Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.
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'Volume 87: August 1-November 30, 1703', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].
'Volume 87: August 1-November 30, 1703', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,
"Volume 87: August 1-November 30, 1703". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.
August 1–November 30, 1703
Aug. 1. |
1. Letter from Ad. Cardonnel [to Mr Lowndes] sending the treaty of repartition for the “20,000 men augmentation,” as it was prepared to be signed by his Grace [the Duke of Marlborough] and the deputies of the States in the army; in order to its being laid before the Lord Treasurer as soon as possible, the troops suffering for want of it. Dated, Camp at Borchloen, 12 Aug. 1703, i.e. 1 Aug. Minuted:—“My Lord can take no exception to the Treaty of Repartition as 'tis agreed to, & desire Mr C. to move his grace to direct, that ye future paymts be made accordingly, and that Mr Sweet be directed forthwith to send an acct of the application of the money that has already been remitted for ye augmentation troops.” 1½ pages. |
Aug. 2. |
2. Copy of an unfinished letter unaddressed. Dated, “Camp att Op Heers the 13 Augt 1703.” It is as follows:—“We have halted att Borchloen since Wednesday last, while the artillery was embarking att Maestricht, and this morning the army decampt between two and three a clock, to avoid marching in the extremity of the heat. We came with our right to Op Heeren, and the left extends near Borckworme alias Wareme. To-morrow we shall continue our march towards Tourine, and the next morning invest Huy on this side. The canon with the ammunition design'd for the siege was shipt yesterday, and came up this day, under the escorte of three battalions of the garrison of Maerstricht to Liege; where they will be joyn'd this evening by one battalion of that garrison, and six battalions, with ten squadrons of horse from hence, commanded by the Comte de Noyelles, who are to escort them on the other side the Maes up to Huy. These troops are to take post on that side, and as soon as the bridge is made over the Maes, they will be joynd by two battalions more; so that on Wednesday morning the main army will likewise approach, and the place will be invested on both sides the river, the siege being to be carried on by this army under the command of my Lord Duke of Marlborough. The enemy have their head quarters still at the Abby of Heyleyshem, from whence Monsr Villeroy went yesterday to visit Huy, and to give the necessary orders for the defence of the place; in which we hear there are three battalions of foot commanded by Mons. de Millon, who was governor of ye Chartreuse at Liege, when it was taken the last year.” 1½ pages, quarto. |
Aug. 2. |
3. Petition of James Hodges to the Lord High Treasurer. He had received the thanks of the Board for laying before them a complete view of the whole state of the coin in Scotland since the union; and also for a book entitled “The present state of England as to coin and public charges.” In his studies he had fallen upon “a new way of raising money, never yet practiced, which would in a perfect equality affect all persons within the kingdom, a quality much sought after by Sir Wm Petty, Dr Davenant, and others, but never attained,” &c., praying for what was reasonable as an encouragement for these services. Dated 2 Aug. 1703. Minuted:—“11 Augt 1703. 50li to be given him out of secret service.” 1 page. |
Aug. 2. | 4. Report of Mr William Blathwayt to the Lord High Treasurer as to the preparation, &c., of the accounts of the various plantations, together with “List of the accompts of the Plantations ready for Declaration.” Dated Aug. 2, 1703. 4 pages. |
[? About Aug. 2.] |
5. Letter from Lord Godolphin to the Lord Lieutt of Ireland, enclosing a memorial of Elizabeth Caldwell, wherein she prays a pension or other consideration, in lieu of the forfeited estate granted her and resumed by Act of Parliament, for the service she alledges she had done the Protestant interest in Ireland; asking the Lord Lieut to certify a true state of the case. The memorial referred to. “Read 2d Augst 1703.” 2 pages. |
Aug. 3. |
6. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes to William Lowndes, Esq., as to the sale of certain prize snuff. Dated 3 Aug. 1703. Minuted:—“Read 11 Aug. 1703. My Lord Tre[asure]r. is of opinion they should dispose of this snuff to the best advantage, according to their discretions.” 1 page. |
Aug. 3. |
7. “A memorial from the Comrs of Excise abt detaining moneys out of the malt dutys for payment of the malt officers salarys, &c.” Dated 3 Aug. 1703. Minuted:—“Read 4th Aug. 1703. What is desired cannot be complyed wth being agt law.” 1 page. |
Aug. 3. |
8. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the payment to John Massinger, tide surveyor at Harwich, of the moiety of a sum of money seized by him on transportation. Dated 3 Aug. 1703. Certificate thereof. 1½ pages. |
Aug. 3. | 9. Accounts of moneys received by the Rt Hon. John Howe, Esq., respites on the muster, &c. connected with the paymaster's affairs. Between 25 Dec. 1702 and 3 Aug. 1703. 7 pages. |
Aug. 3. | 10. Various presentments and other papers relating to the affairs of Samuel Atkinson and Nicholas Roope, Esq., appointed to take care of the transportation of Her Majesty's forces. Between 29 Jan. and 3 Aug. 1703. 42 pages. |
[About Aug. 3.] |
11. Petition of Sir Stafford Fairborne, on behalf of himself and the younger children of Sir Palmes Fairborne, deceased. King Charles II. granted to petitioner's mother a pension of 500l. per ann. for life, from 24 Oct. 1680, the day that her husband, Sir Palmes Fairborne, died of wounds, received when governor of Tangier; on which she received one year's pension only, in that reign. The pension had been reduced and partly surrendered, but there were still 5,600l. due, and arrears of 1,200l.; praying directions to be given about the same. Minuted:—“To be layd before ye Qu. Read 3 Aug. 1703. Respited.” 1 page, quarto. |
[? About Aug. 5.] |
12. Petition of Henry Chubb and George Andrews to the Lord High Treasurer, as to certain disbursements in prosecuting a suit for recovering divers encroachments, made on part of Her Majesty's estate in the manor of Bucklawren, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, as to passing a lease of a small tenement and mill in that manor, and a small tenement in Bonyalva in Cornwall, &c. With a note on the back that it was referred to the Surveyor General on 5 Aug. 1703. 1 page. |
Aug. 5. |
13. Report of the Officers of Works as to alterations in the lodgings at Whitehall of Edward Nicholas, Esq., treasurer to his Royal Highness. Dated 5 Aug. 1703. Also a warrant on the same subject. Minuted:—“The Queen doth not allow this.” 2 pages. |
Aug. 5. |
14. Letter from A. Cardonnel to [Mr Lowndes?], sending by the Duke [of Marlborough's] order a letter from Monsr Keysersfeldt, the Elector of Treves' minister at the Hague, to be laid before the Lord High Treasurer, and to represent that the Elector, for the sincerity and earnestness with which he had always acted, deserved his lordship's particular regard, having thereby in the late war been reduced almost to the want of bread. He was the only prince who complied in time with his engagements for the siege of Bonn; asking for particular regard to be paid him. Dated, “Camp at Val Notre Dame, 16 August 1703.” 2 pages, quarto. [The letter not now with it.] |
Aug. 5. |
15. Presentment from the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer. The receipt of the taxes within the “cities of London, Middlesex, and Westminster,” amounted to 430,000l. yearly, being more than a sixth of the taxes of the whole kingdom. They thought it for her Majesty's service, that the Receiver General should be directed to make payment of those taxes weekly into the Exchequer, upon Thursday in every week, as the Recr General of Customs and Excise always did on Wednesday; and that the said Recr General be obliged to transmit to their board on the same day the names of the several parishes and collectors he received the said weekly money of, and thereby they should be the more able to control the said Receiver in his receipt of the public money. Dated 5 Aug. 1703. Minuted:—“Order'd.” 1 page. |
Aug. 6. | 16. Letter of Edward Southwell to the Lord Godolphin as to the clerks of the council, a difficulty having been made about paying them 100l. per ann. upon account of the business of the plantations. The additional 100l. per ann. would make but 350l. It was the smallest place for profit so near her Majesty's person, &c. Mr Povey and he had given the strictest attendance to the board, councils, committees, &c. for many years. Dated Dublin, 6 Aug. 1703. 2 pages. |
Aug. 6. |
17. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer, sending an account of the duties on logwood since the 35th year of King Charles II. Dated 6 Aug. 1703. Minuted:—“An abstract to be made and see wt ye medium of ye produce hath been.” 5 pages. |
Aug. 6. |
