Council Minutes: Extracts from Town Book, no.VI (c.1740-93)

Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1903.

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'Council Minutes: Extracts from Town Book, no.VI (c.1740-93)', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Council Minutes: Extracts from Town Book, no.VI (c.1740-93)', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025,

"Council Minutes: Extracts from Town Book, no.VI (c.1740-93)". Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025.

Cardiff Town Book No. VI. (2).

A quarto paper book bound in boards. It was evidently intended to contain a record of proceedings in the Borough Court, but was afterwards used for recording admissions of Burgesses and Corporation officials, Orders of Council, &c.

Inside the cover is stuck: Cardiff Vill. ss. A Table of the Town Clerk's ffees in the Town Court exclusive of Stamps. The date of this is circa 1740.

ffor making out every Process under 40s.—6d. Copy 2d.—8d.
Above 40s.—1s.
Takeing & ffileing Affidts 1s.
Entring Acc'ons under 40s.—6d.
Above 40s. —1s.
fileing Returns of Process 6d.
Entring Appearances 6d. ffileing Appearances 8d. —1s. 2d.
fileing Decls under 40s. —6d. Above 40s.—1s.
Entring Pleas 6d. ffileing Pleas 8d.—1s. 2d.
Rules for Decln or Plea under 40s.—2d. Above 40s.—4d.
Sp'ial Rules & Rules by Consent 6d.
fileing Demurrders Joynders Rejoynders & Sp'ial Pleadings 1s.
Coppyes of all Pleadings pr Sheet 3d.
Spnas. pro Test. 1s.
Venire fac. 1s.
Annexing Pannel 4d. fileing Return 6d.—10d.
Dockett 6d.
Swearing Jury & Calling Cause 1s. 6d.
Swearing Wittnesses each side 4d.
Verdict or Nonsuit 1s.
Taxing Costs 2s.
Entring up final Judgments 1s.
Every Execuc'on 1s.
Sci. fas. 2s.
On the allowance of every Certiorari or Writt of Error 6s. 8d.
ffor the Return of such Writts 6s. 8d.
Certifying any Cause thereon 6s. 8d.
for fileing every fforeign Plea 4s.

Form of Certificate of Freedom.

I do hereby Certify that J. S. of W. is a Burgess of the said Town of Cardiffe and That he is intitled to & ought to receive & enjoy all the libties priviledges Immunities & Exemp'cons in or by the said Charters or any or either of them Granted or confirmed to the Burgesses thereof In Wittness Whereof I have hereunto affixed The Common Seal used for the said Town 23d June 1740.
J. T.
T. C.

The above certificate is written in a stiff Court hand, lightly penned. The initials subscribed to it stand for John Thomas, Town Clerk. Halfway down the page is written John Martin Labourer 20 Augt 1747. 11s. 10d.; this being a memorandum of his admission to the freedom, and of the fee paid therefor. Then begin the Records of the Borough Court, or Town Court, partly in Latin and partly in English, but all in the same running Court hand. The earliest runs thus:—

Cardiff vill.

Cur. Dni. Rs. de Record. Tent. apud Guildhall ibm, die Jovis scilt. Quarto die Decembris anno rni. Dni. Nri. Georgij Scdi. Dei gra. Magn. Brittan. ffranc. & Hibnie. Rs. ffidei Defensor. etc. Tertio annoqu. Dni. 1729 Coram David Owen & Thoma Mathews Ar. Ball. ejusdm. Vill.—vizl.

[Cardiff Town, to Wit. The Court of Record of our lord the King, held at the Guildhall there, on Thursday, to wit, the fourth day of December in the third year of the reign of our lord George the Second, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the year of our Lord 1729; before David Owen and Thomas Mathews, esquires, Bailiffs of the said Town, to wit.]

The only record under this heading is the words No Business done—an entry which is very characteristic of the state of local public affairs at that period, and contrasts forcibly with our municipal proceedings today, when formality is at zero, and business at fever heat.

On the two following Court days precisely the same amount of business was transacted, but the fourth entry is as follows:—

Cardiff Vill. ss. Cur. Dni. Rs. ibm. Tent. ut Supra die Jovis scilt. Decimo Quinto die Januarij anno supradict. Cora. Ball. supradict. (vizl.)

Edward Herbert Gent. was admitted Town Clerk of this Burrough by Vertue of a Deputation under the hand & seal of The Right Hon'ble Thomas Lord Viscount Windsor Constable of the Castle which being produced & Read in Open Court the sd Edward Herbert was sworn into that office accordingly.

At the next Court a suit was at leugth entered, but only one. The record runs thus:—

Johes. Powell Victualler
Georij Lewis—
Acc'on entred &
In Debo. pro 37s. 6d.

[John Powell, victualler, at the suit of George Lewis. Action entered and joined, in Debt, for 37s. 6d.]

In the next action, on Thursday 12 February 1729, Process was served by W. L., attorney, on behalf of John Oaky, against Edward Lewis, cooper, for £1. 0. 3.

On Thursday 26 February, occurs this entry:—Oaky v. Lewis. Unless Deft Pleads Judgm[en]t agt him next Court.

On the same date an action was entered thus:—Phus. Meredith q. u. Jenkin Cattock in Debo. pro 17s. 6d. Wm Lewis pro qr Wm Miles pro Def. Comp.

[Philip Meredith complains against Jenkin Cattock in debt for 17s. 6d. William Lewis for Complainant, William Miles for Defendant. Appearance.]

The latter names are those of the attorneys.
At the three subsequent Courts no business was done.
Thursday, 23 April 1730. John Rowell v. Mary Farmer, widow, in debt for 3l. 14s. Ordered that a Comon appearance be taken in this Cause upon the Defts afft nisi Causa next Court.

Cardiff Vill. ss. Cur. Dni. Rs. de Record. ibm. Tent. ut supra 21° Maij 1730.

T. Morgan pro qr Maria Lambert vid. q. v. Willum. Thomas Prisonar. pro 3l. pro Reddito narr. in Script. & affid. de Seisin. affil.

Nisi Def. Plit. Judic. in prox. intretur.

[Thomas Morgan (attorney) for the Plaintiff. Mary Lambert, widow, complains against William Thomas, a prisoner, for £3 for rent under written agreement, and affidavit of seisin is filed. Unless the Defendant plead, let judgment be entered at the next Court.]

Wm Glascoign one of the Constables ordered to be Comitted for misbehaveing himself in Court.

Cardiff Vill. ss. Cur. Dni. Rs. de Record. ibm Tent. ut Supra 4to die Junij 1730.

W. Lewis
Pro. Def.
Lambert v
Thomas Prisonar.
Judgment Confessed
by Default & Rule
made absolute.

Ordered that Execuc'on be forthwith made out & delivered the Serjt as soon as Costs can be taxed.

At six subsequent Courts no business was done: but on Thursday, 10 September 1730, there were five actions entered for debts, viz.:—
Thomas Coldrick, clerk, v. Cecill Thomas, widow, in Debt for 39s. 11d.
Henry Parry v. John Sweet, innholder, in a Plea of Debt for 39s. 11d.
Alexander Purcell, esquire, v. Robert Watkin, cordwainer, in a Plea of Debt for 39s. 11d.
Philip Jenkin v. Mary Smith, widow, in Costs 39s. 11d.
J. Griffiths v. Mary Hart, in Debt for 39s. 11d.

From this date the Courts are fairly busy, the amount in dispute being usually 39s. 11d., and the proceedings devoid of interest. The pleadings are generally recorded in such simple words as Def. plit. Nil Debet infra Sex Annos (Defendant pleads that he owes nothing within six years); Def. plit. Non Assumpsit (Defendant pleads that he did not assume the contract). Occasionally a case is set down for trial by jury, and the verdict is recorded.
Thursday 3 December 1730. David Owen against Margaret Lewis, widow. Judgment for Plaintiff for damages 32s. and costs 2d.
William Morgan, who claimed 39s. 11d. of William Gibbon, for Debt, recovered 4s. 4d. damages and 2d. costs.

Thursday 17 December 1730. Ordered that No Country attorneys be admitted to practice in this Court or any but these hereafter named till further order viz. Henry Lewellin, Henry Morgan, Thos Morgan & Wm Lewis Gentln

Thursday 31 December 1730. Margaret Shears, spinster, sued Henry Lewis, surgeon, in Debt for 39s. 11d.
Ordered upon Oaths of The Serjts at Mace that Henry Lewis Chyrurgeon Do shew Cause next Court why an Attachmt shal not Issue agt him for his Contempt in Slighting & tearing the Process of this Court & at ye same time giveing the Serjts abusive language in the Execuc'on of their Duty in Derision & Contempt of their authority & of the authority of this Court.

Thursday 11 March 1730. Thomas Morgan, gentleman, sued Morgan David, victualler, in trans. sup. Cas. (a plea of trespass on the case) for 39s. 11d.
In John Griffiths v. William Hart, shoemaker, the Defendant had delivered against him Judgmt for want of a Plea.

