dated 7 Dec. 1691.
The copies of the memorials not now with the letter. 1 page (quarto).
Dec. 7. 30. Report of Mr. John Knight, Receiver General and Cashier of Customs, on the petition of Tho. Fairfax, Esq., son and heir of Col. Chas. Fairfax, deceased, certifying that the perpetuity of 100l. a year out of the customs at Hull, granted to the said Charles Fairfax by King Charles II., for eminent services, had been paid to Christmas 1688, and no longer. The petition prayed for a dormant warrant, for payment of the same as formerly. Dated 7 Dec. 1691.
Minuted:—“A dormant warrant for the payment.”
The report written on the back of the petition. 2 pages.
Dec. 11. 31. Presentment by the Comrs for Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, estimating the cost of bringing over from Ireland the regiment of horse commanded by Col. Villiers and the Marquis de Ruvigny (consisting of 1,000 horse and riders) at 1,109l. 1s. 9d. Dated 11 Dec. 1691. 1 page.
Dec. 11. 32. Report of Sir George Treby, on a case reported on by the Comrs of Customs on 24 July 1691, touching the export of tanned hides, shipped near three months before the year allowed for exportation elapsed, but, from various causes, re-landed and re-shipped; giving his opinion that the petitioners should enjoy the benefit of the debenture for the said hides. Dated 11 Dec. 1691.
Written on the back of the Comrs report.
Also two enclosures. 3½ pages.
Dec. 12. 33. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Ford, gent., who sought to be appointed searcher of the port of Chichester, in place of Miles Edgar, who had grown old and was willing to resign in his favour. Dated 12 Dec. 1691.
The petition, and a certificate in his favour. 1 page and 2 halves.
Dec. 12. 34. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Tracy Pauncefort and partners, who had clothed the Dutch regiment in Ireland, expressing his opinion that it might be reasonable they should receive what was due, viz., 6,981l. 17s. 3d. Dated 12 Dec. 1691.
The last minute is:—“To speak wth Mr Fox 23th Feby 1691–2.” 2 pages.
Dec. 12. 35. Report of William Tailer, deputy surveyor, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Richard Strode, Esq., praying for satisfaction to be given him for a piece of ground called the Lambhay near the Royal citadel at Plymouth, alleging that the same, with several houses, keys, &c., erected thereon of a considerable value, were in or about the year 1660 converted to the use of the Crown, and thereby he had received considerable damage; tracing the holdings of the ground from 1656, giving various particulars about them, and advising that it might be proper for their Lordships to send to the Earl of Bath, then Governor of the fort, and to his deputy governor, &c., to view the lands called the Lambhay, and the buildings thereon, and to return their value, what further improvements might be made, what leases of the same were in being, &c., and upon the return thereof their Lordships might advise their Majesties to give the petitioner reasonable satisfaction, as was done for Sir Edward Hungerford and others, in the like case, about 1673, for their lands taken into the same fort, or else the petitioner might be restored to his land, have liberty to build and be compensated for his damage already sustained. Dated 12 Dec. 1691. 3 pages.
Dec. 16. 36. Presentment of the Comrs for Transportation, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, referring to their last presentment, and estimating the charge for transporting from hence to Holland by the 5th of the month one troop of guards and three regiments of horse, in all 1,100 horses and riders, and two battalions of foot guards, being 1,600 men and 100 officers' horses at 4,829l. 15s. 8d. The Duke of Leinster's regiment being stopped in the river by contrary winds till their eight days' provisions were spent had to be revictualled for eight days more, viz., for 339 horses and riders 155l. 13s. 1d. Only 3,000l. had been ordered in payment of the 5,471l. 15s. 8d. for carrying three regiments of horse and one of dragoons, praying for the remainder. They had received orders to transport from Leith to Moredijck a third regiment of foot, besides the two regiments, consisting of 900 men and 30 officers' horses; the cost, at 21s. per head and 4l. per horse, would be 1,065l. They were obliged to give 1s. a head more on 1,800 men, viz., 90l. They prayed for ready money to carry out these services. Dated 16 Dec. 1691. 3 pages.
Dec. 18. 37. Report of Mr. Aaron Smith to the Lords of the Treasury, upon the petition of Wm. Briggs, Esq., Marshal of the King's Bench, praying for the payment of his expenses for executing Godfrey Crosse, attainted of high treason, and for carrying down one John Davyes to Buckingham, to stand in the pillory, and seven others to Bury St. Edmunds to stand in the pillory there, recommending that he be allowed 60l. 10s. Dated 18 Dec. 1691.
Minuted:—“Let the Sheriffe of Surrey allow the 60. 10. 0 mentioned in this report, & hee shall bee allowed it in his accounts.”
