Council Minutes: Minutes, 1794-1817

Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1903.

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'Council Minutes: Minutes, 1794-1817', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4, ed. John Hobson Matthews( Cardiff, 1903), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Council Minutes: Minutes, 1794-1817', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Edited by John Hobson Matthews( Cardiff, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Council Minutes: Minutes, 1794-1817". Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Ed. John Hobson Matthews(Cardiff, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

Minutes of Council (continued). 1794–1817.

Thick folio volume bound in rough calf, only quarter filled.

Cardiff Town
to wit.

At a Court of Bailiffs Aldermen and Assistants holden for the Town of Cardiff aforesaid at the Guildhall of the said Town on Monday the 5th Day of May 1794 duly summoned and Assembled to proceed on the Public business of the said Town.

Whereas at a Meeting of the Bailiffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses held at the Guildhall of the said Town on the 28th Day of January 1785 Mr William Prichard proposed taking a building Lease of all that ruinous House lying near the Quay lately held by Mr Lambert by Lease for the term of Forty two years at the yearly rent of One pound, he the said William Prichard having the benefit of all the materials there, for any building that might be erected thereon And Whereas the said William Prichard having had the assent of the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses did in conjunction with John Blannin of Cardiff Gentleman lay out a considerable Sum of Money in rebuilding the said House and hath since become Bankrupt And his Estate and effects Assigned over to the said John Blannin, Thomas Wigan of Bristol and Henry Charles of Cardiff aforesaid And Whereas the said John Blannin hath purchased of the said Assignees the interest of the said William Prichard in the said premises and hath this Day applied to the Bailiffs Aldermen and Assistants to grant to him a Lease of the said premises in conformity to the said proposal of the said William Prichard of the 28t Jany 1785 It is Ordered that a Lease thereof be granted the said John Blannin accordingly and that the Bailiffs cause the Town Seal to be affixed thereto.

[Henry Hollier, esq., to be granted a Lease of " the Waste Ground before Cathays."]

Mr Hollier proposes on behalf of the Earl of Bute taking a Lease of that Spot piece or parcel of Ground adjoining the new turnpike road on the North, the Water running from the old copper Mills on the West, the Walls belonging to the Cardiff Arms Inn on the East, & the Waste Ground of the sd Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses on the South extending from North to South about Thirty Yards and from East to West about Twenty Yards at the Yearly rent of five shillings for the term of Ninety Nine years. [Granted 17 December 1794.]

Henry Hollier
John Hussey

Francis Minnitt
Saml Sabine
B. Williams
Edwd Thomas
Thos Sweet
Alexr Wilson
Edwd Whiteing
Hugh Whiteing
Paul Price
J. Capper
Tho. Thomas
W. Willson.

Cardiff Town
to wit

Monday the 29th day of September 1794.

Francis Minnitt and Bloom Williams Esqrs were both sworn (in the Castle of Cardiff) into the Office of Bailiffs of the said Town of Cardiff by John Richards Esquire Constable of the Castle of Cardiff.

The same Day and at the same place Thomas Lewis and Thomas Stibbs were sworn into the Office of Serjeants at Mace of the said Town by John Richards Esqr Constable of the Castle.

1794 Decr 17 Wednesday. Hugh Whiteing, gentn, and James Capper, esqe, were elected Aldermen vice Francis Minnitt and Thomas Edwards, deceased, and sworn before the Constable of the Castle.

On the same day, before the said Constable, the said James Capper was sworn Bailiff in the room of Francis Minnitt deceased.

1795 August 27 Thursday. William Nicholls, of the Middle Temple, esqre, was admitted and sworn a Burgess or Freeman; and was afterwards sworn into the office of Steward, in the room of Sir Herbert Mackworth, barBar[one]t, deceased, by Bloom Williams and James Capper, esqres, Bailiffs.

September 24 Thursday. Edward Bird, of Cardiff, tinman, was admitted and sworn a Burgess or Freeman, by the Bailiffs, "In Open Court at the Court of our Lord the King."

1795 September 29 Tuesday. Samuel Sabine and Henry Hollier were both sworn (in the Castle of Cardiff) into the office of Bailiffs of the said Town, by John Richards, esqe, Constable of the Castle. And William Bew and William Evans were sworn Serjeants at Mace by the said Constable.

1796 February 25 Thursday. William Priest and Richard Priest, of Cardiff, gentlemen, were severally admitted and sworn Burgesses or Freemen.
July 14. James Williams, of Cardiff, gentn, the like.
Septr 8. David Edwards, of Cardiff, surgeon, the like.
29. Bloom Williams and James Capper sworn Bailiffs in the same manner as before; and Thomas Charles and William Westmacut, Serjeants at Mace.