Thursday 25 March 1731. John Mayo sues Mary Smith, widow, for 5l.
The parties' Attorneys are throughout indicated by their initials, in each case.

Thursday 6 May 1731. Ordered that in all Causes for ye future six days notice of Tryal be given (the day of Notice & the day of Tryal to be inclusive) Notice to Deft or his attorney shall be sufficient but to be in Writing.

The case of William Phillips v. Edward Jones was removed by Certiorari (probably to the next Court of Grand Sessions.)

Thursday 20 May 1731. Christopher Price sues Lionel Stibbs, "periwigmaker," in Debt for 39s. 11d. Defendant pleads that he owes nothing.

Thursday 15 July 1731. The book was inspected and signed by John Calthorp.

William Evans v. Edward Jones, in Debt for 39s. 11d. Def. Cogn. Judic. in Person. in Cur. (Defendant confesses judgment in person in Court.)

Ordered upon the petition of the Deft that he be brot before ye Judges of his Maj tyes; Court of Grand Sessions in order for his Discharge in pursuance of the act of parliamt for Releif of Debtors in respect to ye Imprisonmt of their persons If the sd Court of Grand Sessions shal think fitt to order him to appear accordingly.

Thursday 29 July 1731. Richard Hopkin sues John Bird, painter, in Debt for 39s. 11d.

Thursday 12 August 1731. Thomas Brady sues William Gascoign in Debt for 39s. 11d. The Defendant pleads Nil Debet per Legem (that he owes nothing by Law.) At the next Court he was required to give particulars of the Law referred to in his defence. He did so, and seems to have established his case.

Thursday 26 August 1731. John Jones, hatmaker, sues George Jones, chemist. in a Plea of Debt for 39s. 11d. Defendant pleaded Tender.

10 August 1732. Robert Preist, "Navigator," sues Florence Morgan, widow, in Debt for 39s. 11d.

22 March 1732. Moses Morgan against James Williams. Ordered (upon the oath of Wm Purcel one of the Serjts that the Deft being arrested upon a Sp'ial Process rel. this Court made his Escape) that an attachmt Issue agt ye sd Jas Williams.

This year the headings are in Latin for the last time. The following is the first English heading in this volume:—

Cardiff Town. The Court of Record of our Sovereign Lord the King there held at the Guild Hall of the said Town on Thursday the twenty sixth day of July in the Seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God King of Great Brittain and soforth and in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty three Before George Lewis and William Lambert Esqrs Bailiffs of the said Town (as follows)

Morgan David Complains agt. William Williams, currier, in a plea of Trespass & assault to his Damage 39s. 11d. Judgment was entered by default, but on 9 August Williams sued David for debt to the same amount.

The last record is dated 23 August and signed Inspected hitherto
Wm Longman.

After an interval of some blank pages, the writing continues with a record of Town Officials duly sworn; thus:—

Cardiff Town. Saturday 29th Septt 1733. Thomas Stradling Esqre was Sworn Constable of the Castle.

Tuesday the 2nd of Octr following. Llewellin Williams Esqre was Sworn Steward of the sd Town.

The same day David Owen & Thos Meredith Esqres were Sworn Bayliffes and Thos Williams Innkeeper & Henry Williams Chandler were Sworn Serjeants at Mace for ye sd Town.

Thursday ye 4th Sworn Constables

Wm Hart
Trevor Jones
for High Street Ward.
John Thomas
Joseph Robert
South Ward.
Thos Morgan
Wm Ford
East Ward.
Edward Mashman
Evan Watkin
West Ward.

Ale Tasters are
Phillip Jones
Arthr Williams

Cardiff. Thursday the [blank] day of September in the year of our Lord 1734 The Honble Herbert Windsor was Sworn Constible of the Castle.

Monday the 30th of September 1734.

Arthur Williams & William Lambert Esqrs were Sworn Bayliffs of the said Town and John Griffiths & John Whiteing were Sworn Serjeants at Mace.

We now turn to the other end of the volume. The flyleaves are covered with memoranda and scribblings, and seem to have been largely used by the Town Clerk or his assistant to test his texting-pen on—as appears by the words "This Indenture," "Ad opus & usum," "D'ni Manerij," "Caret Debet," &c., neatly texted with a fine quill. Here also are a number of entries, presumably of persons admitted to the freedom of the Borough, namely:—

29 Septr 1748.
John Portrey Lantwit Major
Wm Morgan of Cardiffe Tobacconist
Rees Charles Monknash
David Prichd of Wick
Thomas William of Lanishen
Edward Waters of Uske Apothry
October 13.

Christopher Phillips Taylor

and, in another hand, on the opposite page:

John Laurence of St Donats Gent.
Chas Gibbon of Do
Joseph Thomas Sadler

These signatures also appear:
John Thomas.
George Wittington 1746.
J. Richards.

And the names of Thomas Jones, Nicholas Jones, Edmund Harry and Barbara his Wido The entries in this portion of the book then commence with the Minutes of two Council Meetings:—

Cardiff Vill. 5th January 1729.
At a Councell duly Summoned & this day held it was agreed by the Majority present whose names are hereto subscribed as follows

Impris: An assistant being Wanted to Supply the place of Mr Michael Richards dece'd Mr John Oaky was duly elected.
Dav: Owen
Tho: Mathews
George Lewis
Thos Meredith
Arth. Williams
Jno Tanner
Rich. Jones
J. Thomas
Will. Lambert
Hen. Cornish
Edwd Herbert
es: vill: pre:

The abbreviations under the last name stand for "eiusdem ville prepositus" (Mayor of the said Town.) These entries seem to be his writing.

Item. Agreed that the present Bayliffes be at Lib'ty to Lett the Town Pitching with the appurtenances thereto belonging for any Term not exceeding Seven yeares at ye yearly rent of Eighteen pounds payable Quarterly to Comence from Christmas last the Lessees to Collect the Town Rent

The signatures as before, with the addition of Will. Mathewe, Tho. Glascott and Jn° Okey.

Eodem die. Item. An Alderman being Wanted in the Room of Mr Cradock Nowell dece'd William Lambert Gent. is elected in his Stead.

8 signatures.

Councell held 9th March 1729 duly Sum[m]oned & by us the Majority Resolved that Publick Notice be given for keeping an open free Great Markett for all Sorts of Cattle in this Town on the Second Wednesday in March instant & in every Month to the Second Wednesday in October yearly.

10 signatures.

Next come the formulae of the oaths required to be taken by various officials of the Borough. They are written in a good brown ink, in the same hand as the foregoing Minutes—apparently that of Edward Herbert.

Cardiff vill: ss.

Freemen's Oaths.

(for Tradesmen &c.)

You shall be true & faithfull to our Sovereign Ld the King & his Successors, and to the Constable of the Castle Deputy Constable, Bayliffes, & Aldermen of this Town, & shall assist them in all reasonable Causes. You shall keep the ffranchises & Customes of this Town, & also the King's Peace. You shall pay obedience to all Summons from the Bayliffes for the time being, and demean & behave yorself Civilly towards them. You shall not encourage fforeigners or deal with them in prejudice of this Town, & whereby the Libertyes thereof may be abused & prejudiced. You shall not take any Apprentice for a less Term then Seven Yeares, & to be Bound by Indenture in a legall manner, and to be made by the Town Clerk of this Town, for the time being, who shall at the end of his Term, if he has faithfully served you, be made a Burgess of this Town. You shall not be without a defencible Weapon in yor house, wherewith to assist & Stand by the Bayliffs & Aldermen, for Preservation of the Peace, upon all occasions. These Things & all & every other Thing & Things, belonging to the Duty & Charge of a ffreeman of this Town, You shall of yor part Well & truly Observe & Execute to the utmost of yor Power.— So help you God.

(for Gentlemen &c.)

You Shall be true & faithfull to our Sovereign Lord the King, and his Successors. You shall behave yor self well towards the Magistrates of this Town, & shall keep the ffranchises & good Customs thereof to the utmost of yor Power. These & all other Things belonging to, & becomeing the Duty of a ffreeman of this Town, you shall truly & faithfully Observe & keep.—So help you God.

Oath of Mayor and Justices of Peace.

You as Justice of the Peace [Constable of ye Castle, Mayor &c.] for this Town Shall do Equall Right to Poor & Rich, to the Utmost of yor Understanding Witt & Power according to the Laws of the Realm & Customs of this Town, the Libertyes & ffranchises thereof you shall Endeavor to Preserve & Keep. You shall not be Councell with any persons in matters of dispute or Quarrells depending or brought before you But shall Impartially execute the Office of a Justice of the Peace within this Town without any Reward or Gratuity save only the accustomed ffees. You shall direct yor Precepts & Warrants to none but the Serjeant's at Mace & Constables or some Propper Officers in the sd Town. These Things and whatsoever else appertaineth to the Office of a Justice of the Peace of this Town you shall well & truly execute & perform to the Utmost of yor Power.—So help you God.

