Volume 94: April 2-June 29, 1705

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Volume 94: April 2-June 29, 1705', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol3/pp335-360 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Volume 94: April 2-June 29, 1705', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol3/pp335-360.

"Volume 94: April 2-June 29, 1705". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol3/pp335-360.


April 2–June 29, 1705

April 2. 1. Representation of the Comrs of Chelsea Hospital to the Lord High Treasurer. They had examined several invalids lately arrived from Holland, and admitted those duly qualified to the royal bounty in the hospital, &c. Her Majesty had appropriated 4,000l. for the maintenance of such of the sick as could not be admitted to the hospital, but limited the same to those wounded in the last German campaign. Several men had arrived from Holland who could not be paid in consequence. Some men had arrived from Holland who were not qualified for her Majesty's bounty in Chelsea Hospital, and his grace the Duke of Marlborough directed some small allowance to be given them, with passes to carry them home. They recommended 10s. each to be given them (the usual bounty given to disbanded soldiers). Dated 2 April 1705.
Five other papers relating thereto.
Minuted:—“L~re to ye Comrs to certify my Lord what will be necry to be furnished for ye services in their report not provided for by ye 4,000li her Maty has given for ye relief of the invalids wounded in Germany ye last campaign.” 11 pages.
April 2. 2. Copy of Order in Council held at St Jago de la Vega, 2 Apr. 1705, his Excellency Thomas Handasyd, Esq., being then Captain General and Governor-in-Chief. A flag of truce had been sent from Petit Guavas to desire an exchange of prisoners, and thereupon a letter of Captain Duesbury was read. The latter was taken whilst going in a flag of truce to St Domingo, carried into Petit Guavas and there detained contrary to the law of arms, his sloop sold, and himself and company carried prisoners to Old France. A deposition was also read, and as the result the clerk of the council was ordered to go with a letter from his Excellency to Major Peirs at Port Royal, and both were to go on board the “flag of truce.” Major Peirs was to acquaint the gentlemen in the “flag of truce” of his Excellency's surprise at their sending a flag of truce for exchange of prisoners, since, in violation of the law of nations, they had 15 months ago intercepted a sloop commanded by Captn Duesbury, going with a flag of truce and packets to the Spanish governor of St Domingo, Carthagena, Porto Bello, and the Havanna, sold the sloop, and sent the men prisoners to France. Further, that his Excellency demanded those subjects of her Majesty now sent down in lieu of those taken, and that the gentleman now sent down should engage his word and honour that satisfaction should be made. His Excellency wondered to find her Majesty's subjects were so barbarously treated, and that they were sold as slaves. If full satisfaction were not made, his Excellency would be obliged to treat the French prisoners accordingly. He then allowed every captain and other gentleman half a crown a day, and every private 7½d. If the French captain could not concede the above, he must go with his prisoners on the following morning, and one of her Majesty's frigates would convoy him to the coast of St Domingo.
Then follow private instructions for Major Peirs. If the “flag of truce” should go in the morning, the man-of-war was to stop him for further commands. Major Peirs to send an express to the governor, and an acct of what French prisoners were at Port Royal and in the men-of-war. Mr Henry Forty to go as interpreter, and Richard Allen to go to justify his deposition. 2¼ pages.
April 3. 3. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the portioning out of the money arising from the sale of wines taken as prize by the Devereux galley. Dated 3 Apr. 1705.
A previous report from them, and a petition of Walter “Devorax” on the same subject.
Minuted:—“Agreed, provided the appropriated dutys be not lessened.” 4 pages.
April 4. 4. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lowndes, asking for the Lord High Treasurer's directions in relation to windfall timber squared for naval service in Burley Walk. The Duke of Bolton had obstructed the purveyor in the New Forest in carting the same away. Dated 4 April 1705.
Copy of the surveyor's letter. 2 pages.
[? About
April 4.]
5. Petition of the Masters in Chancery to the Queen for an increase of their salary: the profits of their places were so mean, and the salary was no way suitable to the great trust reposed in them, and for their great labour and constant attendance in Parliament, &c. Signed.
Minuted:—“4 Apr. 1705. Respited.” 1 page.
April 5. 6. Memorial of Mr Fox to the Lord [High Treasurer] as to levy money for six new regiments of foot.
Minuted:—“5,000li orderd in p[er]t.” 1 page.
April 5. 7. Memorial from Mr William Blathwayt to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the money for presents to the five nations of Indians bordering on New York. These presents were furnished for keeping the Indians in dependence on the crown of England, and as a barrier against the French. They were altogether necessary, especially during the present war, lest the Indians should be tempted by supplies from the French to join with them against her Majesty's subjects. Dated Whitehall, 5 April 1705.
Also an order in council. 3 pages and two parts of pages.
April 5. 8. Report of the Officers of the Mint to the Lord High Treasurer, as well on the memorial of Mr William Shepard and two others, for a patent to coin 40 or 50 tons of copper halfpence or farthings in eight or ten years, as upon the petition of the provost and moneyers of the Mint for a licence to coin 30 tons of copper money a year, under the direction of the officers of the Mint, to relieve them under their great straits. In a previous report they had acquainted his Lordship that the coinage of copper money in the reign of King Charles II., King James II., and the beginning of the late reign had been carried on at the charge of the crown, under the direction of the principal officers of the Mint, which they thought the best method; they still recommend that method. Out of the profits her Majesty might relieve the moneyers, many of whom were starving. Dated Apr. 5, 1705.
The memorial and petition.
Minuted:—“25 Apr. 1705. Read & approved. There is no want of copper mony in any p[er]t of Engld. at present. And when there is, my Lord will pursue this method.” 4 pages.
April 5. 9. A. particular of a quarter's wages due in the Treasurer of the Chambers' office at Lady-day last, 1705, to the servants above-stairs, appointed by the annexed list to attend her Maty to New-market this inst April 1705.” Signed “Mos. Giraudeaux.”
The list referred to.
Minuted:—“Orderd 5th Apr. 1705.” 2 pages.
April 12. 10. The account of the Right Honble Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, late Paymaster Genl of the guards, garrisons, and land forces, of the moneys by him received and paid for that service between the 1st of April 1692 and the 25th of March 1699.
Declared 12 April 1705. A book of 15 pages.
April 12. 11. Report of the Comrs of Ordnance to the Lord High Treasurer. The Lords of the Council had acquainted them that in an expedition with the Earl of Peterborough, a proportion of ordnance stores, officers, gunners, and artificers must be immediately provided. They had not all the stores in the magazines. There was no money for this service included in the estimates to Parliament. The Duke of Marlborough, Master General of the Ordnance, positively ordered that they should not comply with demands made for Ordnance stores, except such as were provided for by Parliament. The charge of the stores and shipping would be 13,764l. 14s. 7d., which they asked might be ordered. Dated 12 April 1705.
The list of the ordnance and prices.
Minuted:—“Read at New Market, 14 [April]. The Board of Ordnance to be told that since the Queen and Council have ordered these stores to be provided, it must be done, but that my Lord in his own opinion doth not think half of them are necessary or that they will be expended in this expedition, but at the return, of ye fleet when the remains are taken, what part of them are made use of shall be paid for by extraordinary money, that the debt of the Ordnance be not increased thereby.” Also this memorandum: “On 16th Apr. 1705, I waited on ye Board of Ordnance and acqted them wth ye abovewritten.” 7¼ pages.
April 13. 12. Report of Mr Willm Blathwayt to the Lord [High Treasurer], on the petition of Rowland Tryon, merchant, attorney to Col. Walter Hamilton, lieut. governor of the island of St Christopher, as to his salary of 200l. a year out of the revenue of 4½ per cent.; advising that the lieut. governor had a right to such salary. Dated 13 Apr. 1705.
Written on the back of the petition.
Minuted:—“Prepare a warrt for a pr. seal.” 2½ pages.