18. Report of William Blathwayt to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of George Granville, Esq., on behalf of Sir Bevill Granville, governor of the Island of Barbadoes, as to his salary. Her Majesty by order in council had forbidden the accepting any present by the governors of her Majesty's plantations, which for some years in Barbadoes had amounted to 2,000l. per ann. or more, in lieu of which Her Majesty had settled an additional salary of 800l., which with the former salary amounted to 2,000l. per ann. The late governors of Barbadoes, viz., Col. Kendal, Col. Russel, and the Lord Gray, received their salaries from the 4½ cent. upon the place, which method had been altered to payment in the Exchequer here, and occasioned a demand for taxes not paid by any former governors. The manner of living in Barbadoes was very expensive, and the provisions very dear; besides which it seemed very hard that a governor of the plantations, who was liable to answer his share of all impositions and public debts within the plantations whereof he was governor, should likewise pay the taxes imposed in England, where he was not resident, for a salary payable out of the revenue granted to the crown by an assembly of that plantation, and not by parliament here. His salary should commence from the date of his commission. Dated 6 Aug. 1703. Also the petition. Minuted:—“Read 8th Sepr 1703. My Lord agrees that the addl salary shall comence frō the date of the comon, provided a clause be inserted in the warrt that Sr Beville Granvill satisfy the presidt & councill for ye time he was absent frō ye Govt: but as to the taxes his Lop can give no direcc[i]on.” 3 pages and 2 halves. |
Aug. 10. |
19. Letter of the Post Masters General to Mr Lowndes, sending their report to the Lord High Treasurer upon Mr Dummer's proposal of a saving of more than 4,000l. per ann. to Her Majesty in building new packet boats to carry the mail between Falmouth and Lisbon, in the room of those employed in that service. Also as to the establishment of a salary to Mr Swift, solicitor of this office, and the salary of Mr Vanderpoel, agent to the packet boats at the “Briel.” Dated Aug. 10, 1703. Minuted:—“Read 1 Sepr 1703. My Lord says he doth not find by looking over the former representation of the Postmr Genll, dated 30 Jul. 1702, that any notice was taken there of ye 20l. p[er] an. to Mr Vanderpool, over & above ye 100l., and therefore thinks the last wt rightly drawn, and if Mr V. has always had 120li p[er] ann., they must propose it to be paid some other way.” 1½ pages, quarto. [The proposal is not now with it, but a copy of it is found in the Money Book, vol. XVI. p. 426, as well as on the previous pages of the Postmaster General's Report, and the approval of it by the Lord High Treasurer.] |
[About Aug. 11.] |
20. “A particular of the allowances of wages and proceedinges to ye officers, &c. of Her Mats chappels at Whitehal and St James's for Midsomer quarter 1702, according to the present establishment and granted since by warrant.” Minuted:—“Read 11th Aug. 1703. To be laid before ye Queen. Granted.” 2 pages. |
Aug. 11. |
21. Petition of John Jones to the Lord High Treasurer. As a riding officer he had seized three persons in Romney Marsh, who were then in Newgate, for coming from France. The opinion of the Lord Keeper, Mr Attorney Genl, &c. was they could not be convicted, tho' they had confessed the fact; praying the benefit of Her Majesty's proclamation, having been at about 20l. charges. Minuted:—“11 Augt 1703. Ref. to Mr Borrett.” 1 page. |
Aug. 11. | 22. Letter from Mr Geo. Clark to Mr Lowndes as to an order to be obtained from the Lord High Treasurer for the payment of the fees due to the judge, the several officers of the Court of Admiralty, the Registrar of the Court of Appeals for Prizes, and to the officers of that court; his Royal Highness having agreed by deed with her Majesty that all the perquisites of his office should be applied and paid as Her Majesty should direct. Dated 11 Aug. 1703. 2 pages. |
Aug. 11. |
23. Letter signed “Step. Evance & Theod. Jansen,” with proposal as to the rate for remitting money to Lisbon. The proposal. “Read 11 Aug. 1703.” 2 pages. |
Aug. 11. |
24. Petition of Captain Dorgeuall to the Lord High Treasurer. His pension of 3s. 6d. a day was in arrear six years and three months. It was given him for services commencing 40 years before in the reign of King Charles II. [French.] Minuted:—“Read 11th Augt 1703.” 1 page. |
Aug. 12. | 25. Letter of Charles Roudolf, Duke of Wurtemberg, to his Excellency the Duke of Marlborough, Captain General of the Confederate army. The crown of England owed the Danish troops 58,313 fr. 2 5 up to the end of the year 1702. The time fixed for the payment to the “solliciteurs” in Holland was expired, and so they kept back the ordinary pay of the troops. The forage was not paid for to the Danish regiments, viz. to the officers of infantry who had been in garrison on the frontiers and in the country acquired; cases of medicine had not been delivered to the sick, and the people would not receive sick regiments. These things were all directly contrary to the treaty with his Danish Majesty. His Excellency had promised that all arrears should be paid. There were no means for finding recruits in the winter, so that in the spring the corps would be ruined, if the arrears were not promptly paid, &c. Dated at the “Camp de Vale, Notre Dame,” 23 August 1703. [French.] 4 pages. |
Aug. 12. |
26. Letter from Ad. Cardonnel to Mr Lowndes. He had been already informed of the daily clamours of the foreign troops for want of money. Their cries were become so loud and their necessities so great that the Duke could no longer forbear transmitting the enclosed papers for the Lord Treasurer. The Dutch had long since paid their quota. If a supply were not immediately remitted, not only for the Danes and Prussians, but for all the rest of the auxiliaries, it might be of dangerous consequence, for the troops must infallibly desert. Upon repeated promises from his Grace, the last winter. of a speedy supply, the Danes were prevailed with to make their recruits, in order to which they were obliged to take up money at interest from their solicitors at the Hague, who now began to stop the same, so that they were without money either from the Dutch or us, and must of course disband themselves if not relieved. We had altogether lost our credit with these foreign troops, and the Duke directed him to observe we must not expect one recruit for next year, until they had their levy money and other extraordinaries paid in advance. Dated, Camp at Val Notre Dame, 23 Aug. 1703. Two other papers relating thereto. 7 pages. |
Aug. 12. | 27. “Sir Polycarpus Whartons acct Dr & Cr with ye crowne Augt 12, 1703.” (Ordnance.) 2 pages. |
Aug. 13. | 28. Letter of Col. Christopher Codrington to [Lord High Treasurer]. He was just “rising from the grave & could scarce yet be reckoned amongst the living.” He had hoped his friends would have procured him a furlough, and in person to have given an account to his Lordship of his expedition. He undertook it out of perfect necessity, that the soldiers might not all perish on board. Notwithstanding the baulk of his first design, to surprize the “Dos Dane,” her Majesty's arms had a success. Why that success had no better consequence he knew not. Mr Walker, he hoped, had a better reason in reserve than he could find, or anyone else there. He continues, “But this my Lord, ile stake my head and all I'm worth on, that if he would have staid at Guardeloop 'till the 20th of May, all the people of Guardeloop, and eight hundred the best men of Martenico, would [have] bin our prisoners at discretion; which would have been in effect to have gaind all the French islands at a blow. We shall never have so fair a prospect agen.” He could not hope to have the honour of waiting on his Lordship till next summer, but would send the result of several councils of war, with his reasons and explanations on them, by the next packet, which would arrive, he believed, as soon as the fleet would be returned to England. Dated “Antego,” August 13 [1703 on the dorse]. 2 pages. |
Aug. 14. |
29. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh on the petition of Frances Jones and Ann Lloyd, the only daughters of Wm Pendrill, deceased, and of their sons Wm Jones and Wm Lloyd. 100l. pension had been allowed to these daughters of Wm Pendrill, from 1690 to Mich. 1702. His late Majesty in 1695 granted the continuance of the pension to Wm Jones and Willm Loyd. Their mothers were still living and very aged. The services being undoubtedly true and so very meritorious, he could but recommend them for the arrears and for the time to come. Dated 14 Aug. 1703. Also the petition. 2 pages. |
Aug. 14. |
30. Letter of M. Wadding to the Lord High Treasurer, asking that Mr Taylor might give him his Lordships commands, as that was the only thing that kept him in the kingdom; his Lordship was sensible what a sufferer he was for his late conversion, as also how long he had waited for her Majesty's promise to provide for him, asking for his Lordship's consideration. Dated 14 Aug. 1703. Minuted:—“Paid 10l out of sec. ser. mo.” 1 page. |
Aug. 14. |
31. Report of the Comrs of Excise on the petition of Allen Garrard, a security for Geo. Murry, formerly a collector of Excise, a defaulter, viz., as to his enlargement from prison. Dated 14 Aug. 1703. The petition and other papers. 5 pages. |
Aug. 14. |
32. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer on the proposals in an annexed paper, presented to the Ld High Treasurer by Mr Tayleure and Mr Battely, clerks in the Remembrancer's Office, for the more speedy and effectual getting in arrears of taxes, or supers, which by several schedules and rolls they found to be very great. The original returns should be examined. For the future the Receivers Genl should receive no returns of arrears of taxes from the collectors, but such wherein the persons are fully described by their names, titles, trades or professions, and places of their abodes, &c. Dated 14 Aug. 1703. Also the representation or proposal referred to. Minuted:—“Ref. to ye audrs & ye agents to consider & report. Auditors report thereupon, 18 Augt 1703. “Mr Lowndes to speak to ye agents abt this, and to send my Lord an accot to ye Bath, wt direc[i]ons are nec[essar]y to be given by his Lop.” 5 pages. |
