Gregory's Chronicle: 1368-1402

The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1876.

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'Gregory's Chronicle: 1368-1402', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1876), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Gregory's Chronicle: 1368-1402', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1876), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Gregory's Chronicle: 1368-1402". The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1876), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

1368 – 1403

And that yere, the yere of oure Lorde Ml ccc lxviij, in the monythe of Marche, apperyd S[t]ella comata, ydest, a blasyn sterre. And that yere was the batelle of Nezers (fn. 1) in Spayne, and there Prynce Edward scomfyte the Bastarde of Spayne, (fn. 2) and restoryd Kyng Petyr into hys realme a yenne, that was put owte by the sayde Bastarde. And there was take the Erle of Dene, Syr Olyvyr Claykyn, and many mo knygtys and squyers, by syde fronkelaynys.

Symon Mordon, Mayre of London Adam Wynbyngham Anno xliij°.
Robert Gyrdeler

Ande that yere Syr Lyonelle Duke of Clarence saylyd ovyr the see unto Meleyne, and at the feste of the Natyvyte of oure Lady he dyde. Ande the same yere dyde Dame Blanche, and she ys beryd att Syn Poulys at London. And that yere was the thyrde pestylaunce.

John Chichester, Mayre of London John Pyelle Anno xliiij°.
Hewe Holbeche

Ande that same yere a buschelle of whete was worthe xl d. And that yere dyde Quene Phylyppe, the yere of oure Lorde Ml ccc lxix.

John Bernes, Mayre of London William Walworthe A° xlv°.
Roberte Gayton

Ande that yere the Duke of Lancaster saylyd ovyr the see and roode thorowe Fraunce, and Syr John Hawkewode floryschyde in Lombardy. And that same yere the prynce come home a yenne owt of Spayne in to Inglonde. And he lefte by hynde hym in Gascoyne the Duke of Lancaster and the Erle of Cambryge.

John Bernis, Mayr of London Robet Hatfylde Anno xlvj°.
Adam Staple

Ande that yere the Chaunceler and the Tresyrer of Inglonde were put downe of hir office; and they were byschoppys bothe; and the prevy seele and secular lordys were putt in the same offyce.

John Pyell, Mayre of London John Philpote A° xlvij°.
Nicholaus Brembre

Ande that yere was John Northewode slayne on the Blacke hethe at a wrastelynge, wherefore there rosse moche dyssencyon a mong certayne craftys of the citte. Al so the same yere the Duke of Lancaster and the Erle of Cambryge com home in to Inglonde owt of Gascoyne. And the same yere the duke weddyd the doughter of Kyng Petyr of Spayne. Alle so the same yere there were ij cardenellys sent fro the Pope for to trete for the pesse of ij realmys of Inglonde and of Fraunce. And that yere ther was a batylle on the see by twyne Englysche men and Flemmyngys, and xxv shyppys ladyn with baye salte were take from the Flemmyngys. And that yere the Erle of Penbroke was take on the see with Spaynardys on Synt Johnys Even the Baptyste.

Adam de Bury, Mayre of London John Awbry A° xlviij°.
John Feffyde

And that yere the Duke of Lancaster saylyd in to Flaundrys and paste by Parys by Burgayne, and atte Fraunce unto Burdox with owte any with stondyng. Al so the same yere Alysaundyr Nevyle was made Archebyschoppe of Cantyrbury, and Thomas Arundelle was made Bischoppe of Ely, and Mayster Harry Wakefylde Byschoppe of Worceter.

Wylliam Waworthe, Mayre of London Richardus Leyonys A° xlix°.
Wylliam Wodhous

Ande the same yere the towne of Bryggys in Flaundrys tredyd of dyvers artyculys be twyne the Pope and Kyng Edwarde. And that yere was tretyde pesse by twyne Inglonde and Fraunce.

John Warde, Mayre of London John Hadley A° 1°.
William Newporte

Ande that yere Edwarde the Lorde Spencer dyde and is buryd at Teukysbury.

Adam Stapille, Mayre of London John Northehampton A° lj°.
Robert Launde


Ande that same yere the sayde Adam was mayre tylle unto the xxj day of Marche, and thenne was he put downe, and Nicholaus Brembre chosse mayre, and toke his othe at the Towre of London.

