Volume 84: January 1-March 15, 1703

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Volume 84: January 1-March 15, 1703', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol3/pp99-127 [accessed 7 March 2025].

'Volume 84: January 1-March 15, 1703', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol3/pp99-127.

"Volume 84: January 1-March 15, 1703". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol3/pp99-127.


January 1–March 15, 1703

[? About
Jan. 2.]
1. “An abstract of the funds appropriated for land service for the year 1702: how the same has been issued by the Treasury, and what remaines unissued to compleat each sūme given.”
Minuted:—“2 Jan. 1702. A pr. seal to issue any sums not exceeding the remanent funds for the guards & guarrisons for ye 40,000 men & for the 10,000 men to the E. of Ranelagh to 24 Xbr 1702 incł. 1 page.
Jan. 2. 2. Letter from J. Burchett to Mr Lowndes, sending an original information of Thomas Vincent, brought by Captn FitzPatrick, touching the embezzling of goods taken and brought to Vigo. To be communicated to the Lord High Treasurer. Dated 2 Jan. 1702. 2 pages.
Jan. 2. 3. Mr Whitfeild's memorial to the Lord High Treasurer as to the adjustment of the accounts of the six marine regiments. Dated 2 Jan. 1702. 1 page.
Jan. 2. 4. The case of John Digby, gent., Receiver General of her Mats land Revenue in the counties of Worcester, Hereford, Salop, & Stafford. His constitution bore date 26 Aug. 1689, and he succeeded Sir Thomas Williams, Knt, who had a fee or allowance of 80l. per ann. viz.:—as to his salary and the declaration of his accounts. Dated 2 Jan. 1702–3.
Also copy of the constitution referred to. 3 pages.
Jan. 3. 5. Letter of Thomas Owen to the Comrs of Customs as to French sloops on the coast at East and West Ray. The sloops continued on the coast without interruption. He hoped the law would take hold of their carrying on correspondence with the sloops, else there would be more wool transported than had been for many years. Dated Lydd, 3 Jan. 1702. 1 page.
Jan. 4. 6. The numbers and charge of the 40,000 men in Holland for the year 1703. Dated 4 Jan. 1702.
Also, “Abstract of the charge of the establishment of the forces in Holland for the year 1703.” 2 pages.
Jan. 4. 7. “Mr Howes memorial for subsistence from 24th Xber 1702 to ye 21 Janry incł.”
Minuted:—16,081l. 9s. 4d. directed 4th January. 1 page.
Jan. 5. 8. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Sir John Shaw, Bart., and Charles Shaw, Esq., his brother, praying for further allowance in consideration of their undertaking the plantation receipt: in favour of an addition. Dated 5 Jan. 1702.
Also, two petitions and an appointment of Sir John Shaw, Bart.
Minuted:—“Agreed. To be p[ai]d out of ye impost duty of tobacco: but admonish him to be carefull in taking ye bonds for the duty on wines, & to gett in the arrears. Send for Sr John to tell him this.” 6 pages.
Jan. 5. 9. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on a memorial or paper of observations relating to the enlargement of the time for drawing back the customs on goods exported: adverse to the extension of time. Dated 5 Jan. 1702.
Minuted:—“Read 12 Janry 1702.” 6¼ pages.
Jan. 6. 10. Memorial of Henry Baker [? to the Commrs of Customs]. Very many French sloops and privateers were almost constantly on the coast of Romney Marsh. Several of the old gang of those who were owlers in the late war, viz., William Snip, John Burwash, and George Fuller, conversed boldly with them at the sea side. He feared, if permitted, it would encourage the exportation of wool and the running or smuggling of French goods. Dated 6 Jan. 1702. 1 page.
Jan. 6. 11. Letter of Mr Ad. Cardonnel to [? Mr. Lowndes]. The Duke of Marlborough desired him to represent the necessities of the recruiting officers in Holland, also to enclose a certificate from Major-Genl Lumley of the loss of horses in Holland: sends also a state of the cash in Mr Sweet's hands. He prayed [Mr. Lowndes] also to remind his Lordship of the subsidies to the Elector of Treves. The Prince's minister at the Hague was very pressing for the money. 2 pages.
12. The state of cash of the Pay office at Rotterdam above referred to, together with a computation of what will be wanting to clear the foreign forces to the 24th of December S.V. 1702, and the general officers, &c. 2 pages.
Jan. 7.]
13. Memorial of the principal Comrs for Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the high duty on foreign fish and oil. In several late sales no one would bid anything for either fish or oil.
Minuted:—“7 Janry 1702. Till some proper method can be found for making the best advantage of the fish and oyle, care must be taken yt ye same be not landed in Engld or Wales. Order so to ye Comrs of Prizes. Lett the Comrs of Prizes & salt dutys attend to mo~r, wth ye Comrs of Customs, ab[ou]t these fish, &c. at 5 o'clock at the Tre[asu]ry.” 1 page.
Jan. 7. 14. Letter of the Prize Comrs to Mr Lowndes as to the re-lading of certain goods at Falmouth & sending them to London with a minute of approval by the Ld High Treasurer. Dated 7 Jan. 1702. A few lines.
Jan. 7. 15. Order in Council upon the petitions of the merchants, clothiers, and other traders in woollen manufacture, in and about the towns of Leeds, Halifax, and Wakefield in the co. of York; all relating to the preservation of the woolen manufacture; praying the Queen to take the decaying state of that manufacture into consideration, and to grant relief; referring the same to the Lord High Treasurer. Dated 7 Jan. 1702.
The petitions with numerous signatures are attached.
Minuted:—“12 May 1703. The Queen doth maintain many officers for this purpose.” 4 pages (3 very large).
Jan. 8. 16. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer as to the seizure of a parcel of coin, plate, and bullion, which came by land carriage from Portsmouth, amounting to 1,200 ounces; upon which actions were brought. Dated 8 Jan 1702–3.
Also a schedule thereof. 2 pages.
Jan. 9. 17. Letter from A. Cardonnel to Mr Lowndes putting him in mind of a memorial of Lord Teviott's officers for the Lord High Treasurer's directions; also as to the four regiments of horse and the Royal regiments of dragoons sent into Holland. Dated 9 Jan. 1702. 1 page.
Jan. 11. 18. Letter of Mr Willm Vanbrugh, Treasurer of the Chamber, to William Lowndes, Esq.; there was wanting a power for him to act by, until the warrant was perfected. A letter from Mr Lowndes by the Ld High Treasurer's order would take off Lord Fitzharding's objection in respect to the action of the Controller. Dated 11 Jan. 1702. 1 page quarto.
Jan. 11. 19. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh to the Lord High Treasurer upon the memorial of Major Genl Erle as to arrears of five regiments that came from Ireland and were sent to the West Indies. Dated 11 Jan. 1702.
Also the petition. 3 pages.
Jan. 11. 20. Presentment by the Comrs of Customs laying before the Ld High Treasurer a memorial from the searcher's office, of a fresh instance of fraud practiced in the shipping out of salt, by Mr. John Sallway, merchant. Dated 11 Jan. 1702.
Also the memorial and a list of ships. 4 pages.
Jan. 11. 21. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord [High Treasurer] on the petition of Smithsby Hartley as to the transference to him of the office of landwaiter by Mr Francis Burdett; Mr Harley allowing 40l. per ann. out of his salary to Mr. Burdett. Reminding his lordship of another report by them to this effect, viz.:—“That altho' there had been some few instances that when deserving officers had been superannuated and grown infirm, younger officers of inferior rank had been admitted to execute these employments (reserving a moiety of the salary to such superannuated officers), yet they conceived it was a practice by no means to be encouraged, lest upon such pretences officers of the best experience should be permitted to quit the service and become pensioners only to the revenue, and other persons less capable of service admitted upon such hard terms and bare subsistence, who might be apt to make up their salaries, either by defrauding the crown or by exacting upon the subject, or (otherwise having served some time under such circumstances) would be forced to apply to the Treasury for redress: they conceived it might be of ill-consequence to the revenue. Dated 11 Jan. 1702.
Minuted:—“26 Feb. 1702–3. My Lord agrees to this report.” Also the petition. 2¼ pages.
Jan. 11. 22. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor General to the Lord High Treasurer. He went to Mortlake in order to give a true state of the Tapestry House there. The buildings were very old and ruinous, consisting of two piles built of brick, one fronting the way leading from Barnes to Mortlake, and the other extending from that way towards the Thames; wherein were two workhouses, one with 12 looms and the other four, over which were garrets and an old chapel. The ground floors were small apartments for labourers in the manufactory, within which was a courtyard, and a tenement therein, where the master workman inhabited, which was standing thereon before the workhouse was built by King Charles I. There were several patterns remaining painted on paper, but many of them old and scarce fit for use. The parliamentary survey of 1651 sets out the premises, their value &c., which were to be kept and employed in working tapestry. The same surveyors mention a brick tenement, with a garden on the south side, built at the same King's charge for the use of the Limners, which should belong to the work. There was a grant of 19 Charles II. to Robert, Earl of Sunderland, and Henry Brounker, Esq., of the premises, &c. He did not find the premises had been converted to any use contrary to the first design. The commodity did not vend as formerly and so there had been but little work of late years. Dated 11 Jan. 1702.
