House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 07 November 1640

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 07 November 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 07 November 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 07 November 1640". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Sabbati, 7 Novem.


Petition against Holford.

THE humble Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Leicester.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Rich. Holford shall be sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attendant on this House.

Romney Writ.

Mr. Warrick, elected for Radnor and Romney, chooses to serve for Radnor, and waves Romney.

Ordered, A Warrant to issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for the Electing of another Baron, to serve in this Parliament in the Room and Stead of the said Mr. Warrick aforesaid.

Bills depending.

A Catalogue of the Bills of the Three last Sessions of Parliament, to be brought here on Monday next, by the Clerk.

Tillage, &c.

1a vice lecta, An Act concerning the Conversion of Tillage into Pasture.

Records of the House.

Mr. Glinne, Mr. Hampden, Sir Tho. Bowyer, Mr. Pimme, Sir Walther Earle, Mr. Rowse;

This Committee, or any Four of them, are to peruse the Journals and Records of this House, and to see what State they are in: And are to meet this Afternoon, in the Committee-chamber, and so every Saturday, at Four of Clock, during this Parliament.

This Committee is also to consider of some certain Place, for the constant keeping of the Records of this House.

Tillage, &c.

Ordered, That the Bill for Conversion of Tillage into Pasture, shall not be the Second time read, but in a full House.

Jennings' Petition.

The humble Petition of Alexander Jennings read; referred to be considered of, till more Petitions of the like Nature shall be exhibited.

Proceedings concerning Bastwick, &c.

The humble Petition of Susannah Bastwick read.

The humble Petition of Sarah Burton read.

Upon the Reading of these Petitions, it was, upon the Question,

Resolved, That Mr. Henry Burton and Mr. John Bastwick shall be sent for forthwith, by Warrant of this House, to prosecute their Business here: And to this Purpose it was ordered, that a Warrant, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, should be directed respectively to those that have them in Custody; to send them up hither forthwith, in safe Custody; and withal to certify this House, by whose Warrant and Authority they are detained.

Fast Day.

Sir Tho. Roe, One of the Committees for preparing a Message to the Lords, for a Fast, reported from the Committee, out of a Paper, in hæc verba, viz.

My Lords,

The Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, of the House of Commons, having taken into serious Consideration the weighty Occasions of this Assembly of Parliament, concerning the true [Worship] of Almighty God, the Safety and Welfare of the King [and this whole Realm]; and well knowing the right Way to obtain a blessed [Issue thereof is, to implore] the Divine Assistance, the Fountain of all Wisdom and Unity, to direct them in all their Consultations, by One Days Solemn Humiliation in Fasting and Prayer; have commanded us, in Confidence of your Lordships great Piety, to desire you, that you would be pleased to join with them to move his Majesty, for his gracious Allowance of so holy a Preparation to the important Affairs of both Houses of Parliament: Which being first begun and done here, as a great Example, that he would be farther pleased to appoint another Day, for a general Fast through the whole Kingdom, in such seasonable Time as shall seem to his Wisdom most convenient.

Resolved, upon the Question, That a Message shall be sent to the Lords, according to the Meaning and Substance of the Paper now read; and the Message to be carried up to the Lords, by Sir Th. Roe, accompanied with such of the House as shall please to go.

Norwich Election.

Mr. Maynard reports from the Committee for Privileges, that Two Indentures are returned for the City of Norwich; in the One, Mr. Harman and Mr. Catalyn are returned; and in the other, Mr. Harman and Mr. Tooly are returned.- The Sheriff annexeth a Schedule, wherein he saith, that Mr. Tooly was a Citizen and Freeman, inhabiting there in the City; and Mr. Catalyn was a Freeman, inhabiting in the County of Norfolk, but not in the City. He returneth Mr. Harman and Mr. Catalyn, but with this Caution, that if they be not duly chosen, then he returneth Mr. Harman and Mr. Tooly. The Opinion of the Committee is, that Mr. Harman and Mr. Catalyn are well elected, and well returned, to serve as the Two Citizens for the City of Norwich; and that the other Indenture ought to be taken off the File.

They took into Consideration the Punishing of the Sheriff; yet, because there appeared no Corruption or Practice in the Managing of this Election, they passed that Point by.

Upon this Report, it was

Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Harman and Mr. Catalyn are well elected, and well returned. to serve for Burgesses in this present Parliament for the City of Norwich; and therefore are ordered to be presently admitted: And the Indenture, wherein Mr. Tooly is returned a Burgess of the said City, to be taken off the File; and the Certificate also. And the House does take notice that this Carriage of the Sheriff, in returning more than Two Burgesses for the said City of Norwich, is a great Misdemeanour in him.

Hertfordshire Petition.

The humble Petition of the Freeholders, and Freemen, of the County, and Borough Town, of Hertfordshire, was read: But nothing resolved upon it as yet.

Members explain.

Mr. Crew, a Member of this House, fearing lest some prejudicate Opinion of him might be left in the Minds of some of the Members of this House, by some Words that fell from a Member that spoke last, which he conceived might reflect upon him, took Occasion to make Recital of the whole Action that occasioned those Words; and upon his Recital, and the t'other's Explanation of himself, it was clearly resolved by the House, that neither the one had done any thing that might deserve the least Reproach of Unfaithfulness from this House, nor the t'other spoken any thing that might fix the least Colour of any such Thought of him.

Records of the House.

It is referred to the same Committee that is to peruse the Journals and Records of this House, to consider what the Duty of the Clerk is, in the Safe-keeping of the Records of this House; and what the Privilege of the Members of this House is, for the Delivery, or not Delivery, of any Papers delivered to this House by Complainants, or otherwise.

Petitions to be read.

The Petitions delivered by Sir Jo. Wray, and the Lord Fairefax, were, by Order of the House, delivered unto them again; with Order to be read on Monday Morning, when the House is full.

Report to be made.

Ordered, The first Business on Monday Morning to be the Report commanded by his Majesty to be made by Mr. Speaker;

And the House is to meet on Monday at Eight of Clock.