Aug. 14. | 33. “An accot of ye debt in the office of ye works for ye quarter ended ye last of June 1703, wth a particular where ye workes in ye sevll houses were performed.” Dated 14 Aug. 1703. 7 pages. |
Aug. 16. |
34. Letter of Mr Dummer to the Lord High Treasurer, as to his disbursements upon the service of the West India packets. Dated 16 Aug. 1703. Referred to the Post Masters General. 1 page. |
[About Aug. 16.] |
35. Petition of Henry Corey and Richard Dee for themselves and 40 inhabitants of Westminster to the Lord High Treasurer, for redress, and to prevent their ruin; they having given credit to the Gentlemen out-pensioners of the Hospital of Chelsea, to the value of 5,000l. and upwards. Minuted:—“Read 16th Aug. 1703. There is no fond for this.” 1 page, quarto. |
Aug. 16. | 36. Letter from Mr A. Cardonnel to Mr Lowndes. The Duke would according to the Ld Treasurer's approbation, sign the treaty for the repartition of the troops with the Deputies of the States. Mr Sweet had acquainted him that he had 3,000l. from Lord Ranelagh, &c. He heartily congratulated with Mr Lowndes on their success there. Dated, Camp at Val Notre Dame, 27 Aug. 1703, i.e. 16 Aug. 2 pages, quarto. |
Aug. 16. |
37. Great Wardrobe. An estimate of the charge of necessaries for the ambassador extraordinary to Portugal. Dated 16 Aug. 1703. 1 page. [Apparently for the chapel.] |
Aug. 16. |
38. Report of Earl Ranelagh to the Ld [High Treasurer] in favour of the grant of bounty to Captain John Breres [or Bryers] of Latham in the co. of Lancaster, gent., who had received a pension during the three last reigns for his services in the civil wars, &c. Dated 16 Aug. 1703. His petition and a certificate. 3 pages, quarto. |
Aug. 17. |
39. Copy of letter from the Ld Lieut. of Ireland to the Lord High Treasurer, urging encouragement to be given to the linen manufacture in Ireland. Dated Dublin, 17 Aug. 1703. Also copy of report of the trustees for the same manufacture. 2½ pages. |
[About Aug. 17.] |
40. “Petition and case of Charles Palmer in conjunction with his own brotr Edward, late decd, for that both them long since having manifestly serv'd both the crown & public and yet unrewarded, praying an instant bounty sum for pressing occasions.” The services were rendered in connection with a change in the Excise. Minuted:—“17 Augt 1703. Give him 10li & tell him he must follow ye office no more.” Also copy of certificate of various members of the House of Commons in favour of the petitioners. 2 pages. |
Aug. 17. | 41. “Abstract of the totalls of each annuall accot of the Commrs for sick & wounded seamen and prisoners during the late war with France.” August 17, 1703. 2 large pages. |
Aug. 18. |
42. Letter signed Jo. Parkhurst to the Lord High Treasurer as to the reception of certain pistoles from Sir David Michel. Minuted:—“Read 18 Aug. 1703. An ordr to Mr Parkhurst to receive the pistolles due frō Sir D. Mitchell at the rate they are now current.” 1 page. |
Aug. 18. | 43. “Mr Gillivers answer to a complaint made agt him in Cheshire.” Addressed to the Lord High Treasurer, in relation to the levying and collecting the arrears of Her Majesty's Land Revenue within the county palatine of Chester. Dated 18 Aug. 1703. 3 pages. |
Aug. 18. |
44. A paper docquetted:— “Agents vouchers wanting in ye first accot of the Commrs for sick and wounded seamen, 1689, 1690. “Enclosed in a precept to those Commrs, 18 Aug. 1703, to be supplyed by ym.” 1 page. |
Aug. 19. |
45. Letter of the Post Masters General to Mr Lowndes, enclosing Mr Dummer's letter in relation to the West India packet boats, to be laid before the Lord High Treasurer. They forgot when last at Windsor with Mr Lowndes, to mention their presentment for an establishment of a salary for Mr Swift, solicitor of this office; as also the affair of Mr Vanderpoel of the Briel. Dated 19 Aug. 1703. The letter referred to. 2 pages. |
Aug. 21. |
46. Copy of warrant from John, Duke of Marlborough, to Charles Fox, Esq., Paymaster of the Forces, and his deputy in the Low Countries, for payment of the troops of augmentation according to the Treaty of Repartition. Dated at the camp at Val Notre Dame, 1 Sept. 1703, i.e. 21 Aug. Also an extract from the treaty referred to. 2 pages. |
Aug. 23. |
47. Letter from Mr A. Cardonnel to Mr Lowndes. The Duke had signed the Treaty of Repartition with the deputies of the States on the previous Friday. Mr Sweet was to conform accordingly in his payments. His Lordship hoped that the Lord Treasurer would have ordered a sufficient supply for the foreign troops. Mr Sweet had not received a farthing for the hospitals. Dated, Camp at Val Notre Dame. 3 Sept 1703. Accompanied by an extract from Mr Stanhope's letter to the Duke of Marlborough. 3½ pages, quarto. |
Aug. 25. | 48. “List of bills of excha enclosed in the precept to the late commrs for sick & wounded seamen.” Dated 25 Aug. 1703. 1 page. |
Aug. 28. | 49. “A state of the poundage deducted from ye subject troopes part of ye 4,000 men acting in conjunction with her majties allies, out of their clearings, from ye 25th of Decembr to the 24th of April last.” Dated 28 Aug. 1703. 1 page. |
Aug. 29. | 50. Warrant from her Majesty to the Lord High Treasurer to pay bills for business in the Courts of Admiralty out of the perquisites of Admiralty. Dated 29 Aug. 1703. 1 page. |
Aug. 31. | 51. Letter of the Earl of Nottingham to Mr Lowndes, enclosing an extract from a letter of the Comrs of Transport as to 12,000l. wanted by that departmt. Dated 31 Aug. 1703. Parts of 2 pages, quarto. |
Aug. 31. | 52. Balance sheet of the Receiver General of Prizes to 31 Aug. 1703. 2 pages. |
Sept. 1. |
53. “Mr Sweets accts of money recd and paid for the 20,000 men. Additional troops. “Receiv'd from Mr Sweet the 1st Septr 1703.” 1¼ pages. |
Sept. 6. |
54. An opinion by Sir Edw. Northey, Attorney Genl, on the petition of Thomas Frampton and others, and on a report of the Comrs of Customs, that the Queen might give leave to the petitioners to enter certain fish free of customs. Dated 6 Sept. 1703. Minuted:—“Wtdrawn.” Also the petition and report. 3 pages. |
Sept. 7. | 55. Report of the Officers of Works about Mr Wise's bills for works done at Kensington Garden and in St. James's Park. Dated 7 Sept. 1703. 1 page. |
Sept. 8. | 56. “A computation [of] 20 days pay to the troops of augmentation to the 29th of Septr 1703 incl.,” in a letter signed E. Pauncefort to Wm Lowndes, Esqr. Dated 8 Sept. 1703. 1 page, quarto. |
Sept. 8. |
57. Letter from Mr A. Cardonnel to Mr Lowndes. The Duke was very glad to find the Lord Treasurer had been pleased to supply the troops of augmentation so plentifully, which would put an end to all clamours. As to the Hessian subsidies, Mr Sweet had received the money from Mr Fox. He enclosed, by his grace's command, the demand of the Hessians for their extraordinaries. He also enclosed copy of a letter from himself to Mr Pauncefort. Dated, “Camp at Vervier, the 19th Sept. 1703,” i.e. 8 Sept. The two enclosures mentioned. 8 pages. |
Sept. 13. | 58. “Report of the Committee for inspecting ye publick accounts given into the House, 13 Septb 1703”; apologising for the incompleteness of the report by the shortness of the time allowed them. 3 pages. |
Sept. 13. |
59. Report of the Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lowndes on the memorial of Edward Earl of Orford, recommending a reasonable satisfaction to the clerks who had been employed in passing his Lordship's accounts, &c. Dated 13 Sept. 1703. Minuted:“Read 2d Feb. 1703. My Lords will speak wth Mr Dodington.” The petition referred to. 5 pages. |
Sept. 13. |
60. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of John Carter, praying for part of the debt due to him and for employment in the Customs. They had given him the perusal of their establishment of officers. He seemed to decline that, and insisted wholly upon some patent office, and they were of opinion that a patent office to be executed by a deputy might best suit him. Dated 13 Sept. 1703. The petition and two other papers. Minuted:—“Read 19 Oct. 1703. There is no patent office vacant, but my Lord will consider this when there is a proper occasion.” 4 pages. |
Sept. 16. |
61. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer as to the fitting out a vessel to guard the coast of Cornwall under the command of Captn Upton, giving a satisfactory account of his proceedings, and recommending the continuance of his services for some longer time. Dated 16 Sept. 1703. Minuted:—“22 Oct. 1703. To be continued this winter.” 5 pages and 2 halves. |
Sept. 21. |
62. Proposal of Sir Henry Furnese to the Ld High Treasurer as to the remittance for the subsistence of her Majesty's forces in Holland of 160,000l. Dated 21 Sept. 1703. Another similar proposal by Stephen Evance and two others. 2 pages, quarto. |
Sept. 22. |
63. Report of Lord Halifax to the Lord High Treasurer on two memorials of Guy Palmes, Esq., late one of the tellers of the receipt of the Exchequer in relation to the deficiency in the annuity office. Dated 22 Sept. 1703. Two other papers. 4 pages. |
Sept. 23. | 64. Letter of the Comrs of Victualling to Mr Lowndes, on the memorial of Mr Micajah Perry & Co., of London, merchants, as to payment of a bill of exchange for provisions. Dated 23 Sept. 1703. 1½ pages. |
Sept. 24. | 65. Letter signed J. Warter to the Council of the Lord High Admiral, asking for an order for imprest to defray charges of recovering the rights and perquisites of Admiralty. Dated 24 Sept. 1703. 1 page. |
Sept. 28. |
66. Ireland.—Accountant General's abstract of cash in the collectors hands on the 28th September 1703. A tabular form showing the names of the ports in Ireland, the cash from them, &c. 1 page. |
