House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 29 January 1641

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 29 January 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 29 January 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 29 January 1641". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, 29 Jan. 1640.


Levett's Petition.

THE humble Petition of John Levett, Doctor of Laws, and Mary his Wife, was read, and referred to the Committee for the Star-chamber.


Lord Fairefax, Sir Anth. Irby, Sir Christ. Wray, Mr. Ellis, Sir Edw. Ascough, Sir H. Anderson, Sir Geo. Dallston, Mr. Capel, Sir Arth. Ingram, Sir Jo. Wray, Mr. Hussy, Mr. Owfield, Mr. Jo. Moore, Sir H. Vane, Mr. Broxam, all the Lawyers of the House, the Burgesses of the County of Yorke, the Knights of Nottinghamshire, are added to this Committee.


Ordered, That Fr. Nevill be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, for a Breach of the Privilege of this House, by him committed presently after the last Parliament; of which Parliament he himself was a Member.

Bp. of Bath and Wells.

Ordered, That Sir William Masham, Mr. Rowse, Mr. Upton, Mr. Potts, Sir Edward Deering, Mr. Norton, Mr. Fines, Mr. Pury, Mr. Nicholls, Sir Fr. Seymour, Sir Nath. Barnardiston, Mr. Whitehead, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Pine, Sir Edmund Vowell, Mr. Young, be added to the Committee for the Bishop of Bath and Welles.

Old Sarum Writ.

Ordered, That a Warrant issue under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown, for a new Writ for Electing of another Burgess to serve in this Parliament for Old Sarum, in the Stead of Mr. Herbert, who was Solicitor when he was returned a Burgess for that Place, and is now made Attorney-General to his Majesty, and, in that respect, is to sit as an Assistant in the Lords House.

Clerk of the Market.

2a vice lecta est Billa, An Act concerning the Office of the Clerk of the Market; and, upon Question, committed unto Sir Rich. Buller, Sir Guy Palmes, Mr. Mallory, Mr. Mathewes, Mr. H. Bellassis, Mr. Hebblethwayte, Mr. Pury, Mr. Jane, Mr. Mannaton, Lord Fairefax, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Wm. Brereton, Sir H. Bellingham, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Jo. Strangewayes, Mr. Millington, Mr. Kirby, Mr. Dutton, Mr. Moore, Sir Edw. Boys, Mr. Sutton, Sir Jo. Jennings, Sir Oliver Luke, Sir Edw. Masters, Sir W. Erle, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Shuttleworth, Sir Sidney Mountague, Mr. Rolls, Sir A. Irby, Mr. Strode, Sir Tho. Widrington, Mr. Whittlock, Mr. Perd, Mr. Palmer: And all, that will come, are to have Voices: And they are to meet on Tuesday next, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-court.

Monopoly of Gunpowder, &c.

Ordered, That the Petition of the Merchants, Masters, and Owners of Ships, concerning the Engrossing and Restraint of Gunpowder, and the Inconveniences thereupon depending, be referred to the Committee for Monopolists, where Mr. Perd has the Chair; with a particular Recommendation from this House: And all, that will come, are to have Voices at this Committee: And they are likewise to consider of the Abuses of the Saltpetre-mens Proceedings in Digging of Mens Houses, and all other Abuses in their Proceedings: And they are likewise to consider, who are the Projectors, who the Referees, and who receive any Benefit by this Project: And they have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Books, Records, Commissions, Patents, Instructions, or any thing that may concern or conduce to this Business; and are to meet on Monday next in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Star-chamber.

King appoints to be attended.

Mr. Treasurer acquaints this House, that his Majesty's Pleasure is, that this House do attend his Majesty this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Banqueting-house, and that he had intimated his Pleasure likewise to the Lords to attend him at the same time.

Earl of Worcester's, &c. Commission.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the Commission granted to the Earl of Worcester, and his eldest Son the Lord Herbert, and the Sub-commissions by them granted to others, for the Levying of Forces in several Counties of England and Wales, and all the Circumstances depending thereupon, be referred to the Committee appointed to draw up the Charge against the Earl of Straford: And the Lawyers, that were formerly added to that Committee, are to be of it, as to this Business too: And they are to take into Consideration That which Sir Jo. Price informed this House concerning Sir Piercy Herbert, and a Servant of his, who has in Custody the public Magazine of those Parts, and such other Circumstances as he now informed the House of: And they have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, or any thing else, that may conduce to the full Consideration of these several Matters; and are to present an Account of the whole Business to this House; and are to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Sir Jo. Price, Mr. Bodevile, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Price, Sir Ro. Harley, Sir Jo. Culpeper, Mr. Sandys, Sir Tho. Middleton, Mr. Tomkins, Mr. Cradock, Mr. Rich. Herbert, Sir Rich. Winne, Commissary Willmot, Col. Ashburneham, Sir Jo. Merrick, Col. Ogle, Mr. Jo. Moore, are added to this Committee, as to this Business only.

Person sent for.

Ordered, That Sir Piercy Herbert be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, to answer such Things as shall be here objected against him.

Disarming Popish Recusants.

Moved, that a Conference be desired with the Lords, concerning securing the Magazine spoken of by Sir Jo. Price, now in the Power and Custody of a Popish Recusant; and concerning the disarming the Popish Recusants; and that the Committee for the Earl of Straford, with those Additions, prepare the Heads of this Conference.

* * * *

Levying Money among Recusants.

Ordered, That the Examination of the whole Business, touching the Motives and Instructions for the Levying of Monies among the Popish Recusants, be referred to the Committee Yesterday appointed for that Business: And the Committee has Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, or any thing else, that may conduce to the full Examination of that Business; and are to report the State of it to the House; and are to meet this Afternoon, at Four of Clock, in the Treasury-chamber.