April 16. 13. Report of the Controllers for the Army to the Ld High Treasurer, on a memorial of Captain Robert Gardner. A company of the Earl of Donnegal's regiment and 36 recruits were taken by the French and carried to Cadiz, and lost their accoutrements, &c. There was no proof that such things were lost. An allowance might be made for certain of the things upon proof of the loss. Dated 16 Apr. 1705.
24 May 1705.
Mr Gardner refuses to accept of this, and desires no further proceeding may be made thereupon.” 1 page.
April 17. 14. Report from the same to the same, on the memorial of Major Areskin and other officers of Col. Maccartny's regiment. The nature of it is not apparent. Dated 17 April 1705. 1 page
April 17. 15. Report from the same to the same, on the petition of Mr John Man and Mr John MacCullock, as to clothing, off-reckonings, &c. Dated 17 Apr. 1705. 1½ pages.
April 18. 16. Report of the Comrs of Customs, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Thomas Burrow and others, as to a lading of currants upon a Venetian ship, which would have arrived in England by the middle of February, but was detained by English men-of-war, whereby the currants became chargeable with a duty. Dated 18 April 1705.
Minuted:—“April 25th 1705. These duties are appropriated by Act of Parliamt, & the Queen cannot dispence with it.”
The petition and two affidavits.
Another petition from them on the same subject. 8 pages and 3 parts of pages.
April 20. 17. An establishment of 5,000 additional forces in six regiments of foot, to commence on 20 April 1705. 1½ large pages.
[Apr.?] 23. 18. Letter of William Holbech to “the Hon. William Lounds, Esq.” Hs desired to see the commission as to the receivers in Devonshire fairly executed, for the guilty receivers would use all the endeavours imaginable to quash the discovery. One of their clerks had said they could get off the discovery for 50l. He desired to have the 30l. allowed him now, for he had received but 15l. although it was two years since the discovery. Dated “23th inst.”
Minuted:—“He is to go down to attend & give information & assistance to ye Comrs & Mr Taylor is to pay him 30 li. for his past attendance & this journey. 27 Ap. 1705.” ½ page.
April 24. 19. Report of the Comrs for sick and wounded, certifying to the truth of the petition of Thomas Kirke, Esq., consul for the English nation at Genoa, that he had received under his care 146 English prisoners, and that he might have disbursed 31l. 5s. Dated 24 April 1705.
The petition referred to, (which states that there were above 112 prisoners who were English seamen, and had been prisoners at Toulon,) and two other papers.
Minuted:—“Read 21th May 1705. Agreed.” 3½ pages.
April 24. 20. “A state of respits on the regimt now commanded by Colonel Hans Hamilton, from the 25th of August 1702 to the 24th of April 1705, exclusive of a detachment of 300 men made the 25th of December 1702, for which an allowance has already been had.” 6 pages or parts of pages.
April 25. 21. A letter and a report of the Duke of Ormonde to the Lord High Treasurer, in favour of a pension to Sir William Russell, who was formerly a captain in the regiment commanded by Brigadier Cadogan. On account of his indisposition the late King disposed of his command. The Duke of Marlborough had proposed that Sir William should receive some of the pension vacant by the death of Sir Henry Goodrick. Both dated 25 April 1705.
Minuted:—“14 May 1705. My Lord will speak wth the D. of Ormd when he comes over.” 2 pages, quarto.
April 25. 22. Petition of John Verdin to the Lord High Treasurer, for remission of her Majesty's part of the duty on certain foreign silks, for the importation of which he was convicted. He had been committed to prison on suspicion of corresponding with France, and confined for three months.
Minuted:—“My Lord cannot advise the remitting the Queen's part. 25 Apr. 1705.” 1 page.
April 25. 23. Letter by command of the Prince to Mr Dodd, to take care Mr Conolly should be reimbursed what he had expended in the prosecution of the “Mary Ann;” directing him (Mr Dodd) to apply to the Lord High Treasurer. Dated Admiralty Office, 25 April 1705. 1 page.
April 26. 24. Memorial of Edward Douglas to the Lord High Treasurer, asking for an allowance for attending Mr Auditor Harley in relation to the accounts of the two late marine regiments. Dated April 26, 1705. 1 page.
April 26. 25. Memorial of Peter Wentworth, Esq., to the Lord High Treasurer, for the necessary instruments to be prepared for securing the succession to the petitioner of the estate of Etienne Cambolive, a French alien, who died intestate and without heirs, her Majesty having bestowed the same on the petitioner. Dated 26 Apr. 1705.
Minuted:—“Mr Attorney saies there ought to be an inquisition, and then a łre to grant adm[ini]stracon.” “To be layd before ye Qu.”
Again:—“Read to ye Queen 19 June 1705. The Queen did not make him any promise, but doth grant it.” 1 page, quarto.
April 27. 26. Letter from the Lord Chamberlain to the Lord High Treasurer. By all former establishments of the household the chamberlains were empowered to sign warrants for customary allowances, and for want of such power several persons had received no money since her Majesty's accession. Reminds his Lp of a petition from the gentlemen of her Majesty's chapel for allowance of riding charges for attendance at Windsor, and also of a petition for similar allowance from the servants above stairs. Dated Cockpit, 27 Apr. 1705.
Also a similar letter of a previous date, and a list of the customary payments alluded to. Amongst the items is:—“The principall painter's bill [Sir Godfrey Kneller] for drawing her Majesty's picture for embassadrs and for all the plantations as p[er] order of Councill, the price of each picture at whole length 50li.” 6 pages or parts of pages.
April 27.]
27. Petition of Major Edward Nott to the Queen, asking for an allowance for the expense of his transportation, &c., to the province of Virginia, where he had been appointed governor. Col. Seymour, governor of Maryland, and Sir Willm Mathew, late governor of the Leeward Islands, were allowed 400l. each.
Referred to the Lord High Treasurer, 27 April 1705. 1 page, quarto.
April 30. 28. A memorandum that Mr Ellis Tirrell was inserted upon the first establishment of the Prize Office, as agent for prizes at Lisbon, and had acted whilst Mr Window was agent for prizes on board the fleet. Dated 30 Apr. 1705. 6 lines.
April 30.]
29. Petition of Thomas Whitgrave of Moseley, in the county of Stafford, Esq., son and heir and sole executor of the will of Thomas Whitgrave, late of the same place, Esquire, deceased, for payment of arrears of pension of 200l. a year.
Minuted:—“Read 30th of April 1705. One yeare. See when ye grant was made.” 1 page.
[? About
April 30.]
30. Memorial of Col. Elliott to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the payment of the off-reckonings of the regiment which had been stopped.
Referred to the Controllers of the army, 30 April 1705. They were away from town and the Earl of Peterborough was desired to move the Ld High Treasurer thereon. 1 page.
[? About
April 30.]
31. Memorial of Thomas Wyndham, Esq., to the Lord High Treasurer, complaining of a fine of 180l. for renewal of the lease of a house he had built in the Green Cloth Yard, Whitehall. Sir Stephen Fox renewed the grant of his house in the time of King William without any fine. Praying the remission of the fine.
Minuted:—“Read 30th of Aprill 1705. To have this lease paying 100l.” 1 page.
[? April
32. Petition of Thomas Addison, Anthony Shephard, and David Elder, late Comrs for sick and wounded seamen and exchange of prisoners at war, to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the debt of that office and their cravings for their salaries and incidents.
Three other papers connected therewith. 4 pages.
May 1.]
33. Petition of the Comrs for licensing hawkers, &c., for themselves and their officers, to the Lord High Treasurer, praying for remission of taxes on their salaries.
Minuted:—“1 May 1705. My Ld doth not think it reasonable to make any more precedts of this kind.” 1 page.
May 1. 34. Sums necessary for the more regular settling and closing the accounts of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries. Dated 1 May 1705. 1½ pages.
May 1. 35. “Instructions for William Musgrave, appointed commissary of the train of artillery for an expedic[i]on by sea wth the Earl of Peterborow, which are the general instructions to all commissaries.” Dated at the Ordnance Office, 1 May 1705. 1 page.
[? About
1 May.]
36. Petition of John Derbie, Recr Genl of Taxes for the county of Dorset, to the Lord High Treasurer, for payment of 256l. due on his account.
