House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 05 April 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 05 April 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 05 April 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 05 April 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 5 Aprilis, 1643.


Ordnance for London.

ORDERED, That the East India Company be required to lend, forthwith, unto the City of London, for the furnishing of the Forts and Bulwarks, such Ordnance and Provision thereunto belonging, (Powder excepted) as the ... of Fortifications, by the Advice of their Engineers, shall make Choice of: And, in case the said Company shall not yield present Obedience unto this Order; then it is further Ordered, That the aforesaid Committee shall have Power hereby, to take such, and so many, of the Ordnance and Provisions belonging to the said East India Company, (except before excepted) as shall be thought needful, for the Defence and Safety of the City of London; the said City undertaking to return them in as good Condition as they received them, or Satisfaction for them. And if the East India Company shall represent unto this House any necessary Occasions they have of any Ordnance, or the said Provisions; this House doth undertake they will supply them, upon their Request.

Maides Moreton Curacy.

Ordered, That Mr. Daniel Evans shall serve the Cure of Maides Moreton, in the County of Bucks, during the Vacancy of the said Cure; and that the Bishop be enjoined not to give any Institution, Induction, or Collation, to Mr. Baites, upon any Pretence whatsoever, till the Title be determined.

Allowance to Broad.

Upon the humble Petition of Henry Broad, Auditor; it is Resolved, upon the Question, that Henry Broade, Auditor to the Army raised by the Parliament under the Command of the Earl of Essex, shall have the Allowance of Ten Shillings per Diem, for him and his Clerk; to commence from the Thirtieth of July last, when his Employment first began.

Interest on Loan.

Ordered, That the Interest due for the Thousand Pounds taken up for the Service of the Parliament, upon the Security of Sir Jo. Driden and Mr. Crew, be forthwith paid.

Naval Stores.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Lewes, Governor of the Town of Portsmouth, do give Order unto the Storekeepers there, to issue out of the Stores, Two hundred and seventeen Barrels of Powder, for the furnishing of the Swiftsure, Marie, Rose, Crescent, and Lilie; and that the Stores there shall be furnished with Fifty Barrels a Week from the Powder Works in Surrey, after fourteen Days, until the Stores be made up: And that the Committee for the Navy do take care, that the said Stores be refurnished, according as by this Order is directed.

Payment of the Army.

Sir Gilb. Gerard, Treasurer at Wars, presented, from the Army, Rules for the better ordering and disposing of the Payment of Money to the Army; viz.

That the Muster Masters of Horse and Foot, the Treasurer at Wars, or their Deputies, with the Auditors, may be ordered and appointed to meet together in the Army, every fourteen Days, or every Month, or oftener, as Occasion shall require; to prepare for the due and orderly Payment of all such Sums of Money, as shall at any time be sent for the Supply of the Army.

That no Troop of Horse, Company of Foot, or any Part of the Train of Artillery, may be paid, before the State of the same, upon a present Muster, be first certified, under the Hand of the Commissary, or his Deputy, to the Auditor.

That there may be Debentures made by the Auditor, according to the said Certificates, without Fee, upon which the Warrants, that are to be signed by his Excellency, may be grounded:

1. By means whereof there will be frequent and true Musters.

2. It will be known what is certainly paid every fourteen or eight-and-twenty Days; what the Arrears are, (if there be any) to whom they are due, for what Time, and for what Service.

3. The Strength of the Army with his Excellency will be made known, so often as there shall be Command for the certifying thereof.

These Rules were read; and by Vote, upon the Question, committed unto Mr. Scawen, Sir H. Vane, Mr. Holles, Mr. Vassal, Sir Walth. Erle, Sir H. Mildmay, Sir Jo. Hippisley, Sir Jo. Corbett, Mr. Rolle, Sir Gilb. Gerard, Mr. Ven, Mr. Wheeler: And are to meet this Afternoon, at the rising of the House, in the Inner Court of Wards.

Isle of Wight.

An Ordinance for granting the Monies upon the Subscriptions, &c. within the Isle of Wight, to the Inhabitants, for the Defence of the said Isle, was read; and recommitted.

Repayment of Loan.

An Ordinance for securing and repaying certain Monies borrowed upon the Credit of the Earl of Bedford, Mr. Holles, Sir Walth. Erle, and others, for the Service of the Parliament, against the Forces at Sherborne Castle, was read; and re-committed unto Mr. Holles, Mr. Trenchard, Sir Walth. Erle, Sir H. Vane.

Treaty with the King.

A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath;

The Lords desire a present Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning a Letter, and an Answer, from his Majesty, to the Reasons propounded from both Houses, touching the Cessation; and, likewise, concerning a Letter, and some Propositions, from the Earl of Northumberland.

Answer returned by the same Messengers, that this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.

Mr. Holles, Mr. Pym, Mr. Marten, Sir H. Vane, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Satisfaction to Wilde, &c.

An Ordinance for making Satisfaction to Mr. Serjeant Wilde and Sir Wm. Strickland, for the Losses and Damages sustained by them, by the King's Forces, was this Day read: and re-committed unto the same Committee: And they are likewise to consider of preparing an Ordinance, for Satisfaction to be made to Mr. Blakiston, Sir Tho. Middleton, and Sir Jo. Corbett, for the Losses they have sustained by the King's Forces, by having their Estates and Goods violently taken from them.

