House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 17 April 1640

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 17 April 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 17 April 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 17 April 1640". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, 17 Aprilis, 1640.


Members make Elections.

MR. Schowen, returned,-chooses St. Germans, and waves Eastlow.

Mr. Jo. Maynard chooses to serve for Totness, and waves Newport.

Controverted Elections.

Mr. Jones reports from the Committee for Privileges Two Things:

First, Concerning Mr. Bisse,-Three Returns; One for himself, One for Mr. Hoskins, and One for Sir Fr. Carew, -Twenty-three for Mr. Bisse, Twelve for one of the others, and Eleven for t'other.-

The Committee thought Mr. Bisse well elected, and well returned.-

Ordered accordingly; and thereupon he was presently called into the House.-

Second, touching Sir Robert Tracye, chosen for a Knight of the Shire for Gloucestr':

Person sent for.

They found many Misdemeanors in the Carriage of that Election; and therefore the Committee was of Opinion, Sir Humphry Tracye, Sheriff of Gloucester, was to be sent for as a Delinquent by the Serjeant attendant on this House.

Put to the Question, whether Sir Humphry Tracye, Sheriff of Gloucester, shall be sent for, as accused to be a Delinquent:

Ordered, upon the Question, to be sent for, as accused to be a Delinquent, by the Serjeant.

Committees added.

Ordered, these underwritten to be added to the Committee for Privileges;

Mr. Grimstone, Mr. Bisse, Mr. Wm. Morgan, Mr. Glinne, Mr. Bridgman, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Lane, Sir Tho. Withrington, Mr. Vaughan.

Members make Elections.

Sir Jo. Bartley waves Reading, and chooses Hatch- bury.

Mr. Solicitor chooses to serve for Old Sarum, and waves Reading.

Writs to be issued.

Warrants to issue out, under the Speaker's Hand, to the Clerk of the Crown, for new Elections, instead of these several Places waved, according to Yesterday's Order.

Records of the House.

Mr. Pimme, Sir W. Erle, Mr. St. John, Sir Francis Seymour, Mr. Perpoint, Mr. Ball, Sir Chr. Hatton, Sir M. Fleetewood, Sir Jo. Strangways, Sir Peter Heyman, Mr. Kirton, Mr. Hampden, Sir Tho. Lucy.

These, or any Four or more of them, to peruse the Journals and Records, and to see what State the Records of this House are in. -To meet in the Committee Chamber this Afternoon, Four of Clock; and so every Friday during this Session.

Remonstrance for Religion.

Sir W. Erle moves, that the Clerk may look out the Remonstrance for Religion, that was prepared last Parliament.

The King's and Lord Keeper's Speeches.

Mr. Speaker.-On Monday in the Afternoon, his Majesty set,-

The Commons admitted.-

This Parliament called upon as great Occasions, as ever any Parliament was called.-

He had so throughly inform the Lord Keeper, that he referred himself farther unto him.

The Lord Keeper directs his Speech to the Knights, and Citizens, and Burgesses.-

Parliament the Great Council of the Kingdom.-

All invited to participate in these Counsels.-

The King very confident of our Zeal and Affection to his Person and Government.-

His Majesty had sequestred the Memory of all former Discouragements.

Had called us together for the common Safety.-

The higher Sort of Counsels reserved in the Ark of his Majesty's own Bosom.-

A great Presumption for any Uzzah to press rashly into this Ark.-

His Majesty pleased at this time to lay aside his Rays; -and expressed it by the Allusion to Phaeton.-

Though the Beams laid aside, yet not Majesty itself. By no means;-we are not to take the Government of the Chariot into our own Hands.-

His own Care had for these many Years preserved us from foreign Danger, our Honour being still secure.

The Fleece of Gideon.-

Si foris hostem inveniet, domi inveniet.

To prevent Dangers at our Gates, from a Place we should least suspect.-

The Counsel of one of our wisest Kings, to marry his eldest Daughter into Scotland,- out of which Bed King Charles is come.-His Entry not by Bloodshed, yet by Blood.-

The Wall of Separation taken away.-

Faciam eos in gentem unam.

England rejoiced in this Union,- Scotland no Reason to be sorry for it, having participated in all our Advantages.-

More than Brotherhood now between us.-

One Wall to look to, the Sea.-

Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine habetur.

This was the State in King James his Time.- Our Sovereign, Heir to both the Kingdoms and Virtues of his Father.-

Pacatumque regit patriis virtutibus orbem.

All Indulgencies used towards this Kingdom of Scotland, by King Charles.-

The King thus settled, a meet Consort found for him.-

Made happy by the blessed Pledges of our Hope.-

Civiles furores peperit nimia felicitas.