And the same yere on Trenyte Sonday deyde Prynce Edwarde at Westmyster, and his body buryd at Cantyrbury.

Nicholaus Brembre, Mayre of London Androw Pickeman A° lij°.
Nicholaus Twyforde

Ande that yere was grauntyde unto the kyng that every person, man and woman, that was of xiiij yere of age and more shulde (fn. 3) paye to the kynge iiij d., and every man of hooly Chyrche xij d. that was a vaunsyd man, and that othyr [th]at were not a vaunsyd iiij d. Freers were only owt takynn. And that same yere Richarde, the sone of Prynce Edward, was made Prynce of Valys. And that same yere the Cardynalle of Inglonde was smyte with a palsey, and loste hys speche. And on Mary Magdelene ys day he dyde. And the same yere the xij Jovis Aprylys, Syr John Mynstyrwode, knyght, was beheddyd. And that same yere, the xij kaulendys of Julij, deyde Kynge Edwarde at Shene, and ys buryd at Westmyster, the yere of oure Lorde Ml ccc lxxvij.

The namys of mayrys ande sherevys in the tyme of Kynge Richarde the Secunde, that was crownyde the xvij kalend' of the monythe of Auguste, the yere of our Lorde Ml ccclxxvij.

Nicholaus Brembre, Mayre of London Androw Pyckeman A° j°.
Nicholaus Twyforde
John Phylpott, Mayre of London John Bosham A° ij°.
Thomas Corwaleys

Ande that yere Roberde Rawde (fn. 4) was slayne in the chyrche of Wystemyster the yere of oure Lorde Ml ccc lxxviij.

John Hadle, Mayre of London John Hylsdon Anne iij°,
William Baret

And that same yere there cam galeyys of warre to Gravysende and brente a grete quantyte of the towne. And that yere [was] (fn. 5) on Kirkeby hangyd, W. Baret the sheryve.

Wylliam Walworthe, Mayre of London Water Dogete Anno iiij°.
William Knyghtkete

Ande that yere, the yere of oure Lorde a Ml ccc ande iiij schore, uppon a Corpuscrysty day, cum many dyvers pepylle owt of Kentt and owte of Esex unto [th]e cytte of London, and brent the great maner and place of Savey in Flete Strete and a parte of the howse of Syn Johnys at Clerkyn welle be syde Smethefylde, and drewe downe the maner of Hybery. And on the morowe aftyr they went unto the Towre of London and fette owte the Archebyschoppe of Cantyrbury, and the Pryor of Syn Johnys, and Freer William Apilton a Fryer Mynor, and they smote of her heddys at the Towre Hylle. And Richard Lyonys and many moo of the Flemmyngys were by-heddyd in dyvers placys of London. And at Synt Edmonde ys Bury they be-heddyd the Pryur of Bury and Syr Symonde Caundische, Cheffe Justyse of Inglonde, and many moo of othyr pepylle. And thys was callyd "the hurlyng tyme." And that tyme was Syr Wylliam Walworthe made a knyght in Smethe Fyllde for that he slowe the chefteyn of hem the whiche that were rysers, that was called Jacke Strawe. And there were made moo knyghtes that there namys folowyn here: Syr Nicholaus Brembre, John Philpotte, Roberd Launde, and Syr Nicholaus Twyforde. And this was callyd "the hurlyng tyme."

John Northehampton, Mayre of London John Rotte, Anno v°.
John Hende,

Ande that yere come Quene Anne unto Inglonde and was weddyd unto Kyng Rycharde. Ande that yere was the erthe quake, the yere of oure Lorde a Ml ccc iiij schore and ij, the xxj day of Maye.

John Northehamton, Mayre of London Adam Wamme A° vj°.
John Sely

And that yere went the Byschoppe of Norwyche unto Flaundrys; and the xxv day of Maye the Flemmyngys gaffe hym batayle faste by Dunkyrke, and there were slayne xj Ml Flemmyngys.

Nicholaus Brembre, Mayre of London Symon Wynchecombe A° vij°.
John More
Nicholas Exton Anno viij°.
John Frosche
John Organ A° ix°.
John Chyrcheman

And that yere Kyng Rycharde went unto Schotlande. And there were i-made ij dukys, the [Duke] (fn. 6) of Glouceter and the Duke of Yorke. And the Erle of Oxynforde was made Markys of Devylyn.