Also the petition. 2 sheets.
Dec. 19. 38. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Hugh Redman, of London, merchant, stating that they did not object to a nolle prosequi being entered, the petitioner having imported certain pearl-ashes of the growth and manufacture of Germany, which he had entered as pot-ashes. Dated 19 Dec. 1691.
Minuted:—“29 Dec. 1691. Granted.”
The petition and an affidavit. 2 pages and 2 halves.
Dec. 19.]
39. Petition of Dame Margaret Napier, relict of John Brisbane, Esq., late Secretary of the Admiralty, addressed to the King, showing that her husband was brought up in the Navy, and after 20 years' service was appointed Secretary to the Admiralty, in which he served some years, till ordered to go Envoy Extraordinary into Portugal, in a few days after which he died; in consideration of whose services King Charles the Second had promised a pension of 300l. per ann., but as he died soon after the petitioner received nothing; praying that the same might be made good to her.
Minuted:—“To have 100l. a yere, 19 Dec. '91.” 1 page (quarto).
April 20 to
Dec. 19.
40. Four papers respecting timber trees, sold for dotards at a reduced rate, and other matters connected with the New Forest, viz.:
1. Letter of Philip Ryley to William Jephson, Esq., at the Treasury Chambers in Whitehall; sending a copy of the order of the Duke of Bolton to the keepers of the New Forest, not to suffer dotard or timber trees to be felled without his order, under pain of dismissal;
2. Letter of the Duke of Bolton;
3. The Duke of Bolton's answer to Ryley's memorial; and
4. A letter signed “Walter Laycock.” 7 pages and 3 half pages.
Dec. 23. 41. Presentment of the Comrs for Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, recapitulating much of the one dated 16 Dec., and in addition stating that they had received orders to send from Portsmouth to Holland the Lord Castleton's regiment, 925 foot, in some Dutch men-of-war, lying at Spithead, except 300 men who were to be shipped in hired ships, the cost of which would be 388l. 8s. 8d. They had received only 4,000l. of the 5,471l. 15s. 8d. for carrying the three regiments to Moordijck; praying for ready money. Dated 23 Dec. 1691. 1 page.
Dec. 23. 42. Certificate of the grant of an annuity of 200l. a year, having been made for 21 years in the year 1669, to Mrs. Catharine Gunter, the payment of which was in arrear. Dated 23 Dec. 1691. 1 page.
Dec. 25. 43. A paper relating to allowances due at Christmas 1691 to Peter Guenon de Beaubuisson, admitted to the office of master of His Majesty's setting dogs at Lady Day 1689. 1 page.
Dec. 29.]
44. Petition of Lieut. Laycock to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for the disbursement of his pay, without which he would be debarred of his preferment, and for ever ruined.
Minuted:—“Ref. to Mr. Fox, 29 Decr.” 1 page.
Dec. 29.]
45. Petition of the copyholders of their Majesties' manor of Kirton-in-Lindsey, in the county of Lincoln, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that the manor was parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, and that all the copyhold lands within the same were under the yearly value of 300l.; that the tenants from the reign of Henry VIII. to 18 Charles II., paid but 4d. fine on renewals, but that then the copyhold fines had been leased as uncertain, &c.; praying for leave to prepare a bill in order to obtain an Act of Parliament for establishing the certainty of their fines at 4d. upon every admittance.
Minuted:—“29th Dec. 1691. The Lords doe not think fitt to give leave.” 1 page.
Dec. 30. 46. Presentment of the Comrs for Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, recapitulating much of the one dated 16 Dec., and in addition, stating that there remained 1,014l. 15s. 8d. due of the 5,471l. 15s. 8d. for carrying three regiments to Moordijck. They were ordered to find shipping and necessaries for 5,580 foot and 240 horses from Hull to Holland next month; the freight of the men would be, at 15s. a head, 4,185l., and that of the horses, at 3l. 10s. each, 340l.; the other expenses, 1,873l. 15s. 6d. Without ready money the services could not be undertaken. Dated 30 Dec. 1691. 2 pages.
Dec. 31. 47. A statement of the balance due, 31 Dec. 1691, to the regiment commanded by the Lord Gallway, together with the objections made by the agent, and his cravings for allowance.
Minuted:—“The King will beare the charge of the reformed officers.”
Accompanied by a note from the agent to Henry Guy, Esq. 2 pages and a small piece.
Dec. 48. Docquets of Privy Seals from the Privy Seal Office, month by month, from May to December 1691.
Of the nature of a calendar of grants and warrants. 24 pages and 5 half pages.
about 1690
or 1691.]