Minuted:—“10 March 1702. Send a copy of this Rept to Sr Jno Temple, & desire to know wt he would have done in this matter.”
[See also Report of Sir Edw. Northey thereon. 19 March 1702–3.] 2 pages.
Jan. 11. 23. Opinion of Sir Edw. Northey, Attorney General, as to whether the bill for freighting a ship to carry powder to Barbary, for the redemption of captives, and putting on board provisions for them, was properly to be reckoned a naval service, and to be paid out of money for sea service, the contract for redemption of the captives having been made by his late Majesty's order with the Emperor of Morocco. Dated 11 Jan. 1702–3.
Letter from the Navy Office to the Treasurer of the Navy on the same subject. 2 pages.
Jan. 11. 24. Letter from Joseph Bruxby, brewer, to the Ld High Treasurer, pointing out defects in the management of the Excise. Dated 11 Jan. 1702–3.
Also a petition from him for the grant of a commission, a salary, and a part in the improvements he should make in the revenue of the excise. 2 pages.
Jan 12. 25. A notification by the Comrs of Prizes to Mr Lowndes, that (in accordance with the Ld High Treasurer's directions) they had put off the sale of the cargo of the “Bonheur” for a fortnight longer. Dated 12 Jan. 1702. 1 page 4to.
12. Jan. 26. Report of J. Howe to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the subsistence necessary to be sent to the Earl of Peterborough; also as to the future payments to the 4 regiments in the West Indies. Dated 12 Jan. 1702–3.
Also, “An abstract of what is remaining due to clear the six regimts that make up the 5,000 men to serve on board the fleet and the genl officers employed in the late expedition.” 2 pages.
Jan. 12.]
27. Petition of Robert Williamson, merchant, to the Queen, praying an order of payment of 598l. 18s. 5d. due to him by a judgment and writ of execution out of the hereditary revenue of Excise.
Minuted:—“12 Jan. 1702/3. Read;” with a memorandum appended. 1 page and a few lines.
Jan. 15. 28. Report of Thomas Hewett, surveyor of woods north of Trent, to the Ld High Treasurer, upon the memorial of his grace the Duke of Newcastle, relating to Sherwood Forest, viz., as to the officers, their salaries and duties, and government of the forest; with suggestions for the improvement thereof. Dated 15 Jan. 1702.
Also a letter from the Duke to the Queen, offering, if she will allow him 1,000l. per ann., in lieu of his salary of 40 marks, to pay the keepers good salaries, find hay, and all other expenses attending the forest.
Minuted:—“Read 12 May 1703.” 2 pages and 2 halves.
Jan. 15. 29. Report of Mr Isaac Newton, Master of the Mint, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the case of Mr Anthony Redhead, late Master and Worker of the Mint at Norwich. Dated 15 Jan. 1702.
Minuted:—“10 March 1702. Transmitt a copy of this to ye audr who passes ye accots of the country mints.”
“The case stated specially between Mr Redhead and Mr Blofield.” Both signed “Isaac Newton,” and drawn out by him.
“The case of Norwich mint.”
A case drawn out for an opinion in Mr Isaac Newton's hand, and a question thereon, with Sir Edw. Northey's opinion that, by virtue of a bond referred to, “all moneys owing by Mr Neale to the crown on account of the mints erected at Norwich, York, or elsewhere, might be recovered from his security.” 5½ pages.
Jan. 15. 30. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor General, to the Lord [High Treasurer], on the petition of James Fincher, clerk, as to a claim for 80l. a year out of the manor of Forthington, co. Dorset, belonging to the Duchy of Cornwall; his father having been active and faithful for the royal cause in the year 1660, &c. Dated 15 Jan. 1702.
The petition referred to.
The second minute on the back is:—“22th Mar. 1702. My Ld dos not think it reasonable to advise ye continuance of this penc[i]on.” 3 pages.
Jan. 15. 31. Report of the officers of works to the Lord High Treasurer on the office of serjeant painter to Her Majesty, solicited by Thomas Highmore and Robert Abbott. Both were able and honest men, but they recommended Thomas Highmore. Dated 15 Jan. 1702–3.
The petition of Thomas Highmore, with a recommendation from six peers, and another from two other persons.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. Granted to Tho. Highmore. Wt signd. 17th Do.” 3 pages.
Jan. 15. 32. “Earl of Ranelagh's memorial, showing what is due to clear ye establishmt of guards & garrisons and 5,000 men to serve on board the fleet to the 24th of December 1702 incl., and to answer bills of excha from Holld due the 19th instant 3,000l. January ye 15th 1702/3.” 3 pages.
Jan. 19. 33. Letter of C. Hedges [Secretary of State] to the Lord High Treasurer. He had moved the Queen upon the enclosed memorial of the Envoy of Tripoli, and her Majesty consented that something should be done, but left the “quantum” to his Lordship. Dated 19 Jan. 1702–3.
Minuted:—“50 li to be pd out secret service moneys.” 1 page 4to.
Jan. 19.
34. Memorial of Bohas Pinchas, Envoy from Tripoli to the States General of the United Provinces. The said Envoy was sent into Holland from Tripoli, to conclude a peace, as appears by his Commission signed by the Divan and the Pasha and attested by the English Consul; but the States would not conclude a peace, unless they could at the same time do it with Algiers and Tunis; he had spent all his money during his three years' negotiation, and had now come to England with a recommendation from Mr Stanhope, Her Majesty's Envoy at the Hague, to Mr Secretary Hedges; his baggage in the annexed list was in the hands of the Queen's officers at the Custom House; in which there were some things brought over in ignorance, which ought not to have been imported: begging that the Queen would order that the first of her ships going towards the coast of Barbary, might take him either to Tripoli, or any place near, & that he might have his baggage, and some small assistance for his present subsistence.
Accompanied by the list referred to.
Minuted thus:—“For L. Treasurer.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. 12, p. 16, 20 Jan. 1702, is:—“50l bounty out of secr. service to be pđ to Bohas Pinchas, envoy of Tripoly to the ye States & came hither from Holland, out of wch he is to pay the customes of his goods & find himself transportation to his own country.” 3¼ pages.
Jan. 19. 35. Memorial of Mr J. Howe to the [Lord High Treasurer] for the subsistence of six regiments, part of the 10,000 men for sea service. Dated 19 Jan. 1702. 1 page.
Jan. 21. 36. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer, as to a form forwarded to them by Mr Lowndes, proposed to his Lordship by William Holbech, for making the returns of the duties on houses, marriages, &c. Holbech had been discharged from his employment as surveyor, for writing letters to parishes in Devonshire, with promises to excuse them from payment of the duties if they would give him a consideration. Dated 21 Jan. 1702.
Also Mr Lowndes' letter and the form referred to, another letter of Mr Holbech, and “Instructions to be held and observed by the several surveyors, appointed for the better ascertaining the duties upon houses, and upon marriages, births, burials, and upon batchelors and widowers, pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that behalf.” (Printed.) There are besides two schedules of persons to whom the surveyor proposed to remit the arrears, upon their sending him two shillings each. 8 pages.
Jan. 21.]
37. Letter of Dorothy Rokeby to the [Lord High Treasurer]. King Charles II. gave the present Lord Yarmouth a patent for a piece of ground behind the Fountain in the Privy Garden, to build upon, which his Lordship gave to his brother Col. Paston, her late husband. He (Col. Paston) being employed in the King's service, the Lord Melford built on it without leave, and going with King James into France we (the writer says) took possession of it and lived in it two years, till at the late Queen's desire, the writer moved out of it for the Scotch Secretary to come in, her Majesty promising the writer 60 guineas a year, which had been constantly paid, except 120l. due when the King died, and a year from her present Majesty: asking payment of this arrear. Her house was in Albemarle St.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. My Ld cannot advise this.”
Another letter three weeks later again pressing her claims. Dated Feb. 11. 2 pages.
Jan. 22. 38. Proposal of Sir Edward Northey [Attorney Genl] to the Lord High Treasurer, as to the requirement of the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading to the East Indies, of an original order from her Majesty for suffering her Majesty's credit to be carried to the credit of Sir Benjamin Bathurst in their books; advising that either a duplicate be made of the privy seal granted to Sir Benjamin Bathurst, or that a new privy seal be directed to the company requiring them to give him credit. Dated 22 Jan. 1702.
Minuted:—“Lett a duplicate be annexed to a warrt of my Lord authorizing them to transfer accordingly.” 1 page, quarto.
Jan. 23. 39. A paper as to the clandestine trade carried on from Bourdeaux and other parts of France by way of St. Sebastian and other ports of Spain, whereby great quantities of French wine were imported, paying only the Spanish duty; yet no seizures were made or prosecuted to effect till the year 1700. This management seemed to be carried on in concert between the consuls in foreign parts and some officers in the Customs, and with what was called an agency above stairs, who for private gratuities undertook for and passed such wines as were of the growth of Spain; and that such practices might not be called in question, they passed ships at the Custom House without being regularly “jerqued,” and had stifled or concealed several land-waiters' books and warrants. There are other particulars also as to this clandestine trade.
Docquetted:—“23o Janrij 1702/3. Sebastian wine trade.” 2½ pages.