Ande the same yere the Erle of Arundelle faught uppon the see a-pon oure Lady day in Lent whythe the Flemmyngys, and he hadde the better of hem, and he toke many shippys. There was a shippc i-callyd Mewys Colman, in the whiche schippe was the Amyrelle of Fraunce and many moo (fn. 7) gentellys. Also that same yere the Duke of Lancaster whythe hys wyffe Dame Constaunce saylyd yn to Spayne for to chalenge his herytage that was hys wyvys ryght.

Nicholaus Exton, Mayre of London Wylliam Venour Anno xj°.
Hewe Fastolfe

Ande that yere was a gaderyng of lordys, but of certayne, as Syr Thomas Woodestoke Duke of Glouceter, Syr Harry Erle of Derby, Syr Richarde the Erle of Arundelle, and Syr Thomas Erle of Warwyke, and Syr Thomas Erle of Nothyngham, the whyche appechyd Robert Devyr, Erle of Oxynforde, whom Kynge Rycharde hadde made fyrste Markys of Dorsett and aftyr Duke of Yrlond, and he fledde into Yrlonde, and also he fledde into Loveyne in Braban and there he deyde. Al-so Syr Mychelle of Polc, the Erle of Sowghtfolke, fledde into the same place, and there he dyde. And Syr Alysaundyr Nevyle fledde into Schotlonde, that was that tyme Archebyschoppe of Yorke, and Syr Robert Trevylyon, Cheffe Justys of Inglond, and Syr Nycholle Brembr, knyght, were drawe and hangyd, and Syr John Bechampe, and Sir Jamys Berners, and Syr Symon of Bevyrley were be-heddyd at the Towre Hylle. And Syr John of Salusbury was drawe and hangyd, and Robert Belknappe, John Holte, John Gray, Wylliam Borughe, Robert Folthorpe and John Lokton, Justyse, were exylyd into Yrlond, there for to abyde and dwelle alle ther lyvys.

Nicholaus Twyford, Mayre of London Thomas Austyn A° xij°.
Adam Carlylle
Wylliam Venour, Mayre of London John Walkote Anno xiij°.
John Loveye

Ande that yere were grete justys of warre in Smethefylde in the monythe of May by-twyne the Erle of Nothyngham and the Erle of Morycke, Schottys, and the Lorde Wellys and Davyd of Lyndesay, Schottys, and Syr Nycholle and John Browne, Schottys.

Adam Bamme Mayre of London John Fraunseys A° xiiij°.
Thomas Vyvente

And that yere the goode man at the sygne at the Cocke in Chepe at the Lytyll Condyte was mortheryd in hys bedde be nyght, and therefore hys wyffe was brente, and iiij of hys men were hangyd at the Tyborne.

John Hynde, Mayre of London Harry Vanner A° xv°.
John Schadworthe

Ande that yere the mayre and bothe (fn. 8) sherevys were dyschargyde of ther offycys by-fore the feste of Synne John the Baptyste at Notyngham. And Syr Edwarde Dalyngryge, knyght, was made wardyn by the kynge unto the fyrste day of Jule, the yere of the raygne of the kyng xvj the begynnynge. And thenne was Syr Bawdewyn Radington, knyght, i-made Wardyn and Custos of London unto Syn Symons day and Jude. Thenne by [th] (fn. 9) lyscensse of the kynge the cytte chosse a newe Mayre of London, anno xvj, non sherevys.

Wylliam Stawnden.
Thenne he was chosse Mayre of London.
Gybon Mawfylde A° xvij°. (fn. 10) Sherevys.
Thomas Neuton
Gybon Mawfylde A° xviij°. (fn. 11)
Thomas Neuton

Ande that yere was made a grette translacyon of byschoppys in thys realme. Syr Thomas Aryndylle, Archebyschoppe of Yorke, was made Chaunceler of Inglonge, (fn. 12) and Wylliam, the Byschoppe of Salysbury, was made Tresyrer of Inglonde, whos servandys of the sayde tresyrer raysyd a grete debate and dyscensyon in the citte of London, that was in Flette Strete, for an hors i-lost, where fore the tresurer complaynyd unto the kyng uppon the cytte, thorowe whiche informacyon and procuryng of the tresurer the kyng dyd sesyn the franches ande [th] (fn. 13) lyberteys of London fro them, and remevyde the courte unto Yorke fro the feste of Syn John [th] (fn. 14) Baptyste unto Crystysmas next folowynge.