1797 August 15 Tuesday. At a Court of Bailiffs Aldermen and Assistants holden for the Town of Cardiff aforesaid at the Guildhall of the said Town, duly summoned and assembled to proceed on the public business of the said Town.

Ordered that the Town Clerk be requested to write to Mr Hill of Bristol, for [blank] feet of Lead for the purpose of covering the Roof of the Guild hall of the said Town to be sent pr return of Boat and that he inform Mr Hill that the Old Lead will be sent to him which he is expected to take at the Market price.

21. Ordered that the Commons Attornies contract with Mr Edward Bird, plumber, to cover the roof of the Guildhall, provided he compleat the whole before Session.

1797 Augt 24. Richard Williams, of Maendy in the parish of Llantrisant, farmer, admitted Burgess or Freeman.

Septr 22 Friday. Ordered that Notice be given to the several Persons hereunder named to quit their respective holdings at the expiration of the present Year:—
Thomas Jones, house in High Street.
Henry Lewis, clerk, fields near the Dobbin Pits.
Jacob Jenkin, house on the Little Heath.
John Evans, the tolls.
Edward Rowland, the Rose and Crown.
Lionel Stibbs, the Weigh House.
Ricket Willet, shop under the Hall steps.

"John Richards Esqr Constable of the Castle having proposed to remove the present Market House the same being very inconvenient & in a ruinous state, & towards the expence of such removal hath agreed to give a certain Messuage or Tenement in the possession of Thomas Leyson situate in the Middle Row near the East Gate to be sold & the Money arising by such Sale to be laid out in building a New Market House in such place as shall hereafter be determined upon It is Ordered that such proposal be accepted of."

Thomas Morgan, glazier, and Thomas Stibbs, cordwainer, both of Cardiff, sworn Assistants or Capital Burgesses, by the Bailiffs.

29. Henry Hollier and John Hussey were sworn Bailiffs in the Castle by the Constable, and Richard Price and Edward Bird Serjeants at Mace.

1797 October 31 Tuesday. "Ordered that the Commons Attornies pay the Town Clerk the Sum of Sixty four pounds being the Ballance of his Bill for Attending Parliament on the Glamorganshire Canal Bill on behalf of the Corporation."

1798 September 28 Friday. Charles Williams, of Cardiff, currier, sworn Assistant or Capital Burgess; Thomas Thomas was elected an Alderman vice Thomas Sweet, deceased; and Richard Price Assistant or Capital Burgess.

"Henry Hollier Esquire this Day, on behalf of The Marquess of Bute, proposes taking a Lease of the Messuage or Dwelling House with its appurtenances in the Occupation of Arthur Tanner, the Ditch & old Town Wall extending from the North Gate to the East Gate, the Waste by the side of the Pound to the Canal Bridge on both sides the Road, the Cottage and Field now in the Occupation of Mrs Minnitt her Undertenants or Assigns, the Cottage & Field in the occupation of Jacob Jenkins, and the Field & Waste occupied by Henry Lewis Clerk his Undertenants or Assigns, at the Rent hereafter to be fixed by a Surveyor on behalf of the Corporation."

29. Bloom Williams and James Capper sworn Bailiffs by the Constable in the Castle. Lionel Stibbs and John Owen sworn Serjeants at Mace.

The Minutes about this time are extremely meagre, there being generally but one or two Council Meetings a year, at which only a couple of Minutes were passed.

1799 Septr 29. William Prichard and Henry Hollier sworn Bailiffs before the Constable in the Castle. Edward Thomas and William Jenkins, Serjeants at Mace.

"Inspected. Jas Jones. 14th Octr 1799."

These appointments are the only entries for the current year.

1800 Septr 29. Bloom Williams and John Hussey sworn Bailiffs before the Constable in the Castle. William Stibbs and William John, Serjeants at Mace.

Novr 5. "This Court having taken into Consideration the proposed inclosure of the Great and Little Heaths and conceiving it will be for the benefit of the Corporation that the same should be carried into Execution do hereby appoint John Richards Esqr Constable of the Castle Bloom Williams and John Hussey Esqrs Bailiffs and John Wood Gentn Town Clerk to be a Committee for the purposes aforesaid and to treat with such persons as shall be necessary and to do all such Acts as shall be useful for obtaining a proper proportion of the said Heaths for the Use of the said Corporation and do hereby Authorize the said Town Clerk to take such steps as he shall deem necessary for obtaining an Act for the purposes aforesaid And we do hereby agree to approve of and ratify such Terms or Agreements as they shall obtain or agree to on behalf of the said Corporation and do hereby direct the said Town Clerk to affix our Common Seal hereto.