49. Petition of “the 3 distressed widdows of Londonderry in Irland” to the Lord Treasurer, showing that Lord Sunderland had ordered them to wait on him; they were starving in a strange place, and prayed for the bestowal of what his Lordship thought fit, to carry them home; otherwise they were likely to undergo another siege where they “were forced to eat cats and dogs,” their children starved to death, and their husbands (who were lieutenants) killed. They add that they had not eaten anything for four days, but a little nettles boiled in water.
Undated; the siege referred to was that of Londonderry in 1689. 1 page (quarto).
[1691.] 50. A piece of paper endorsed, “Petition of Mr Dove to be deputy searcher.”
Minuted:—“The place is orderd to be sunk by letter. Febr. 7th 1690–1.” 2½ lines.
[1691.] 51. Copies of three papers relating to Lieutenants Papin and Pontelli, and to the pay due to them, as reformed lieutenants in Col. la Melonier's regiment, the last dated 9 June 1691. [Most likely subordinate to a report.] 3 pages.
52. Petition of Nicholas Barrett to the King, praying “this honoble House to grant him relief, he having contracted to build two third-rate ships of 70 guns each, for which there was then due to him 9,200l.” Undated, but the contracts made, Dec. and Jan. 1690–1. 1 page.
[?1691 or '2] 53. Petition of Sir James Hayes, Baronet, to the King, praying for necessary relief, being anxious to serve the King in his next campaign in Flanders.
It appears the petitioner was recommended to the King out of Holland, being made a prisoner in France; he was engaged with the Duke of Ormond in Flanders, and dangerously wounded on board ship. Undated, but the Duke of Ormond was serving in Holland in 1690–1. 1 page.
[? 1691.] 54. Petition of the poor distressed widows, master, owners, and others concerned in the transport ships employed in the reduction of Ireland, showing that their whole substance was exhausted in that service, and that His Majesty on the 22nd of Earch last, at Kensington, had told them that he had given orders that night to their Lordships about the Irish transport, so that they conceived the business to be entirely in their Lordships' hands; praying them to order a present supply to relieve the heavy pressure under which they groaned. Without date, but other similar claims were made in 1691. 1 page (quarto).
[? 1691.] 55. A circular note appointing a meeting at Mr. Auditor Bridge's office, to consider the Auditor's exceptions to Sir George Wharton's account, and the accountant's answer thereto. Dated 1 Feb. 1682.
Also copy of the report made thereon. Dated 9 May 1683. With memoranda in the margin as to the allowance or not of various items, in the year 1691. 2 pages and 2 half pages.
[? About
56. Petition of John Farthing, of Long Ditton, in the county of Surrey, Esquire, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that he had twice petitioned their Lordships in relation to the gross abuses practised in the accounting for the revenue of excise, and had eventually been employed 18 months in an examination of the accounts; and on 1 May 1691 had delivered in a book entitled “The Remonstrance, Accompts, and Discoveries of great sums of money which the Crowne hath been defrauded of in the accompting for the revenue of excise,” &c., “amounting to a million of pounds in six years only;” praying for a suitable reward. Without date. 1 page.
[? 1691.] 57. Draft of a warrant to the Clerks of the Signet, to prepare a Bill for the Royal signature to pass the Privy Seal, respecting the collecting of and accounting for the revenues of the archbishopric of Canterbury, the bishoprics of Ely, Gloucester, Peterborough, Bath and Wells, and Norwich, lately void, and in the hands of the King. Undated, but 1691, from the deprived Bishops. 9 leaves.
[? 1691
or 1692.]
58. Petition of Margaret Harris to the Lords of the Treasury, for an allowance to her as matron of the hospital upon Hounslow Heath, from Sept 25, 1691.
Also a certificate in her favour. 2 pages.
1691 or
59. Petition of John Turner, gent., to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that King Charles II., by letters patent of 20 May, in his 13th year, granted to William Chislett a coal mine in Alfreton, in the county of Derby, for 31 years, at 4l. per ann., the remainder of which term the petitioner enjoyed; praying for a renewal of the lease for 31 years. Undated, but the term of 31 years, from 1661, nearly expired.
Minuted:—“R. to Mr Harbord.” ½ page.
[? About
1691 or
60. Letter of Don Philip de la Guerre, agent from His Catholic Majesty, praying that their Lordships would give directions to the Comrs of Customs to permit the goods of his Excellency, Don Manuel Coloma, and his family, who was coming from Holland in the quality of ambassador from Spain, to be brought to Warwick House, in Holborn, there to be opened by the officers of customs, as had been the case with other ambassadors from the Court of Spain. Without date, but Don Manuel Coloma (or Colonna) is mentioned in Rapin, Vol. III., p. 164, as attending the Congress in 1690–1, and it was probably subsequent to that. 1 page.