Minuted:—“1 May 1705. To be paid when he has cleared his accots.” 1 page.
[? About
May 1.]
37. Petition of Edward Harrys, Esq., late lieutenant governor of Jersey, to the Ld High Treasurer, praying for bounty, he being confined in the Queen's Bench Prison.
A certificate at the foot with eight signatures in his favour.
Minuted:—“1 May 1705. He must be content wth ye penc[i]on he has already.” 1 page.
May 1. 38. Memorial of the Comrs of Trade to the Ld High Treasurer for arrears of their salary. They were liable to the taxes and had received no salaries.
Minuted:—“1st May 1705. There are no arrears.” 2 pages.
1 May.]
39. Representation of Thomas Renda and Edward Ambrose to the Lord High Treasurer, for the grant to them of a new patent for making of copper halfpence and farthings, they having had the former patent.
Minuted:—“1 May 1705. When there is occasion for new farthings & half pence his Lordsp is resolved to employ ye officrs of ye Mint in yt affair.” 1 page.
May 1. 40. Petition of John Walker and John Relfe, clerks assistant in the House of Lords, to the Lord High Treasurer, for a reward for their services.
Copy of order of the House of Lords in relation thereto, and a paper containing precedents for the same.
Minuted:—“1 May 1705. 100li between them.” 3 pages.
May 3. 41. Heads of propositions for the Comrs of Transports for regulating their office. Dated 3 May 1705.
Minuted:—“3d May 1705. My Lord agrees to all the 7 articles except ye 5th. Instrucc[i]ons are sign'd accordingly.” 5 pages.
May 3. 42. Order in Council referring to the Ld High Treasurer the case of Jeronimo Clifford, prisoner within the rules of the Fleet Prison, who sought that subsistence money might be paid him until his difference with the Dutch was determined, he having sustained excessive damages at Surinam. Dated 3 May 1705.
Minuted:—“18 May 1705. My Lord doth not see any reason the Q. should be put to any charge in this matter.”
Another copy and the petition of the said Jeronimo. 3 pages and 3 parts of pages.
[This matter was still unsettled, the claim being for over a million in 1727. See a Treasury paper of 27 July in that year.]
May 4. 43. Copy of warrant of Prince George of Denmark to Walter Whitfield, Esq., for payment of 85l. odd money to Lieut. Joseph Mason, of the regiment of marines commanded by Col. Thomas Pownall. Dated 4 May 1705. 1 page.
May 5. 44. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Ld High Treasurer, on the petition of George Yeo, gent., as to his claims on the ship Pearl and the cargo thereof. Dated 5 May 1705.
Minuted:—“Read 14 May 1705. When the goods are sold my lord will consider him.”
Also the petition. 3 pages.
May 5. 45. “An accot of respitts on Collo Elliott's regimt during their being under the care of the Rt Honble John Howe, Esq.” [viz. from 25 June 1703 to 24 Apr. 1704].
Continued in another paper dated 5 May 1705. 2 pages.
May 7. 46. Letter from Michael Cole to Mr Lownds, asking for “some gratification” as he had been instrumental in stopping exports to foreign markets. He was then bound for South Carolina. Dated “Downes,” 7 May 1705.
Minuted:—“To be pd 50l out of Incidts.” 1 page.
May 8. 47. Application by the Prize Comrs to Mr Lowndes as to the appointment of a clerk to Wm Burnaby, Esq., who was appointed by the Ld High Treasurer as agent for prizes with the fleet for the West Indies. Dated 8 May 1705. 1 page.
May 8. 48. Letter from the same to the same. They pray approval of the choice they had made of Samuel Atkinson, Esq., and three others, for carrying on sale of prize ships and goods in the absence of some of the Board. Minuted:—“This paragraph is approved.” They draw attention to the wasting condition of goods in the St Antonio at Plymouth, and of others at Portsmouth, Weymouth, Dover, and Ramsgate. Dated 8 May 1705. 1 page.
May 8. 49. Letter signed “Ro. Harley” to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the advance of money to the general officers at Lisbon, to serve in the expedition with the Earl of Peterborough. Dated Whitehall, 8 May 1705.
Also extract of letter from the Board of Ordnance thereon. 2 pages.
May 9. 50. Report of Mr Edward Wilcox to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of John Bromfeild, Esq., riding forester in the New Forest, as to his fees and arrears under his patent. By a decree in the Exchequer in 27 Eliz., the riding forester of the New Forest should have 5l. annually paid him out of wood sales in lieu of nine loads of wood out of each bailiwick of the forest. The patent was in the late reign during pleasure and had not been renewed. Dated 9 May 1705.
Application from the Duke of Bolton for directions for a new patent to be passed in his favour.
The petition.
Minuted:—“3 July 1705. To be paid when his patent is renewed.” 4 pages.
May 9. 51. Report signed Hen. Cartwright and Henry Vincent to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of Lord Viscount Charlemont, Brigadier Gustavus Hamilton, and Lieut. Col. Freak, on behalf of Lieut. Genl Erle; as to allowance for recruits, pay of officers, &c., mentioning the sudden death of Brigadier Colenbine. Dated 9 May 1705.
Minuted:—“21th May 1705. My Lord agrees to this report.” 1½ pages.
May 9. 52. Report of the Officers of Works to the Ld High Treasurer, on the petition of Benjamin Jackson, her Majesty's master mason, for a debt for work done at Hampton Court; certifying the truth of the petition. Dated 9 May 1705.
The second minute on the back is:—“29 7ber 1709. To be paid by tally on tin, with & in like manner as the halfe year is ordered for the workes.” 1 page.
May 12. 53. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord [High Treasurer] upon an application from Jeremy Saintecroix for employment. He had been dismissed from a waitership and searchership at Sydmouth in the port of Exeter for continued drunkenness and debauchery. Dated 12 May 1705.
Minuted:—“Read 19 May 1705. Show him ye report.”
His application states that he had lived almost 25 years under “the shadow of the sunbeams” of his lordship's favour. If his lordship would not do him good he must prepare for his sudden change by death, which must be in a few days without a miracle.
Copy of the minute of his dismissal. 2½ pages.
May 12. 54. Letter of Margaret Colingwood to the Lord High Treasurer, stating her deplorable condition and asking that she might have her own money. Dated May 12, 1705.
Minuted:—10li bounty out S. S.” [secret service.] 1 page, quarto.
May 13. 55. Letter by direction of the Admiralty to Mr Whitfeild as to the clearings of the Marine Regiments. Dated 13 May 1705. 1 page.
[? About
May 14.]
56. Petition of John Littlehales to the Queen for remission of fines imposed on him for two small crimes committed at “Emington [Edmonton] in the co. of Middlesex. The fines belonged by grant to the Dean of St Paul's, who would have remitted the same, but the petitioner did not apply in time and he had been imprisoned in Newgate five years; praying a remittance of the fines.
Extract from the Pipe Roll in relation to the same.
Referred to Mr Borrett, 14 May 1705.
Minuted:—“Read 6 June 1705. Wt for his discharge so farr as is in ye Queen without prejudice to the right or claim of the Dean of St Paul's.” 1 page and 1 membrane of vellum.
May 14. 57. Report of Sir Edw. Northey to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Dame Eliz. Lawson, widow and executrix of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bart., on behalf of herself and six small children; praying her Majesty's discharge of a legacy of 600l. bequeathed to her Majesty by Sir Wilfrid, in recompense for taxes which he, in his codicil, said he ought to have paid. Sir Edward's opinion was, she was entitled to her Majesty's charity, especially since the codicil which contained the bequest was so worded that it carried a presumption that the testator was not in his senses when he dictated it. Dated 14 May 1705.
The petition and two certificates.
The second minute is:—“27th Augt 1705. The Queen gives this legacy for the benefit of her children.” 4 pages and 2 half pages.
May 14.]
58. Petition of Sir Richard Cox, Knt, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, to the Queen; praying payment of 500l. out of the revenue of Ireland, for disbursements in attending her Majesty and the Cabinet Council in April 1703.