Alexr Wilson
Tho. Morgan
Thos Stibbs
Chas Williams
Rd Price."
John Richards
B. Williams
John Hussey
Powell Edwards
Will. Prichard
Edwd Thomas
Hugh Whiteing
Thos Thomas

1801 February 14 Saturday. "The Town Clerk having produced a Petition to the Honorable the House of Commons for leave to bring in a Bill to inclose the Great and little Heaths and the same being approved of, Ordered that the Common Seal be affixed thereto, and that the Right Honorable Lord Evelyn Stuart our Member be requested to present the same."

Septr 3. Thursday. John Wood junior, gentleman, and Thomas Jones, cordwainer, both of Cardiff, sworn Burgesses or Freemen.

29th Tuesday. Henry Hollier and Hugh Whiting sworn Bailiffs in like manner as before; and Thomas Jones and John Evans Serjeants at Mace.

The Constables for the East Ward sworn on this occasion were John Turberville and William Rugg.

N.B.—From this point on not every admission of a Burgess will be noted here.

1802 September 1. "At a Court of Common Council duly summoned assembled and held for the said Town in the Council Chamber of the said Town We whose Names are hereunto subscribed being the Majority then and there present Do Disfranchise oust and remove John Wood the Elder an Assistant or Capital Burgess of this Town of and from his said Office of Assistant or Capital Burgess and Burgess of the said Town and do hereby make null and void his title and Claim to the said Offices and to each and every of them, the said John Wood also consenting thereto."

[11 signatures, including J. Wood.]

Next follow similar forms of disfranchisement of William Prichard, Alderman and Burgess; John Bird senior, Burgess; William Evans, victualler, Burgess; William Morgan, Burgess; John Purcel, Burgess.

29th Wednesday. Bloom Williams and Thomas Thomas sworn Bailiffs, and John Purcel and Thomas John, Serjeants at Mace, in like manner as before.

"Cardiff Town to wit. On Thursday the 30th day of September 1802 In Open Court at the Court of our Sovereign Lord the King held for the said Town William Morgan of the said Town Porter of the Castle of Cardiff, John Purcell of the said Town Cordwainer John Wood the Elder of the said Town Gentleman John Bird the Elder of the said Town Cordwainer William Evans of the said Town Victualler and John Davies of the said Town Carpenter were severally admitted and sworn Burgesses of the said Town before Bloom Williams and Thomas Thomas Esquires Bailiffs of the said Town."

November 11. William Prichard senior, of Cardiff, gentleman, admitted and sworn a Burgess.

"Cardiff Town to wit. At a Court of Bailiffs Aldermen and Assistants of the said Town held at the Guildhall of the said Town on Saturday the 20th Day of November 1802 duly summoned and Assembled to proceed on the Public business of the said Town.

"The Inhabitants of the Parish of Saint Marys having applied for leave, at their own expence to take down the South Gate, and part of the Town Wall for the purpose of making a New and convenient Road thro' the same, and they undertaking to build a Quoin on the East side, and to make good the end of the old Wall from whence the Gate is taken, for the benefit of the Corporation: Ordered that they be permitted so to do."

William Prichard senior is re-elected Assistant or Capital Burgess, in the vacancy created by his own resignation.

"Cardiff Town to wit. On Tuesday the 28th day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred and two. Powell Edwards Clerk the Elder Alderman of the said Town was sworn in a Justice of the Peace for the said Town before John Richards Esq. Constable of the Castle of Cardiff.

On the same day and year Henry Hollier Esqr was Sworn in Bailiff of the said Town in the room of Bloom Williams Esq: dece'd by the same John Richards Esqr Constable of the Castle of Cardiff."

1803 March 12. "Resolved that the Town Clerk do prepare an Address to his Majesty from the said Town and its Contributory Boroughs on the timely discovery of the Wicked & traitorous designs against his Majestys Person and forthwith proceed to get the same signed by the sev1 Bailiffs Portreeves and Burgesses of the said Boroughs and request our Member to present the same."

[5 signatures.]

May 18. William Richards, of Cardiff, gentleman, sworn Assistant or Capital Burgess.

"Whereas the Most Honorable the Marquess of Bute hath applied to the Bailiffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses to repay him the Sum of Four Hundred and fifty two pounds thirteen shillings and Nine pence advanced and lent by him on the 22d Day of July 1789 together with Interest thereon amounting in the whole to the Sum of Seven hundred and fifty pounds and upwards which the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses are unable to do without a sale of part of their Estates It is proposed that Mr Brown Surveyor mark out such part of the Great Heath as hath lately been allotted to the sd Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses under an Act of Parliament for enclosing the Great and Little Heaths as he shall think most advisable and shall be sufficient for the payment thereof, and It is Ordered that the same be forthwith sold either by private contract or public auction as the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses shall think proper and that as soon as the Money arising by the sale of such Lands shall be received that the said Sum of £750 & upwards be forthwith paid the said Marquess of Bute.