John Hadle, Mayre of London Ric. Wedyngton A° xvij°. (fn. 15)
Drewe Barentyne

Ande that yere, the vij day of June, the yere of our Lorde Ml ccc iiij (fn. 16) schore and xiiij, Quene Anne at Schene dyde, and ys beryd at Westemyster. And that same yere, at Mychelmas, Kyng Rycharde went fyrste unto Yrlonde.

John Frossche, Mayre of London Wylliam Brampton A° xviij°.
Thomas Knollys

And thys yere the kyng come unto Yrlond.

Wylliam More, Mayre of London Roger Eleys A° xix°. (fn. 17)
Wylliam Shyryngham

Ande that yere, at the feste of Alle Halowe tyde, the kyng weddyd Dame Isabelle the kyngys doughter of Fraunce at Calys, and the vij daye of Janyver nexte she was crownyde at Westemyster. And at hyr comynge to London the Pryor of Typtre, in Essex, and vij mo personys of men and wemmen were thruste to dethe a-pon London Brygge in the grete presse, for ther was a fulle grete prece in that same tyme.

Adam Bamme, Mayre of London Thomas Wylforde A° xx°. (fn. 18)
Wylliam Parker

Ande that same Adem Bamme mayr stylle tylle the vj day of Junij, and thenne he dyde. Ande Richarde Wedynton was chosse for the resydewe of the yere. And the xviij day of the same monythe waste the Duke of Glouceter a-reste.

Rychardus Wedyngton, Mayre of London John Woodecocke A° xxj°. (fn. 19)
William Asckeham