Jan. 23. 40. An affidavit of Gilbert Cale, of the city of Bristol, gent., as to some indentures, &c. in his custody, touching certain land, parcel of the farm of Bradfield. Sworn at Bristol 23 Jan. 1702. 2 pages.
Jan. 25. 41. Mr. Borrett's memorial relating to the causes, &c. to be prosecuted and carryed on at Her Majesty's charge; praying for money to be ordered for the same. Dated 25 Jan.
In the list of persons to be prosecuted is the following entry: “The Queen agt De Foe & others for a libell entitled ‘The shortest way with the Dissenters, &c.’”
Minuted:—“9 March 1702. 200li to be order'd him for these services.” 1 page.
Jan. 25. 42. Letter from Mr Thomas Townsend to Mr Taylor at the Treasury Chambers, as to the persons filling the office of Clerk of the Robes and Wardrobes of beds, and their allowances. Dated 25 Jan. 1702/3. The following list is obtained from the letter:—
Nicholas Pidgeon, in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I.
William Georges, Charles I.
Lancelot Thornton, restoration of K. Charles II. to 1680.
Richard Coleing, Lady-day, 1680, in reversion after the death of Thornton.
James Gibbons, Esq., by assignment from Coleing to Michaelmas, 1697, about which time the Earl of Sunderland appointed
Peter Flornoy, Esq., who held it but a little time and sold it to William Van Huls, Esq.
Minuted:—“Mr. Van Hulse he must enjoy his place & sallary (the latter to be putt on ye est. of Tr. of ye Chr) according to his patent.” 2 pages.
Jan. 25. 43. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes to Mr Lowndes, sending an account of the goods delivered out of the galleon called the Santa Cruz, or Ranelagh's prize, to be laid before the Lord High Treasurer. Dated 25 Jan. 1702–3.
The acct referred to. 2 pages.
Jan. 25. 44. Memorial of Mr W. Whitfield to the Lord High Treasurer, praying a payment might be ordered for regiments under his care.
His account of the six marine regiments and a list of the colonels. 4 pages.
Jan. 25. 45. Letter of the Earl of Rochester concerning two petitions of Lieut.-Col. Montaut and Benjamin Mercade, as to pensions to them. Dated Cockpit, 1702–3. 1 page.
Jan. 26. 46. Letter from the Admiralty Council, proposing that the paymaster of the marines should detain the money arising by the non-effective men on the musters, towards recruits from time to time. Dated 26 Jan. 1702. 1 page.
Jan. 27. 47. Letter signed “John Dod” to the Lord High Treasurer, as to receipts and payments of the perquisites of the Admiralty. Dated 27 Jan. 1702. 1 page, quarto.
Jan. 27. 48. Letter from Mr. Secretary Hedges to the Lord High Treasurer, in relation to Mary Mayhook, a seaman's widow, coming from New England, in a ship taken by the French and retaken by Her Majesty's ship the Weymouth. Her Majesty's wish was that the poor woman should receive 20l. out of the salvage of the ship, in accordance with a report, united, of Dr. Bramston. Dated 27 Jan. 1702–3. 2 pages.
Jan. 28. 49. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes about the plate taken at Vigo and carried to the mint. They mention that dollars were risen to 5s. 9d. an ounce, and that there were several pieces of wrought plate of great curiosity. Dated 28 Jan. 1702.
An account which is mentioned is not now with it. 1 page.
Jan. 29. 50. A list of half-pay officers that were left out of the half-pay establishment the 29th of January 1702–3, by a representation made to Her Majesty of their refusing to serve in the West Indies, and are not since restored. 1 page.
Jan. 30. 51. Letter of the Earl of Rochester, Lord Lieut. of Ireland, to the [Lord High Treasurer] on the case of Sir John Rotherham, in connection with the proceedings of the Comrs of the Revenue in Ireland. Dated “Cockpit,” 30 Jan. 1702–3.
Minuted:“6 March 1702. There is no more to be don in this.” 1 page.
Jan. 30. 52. Letter of James Bush addressed to William Lowndes, Esq., praying for an order from the Lord High Treasurer, either to him or to the collector of Sandwich, not to deliver nine and a half hogsheads of wine, until satisfaction was made to certain officers, who had saved a whole cargo of a ship, driven on shore in Sandwich bay, from being plundered. Dated 30 Jan. 1702–3. 2 pages.
Jan. 30. 53. Letter from the Lord Lieut. of Ireland to the Lord High Treasurer about buying a piece of ground of the “Duke of Ormond's Comrs” for the horse barracks at Dublin. Dated 30 Jan. 1702–3. 1 page, quarto.
Jan. 30. 54. Letter from the same to the same, upon the petition of Robert Fitzgerald, Esq., to be restored to the office of Comptroller of the Musters in Ireland, or for a pension. He was of opinion that the office, tho' ancient in that kingdom, was not very useful to the Queen's service, and could not advise the restoring the petitioner to the office; but in consideration of the circumstances of the petitioner and his family, which was very noble, &c., he might be put on the establishment of Ireland, with 200l. a year, as soon as the revenue would bear it. Dated 30 Jan. 1702–3.
Minuted:—“9 March 1702. When ye revenue is able to bear it then he is to apply again.” 2 pages.
[? Jan.
55. Letter signed Tho. Conyers to Mr. Lowndes, as to the removal of Mr. Geo. Trotter, collector of Scarborough, to Whitby.
Mr Trotter's petition was referred on 2 Jan. 1702–3. See Reference Book, Vol. VII. p. 27. 1 page.
[Feb. 2.] 56. Petition of His late Majesty's grooms to the Ld High Treasurer, praying for payment of their salaries, that they might go to their families beyond the sea, being in a starving condition.
Also a list of what was due to them.
Minuted:—“Read, 2 Feb. 1702–3. To be laid before the Queen and propose that something be given them to carry 'em home.”
Again:—“Read to ye Queen 17th Mar. 1702. Respited till ye accot of Monsr Auverquerc is pass'd.” 2 pages.
Feb. 2. 57. A paper docquetted:—“Woods belonging to the Queen in the Forrest of Rockingham for my Lord Treasurer, February the 2d 1702.” The grounds named in it were in the Forest of Rockingham, in the hundred of “Willibe,” in Northamptonshire. The land and timber was said to be worth about 50,000l. and in the possession of the Lady Westmoreland. A gentleman had looked into the titles & found them to be the Queen's. A ship's carpenter had viewed the timber & found it to be worth 10,000l. A great man was about obtaining a grant of it from the Queen under the representation that it was of inconsiderable value, but it could not be done till the Parliament was up.
Minuted:—“Call upon the Survr for his report 6 March 1702. Let him inform himself further of matters of fact & advise wt Mr Attorney wt interest her Maty hath.”
A representation by Robert Driver of the parish of Lambeth, the ship-wright referred to, who went with Sir James Fuller to take an account of the timber. 2 pages.
Feb. 2. 58. Representation of the Comrs of Sick & Wounded Seamen, &c., to the Lord High Treasurer, pressing for issue of money. Dated Feb. 2, 1702–3.
Minuted:—“12 Feb. 1702–3. 4155l. 11s. 3d. is to be paid out of the land tax tallys of last year in Sr Tho. Littletons hands.”
Also another paper on the same subject. 2 pages.
Feb. 3. 59. Letter from the persons forming the Queen Dowager's council to the Lord High Treasurer, asking for his Lordship's warrant to Her Majesty's woodward general and the regarders of the forest of Whittlewood and “Saulcey,” to mark and set out for the purpose of felling trees necessary for gating, styleing, cabbening, and staking of several coppices therein named. Dated “From her Maty the Queene Dowager's Council Chambers, Denmark House, the 3d day of February 1702.” 1 page.
Feb. 4. 60. The Earl of Ranelagh's and Mr Blathwayt's report on the memorial of the captains of the three troops of horse guards as to respites. Dated 4 Feb. 1702/3.
Also the memorial.
Minuted:—“15 March 1702. My Ld doubts whether he has a power to doe anything of this kind before ye Act of Parlt.” Again: “24 ditto. My Lord doth not think it proper for him to allow this.” 3 pages.
Feb. 4. 61. Copy of a report of the officers of works upon the bills of Henry Wise for new works lately performed in Her Majesty's gardens at Kensington. Dated 4 Feb. 1702/3. 1 page.
Feb. 4. 62. Report of the agents for taxes to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Mr Morgan Whitley, late Receiver General of Cheshire and Northwales, to be discharged from confinement; objecting to the security offered by him. Dated 4 Feb. 1702.
Minuted:—“9 March 1702. Dismiss this peticon.”
Also the petition. 2 pages.
Feb. 4. 63. Report of Mr S. Travers, Surveyor General, to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of John Lansdowne, Esq., as to mines in the manor of Stratton-upon-the-Foss, belonging to the duchy of Cornwall. He could not state the case more fully than in a former report of 22 Feb. 1696. [See Vol. XLIII., No. 45.] George Long, Esq., had informed him that he had also a petition for these mines in behalf of himself and the rest of the tenants of that manor. Dated 4 Feb. 1702.
Three petitions and the copy of the former report referred to.
Minuted:—“9 March 1702. My Ld. will hear all parties ye first Wednesday afternoon in ye next term.” 5½ pages.