Sept. 29. | 67. Letter of Peter Killigrew to William Lowndes, Esq., asking that his son might be employed on the farm of the tin. In the year 1673 he, being receiver of the coinage duties of tin, by detecting Mr Papillon and Harrison, put a general stop to certain frauds, till then commonly practiced, whereby the duties were doubled. He received no reward from this, and hoped that would be taken in his son's favour. Dated Ludlow, 29 Sept. 1703. 1 page. |
Sept. 29. |
68. An account of receipts and payments from 31 December 1702 to Michaelmas 1703. In connection with the army. 1 large page. |
Sept. 29. |
69. New York.—State of the general account of the revenue of New York, from 25 December 1702 to 25 March 1703, collected by Caleb Heathcote and two others, Comrs for the public receipt, until the arrival of Thomas Byerly, Esq., collector and receiver in that province. Also state of the account from 31 July 1703 (when Mr. Byerly entered upon the office of collector and receiver general of that province), to 29 Sept. following. Minuted:—“Read 10 May 1704.” 2 pages. |
Oct. 4. | 70. “Mr Audr Bridgers return to ye precept of 1 Oct. 1703, about ye 2 sums of 477l. 4s. 9d. charg'd: paid to Mr Butler on ye off-reckonings of Major Genll Windhams regt.” Dated, 4 Oct. 1703. Addressed to the Comrs for Public Accounts. 1 page. |
[Apparently between Aug. 14 and Oct. 6 1703.] |
71. Papers relating to the office of keeper and guide of roads, held by Captain Studholme, viz., accounts of repairs of two bridges and causeways at Lacock Bridge, memoranda of appointments of certain road-surveyors, and a letter from him to the Lord High Treasurer, suggesting that the Attorney General should indict the bad roads, that they might be made good against the next summer, should her Majesty have occasion to go to “the Bath,” &c. 4 pages. |
Oct. 8. |
72. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer. They were of opinion that the process should have its course against Sir Thomas Bellot's executors. Dated 8 Oct. 1703. Minuted:—“Read 21 Oct. 1703. My lord concurs with this report.” Also a letter from Mr. Lowndes. And another from Sir Tho. Bellot. 2 pages. |
Oct. 11. |
73. “A list of ye taxes upon the several officers in the peny post, 1703.” With a certificate of its correctness. Dated 11 Oct. 1703. 1 page. |
Oct. 12. | 74. Seventeen papers containing an abstract or certificate of all money received and paid by Charles Fox, Esq., on account of the pay of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries from 25 Dec. 1702 to 12 Oct. 1703. 17 pages, brief size. |
Oct. 14. |
75. Letter from Mr Burchett to Mr Lowndes for impresting money to Mr Walters to recover ye rights & perquisites of the Admiralty. Dated 14 Oct. 1703. Minuted:—“200l. to be imprested to him at ye excheqr.” 1 page, quarto. |
Oct. 14. |
76. Presentment of her Majesty's Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the proceedings of French Bromfield, Esq., one of the Receivers General of the taxes, in the county of Sussex. Dated 14 Oct. 1703. Also a letter from Thomas Bromfield to Mr William Lowndes. 2 pages. |
Oct. 15. |
77. An unfinished letter or copy of a letter dated 15 Oct. 1703, and commencing “My Lord,” giving a detail of proceedings in the Irish House of Commons from the 9th to the 14th of October. The matters discussed were: iron and staves, hollow blades, the bringing into that nation of 300,000l. and lending money at 6 per cent, interest. Mr Molesworth's report from the Commissioners for the state of the nation, which concludes with desiring to be restored to their ancient privileges or else to be united to England. Mr Asgill for the book laid to his charge expelled. The Excise bill. Mr Nutley's election, chosen at Lisburn by Lord Conway's recommendation. Committee of Supply. The report on the public accounts debated four hours. Sir Willm Robinson chiefly attacked. The necessary charges of the establishment. The support of the government for two years, debated four hours. 4½ pages. |
Oct. 15. | 78. Letter signed Edward Southwell to the Lord Godolphin, giving an account of the proceedings [? of the government in Ireland], viz.: The speaker in most open manner had opposed what his grace thought was for the Queen's service, so that instead of the usual assistance from one in his post, they had been forced to labour against him. He hoped the last vote for supply had much broken the knot, and if what was given did not come up to her Majesty's wishes, yet it was a great deal more than most people expected. He enclosed various papers, and one from Sir Wm Robinson to show how he discharged himself. He believed the House would pass a censure upon their officers of the revenue in general, for not laying before them the credits as well as the debts. There would be great wrangling about the pensions, &c. The House of Lords continued pretty quiet, but Ld Meath threatened every day to bring in his case. The transports with the soldiers were ready to sail. Admiral Dilkes was in Cork harbour and had nearly recruited his victuals, and then would proceed with the E. India fleet. He had that night an express from Kinsale of the arrival of the Yarmouth, with seven companies of Lord Charlemont's regiment. He parted with Admiral Graydon and all the rest of the ships 300 leagues off. Dated Dublin, 15 Oct. 1703. 3 pages. |
Oct. 18. | 79. Letter of the Duke of Ormond to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Mr Knox, as to a discovery of secret practices carried on in Ireland, in exporting wool into France. Dated Dublin, 18 Oct. 1703. Also the Comrs of Revenue's report thereon, and proposals to prevent the exportation. 5¼ pages. |
Oct. 19. |
80. Report of Josh Tredenham and W. Duncombe, Controllers of the Army, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the case and petition of Mr Thomas Brerewood as to his loss in providing clothes & accoutrements for a regiment of dragoons. Dated 19 Oct. 1703. Minuted:—“My Lord sees noe reason to make any allowance. Octobr 28, 1703.” 1 page. |
Oct. 20. | 81. Letter signed E. Jollyvet to William Lowndes, Esq., as to passing Mons. D'Auverquerk's account, and as to his salary, &c. Dated 20 Oct. 1703. 2 pages. |
Oct. 20. |
82. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on certain papers of Mr William Middleton, concerning the practice of merchants in importing wines in larger casks than formerly to defraud the government of the duty. Dated 20 Oct. 1703. Six other papers. 9 pages. |
Oct. 20. | 83. “An accot wt is due in the office of her Mats works for one quarter ending the last of September 1703.” Dated 20 Oct. 1703. 4½ pages. |
Oct. 21. | 84. Letter signed [apparently by several Comrs] to Mr. Lowndes, asking for an account from the Treasury Minutes of what sums should have been contracted for, to be remitted to Flanders for the use of the forces. Dated Spring Gardens, 21 Oct. 1703. 1 page. |
Oct. 22. |
85. Letter from the Duke of Schonburgh and Leinster to the Lord [High Treasurer]. He would have waited on his Lordship but for the hurry he was in about his preparation for Portugal He was forced to trouble his Lordship about his arrears, part of which were ordered by the late King, but remained unpaid. He hoped her Majesty would consider him. The contingent sum in the establishment for the 6,000 men might prove short, which would prejudice her Majesty's service. He hoped upon the addition of the 2,000 men, his Lordship would increase the sum proportionably. Dated 22 Oct. 1703. Minuted:—“This matter has been laid before the Queen, but her Maty has not thought fit to give any directions therein.” 2 pages. |
Oct. 22. | 86. “Mr Travers's memorial about paling the Queen's meadows at Hampton Court.” Dated 22 Oct. 1703. 1 page. |
Oct. 22. |
87. Petition of John Thrale to the Lord High Treasurer, for a nomination as one of the Comrs of the Tin of Cornwall, having been manager of the million and malt lotteries, and run the risk of having false tickets put upon him, several of which he detected. Minuted:—“22th Oct. 1703. Read.” 1 page, quarto. |
Oct. 22. |
88. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Derrick Stork, for 23 years body coachman to King William III., to whom the customs arising on the importation of coach horses were granted by privy seal, viz., as to the continuance of the payment of that custom after the King's death. Dated 22 Oct. 1703. Also the petition. Minuted:—“To be layd before ye Queene to give him a pencon equall to this.” 3 pages. |
Oct. 22. |
89. “The Earle of Ranelagh's memoriall” as to the subsidy due to the Elector of Treves. He found by the 6th article of the treaty her Majesty was to pay 25,000 crowns yearly. 2,038l. 9s. 8½d. had been remitted to Mons. Van Kaisersfelt, who had made a further demand. Minuted:—“To be governed by ye treaty.” 654l. 5s. 0d. remained due to Mr Stratford. Minuted:—“To be p[ai]d.” Dated Oct. 22, 1703. 1 page. |
Oct. 23. |
90. Report of Mr Wilcox, Surveyor Genl of her Majesty's woods south of Trent, on the memoral of Mr Westwood, one of the underkeepers of New Park, touching the repair of the park wall and lodges. Dated Oct. 23, 1703. The petition and an estimate of repairs and other works necessary to be done there. Minuted:—“27 Oct. 1703. Order'd prout in ye report.” 3 pages. |
Oct. 25. |
91. Letter signed T. Brown, addressed to the Lord High Treasurer, urging the case of Mr Hugh Speke. Some persons of honour and quality “admired” that he had not some satisfaction already made him, and condemned the late reign in a great measure for the ill usage he then received; and they were all of opinion that some suitable return to him would be greatly for her Majesty's service, for he had many great relations, and was a person publicly known; an active man, of good sense and great understanding and experience in the affairs of the kingdom. It would be a great reflection upon his Lordship, after his Lordship's report, if he did not find some speedy relief from her Majesty. He would be forced to apply to the House of Commons, where he had at least 150 relations. Dated 25 Oct. 1703. Minuted:—“My Lord had some thoughts to move the Queen in his behalf; but now, because he would not hinder him in making his application to the House of Com[mo]ns, my Lord will defer the favor he intended him till the session is over.” In the Minute Book, Vol. XII. p. 155, 19 Nov. 1703, is:—“Mr Speke to have 100l., & to be told he must not trouble ye office.” 2 pages. |