Aldermans Oath.

fforasmuch as You are elected & Chosen an Alderman by means whereof this Town may be the better governed, Yor Oath Is that you shall See his Majtyes Peace kept to the Utmost of yor Power. You shall Study & endeavor to Preserve the Welfare Liberty's & ffranchises of this Town. You shall Observe & keep the articles Comprized in the Charters of the same together with the Good Customes & Ordinances therein contained. You shall come at the Com[m]and of the Bayliffs & their Successors to aid & asist them with yor best advice & Councell as often as you shall be thereto required as well for the administrac'on of Justice as to Confer with them for the Establishing the lawfull ordinances & Com[m]on good of this Town You shall not be Perswaded by any Gentlemen or others to act Contrary to the Interest & advantage of this Corporation. The Bayliffs, Aldermen, & yor own Councell You Shall not disclose And all & every other good & lawfull Thing & Things requisite, appertaining to the office of an alderman within this Town you shall well & truly Observe Perform & keep.— So help you God.

Stewards Oath.

You shall duely & faithfully execute the Office of Steward within this Town, according to the Tennor of the Charters & Lres. Patent in that behalf granted. You shall to the utmost of yor Skill Power & Knowledge Advise & asist the Bayliffs with yor Council upon all Occasions & Direct them in the best manner you are able for the Preservation of the Lib'tyes & Com[m]on Good of this Town and do every other Thing & Things appertaining to the Office of Recorder or Steward of this Town.— So help you God.

Town Clerk's Oath.

You shall duely & faithfully Respect & Obey the Magistrates of this Town & advise & direct them upon all lawfull Occasions to the Utmost of yor Skill & Knowledge And Shall in every Respect demean yorself towards the Bayliffs & Aldermen of this Corporation as a Town Clerk ought to do and shall do & perform all other Thing & Things Becomeing & Propper to be Done by Such an Officer.— So Help You God.

Asistants Oath.

Whereas you have been Chosen an Assistant or Capitall Burgess yor Oath is, that you shall be Asistant with the Bayliffs & Aldermen in Electing Bayliffs Serjeants Com[m]on Attorneys & all other Inferior Officers and to do & execute all other Things that by Com[m]on Assent or Voices ought within this Town to be done (the Election of Aldermen only excepted) And you shall assist the Bayliffs & Aldermen in their Good Government of this Town. And shall upon all Summons & Warning by the sd Bayliffs & Aldermen to you in that behalf given Resort accordingly to the place & at the time Limitted by any such Summons. You shall not Absent yor self without Some lawfull occasion. You Shall not Disclose any such Thing or Things as by the sd Bayliffs or Aldermen may or shall be menc'oned and Between them & you from time to time Conferred upon untill the same shall be by them or their generall Consent Published. These & all other Thinges requisite for an asistant to do you shall well & truly on yor Behalf observe & execute.—So help you God.

Com[m]on Attorney's Oath.

You shall diligently faithfully & truly Exercise & execute the Office of a Com[m]on attorney in this Town and shall justly & honestly Collect Levy & gather all & every Such Sum[m]e & Sum[m]es of money as are due & usually Collected for the Lord of the Soil as also all such other Rents Dutyes Profitts & Comodityes wtsoever which shall be due & payable while you are in Office & as the same haue been heretofore Collected Gathered & Leavyed And shall make just Payment & give a true Account at the end of the sd Term to the Bayliffs & Aldermen And also you shall be ready to make Payments of any part or parcell thereof as often as you shall be thereto required by the Bayliffs for the time being for & towards any Necessary occasion by them to be thought Propper for the use & Benefitt of the sd Town as has been usually accustomed. These & all other Things Appertaining to the Office of a Com[m]on Attorney in this Town you shall to the utmost of yor Power Observe & perform—So help you God.

Serjeants Oath.

You shall Carefully & diligently Exercise & Execute the Office of Serjeants at Mace in this Town & the Libertyes of the same during Such Time as you shall Continue therein. You shall be Submissive & Obedt to the Constable of the Castle the Deputy Constable Bayliffs & Aldermen their lawfull & reasonable Com[m]ands you shall Observe & keep. You shall faithfully execute all Processes Precepts & Warrants to you directed & make true Returns thereof. You shall preserve the King's Peace to the utmost of yor Power & apprehend the Offenders therein. You shall not accept of any Alderman for Bail or Surety for any person. You shall Leavy all ffines as shall become due which shall be incerted in any Extract to you delivered or in any Warrt or Precept to you directed & make true Return & Payment thereof to whom the same shall; appertaine and render a just account of all moneys by you rece'd on accot of ye sd Town. These & all other matters & Things belonging to the office of Serjeant at Mace in the sd Town You & each of you Shall well & truly observe & perform. — So help you God.

Constable's Oath.

You shall Carefully diligently & truly Exercise & Execute the Office of Constable within this Town & the Libertyes of the Same during such time as you Shall Continue therein, and shall with all expedition & to the Utmost of yor Power Execute all Processes in the absence of the Serjts & all Precepts & Warrants to you directed & make true Return thereof. You shall be Submissive & Obedient to the Constable & deputy Constable of the Castle Bayliffs & Aldermen of the sd Town & obey their lawfull Com[m]ands upon all Occasions. You shall endeavor to the Utmost yor Power to Preserve the King's Peace & apprehend & bring before the Bayliffs the Transgressors & Offendors therein. You shall make diligent Search by day & Night for Rogues Vagabonds Sturdy Beggars & other Idle & disorderly persons & bring such Offenders before the Bayliffs and shall Search all Houses & places which you shall suspect to entertain any Lewd & disorderly men and Women. You Shall be ready with yor Defensible Weapon to attend & asist the magistrates of the sd Town upon all occasions & shall Demean & behave yorself towards them as a Constable ought to do. These & all other things Appertaining to the Office of a Constable in the sd Town you shall faithfully Observe & Perform.—So help you God.

Clk of ye Cross & Clk of the Markett's Oath.

You shall honestly & duely execute the Office of a Clerk or the Markett of this Town & shall Resort every market day to the Cross, Highstreet & elsewhere to make thorough Scrutiny & Survey of the sd Markett and Shall take Care that no Corn be bought or Sold before twelve of the Clock in the fforenoon and that Notice of the time be given by Ringing the Hall Bell for all persons (excepting Bakers Brewers & Badgers whom you shall not permit to buy, till Two [altered in a later hand to One] of the Clock in the afternoon) and any persons offending herein you shall present to the end they may be proceeded agt according to Law. You shall justly & truely Measure & Strike all such Corn as shall be Imported for Sale into this Town. You shall likewise examine & see that no Meat or Victuals unwholesome or under Weight be sold or exposed to Sale in the sd Markett & shall seize the same according to the antient & Laudable Customes of this Town. These & all other Things app'rtaining to the Office of Clerk of the Markett you shall duely & justly observe & perform.—So help you God.

Bayliffe's Oath.

You shall truly justly & Uprightly Use Exercise & execute the Office of Bayliffs within this Town and keep the ffranchises thereof during all Such time as you shall Continue therein. You shall sett apart all prejudice & partiality & hear all partyes & determine all matters & Causes brought before you with Candour & uprightness according to the utmost of your Skill & knowledge without favor & affection or Hatred & Malice. You shall pay Obedience to his Majtyes Writts & make due return thereof & also of the Sheriffs Mandates which shall be to you directed. You shall to the Utmost of your Power preserve and maintain the King's Peace in this Town & the Libertyes thereof and punish the Transgressors & offenders therein upon due Proof thereof made before you. You shall take due Care that fair & honest Weights & Measures be Used in the sd Town during yor Bayliffship And that the Bakers & Brewers do keep & maintaine a true & reasonable Assize of Bread Beer & Ale and that the same as also all kind of Victualls be good & Wholesome for Mens' body. All Laudable Customs ffranchises & Ordinances heretofore used in this Town and not abrogated by any Law or Statute, You shall to the utmost of your Power endeavor to preserve & maintain. These & every other Thing & Things belonging to the Office of Bayliff of this Town you shall well & truly observe & keep.—So help you God.

Aletasters Oath.

You shall well & truely & without Partiallity execute the Office of Ale Taster in this Town & shall take diligent Care that all Brewers & Victuallers in the sd Town shall brew & expose to sale Good & wholsome ale & Beer for man's Body and that the same be not sold before it be Tasted & approved by you and afterwards to be sold agreable to the Prices appointed by the Bayliffs & all defaults herein you shall present & make known to the Bayliffs whereby due Punishment may be inflicted upon the Offenders accordingly. These & all other Things appertaining to such an office you shal faithfully observe & execute.— So help you God.

The Eighth of April 1738 Edward Mashman and Thomas John Were Duly Sworn Clerks of the Shambles to Examine therein before David Owen Esqe one of the Bayliffes of the said Town.

18th June 1731.

Cardiff Vill: ss. In Councell.

An Asistant or Com[m]on Councill man being wanted to supply the place of William Lambert Gent. who is made an Alderman Wee the Majority whose names are hereunto Subscribed Do Elect Gabriel Lewis Hatmaker.