Ande the same yere, the nexte Sonday aftyr the Translacyon of Syn Thomas (fn. 20) of Cantyrbury, that was viij day of Juylle, the kyng commaundyd alle hys mayne for to mete with hym at the Mylys Ende; and so they dede. And thenne he roode forthe unto Plasche; and there he restyd the Duke of Glouceter erly in the mornynge, and the Duke of Arundelle, and the Erle of Warwyke, and the Lorde E. Cobham, and Syr John Cheyne; alle thes were a restyde the same tyme, and the Duke of Glouceter was sende unto Calys in to preson; ande at Saynt Bartholomewe ys tyde nexte aftyr the Erle Marchelle was sende unto Calys to hym. And on the morne hyt was Sonday, and that daye men sayde that he [die]de, (fn. 21) but Gode wote howe, but dede he was. On the morne aftyr Hooly Rode day, the kyng made a grete justysse be-syde Kyng ys towne uppe Temys; and on the Sonday aftyr the Erle of Derby helde his feste in John Roetis Place, in Flet Strete. And the xxj day of September be-ganne the Parlement at Westemyster. And there was made a grete hale in the palysse, and (fn. 22) there ynne the Parlyment was holde. And that day the knyghtys of the shyre were i-chosyn, ande sherevys chosyn hyr Speker, wyche name was Syr John Buschey; and every man was commaundyd for to leve his bowe and his arowys at home in hys inne. And on the nexte day was the Parlement playnely be-gunne. And on the Wanysday nexte aftyr was askyd as for [th]e clargy a procter for to speke for hem in the Parlyment, for they myght nought be in that place there as jugement shulde be gevyn for treson of felony. And thenne they chosynne Syr Thomas Percy, and so schulde they have for hym a proctoure in the Parlyment for evyr more for poyntys of tresoune and felony. And the Fryday aftyr was the E[r]le of Arundelle att hys aunswere; and that day was geve juggement on hym, that he shulde be drawe, hanggyd, ande i-quarteryd, and be-heddyd. But at the prayer of lordys the kyng relessyd hym, and commaundyd that he shulde be ladde thorowe London unto the Towre Hylle from Westemyster, and there hys hedde to be smytte of. And so hit was. And thenne was the body ande the hedde borne unto fryer Austynnys, and then hit was byryde. And on the Fryday next aftyr was Syr Thomas Mortymer jugyd unto the same dethe that the Erle hadde, but that he com yn whythe yn vj monythys. And the Sonday hylde the Duke of Lancaster hys feste in the byschoppys place of Durham. And the Monday aftyr was the Lorde Cobham accusyd. And the Thursday aftyr helde the lordys a Prevye Conselle; and on the morne aftyr was the Erle of Warwyke at hys answere, and was juggyd unto the same dethe jugement that the Erle of Arundelle hadde, but he submyttyd hym so louly unto the kyngys grace and to his plesaunce, that the kyng gaffe hym grace and lyffe, and scnde hym unto the Towre a-yenne. And the Satyrday was the Parlyment enjornyde unto Shrouysbury. And that day there were made v dukys and a duches, and a markes, and iiij erlys, the whiche namys folowyn aftyr here: Syr Harry Erle of Derby made Duke of Herforde, Edwarde Erle of Rutlonde Duke of Arundylle, Thomas the Erle Marchelle made Duke of Northefolke, Syr John Holand Duke of Exceter, and the Erle of Kentte made Duke of Surreye. And the Countesse of Northefolke i-made Duches of Northefolke, the Erle of Somersett Markys of Dorsett, the Lorde Spencer i-made Erle of Glouceter, the Lorde Nevyle i-made Erle of Westemorelonde, Syr Thomas Percy Erle i-made the Erle of Worceter, and Syr Wylliam Schroppe i-made Erle of Wyldschyre. Ande the Sonday aftyr helde the kynge hys feste, and the Monday was the terment of the Lorde Moumbrey at the Whytte Freerys in [th] (fn. 23) cytte of London ys subbarbys. And every nyght durynge the Parlyment the kyng was wacchyde, on lorde with his mayny one nyght, and anothyr lorde anothyr nyghte, duryng alle the Parlyment. And that same yere the kyng (fn. 24) and the Duke of Herford, and the Duke of Northefolke, shulde have foughte at Covyntre; but whenne that they were ensemblyd in the place afore the kynge, ande he toke hit uppon hys juggement, and a non in the same place they were bothe exylyde, but Harry Duke of Herforde but for x yere, and the Duke of Northefolke for a hundryd wynter.

Alle so the same yere Thomas Aroundelle the Arche Byschoppe of Cantyrbury was exylyde, and Syr Robert Waldon was made Arche Byschoppe of Cauntyrbury. And thenne the kyng, thoroughe wyckyd consayle, deseneyreyd (fn. 25) the heyrys of the lordys that were exilyde and done to dethe be fore tyme. And thenne he sende unto Rome to have the statutys and the ordynaunce made in the Parlyment that was begunne at Westemyster and i-endyd at Shrouysbury confermyde (fn. 26) by the Poope; (fn. 27) hyt was donne ande grauntyd by the Poope, (fn. 28) and by hym conformyd, the whiche was pronounsyd at Powlys Crosse and at Synt Mary Spetylle by fforne and in audyence of pepylle. Alle so the kyng thorowe conselle that was not goode he hadde the cytte of London and many othyr cytteys and townys in grette hate and in indygnacyon, and were endytyd as for rebellys; and he toke hym to Cheschyre men, [th] (fn. 29) whiche were most famulyer with hym, wherefore the cytesynnys of London and the pepille of the sayde townys and schyrys endytyd, as hit ys i-sayde byfore, were fulle hevy and in grete hevynes of herte. Where fore the sayde cyttesynnys of London in plesauns of the kynge and by conselle and helpe of Syr Roger Walden, Archebischoppe of Cauntyrbury, ande Syr Robert Baybroke, Byschoppe of London, putte a supplicacion unto the kyng, of whyche the tenoure folowyth.