Oct. 26. |
92. Letter signed “M. Marleborough” to Wm Lowndes, Esq., relating her distresses. She owed half a year's rent and nearly four score pounds to her neighbours, and had been several weeks without a shilling in the house. Her sorrows were unsupportable in her old age. She finishes with a postscript. “Sr, If you are pleased at any time to send yr servant with a word of good news, a line left at Mr Castle's house next Scotland Yard will find me.” Dated Oct. 26, 1703. Docquetted:—“Counts Dowager of Marlborough.” Minuted:—“To be laid before ye Queen. Read 24th May 1704 50li out sec. ser. mo paid 26th do.” [See also Vol. LXXV. No. 7.] 1 page. |
Oct. 26. | 93. Letter signed Robert Gilliver to Christopher Tilson, Esq., at the Treasury Chambers, as to forbearing to levy the arrears of rent charged on the late Duke of Richmond and Lenox for lands in Sutton Marsh. He thought it a hard case to have to send out receipts for the tenants in arrear, to meet at places appointed to pay their money, and in the meantime to have an order to respite the same. By the middle of next month he hoped to receive considerable arrears, if the tenants had “not met wth disencouragemt not to pay” him. Dated Grantham, 26 Oct. 1703. 1¼ pages. |
Oct. 26. | 94. Memorial for subsistence to the West India regiments arrived in England and Ireland. Signed J. Howe. Dated 26 Oct. 1703. 1 page. |
Oct. 27. | 95. “List of accompts presented by Mr Blathwayt to the Honble Commissioners of Public Accompts, pursuant to their precept dated the 3rd of April 1703, requiring quarterly accots of the revenues in the plantations to be exhibited unto them.” Dated 27 Oct. 1703. 1 page. |
Oct. 28. | 96. An estimate of the debt of Her Maties Navy on the heads hereafter mentioned, as it stood on the 30th of Septembr 1703. Dated 28 Oct. 1703. 2 large pages. |
Oct. 28. | 97. Memorial from the Comrs for Sick and Wounded Seamen, &c. to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the debt of the office (above 40,000l.). The quarterers of the sick and wounded seamen, who were three quarters in arrear, were very pressing. The daily expense of subsisting prisoners (who were above 3,000, with no English in France to exchange for them) was very large. A great number of sick seamen were expected home from the Straights and other parts, which would increase the debt. They pray for a supply. Dated 28 Oct. 1703. 2 pages. |
[About Oct. 29.] |
98. Petition of Captn Henry Sankey to the Lord High Treasurer. Her Majesty had allowed him 80l. per ann. and 20l. in hand in consideration of his wounds, of which sums he had received the 20l. and 50l., and prayed for the remainder. It was now 14 months since he received the wounds (of which he was pretty well recovered), and he designed to enter speedily into the army. Minuted:—“Read 29th Oct. 1703. The Queen was so bountifull as to give him money in consideration of his hurt, but did not design to give him any penc[i]on.” 1 page. |
Oct. 29. | 99. Memorial from W. Whitfeild to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the muster rolls received from marine regiments, asking for 3,000l. on account. Dated 29 Oct. 1703. 1 page. |
[?About Oct.] |
100. Memorial signed “Henry Portman” to the Lord High Treasurer, in relation to Hyde Park. The palings were out of order and the deer daily got out. The ditching and railing round the wallnut-tree ground was very much broken, so that neither horses nor coaches could be kept out, by which it was made like a common. He relates various other defects and prays to have them surveyed and repaired.? About Oct. 1703, as there is another petition in the Reference Book, Vol. VII. p. 77, apparently on the same subject. 1 page. |
Nov. 1. |
101. Report of Mr Edward Wilcox to the Lord High Treasurer, upon a bill for work done about new building and repairing bridges and passages in the Forest of Windsor, recommending 163l. 16s. to be allowed in place of 190l. 4s. 11d. claimed. Dated 1 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“3d Apr. 1704. Agreed to.” The bill and two letters. 8 pages. |
Nov. 1. | 102. The case of Charles Rickesies, Esq., M.P., as it was specially reported [in the House of Commons], the first day of Novr 1703, relating to a debt due to him for military stores supplied in the years 1643 and 1666 by Abraham Rickesies. 3 pages. |
Nov. 2. | 103. “An accot of money due to John Robinson, Esq., envoy to the King of Sweden.” Dated 2 Nov. 1703. 1 page. |
Nov. 2. |
104. “A repot of the Comptrollers of the Accompts of the Army, relateing to ordr of reference for ye regimt of dragoons that was to be raised under the comd of ye D. of Schomberg.” Dated 2 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“Read 11 Nov. 1703. Mr Blathwait to prepare a contingt warrt for 1/3 of his demand to be p[ai]d to the persons concerned.” 1 page. |
Nov. 2. |
105. Memorial from W. Russell, Serjeant of the Hawks, to the Ld. [High Treasurer], praying for an allowance of what was due for the subsistence of the hawks, &c. Dated 2 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“3 Nov. 1703. The Queen has signifyd her pleasure not to continue this expence.” 1 page. |
Nov. 2. |
106. Report of Mr Edward Wilcox to the Lord [High Treasurer] as to the number and value of the trees in the new riding, then making in the great park at Windsor, through the woods, and to be continued through some part of the forest, adjoining to the park pale. He valued them at 70l. if they stood till the bark would run, if not at 60l., &c. Dated 2 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“3 Nov. 1703. To be laid before ye Queen. Enquire of him ye most proper time for doing this.” Lower down is this reply: “If the bark be saved it must not be fell'd till the latter end of Aprill or ye beginning of May as the season may be. Edwd Wilcox.” 1 page. |
Nov. 3. |
107. Memorial of Mr W. Whitfeild to the Ld High Treasurer, as to the subsistence of Marines. Dated 3 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“Order'd 3d Novr 1703.” 1½ pages. |
Nov. 3. |
108. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer, laying copy of proceedings of a court martial held in Barbadoes before his lordship, as there were some things relating to Mr Cox, a sub-commissioner for the duty of 4½ per cent, in that island. Dated 3 Nov. 1703. The copy referred to. 6 pages. |
Nov. 3. |
109. Report of the Comrs for Prizes to the Lord [High Treasurer] on the petition of Captain Francis Wyvell, commander of her Majesty's ship the Barfleur, in the expedition at Vigo. They had no knowledge of his services, nor of the proportions of the bounty, &c. Dated 3 Nov. 1703. The petition and another paper. 3 pages. |
Nov. 3. | 110. “Additional scheme of the rects and payments of money arising by prizes from the commencemt of this present warr, to the 3d Novembr 1703, pursuant to the receipt of the Hoble the Commissrs of Accots, dated the 21st of Octobr 1703.” [In tabular form.] 1 page. |
[About Nov. 4.] |
111. Petition of White Kennett, D.D., to the Lord High Treasurer. By eviction at common law he was put in possession of the curacy of Aldgate, by the impropriator, Samuel Brewster, Esq., and had performed the office and duty of parochial minister or curate for near four years, to the general satisfaction of the parish. Under the false suggestion of its being a presentative church, and in the gift of the crown, he had been vexed with suits, and one Zachary Wells (after two other litigious persons) had taken the broad seal for a pretended title, and pretended that the expenses would be defrayed by the Treasury; praying that he might prosecute his title at his own charge. Minuted:—“4 Nov. 1703. Bring this on Frida morn.” 1 page. |
Nov. 5. |
112. Memorial of Doctor Morley to the Comrs for Prizes. He served at Port St Marys and Vigo as Comr for sick and wounded, &c., and did the duty of physician in the fleet for seven months; by what he lost in his practice, &c., he was at least 1,000l. the worse, and he received but 10s. a day as physician general, &c. The Doctor was promised to be gratified out of the contingent money, but being brought on shore ill of a malignant fever, when the Duke was to return the remainder of the contingent money, his grace supposing he could not recover, paid it into the Treasury. He desired to share in the dividend to be made of the prizes taken at Vigo. Minuted:—“Read 5th Nov. 1703. My Lord can doe nothing in it.” 1¼ pages. |
Nov. 8. |
113. Letter of Mr Wm Borrett to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of the creditors of William Dicconson, Esq., for no further proceedings to be taken against the lands assigned to them for the repayment of their debts. Dated 8 Nov. 1703. The petition was referred to the Ld High Treasurer on 26 Oct. 1703 and by him referred to Mr Borrett on 3 Nov., and then the Attorney General was consulted. 2 pages. |
Nov. 10. |
114. Report of the Postmasters General to the Lord High Treasurer, on the representation of Mr Manley, the Deputy Postmaster of Ireland, whose opinion was that some alterations were needed in the establishment of the Post Office at Dublin, giving an account of the duties performed by the officers and the improvements proposed. Dated 10 Nov. 1703. With the above is a paper containing the present establishment and the proposed establishment, which is minuted:—“Approved.” 4¼ pages. |