"Mr Wood the Town Clerk having been instrumental and indefatigable in procuring the said Inclosure Act and the Allotments made the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses thereunder and having applied and proposed the purchase of a Cottage and two small ffields called Cae-pwdur and Cuthroat now held by him by Lease under the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses and also Twelve acres and thirty Perches of Land part of such allotment and now in the Occupation of the said John Wood situate on the little Heath and Mr Brown the Surveyor having valued the same on behalf of the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses at the sum of One Hundred and Ninety eight pounds which the said John Wood hath agreed to give for the same: Ordered that a Conveyance be made to the said John Wood on payment of the said Sum of £198, in ffee, and that the Corporation Seal be affixed thereto."

John Wood senior elected Assistant or Capital Burgess, on his own resignation of that office.

The Lease which on 5 May 1794 was to have been granted William Prichard, and which was ordered to be granted to John Blannin, is now granted to William Taitt, of Cardiff, esquire.

"Ordered that Mr Brown take an Actual Survey and Map and Value the Lands on both Heaths allotted the Corporation under the Inclosure Act and that when the same is so compleated that the Town Clerk advertise and sell the same by Auction together or seperate and that the Monies arising by such Sale be invested on Government Securities for the benefit of the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses in their Corporate Capacity.

"A Plan and Estimate for making a Market House under the Town Hall having been produced by John Davies Carpenter (Elevation) It is approved of and the Estimate of £210: Ordered that the Bailiffs contract with the said John Davies for making the same and that the Town Clerk prepare a contract accordingly.

"Ordered that the Old Market House be sold by Auction by the Bailiffs when they shall think proper."

William Prichard senior is re-elected an Alderman, after his resignation and disfranchisement.

Septr 15. Thursday. Nathaniel French, tailor, John Thackwell, watchmaker, and Stephen Todd, mariner, all of Cardiff, were severally admitted and sworn Burgesses.

1803 September 23. The Most Honorable the Marquess of Bute, on his own behalf and also on behalf of the Right Honorable the Earl of Dumfries, having applied to the Corporation to exchange certain Houses and Lands as herein after particularly mentioned, previous to their sale, and the same having been viewed and appraised by Thomas Brown of Luton Esqre on behalf of the Marquess of Bute, and by Mr Thomas Morgan on behalf of the Corporation: Ordered that the said Marquess of Bute and Earl of Dumfries be accordingly accommodated, and that the Town Clerk prepare the necessary Deeds of Exchange and affix the Corporation Seal thereto.

Proposed Exchange.

Corporation agree to give Lord Bute

Waste near Cardiff Arms, valued at £30 0. 0
2 Houses in North Gate, 13 & 112. 125. 0. 0
Coal Yard 62. 10. 0
Waste before Cathays &c. 90. 0. 0
Stepaside Cot 35. 0. 0
2 ffields near Cathays 254. 5. 6
Waste behind Cathays &c. 68. 0. 0
Lands at Cross Buchan &c. 88. 7. 6
Waste by Mile Stone &c. 26. 5. 0
Town Ditch in White ffryars 30. 0. 0
809. 8. 0

Lord But agrees to give the Corporation

Spring Garden & field 147. 15. 0
Spital House & field 200. 0. 0
2 Houses in Middle Row 128. 0. 0
Allottment on Little Heath 275. 0. 0
Old Ruins in Smith Street 28. 5. 0
779. 0. 0

Corporation agree to give Lord Bute and Lord

Saunders House 96. 15. 0
Waste near Old Mill 1. 12. 0
3 Houses out of West Gate 69. 0. 0
Kays House 205. 4. 0
Waste near the Castle Mount 36. 5. 0
Centry House 22. 0. 0
430. 16. 0

Lord Bute and Lord Dumfries agree to give the

2 ffields let to Bradley 335. 8. 0
Allotment Gallows Field 125. 16. 0
461. 4. 0

The Corporation agreed to exchange with Mr Wood, receiving from him certain lands he had purchased on the Great Heath under the Inclosure Act, and conveying to him lands on the Little Heath called their first allotment. The lands so received in exchange from Mr Wood were ordered to be sold by the Corporation to Colonel Capper.

1803 September 28. Mr Hollier received a conveyance of " Spring Garden & Field, Spital House and ffield and the Old Ruin in Smith Street."