To oure (fn. 30) excellent ryght dowtfulle soverayne and fulle gracyus lorde the kynge. (fn. 31) Fulle mekely and lowly besekynge, (fn. 32) youre humble legys, spyrytualle and temporalle, the Archebyschoppe of Cauntyrbury ande the Byschoppe of London, mayre, sherevys, and aldyrmen, with alle othyr spyrytualle and temporalle lordys and gentelys, and comyners of youre citte of London. And (fn. 33) for as moche and (fn. 34) fulle grette and sorowfulle malyce, trespassys, and wyckyd conjecturys (fn. 35) have ben procuryd, don, and evyl don to youre royalle mageste, the (fn. 36) grete and perpetualle confusion and repreffe to the sayde evylle doers, and grette vylony and shame of alle the dwellynge with yn the sayde cytte, as welle innocentys as knowynge thereof (fn. 37) as of othyr; [which] (fn. 38) wyckyd doers, for the (fn. 39) trespas have deservyd harde and wyckyd (fn. 40) chastemente and punyschement, ne were [th] (fn. 41) hye benyngnyte of youre (fn. 42) douthefulle lorde, fullefyllyd whithe alle grace, wylle nought procede ayenste them aftyr hyr desertys, whyche yf ye shulde agayne them procedyn hit shulde ben hyr dystruccyon, and nott with owte cause, of grette multitude of youre pepylle whithe owt nombre. Ples hit to youre excellent and doughtfulle ryalle mageste gracyusly to consydyr the grette repentaunce of youre mysdoers, ande hyre benynge desyre that they have to aske mercy, ande to redresse hem to alle maner of reformynge hem aftyr hyr power, as moche as hyt may ben in any wysse possyble, here exces, folys, and defautys abovyn sayde. And of the abundaunte wylle (fn. 43) of grace were of the Almyghty Kynge, exempler of alle marcy and grace, [where of] (fn. 44) hathe indeuyd you, to receyve hem to youre mercy ande grace, and hoolye for to forgevyn alle the malefesourys or evylle doers of hem dwellynge in the same cytte, because of hem have trespaisyd to youre ryalle excellente mageste before sayde. And youre humbylle legys wylle submythem (fn. 45) to doen, beryn, and a-boye (fn. 46) alle maner of thynge that shalle in any maner plesyn the same youre royalle mageste. And ovyr that youre humbylle legys wylle submyt them, and besekyn that they may ben ressayvyd to grace, by Roger Walden, Byschoppe of Cauntyrbury, Syr Roberd [Braybroke] (fn. 47) Byschoppe of London, Rycharde Wedyngton, Mayre of London, &c., sufficiantly enformyd, and havyng ful ande (fn. 48) suffycyente auctoryte and pouer for [al]c youre humble legys of the sayde cytte, and in hyr name to sweryn and trewly for to holdyn, kepe, and observe, leyn,d and mentayne, with alle hyr power, whythe owte fraude or maligne,e alle the statutys, stabylmentys, and jugementys don and yevyn in youre hye Parlyment, be gunne at Westemyster the Monday nexte aftyr the feste of the Exaltacyon of the Hooly Crosse, the yere of youre gracyous raygne xxj, and fro thens endyde atf Schrouysbury unto the qu[i]nsyn of Synt Hyllarye thenne nexte folowynge, and there termynyd ande endyd; and alle othyr statutys, ordynauncys, and stabilymentys sythe hyder to done and madyn with owttyn evyr to comyn, don, [or]g procure anything there a-yenne in any maner, to that ende that they shalle mowe ben putt thorowe youre grace owt of alle suspecyon, ande to [ben]g holdyn as they deservynh above alle thynge youre trewe legys for the love of God and the werke of charite. In wyttenys of this thynge, and for the thyngys above sayde, welle and trewly to holdyn, kepynne, observe, and mentayne for alle dayes whythe [al]i hyr power in the maner as hyt ys a-bove sayde, whythe owte evyr to done or procurek the contrarye, to lyvyn ande dyyn youre sayde humbyll legys, of whom here namys severally ben undyr wrytynge, as welle for them selfe as in the name of the resydewe of the same cytte to thys supplycacyon have sette hir selys, that ys to say, we Roger Walden, by the grace of Gode Archebyschoppe of Cauntyrbury, Prymate of alle Inglonde, Robart Baybroke Byschoppe of London, and Richard Wedyngton, Mayre of London, Wylliam Askeham, John Woodecocke, Scherevys of London, the cytte forsayde, &c. And then anon, aftyr the presentacyon of the sayde supplycacion, there were made many blanke chartours, and alle [th]e men of any crafte in the citte, as welle servauntys as maysterys, were chargyd for to come to the Yelde halle to sette hyr selys to the sayde blanke chartours. And soo they dyd also for the moste parte of Inglond, and no man wyste what hyt mente.