Arth. Williams
Alexr Purcel
Will. Richds.
Will. Mathew
David Owen
Thos Meredith
Tho. Mathews
Will. Lambert
Hen. Llewellin jnr.
Rich. Jones
J. Thomas
Tho. Glascott Jnr
John Greenefield
John Oakey
Edwd Herbert
es Vill. pre.

Eodem die

Mr Edward Morgan one of the Aldermen of this Town haveing lived retired & remote from this Corporac'on & not haveing appeared among us for Several years last past Wee do therefore Esteem him to be an useless Member & Do hereby Disfranchise him and Do Elect Mr Henry Lewellin to be an alderman in his Room.

9 signatures.

1731 June 25. Richard Jenkins, mercer, elected Assistant or Common Councilman in the room of John Jones, farrier, deceased.
Philip Stephens, tobacconist, elected Assistant in the room of William Lewis, hatmaker, deceased.

17 signatures.

Cardiff Vill: ss. 4th Novr 1731.

Ordered at a Councell duely Sum[m]oned that the money due by Bonds from Several persons to the poor of this Town be Called in & that the several persons who owe the same have Notice to pay in the same next Monday at the Guildhall of this Town and that the several persons who owe Rent to this Town be sued by the Town Clerk after giving them Notice once more.

7 signatures.

1731 March 7. Thomas Morgan, gentleman, elected Assistant or Common Councilman in the room of Nicholas Brewer, mariner, deceased.

19 signatures.

Thomas Morgan, gentleman, elected Alderman in the room of William Richards, esquire, deceased.

9 signatures.

28th April 1732.

Ordered that the poor's Rate for St Mary's Parish for this year be 2s. 6d. pr pound as also for St John's Parish.

Cardiff Town. 31st July 1733.

At a Hall or Council Duely Summoned Wee the Majority then & there present whose names are hereunto Subscribed Do Elect Henry Morgan Gentleman To be an asistant Comon Council man or Capital Burgess of this Town in the Room of Thomas Glascot sadler Dece'd. (10 signatures, concluding, for the last time, with Edwd Herbert es Vill: pre.)

2d October 1733.

Cardiff Town. At a Councel Duely Summoned Wee the Bayliffes and Aldermen whose names are hereunto Subscribed Do Displace and Remove Walter Churchey Esquire from his Office of Steward of this Town and in his Stead Do Elect Llewellin Williams of Dyffrin Esqr Barrister at Law to be Steward of the said Town.

George Lewis
Will. Lambert
David Owen
Thos Meredith
Arth. Williams
Edwd Herbert
Thos Morgan

1733 October 13. John Phillips, mariner, elected an Assistant or Capital Burgess in the room of Thomas Morgan, made an Alderman.

Roger Morgan, carpenter, elected an Assistant or Capital Burgess in the room of Henry Morgan, gentleman, "who hath Resigned."

Overleaf follows, in a different handwriting:—

December 31st 1756.

ffees due for the Admission of Burgesses of the Town of Cardiff as s'telled by the Bailiffs.

l. s. d
for a mans marrying the Daughter of a ffreeman and no ffreeman himself 1 0 0
To the Bailiffs a pottle of Wine 0. 4. 0
the Town Clerk for In rolling 0. 3. 4
for an Admission Stamp 0. 2. 3
£1. 9. 7
The like ffees for any person takeing up his
ffreedom in the said Town by virtue of
Serving an Apprenticeship for Seven years
1. 9. 7
for the Admission of a ffreemans Son 0. 3. 4
To the Bailiffs a pottle of Wine 0. 4. 0
To the Town Clerk for recording freedom 0. 3. 4
for the Admission Stamp 0. 2. 3
£0. 12. 11

In a different hand:—

Cardiff Town
to wit.

Be it Remembered That on Friday the 11th Day of December 1778 Robert Savours and Bartholomew Greenwood Two of The Aldermen of the Said Town were then Sworn into the Office of Bailiffs of the Said Town for the year ensuing, Before Sir Herbert Mackworth Baronet Constable of the Castle, in the Room of Henry Yeomans Esqr and Powell Edwards Clerk the late Bailiffs.

At the Same Time and Place William Prichard and John Ovens were Sworn into the Office of Serjeants at Mace for the Said Town, for the year ensuing.

Cardiff Town
to wit.

On Friday the 11th Day of December 1778 In Open Court at the Court of Our Lord The King held, By Adjournment, for the Said Town, Robert Stephenson Esquire was admitted and Sworn Burgess or Freeman of the Said Town, by Robert Savours and Bartholomew Greenwood Esqrs Bailiffs of the Said Town.
Town Clerk.

Cardiff Town
to wit.

Be it Remembered That on Monday the Fourteenth Day of December 1778, the following persons were Sworn into the Office of the Constables for the ensuing Year.

For the East Ward. William Robert, the Younger, and
Edward Lewis.
For the High Street Ward. Henry Eades and
Richard Jenkin.
For the South Ward. William Watkin and
William Mathew.
For the West Ward. David Richard and
Thos Thomas.

Cardiff Town
to wit.

Be it Remembered That on Saturday the Ninth Day of January 1779 Edward Whiting of the Said Town Taylor and Thomas Waters of the Same Tallow Chandler were Sworn into the Office of Commons Attorneys of the Said Town in the Room of Michael Brewer and William Prichard for the year ensuing.

Cardiff Town, to wit.

At a Court of Common Council duly Summoned and held for the Said Town on Friday the 28th Day of May 1779 for taking the Affairs of this Corporation into Consideration It is Unanimously Ordered as follows, Vizt

Ordered That proper Persons be employed By The Bailiffs to take Care of and Secure the Materials of The house By the Quay late in the possession of Henry Williams, Gent. And that Notice be given By The Town Clerk that the same house is to be Let, to the best Bidder, and the Town Clk is to received proposals for renting It out, and to deliver the same at the next Common Council Meeting.

Ordered That the Bailiffs do employ proper persons to pull down fifteen feet or thereabouts of The Markett house at The North End thereof, and build an Arch of about 12 feet and a pine End Between the Second Pillars at the North End of the sd Market house for the Entrance of The Markett people, and That no Horses be Suffered to enter into the Markett house hereafter.

Ordered That in Consideration of the sum of £25 to be paid to Mr Thos Thomas Town Clerk in Consideration of his Conveying All his right and Title at his own Expence To the Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses and their Successors To All that house lately in the poss'ion of John Jones in the Middle Row, And also to All that Ruin purchased by him of Alexr Willson and of his Delivering up his poss'ion of the peice of Ground or Court Betn the sd house & Ruin, & ww[hi]chch is said to be Subject to a Chauntry rent.

Ordered That the Bayliffs, as Soon as they have received Such Conveyance from the sd Thos Thomas have full Power and Authority to pull down the said house and Court and gett the Ground whereon the Same Stands properly pitched.

Ordered That the Said Bailiffs have also full Power and Authority to pull down All That Stable and Pigsty belonging to the Corporation Situate in The Middle Row late in the poss'ion of Edmund Rowland.

Ordered That all Leases heretofore agreed to at former Meetings be Confirmed and Executed, and notice be given to any persons who shall prevent the Delivery of Poss'ion of the Prem'es to the Lessees, and That on Refusal of Delivery of possession, proper proceedsgs be prosecuted and Carryed on to gett poss'ion of the Same by Ejectment or Otherwise, which the Town Clerk is hereby Authorised to prosecute having The Town Seal to his Warrant for that purpose.

Thos Thomas Gentleman Town Clerk, proposes to take a Lease of The Cocks Tower at 6d. pr annum.
Robt Savours
Barth. Greenwood
Thos Edwards
Francis Minnitt
Hen. Lewis
Powell Edwards
William Edwards
Thos Thomas
Watt. Morgan
Willm Olds.

Admissions of Burgesses or Freemen:—
1779 Sept. 30 Thursday.
Robert Savours junior, gentleman.
Edward Thomas of "Eglwysnunyd" in the parish of Margam, gentleman.
Oct. 14 Thursday. Thomas Sweet, of Roath, gentleman.
William Williams, of Cardiff, currier.
James James, of Cardiff, baker.
William Sweet, of Cardiff, mariner.
Thomas David, of Cardiff, shopkeeper.
Thomas Lewis, of Cardiff, victualler.
28th. William Williams, of the General Post Office, London, gentleman.
William Thomas, of Cardiff, mason.
Thomas Thomas, of Cardiff, tiler.
Jacob Thomas, of Cardiff, tiler.

1779 October 25. Thomas Edwards and Francis Minnitt, aldermen, were sworn Bailiffs before Sir Herbert Mackworth, bart., Constable of the Castle. (Place not named).

"At the same time and Place "Hugh Whiteing and William Attwood were sworn Serjeants at Mace.

Constables sworn then and there:—

East Ward. Jacob Thomas junior and
James Whiteing.
High Street Ward. Richard Jenkin and
Thomas Cotton junior
South Ward. William Brewer and
William Stone.
West Ward. William Westmecute and
George Harrington.