Nov. 10. |
115. Report of the Postmasters General to the Lord High Treasurer, on a memorial of Edward Morse, referred to them on the 9th of June previously, as to transactions of the said Edward Morse, Francis Golling, and Mr Ralph Blackhall, in connection with the Penny Post Office. Dated 10 Nov. 1703. Also another paper containing the articles on which the report was made. Minuted:—“3 Apr. 1704. To be read at ye hearing.” 2½ pages. |
Nov. 11. |
116. Order in Council for the sale of old stores remaining in the different dockyards. Dated 11 Nov. 1703. United is the account of the same, giving the articles and the quantities. 13 pages. |
Nov. 11. | 117. Letter from Mr Philip Ryley to the Lord High Treasurer, drawing attention to the appointment of Mr Woodcock, lately a distiller, to be a general surveyor in the Excise, and to the increase of revenue, sending two comparisons of the revenue. His joy was too great to be concealed, and he believed it would afford his Lordship a good degree of satisfaction. Dated 11 Nov. 1703. 4 pages. |
Nov. 12. |
118. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes to Mr Lowndes, sending such particulars as they conceived might deserve a regard, in case a new declaration of her Majesty's pleasure be made, relating to prizes in general. The accounts setting forth all prizes since the beginning of the war, and how they had been disposed of, were nearly ready. Dated 12 Nov. 1703. The “particulars” referred to, also a letter from John Brewer to Mr Lowndes on the same subject. 4 pages. |
Nov. 13. |
119. Petition of six Deputy Commissaries of Musters in Ireland to the Queen, praying for the allowance of 10s. a day, which had been reduced to 5s. On the back is:—“Dđ by Collo. Pennyfather, Nov. 13th 1703.” 1 page, quarto. |
Nov. 15. |
120. Letter signed W. Whitfeild, addressed to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the mustering the Marine regiments. They were all on shore last year, so that they were mustered after the same method as the land forces, &c. This year the musters have been more difficult, since none of her Majesty's ships of war would willingly go to sea without marines. It shows also where the Commissioners were resident. At Portsmouth there “was a poor superannuated man that was rolled about in a wheelbarrow, fitter much to be amongst the invalids than to be a commissary. Dated 15 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“To be read on Wednesda morn.” 1½ pages. |
Nov. 15. |
121. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the controversy between Sir Peter Killigrew in behalf of the privileges of his quays and wharfs, within the port of Falmouth on one part, and the inhabitants and traders of the ancient burroughs of Penrin, Truro, and Helford of the other part. Their opinion was required whether the giving some further liberties to Penrin, Truro, and Helford would not increase the trade and be an advantage to the revenue. They reply that if the trade were singly to be considered without relation to the revenue it might be, the common received maxim would prevail, that the more open and free course it had, the more it would increase and enlarge itself; and on the other hand, if the revenue were singly to be considered, without regard to trade and the immunities, &c., of ancient companies and places of trade, then the more limited and circumscribed the places of importation and exportation were, the more easy it would be for the crown to manage its revenue, and upon this consideration they should readily subscribe to the opinion of their predecessors, that a custom house and collection at Falmouth would be sufficient; but since it was necessary to have regard to the trade and to the rights and privileges of corporations, and since the burroughs of Penrin and Truro were ancient ports and places of trade, and had time out of mind custom houses and collections there, and were as well as Falmouth members of the same head port of Plymouth, and were so set down and acknowledged to be in the return of the commission, which was executed in the year 1676; and since those custom houses had a right to take entries, as well as masters' reports inwards and outwards, it would be unreasonable to deny the merchants to ship and discharge their goods at their own ports, without being obliged to land their goods at Falmouth, and pay a duty to Sr Peter Killigrew's quays and wharfs. And if by the return of that commission the bounds of the port of Falmouth were unduly extended, in prejudice of the ports of Penrin and Truro, so as to comprehend all that deep water, where ships of burthen could only lie to take in and discharge their ladings, it would be to debar the burroughs of their natural rights to those waters, and before that commission, held and enjoyed in common with the port of Falmouth. It might not be unfit that a new commission should issue, to revise the former settlement, in which great care should be taken in the appointment of proper commissioners, and there shall be such a limitation of the quorum that the officers of the revenue be not overborne by persons of particular and private interest. They did not see that the giving the further liberties desired to the ports of Penrin and Truro would occasion much increase of the public charge. Although the port of Helford fell not directly under the same consideration, not being in the harbour, yet if a new commission were issued, it might not be unreasonable to revise the former settlement of that port. Dated 15 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“29th Novr 1703. A letter to be writt to the Comrs of the Customes to prepare a draught of such a Comon as they shall thinke necessary; with such Comrs & such quorum as they shall thinke proper.” 2 pages. [This case was argued before the Ld High Treasurer, and is fully entered in the Minute Book, Vol. XII. p. 148. 12 Nov. 1703.] |
[About Nov. 16.] |
122. Petition of the poor inhabitants of Shields, Tynemouth, and adjacent places, “quartered att Tynemouth Castle,” to the Lord High Treasurer. They had subsisted a company of invalids one whole year on “25th March next.” Many of them old and helpless with families, who were a great burthen to the parish, which they themselves must be, unless her Majesty knew their grievances. They expected every day to be sent to gaol by the collectors of the taxes; praying for relief. Minuted:—“Nov. 16th 1703. To be brought in to-morrow when the Duke of Malborough is here.” 1 page. |
[About Nov. 16.] |
123. Petition of John Swalwell, Thomas Bone, John Graham, John Potts, and many others of her Majesty's tenants in Cumberland. They had laid the case before his Lordship and the other Lords of the Treasury from time to time for this ten years past of their great sufferings by the Lord Preston's officers. Their lands had not only been forced from them, but they had paid their rents over again to the King's Receiver General. They were reduced to great poverty, having neither bread nor habitation for their poor families, who formerly lived richly. At the death of Lord Preston their Lordships ordered an account to be taken of the arrears due to the Crown from the estate, which was in the hands of the Earl of Carlisle and Sir George Fletcher, being above 2,000l., and 700l. in the hands of Mr Merriott. Their Lps ordered 200l. for present subsistence, which, when divided by Captn Baker, was 6l. per family; praying relief. Minuted:—“16 Nov. 1703. Mr Tailour to see wt these men have had already.” Again, “3d Apr. 1704. Dismiss ye peticon.” Also the account referred to. 2 pages. |
Nov. 16. |
124. Letter of Mary Nevill, relict and administratrix of the late Vice-Admiral Nevill, apparently addressed to Mr Loundes, to whose favour she had been recommended by Lord Burlington. The Lord High Treasurer had referred her case to Mr Parkhurst, whose opinion was that the money ought to be paid through the Comrs of the Navy; but this made her case the harder, as the Comrs of the Navy would not allow any sum without vouchers, and Mr Nevill dying in the West Indies, many of his papers and vouchers were lost, and if his Lordship would not allow this sum (laid out for the public) it was utterly lost. His Lordship could do it, as in Sir David Mitchell's case, who borrowed for his own use 900 pistoles at Calais at 23s., and was permitted to repay them here at 17s. If his Lordship pleased to mind the dates he would find the money was borrowed at the time the fleet came into Calais, after the mighty storm in which Sir Francis Wheeler was lost, and many of the ships much damaged, Mr Nevill being left the commander-in-chief without any contingent money. Dated 16 Nov. 1703. Mr Parkhurst's report, her petition, and another paper on the same subject. Minuted:—“25 Jany 1703. My Ld is of ye same opinion wth this rept & directs Mr Parkhurst to prosecute ye recovery of this mony.” 6 pages. |
Nov. 16. |
125. Letter signed “Pollycarpus Wharton” to the Lord [High Treasurer,] as to the passing a privy seal that the accounts of his father, Sir George Wharton, might be passed. Minuted:—“16 Nov. 1703. Let Mr Tailour make an abstract of this draught, & how ye ballance will stand thereupon.” 1 page. |
Nov. 17. |
126. Report of Sir Chr Wren to the Lord High Treasurer, in relation to the Cotton Library. He says, “I have viewed the room now used for it in Cotton House, & find it in so ruinous a condition that it cannot be put in a substantial repair without taking down and rebuilding a good part of the dwelling house. I humbly propose the removing the sd library to a room that may be made convenient for it, over the ushers near the House of Lords, the plan whereof and estimate for fitting it up and repairing the other are annexed; & I humbly observe thereupon that tho' the proposed library will not be two fifths the expense of the other, yet 'twill be more capacious, and the access to it will be better. 'Twill also have a lodging room & closet over it for the library keeper, which the other is not capable of.” Dated 17 Nov. 1703. Accompanied by the estimate and plan. Minuted:—“Read 29 Nov. 1703. To be layd before ye Queen, but first show it to ye Speaker.” 3. pages. |