1803 Septr 29. John Wood the elder, Thomas Morgan, glazier, and Henry Williams, mercer, were severally sworn Aldermen before John Richards, esquire, Constable of the Castle.

On the same day James Capper and William Prichard were both sworn Bailiffs in the Castle by the said Constable.

1804 Septr 29. Henry Hollier and Thomas Morgan sworn Bailiffs as above.

1805 March 14 Thursday. In Open Court, &c. Thomas Dalton, victualler, was admitted and sworn a Freeman.
Inspected by Wm Ody.

1805 Sepr 30 Monday (Michaelmas Day being on Sunday). James Capper and Thomas Thomas were sworn Bailiffs, and John Purcel and William Owen Serjeants at Mace, as above.

1806 April 22 Thursday. Thomas Morgan alderman was sworn in Bailiff by the Constable in the Castle, in the room of Thomas Thomas deceased.

June 19. Thursday. Frederick Wood, of Cardiff, Lieutenant, 11th Light Dragoons, and the Revd Cradock Nowell, of Lanvigan in the county of Brecon, were admitted and sworn Freemen.

1806 Septr 25 Thursday. Thomas New, esquire, Captain in his Majesty's Royal Navy, and William Morgan, of Cardiff, gentleman, were admitted and sworn Freemen.

29th Henry Hollier and Henry Williams were sworn Bailiffs.

1807 Septr 24 Thursday. Robert Savours, of Cowbridge, gentleman, was admitted and sworn a Freeman.

29th James Capper and Thomas Morgan were sworn Bailiffs.

1808 January 14 Thursday. Nicholl Wood, of Cardiff, gentleman, admitted and sworn a Freeman.

Septr 29 Thursday. Henry Hollier and William Prichard were sworn Bailiffs.

1809 July 1 Saturday. The Church Yard belonging to the Parish Church of Saint Johns being too small for the use of the Parish, & the Parishioners having applied to the Corporation to grant the small piece of Land adjoining the Church Yard, containing about 193 yards: Ordered that the Town Clerk prepare a Conveyance thereof to the said Parish for the considn of 1s. & annex the Corporation Seal thereto.

Septr 29 Friday. James Capper and Thomas Morgan sworn Bailiffs.

1810 Augt 27 Monday. Whereas for the safety of the Navigation of the Port of Cardiff it is deemed necessary to lay two Buoys in the River Taff to the Westward of the Sea Lock: Ordered that such Buoys be immediately procured as Mr Alderman Prichard shall direct and that the expence thereof be paid by the Commons Attornies.
Mr J. Wood took a conveyance of "the remainder of the Heath Lands" at £12 per acre, reserving thereout the Race Ground.
James Evans, of Landaff, M.A., is appointed Teacher of the Wells Charity School, by a Court of Aldermen this day held.
Septr 20. Evan David, of Fairwater, farmer, and Thomas Watkins, of Cardiff, maltster, admitted and sworn Freemen.

Septr 29 Saturday. Henry Hollier and Hugh Whiteing sworn Bailiffs.

Novr 1 Thursday. Richard Evans, of Tynypark, Whitchurch, farmer, admitted and sworn a Freeman.

1811 June 10 Monday. Mr Hollier took a Conveyance of a part of the Heath Lands near Rhydlydan.
The purchase money of Mr Wood's lands is to be invested in the purchase of Rumney Bridge and Cardiff Turnpike Deed Polls.
Mr Wood and Mr Hollier took a conveyance of the Race Ground, subject to the conditions that the same shall be thrown open for three successive weeks in each year, so long as the races shall continue to be held, on their having fourteen days notice from the Steward or Clerk of the Course; and not to plough or break up the same into tillage.

Septr 30 Monday. James Capper and Thomas Morgan sworn Bailiffs.

Freemen admitted this year:—
Pethuel Whiteing, chandler.
John Winstone, tailor.
Philip Lewis, cordwainer.
Richard Neave Parris, of Longcross House, esqe
Howell Harris, of Treraig in the Parish of Llantrissent, farmer.
William Glascott, sadler.
John Jones, clerk.
James Cowper, of Cathays, clerk.
Thomas Bourne, esqe
Edward Windsor Richards, of Landaff, esqe
John Davies, Comptroller.
William Bowen, yeoman.
Samuel Dimond, baker.
Philip Woolcott, innkeeper.
Evan Leyshon, shoemaker.
Edward David, of Fairwater, farmer.
Edward Lewis, of Cayra, farmer.

1811 Novr 28 Thursday. On consideration of the following letter received:—

"To the Worshipful the Bailiffs and Corporation of the Borough of Cardiff.