Feb. 4. 64. Letter of the Comrs of Prizes to Mr Lowndes on the letter of Captn James Bush (see 30 Jan.), confirming statements therein as to assistance rendered in preventing the plunder of a Swedish ship, taken as a prize by Captn Watkins; recommending a reward. The sum refused by Captain Bush of 20 guineas they considered sufficient. Dated 4 Feb. 1702/3. 1 page.
Feb. 5. 65. Abstract of several sums directed by his Grace the Duke of Marlborough's warrants to be paid in Holland, amounting to 3,530l. 10s., which Mr Sweet not having been able to satisfy it was prayed might be ordered into the Earl of Ranelagh's hands, to pay the several persons concerned, and thereby save the exchange. Dated Whitehall, 5 Feb. 1702/3. Signed “Ad. Cardonnel.” 1 page.
[? About
Feb. 5.]
66. Particulars as to the clothing of foreign forces, payments required to be made on the importation of foreign corn, &c., “in answer to Wm Lownds, Esqr[s] letter of the 5th of Feb. 1702 to the Hon. Cha. Fox, Esquire.” Signed B. S. [? Benjamin Sweet].
Minuted:—“Write to Mr Cardonal that he indeavours to induce the forreigners, when they do want cloathing, to buy it from Engld, & to send an accot from time to time how he succeeds in that matter.” 3pages.
Feb. 6. 67. Letter of the Earl of Nottingham about Mr Griffiths, Attorney General of New Jersey, recommending his requests should be complied with. Dated 6 Feb. 1702/3.
Also the letter of Alexander Griffith to the earl, stating that suretyship for his relations had so ruined his estate that he could not meet the expense of the “seals,” and so was likely to be deprived of the grant of his office; and asking that a year's income might be advanced to him.
Minuted:—“Advance it out of sec. service mo., to be repd out of ye salla when due. See whether ye 200l to ye Com~y, was p[ai]d. There has been 200li paid to one Marshall, who was appointed comissary of provisions for ye West Indies.” 2 pages.
Feb. 8. 68. Report of the Comrs of Customs on the petition of Arthur Shallet, of London, merchant, praying to compound a debt due to Her Majesty for duty on wine. Dated 8 Feb. 1702 3.
Minuted:—“26 Feb. 1702. Hes to propose to the Comrs of Customes the sum he will pay of composition for the remainder of ye debt.” 7 pages and 3 halves.
Feb. 9. 69. Letter of the Comrs of Prizes to Wm Lowndes, Esq., as to a sale of prize goods out of the “Mary” prize, &c. Dated 9 Feb. 1702–3.
Another paper relating thereto. 2 pages.
Feb. 9. 70. Report of the Comrs of Revenue for Ireland [to the Ld High Treasurer], presenting a particular account of the insolvent arrears upon the quit rents, &c. of that kingdom, asking for directions to strike the same out; and in order that the undisposed lands might be managed to the best advantage, they prayed to be allowed to “set” them for 31 years, or such a term of years as might be an encouragement to the tenants to give a better rent and make improvements. The time of setting lands in that kingdom was usually from 1 May. They did not propose setting the “plus lands,” which had constantly paid the quit rents, it having always been thought a matter that would too much affect the quiet and settlement of very many considerable families, and was in itself very intricate and difficult to perform. Dated 9 Feb. 1702/3.
Minuted:—“Prepare a S. M. accordingly.”
The account referred to is not now with it. 1½ pages.
Feb. 11. 71. Letter from Ad. Cardonnel to Mr Lowndes. The Duke of Marlborough having given orders to the officers of the troops in Holland to hasten over thither with their recruits, his grace prayed for the issue of 987l. for recruit horses, in lieu of those lost in service abroad, and for 3,530l. 10s. for the pay of general officers in Holland. Dated 11 Feb. 1702/3. 1 page.
Feb. 11. 72. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor General, to the [Lord High Treasurer]. Anthony Rowe, Esq., had assured him that the stables near the Duke of St Alban's house at Windsor, then in possession of the dean and canons, belonged to the Crown, and that King Charles the Second being satisfied of his right to the same, did about the year 1674 order Mr Rowe (upon the neglect or refusal of the dean and canons to show their title) to break open the doors, which he did and turned out their horses into the street, and put in the King's, and upon their complaint His Majesty told them it was a dangerous thing to lend them anything, for they presently took it for their own; that the stables were his, and if they grudged him the use of them while he was at Windsor they should use them no more in his absence. The dean and canons entirely contradicted all this; no such claim had ever been heard of. King Charles offered to buy them, and offered to build stables for them, if these might be laid to Mrs Gwynn's house, &c. Mr Rowe and all agreed that at Eton there were stables whereunto the Crown had an undoubted right, which, with the yard and passage, contained about half an acre. Mr Rowe says he begged these of King Charles, but did not pretend to any grant or lease thereof. It would be better to let these at a rent. The Duke of Somerset had told him that a learned serjeant-at-law (who had an old house at Windsor on a college lease) offered to build stables for Her Majesty at a rent of 300l. per annum. This proposal he did not think for Her Majesty's service, but advised the purchase of a square piece of ground of about two acres adjoining the great avenue, and fronting the Little Park, and some tenements on the opposite side of the avenue, which might answer the Queen's present occasions. Dated 11 Feb. 1702/3.
Minuted:—“Read 10 March 1702. Mr Survr to find a tenant for ye old stables at ye best rent that can be gotten for ye same, or a fine & proporconable rent.” 2 pages.
Feb. 12,
73. Mr. How's memorial for subsistence for the guards, &c.
Minuted:—“Ordrd 12th Feb. 13,012li 10s. 0d.” 1 page.
Feb. 13. 74. Report of the Principal Comrs of Prizes to the Ld High Treasurer, on the petition of Samuel Eyre, Joshua Forster, James Horard, and several other fishmongers in London, for relief in respect to a cargo of prize fish. Dated 13 Feb. 1702.
On the dorse are the following minutes:—
“19 Feb. 1702. They canot legally be landed.
“Mr Eyre desires the Comrs may take back the fish unlanded & make a new sale thereof.
“3 Feb. 1702. Lett the Comrs of Prizes certifie the quantity of these fish remayning in the petrs hands and what he paid for ye same. W. Lowndes.” 1 page.
Feb. 13. 75. Letter from the Comrs of Victualling to Mr Lowndes as to the petition of Josiah Keeling, who was clerk of the bakehouse, and was succeeded by one Henry Rowlandson in the year 1689. Dated 13 Feb. 1702/3.
Also the copy of the petition and an order in Council.
The petition states that in the year 1683 the petitioner made a discovery of the horrid conspiracy against the Queen's uncle, King Charles II., and her father the then Duke of York, by shooting them as they were to pass the Rye House in Hertfordshire; for which service a pension was granted him of 100l. per ann., but in lieu thereof an office was assigned him in victualling the navy, which he held till dispossessed thereof in the first year of King William.
Minuted:—“10 March 1702. My Ld will speak wth ye Commrs of ye victualling con. ye capacity of ye petr for their service.
“19 Apr. 1703. The Comrs say this office is supplyed at present by one they think very well qualified for it.” 3 pages.
Feb. 13. 76. Memorial of the Comrs for sick & wounded, &c., to the Lord High Treasurer, asking for an order for 21,077l.
The Comrs provided for the sick among the land forces who came from Vigo, and the prisoners of war were near 4000. Dated 13 Feb. 1702/3.
Minuted:—“Read 15th Feb. 1702. 10,000li. out of ye land tax tallys of last year upon acct of ye service of ye year 1702.” 1 page.
Feb. 13. 77. Balance sheet of John Brewer, Esq., Receiver General for Prizes, from the commencing his office to the 13 day of Febry 1702. 2 pages.
Feb. 13. 78. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Ld High Treasurer, as to the duties on oil. Dated 13 Feb. 1702/3. 1 page.
The Attorney General's opinion on the duties. Copy of the report and opinion, with minute on the back. Also “An account of prize oyle on shoar, and on board severall ships now in the ports of England.” 5 pages.
Feb. 15. 79. Docquetted:—“Febr. 15, 1702. Mr. Cofferers memorial to my Ld High Treasurer,” being—
“A computation of what money may be wanting for ye payment of Her Mats household, that was due at Xmas 1702.” 1 page.
Feb. 15.]
80. Memorial of Mr. [John] Macky, director of the packet boats at Dover. After six years attendance on the coast, to prevent a correspondence with France in the last war, he was appointed manager of the packet boats at Dover. He built and furnished five ships to carry the mails to France and Flanders, and had 1,400l. per ann. besides his salary as agent to the Post Office. The contract ceased during the war and the boats were useless, and this and the furnishing a house at Dover, for the reception of all foreign ministers and our own ambassadors, would ruin him. Asking to be continued on the Post Office establishment, and for allowance for the boats, till a peace should restore them to their former stations. [See also 9 March 1702/3.] Undated, but referred 15 Feb. 1702. See Reference Book, Vol. VII. p. 36. 1 page, quarto.
Feb. 16. 81. Copy of a letter of the Earl of Nottingham to Sir Richard Cox, Lord Chief Justice [of Ireland], asking for his attendance on Her Majesty, as she had many matters relating to Ireland under consideration. Dated 16 Feb. 1702/3. ½ page.