Minuted:—“14th May 1705. Ref. to Lord Lieut.” 1 page.
[? About
May 14.]
59. Petition of Richard Fransum, servant to the groom porter. He was employed to see that all her Majesty's palaces, Houses of Parliament, and ambassadors first lodgings, were furnished with such necessaries as the groom porter had to provide; and he had to attend her Majesty in all journeys and progresses; asking to be inserted on the establishment for riding charges, &c.
His fees for carrying up wood and coals to the privy lodgings were taken off.
Minuted:—“Read 14 May 1705. The allowance on ye establishment is in full of all bills.” 1 page.
May 14. 60. Letter from Mr Wm Lowndes to the officers of the Board of Greencloth, asking for their opinion on the petition of William Clopton, Esq., which prayed that several fees and perquisites might be allowed him. He claimed them as his right for making and serving her Majesty with wafers at her coronation. Dated 14 May 1705.
The petition, in which he states he holds the manor of Lyston in the co. of Essex of the crown, by the services of making the wafers for her Majesty on the day of her coronation and serving them at her table.
At the foot of the petition is the claim put in by him before the Queen's comrs to receive and determine claims of persons holding lands by services to be performed at the coronation; together with a list of the articles demanded. 2 pages, the last very large and carefully prepared.
May 14.]
61. Mr Robert Hart's answer to a complaint for stopping taxes out of small pensions to ye clergy of Durham, addressed to John Taylor, Esq.
Also an opinion of the Attorney General in relation thereto.
Minuted:—“14 May 1705. Mr Att. being informed yt the penc[i]on deed doth not conteyn any p[er]fect conveyance of land[es] out of wch these penc[i]ons are to issue in ye nature of fee farme rents, & there being no assessmts made on them, the Recr should go on to pay the penc[i]ons as he has hitherto, wthout deduc[i]on of taxes, and if the revenue be not sufficient to pay ye whole, he must pay them in proporc[i]on as far as 'twill extend till ye taxes cease.” 2 pages.
May 15. 62. Petition of Charles Lucas, closet keeper, to the Lord High Treasurer, as to riding charges; asking for a separate warrant, wherein Kensington might be included.
Minuted:—“Orderd 15th May 1705.” 1 page, quarto.
May 16. 63. “Reasons in favour of Captain Cary's petition to her Majtie in behalf of her province of Massachusets Bay, for the pirate money, to be humbly offer'd to the Right Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England.”
Minuted:—“16th May 1705. My Lord is of opinion that the mo ought to be brought hither according to ye direcc[i]on already given, and if after it shall appear by a particular representac[i]on what species & quantitys of stores shall be absolutely necry, my Lord will have no objecc[i]on against her Matys issuing such p[er]t thereof to the Tre[asure]r of ye Ordnance here for providing the same as she shall thinke fit.” 2 pages, quarto.
[? About
May 16.]
64. Petition of Sir Samuel Dashwood and Sir Stephen Evance, Knts, and Tho. Gibson, gent., executors of Sir John Foche, Knt, deceased, to the Lord High Treasurer, for certain allowances, and for process to be superseded.
Minuted:—“16 May 1705. Supersede ye process already issued, & stay process till further ordr.”
Also copy of a warrant. 2 pages.
May 16.]
65. Petition of Major Archibald Patten to the Lord High Treasurer for the sum promised to be made good to him when he resigned his pretentions to the company he commanded in Lord Donnegal's regiment, &c.
Minuted:—“This 195l wilbe supplyed in a little time. 16 May 1705.” 1 page, quarto.
May 18. 66. Report of Sir Edw. Northey to the Lord High Treasurer on the memorial of the Lady Oglethorpe, desiring to be released from a covenant to repair the capital messuage of the manor of Houghton, in the county of Huntingdon; advising the relief to be given. Dated 18 May 1705.
With it is a letter from Sir Edwd Northey to Mr Lowndes, inclosing a warrant for the relief sought. 1 page and 2 parts.
May 18.]
67. Memorial of Mr William Houston, minister of the gospel, to the Lord High Treasurer, praying that his Lordship would dismiss his colleague, Mr Henry, and himself with his commands.
Minuted:—“18 May 1705. 20li a peece out of secret service.
to Mr William
Mr Henry
Houston.” 9 lines.
May 19.]
68. Petition of William Hooker and Robert Corker to the Lord High Treasurer, seeking for the grant of the office of Receiver General of the duchy of Cornwall for their two lives, giving some particulars of the previous holders of the office.
Minuted:—“19 May 1705. It's agt rule to grant for lives, and no further grant of any kind ought to be made till the debt to ye crown be cleared. The audr to make a state of it.” 1 page.
May 19. 69. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Baldwin Malet, Esq., late Receiver Genl or Somerset, as to the rectification of a mistake in paying to the wrong account at the receipt of the Exchequer. Dated 19 May 1705.
The petition and two certificates. 2 pages and 2 halves.
May 21.]
70. Petition of Thomas Pullein, Esq., to the Ld High Treasurer for arrears of salary as stud master in the late reign.
Certificate as to his salary.
Minuted:—“Read 21 May 1705. There is nothing due to him in ye Qs time, & there is no mo to pay ye arrears in ye late Ks. time.” 2 parts of pages.
May 21.]
71. Complaint of the Lord Granville and the rest of the lords proprietors of Carolina, who had tendered seven years rent for their province, and asked that one tally might suffice, the clerks of the Exchequer demanding fees for seven tallies.
The answer of the officers and clerks of the Tally Court thereto. One of the principal reasons is that it would encourage them to delay paying their rent.
Minuted:—“Read 21 May 1705.” 2 pages.
May 21.]
72. Petition of the justices of the peace and burgesses of Westminster, and other the inhabitants of the parish of St James, to the Queen, for the unstopping of a passage out of Pall Mall into St James' Park.
With numerous signatures.
Minuted:—“21 May 1705. To be laid before ye Q. Read to ye Queen 19 June 1705. There is a way at ye end of ye garden. The petic[i]on is not thought reasonable.” 1 large page.
[? About
May 21.]
73. Petition of Susanna Arnold to the Rt Hon. Henry Boyle, Esq. Her father, Mr John Arnold, was employed in his late Majesty King William's service for some secret affair at Calais, where he sent for his wife and children from England, and continued a considerable time; but about April 1699 was seized by the guard of Mons. Latoure, then lieutenant of Calais, and sent up to Paris. On his journey he sent a letter to his wife. He was committed a prisoner of state to the Bastile his goods seized and destroyed, and his wife and children sent to England at two hours notice. Mr Vernon, whilst Secretary of State, supplied petitioner's mother with 5l. a month, but it was discontinued on his removal. The Earl of Jersey, upon inquiry of Mr Prior, found that her father was in the Bastile, but upon enquiry after him he had been removed, and he had never been heard of since. On his late Majesty's arrival from Holland in 1699 her mother was allowed 100l. per ann., and it was continued in her Majesty's reign till Mrs Arnold's death. The petitioner was left in debt, and now prayed for a continuance of her Majesty's favour. She was descended on her mother's side from Archbishop Juxon.
Minuted:—“21 May 1705. To be laid before ye Q. Read to ye Q. 19 June 1705. 30li a year to be paid to Mr N. Arnold for her maintenance & education p[er] Mr Nicholas.”
The copy of the letter referred to, with this postscript:—“Without a penny of mony or any thing, & what will follow I know not.” 1 large page and a few lines.
May 21.]
74. Memorial of Mr J. Stanley, Warden of the Mint, to the Lord High Treasurer. He had been required by his Lordship to lay before him an account of the discovery made by Mr Graham of a gang of coiners in Westmoreland and Yorkshire. The deposition of John Hamond, who was apprehended with counterfeit coin, charged one Marmaduke Robinson, of Westmoreland, and several others in Yorkshire, with plating and coining money, on which Robinson was committed. He would send Mr Weddell his clerk to execute the warrant for apprehension, &c. of the persons in Yorkshire, &c.
Minuted:—“21 May 1705. Read.” 1 page.