The Marquess of Bute having no convenient seat in St John's Church Cardiff is desirous of obtaining the Isle called the Aldermans Isle for this purpose, and begs leave to apply to the Corporation for the indulgence of converting it into such. Should the Corporation therefore kindly listen to the request, it may remain as heretofore the place of interment for the Aldermen; whilst the Marquess of Bute will engage at his own expence to keep up and support in good repair the above Isle.


Cardiff. 26 November 1811."

The above being read by the Town Clerk: Ordered that he wait upon the Noble Marquess and inform him the Corporation will affix their Seal to any licence or demise the Marquess may require.

Mr Thomas Morgan took a lease of "the Cocks Tower & the Town Walls in the Hayes" for the term of 42 years at 5s. per annum rent.

1812. Freemen admitted:—

Frederick Jones, of Bristol, Attorney at Law.
Richard Jenkins, mercer.
Robert Thomas, yeoman.
John David, smith.

1812 Septr 29. Henry Hollier and William Prichard sworn Bailiffs.

1813 Septr 29. James Capper and Thomas Morgan sworn Bailiffs.

1814 Septr 29. Henry Hollier and Thomas Morgan sworn Bailiffs, in the Castle of Cardiff, by John Culbert, Deputy Constable to John Richards, esquire, Constable of the Castle; who at the same time and place swore in Evan Leyshon and John Winstone as Serjeants at Mace.

The form for recording the swearing in of the Ward Constables has no names filled in.

Octr 13. Edward Priest Richards, gentleman, admitted and sworn a Freeman.

Novr 16. The Commons Attorneys were ordered to purchase a pump of Mr Bramall's construction and erect the same opposite the County Gaol at the pine end of the houses belonging to the Corporation, held by Mrs Mary Jones; the present pump under the Town Hall being found inconvenient to the inhabitants.

Ordered that Old Pump now under the Town Hall be presented by the Corporation to the parishes of St Johns and St Marys to be by them erected in such part of the Town as they shall think proper.

Whereas some person or persons have enclosed or taken in part of the Whitmore Lane being the Old Road to the Town of Cardiff, Ordered that the Commons Attorneys remove such enclosure the same being also a Nuisance.

1815 January 5 Thursday. Henry Hollier the younger, of Adams Down, esquire, and John Harris, of Tyclyd, gentleman, were severally admitted and sworn Freemen.
Inspected by Wm Ody.

June 30 Friday. "The Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses waited upon the Most Honorable the Marquess of Bute and Dumfries Lord of the Borough and by their Recorder William Nicholl Esquire congratulated him on his arrival and first appearance in this Borough as Lord thereof and were by him most graciously received."

July 20 Thursday. There being a Charity School established for the Education of the poor Children of this Town and others, and the Most Noble the Marquess of Bute being appointed the President and the Bailiffs of this Town for the time being Vice Presidents thereof; and for the purposes of establishing and supporting the same and erecting School rooms for that purpose a Subscription has been entered into, the Corporation taking the same into consideration have agreed to demise a certain spot or Ruin belonging to the said Corporation situate in the Town of Cardiff being on the South side of a lane called Porridge Lane and bounded on the East by a certain lane leading to the Hayes and on the West by a garden formerly belonging to Mary Williams spinster and now to Mr Bentley; and on the North by a certain lane called Hewl y cawl, and on the South by Knockers Hole and Baker's Row and containing about — for the term of 42 years at the yearly rent of 6d.; the same to be granted the President and Vice Presidents for the time being for the use of the said School. And for aiding and assisting the said subscription the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses have agreed to subscribe the sum of £300 towards the building of the said School rooms, and the further sum of £20 per annum toward supporting the said School; to be paid by the Commons Attorneys to such persons and in the same manner as other subscriptions are paid for the purposes aforesaid.

Henry Hollier
Tho: Morgan
Alexr Wilson
Thos Morgan
Thomas Jones
Nath. French
Jno Bradley
William Morgan
Samuel Dimond
Philip Woolcott.

Augt 31. Nathaniel French the younger, linen draper, admitted and sworn a Freeman.

Cardiff Town to wit. County of Glamorgan.
On Thursday the 17th Day of August 1815. Nicholl Wood of the Town of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan Esquire having produced an instrument under the hand and Seal of the Most Noble John Marquess of Bute Lord of the Borough bearing date the eighteenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and fifteen appointing the said Nicholl Wood Town Clerk of the said Town of Cardiff so long as he shall well justly and honestly demean himself in his said Office. He was accordingly Sworn in Town Clerk of the said Town of Cardiff before Thomas Morgan Esquire Bailiff of the said Town.