Feb. 16. 82. Letter by command of His Royal Highness [Prince George of Denmark] to Mr. Lowndes, for the furnishing with credits Vice-Admiral Graydon, who was going to command the squadron of H. M. ships in the West Indies in the room of Mr. Benbow, lately deceased. Dated 16 Feb. 1702/3.
Minuted:—“Mr Tailer to informe himselfe & represent what has usually been done in such cases. There was 10,000li. credits given to Admll Bembow in his 2 last expedic[i]ons to ye West Indies at Jamaica, Ba[r]bados, Voiga, Maryland, &c.” 1 page.
Feb. 17. 83. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Ld High Treasurer, on the case between Capt. Sands and Sir John Shaw and other officers of the Customs, to be heard in the House of Peers. Dated 17 Feb. 1702–3.
Also the case referred to. 4 pages.
Feb. 17. 84. Representation of Mr Tho. Hewett, Surveyor General of Forests north of Trent, showing who were the officers of the forests of Sherwood and Needwood, what their salaries were, and other particulars. Dated 17 Feb. 1702–3.
Minuted:—“Read 18 Feb. 1702. Prepare a warrt to rayse 1,500l. by decayd trees in Sherwood for to be p[ai]d into ye Excheqr. See his former report & speak to him.” 1½ pages.
Feb. 17. 85. Letter of the Comrs of Prizes to Mr. Lowndes, with an account of prize goods in the little galleon called the Edward and Elizabeth, taken by the Mary man-of-war. Dated 17 Feb. 1702.
Minuted:—“Read 19 Feb. 1702. Desire the C. of Prizes to perfect an estimate of ye whole prizes taken at Vigo as exactly & speedily as they can.” 2 pages.
Feb. 17. 86. Letter of the Comrs of Prizes to Mr. Lowndes as to delivery of quantities of silver (being part of the Vigo prize plate) to Mr Newton for the purpose of coining 1,000l. out of the same. Also four other chests sent from the warehouse where the goods of the Ranelagh prize were lodged. Dated 17 Feb. 1702–3.
The enclosures relating to the same. 4 pages.
Feb. 18. 87. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor General, to the Lord [High Treasurer] on the petition of Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland. He found that the offices of master forester and keeper of Cliff bailiwick, within the forest of Rockingham, and of all the woods within the precincts thereof, &c., were granted to Charles, the late Earl, on 31 July, 34 Car. II., &c., with power to make the grant void. He could not find that the grant had been revoked and believed the office was chiefly honorary. Dated 18 Feb. 1702.
Also the petition, which is minuted:—“9 March 1702. My Ld desires Mr Surveyor to get further informac[i]on of ye nature & value of this office, and to report ye same to his lopp.” 3 pages.
Feb. 18. 88. Report of the same to the same, upon a memorial relating to timber of considerable value, fit for Her Majesty's service in the forest of Rockingham, on the lands in the possession of the Lady Westmoreland, which it was alledged belonged to the crown. He found- that King Charles I. on 30 May, 4th of his reign (at the request and nomination of Francis Earl of Westmoreland) granted to Nicholas Pay, Esq., and Clement Bellamy, gent., various woods therein set out, with the soil, &c. at an annual rent of 100l., and in 1663 it was made part of the Queen Dowager's jointure. He further found that on 23 July, 4 Car. I., another grant passed the great seal to the same and two other persons, of all timber trees growing on those coppices, and on others, to hold to the grantees for ever. If the person who makes “this discovery” can make it appear that the lands he has mentioned are no part of these, the timber whereon is granted away for ever, the timber might belong to Her Majesty, and would be of great service to her naval affairs. Dated 18 Feb. 1702.
The memorial is not now with it. 3½ pages.
Feb. 15
& 18.
89. “An inventory of the plate and other things delivered into the Treasury of the Mint, by the Honble Her Majts Comrs for Prizes, 15th Feb. 1702–3.”
Report of Mr. Isaac Newton to the Ld High Treasurer. Upon advising with other officers of the Mint, about the Spanish silver brought thither by the Comrs of Prizes, they were of opinion that all the virgin silver, cakes, and broken pieces of silver, and so much of the plate as in the judgment of the Comrs for Prizes was not valuable for its fashion, should be melted into ingots, weighed and assayed to obtain the just value. Dated 18 Feb. 1702–3.
Minuted:—“Agreed to.”
Both papers are in Newton's hand. 2 pages.
Feb. 19. 90. Letter from the Earl of Nottingham to the Lord High Treasurer, enclosing a list of articles or an account of what the late King presented to the governments of Algiers, Tripoli, and Tunis. Things of another nature would be more acceptable to Algiers, and Her Majesty being willing to allow 300l. to be laid out for a present to that Government, and a bale of cloth, a gold watch, and two “prospective” glasses to each of the governments of Tunis and Tripoli, it was Her Majesty's pleasure they should be provided, and Mr. Baker, late consul at Algiers, was directed to attend his Lordship thereon. Dated 19 Feb. 1702–3.
The account referred to and two other lists of articles.
The letter is docquetted: “Presents to Algier Tunis & Tripoli orderd. Qu. Who must buy the presents, whether Mr Hume as ye last time, or the Mar of ye Grt wardrobe.”
Minuted:—“Orderd 300l. into Mr Baker's hands. Mr Hume to provide the other things.” 4¼ pages.
Feb. 19. 91. An abstract of the whole charge of the establishment for the 40,000 men that were to act in conjunction with the allies for the year ending the 24th of Decr. 1702; showing how much the same will exceed the 70,000 given for that service. Feb. 19th, 1702–3.
“An accot of what has been received & applyd by the Earl of Ranelagh, in part of the 70,000l. given for the charges of the 40,000 men, to act in conjunction wth the allies, for the year ending the 24th of Decr 1702; with an abstract of the disposition thereof. Dated the same day.” 3½ pages.
Feb. 19. 92. Letter from the Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lownds, as to credits for Vice-Admiral “Graydon” in the West Indies; with some remarks as to bills to come in, connected with Admiral Benbow. Dated 19 Feb. 1702.
Also a schedule of letters of credit given to Admiral Bembow at his two last expeditions to the West Indies. 2½ pages.
Feb. 19. 93. Letter of the Earl of Nottingham to the Ld High Treasurer: La Touche, one of the French men lately escaped out of prison at Southampton, was retaken & committed to Newgate. The person who captured him claimed 200l. promised by Her Majesty's proclamation. Her Majesty's pleasure was, that it should be paid and the person's name concealed, the better to forward the seizure of “Coshan.” Desires this money to be paid to Mr Tho. Armstrong, and the Earl would take care the proper person should have it. Dated 19 Feb. 1702–3.
Minuted:—“To be pd p[er] łres pat. dormt.” 1 page, quarto.
[? About
Feb. 20.]
94. Memorial of James, Duke of Ormond, to the Ld High Treasurer. The late King & Queen, in consideration of a fine of 300l. &c., paid by John Latten, Esq., demised a mansion house called the Lodge within Richmond Old Park, with buildings, &c. belonging, together with a parcel of wood and several parcels of land, to hold for 31 years at a rent of 13s. 4d. His late Majesty intended to grant to the said John Latten divers other parcels of land, intermixed with those previously named; but no grant was perfected. The Duke in consideration of 2,800l., had purchased from him all the premises and desired to surrender the same and take a new lease for three lives.
Referred on 20 Feb. 1702, to the Surveyor General to certify thereon.
The report is not now with it. 1 large page.
Feb. 22. 95. A paper docquetted:—“Earle of Ranelagh's Paper,” being a certificate of Wm. Plaxton, Deputy of the Treasurer's Remembrancer, that a sum of money and a note were deposited in his hands within the time mentioned in an order extracted from the Book of Orders, Trinity Term, 1 Anne. Dated 22 Feb. 1702. 1½ pages.
Feb. 22. 96. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer, sending the appraizement of the “Three Galleons.” The Gracieuse, a prize ship, was the last summer taken into the Queen's service, and the captors asked for their moiety. The Comrs asked if the French men-of-war called the Firme, Promat, Vigo, Moderate, Triton, and Assurce, taken at Vigo, should not be appraised. The provisions in three prize ships taken by Captain Norris, Commander of the Orford, had been appraised and distributed to the fleet, one half of the value being paid by the victuallers' agent to Captain Norris, to be distributed to the captors, which the Comrs considered was very irregular; and for the other half the Comrs for Victualling were still indebted to the Prize Office. Dated 22 Feb. 1702–3.
Also the appraizements mentioned. 4 pages and 2 halves.
Feb. 22. 97. Report of Sir Edw. Northey, Attorney General, addressed to the Lord High Treasurer of England, on the petition of George Phillips, Commander of the ship Eaton, frigate, as to the design to export beyond the seas 400l. seized on board his ship in Nov. 1699. He is of opinion that the verdict against the petitioner, as mentioned in his former report, was just. Dated 22 Feb. [1702–3.]
Two petitions, copy of the former report, and various other papers. 21 pages or parts of pages.
Feb. 23. 98. Report of Mr. Wm. Borrett to the Lord High Treasurer, as to certain wrecked goods found floating on the coast of Suffolk, which belonged to the Lord High Admiral. Dated 23 Feb. 1702–3.
Also, inventory of the goods found on board the ship. 2½ pages.
Feb. 23. 99. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Ld High Treasurer, on the petition of Edward Hales, master of a ship seized by the Act of Navigation, not being manned according to law. Dated 23 Feb. 1702.