Cardiff Town to wit. On Monday the 25th Day of October in the Year of our Lord 1779 Phillip Lewis of Lanrumney Esqr was Sworn Alderman of the said Town before Sr Herbert Mackworth Bart; Constable of the Castle of Cardiff.

Admitted Burgesses or Freemen, 25 Novr. Revd. George Richards, of Cardiff, Clerk. William Watkins, of Cardiff, Carpenter.

1780 Septr. 21. William, joiner; John Wood, gentleman; William Williams, currier; James James, baker; William Sweet, mariner; William Glascott, currier, and Alexander Wilson, watchmaker, all of Cardiff, were appointed Assistants or Capital Burgesses.

At the same Meeting of Council, William Prichard, assistant, was appointed Alderman, in the room of Arthur Williams, deceased.

Ordered that the Bayliffs for the Time being do Approbiate £16 per ann. from the rents due from William Jones & Dorothy Meredith, to William Prichard Joiner towards discharge of his Bill for the repairs of the houses belongg to the Charity School in poss'ion of sd Dorothy George & John Jones and the sd Wm Prichard be in the Mean Time Allowed Interest from this Day for Such Sums as Shall remain due to him for his Said Bill and that the remg sum of £7. 4. 0 be paid to the sd John Jones ye Schoolmaster, together with the Use of the house he now lives in.

Cardiff Town
to wit.

Wednesday the 21st of September 1780. At the Guildhall of the Said Town William Prichard of the Said Town Joiner was Sworn Assistant or Capital Burgess of the Said Town, By Thomas Edwards and Francis Minnitt Esqrs Bayliffs of ye Said Town of Cardiff.
Thos Edwards
Francis Minnitt.

Enrolments of Burgesses or Freemen:—
1780 September 28 Thursday. Morris Morris, or Cardiff, carpenter.
Evan John, of Whitchurch parish, yeoman.
David Morgan, of Llantrisant, yeoman.
John David, of Llantrisant, yeoman.
William Howells, of Saint Fagan's parish, yeoman.
Wilfryd Colley, of Cardiff, shopkeeper.
William Purcell, of Cardiff, shoemaker.
Morgan Bates, of Cardiff, mariner.

Cardiff Town
to wit

On Friday the 29th Day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty William Prichard of the said Town Joiner was Sworn Alderman of the said Town before Sir Herbert Mackworth Baronet Constable of the Castle of Cardiff.

Assistants or Capital Burgesses sworn 2 October 1780, before the Bailiffs:—
William Williams, of Cardiff, currier.
James James, of Cardiff, baker.
William Glascott, of Cardiff, currier.
Alexander Willson, of Cardiff, watchmaker.

1780 October 3. Robert Savours and Bartholomew Greenwood, esquires, aldermen, were sworn Bailiffs before Sir Herbert Mackworth; and William Evans and Wilfrid Colley were sworn Serjeants at Mace.

Constables sworn:—

East Ward. Thomas Morgan, glazier, and
William Lewis.
High Street Ward Edward Thomas, tiler, and
Roger Powell.
South Ward. William Stone, victualler, and
Henry Charles.
West Ward. Thomas Scandrett, butcher, and
Richard Jenkin.

Admitted Burgesses or Freemen:—
1780 October 12 Thursday. John Allen, of Clement's Inn in the county of Middlesex, gentleman.

1781 March 1 Thursday. John Jenkins, of Canton in the parish of Llandaff, yeoman.

Thomas Richard, of Cardiff, blacksmith.

Sworn Assistants or Capital Burgesses:—
1781 March 1 Thursday. William Sweet, of Cardiff, mariner.

John Wood, of Cardiff, gentleman.

Septr. 20 Thursday. John Richards senior, of Cardiff, esquire.

Robert Stepheuson, of Cardiff, esquire.

Alderman appointed on the same day:—
John Richards senior, of Cardiff, esquire.

Minutes of Council, 20 September 1781:—

Ordered That an Inquiry be made by the Bayliffs, whether a Lease heretofore Granted By the Bayliffs Aldermen & Burgesses of a Spot of Ground near the East Gate whereon a Stable & Court is erected now in the possession of Mr Tho: French is expired, and if Such Lease is expired, that an Inquiry be made into the Title of the Corporation to the sd prem'es, and the Bayliffs are requested to report the Consequence of their Inquiry at the next Court of Common Council.

Ordered that a Lease be Granted To Mr Thos Thomas Town Clerk of the Cocks Tower for 21 Years at the rent of Six pence pr ann: To hold from Mich'as next, and That the Town Seal be Affixed to such Lease.

Ordered That the West Gate of the said Town, be pulled down, with due Convenience, and that the Bayliffs have the Direction thereof.

Ordered That the East Gate of the said Town be pulled down and the Walls thereunto adjoining so as to lay the same open to the Street there, Mr Henry Lewis giving up his right & Title to the Court or yard thereunto adjoining, which is also ordered to be laid open into the said Street.

Further admissions of Burgesses or Freemen:—
1781 Septr. 27 Thursday. Edward Whiteing, of Cardiff, tailor.
James Whiteing, of Cardiff, tallow chandler.
Henry Eades, of Cardiff, barber.
Thomas Williams, of Penmark parish, yeoman.
Thomas Harry, of Whitchurch parish, yeoman.
Evan David, of "Fair Water, "in the parish of Llandaff, yeoman.

1782 January 21 Monday. Aldermen Francis Minnitt and William Prichard were sworn Bailiffs before Sir Herbert Mackworth.

31st Thursday. Constables sworn:—

East Ward. William Jenkin, baker.
Thomas David, blacksmith.
South Ward. William David, shoemaker.
Thomas Charles.
High Street Ward. Edward Thomas, tiler.
Thomas Stibbs.
West Ward. William Tanner, hatter.
John Bird junior.

Sworn Burgesses or Freemen:—
1782 Jany. 31 Thursday. William Richards, of the city of Llandaff, esquire.
Thomas Key, of Saint Fagan's, gentleman.
John Howden, of Cardiff, gardener.
March 28. William Scandrett, of Cardiff, butcher.
June 6. Edward Jacob, of Eglwysilan parish, drover.
December 5. Henry Williams, of Cardiff, gentleman.
William Cobb, of Cardiff, yeoman.

John Bird, of Cardiff, yeoman.

1782 Jany. 21. John Richards senior, of Cardiff, esquire, was sworn Alderman
before Sir Herbert Mackworth.

March 28 Thursday. Thomas Robert, of Cardiff, was sworn Constable, in the
room of William Jenkin, by the Bailiffs.

1783. Elections and Appointments.


Henry Yeomans and Samuel Sabin.


Samuel Sabin, gentleman.

Assistants or Capital Burgesses.
Samuel Sabin of Cardiff, gentleman.
Henry Hollier of Cardiff, gentleman.

Rev. Francis Bathie, clerk.

Burgesses or Freemen.

Edward Savours of Llantrithyd, gentleman.
Morgan John, of Cardiff, tailor.
Henry Hollier, of Cardiff, gentleman.
James Capper, of Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, London, esquire.
Peter Birt of Wenvoe Castle, esquire.
Henry Holland, of Hertford Street, Mayfair, London, esquire.
Rev. Francis Bathie, rector of Llanmaes.
Philip Minnitt, of Saint Andrew's, yeoman.
Rev. John Evans, of Llanedern, clerk.
George Philpott of Roath Court, gentleman.
John David junior, of Saint Mellon's parish, yeoman.
Charles Jones, of Cardiff, mariner.

Common Attorneys.

John Waters, of Cardiff, sadler, and
Thomas Stibbs, of Cardiff, cordwainer.

Serjeants at Mace.

William Scandrett and
William Watkins.

Constables of East Ward.

Thomas Evan, gardener, and John Drew.

Constables of South Ward.

Edward Thomas, tucker, and William David.

Constables of High Street Ward.

John Morgan, labourer, and John Stibbs junior.

Constables of West Ward.

John Lewis, victualler, and Richard Lewis.

The above appointments are the only business recorded for this year. As before, the Bailiffs and Aldermen were sworn before Sir Herbert Mackworth, baronet, Constable of the Castle; and the others before the Bailiffs. This must be understood to be the case until such time as an alteration in the practice will be indicated here.

1784. Elections and Appointments.


Francis Minnitt and William Prichard.

Assistant or Capital Burgess.

Bloom Williams, gentleman.

Burgesses or Freemen.
William Stone junior, of Cardiff, victualler.
William Owen, of Cardiff, carpenter.
Lionel Stibbs junior, of Cardiff, cooper.
William Brewer, of Cardiff, carpenter.
Richard Hill, of Merthyr Tydfil parish, gentleman.
Arthur Tanner, of Cardiff, hatter.

Serjeants at Mace.

James Howell, and John Bird junior.

1785. Elections and Appointments.

Burgesses or Freemen.