Septr 28 Thursday. Thomas Morgan the younger, gentleman, and Henry Morgan, scrivener, severally admitted and sworn Freemen.

29th "John Wood the elder and Thomas Morgan esquires were [in the Castle of Cardiff (fn. 1) ] both nominated elected and Chosen according to annual Custom Bailiffs of the said Town of Cardiff.

"The same day and at the same place Nathaniel French the younger and Henry Morgan were nominated elected and chosen Serjeants at Mace of the said Town."

This year four Constables were elected to each of the four Wards.

Cardiff Town, to wit. On Wednesday the 25th day of October 1815, John Wood the Elder and Thomas Morgan Esquire having been previously nominated elected and Chosen according to annual Custom were this day both Sworn (in the Castle of Cardiff) into the Office of Bailiffs of the said Town of Cardiff by John Richards Esquire Constable of the Castle.

"The same day and at the same place Nathaniel French the younger and Henry Morgan having been previously nominated elected and Chosen were Sworn into the Office of Serjeants at Mace of the said Town by the said John Richards Esquire Constable of the Castle of the said Town of Cardiff."

Next follows the usual record of two Constables appointed and sworn to each Ward, the names being in each case two of the four chosen as above mentioned.

1816 Feby. 1 Thursday. Joseph Wheeler, architect, and William Barrett, innkeeper, were admitted and sworn Freemen.

May 10 Friday. "The old Quay in Saint Mary's Parish" was let to Mr Joseph Davies, for 42 years at five guineas per annum, he having "laid out a considerable sum of money in making very considerable buildings thereon."

Mr James Parry having incroached on the Town Wall in Saint Mary's parish by erecting a Chimney on the same: Ordered that the Town Clerk apply to Mr Parry for a nominal annual rent of 1s. by way of acknowledgment for such incroachment and in Case of Mr Parrys refusal that the Town Clerk report the same to this Court.

There being many nuisances committed by persons laying down various articles on the land belonging to the Corporation on the east side of the Glamorganshire Canal: Ordered that the Common Attornies do immediately give notice to the several persons trespassing to remove the several nuisances and that they do erect a Wall of the height of four feet on the boundary between the lands belonging to the Corporation and the Canal.

Mr Thomas Charles was granted a lease of "that part of the Corporation land which is between his field & the Canal & the piece up to the Old Lime Kiln," for 42 years at two guineas per annum.

Ordered that the ancient [Pump (fn. 2) ] Well in Crockherbtown be opened and that the Commons Attorneys be directed to erect a suitable Pump there forthwith.

Ordered that the Town Clerk apply to Colonel Capper for payment of the purchase money & interest for the land he was to have had of the Corporation or that he give up possession of the Land to the Corporation forthwith.

The Parishioners having applied to this Meeting thro' the medium of the Town Clerk to reopen the ancient Well near the Town Hall: Ordered that the Commons Attorneys be directed to open the same under the Town Hall Eastern Stair Case.

1816 June 6 Thursday.
The Town Clerk having reported to this Court that the address ordered at the last Court to be presented to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent upon the late Marriage of the Princess Charlotte had been drawn up and approved of and signed by the several members of the Contributory Boroughs and that the Member for the Borough was out of the Kingdom for the benefit of his health and was prevented attending to present the same: Resolved that the Honorable Mr Stuart be requested to present the same in the absence of the Member

It appearing to this Court that the address to her Majesty & congratulations to the Princess Charlotte & Prince Leopold were in the Opinion of our Steward William Nicholl Esqr unnecessary the object being contained in the above-mentioned address: Ordered that the Order of the last Court so far as related to the same be rescinded.

Septr 26 Thursday. William Jenkins, scrivener, was admitted and sworn a Freeman.

Septr 29 Sunday. Edward Thomas and John Wood junior were nominated, elected and chosen Bailiffs "according to Annual Custom." Serjeants at Mace the like.

Four Constables were again chosen for each Ward.

Next day Bailiff Wood and the Serjeants were sworn in before the Constable at the Castle, as also were an Alderman and a Capital Burgess.

" The same day Thomas Charles Gentleman was sworn in Alderman of the said Town before John Richards Esquire Constable of the Castle of the said Town.

"Nicholl Wood Gentleman was also Sworn in an Assistant or Capital Burgess of the said Town before John Richards Esquire Constable of the Castle of the said Town."

Bailiff Thomas was similarly sworn on 1 October, on which day two Constables were sworn for each Ward.

Further Admissions of Freemen or Burgesses.