Drewe Baryntyne, Mayre of London John Wade xxij° Anno.
John Warner

Ande that same yere Thomas Aryndelle, the sone and ayre of the Erle of Arundelle, whiche [th]at aftyr the dethe of hys fadyr was dwellyng in howshold with Syr John of Holon, Duke of Exceter, and holde at non reputacyon but in grete repreffe and dyspyte and moche dysseysse, prevely thorowe helpe of Wylliam Schotte, mercer of London, in a gromys wede he saylyd ovyr [th]e see and came unto hys onkylle, the Archebyschope of Cauntyrbury, that was that tyme in Coleyne. Al so the same yere dyde Syr John Gaunte, Duke of Lanchaster, and ys beryd at Poulys at London. And that yere Kyng Rychard saylyd the secunde tyme in to Yrlonde sone aftyr Estyr. And he hadde with hym Harry, the eldyste [son]e of the Dukys of Herford, the whiche Harry was made knyght in Irlonde. And in the begynnyng of xxiij yere of the raygne Harry, Duke of Lancaster, that was exilyd whithe the Archebyschoppe of Cantyrbury and hys owne sone Thomas, and the sone of the Erle of Arundelle, londyd in the northe contre at a place callyde Raynspouer be-syde Weldynton, to whom there come hastely Syr Harry Percy of Northehumbyrlonde, and Harry Percy hys sone, and many othyr lordys, and thenne the Duke of Lancaster whithe alle othyr lordys went strayt unto Brystowe, and there they fonde Syr Wylliam Schroppe, Treserer of Inglond, and Syr John Busche, and Syr John Grene, the whiche were brought by fore the Duke of York, that tyme beynge Levtenaunte of Inglonde, and there they were be heddyd. And thenne was Syr John Solake a-restyd at Westemyster, the dene of the kyngys chapylle, and putte in preson in Luddegate, and othir certayne monkys of the Abbey of Westemyster were a-restyd al so. And the same yere were a-restyd Syr Wylliam Baggot, knyght, in Irlonde, faste by Deuelyn, and he was brought unto London and putte in preson in Newgate. And that same yere was Moraunte, fyschemanger, i-slayne at Synt Mary at the Hylle be-syde Byllyngysgate.

Thes benne the namys of Mayrys and of Sherevys of the cytte of London in the tyme of Kyng Harry the iiij that was crownyd at Westemyster the xiij day of October, the yere of oure Lorde Mi ccc lxxxxix.

Thoma Knollys, Mayre of London William Walderne Anno primo.
Wylliam Hyde

Ande that same yere, a-non aftyr Crystysse masse, was be-heddyd at Sussetyr the Erle of Kentt, and the Erle of Saulysbury, and the Erle of Oxynforde, and Syr Thomas Blounte, and Syr Raffe Lumney, Syr Benet Cely, knyghtys, and Syr Thomas Wyntyrsylle, sqwyer; also Syr John Holand, Erle of Huntyngdone, was beheddyd at Playsche in Exsex, and the Lord Spenser was be-heddyd at Brystowe;a and a-non aftyr dyde Kyng Rychard and was beryd at Langley. And that same yere Syr Barnarde Brokers was heddyd at Tyburne, and Syr Thomas Celley, knyght, and Mawdleyn ande Ferby, clerkys, were drawyn and hangyd at Tyburne. And that same yere the kynge roode in to Schotlonde. And there heb be-ganne the werre at Walys by Gwyn Glandowre, squyer, ayenste the Kyng of Inglonde, Harry the iiij, &c.

John Fraunseys, Mayre of London John Wackeley Anno ij°.
John Obete

Ande that yere a quarter of whete was worthe xvj s. The secunde yere. And thenne that yere Syr Wylliam Sawtre, preste, was brente ynne Smethefylde for eresy.

And that yere, the xiij day of September, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc and ij, was the batylle at Halydon Hylle, at the whyche batylle was takynne the Erle Douglas, thea Erle of Fyfe, and many moo othyr knyghtys and squyers.