Rickett Willett, of Cardiff, tailor.
William Williams, of "Fair Oak" in the parish of Roath, yeoman.
John Williams, of the same, yeoman.
Isaac Thomas, of Lisvane parish, yeoman.
Richard Morris, "of Adams Down in the parish of Roath in the County of Clamorgan," yeoman.
Philip David, of Lavernock parish, yeoman.
Henry Llewellyn, of the same, yeoman.
Thomas John, of Llanishen parish, yeoman.
Edward John, of Llanharan parish. yeoman.
Edward William, of Llanishen parish, yeoman.
Edmund William, of the same, yeoman.

Constables of Eastbr/ Ward.

Charles Williams, carpenter, and Morgan Thomas.

Constables of South Ward.

Lionel Stibbs junior, and William David.

Constables of High Street Ward.

Robert Jones, carpenter, and Henry Lewis.

Constables of West Ward.

Henry Bird junior, and John Whatley.

Cardiff Town to wit. At a Court of Bailiffs, Aldermen and Assistants held for the Town of Cardiff aforesaid at the Guildhall for the said Town on Friday the 28th day of January One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Five duly Summoned and Assembled to proceed on the Public Business of the said Town.

Whereas there is now Subsisting an Order of Council that the Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses of the said Town Cannot grant any Leases for a longer Term than Twenty One Years ; And It Appearing to this Court that Such Order is Attended with many Inconveniences and in many Instances to the Detriment of the Revenue of the Corporation, By reason of their not being able to grant Leases for the Encouragement of Building and Other Improvements; It is therefore Ordered that the said recited Order be rescinded and made Null and Void to All Intents and purposes whatsoever, and the same is hereby rescinded Accordingly.

Mr Henry Hollier proposes taking a Lease of that Cottage & Small Garden Situate near Cathays on the West Side of the Turnpike Road there, lately Occupyed by Rowland Thomas Fisherman, at the Yearly Rent of Five Shillings for the Term of 42 years. And Also of All that piece of Ground lying to the East of the Garden at Cathays, running from East to West and Between the said Garden and the parish Road there, Containing in Length [blank] yards and in Breadth [blank] yards or thereabouts at the Yearly Rent of 2s. 6d. for the like Term of 42 years.

Mr William Prichard proposes taking a Building Lease of All that ruinous House lying near the Quay lately held By Mr Lambert By Lease, for the Term of 42 years at the Yearly Rent of One Pound, the said William Prichard having the Benefit of All the Materialls there for any Building to be Erected on the premisses.

Ordered that the Gate near the Quay Called the Blunch or Blunt Gate be taken out, and that the Bailiffs give Order Accordingly.

1786. Elections and Appointments.

Feby. 22. Henry Yeomans, and John Richards senior.
Septr. 29. Samuel Sabine and Henry Hollier.


Henry Hollier of Cathays, esquire.

Assistants or Capital Burgesses.
Thomas Sweet, gentleman.
Edward Thomas, innkeeper.

Burgesses or Freemen.
John Richards of the Corner House in the town of Cardiff, esquire.
Philip Deare, esquire.
Edward Thomas, of the Red House in the town of Cardiff, innkeeper.
The Honourable John Stuart.
Revd. Richard Littlehales.

Serjeants at Mace.
Feby. 22. William Rees, and William Stone junior.
Septr. 29. William Brewer and Ricket Willet.

Constables of High Street Ward.
Feb. 23. William Jones, shopkeeper, and John Morgan, labourer.
October. Thomas Morgan, chandler, and John Morgan, labourer.

Constables of South Ward.
Feby. 23. Lionel Stibbs junior, cooper, and William David, shoemaker.
October. Rowland Jones, maltster, and Thomas Evan, victualler.

Constables of East Ward.
Feby. 23. Charles Williams, carpenter, and Robert Johnes, carpenter.
October. Philip Davy, baker, and William Rees, victualler.

Constables of West Ward.
Feby. 23. Henry Bird, shoemaker, and John Whatley, earthenware dealer.
October. Henry Bird, shoemaker, and Roger Jones, victualler.

Cardiff Town to wit. On Friday the 29th day of September 1786 Henry Hollier of Cathays Esqre was sworn Town Clerk of the said Town before Sir Herbert Mackworth BarBar[one]t Constable of the Castle, in the Room of T[homas] Thomas deceased.

1786 May 5 Friday. Minute of Council.

Ordered That the North Gate of the Said Town be pulled down with due Convenience & the Side Walls repaired and that the Bailiffs have the Direction thereof.

1787. Elections and Appointments.


1 Novr. John Richards and Bloom Williams.


Bloom Williams.
Edward Thomas.

Assistants or Capital Burgesses.

Thomas Stibbs, cordwainer.
Edward Whiteing, tailor.

Burgesses or Freemen.

John Blannin, of Cardiff, gentleman.
William Wilson, of Cardiff, watchmaker.

Serjeants at Mace.

John Evan and Thomas Thomas.

Constables of East Ward.

Thomas Leyson and William Rowland.

Constables of South Ward.

Thomas Lewis and Jenkin Morgan.

Constables of High Street Ward.

John Morgan and Thomas Rees.

Constables of West Ward.

Roger Jones and Robert Thomas.

These entries were inspected in 1788 by A. Emerson.

1787 February 6 Monday. Minute of Council.

Thomas Williams, carpenter, received a lease of a Spot of Ground on the East Side of the Northgate adjoining the House called the Cock on the south side and the Rose & Crown on the North, for 40 years at 5s. per annum.

Cardiff Town to wit. On Wednesday the 14th day of May 1788, Henry Yeomans Esqre was Sworn in as Senior Alderman of this Town and as such Justice of the Peace (fn. 1) within the said Town before Sir Herbert Mackworth Bar t of the Castle of Cardiff.
H. Mackworth,
Constable of ye Castle.

The above is in a somewhat feminine handwriting which appears to be that of Henry Hollier, but the signature is the Constable's autograph.

Cardiff Town to wit. At a Court of Bailiffs and Aldermen of the said Town, holden for the Town of Cardiff aforesaid in the Guildhall of the said Town on Tuesday the Eighth day of July one thousand, seven hundred and Eighty Eight, duly Summoned and Assembled to proceed on the public Business of the said Town.

It being dubious whether Mr Henry Hollier One of the Aldermen of this Corporation, has Not by his Acceptance of the Office of Town Clerk, affected his Office of Alderman; hath proposed to the Aldermen now met a Resignation of his said Office of Alderman. Which Resignation is accepted accordingly.
J. Richards.
B. Williams.
Francis Minnitt.
Will. Prichard.
Sam1 Sabine.

Ordered that the Assize of Bread be sett at 2s. 6d. with the usual Allowance for Baking, to continue 30 days from this day.

The last two Minutes are in the hand of John Richards.

1788. Elections and Appointments.


Novr. 15. Samuel Sabine and Henry Hollier.


Henry Hollier (re-elected after resignation.)

Assistants or Capital Burgesses.


Serjeants at Mace.

Arthur Tanner and Hugh Whiteing.

Constables of East Ward.

Thomas Lyshon and John Evan.

Constables of West Ward.

William Westmacutt and Thomas Bennett.

Constables of High Street Ward.

Moses Lamb and Henry Lewis.

Constables of South Ward.

Thomas Richard, and Robert Jones junior.

Minutes of Council.

1788 July 31 Thursday:—

Whereas there is a Vacancy of Alderman occasioned by the Resignation of Mr Henry Hollier, who has also resigned the Office of Town Clerk. We the Bailifs and Aldermen of the said Town Do nominate re-elect and appoint the same Henry Hollier to be again one of the Aldermen of the said Town.
J. Richards
B. Williams
H. Yeomans
Francis Minnitt
Will. Prichard
Saml Sabine
Edward Thomas.

Mr John Bird Water-Bailif of this Corporation, and as such Collector of Quayage Dues and Fees for the Use of the Corporation, which he has for several Years last past receiv'd and not accounted for, to the great Loss and Inconvenience of this Corporation. It is therefore by this Court determined that the said John Bird be continued in the said Office as long only as he shall duly account with and pay Unto the Common Attorneys of this Town for the Time being all such Fees and Dues as he shall and may collect and which are particularly specified in an Order of Council for this Corporation held the 22d day of December 1762. (fn. 2) And during such Time as he shall be so employed, that he be allowed and paid a Salary after the Rate of Seven Pounds Seven Shillings pr Annum. And it is also ordered that the said John Bird forthwith give Bond with Sufficient Sureties so to pay and account as aforesaid, whenever call'd upon for that Purpose by the Bailifs for the Time being, by Order in writing under their hands.

Signed by "J. Richards" and 10 others. Mr. Richards signs first, and the Minute is in his handwriting. The headings to the Minutes at this time seem to have been written by Mr. Hollier.

Cardiff Town to wit. Be it remembered that on Saturday the fifteenth day of November 1788 Henry Hollier was sworn Alderman of the said Town before Sir Herbert Mackworth Bt Constable of the Castle.