Nicholas Hook, mariner. October 10 Thursday.
William Prichard, maltster. Nov. 21 Thursday.
Peter Taylor Walker, of Great Portland Street in the county of Middlesex, esq. Next day he was made an Assistant or Capital Burgess (12 Decr) in the room of Philip Woolcott who was then disfranchised by consent; and Alderman in the room of James Capper, esq., who had removed to some place unknown and was therefore disfranchised. Mr Walker was sworn, both as Assistant and Alderman, before the Constable of Cardiff Castle.

Afterwards, on the same day, Mr Woolcott was again elected an Assistant or Capital Burgess, and sworn before the Constable of the Castle.

At the same time Ordered that the Town Clerk take the necessary Steps to recover the possession of the Corporation lands late in the Occupation of James Capper, esquire.

Resolved that the Corporation subscribe the sum of Twenty Guineas to the Society for the relief of the labouring Classes of the Poor within this Town.

1817 Feby. 20 Thursday. The Town Clerk having received a letter from Mr Bailiff Wood (who is in attendance for the Corporation on the Sworn exemption Bill) recommending the Corporation to Subscribe the Sum of One Hundred Pounds towards the fund for promoting the objects of the Bill now before Parliament which if obtained will materially benefit this Town: Resolved that the Corporation Subscribe £100 accordingly.

Cardiff Town
to wit

At a Court of Bailiffs Aldermen and Assistants of the said Town holden at the Guildhall of the said Town on Wednesday the 18th day of June 1817 duly summoned and assembled to proceed upon the business of the said Town

Having received an instrument bearing date the 11th day of June 1817 under the Hand and Seal of the Most Honorable John Chrichton Stuart Marquis of Bute and Earl of Dumfries, Lord of the Borough of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan appointing Peter Taylor Walker of Great Portland Street in the County of Middlesex Esqe Constable of the Castle of Cardiff, the said Peter Taylor Walker was accordingly sworn into the said office on this day before us
Edwd Thomas
John Wood.

"Ordered that a piece of plate of the value of One Hundred Guineas with a suitable inscription be presented to John Richards Esqre the late Constable as a mark of the very high esteem and respect in which he is held by the Marquess of Bute and by this Corporation and of the sense they have of his constant attention to the interests of the Corporation during a period of twenty five years in which he has filled the Situation of Constable of the Castle One Half of the amount thereof being defrayed by his Lordship & the other Half by the Corporation & that the present Constable of the Castle be requested to procure the same."

The Corporation with great trouble regained possession of the house formerly in the occupation of Mrs Jones of the Longcross. It was ordered to be pulled down.

June 18. Mr John Richards, late Constable of the Castle, was elected Alderman in the room of Peter Taylor Walker, lately appointed such Constable. (Mr. Richards appears to have declined, and Thomas Morgan was elected instead.)

July 2 Wednesday. Several Aldermen elected at a previous Meeting now resigned, on it appearing that, owing to there not having been a majority of the then Aldermen present at such previous Meeting, the elections were invalid. They were therefore re-elected and appointed in due form.

Ordered that Messrs. French & Jones be directed by the Common Attorney to provide gowns for the Several Members of the Corporation suitable to their respective ranks.

Mr Bailiff Wood having desired that the accounts of his late father and his own should be settled by the Corporation, after being inspected by professional accountants, it was ordered that the sum found to be due to him should be paid out of the first moneys that should come to the hands of the Common Attorney.

1817 Septr 22 Monday. Messrs. French having produced their Bills for the Corporation Gowns agreeably to Order amounting to the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Six pounds twelve shillings: Ordered that the Common Attorney pay Mr French the same by assigning to him Rumney Deed Polls to the amount of Two Hundred and fifty Pounds and the remaining Sum in Cash.

Ordered that the Town Clerk procure translations of the Several Charters of this Town & also a Copy & translation of the Charter of King James the Second and that the Town Clerk have the Several translations copied in a book for the inspection & use of the Common Counsel & that the Common Attorney be directed to pay the Town Clerk for the Same.

The Subscribers of the Charity School having abandoned their original rules and institutions and removed the Bailiffs as Vice Presidents: Ordered that the Subscription of the Corporation be withdrawn and that the donation be also withheld.

Ordered that the Corporation Subscribe the additional Sum of ten Guineas for a Town Plate at the ensuing Cardiff Races.

Septr 29 Monday. William Prichard and Thomas Charles were sworn Bailiffs at the Castle by the Constable, together with the two Serjeants at Mace.

Octr 4. Edward Priest Richards chosen Assistant or Capital Burgess, in the room of Thomas Stibbs resigned.

9th Thursday. The two Constables selected for each Ward were sworn in Open Court. (This circumstance had not been mentioned in previous records.)


  • 1. Words in brackets struck out.
  • 2. Struck out.