John Schadworthe, Mayre of London William Fremyngham Anno iij°.
William Venoure, junyor

Ande that same yere was Dame Jone, Duches of Bretayne, i-weddyd to Kyng Harry the iiij. Also thys yere there was a sterre that was callyd Comata, idest a blasyng sterre, and he shewyd in the weste, and he duryd v wekys and more. Al so the same yere the Priour of Launde and Syr Roger of Claryngdone,b knyght, and hys men, were drawe and hanggyd, and viij Freers Minors whythe them, at Tyburne, and Syr Roger Walden, the byschoppe, and Rychard Clydrowe were i-quytte by a queste of men of London. Ande that yere was the batyle at Humbyldon Hylle.

John Walkotte, Mayre of London Richardus Merlowe Anno iiij°.
Robert Chycheley


  • 1. Najara.
  • 2. Henry of Trastamare.
  • 3. shulde, repeated in MS.
  • 4. Robert Hawle, or Hauley, according to all other authorities.
  • 5. Omitted in MS.
  • 6. Omitted in MS.
  • 7. mo repeated in MS.
  • 8. hothe, MS.
  • 9. These figures are erroneous. William Stawnden was elected mayor in the sixteenth year according to what has just been stated in the text; and both he and the two sheriffs, whose names are given opposite, held office for one year only. This error has disturbed the numeration of the years which follow in the MS., which, however, we have corrected in the text.
  • 10. So in MS.
  • 11. From the 17th to the 21st year of this reign each year is wrongly numbered in the MS., except the 18th, which, strangely enough, is given correctly. Thus the 17th is numbered xix°, the 19th xxj°, the 20th xxij°, and the 21st xxiij°. The 22nd is numbered correctly, notwithstanding that it follows the year numbered xxiij°.
  • 12. "viij schore," MS. which of course is an error.
  • 13. See notec on page 94.
  • 14. Syn Thomas. These words are struck through with the pen by a later hand.
  • 15. The beginning of this word is defaced and illegible.
  • 16. and. The MS. has "in" instead of "and" by an inadvertence of the scribe.
  • 17. We ought certainly to read "And that same year of the king, the Duke of Hereford and the Duke of Norfolk," &c.
  • 18. i.e. disinherited.
  • 19. confernyde, MS.
  • 20. The word "Pope" is smeared through with a pen in these places.
  • 21. youre, MS., which is certainly an error. This petition is given more accurately in the Chronicle in Julius B. i., which we refer to in the footnotes following by the letter J. There is another copy in Vitell. A. xvi., which we refer to as V.; but it, also, is very corrupt.
  • 22. Our MS. here runs on as if the sentence were continued.
  • 23. bisechen, J.
  • 24. And. J. reads "that," continuing the sentence.
  • 25. and. as, J.
  • 26. conjecturys. Conjecturacions of somme men, and of many evil doers of the seid cite, J.
  • 27. the. to, J.
  • 28. there of. they of, MS.; thereof, J.
  • 29. Omitted in MS. J. reads "which malfaisours or evil doers."
  • 30. the. J. reads "here," i. e. their.
  • 31. wyckyd. lither, J.
  • 32. youre. you oure, J.
  • 33. wylle. welle, J.
  • 34. where of. Not in J., and clearly superfluous.
  • 35. So written as one word.
  • 36. a-boye. obeie, J.
  • 37. Supplied from J. and V.
  • 38. sufficiantly—ful ande. These words are supplied from J., being omitted both in our MS. and V. In the former the words following, viz., "suffycyente auctoryte," are absurdly made to begin a new paragraph.
  • 39. Supplied from J.
  • 40. lowen, J.; loven, V.
  • 41. malengyne, J. and V.
  • 42. ended at. ajourned to, J.
  • 43. Supplied from J.
  • 44. desiren, J.
  • 45. Supplied from J.
  • 46. procure. procerne, MS.; procure, J. and V.
  • 47. The Chronicle in Vitell. A. xvi. has a curious variation here. Instead of the foregoing clause it reads: "And Sir John Holand, Duke of Excestre, was take in Essex atte Putelwelle in a mille, and he was beheded atte Bristowe."
  • 48. he. This word is clearly superfluous.