Nov. 18. |
127. Order in Council on the petition of Sir Polycarpus Wharton, Bart., relating to his keeping the Chilworth powder mills for the service of the crown 21 years at his own charge, and also as to the balance of his father's accounts; referring the latter part to the Lord High Treasurer. Dated 18 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“Read 3 Apr. 1704.” Copy of the petition. 3¼ pages. |
Nov. 19. | 128. Certificate by W. Forester and Anthony Rowe, as to the allowance to Robert Bedoe, for cleaning the street and public pavings before Whitehall, from Denham's buildings in Great Scotland Yard to King St, Westminster. Dated at the Board of Greencloth, Whitehall, 19 Nov. 1703. 1 page. |
Nov. 19. |
129. Presentment from the Comrs of Excise to the Lord High Treasurer for impresting 1,000l. on the malt duty, &c. for incidents. Dated 19 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“7th Decr 1703. Agreed to.” 1 page. |
Nov. 19. |
130. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Ld High Treasurer, on the petition of Mr George Murray, formerly Collector of Excise, who fled to Holland, but was then in Wood St counter; recommending that a composition be accepted for his debt. Dated 19 Nov. 1703. Also the petition and three affidavits. Minuted:—“7th Decr 1703. Agreed to upon the first clause in Parl. for compos.” 6 pages. |
Nov. 19. | 131. “Abstract of the annual charge of forrage and waggon money for her Matys forces in the Low Countries, according to what they received by the regulation during the late war.” Dated 19 Nov. 1703. 1 page. |
Nov. 20. | 132. An accompt of all receipts and payments made by the Treasurer of the Ordnance between the 30th of June 1701 and the 20th of November 1703. 2 pages. |
Nov. 22. |
133. Letter of the Comrs of Prizes to Mr Lowndes as to the distribution of medals to the value of 55l. to the master, three mariners, and a boy, belonging to the “Leonora,” a merchant ship taken by the French; “for their extraordinary courage on that occasion.” Dated 22 Nov. 1703. Enclosing the order from the Ld High Admiral, which states that after they were taken by the French and made prisoners in the ship, they set upon 13 Frenchmen which were ordered to sail her to France, whom they obliged to surrender the ship. 2½ pages. |
Nov. 22. |
134. Presentmt from the Postmasters General touching an establishment of a new post from Exeter to Truro. Addressed to the Ld High Treasurer. The Lord “Grandville” and several gentlemen of Cornwall had represented that the post road passed along the south coast of Cornwall, whereby several inland towns were under great disadvantages in their correspondence. They paid 2d. a letter beyond the postage, as they were served only by a bye post. Exeter, Plymouth, and Launceston had been consulted and a scheme proposed. They doubted whether the charge would be met by the increase of letters, especially when they considered the number of franks. They found by experience in other places, that where they had made the correspondence more easy and cheap, the number of letters had thereby much increased. Dated 22 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“Approved, but at 12 months end to rep[re]sent to ye Tr[easure]rs how farr it answers ye charge.” 1 page. |
Nov. 22. |
135. Letter from the Earl of Nottingham to the Lord High Treasurer, sending a report from the Comrs of sick and wounded seamen, for his Lps consideration. Dated Whitehall, 22 Nov. 1703. The report is on a claim made by Captn Taylor, keeper of the Gatehouse, for lodging the French officers and other prisoners of war there. The prisoners being removed from Oxford to the Gatehouse on Her Majesty's resentment of the hard usage of her subjects in France, the captain's directions were, to treat them as common prisoners; but upon application made by them he was directed to provide better accommodation for them at their own charge. Minuted:—“Read 29th Nov. 1703. My Lđ sees no reason why the Queen should be at any more charge than the 12l 6s 6d agreed to be pd by ye Comrs for sick & wounded.” 3 pages. |
Nov. 22. | 136. “An accot of all receipts and expences upon the sloopes employed in correspondence between the port of Falmo[uth] and all the English islands in the West Indies, beginning the 20th of August 1702 & ending the last of Octobr 1703.” Dated 22 9ber 1703. 1 page. |
Nov. 22. |
137. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the claims of Phineas Bowles, Esq., agent for prizes in the fleet, commending him for his services, &c. During the hurry of business, occasioned by the Vigo booty, they appointed Captain Atkinson, agent for prizes in the port of London, which he took care of until called to Portsmouth, when Mr Roop was appointed. Mr Tirrell, their agent at Lisbon, had disposed of several prize ships, and sent home an account of the produce, and desired an allowance of 5l. per cent. for his agency, which they thought reasonable. Dated 22 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“A warrt for this.” 2½ pages. |
Nov. 23. |
138. Letter of J. Rosenkrank [to the Ld High Treasurer] as to what was due to the King his master for the 2,000 men sent into the service of the allies, and to the same King's troops in Flanders for recruits, forage, medicines, &c.; praying payment. Dated 23 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“Ref. this whole paper to Mr Fox & Mr Cardll, desire them to consider of ye answers to be given to every part.” 1 page and 2 halves. |
[About v. 23.] |
139. Two petitions of John Peters to the Ld High Treasurer, for the stop to be taken off the Attorney General proceeding against the Lady Carteret, as to her title to the manors of Epworth, Stapleford, &c., which the petitioner maintained was in the crown, and of which manors he sought to obtain the grant. The second minuted:—“23 Nov. 1703. Respited.” 2 pages. |
[About Nov. 23.] |
140. Petition of Thomas Nelson to the Lord High Treasurer. He faithfully served Henry, Duke of Gloucester, until his death, and afterwards was sworn yeoman of the pantry to King Charles the Second. Still later he was sent as storemaster to Tangier, but in his passage thither was taken by the Algerines, where he continued eight years in miserable slavery. King James II. at his enlargement settled a pension of 4s. a day on him, which was in arrear six years and eight months, &c.; praying for his pension. Minuted:—“23 Nov. 1703. My Lord can make no addicons to yt List.” 1 page. |
[About Nov. 23.] |
141. Petition of the “parish” of Stonehouse, in the county of Gloucester, to the Queen. There was yearly paid out of that parish (besides tenths) to the receiver of her Majesty's quit rents for that county 6l., and there was great want of a grammar school in the parish for the better education of the youth, that they might not be seduced from the Church of England by law established, as too many in those parts were; praying her Majesty to bestow the 6l. for the erecting the school. Signed by the vicar and seven others. Minuted:—“23 Nov. 1703. Ref. to Mr Surveyr Genll.” 1 page. |
[? About Nov. 23.] |
142. A paper stating that Dr Woodroffe, governor and tutor of the youths of the Greek Communion, residing in Oxford, had petitioned Her Majesty (1.) For an establishment for them to the number of ten to receive their education according to the Church of England. (2.) That several of them having been above three years under the care and at the sole charges of Dr. Woodroffe (excepting 200l. received of royal bounty), there might be a supply for the same amounting to about 1,100l. (3.) That prosecution might be stopped for 1,100l. for which the doctor was indebted as proprietor of one of the salt-rocks in Cheshire, the duty of which came to many thousands per annum. The cost of the youths could not be less than three or four hundred per annum. Her Majesty's reply was in favour of all these prayers; and the petitioner prayed that whatever was granted might be applied to pay off his debt for the duty of rock-salt. The following document accompanies this paper and is in the same hand:— “George & John Aptaloghi, two of the Greek youths who were under ye care of Dr Woodroffe, in Oxford, having ye last year been prevailed on to withdraw themselves from thence, upon pretence that they should have much better provision made for them, & be sent into their own countrey, as they should desire, & coming to London were furnisht with money for their voyage and had bills of exchange to be received in Holland, as ye most convenient place from whence to take ship for their own countrey. “As soon as they were landed in Holland several persons were ready to receive & attend them (whom afterwards they knew to be priests of ye Romish Church), who treated them very kindly, carrying them from place to place, 'till being at the Hague they proposed to them to take boat to Middleburg. “Being in the boat they found they were steering a quite contrary course, whereupon asking ye master of ye boat whither they were going, he told them 'twas whither he had orders to carry them; & so on they went, till they were brought to Antwerp. Going out of ye boat they askt Stephen Constantine (who was ye third who had made his escape from Oxford, & as it afterwards appear'd had long entertained a correspondence with Romish emissaries, having for above 3 years before sold himself & his brethren to them), where they were, who