House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 30 January 1641

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 30 January 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 30 January 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 30 January 1641". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Sabbati, 30 Jan. 1640.


Persons to attend, &c.

ORDERED, That a Warrant forthwith issue, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, requiring Sir Jo. Wintour, and Sir Basil Brooke, Knights, forthwith to attend this House; and to bring in all such Papers, Acquittances, or Books of Account, as are in either of their Custodies, concerning the Collection of Monies raised among Recusants for the Northern Expedition.

Warwick Petition.

The humble Petition of divers of the Freeholders of the County of Warwick was read; and referred to the Committee for Privileges: And that Committee is to have another Day given them to sit on, to wit, Saturday, and they are not to begin to sit on that Day, till this Day Fortnight; and then they are to meet every Saturday, as well as Thursday: And the first Business they are to take into Consideration on this Day Fortnight, is this Petition from the County of Warwick.

Sir T. Litleton's Witnesses.

Ordered, That the Committee, appointed for Sir Lewis Dives his Business, grant out a Warrant to Sir Tho. Litleton, (his Business being referred to that Committee) for the Producing of his Witnesses to attend the said Committee about this Day Month, for the proving and making good the said Sir Tho. Litleton's Petitions.

Leave to be Counsel.

Mr. Solicitor has Leave to be of Counsel in a Cause concerning the Lord Cottington.

Impeachment of F. of Straford.

The farther Impeachment of Tho. Earl of Straford was again read; and the title of the said Impeachment, and every Article, and the Conclusion, were every of them particularly put to the Question, and were every of them assented unto, and resolved, upon the Question: And afterwards, it was

Resolved, upon the Question, That an Allowance be given to the Ingrossing of these Articles.

Resolved, upon the Question, That these Articles, thus ingrossed, shall be forthwith sent up to the Lords.

Ordered, That Mr. Hampden go up with a Message to the Lords, to desire a Conference with their Lordships presently, if it may stand with their Lordships Occasions, by a Committee of both Houses, touching the farther Impeachment of Tho. Earl of Straford.

Mr. Pym is to manage this Conference; and Mr. May- nard is to be Assistant unto him, in the Reading of the Articles.

Letter, &c. to Lds. Justices of Ireland.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker send his Letter to the Lords Justices of Ireland; and that he send, inclosed, the humble Petitions of * *, preferred formerly to the Grand Committee, appointed by this House, for the Consideration of the Irish Affairs, earnestly recommending unto them the Complaints and Petitions of the said Petitioners.

Newcastle Election.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Blackeston is well elected, to serve as a Burgess for the Town of New-castle; and ought to sit as a Member in this House; and that the Sheriff ought to amend the Return.


Whereas the House was this Day informed, that Tho. Hunton, Houshold-servant to William Morgan Esquire, One of the Members of this House, and Knight for the County of Brecon, was, on the Seventeenth Day of this Instant January, arrested at the Suit of one Roger Guillim, he the said Guillim himself, and one Thomas Guillim, first laying Hands upon him the said Hunton, together with one Thomas Farnes, Thomas Morgan, Roger Webb, and Rich. Green alias Guyllim, the said Roger Guillim's Bailiffs and Assistants: It was likewise informed the House, that the said Hunton, upon the Arrest, produced his Master's Protection, and shewed it to the said Roger Guillim; who answered openly, that he cared neither for the Protection, nor him that granted it:

Persons sent for.

Hereupon it is this Day Ordered, by the House of Commons, That the said Roger Guillim, his Bailiffs and Assistants, who arrested the said Hunton, as aforesaid, be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, to answer the said Breach and Contempt of the Privilege of this House.


Ordered, That Jo. Bonnock and Thomas Martin, who have lately, and sitting the Parliament, plowed up a Warren, Part of the Possessions of the Lord Mounson, a Member of this House, contrary to his Will, and without Licence, to the Breach of the Privilege of this House, be enjoined, from this House, to give over plowing and destroying the said Warren.

And it is farther likewise Ordered, That the said Jo. Bonnock and Tho. Martin be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, to answer their Breach of Privilege, in molesting and disturbing the Possessions of the said Lord Viscount Mounson, a Member of this House, as aforesaid, during the Time that he was in the Service of this House.

Court of Honour.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Court of Honour do meet on Wednesday next, at the Time and Place formerly appointed; and they have Liberty to meet One Day more, if the Business before them cannot be ended that Day.

Impeachment of E. of Straford.

Mr. Pym acquaints the House, that, according to their Command, he had delivered up to the Lords the Articles of the farther Impeachment of Tho. Earl of Straford.

Committee thanked.

Ordered, That Thanks be given, from this House, to Mr. Pym, and to that whole Committee, for the great Service they have done this House, in the great Pains they have taken, in preparing and drawing up the Charge and Articles against the Earl of Straford.

Archp. of Canterbury.

Ordered, That the Committee, for the Lord of Cant', do meet this Afternoon, in the Treasury-chamber.

Petition against Dove.

Ordered, That the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Patiswick in the County of Essex, against Tho. Dove, Incumbent of the said Parish, be read on Monday Morning next.

Privilege to prosecute Petition.

Ordered, That Murtagh O'Bryan, who hath a Petition here depending, shall have the Privilege of Parliament, to prosecute his Petition.