Minuted:—“26 Feb. 1702–3. Discharge the seizure upon giving some moderate satisfaction to the officer for his charg.”
Also the petition and an affidavit. 3¼ pages.
Feb. 24. 100. An accot of what was due to the six regiments of marines from 25 Dec. 1702 to 24 Feb. following. Signed “W. Whitfeild.” 1 large page.
Feb. 24. 101. Report of the Post Masters General to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Alexander Inglis. Not having had the liberty to appoint such person as they thought proper, for taking care of the English letters at Edinburgh, they had met with great difficulty in recovering the English post[age] of letters sent to Scotland, it being customary for the Treasury of Scotland to let their post office to farm, and the farmers being changed every three years, they had been under the necessity to employ such persons as farmed the post office there. They had taken the best security they could, and upon Mr. Smyth's entering on his farm in 1699 they required him to give security, &c. They had frequently pressed Mr. Smith, who ran into arrears, and afterwards sued his bond; but before they could bring the suit to an issue, so as to recover the money, Smyth died insolvent; and as they had no power to displace or suspend him during the suit, the debt increased, &c. The laws of Scotland appeared so favourable to “cautioners,” the expense of prosecuting the suit was so great, and money so difficult to be got from Scotland, that they thought a reasonable composition more advantageous than continuing such a prosecution. The petitioner proposed to pay 500l. sterling, but they thought it ought not to be accepted. No allowance has been made to Smyth for the exchange of money returned to the office, or for postage of packets sent by express for his late Majesty's service to and from the Secretaries of State in Scotland: these would reduce the balance to 1,776l. 1s. 6d. Dated Feb. 24, 1702–3.
Certificate of the Earls of Mar and Stair of the bankruptcy of Smith and the poverty of Mr. Crichton.
The petition referred to. Another petition from him and two other papers on the same subject.
Minuted:—“Read to the Queen 17 Mar. 1702. My Lord is to compound wth him for so much as he thinks reasonable for him to pay.
“22th March 1702. My Lord agrees to accept 500l., to be forthwth paid to the Recr Genll of the Post Office; provided the petr do give bond to indempnifie the Queen & her Treasury in Scotland from all demands that the execrs or assignes of Alexr Smith can make, for his sallary or postage of letters, pacqts or advices, for ye service of ye crowns whilst he was postmar there.” 8½ pages.
Feb. 24. 102. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes to Mr. Lowndes, sending an account of the plunder of Port St Maries from the out ports and port of London; also a presentment to the Lord High Treasurer on the same subject. Dated 24 Feb. 1702.
The account is not now with it, but the presentment is. 2 pages.
Feb. 24. 103. Certificate addressed to Mr. Barker by Mr. B. Bridges, auditor, of the names of such persons as had not brought in their accounts in due time, to the end the Remembrancer might issue process against them. Dated 24 Feb. 1702–3.
There is also a list of sums for extraordinary services not accounted for.
Minuted:—“Lett Mr Moody, Depty to Done, decd, make a like cert. for that office.” 5 pages.
Feb. 25. 104. Four papers of a Committee of the House of Lords, containing observations on accounts furnished them by the Comrs for taking, examining, and stating the public accounts of the kingdom. Dated between 5 and 25 Feb. 1702. 16½ pages.
Feb. 26. 105. Memorandum as to 3,500l. due to the general officers ordered by the Duke of Marlborough to be paid. They might have received it in Holland, but deferred it till they arrived in England, whereby the government saved the exchange. His Grace desired they might receive it forthwith, to enable them to provide their equipage for the campaign. His Grace also recommended to the Ld Treasurer the payment of half a year's subsidies to Treves. Dated 26 Feb. 1702–3. 1½ pages, quarto.
Feb. 26. 106. Request of the Earl of Peterborough to Mr. Lowndes to move the Lord High Treasurer for his directions about the repayment of 300l. which his Lordship had laid down for medicines for the West Indies; and also for the Ld Treasurer's directions to Col. Earle, as to how he was to obtain the 25 boxes of snuff given to him by the Duke of Ormond. Dated Feb. 26, 1702.
Minuted:—“22 March 1702. The 300li to be repaid, but ye goods are under ye arrest of ye Admiralty.” 1 page.
Feb. 26.]
107. Petition of John Digby to the Lord High Treasurer, praying to be appointed Surveyor of Customs for Liverpool, vacant by the death of Mr. John Callcutt, his family having been great sufferers for the crown. Read 26 Feb. 1702. 1 page.
Feb. 26. 108. Letter of the Comrs of Prizes to Mr Lowndes, sending an abstract of the plunder of Port St Maries, lying in the outports and in the port of London. They had delivered so much of the Vigo silver into the melting house in the Tower as would coin 1,000l., but the goods of the Mary man-of-war, of which the gold was part, not then being condemned, they did not deliver it into the melting house. The goods were since condemned, and the gold was little more than five pounds in weight, and all in pistoles, about which they asked his Lps directions. Dated 26 Feb. 1702.
There is also the abstract of the plunder. 7 pages.
[? About
Feb. 26.]
109. Petition of William Yonge, Esq., to the Queen. By letters patent of King Charles II. he was seized of the “House Park” at Hampton Court, as keeper and “paler” thereof, with the meadows, orchard, and gardens, and divers other perquisites. In the year 1700 the King commanded the removal of his cows, &c. from the park, and to deliver up possession to Lord Overkirke, the Master of the Horse, which was done accordingly, and the Lords of the Treasury were to pay the value thereof; but they being unwilling to part with ready money, compelled him to receive an annuity of much smaller value. The petitioner had made great improvements, &c. at an expense of 500l., and paid various officers. He never received any fee as keeper of the orchard (which the late King converted to a wilderness) during the 12 years, all which amounted to 956l., and was not at all considered in the annuity. The Lord Overkirke took possession at Lady-day, 1700, and the petitioner had not received 100l. of his annuity. The petitioner surrendered his small estate to Mr Thos Goodall, who married the petitioner's daughter, who was cousin german to the Earl of Marlborough, &c. Prays for payment of his claims.
Also certificate of Lord Halifax of the amount due to the petitioner on his annuity. Dated 26 Feb. 1702–3. 1½ pages.
[? About
Feb. 27.]
110. Petition of Samuel Powell, Esq., serjeant-at-arms attending the House of Commons, to the Lord High Treasurer, for payment of sums disbursed by him in the last sessions.
Also the schedule of the sums. 7¼ pages.
[? Feb.] 111. Memorial of W. Whitfeild to the Ld High Treasurer as to subsistence of marine regiments. 1 page, quarto.
March 1. 112. Annual certificate of the Auditor of Imprest, Mr B. Bridges (pursuant to instructions given in the year 1685 by the Earl of Rochester, then Ld High Treasurer), of the state of all the accounts before the Auditors of Imprest. Dated 1 March 1702–3. 8 pages.
[? About
March 1.]
113. Petition of William Fazakerley, chamberlain of the city of London, praying to be appointed receiver of the several taxes granted by Act of Parliament, and to be raised in London, Westminster, and Middlesex.
Minuted:—“March 1st 1702–3. To be brought in on Wednesday morning when Mr Attorney is here.” 1 page.
March 1. 114. An account of money received and paid for the service of the sick and wounded seamen and prisoners, &c. since the present war with France and Spain. Dated 1 March 1702. 15 pages.
March 1. 115. The Earl of Ranelagh's memorial relating to the exchanging of tallies on the malt duty. Dated 1 March 1702–3. 1½ pages.
March 2. 116. Letter of the Comrs of Prizes to Mr Lowndes as to the valuation of the plunder of Port St Marie lying at the outports. Dated 2 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“Order that the prize officers open them [i.e. the goods] in presence of the officers of ye Customs of the same port.” 1 page, quarto.
March 2. 117. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lowndes about the navy accounts, enclosing copies of four letters on the same subject. Dated 2 March 1702–3. 4 pages and 2 halves.
March 2. 118. Memorial from Mr J. Howe for clearings of the guards and garrisons. Dated 2 March 1702. 1 page.
[? About
March 3.]
119. Petition of the chancellor, registrar, king of arms, and usher of the Order of the Garter. The affairs relating to the Most Noble Order of the Garter had in all ages from its foundation been under the immediate government of the sovereign and knights companions of the order, having peculiar laws, statutes, and ordinances, and a great seal and signet belonging thereunto; and had been exempt from all other jurisdictions, laws, and authorities whatsoever. Notwithstanding which the petitioners had been taxed to the public aids, to the great violation of their privileges and immunities. Part of the prayer is torn away, but it probably asked that the sums assessed might be allowed them.
Minuted:—“3 March 1702. See wt has been don in this case.
“On 1st July 1701 there was paid to the Bishop of Salisbury's order, out of secret service money, the sum of 85li 10s 0d, to reimburse his Lordp so much paid (as p[er] acquittance) to the iiijsh aid pro ano 1699, for 570li 5s received by him at the Exchequer, for a year's salary to the officers of ye garter & poor knts at Windsor.