[? About
May 21.]
75. Petition of James, Earl of Abercorne, in behalf of himself and Elizabeth, Countess of Abercorne, his wife, and their eight younger children, to the Queen, as to their interest in the lighthouses in Ireland, the particulars of which have been set out in previous entries in this Calendar (see 1 Aug. 1704 and 2 Dec. 1704); praying the Queen to accept of a surrender of the patent, and to grant the petitioner an equivalent.
Minuted:—“21 May. To be ref. to ye D. of Ormond.”
Again:—“25 July 1705. My Lord will rep[rese]nt to ye Q. that E. of Abercorne have 1,000li a year for 3 years out of ye revenue in Ireland in lieu of 500li a year & ye tonage of foreign ships by him surrendred.” 1 page.
May 23. 76. Two papers as to respits on the musters from 24 Dec. 1704 to 24 April 1705. One is dated 23 May 1705. 2 pages.
May 23. 77. Report of the Comrs of Revenue, Ireland, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Richard Stone, Esq., a bondsman for Mr Henry Rotheram, late collector of the revenue in the county of Cavan, who was insolvent; they should proceed for the recovery of the balance. Dated Custom House, Dublin, 23 May 1705.
The petition and a letter from Mr Lowndes.
Minuted:—“6 June 1705. My Lord will not give any direction to hinder the recovery of this mony to the Queen, etc.” 3½ pages.
May 23. 78. Report of Sir Edward Northey to the Lord High Treasurer, on the case of Mons. Rosenkrant, envoy from the King of Denmark, touching some French wines by him imported from Holland, then under seizure, and on the question whether wines brought for immediate use of an ambassador could not be admitted to an entry upon payment of customs: his opinion was that they could not. Dated 23 May 1705.
A translation of M. Rosenkrant's letter and a letter from Mr Lowndes.
Minuted:—“Copys to be sent to the ambr of Prussia, the Emperor's envoy, & the Danish envoy.” 3 pages.
May 24.]
79. Virginia.—State of the accompt of the revenue of 2s for every hhd of tobacco exported, port duties and head money rais'd for the support of the governmt in Virginia from the 25th of October 1703 to the 25th Aprill 1704.
Also “Acct of quitt rents in Virginia for the year 1703,” and “Increase of the quit rents of Virginia in the years following.”
Minuted:—“Read 24 May 1705.” 3 pages.
May 24.]
80. Petition of William Sherlock, D.D., and Master of the Temple, to the Lord High Treasurer. His pension of 37l. 6s. 8d. was in arrear 102l. 3s. 4d.; prays payment.
Minuted:—“24 May 1705. There is no mony of arrears at present.” 1 page.
[? About
May 24.]
81. Petition of Captain John Davison of Great Yarmouth, Esq., Robert Roll of Lynn Regis in the county of Norfolk, gentleman, and James Bengough of London, gent., who prayed for a grant or lease for 31 years of some thousand acres of “ouzy,” sandy, and marsh lands, deserted and abandoned by the sea on the coasts of Norfolk and Lincoln, viz., between Wells and Walton in Norfolk, and Barton and St Mary's in Lincoln.
Minuted:—“24 May 1705. Ref. Surveyr Genll.”
Again:—“Read 25th July 1705. Agree wth the report.”
The report is not now with it. 1 page.
[? About
24 May.]
82. Petition of James Fisher, gent., to the Lord High Treasurer, for the allowance of his charges in going to Newcastle about the trial of Onesepherus Dagnia for defrauding the Queen of the duty on glass bottles.
Minuted:—“Read 24th May 1705. My Lord thinkes that Mr Fisser should acquiesce in what Mr Barker has reported to be reasonable, and not put the Queen or Dagnia to any further charges.”
Four other papers relating to the same. 5 pages.
[? About
May 24.]
83. Petition of Sarah Pember, late wife of Seaborne Buckeridge, deceased, to the Ld High Treasurer, asking for directions to be given for prosecuting Mr Parkhurst for money received by him for her Majesty's use.
Minuted:—“24 May 1705. Mr Parkhurst has promised he will pay her in a very little time.” 1 page.
[? About
May 24.]
84. “An account of the messengrs bills from the 8th March 1703–4 to the 25th March 1705.”
Minuted:—“24 May 1705. As soon as there is mony.” ½ page, quarto.
[? About
May 24.]
85. Petition of Richard Windebank, gent., “assigne” of William Hunt, Esq., to the Lord High Treasurer. By petitioner's assistance Mr Hunt discovered sufficient effects of Michael Wicks, late receiver of plantation duties in 1693, to satisfy a debt due to the crown. A third part of the estate of 50,000l. and upwards was due to the petitioner, but from 1697 Wicks had kept the crown out of the debt and the discoverer out of his reward; praying his Lordship's assistance.
Minuted:—“24 May 1705. Ref. to Comrs of Customs.” 1 page.
[? About
May 25.]
86. Petition of Laurence Francklin to the Lord High Treasurer. About a year ago 5½ cast of hawks were brought to the petitioner in her Majesty's name, being a present from the King of Denmark. The cost of keeping them had been at least 60l. He had exhausted his whole substance in keeping them; asks what her Majesty desired to have done with them, and for an allowance for keeping them.
Minuted:—“Read 25th May 1705. See what has been paid & how much is due at ye same rate.”
“There was paid on 7th June 1704 to Mr Pauncefort out of sec. ser. money on accot of 6 cast of hawkes presented to the Queen the sum of 73li, whereof 50li was a present to [the] person who brought them frō Denm[ark] and 23li for the charge of keeping … 20 weeks from 11 January to the 7th of June, being at ye rate of 23s a week. Half a cast dyed about ye time that the demand comences, and if a proporc[i]onable part of ye said 23s a week be abated for the same, then the charge of keeping ye 5 cast & a halfe for 52 weeks, from 7th June 1704 to 6 June 1705, will amount to 54li 16s 4d” The petitioner also asked for 40l. for the trouble of keeping them.
Minuted again:—“Read 13th June 1705. To have 60li out of secret service money and the hawkes.” Pd. 15 June 1705. 1½ pages.
May 25. 87. Presentment of the Comrs of Excise to the Lord High Treasurer, for repayment of officers' taxes whose salaries exceeded not 100l. per ann. Dated 25 May 1705.
Minuted:—“Orderd.” 1 page.
May 29. 88. Letter from Mr Secretary Hedges to the Lord High Treasurer, enclosing petition and account of Mr Broughton, her Majesty's consul at Venice (which had been laid before the Queen), for his Lordship's consideration.
He claimed 1,068l. 4s. 10½d. by his account.
Minuted:—“8th June 1705. A consul has no title to make bills of extrys, but if he has been at any expences relating to p[ri]soners at warr he may make a bill of that, & it shall be refd to the Comrs for sick & wounded.” “Read 11th July 1705. My Lord will speak wth Mr Secry Hedges.” 4 pages, quarto.
May 30. 89. Letter from R. Eure to the Lord High Treasurer. By reason of sickness and sores he could not attend these two sessions, as Lord Wharton and others knew very well; asking his Lordship to speak a word to her Majesty on his behalf. He would never give further trouble. Dated 30 May 1705.
Minuted:—“1o Junij 1705. To be laid before the Queen.”
Again:—“Read to ye Q. 19 June 1705. 100li sec. service.” 1 page, quarto.
May. 90. Paper headed: — “An account of fees received for bankers' annuities for the month of May 1705.” 1¼ pages.
June 1. 91. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of Captain Thomas Silver for payment of 245l. 15s. due to him for fire and candle for the gunners at Whitehall and in St James' Park, &c. Dated 1 June 1705.
Minuted:—“Read 6th June 1605. There is no fond for these arrears.”
Also the memorial. 2 pages.
June 1. 92. Report of Mr W. Whitfeild, Paymaster of Marine regiments, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of the clothiers of the regiment of the late Col. Fox, asking for payment; he had not received muster rolls. Dated 1 June 1705.
