House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 02-05 April 1571

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 02-05 April 1571', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 02-05 April 1571', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 02-05 April 1571". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


In this section

The THIRD PARLIAMENT of our most gracious Sovereign Lady ELIZABETH, by the Grace of God, Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. begun and holden at the City of Westmynster, upon Monday, being the Second Day of April, in the Thirteenth Year of her Majesty's most happy and prosperous Reign, 1571.

Parliament meets.

AT which Day, about Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, the Queen's Highness, with the Lords and Bishops in Parliament Robes, did ride from her Majesty's Palace at Whitehall to Westminster Church, and there heard a Sermon ; during which Time the Right honourable the Lord Clynton, High Admiral of England, accompanied with divers others of her Majesty's Most honourable Privy Council, that is to say, Sir Francis Knolles Knight, Treasurer of her Highness's Most honourable Household, Sir James Crofts Knight, Comptroller of the same, Sir Rauff Sadleir Knight, Chancellor of her Majesty's Duchy of Lancaster, Sir Walter Mildmay Knight, Chancellor of her Highness's Court of Exchequer, and Sir Thomas Smythe Knight, repaired into the Lower House of Parliament: and there, in the Presence and Hearing of a great Number of the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, of the same Parliament assembled, the said Lord Clynton signified, that the Queen's Majesty had called and appointed him to be Lord Steward of her Highness's Most honourable Household, to continue during her Majesty's Pleasure; which being likewise so affirmed and testified by the said others of her Highness's Most honourable Privy Council, the said Lord Steward then further declared, that he then and there did name, constitute, and authorize, the said Sir Francis Knolles, Sir James Crofts, Sir Rauf Sadleir, Sir Walter Myldmay, and Sir Thomas Smythe, Knights, to be his Deputies for and in the Ministring of the Oath to all and singular the Knights of the Shires, Citizens of Cities, Burgesses of Boroughs, and Barons of the Ports, returned and to be returned for that present Parliament, according to the Form of the Statute in that Behalf lately made and provided. And immediately thereupon the said Lord Steward, and his Deputies, did then and there minister the said Oath to all such of the said Knights, Citizens, Burgesses and Barons, as then were there present, accordingly: Which done, the Sermon ended, and the Queen's Majesty set in her Royal Seat in the Higher House of Parliament, the Commons standing at the lower End of the Chamber, the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England learnedly and briefly declared the Causes of calling the said Parliament; and so in the End willed them to repair into their House, and there, after their accustomed Manner, to chuse of Themselves an apt and fit Man to be their Speaker, and to present him to the Queen's Majesty on the Wednesday next following, in the Afternoon. Whereupon the said Commons immediately resorted to their Common House ;

Mr. Wray chosen Speaker.

and being there assembled, the Right Worshipful Mr. Christopher Wray Esquire, One of the Queen's Majesty's Servients at Law, was, by the first Motion and Nomination of the said Mr. Treasurer, with one Voice of the whole House, chosen to be Speaker, and placed in the Chair, notwithstanding his Allegations of disabling himself, and humble Request for their proceeding to a new Election.

Mr. Speaker approved.

And, upon the Wednesday following in the Afternoon, Mr. Speaker was presented unto the Queen's Majesty; who sitting in her Royal Seat, and allowing and confirming the Election, (after his Oration made, and ordinary Petitions granted) the said Lord Keeper willed him, with the Residue, to repair to the Common House, there to deliberate and consult upon the Making of such good and wholsome Laws, as might tend to the Advancement of God's Glory, the Preservation and Safety of the Queen's Majesty, and the Commonwealth of this Realm of England. And thereupon the said Mr. Speaker and Commons went into the said Lower House; and being there set, was read, —

Attending Church.

1. — The Bill concerning coming to the Church, and Receiving of the Communion. — The first Reading.

Prayers in the House.

It is agreed, upon the Motion of Mr. Speaker, that the Litany shall be said every Day in this House during this Parliament, as in the last was used; and also a Prayer by Mr. Speaker, such as he shall think fittest for this Time, to be begun every Day at half Hour after Eight of the Clock in the Morning; and that each one of this House, then making Default, shall forfeit for every Time 4d. to the Poor-mens Box.

Jovis, quinto Aprilis, 1571

Strangers committed for entering the House.

Thomas Clarke, and Anthony Bull, of the Inner Temple in London, Gentlemen, were by this House committed to the Serjeant's Ward, until further Order should be taken with them ; for that they presumed to enter into this House, and were no Members of the same, as themselves, at the Bar, confessed.

Call of the House, &c.

This Day the House was called ; and thereupon Edward Lewkenor, John Bullock, Nicholas Plumtree, Edward Goodwyn, and John Garnons, Gentlemen, are commanded to attend the Order of this House To-morrow next; for that the House being this Day called, they had entered into the House, and were not, as then, returned by the Clerk of the Crown, except Garnons, whose Case is, for that he is said to be excommunicate.