Some of the Scots, some men of Belial, some Shebas, had blown the Trumpet of Sedition.-

Insolent and rebellious, to the utter Desertion of his Majesty and the Crown.-

Had led a Multitude into Disloyalty, and rebellious Treason unparalleled.-

Taking up Arms against the Lord's Anointed, by the Counsel of some Achitophels, had seized upon the Trophies of Sovereignty.

His Majesty, at his own Cost, and the Cost of divers his loving Subjects, went with an Army ; they out-braved him with another Army.-

Notwithstanding, considering that they were,

-Quos nec vincere nec vinci gloriosum,

Upon Promise of future Loyalty, the Armies returned.-

They did but prevaricate, to gain Time.-

Since his Majesty's Return from Berwick, had treated with foreign States.-

He had it to shew under the Hands of prime Ring- leaders.-

The Danger of this.-

England of too tough a Complexion to be assailed at the Fore Door.

In ancient Time, Two Postern Doors, Ireland and Scotland.

Ireland, by the Prudence of his Majesty, shut up ;- formerly a Charge, now a Benefit.-

A chearful Aid given, a future Aid promised.-

No Back Door left but Scotland.- Likely, any disaffected to our State to have recourse thither.-

His Majesty's Resolution, to have a powerful Army, to reduce these rebellious Subjects of Scotland; though the King delighted not in this Course, but enforced to it by Necessity of Reason,- of Government.

His Majesty cannot endure to have his Honour weighed at the common Beam.

Would not admit the Mediation of any Person, because his Piety and Clemency so great, that no Mediation could increase it.-

The Charge of raising such an Army so great, as not to be found in his Majesty's Coffers, which notwithstanding had not been drained in solemn pompous. Shews, or stately Buildings.-

The Supplies from his Subjects let down again like a gracious Dew.-

This Parliament called to avert the Calamities threatened by Scotland.-

The King would, that we the Commons should co-operate in this great Work; and to no other End, but our own Safeties.-

Some Counsels of Profit.- These admit Debate.-Some of Safety.- These require a present Dispatch.-

This Summer not to be lost; no not the Beginning of it. The Reason,- to prevent the framing of Parties with other Nations.-

The Desires of the King,- that for these urgent Reasons, for a while, to lay aside all Debate.-

To pass an Act for Supply, and to hasten the Payment ; with Proviso, this Assent of his Majesty to this Act should not determine this Session.-

His Majesty would not have proposed any thing out of a parliamentary Way, but that the urgency of the Occasion required it.-

Without the taking up of about Three or Four hundred thousand Pounds, he could not have secured Berwick and Carlisle.-

This of no Use, without some farther Supply before the End of this Session.-

Tonnage and Poundage his Majesty had taken [since] the Death of his Father, according [to the] Example of his Predecessors.-

Desired to have it as a Grant from his People ; and to that End had a Bill prepared, only with one Alteration.-

In complying with these Particulars, his Majesty would graciously accept it.-

Time should be given us also for our just Grievances.- What undone now, should be perfected at Winter.-

Desired to have Occasion to meet often in Parliaments.-

Concluded, with the usual Form of choosing a Speaker.

His Majesty after drew out the Letter.-

Observations upon the Address Au Roy.-

A Warrant for committing one of the Subscribers to the Tower, viz. Lord Lowdun.-

Thought, he had Coleville also, that was employed to carry the Letter to the French King, but was not certain.-

His Majesty cleared the French King, that, for any thing he knew, had not received this Letter.-

Ordered, to be entered, That this Report, by Mr. Speaker, was made upon his Majesty's special Command; and that the House does not expect this should be performed by following Speakers, but upon the like special Command or Desire of the House.


A Model of Grievances proposed, Three in Number:

I. Against Liberty of Parliament.

II. Against Preservation of Religion.

III. Against Conservation of the common Liberties of the Kingdom.

These Grievances more hurtful to the King, both in point of Honour, of Profit, and of Safety, than to any other Member whatsoever, in respect of the great Interest he has in the Kingdom.

Motion, That these, and such other Grievances as shall be offered here, by any Member of this House, may be first voted here; if any shall stick upon the Vote, that they may be debated ; and when they are cleared, they may be, according to the ancient Customs of Parliament, presented to the Lords; and if the Lords shall allow of them, they may be presented, in a Petition from both Houses, to his Majesty.

Petitions against Grievances.

A Petition from the County of Northampton, was read.

One from the County of Middlesex, was read.

One from Suffolk, was also read.

Delivered all Three, by the Knights of those several Shires.

Ordered, the Grievances already propounded in the House, and the Petitions delivered, and such as shall be hereafter propounded, to be debated in a Committee of the whole House To-morrow Morning, and so prepared for a Way of Remedy.

Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker desired to be here To-morrow, when the House sits, as a Committee.

Adjourned, to meet To-morrow at Eight.