On the same day William Evans, victualler, and John Evan, cordwainer, both of Cardiff, were sworn Commons Attorneys before the Bailiffs, in the room of John Waters and Thomas Stibbs.

1788 December 5 Friday. Thomas Williams having, on 7 July 1766, taken a lease of "the Ground on which the Boring Mill is erected," for 40 years at £1. 11. 6, which he afterwards assigned to Jones and others, who now propose to resign the same: Resolved that the same be accepted, on payment of rent and arrears only, claiming nothing for dilapidations.

Alderman Bloom Williams proposes taking a Lease of the Town Ditch for 21 Years at £1. 1. 0.

Ordered that the Seats in Church which are called the Seats of Assistants and Freemen's Sons, be immediately put in Repair and Locks put upon them to be occupied by those only who have a right as such. One for the Assistants and the other for Freemen's Sons.

10 signatures.

1789. Elections and Appointments.


Novr. 24. John Richards and Bloom Williams.


Thomas Sweet.

Assistants or Capital Burgesses.

Hugh Whiting.
John Hussey.
Paul Price.

Burgesses or Freemen.

William Bew, of Cardiff, yeoman.
Archibald Sinclair, of Cardiff, shopkeeper.
Joseph Field, of Cardiff, weaver.
John Alexander, of Cardiff, weaver.
John Anderson, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
Herbert Rees, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
Edward Williams, of Cardiff, tailor.
Lewis Thomas, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
William Lewis, of Cardiff, tailor.
William Westmacutt, of Cardiff, victualler.
Thomas Morgan, of Cardiff, glasier.
William Jones, of Cardiff, yeoman.
Thomas Charles, of Cardiff, yeoman.
William Jenkins, of Cardiff, baker.
Edmund Rowland, of Cardiff, mason.
Richard Davies, of Aberdâr, shopkeeper.
Thomas Roberts, of Cardiff, yeoman.
John Robert, of Cardiff, yeoman.
Arthur Whiteing, of Cardiff, yeoman.
John Whiteing, of Cardiff, yeoman.
Thomas Richards junior, of Cardiff, yeoman.
Thomas David, of Cardiff, blacksmith.
Richard Price, of Cardiff, yeoman.
John Evan junior, of Cardiff, yeoman.
Thomas Graves senior, of Rumford in the county of Essex, gentleman.
The Honourable Thomas Windsor, esquire.
The Honourable Herbert Stuart, esquire.
Richard Tollman, of Cardiff, tinman.
Charles Williams, of Cardiff, currier.
Morgan John, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
Thomas Rees, of Cardiff, carpenter.
John Purcell, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
William David Richard, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
John Thomas, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
Lodwick John, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
John Davies, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
William Richard, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
David Richard, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
Thomas Evan, of Bwlch-y-cwm in the parish of Eglwysilan, yeoman.
Lewis Watkin, of Caerphilly Common, yeoman.
Richard William, of the same, yeoman.
Joseph Llewellin, of Heol Rhiwbina, yeoman.
Thomas William, of Craig-yr-allt, yeoman.
David Edward, of Eglwysilan, mason.
Thomas Richard, of Caerphilly, yeoman.
David Gwynn, of Lavernock, labourer.
Thomas Jenkins, of Lavernock, labourer.
Thomas Rosser, of Whitchurch, labourer.
William John, of Eglwysilan, labourer.
Isaac John Isaac, of Eglwysilan, labourer.
William John, of Eglwysilan, labourer
Rowland Lewis, of Bwlch-y-cwm in the parish of Eglwysilan, labourer.
John George, of Cardiff, mason.
Thomas Lewis Mathew, of Whitchurch, labourer.
John Jones, of Whitchurch, mason.
Lewis Edward, of Cwm Nofydd, yeoman.
William Morgan, of Caerphilly Furnace, victualler.
Christopher Wilkins of Llantwit Major, gentleman.
Theophilus Herbert, of Llanmaes, farmer.
Llywelyn James, of Llanmaes, farmer.
John Price of Llandaff Court, esquire.
Thomas Thomas, of Lavernock, farmer.
Rowland Richard, of Rudry, victualler.
Thomas Thomas, of Saint Fagan's, carpenter.
William Robert, of Rudry, yeoman.
Richard Rowland, of Rudry, yeoman.
James Cox, of Castell Coch, yeoman.
John Evan, of Pant Gwaunlais, yeoman.
Lewis Jenkins of Cae Cady, esquire.
William Vaughan, of Cardiff, gentleman.
John Morgan, of Cardiff, mason.
Edward Thomas, of Cardiff, tiler.
Thomas Morgan, of Cardiff, gaoler.
Thomas Jones, of Cardiff, tailor.
George Harrington, of Cardiff, perukemaker.
James Walters, of Cardiff, mariner.
Lewis David, of Cardiff, shopkeeper.
Lewis Morgan, of Llystalybont, yeoman.
John Thomas, of Llantrisant, yeoman.
James Lloyd, of Llantrisant, yeoman.
Evan Rees, of Llantrisant, yeoman.
Thomas Jenkins, of Llantrisant, yeoman.
William Miles, of Llantrisant, yeoman.
Thomas Holland, of Llanharan, yeoman.
David Evan, of Llanwono, farmer.
William David, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
William Morgan, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
Thomas Morgan, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
Morgan Watkin, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
Evan John, of Aberdâr, yeoman.
Thomas Llewellin, of Hirwaun, yeoman.
Thomas John, of Hirwaun, yeoman.
Lewis Edward, of Gelligaer, yeoman.
Watkin Thomas, of Eglwysilan, yeoman.
William Williams, of Cardiff.
William Jenkins, of Cardiff, glasier.
John Morgan, of Cardiff, mason.
William Tanner, of Cardiff, hatter.
John Stibbs senior, of Cardiff, perukemaker.
John Stibbs junior, of Cardiff, perukemaker.
Thomas Stibbs junior, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
William Evans, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
Evan Richards, of Cardiff, fisherman.
John Lewis, of Cardiff, gardener.
Edward Evans, of Cardiff, fisherman.
Philip Lewis, of Cardiff, cordwainer.
Nathaniel Fox, of Cardiff, labourer.
William Williams, of Cardiff, mariner.
Thomas Newton, of Cardiff, yeoman.
William Jones, of Cardiff, yeoman.
Edward Jones, of Cardiff, cordwainer.

Serjeants at Mace.

John Whiteing and Emanuel White.

Cardiff Town,
to wit.

Thursday the 12th Day of November 1789.

John Wood of the Town of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan Gentleman having produced an Instrument under the Hands and Seals of The Right Honorable John Lord Cardiff commonly called Lord Viscount Mountstuart and Charlotte Jane his Wife bearing date the 6th Day of March 1789 appointing the said John Wood Gentleman Town Clerk of the said Town of Cardiff during their will and pleasure He was accordingly sworn in Town Clerk of the said Town of Cardiff Before me


1789. Minutes of Council.

Cardiff Town to wit. At a Court of Common Council held by the Bayliffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses for the Town of Cardiff aforesaid in the Council Chamber of the said Town on Wednesday the 22d day of July One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Nine.

Whereas at a Court of Common Council held for the said Town on Thursday the Nineteenth day of June One thousand seven Hundred and seventy seven [recites the Minutes then passed relative to the Charity of the late Mrs Jane Herbert. (fn. 3) ] And Whereas it appears to Us in Common Council duly Assembled that the said Thomas Edwards hath Expended divers large Sums of Money in Obtaining a Decree for the Establishment of the said Charity. And Whereas upon an Account this day made stated and produced to us It appears that the sum of £452. 13s. 9d. remains due to him as the Balance of his said Account. And Whereas the Right Honble. Lord Viscount Mountstuart at the request and by the desire of the said Bayliffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses is ready and willing and hath agreed to lend and advance to the said Bayliffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses the said sum of £452. 13. 9 and to pay the same to the said Thomas Edwards in full of his said Demand. Now we the said Bayliffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses in Council Assembled in Consideration of such payment do hereby Charge the Several Messuages Tenements Lands and Tolls belonging to us in our Corporate Capacity with the repaying of the said £452. 13. 9 and we do for the further and better repayment thereof to the said Lord Viscount Mountstuart and his Executors and Administrators Impower and Authorize the said Lord Viscount Mountstuart his Executors Administrators and his and their Steward or Agent to receive from the Several Persons Tenants of the said Town and all others Indebted to the said Town all such arrears and Sums of Money as are now due or owing to us or shall hereafter arise acrue or become due to us from the same and to receive the Rents and profitts of our said Estates till the repayment shall be made of the said £452. 13. 9 and on Neglect of Payment by any of the Tenants of the said Estates we do Impower and Authorize them to make such distresses for the same or to bring such Actions or Suits for the recovery thereof as they shall think proper being accountable to us for the same. And we do hereby direct and desire the present and future Bayliffs to put our Common Seal to such Power of Attorney Act or Deed as shall be necessary to Enable him them or either of them as he or they shall Employ to demand sue for or receive the same hereby Agreeing to Indemnify the said Thomas Edwards and Powell Edwards from all Costs Charges or Damages that they or either of them shall or may suffer for or on Account of their being Relators in any Suits brought by them or either of them in behalf of any Charity relating to the said Town as also so long as their Name shall be made use of or Continued as Relators in any future proceeding to be had relative to the said Charity's And we do hereby further direct that such future proceedings may be had and taken as shall be deemed Necessary and Expedient for the Establishing such Charity's and that the Costs and Expences thereof as shall hereafter be paid by the said Right Honble Lord Viscount Mountstuart shall be repaid him by and out of the said Messuages Tenements Lands and Tolls and we do hereby charge the same with the payment as well of the said sum of £452. 13. 9 as of such further sums as he shall pay and Expend in the Prosecution of such Suit, and for the further Conventing and Prosecuting thereof we do hereby retain and Employ as our Sollr & Attorney John Wood of Cardiff Gentleman the present Town Clerk of the said Town.