Minuted:—“6 June 1705. As soon as the muster rolls menc[i]ond in ye rept are return'd, my Lord will ordr the clearings out of wch the petrs may be paid; but till then my Lord doth not know what is due, or how much may duely be paid.”
The petition and a letter. 3 pages.
June 1. 93. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of Lieut.-Col. William Froud as to his half pay. Dated 1 June 1705.
Minuted:—“Read 31th July 1705. There is no money for half pay.” 2 pages.
June 2. 94. Letter from Lady H. Waldegrave to Mr Lowndes, and a petition to the Lord High Treasurer, asking for payment of 2,000l. out of arrears due to her. She was anxious to go to the “Spaws” for her health. The letter is dated June 2.
Minuted:—“Read 5th June 1705. 500li.” 2 pages.
June 4. 95. Mr Secretary Hedges' letter to the Lord High Treasurer, enclosing a previous letter concerning Brigadier Shrimpton's half pay. Dated 4 June 1705. Parts of 2 pages, quarto.
June 4. 96. Report of Lord Halifax on the memorial of Mr Hume and Mr Cremer, in favour of an additional allowance to them for payment of annuities at the receipt of the Exchequer. Dated Exchequer, 4 June 1705.
The memorial and two other papers.
Minuted:—“8th June 1705. Agreed.” 4 pages.
June 4. 97. A list of such of his late Mats servants in the houshold and stables as are now out of employment, &c. Supplied by the Comrs of the Board of Green Cloth. 4 June 1705. 11 pages.
June 5. 98. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Robert Loggan. They would employ him according to his Lps directions, but he had made scandalous reflections on one of their number “for not appointing him to ships.” The present number of established landwaiters was sufficient. There should be a stop put to the admission of more keymen, &c. Dated 5 June 1705.
The petition, copy of a former report, and a list of the “keymen.” 6 pages.
[? About
June 5.]
99. Petition of the seven officers and clerks of the Tally Court in the receipt of the Exchequer, to the Lord High Treasurer, for a warrant to Lord Halifax for payment of 580l. for tallies on which they had taken no fees.
Minuted:—“8 June 1705. A wt.”
Certificate from Ld Halifax. Dated 5 June 1705. 2 pages.
June 5. 100. Letter from the Comrs for sick and wounded to Wm Lownds, Esq., asking him to move the Ld High Treasurer for imprest to their secretary for subsistence of prisoners of war, &c., Mr. Povey, their treasurer, being dead. Dated 5 June 1705.
On the back are some particulars as to Mr Povey's securities. Dated 5 June 1705. 1 page.
[? About
June 6.]
101. Petition of Charles Aldworth, Esq., to the Lord High Treasurer, asking that no further proceedings might take place against the heirs and executors of his late father, who was auditor of the post office.
Minuted:—“6 June 1705. Ref. to ye Post Mrs.” 1 page.
[? About
June 6.]
102. Copy of documents docquetted:—“Mint Office, 28th March 1705. Memorial to my Ld Treasurer concerning the weights, hammers, stamps, &c., provided for the coynage halls, and his Ldps warrant to the Recr Genll of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay for the same. Dated 19th May 1705. And acct of particulars annexed.”
Also receipt by John Anstis, Esq., Recr Genl of moneys arising by the sale of her Majesty's tin. Dated 6 June 1705. 3 pages.
[? About
June 6.]
103. The case of John Hill, Esq., and Elinor his wife, the late widow and executrix of Col. Archibald Douglasse, offered to the consideration of the Right Honble the Ld High Treasurer. The late King James granted a lease for 51 years of the forest or chase of Arkingarthdale and New Forest, in the co. of York, with the lead mines, to Col. Douglass, which were found to be concealed lands; with proviso as to the recovery of them. Suits were prosecuted against Theodore Bathurst and John Bathurst (son of John Bathurst, physician to the late usurper Oliver Cromwell), then in possession of the premises, &c., but Theodore Bathurst getting to be a member of parliament insisted on his privilege, and no further proceedings were had. Col. Duglass died. The petitioner married the said Ellinor and took this patent as part of her fortune. He gives other particulars how he was thwarted. He and Lady Yarborough had hoped to have obtained a new grant. He had refused 1,200l. for his interest in getting the grant. His Lordship had refused to grant the same as the title had not been made out. Asking for recompense or some place.
Minuted:—“6 June 1705. My Ld doth not think ye Queen any way liable to make good ye charges he has been any way at in this matter.” 2½ pages.
6 June.]
104. Petition of Henry Hayter, who was employed as a clerk in the Treasury office under the late Treasurer of the Navy, to the Ld High Treasurer. Nearly 800,000l. of her Majesty's treasure had been left in his office and he was thought a fit person to pay that money. Prays for a reward for his labour.
Minuted:—“6 June 1705. Speak to ye Comrs of ye Navy abt this at their next attendance.” 1 page, quarto.
June 8. 105. “Mr Blathwayt's report to Ld H. Treasurer upon several papers from the Commissrs of Prizes,” viz., as to the disposal of the prizes in the West Indies, the difficulty of finding agents, excessive charges, &c., with the minutes on the same. Dated Whitehall, 8 June 1705. 6 pages.
[? About
8 June.]
106. Petition of the inhabitants of Drury Lane division, in the parish of St Martin in the Fields. Mr Burgess's meeting house in Russel Court being convenient for a chapel of ease for the inhabitants, who were very remote from the parish church, had been taken and fitted up at a charge of 650l. and upwards. The inhabitants being mostly retail traders were unable to raise the same unless assisted by well-disposed Christians. Pray her Majesty's benevolence. Signed by the vicar, church and chapel warders.
Minuted:—“8 June 1705. To be laid before ye Q.”
Again:—Read to ye Queen, 19th June 1705. Her Majty is inclind to give 100l., but see first whether ye works be compleated by ye inhabitants.” 1 page, quarto.
June 8. 107. Memorial of the Trustees for circulating Exchequer bills to the Lord High Treasurer. They had taken subscriptions for 200,000l. to the twelfth contract and send a list of the subscribers. Dated 8 June 1705.
The list referred to. 2 pages.
June 11. 108. Letter from Col. Thomas Handasyd, Governor of Jamaica, to the Lord High Treasurer. Admiral Whetstone's letter of credit should be complied with. The fleet of 12 merchant ships arrived under his convoy, with six men-of-war, on the 17th ult. They took a brigantine and sloop. The ships continued healthy. They sailed on the 6th inst. to cruise on the coast of Carthagena and “Porto Bell.” The homeward bound fleet would sail by the end of July under convoy of four men-of-war. Captain Nathaniel Boys, who commanded H.M. ship Deal Castle, had been taken up on a criminal charge. The Admiral designed to try him but he made his escape, and they could not apprehend him. He (the Governor) believed he had got off to the enemy. He learnt by a spy that a French sloop was preparing at Petty Guavas to come with a flag of truce under pretence of exchange of prisoners, with a letter from the Governor there, and that the gentleman who was to come was lieut. governor of that place, a very cunning intriguing blade, named De Chouppe Salampar. He (the Governor of Jamaica) ordered two men-of-war in the harbour to sail with all expedition in search of such flag of truce, to bring her in, &c., and keep her without the quays. Upon notice of her arrival he ordered the captain of Port Royal Fort to board her and know her business. The commander's answer was that he had brought 35 English prisoners to exchange for French, most of whom were men taken at the Bay of Andoras with “turtlers” and others. He sends the minutes of Council relating to the flag of truce. He could not receive the French governor's letter, nor keep any correspondence with him, since the Queen and the French King were at war. He could not exchange prisoners without orders. If the sloop's company wanted refreshments they should be supplied. He exchanged the 35 prisoners and ordered a man-of-war to convoy the ship to St Domingo. The Act for quartering the soldiers expired 1 Aug., and he was obliged to call an assembly. He was very apprehensive of their stubborn cross tempers, but he should use all his endeavours to make them sensible of the Queen's care for them. The late Chief Justice, Col. Beckford, had retired, and he had appointed Lieut.-Col. John Walters, a very even-tempered man, in his place, who had been assistant judge for five years. There was a report that the French expected forces from Old France, with a fleet of men-of-war, to attack Jamaica. He took it to be nothing but a French gasconade to keep the Spaniard in hopes, but if otherwise, he hoped they should show themselves faithful servants of the Queen. Dated Jamaica, June 11, 1705.