“In the years 1700 & 1701 that part only of ye 570li 5s p[er] ann. was taxed, wch was for salarys to the officers of the garter, exclusive of what belonged to ye poor knights, and is what is now desired to be allowed them, to wit:
“For ye ij sh aid pro ano 1700 28li
“For ye iij sh aid pro ano 1701 42
“It doth not appear that this yearly sum of 570li 5s was taxed 'till the year 1699, and by speciall clauses in the land tax for the years 1702 & the present year the whole revenue of ye order of ye garter is excused from paying taxes for those years. J. Taylour. 15 March 1702.
“To be laid before ye Queen.
“Read to ye Queen 17 Mar. 1702. Not granted.” 1 page, and the minutes.
March 3.]
120. Petition of John Silver, Searcher of Customs at Bridgewater, to the Lord High Treasurer for the appointment of his son, who had acted as his deputy.
Minuted:—“3 March 1702. My Lord doth not allow of surrenders.”
His affidavit that he had received no reward for this proposed transfer. 2 pages.
March 3.]
121. Petition of Thomas Surridge for 100li. reward according to proclamation for taking Thomas Smith, one of the “centinells” over Sir James Montgomery.
Minuted:—“3 March 1702. If this be due why not demanded sooner.” 1 page.
March 3.]
122. Petition to the Queen of the governor and garrison of Londonderry, who in pursuance of his late Majesty King William the Third's royal order, defended that city when besieged by the Irish army in 1688, and also of such as were added afterwards by the King's warrants, as supernumerary or reformed officers. The arrears due to them for that tedious siege, &c. amounted to 221,989l., besides great sums laid out by them for raising, arming, clothing, and subsisting their men, for which end some of them had mortgaged their estates, and they had had their houses and corn burnt, plantations destroyed, and their cattle and goods carried away by the enemies during the siege. Their services and sufferings had been acknowledged by the House of Commons and by the King, but they were still without relief; praying that Her Majesty would grant them the office of licencing pedlars, petty chapmen, and “gray merchants” in Ireland, and also empower them to coin pence, half-pence, and farthings in that kingdom for 31 years in satisfaction of their arrears.
Minuted:—“3 March 1702. Not reasonable to be granted.” 2 pages.
March 3.]
123. Petition of Robert Hewitt to the Lord High Treasurer in regard to the renewal of his brother's constitution, who was receiver general of the land revenue in the counties of Lincoln, Warwick, and Leicester, one Gilliver having applied for the same. The petitioner had served as clerk to Mr. Auditors Aldworth, Stephens, and Morrice from 1679 to 1700, and was out of pocket 30l.
—“3 March 1702. When he brings a cert. yt all these accots are declared by ye chancellr my lord will grant this.” 1 page.
[? About
March 3.]
124. Letter signed Charlotte Justel to the [Lord High Treasurer], enclosing a petition from her to Her Majesty, the same as was lately recommended to his Lordship by Lord Weymouth, asking his Lordship's help.
The petition states that her husband, Henry Justel, coming to England “for his religion,” left a considerable estate in France, became library keeper to their Majestys, and on his death the petitioner obtained a pension of 60l., and that she prayed for the continuance of it.
Minuted:—“3 March 1702. Examine this.” 2 pages.
March 3. 125. Memorial of Anne Wynyarde, alias Incledon, Her Majesty's housekeeper of the palace at Westminster, to the Lord High Treasurer, for upwards of 300l. due to her on warrants signed by the Lord Chamberlain for servants' wages, &c.
Minuted:—“3 March 1702. Let Mr Vanburgh lay before my Ld a list of all ye bills for one year end. 8 March 1702.” 1 page.
[? About
March 3.]
126. Petition of John Chambelayne to the Lord High Treasurer. Docquetted:—“Jno Chambelayne alledges that ye late King gave him ye place of keeper of ye papers, and prays 3 qrs salary from ye death of Sr Joseph Wmson to Midr 1702. A certificate is inclosed from ye 2 Secrys of State in yt time that he was so appointed, but he never passed any patent or privy seal for ye salary.”
Minuted:—“3 March 1702. He has no title to any salary.” 2 pages.
March 3. 127. Letter of the Earl of Nottingham to the Lord High Treasurer, sending, by command of the Queen, a bill of payments made by Col. John Dudley, governor of New Hampshire, in America, for reimbursement. Dated 3 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“My Lord will speak with my Lord Nott[es].” 2 pages.
March 4. 128. Letter of the Earl of Ranelagh, commencing “My good master Lowndes,” in favour of a small pension to the mother of Mr. Francis Bythell, who was an able and honest officer, long employed as such by Mr. Auditor Bridges. Finishing, “I know that the name of Ranelagh hath been very unfortunate of late, yett I hope it will have some interest with my noble Lord Treasurer and his worthy secretary Mr. Lownds, to oblige the bearer [Mr. Francis Bythell].” Dated 4 March 1702.
Minuted:—“22 March 1702. No fund.” 1 page.
March 4. 129. Abstracts of what men are wanting for the muster in the six marine regiments, for the muster ending 24 Feb. 1702–3. Signed at the foot “Exr Dl Crauford, March 4th, 1702–3.” 7 pages.
March 4. 130. Report of Mr Phil. Ryley to the Lord High Treasurer, upon the petition of the inhabitants of the parish of All Saints in the city of Oxford. The quantity of timber that would be necessary for the repair of the roof, &c. of that church, would amount to 200 loads. The pollard and decayed trees were not fit for the occasion, and by the sales and repairs of the lodges there, the forest was not capable of answering any other occasion for some time. Dated 4 March 1702.
An Order in Council and the petition referred to.
Minuted:—“22 Mar. 1702. Lett him propose how this service may more conveniently be provided for.” 3 pages.
March 5. 131. An abstract of the respitts on the muster rolls, returnd by the Commissary Genll of the musters into the office of Mr J. Howe, from 25 Dec. to 24 Feb. [1702–3]. Dated 5 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“Read.” 1 page.
March 5. 132. Petition of Simon Harcourt, Secondary of the Crown Office in the Court of Queen's Bench. In the “3rd & 4th year” of King James the Second, petitioner was established to prosecute for crimes against the peace in that court, at a salary of 50l. and expended 982l. before 1688, and his salary was then 25l. in arrear. As clerk of the peace for Middlesex, he had discharged duties without fees from 1693 to 1702, which at a reasonable allowance were worth 130l. He also prepared all the proceedings against the conspirators to assassinate the late King, &c. His bill was 66l. 12s. He had petitioned the Treasury for the last amount, and the petition was recommended by many justices and others; prays payment. Dated 5 March 1702.
The petition and the bill mentioned.
Another copy of the petition. Minuted:—“6 March 1702. The last article to be paid and where there are arrears ye second.” 4 pages.
March 5. 133. Memorial of Mr. Henry Wise to the [Lord High Treasurer] for payment of 682l. 16s. 9d. due to him. There were other works in the gardens at Hampton Court, Kensington, and St. James' Park, requiring to be completed. Dated 5 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. To be here on Munday morn.” 1 page.
March 6.]
134. Petition of the five serjeants-at-arms, whose patents were during pleasure, to the Lord High Treasurer, asking to be paid a quarter's salary, from Christmas to Lady-day, the same as the other three serjeants-at-arms.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. They are to be paid from Lady-day only.” 1 page.
March 6. 135. Petition of Sarah Abbott, relict of Mordecai Abbott, late receiver general of the Customs, to the Lord High Treasurer, for the delivery up, by the Queen's Remembrancer, of the bonds given by her late husband, whose accounts were passed.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. To be deliverd up after some convenient time.”
Certificate from the deputy clerk of the Pipe as to the accounts. 2 pages.
[? About
March 6.]
136. Petition of Rodney Fane; Esq., to the Queen. Was son of Doctor William Fane, deceased, brother to the Rt. Hon. Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland, and one of the canons of the cathedral church of Wells, who in the reign of Kings Charles I. and Charles II. eminently expressed his loyalty, &c., and suffered imprisonment and sequestration; praying for employment as one of the Comrs of Stamps, agents of the Exchequer (called quickners), or as one of the Comrs of any other office.
Certificate in corroboration.
Minuted:—“24 Dec. 1702. The Queen grants no reverc[i]ons.”
Also copy of the same.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. Not granted.” 4 pages.
[? About
March 6.]
137. Petition of Henry Lowman, housekeeper and wardrobe keeper of Kensington, to the Lord High Treasurer, as to his salary, with an account of what was paid out of the salary of 300l., in all 212l. 12s., besides taxes at 4s. and 5s. per li.
—“6 March 1702. To be laid before ye Queen.” Again: “Read to ye Queen 17th Mar. 1702.” 150li a year addic[i]on. Her Maty doth not think this reasonable, but he must be contented wth ye 300li a year.” 2 pages.
[? About
March 6.]
138. Petition of Abell Slaney and others to the Queen. There was great occasion amongst the common people for half pence and farthings, to carry on the retail trade; as well as to transport to the West Indies. In the late reign he contracted for coining half pence and farthings to the satisfaction of parliament, but sustained great losses, in being obliged to take in exchange all the tin half pence and farthings of the Kingdom for copper coin by tale, praying for letters patent for coining 500 tons of the same in five years, at the Mint in the Tower, of the same weight and value as the last, with such impressions as Her Majesty should direct.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. Let him put his proposal in writing.” 1 page.
[? About
March 6.]