bid them fear nothing for they were safe, & thereupon pulled out of his pocket a purse from ye Governr of Flanders, & now they were sufficiently sensible how they were betrayed, as they afterwards found in all places they went thorow. “At their landing at Antwerp they were welcom'd by 3 priests, who were to take care of them, who attended them to Mechlin & thence to Louvain, where they were presented to ye internuncio of ye Pope, who at ye first view of them said, Homer is not here! That is not Homer! pointing at the eldest of them. It seems their greatest aime was at him, & they were troubled he was not with them. This Homer is he who was ye eldest of them all, & is now in London, in order to return into his own countrey, he being already appointed to be druggerman in ye place of one lately deceas'd at Smyrna. “Here they were ask't wt money they had receiv'd, & they answering that they had receiv'd 50 guineas, they were told more was return'd for them, naming an 100 or 150 guineas more; but they averring they had receiv'd no more, ye person who put ye question said there must be an account taken of wt moneys his holinesse had ordered for their use; for 'twas above 3 years since money had been order'd for them, & thereon ye person [viz. ] (fn. 1) was named, who was appointed to manage that affair. “And now they began to deale plainly with them, greately exclaiming against the English as ye worst of hereticks, & telling them that they were to renounce all their errors, & to be instructed that they might be receiv'd into the true Catholick Church. In order wherunto they were put into the Irish College, & often disputed with, to be convinced of their errors; but that not prevailing, they were told that his Holinesse had a desire to see them, & to Rome they must goe, where they should find what it was to offend an Apostolick Minister. And so they were sent to Paris, where ye Pope's Nuncio entertain'd them, beyond wt they had ever seen; & to soften what had been said to them at Lovain, he told them of ye great love his Holiness had for them, & a letter of grace came to them from his Holiness, written in Greek, to confirm them therein. “They had desired to have had some new cloaths but 'twas denyed, they being told yt his Holiness had a great desire to see them in their own countrey habit, meaning ye habit they wore here in England & had travelled in, & are now return'd in ye same to London. “From Paris they are sent to Avignion, & from thence to Marseilles, where they were shipt for Civita Vecchia; but ye master touching at Genoa, & giving them leave to walk about the streets, they found out ye English consul, relating to him how they had been decoyed from England, where they were under her Maties protection, & how they had been since treated, & that they were now sending to Rome to be put in ye Inquisition, & therefore begging his protection, who accordingly undertook to protect them, & having withstood all ye endeavours of the Romanists to recover them, shipped them for Leghorn, from whence, by ye favour of ye consul there, they were put on board an English ship, in wch about a month since they arrived at ye port of London. Nov. 23, 1703.” 2½ pages. |
[? About Nov. 23.] |
143. Memorial from Michael Studholm [Keeper & Guide of Roads], asking for certain allowances to messengers sent to give notice of the state of the roads, which were so bad that there would be no passage for her Majesty if she had occasion to go to the Bath next summer, and further that the Attorney Genl might prosecute certain parishes. Minuted:—“23 Nov. 1703. The 4l 15s to be paid, but Mr Borrett to be here to-morrow at 9 abt this.” 2 pages. |
Nov. 23. |
144. Letter from John Sansom, Secretary to the Customs, to Mr Lowndes, as to passing certain arms and ammunition for the crown of Portugal duty free. Dated 23 Nov. 1703, with a list of the same. Minuted:—“The customes being appropriated my Lord canot discha ye same.” 2 pages. |
Nov. 25. |
145. Letter signed Geo. Clarke (Admiralty) to Willm Lowndes, Esqre, as to the money to be paid by the prize office to the Treasurer of the Navy, for medals to be given to the master, mariners, and a boy, belonging to the Leonora, about which his Royal Highness had issued an order, which he was not inclined to alter. Dated 25 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“Send a copy to the Comrs of Prizes. My Lord is of the same opinion as in ye letter.” 1 page. |
[About Nov. 26.] |
146. Memorial of the inhabitants of the town of Penzance and Mounts Bay, in the county of Cornwall, to the Lord High Treasurer, laying before his Lordship the benefit they receive by the cruising on the coast of the frigate Sidny, under the command of Captn Richard Upton. They never had such service done by any ship of war in convoying vessels, &c.; praying for the continuance of the vessel, as some reports had been raised of laying her by. It is signed by the mayor and 30 others. Minuted:—“26 Nov. 1703. He is continued for some time.” 1 page (brief size). |
[? About Nov. 26.] |
147. Petition of Nathaniel Senior to the Lord High Treasurer, praying for stay of process against him and Captain Stisted in the Court of Exchequer, and for a reference to the Attorney General. Minuted:—“26 Nov. 1703. Send to the Comrs of Customes to speed their report.” 1 page. |
Nov. 26. | 148. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord [High Treasurer] as to legislation on the question of the standard for the dimensions of the gallon and the butt or pipe. Dated 26 Nov. 1703. 1 page. |
Nov. 26. |
149. Letter of the Post Masters General to William Lownds, Esq., sending an abstract of an account of the receipts and disbursements of Mr Dummer, for carrying on a correspondence between Falmouth and her Majesty's Island Plantations in the West Indies, from the 20th of Aug. 1702 to the last of Oct. 1703; praying an imprest of 929l. 9s. for the balance due to him, &c. Dated 26 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“1,500l to be imprested upon acct. Send the accot, whereof here is an abstract, to ye Navy Board, to examine & report their opinion upon every article, and direct ye postmr to consider and agree upon a scheme for carrying on ye service for ye future, as effectually as is possible to ye publique & towd refunding the great charge of it.” 1 page. |
Nov. 27. |
150.“Mr Attorney and Mr Solrs report touching the stamp dutys on the entrys of rules in the Courts of Queen's Bench & Common Pleas;” recommending that the officers of those courts be pardoned for their past neglect in writing the rules of the courts in the books and remembrances unstamped, it being an error in judgment and being without any benefit to themselves. Dated 27 Nov. 1703. Also the “case.” Minuted:—“A sign manual for ye Queen to remitt wt is past, & for ye future ye Comrs to take care yt ye dutys be paid.” 3 pages. |
Nov. 27. |
151. Letter from Charles Roudolf, Duke of Wurtemberg, to the Lord [? High Treasurer], reminding him of the arrears to the Danish troops. All the regiments had arrived in quarters except the new regiment of “Wurtemberg Oelse,” which was at Bergenoproom, for which they could not procure a “patent” to march to Mastricht, where they were to have their winter quarters; praying payment without further delay. Dated 27 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“To be read when Mr Fox is here.” 2 pages. |
Nov. 30. |
152. Report of Mr Wm Blathwayt and Mr A. Cardonnel on the memorial of Mons. Rosenkrantz, the Danish envoy, relating to sums due to the Danish troops in the joint pay of her Majesty and the States General. Dated 30 Nov. 1703. Minuted:—“Read 10th Xbr 1703. Mr Sweet will be writt to p[er] Mr Cardonal to comply wth all these ar[ti]cles except ye last, wch wilbe taken care of in due time.” 2 pages. |
Nov. 30. |
153. Letter of Mr Thomas Byerley to the Lord [High Treasurer], sending an authentic copy of his accounts, which had been approved of by the Lord Cornbury (Governor of New York), the Deputy Auditor and Controller of the Custom House. The Governor designed to forward the accounts, but was at New Cesaria at the meeting of the Assembly there. The writer had begun to frame a rent roll of her Majesty's quit rents, and of the few he had registered he found most of them had not paid any quit rent since the time they had their patents granted them. Some were 18 or 16 years in arrears, and tho' the quit rent was but a small acknowledgement, yet when it was perfected he believed it would amount to a considerable sum. He found the patentees were very backward in bringing their patents to be registered, so that he designed, as soon as possible, to give in a list of some in every county of the province, to be prosecuted by the Attorney General for their neglect, which would quicken others, when they saw they must meet with the same usage if they delayed. He sent his Lordship the form he observed in entering those patents. Dated New York, 30 Nov. 1703. Accompanied by the tabular form referred to, which is entitled: “A Rent Roll of the Quitt Rents reserved to her Majestie for ye lands in the province of New York, begun by Thomas Byerley, Collector and Receiver Generll of the said province, from ye 2d of October 1703 to ye 29 of Decembr 1704.” 8 pages (brief size), and 2 other pages. |
Nov. |
154. “An acct of the officers, non-commission officers and private souldiers dead, unmustered, and absent in the four following Regmts at their musters, taken in Oct. and Novr 1703.” The regiments were Ld Charlemont's, Ld Donegall's, Brigr Hamilton's, and Major General Earle's. Docquetted:—“Abstract of the officrs and soldiers respitted in the expedicon to the West Indies.” List of the officers who had the Queen's leave to be absent from their regts upon their going to the West Indies. 2½ pages. |