13 signatures.

October 21. Whereas Thomas Edwards Esqr one of the Aldermen of the said Town having this Day been paid by the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses of the said Town the Sum of Four Hundred and fifty two pounds thirteen shillings and nine pence in full of Principal and Interest of an Account settled between him and the Bayliffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses of the said Town the 22d Day of July last at a Court of Com[m]on Councel then duly Sum[m]oned and held for the said Town Did this Day deliver up to Us in Council Assembled as aforesaid the Deeds Books Papers Evidences Muniments and Writings belonging to the said Town of Cardiff or to the Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses thereof, and mentioned and comprized in a Schedule annexed to an Affidavit sworn this Day before John Wood Gentleman a Master Extraordinary in Chancery, being all the Books Deeds Papers Evidences Muniments and Writings belonging to the said Town in his Custody possession or power, Now We the said Bayliffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses in Council duly assembled Do Order and Ordain and for ourselves and our Successors Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Edwards That We and our Successors shall and will Indemnify and save harmless the said Thomas Edwards and his Son the Reverend Powel Edwards Clerk one other of the Aldermen of the said Town of Cardiff from all Costs Charges damages and Expences that he or they or either of them can or may suffer or be put unto for or by reason of them or either of them being Relator or Relators in any Suit or Suits brought in His Majesty's High Court of Chancery in the Name of the Attorney General against the Reverend William Llewellin Clerk deceased and others as also against William Richards Esqr deceased and others for or on account of any Gift or Donation for the Endowment of any School in the said Town of Cardiff or for the use and benefit of the Poor of the said Town or for or by reason of any future proceedings that shall or may be hereafter had in the said Suits or by Means of the Changing or altering the Name or Names of any Relator or Relators hereafter in the said Causes or any Costs paid or to be paid on account thereof or for or upon Account of any other or further proceedings to be had or prosecuted in the said Court Relative to the said Causes or either of them.

Saml Sabine
Henry Hollier

Francis Minnitt
John Richards
R. Williams
Edwd Thomas
Alexr Wilson
Edwd Whiting
Thos Stibbs
Hugh Whiting
John Hussey
J. Wood
Town Clerk.

Inspected 1790. Thos London.

1790. Elections and Appointments.

Burgesses or Freemen.

John Bradley, of Cardiff, innholder.
Richard Reynolds, of Cardiff, maltster.

1791. Elections and Appointments.

Burgess or Freeman.

John Kent, of Market Street, Saint James's, esquire.

Council Minute (the only one in 1791).

It is Ordered that the Town Clerk pursue such Steps as he may think necessary to remove the present obstruction near the Great Bridge adjoining the Park, which prevents the Inhabitants of the sd Town from going with their Cattle & Horses to Water, as usual & Customary.

1792. Elections and Appointments.

29 Septr. 1792. Bailiffs.

John Richards and Bloom Williams (sworn before John Richards, esquire,
Constable of the Castle.)

Burgesses or Freemen.

Robert Jenner senior, of Lincoln's Inn Fields in the county of Middlesex,

William Taitt, of Cardiff, esquire.

Serjeants at Mace

William Bew and William Jenkins (sworn before the Constable, as above.)

Cardiff Town
to wit

At a Court of Aldermen duly summoned and held for the said Town on Monday the Thirtieth day of January 1792 it appearing unto us the Aldermen then assembled according to such summons and whose hands are hereunto subscribed that Sir Herbert Mackworth of Gnoll Castle in the County of Glamorgan Baronet is lately deceased so that the Office of Steward of the said Town is now vacant we do therefore in pursuance of the power granted to us by the Charters of the said Town as also according to the ancient custom of the said Town Elect William Nicholl of Ham in the said County of Glamorgan Esquire Barrister at Law to be and Act in the Office of Steward of the said Town in the stead and place of the said Sr Herbert Mackworth BarBar[one]t Deceased to Hold during our Will and pleasure As Witness our Hands the Day and year aforesaid.

7 signatures.

Cardiff Town
to wit.

The Second Day of ffebruary One thousand seven hundred and Ninety two, John Richards of the Corner House in the Town of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan Esqr having produced an Instrument under the Hands and Seals of the Right Honourable John Lord Viscount Mountstuart Baron Cardiff of Cardiff Castle in the County of Glamorgan &c. &c. &c. and Charlotte Jane Lady Viscountess Mountstuart Baroness Cardiff Lord and Lady of the Castle of Cardiff with its rights members and appurtenances bearing date the thirtieth Day of November One thousand, seven hundred and Ninety one appointing the said John Richards Esqr Constable of the Castle of Cardiff aforesaid during their Will and pleasure only he was Accordingly sworn in Constable of Cardiff aforesaid before us.

Saml Sabine.

Cardiff Town
to wit

At a Court of Bailiffs, Aldermen and Assistants holden for the town of Cardiff aforesaid at the Guildhall of the said Town on Thursday the 10th Day of May 1792 duly summoned and assembled to proceed on the public business of the said Town.

Whereas the Lease held by John Richards Esqr of Lands adjoining the Heath expired on the 10th Day of August last, and there is a considerable quantity of Oak and other Timber fit for cutting thereon It is ordered that the same be sold (for the best price that can be got) by the Commons Attornies.

It is Ordered that the Town Clerk Advertise the sd Lands to be let to the Best Bidder, on Thursday the 26t Day of July next for the Term of 21 years, under the usual Covenants and reservations.

Mr William Wilson proposes taking a Lease of the House and garden called little Troy for the term of 42 years from the first Day of May next at the rent of five shillings pr annum.

1792 June 11. The said Bailiffs Aldermen & Burgesses conceiving it to be their duty in the present moment to lay before the Throne their Sentiments of loyalty and Attachment to his Majesty have agreed upon an address which being read and approved of It is Ordered to be im[m]ediately ingrossed for signature and the Town Clerk is directed to write to the Bailiffs and Portreeves of the contributory Boroughs requesting their concurrence.

The Right Honourable Lord Mountstuart Member for the Borough being now out of the Kingdom It is Ordered that the Right Honble the Earl of Bute be requested to present the Address.

John Richards
Saml Sabine
B. Williams
Alexr Wilson
Edwd Whiting
Hugh Whiteing
Paul Price
John Hussey.

1793. Elections and Appointments.


April 8. Francis Minnitt, vice John Richards senior, deceased (before John Richards, esquire, Constable of the Castle).

Septr. 30. Henry Hollier and John Hussey.


John Hussey. (No record of his swearing in.)

Assistants or Capital Burgesses.

James Capper, esquire.
Thomas Thomas, gentleman.
William Wilson, gentleman.

Serjeants at Mace.

Thomas Morgan, glasier, and Thomas Morgan, chandler.

Burgesses or Freemen.

Francis Minnitt, junior, of Cardiff, gentleman.
Thomas Davies of Maesmawr in the parish of Pentyrch, gentleman.

1793. Minutes of Council.

An Agreement bearing date the 26th of March 1793 made between the Company of Proprietors of the Glamorganshire Canal Navigation and Bloom Williams Esqr as Surviving Bailiff, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Cardiff for the sale of Two Cottages & part of the Gardens thereunto belonging It is Ordered that the said Agreement be confirmed so far as is absolutely necessary for making the said Canal reserving to themselves all the adjoining Land.

Henry Hollier Esqr applying for a Lease of the Waste Ground before the Cathays where the Fir Trees are now planted at the Yearly Rent of five shillings for the Term of forty two years Ordered that a Lease be granted thereof Agreeable to following description and dimensions: [these were never filled in.]

Francis Minnitt
R. Williams
Will. Prichard
Saml Sabine
Henry Hollier
Edwd Thomas
Thos Sweet
Alexr Wilson
Edwd Whiteing
Hugh Whiteing
John Hussey
Paul Price.


  • 1. There is an appearance of illegality about this phrase. The appointment and swearing of a magistrate belongs solely to the Crown.
  • 2. Vide ante, p. 276.
  • 3. See ante, p. 291.