Treaty with the King.

Mr. Pym reports, That the Earl of Manchester acquainted them, that their House had received from my Lord Falkland a Letter of the Fourth of April, and his Majesty's Answer inclosed, to the Reasons presented from both Houses, touching the Cessation; and a Letter from the Earl of Northumberland, with a Paper inclosed, of Questions proposed by his Majesty to the Committee, upon the Third Article of the Cessation, and the Committee's Answer unto them: The which were all read.

He further reported, that the Lords desired, that the Committee, formerly appointed for the Treaty and the Cessation, may meet to consider of them, this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Painted Chamber.

Ordered, That the Committee of this House, formerly appointed for the Treaty and Cessation, do meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Painted Chamber, with the Committee of the Lords, formerly appointed; and communicate unto them the Votes, that passed this House, touching the Cessation.

Adjourned to Three, post meridiem.

Die Mercurii, 5 Aprilis, 1643, post meridiem.

Bishop of Raphoe.

THE humble Petition of Jo. Lesley, Bishop of Raphoe, was this Day read; and lay aside.

Transporting Horses.

The Question being put, Whether Sir Geo. Sayer, Master of the Horse to the Queen of Bohemia, should have Liberty to transport Twelve Horses for her Service;

The House divided.

Sir Gilb. Gerard, Mr. Glynn, Tellers for the Yea: With the Yea, 35.
Mr. Strode, Mr. Marten, Tellers for the Noe: With the Noe, 33.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Geo. Sayer Knight, Master of the Horse to the Queen of Bohemia, shall have Mr. Speaker's Pass, to transport Twelve Horses into Holland, for her Service.

Removing Capuchins.

Sir Peter Wentworth is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire that they would join in sending away the Capuchins.

De Bures' Pass to the King.

Ordered, That Monsieur de Bures, Agent to the French King, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant, to send a Servant to his Majesty, and to the Queen, with Letters of his own only; such Servants whose Names shall be first made known to Mr. Speaker.

Regulating Passes.

Ordered, That whosoever passes with a Pass from this House to Oxon, or to any Quarter of the King's Army, and shall carry any Money or Jewels, more than is expressed in the said Warrant, shall forfeit the said Money and Jewels.

Resolved, &c. That no Persons, that have passed to Oxon, with Licence, or without Licence, shall come to London without special Warrant from this House; and that this Order be forthwith sent to the Guards.

Loan from the City.

An Ordinance for securing and repaying of the Forty thousand Pounds raised upon the Credit of the Court of Aldermen, out of the weekly Assessments, was this Day read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and carried up to the Lords by Mr. Waller.

Naval Affairs.

Instructions to the Earl of Warwick, General and Commander in Chief of the Fleet this Year set forth for the Safety of the Kingdom, were this Day read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and carried up to the Lords by Sir H. Vane.

He likewise carried up an Ordinance passed the other Day, concerning Mariners.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Waller brings Answer, that the Lords do agree to the Ordinance carried up by him.

Affairs in Kent.

A Letter from Rochester, from divers of the Deputy Lieutenants of Kent, of the Fifth of April, 1643, complaining that such Members of the House, as were Deputy Lieutenants of that County, came not into the Country, to countenance the Service of this House, was this Day read: And it is Ordered, That Sir Edw. Hales be enjoined forthwith to go down into the County of Kent, to be assisting and countenancing to the advancing of the Service of the weekly Assessments, and seizing the Estates of notorious Delinquents in that County; and that within Fourteen Days he pay the Rate assessed upon him by a former Order, or else that the House will give Order to levy it by Distress.

Ordered, That Sir Humphrey Tufton do forthwith go down into the County of Kent, to be assisting and countenancing to the advancing of the Ordinances for the weekly Assessments; and for seizing and sequestring the Estates of notorious Delinquents in that County.

Member to attend.

Ordered, That Sir Tho. Payton be forthwith summoned to attend the Service of the House.


Ordered, That on Monday next the Committee make the Report, what the several Members of the House have done upon the Propositions; and that then the House do enter into Consideration of that Business.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Peter Wentworth brings Answer, that the Lords will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Person committed.

Resolved, &c. That Sir H. Compton be forthwith committed Prisoner to the Tower, there to remain during the Pleasure of the House, for assisting the Armies raised against the Parliament.

Treaty with the King.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to meet with the Committee of the Lords, upon the Message this Day sent from his Majesty, shall have Power to prepare something in Answer, to be sent to the Committee at Oxon, to this Purpose; that the Houses take this Answer from his Majesty, as a Denial to the Cessation, as it was sent from both House; and therefore to require them to press the disbanding within the Time limited.

Compton's Sequestration.

Ordered, That Sir H. Compton's Office and Estate be sequestered; and that Mr. Corbett do bring in a Sequestration to this Purpose: And that Lieutenant May, that brought him up, shall have the Nag, that he rode upon; and that the Squadron of Horse, that brought him up, shall have Recompence out of his Estate for their Service in the apprehending of him.

Aylett's Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Jeremy Aylett, of Rivenhall, in the County of Essex, Gentleman, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Examinations.