Minuted:—“27 Augst 1705. Read. To be laid up.” 3 pages.
June 12. 109. Letter from the Comrs of Victualling to Mr Lowndes in answer to a letter signed “A. B.,” containing complaints of mis-management and delays in the office; repelling the accusation. Dated 12 June 1705.
Minuted:—“Shew this to A. B. if he appears.” 1 page.
June 12. 110. Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of the Comrs of the Royal Hospital for seamen at Greenwich, praying her Majesty's grant to that hospital of 6,472l. 1s., being the effects of Kidd, a notorious pirate, condemned and executed for piracy. Several persons had appeared and pretended an interest in those goods, but could not make out their right thereto and were dismissed. On 5 May 1701 a claim was made to them by one Coga Baba and other Armenian merchants, who pretended they had been robbed of the goods by Kidd. The Court [of Admiralty] on 20 July 1701 decreed several commissions for the examination of witnesses in the East Indies, and pending the suit ordered the goods to be appraised and sold, and the money to be brought into court, and the court decreed the amount to be paid to Prince George of Denmark, Lord High Admiral, and it was afterwards paid into the Exchequer. Any merchant might make out a claim, and the law did not limit the owner of the goods piratically taken to any certain time, to prove his property in the goods, so that anyone substantiating his claim by law at any time hereafter, might become entitled to the amount in question, but it seemed very unlikely that any claim should be set up. Dated 12 June 1705.
The petition referred to, and a paper entitled “State of the proceedings against the goods seizd upon Capt. Kidd the pirate, in the High Court of Admiralty of England.”
There are also duplicates of the first two documents. 8 pages.
June 13. 111. Letter from Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York, to the Lord High Treasurer, complaining of malpractices (of which he gives instances) of Mr Byerley, Collector and Receiver General of the Province, for which he had been suspended. In the meantime he had appointed Mr Peter Fauconnier to be a comr to execute that office. Testifies to his good qualities, and hopes he may have the appointment. Dated New York, 13 June 1705.
Two smaller papers relating thereto. 6 pages.
[? About
June 13.]
112. Petition of Anthony Sturt, Esq., to the Lord High Treasurer, for stay of process against him in connection with the victualling accounts, and for removal of obstructions in passing those accounts.
Minuted:—“13 June 1705. Write to Comrs Victg to hasten what they have to do in relation to these accots, and prepare a wt for stop of process 'till next Hillary Terme.” 1 page.
June 13. 113. Report of William Vanbrugh, Esq., Deputy Controller of the Treasurer of the Chamber, on the petition of the officers of the Jewel Office for travelling charges, advising an allowance of 7s. 6d. to the yeomen, and 5s. to the groom, for their travelling days, and the half thereof during her Majesty's residence at Windsor and Hampton Court. Dated 13 June 1705.
Minuted:—“19 June 1705. Agreed.”
Also the petition. 2 pages.
[? About
June 13.]
114. Petition of Guicciardine Wentworth to the Lord High Treasurer. He had been a servant of the crown almost 40 years “without any salary or allowance besides what he got (wch was small),” &c.; asks for a pension “or otherwise,” as his Lordship should please.
Minuted:—“13 June 1705. My Lord cannot advise the granting a penc[i]on, but when any thing falls that is proper for him, my Lord will be ready to put him into some imploymt.”
“Read again 7 Dec. 1705. When there is a patent office void his Lordsp will give it him.” 1 page.
June 14. 115. Articles of agreement between Peter Hume on behalf of her Majesty of the first part, Thomas Rymer, historiographer to her Majesty, of the second part, and Awnsham Churchill of the third part, as to the preparation and printing of the third volume of Rymer's Fœdera. Dated 14 June 1705. (Signatures torn away.)
Specimen leaf united. 3 pages.
June 14. 116. “Treasurer of the Navy's certificate of cash. Dated the 14th June 1705.” 2 pages. (? One of a series numbered 11.)
June 15. 117. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor General, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Wm Palmes, Esqre, for (1.) a lease of the manors of Cookham and Bray, &c.; (2.) for a messuage called Morehall, and 260 acres of land in Upwell in the county of Norfolk; and (3.) for the late dissolved monastery of Newnam, alias Newinham, and lands belonging, in the co. of Bedford, late the estate of Thomas White, alias Whitebread, the Jesuit attainted of high treason.
As to the 1st the rents were answered for to Michaelmas 1697. The trustees for the sale of fee-farm rents conveyed them to Humphrey Hetherington, Esq. The benefit of the grant was for the Lord Sommers. The petitioner was anxious that his grant might be confined to the stewardship, and such royalties and perquisites as remained in the crown, notwithstanding the grant to Hetherington. The value was altogether casual. By the Court Rolls of 1699 and 1700 these profits came to 796l. 11s. 4d., but he found very little but what was set upon poor people, for encroachments and cottages upon the wastes of the manor, and the auditor says they are looked upon as illeviable. The profits by the parliamentary survey were estimated at about 1,500l. per ann. If granted, the fishing of Tadpool, &c., ought to be excepted. It was granted to Richard Aldworth, Esq., and lately petitioned for by John Bath, gent., on behalf of Anthony Meeke, Esq., &c. If the grantee had power, with the free consent and agreement of the commoners, to compound with the incroachers and cottagers (which he took to be the most valuable part of the premises), he ought to reserve at least one third of the value on such composition, to be paid in rent to her Majesty, &c.
[Minuted:—My lord cannot advise granting any part of Cookham or Bray.]
(2.) The tenement called Morehall and lands are parcel of the Londoners Fenn, and having escheated to the crown for defect of heirs of Sir Wm Tresane, Bart., were granted in 1668 to John Sharpe and others for 31 years; which term was assigned to Francis Bell, Esq. His son, Beaupere Bell, petitioned about 1699 to renew the lease, &c. He was informed the acreage was much greater than represented. The last grants passed without any particular rated by the surveyor. Two other petitions for these premises had been referred to him. If his lordship would order a particular to be rated, he would have the premises surveyed and an estimate made.
[Minuted:—The survr to make a new survey of the premisses and to describe the contents and make a valuac[i]on thereof.]
(3.) The estate of Thomas White alias Whitebread. By inquisition of 32 Car. II., Sir Roger Martyn, Bart., was found seized in fee of the site of the late dissolved monastery of Newnham, alias Newenham, and of parcels of land of the annual value of 257l. 2s.; but direction was given for stay of process, and the rents remained in the hands of the tenants till the reign of King James, when they were paid to Lord Petre until the Revolution, when by inquisition in 1689 the premises were found to have been held by Lord Petre for the use of an English nunnery at Rouen (Roven) in Normandy.
Minuted:—“Enqre further whether the crown has any right to this. Desire Mr Attorney to enquire whether the Queen has a probable title & report to my Lord.” Dated June 15, 1705.
The petition and a certificate in relation to the manors of Cookham and Bray. 8 pages, all injured.
June 16. 118. Docquetted:—“A copy of a letter from Mr Broughton ye Queen's consul at Venice, to my Ld Trea[sure]r 16o Junij, A.D. 1705.” He asks for consideration of the great disbursements he had made in fifteen years service for the crown, in higher affairs than ever any consul had the command of, in the most difficult times, to the most politic governments. Desires favour in passing his accounts. His zeal for the public interest (with no benefit for his consulate sufficient to pay post letters to and fro) might merit his lordship's consideration. If he had a greater estate than he had spent in the public service, which was above 4,000l. of his own, he would not grudge it. He hoped it was not the interest of the crown to let his credit sink. 1½ pages.
June 19. 119. Copy of a report of the Controllers of the army as to payment for certain medicines. The copy made 19 June 1705. [The original is dated 21 Sept. 1704 and is in its place.]