139. Petition of William Rowley, Esq., groom porter to Her Majesty, addressed to the Queen. He furnished by contract the Palaces, both Houses of Parliament, and the Ambassadors “first lodgings,” at 550l. per ann. There were more palaces furnished and to be furnished, than at the time of the contract; but he craved no additional allowance. There was beyond the contract money, a salary of 130l. 8/4, but the present establishment was so worded that it cut the petitioner off, unless her Majesty signified her pleasure.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. It is otherwise regulated on ye establishmt.” 1 page.
[? About
March 6.]
140. Memorial or letter from Mr. Rymer [to Mr. Lowndes]. No allowance on account of the old leagues and treaties had been made him by the Treasury since Midsummer 1701, but the charge in clerks and lodgings continued. To part with them would put it out of his power to print and publish, as the order of council had directed. By this means a debt was growing upon him, which he must sink under, unless relieved by the Treasury, which he might the rather expect, as hitherto no manner of consideration had been shown him for almost 10 years constant attendance in that service, and old age came so fast upon him, that he could not expect to be much longer in a condition to do anything. Begging his favour to present this to the Lord Treasurer.
Minuted:—“6 March 1702. To be laid before ye Queen.” 1 page, quarto..
[? About
March 6.]
141. Petition of Wm Attwood, chief justice of the province of New York, America. The Lord Cornbury had thought fit on 9 June last to suspend him without giving him any hearing upon articles exhibited. This had so inconvenienced him, that he could not help his son, who with considerable effects had fallen into the hands of the French as prisoner at St. Malos; prays for consideration. 1 page.
March 7. 142. Letter from Mr. Robert Sutton [Ambassador to Turkey] to the Lord [High Treasurer]. The Levant Company had pared away his salary to the quick, by making a retrenchment amounting to 40 per cent., and took no further notice of this embassy than as it related to their trade. The support of the Queen's character and the decorum of the embassy were left to the care of the crown, whose servant the ambassador was, and the same order having been given to him by the Secretary of State, as to Her Majesty's other ministers abroad, to put himself and family into mourning upon the occasion of the King's death, he was confident his Lordship would allow the charges; especially since the French, Venetian, and Dutch ambassadors had the same, besides considerable appointments which they enjoyed from their masters as well as from the merchants of their respective nations. The canopy and other things pertaining to the embassy had not been received from the Earl of Mountague out of the wardrobe. He further asks payment of his arrears. Dated “Pera of Constantinople, March 7, O.S. 1702/3.” 2 pages.
March 8. 143. Letter from Mr. Benjn Sweet to the Duke of Marlborough. There were only the first 10,000 men (sent to the assistance of the States General), cleared to the last of May 1702. He had sent an account to the Earl of Ranelagh, of moneys paid there to these men, and for subsistence to the rest of the English forces who came since, that the accounts might be made up, &c. Dated Hague the 19/8 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“15 March 1702. My Ld. Ranelagh to bring wth him to morrow an accot of wt mo he hath paid to Mr Sweet.” 2 pages.
March 9. 144. Letter from Mr Auditor B. Bridges in respect to Mr Herbert's accounts, as late Receiver General for Prizes. Dated 9 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“Writt to ye Remembrancer, reciting Mr Auditor Bridges lettr, to know wt cause yr is yt process has not gone out against Mr Herbert late Recr Genl of the Prizes.” 1 page.
March 9. 145. Report of the Post Masters General to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of John Macky. Upon the conclusion of the late peace with France, they entered into contract with Mr Macky, by which he was obliged to furnish five boats to carry the mails between England, France, and Flanders for three years from Lady-day, 1698; they further entered into a second contract for five years for 1,400l. per ann., he finding boats, men, &c. There was a clause that if, from war or otherwise, the intercourse should be interrupted, the contract should cease, and upon the declaration of war with France and Spain the boats were discharged. As to his desire to be continued on the establishment with a salary as manager of the packet boats, it did not appear there was any occasion for such an officer during the war.
These boats were built by Mr Macky purposely for carrying the mails and were not proper for other uses, and were lying upon his hands, &c. Dated 9 March 1702.
Minuted:—“Read 8th March 1702 [which must be a mistake]. He has a title to be employed before any body else when the boats can be used. But there is no agreemt for the Queen to pay damage in this case.”
The petition referred to, also another petition on the same subject praying that the Postmaster General should purchase the boats of him, “it never being the intention of so good a government that any man should be ruined purely for serving it,” &c. This is minuted: “22 Mar. 1702. My Lord will be guided by ye Post Mrs report who are ye proper judges in his case & can add nothing to his former resoluc[i]on thereupon.” 4 pages.
[See also 15 Feb.]
March 10.]
146. Memorial of Col. Howe, Lieut. and Keeper of Forests of Alice-Holt and Wilmer to the Ld High Treasurer, as to arrears of salary to five underkeepers, &c.
Minuted:—“10 March 1702. To pay one year due to 'em & my Ld expects a rept for ye future settlemt of ye salaries.” 1 page, quarto.
March 10. 147. Memorial of Lieut. Genl Churchill for His Royal Highness the Prince of Denmark's regiment, as to their arrears of pay, being about to embark for Holland. Dated 10 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“To Mr Pauncefoot to come to morr. morn. with an acct of what tallys on ye malt dutys are in my Ld Ran. hands and how much thereof for the officers clearings and how much for the sea pay to ye men.”
“Lett a copy of this be referd to Mr Blathwaite & Mr How.” 1 page.
[? About
March 12.]
148. Letter signed Ja. Vernon to the Lord High Treasurer, enclosing:—“A method proposed to be observed in the paying of the annuities in Mr Vernon's office” by the Tellers, & hoping it was such as would prevent any ill accidents.
Minuted:—“Read 12 March 1702. The Tellers must take care that ye business of ye anuitys, as well as ye other business, be despatch'd according to ye usual course of ye Excheqr.” 3 pages.
[? About
March 12.]
149. Memorial of Edward, Earl of Orford, to the Lord High Treasurer. In May 1699 he laid down his employment as Treasurer of the Navy. The then Lords of the Treasury were of opinion, that his officers should continue to act, and Mr Doddington and the clerks had continued their duties. In addition, Mr Hill had been appointed; asking for a warrant for their pay. Seven clerks had since been dismissed and his accounts with the Navy Board drawing near a conclusion, more might have been dismissed, but the Comrs for taking the public accounts required his accounts to be exhibited in so extensive a manner.
Minuted:—“12 March 1702. To speak wth ye Comrs of ye Navy.” 2½ pages.
March 12. 150. Letter of the Duke of Ormonde to the Lord High Treasurer as to transport (computed at 3,500l.) of the regiments of Col. Stanhope and Col. Meredith from Dublin to Holland. Dated 12 March 1702.
Minuted:—“Issue this mony to Mr. Fox.” 1 page.
March 12. 151. Memorial of Mr. W. Whitfeild to the Ld High Treasurer, as to the clearings of the six marine regiments. Dated 12 March 1702–3.
Also “an accot of ye numbers of officers & private men upon ye muster rolls of the 6 marine regiments respited.” 2 pages.
March 12. 152. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to Mr. Lowndes, as to French men-of-war taken at Vigo, three Spanish galleons, &c., and as to the tonnage & gunnage thereof. Dated 12 March 1702–3.
Enclosing a letter from the Comrs of Victualling as to certain provisions out of three French prizes.. 6½ pages.
March 12. 153. Letter of Wm Lowndes, Esq., to Sir Edw. Northey, Knt, Attorney General, enclosing an extract of a report from the Comrs of the Navy upon a memorial from the Comrs for Prizes, and asking for his opinion upon the part of the same which relates to the guns, furniture, &c., referred to in the preceding entry. Dated 12 March 1702–3. 2 pages.
March 13. 154. Report of Mr. Philip Ryley to the Lord High Treasurer upon the petition of the water-carters for watering the ring and places leading thereunto in Hyde Park for the years 1701 & 1702. They employed 12 carts with a man & horse to each for 61 days in 1701, and for 58 days in 1702. He thought 6s. a day for a cart, man, and horse, and wear and tear, was not an extraordinary craving. Dated 13 March 1702–3.
Minuted:—“To be pd for 1701 out of arrears. 1702 out of Qs mony.”
The petition and the two accounts.
There are memoranda on the back showing what was paid for that service in 1698, 1699, and 1700. 4 pages.
March 14. 155. Proposal of Sir Theod. Janssen, Sir Step. Evance, and Nich. Santini, for furnishing bills on Turin for the value of 50,000l. Dated 14 March 1702–3. 1 page, quarto.
[? About
March 15.]
156. “Objections humbly offerd by Hellen Vaughan, to a late accot of the farmers of the lotteries annexed to their report upon her petition, referred to them by the Rt Honoble the Lord High Treasurer, the 22th of January 1702.”
Accompanied by the report, account, and petition. The petitioner was the wife of Col. John Vaughan and had an allowance out of her husband's pension payable out of the Royal Oak lottery.
Minuted:—“15 March 1702. Order ye farmers to pass their account in ye Excheqr & then they will be allow'd no more than wht they have legal vouchers for.” 4 pages.
March 15. 157. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes to Mr. Lowndes. The galleons taken at Vigo belonged to private persons and not to the crown of Spain. Dated 15 March 1702–3. 1 page, quarto.