Also two other documents connected therewith 1 page and 2 parts of pages.
[? About
June 19.]
120. Petition of Evert Jollyvet to the Lord High Treasurer, for arrears of his salary as late clerk of the stables, and for a pension.
Minuted:—“Read to ye Queen 19 June 1705. No pencons, but when an opportunity offers he & Mons[ieur] Gendrault are to be considerd.” 1 page.
June 19. 121. “Papers to be laid before the Queen. Read 19 June 1705. Vide the minutes in ye Minute Book.”
See Minute Book, Vol. XIII. pp. 100 and 101, where these are entered. 3 pages.
June 20. 122. Letter signed “Ro. Harley to John Taylor, Esqre, in Palmal Court,” introducing Capt. Ogilvie as the person the Lord Treasurer commanded to be sent. Dated 20 June 1705.
Minuted:—“Orderd on 21th June 1705. 100li out of S. S. mo pd 22th do.” A few lines.
June 21. 123. Letter from the Lord High Treasurer to Mr Taylour, returning the papers all signed. He had filled in the blank for the loans upon the tin with 60,000l. He was to wait on Mr Secretary Harley and let him know that 100l. was to be paid him out of secret service money. It would be necessary to issue 4,000l. for Woodstock. Dated Windsor, 21 June 1705. (Holograph.) 1 page, quarto.
June 22. 124. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lord High Treasurer, touching the assessment upon the officers of the Excise for the city of London. Dated June 22, 1705.
Minuted:—“12th July 1705. Ref. to Mr Att. Genll.”
Also a list of the officers. 2½ pages.
June 22. 125. An affidavit of William Bowyer as to the allowance of a weekly stipend to the journeymen engaged in printing the second vol. of Rymer's Fœdera, to prevent a greater number than about a dozen copies over 250 from being printed clandestinely, &c. Sworn 22 June 1705. 1 page.
June 23. 126. Memorandum about the Chevalier de Ligondes, prisoner at Lichfield. He was in a consumption, and wanted licence from the Ld High Treasurer to go to France for three months. Dated 23 June 1705.
Minuted:—“26th June 1705. My Lord has rec[eive]d an accot frō ye D. of M. about this gent.” 1 page, quarto.
June 23. 127. An application from the Comrs of the Victualling to Sir Thos Littleton, to move the Ld High Treasurer for 20,000l. to carry on their service. Dated 23 June 1705.
Minuted:—“20,000 ordered.” 1 page.
23 June. 128. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor General, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of several of the inhabitants of the city of York, who stated that the parish church of St Olaves was so ruinous that it could not be repaired without pulling down, and the parishioners were unable at their own charge to rebuild it; praying to be allowed to have the stone for that purpose belonging to the dissolved monastery of St Mary, near the same. The report states that the site is in lease to Robert Waller, Esq., or his executors, for 18 years then to come. There were great dilapidations in the monastery, from whence stones might be taken for repair of the church, if the lessee consented. Dated 23 June 1705.
Minuted:—“Granted according to the report.”
The petition, a certificate as to the ruinous condition, &c. of the church, with several signatures; also a memorandum of the consent of Robert Waller to the stones being taken. 4 pages.
June 23.]
129. Memoranda as to payment of the troops of the Elector Palatine between 24 May 1703 and 23 June 1705. ½ page.
June 24. 130. “Quarterly certificate of the Keeper [Mr Petyt] of the Records at the Tower, about the work of sorting and digesting records in the White Tower.” Dated 24 June 1705. 1 page.
June 24. 131. An account of all moneys remitted for the subsistence and pay of her Majesty's forces, acting in conjunction with the allies in the Low Countries and Portugal, from Xmas 1702 to Midsummer 1705, with the rate at which each remittance was agreed to be made. 3 large pages.
June 25. 132. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Thomas Warren, a prisoner in Newgate, who was fined and imprisoned for great frauds committed at Bow, &c., whilst he was an officer of Excise; advising his discharge. Dated 25 June 1705.
The petition and a certificate of the minister, churchwardens, and inhabitants of Bow (Middx.) that his wife and family were supported by the parish, and another from Bromley (Middx.) on the same subject. 4¼ pages.
June 26. 133. Presentment of the Comrs for duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and paper, to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the smallness of the salaries of their officers; asking for a remission of the taxes for them. Dated 26 June 1705.
Minuted:—“3 July 1705. My Lord canot advise the Queen to make any more precedents of this kind.” 1 page.
[? About
June 26.]
134. The case of Jeremiah Garrard, secretary to the late Comrs for sick and wounded.
Minuted:—“26 June 1705. The accts ought to have been made up yearly. The office is determind, & there is no salary can be due since the office was determined by order of Council, and there can be no considerac[i]on had of his service till the accots are prepared for declarac[i]on.” 1 page.
[June 26.] 135. Petition of the four children of Mr Arthur Powell, deceased, for the continuance of their father's pension of 20l. per annum to them. He had been in the royal service as riding purveyor for 40 years.
Minuted:—“Read 26 June 1705.” 1 page.
[June 26.] 136. Report of Mr William Vanbrugh to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Mrs Sarah Sell for payment for lodging his late Majesty's chaplain at Kensington; in favour of the same.
Minuted:—“26 June 1705. To be p[ai]d out of arr[ears] when any come in.” “Done.” 1 page.
June 27. 137. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of several widows for payment of what became due to their deceased husbands in the Royal Hospital near Chelsea. The funds fell short, and there was an arrear of about 1,400l. to the pensioners who died in the house, &c. The arrear was mostly due to suttlers near the hospital. Care must be taken that the creditors are satisfied, and the overplus might be applied to the widows. Dated 27 June 1705.
The petition.
Minuted:—“Read 11 July 1705. My Lord can do nothing in this till E. of Ranelagh's accts of the hospital are past.” 2 pages.
June 28. 138. Report of the Controllers of the army to the Lord High Treasurer on Sir Charles Hara's memorial as to allowance of pay for recruits and for respited off-reckonings. Dated 28 June 1705.
Minuted:—“Read 3d July 1705. My Lord can do nothing in this matter.” 1 page.
June 28. 139. Certificate of the Lord Halifax of the surplus in the receipt of the Exchequer on the 9s. per barrel for Excise. Dated Exchequer, 28 June 1705. Part of a page.
June 28. 140. Report of the Controllers of the army to the Ld [High Treasurer] on the memorial of widow Bennet, executrix of quarter-master John Bennet, deceased, and of several tradesmen employed by him in repairing the guard houses at Whitehall, Kensington, Somerset House, and the Savoy; advising the payment of the claim. Dated 28 June 1705.
Minuted:—“3 July 1705. The money allow'd by parłt for ye service of ye year 1702 has been all applyd.” 1 page.
June 29. 141. Letter by command of the Board of Trade to William Lowndes, Esq., sending copy of letter of Lord Cornbury to the Lords Comrs of Trade, &c., written at the request of the widow of Doctor Bridges, late Chief Justice of New York, for payment of her husband's salary; recommending that it should be allowed, as he was bound in justice to recommend to his Lordship's protection the widow of a worthy good man, who during the time her Majesty was pleased to employ him in her service, served her with the utmost zeal and fidelity imaginable. Dated 29 June 1705.
Copy of the first letter. 5 pages.
June 29. 142. Letter from the Prize Comrs to Mr Lowndes, sending an account of the prizes taken from Christmas last, and of the proceedings in relation thereto. Dated Prize Office, 29 June 1705.
The account referred to. 9 pages.
June 29. 143. Report of the Officers of Works to the Lord High Treasurer on the memorial of Richard Stacey, master bricklayer, setting forth the charge of the works done by him; advising the payment of a reasonable part to encourage him to proceed. Dated 29 June 1705.
Also the memorial.
Minuted:—“3 July 1705. 1,500l in p[er]t of what is due in the Queen's time.” 2 pages.
June 29.]
144. Copies of documents relating to the claims of Mary Cordwent, relict of Richard Cordwent, clothier, deceased, for clothing marine regiments. The last is dated 29 June 1705. 2 large pages.