House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 8 May 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 8 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 8 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 8 May 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


In this section

Die Lunæ, 8 Maii, 1643


Suits against Whateley.

ORDERED, That all Proceedings, upon the several Suits commenced by F. Walsted and John Cox, against Andrew Whateley, a Lieutenant in the Service of the King and Parliament, be stayed, till this House take further Order.

Warrant to Lennard.

Ordered, That Mr. Rich. Lennard shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to go into France, with one Servant, provided they carry no prohibited Goods.

Persons sent for.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Matthias Allen of Stone Parish in the Country of Kent be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this . . ., or his Deputy.

Resolved, &c. That Trestram Salter of the Parish of Erith, Tho. Smyth of Chelsfield, Giles King of Bookenham, be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, or his Deputy.

Articles of Reading.

The House was informed, that divers Inhabitants of Reading, who had taken a Protestation absolutely against the Two Houses, and their Proceedings; and that, in regard of that Protestation, they were liable to have their Goods and Estates seized and sequestred, by the Ordinance of both Houses: But that, upon the Surrender of the Town, one Article of the Surrender agreed upon between the Lord General and the Governor of that Town, was, that the Inhabitants, such as will leave the Town, should have free Leave and Passage safely to go to what Place they will, with their Goods, within the Space of Six Weeks after the Surrender of the said Town.

Upon which Article a Debate arose.

. . Selden, . . Glynn, . . Wilde, . . Reynolds, . . Whittlock, . . Strode, . . Rous, . . Wentworth, . . Holles, . . Millington, . . Nicholas, . . Lisle, . . Yelverton, . . Noble, . . Evelyn;

This Committee, or any Four of them, is appointed to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the inner Court of Wards; to consider of the Information from Redding, concerning the sequestring the Estates of divers Inhabitants, Malignants, by virtue of an Ordinance of both Houses; in regard of an Article upon the Surrender of the Town: whereby all such of the Inhabitants, as will leave the Town, have Liberty to carry away their Goods, at any time within six Weeks after the Surrender of the Town.

Message to Lords.

Ordered, That Mr. Holles do go up to the Lords, upon the same Message he was appointed to go on, on Saturday last.

Warrant to Countess of Devon.

Ordered, That the Countess of Devon shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to come from Oxon, with her Servants, Horses, and other Necessaries.

Osbaldston's Restraint.

Upon the Report, from the Committee for Examinations, concerning the Restraint of Mr. Jo. Osbaldston Page of the Bed Chamber to the Prince his Highness; a Question was put for his Delivery: Which passed in the Negative.

Affairs of Lincolne.

Three Letters, one from Lincolne, of the Second of May, from Sir Edw. Aiscough and Sir Christ. Wray; desiring some more Gentlemen and Committees to be sent to their Assistance; one from Colonel Cromwell, to the Committee at Lincolne, of the Third of May, delivering the Reasons, why he has not met with the Lincolneshire Forces at the general Rendezvous, in regard he cannot yet meet with the Lord Grey; a Letter from Lincolne, of the Fifth of May, from Lieutenant General Hotham, Sir Edw. Aiscough, and Sir Christ. Wray.

Ordered, That the Order of the Second of May, enjoining divers Gentlemen of Lincolneshire to go down into their County, be served upon those particular Gentlemen: and they required forthwith to repair down, upon the Service of the Parliament, in that Country.

Military Stores.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Navy do forthwith take Order for furnishing my Lord Gray, Son to the Earl of Stamford, with Forty Barrels of Powder, out of the Two hundred and Seventeen Barrels of Powder to be sent to Portesmouth.

And it is further Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety, do give Order, that the said Forty Barrels be returned into the Stores, for the Service of Portesmouth.

Letter to Lord Gray.

Ordered, That Sir Christ. Yelverton and Sir H. Mildmay do prepare a Letter to be sent to the Lord Gray, to require him to join with Colonel Cromwell in the Association, according to my Lord General's Directions.

Justice Mallett.

Mr. Holles brings Answer, that the Lords do agree to the remanding of Justice Mallett to the Tower; and will give you a present Conference, as is desired.

Conference with Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords do desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning a Message they have this Morning received from his Majesty.

A Message from the Lords by Dr. Bennett and Dr. Heath;

The Lords desire, that, at the Conference desired by this House, they may communicate something concerning the Countess of Rivers.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; that this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree, that at That Conference desired by this House * * * *

Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Mr. Holles, are appointed Reporters of this Conference, desired on the Lords Part.

Mr. Glyn is appointed Manager of the Conference, desired on the Part of this House.

Ordered, * * * *

Defence of Linne, &c.

Ordered, That the Ordnance, formerly assigned for the Defence of the Town of Linne, be respited from sending down thither, till the House take further Order.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Navy do take Order, that Two Pinnaces be sent to the Mouth of the River of Linne, for the Guard and Defence of that River, and Places adjacent.

Conference with Lords.

Sir Jo. Clotworthy presents, from the Conference with the Lords, a Letter from the Lord Falkland from Oxon, of the Fifth of May; and in it a Message from his Majesty, in Answer to the Bill desired to be passed by his Majesty, concerning Ireland: The Lords conceive this to be a Business of great Consequence; and have therefore taken no Resolution upon it; but desire that a Committee of both Houses might meet, and consider of it: And to that Purpose have appointed a Committee of their House, of Ten.

He likewise reported, that the Lords had given a Protection to the Lady Rivers, the Wife of a Peer; that, notwithstanding this, this Lady coming to pass out of the Kingdom, Six of her Horses were taken by Mr. Marten: The Lords desire they may be restored.

Resolved, &c. That the further Consideration of this Message from his Majesty, delivered this Day at a Conference, shall be resumed To-morrow Morning.

Resolved, &c. That the Six Horses of the Lady Rivers, seized by Mr. Marten, shall be detained by him.

Horses seized.

Resolved, &c. That the Horses seized by Mr. Corbett, Cornet to Captain Thompson, in the Parliament's Service, from Two Frenchmen, Papists, and Servants to the Queen, shall be retained.

Affairs of Yorkeshire.

A Letter from the Lord Fairefaxe, from Leeds, of the First of May, to Mr. White, Agent for his Lordship, and the rest of the Gentlemen of Yorkeshire, representing the Condition of that Country, and the Army there, under the Command of the Lord Fairefaxe, was this Day read.

Resolved, &c. That Ten thousand Pounds shall be sent forthwith to the Lord Fairefax, out of the Monies that shall come in, upon the Ordinance for rating such as have not contributed at all, or not proportionable to their Estates; and that no Monies, that come in upon that Ordinance, shall be issued forth upon any Warrant whatsoever, until this Ten thousand Pounds be made up, assigned for the Lord Fairefaxe: And that it be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, to take special care that this Ten thousand Pounds be issued out of the first Monies that shall come in upon that Ordinance; and that the said Ten thousand Pounds be paid unto Mr. White, Agent to the Lord Fairefaxe, to be returned, with all Diligence, to the Lord Fairefaxe.

Members Subscriptions.

Ordered, That Mr. Trenchard do make Report of the Subscriptions, by the Members, To-morrow Morning: And Mr. Speaker is to put the House in mind hereof.

Taking of Hereford.

A Letter from Sir Wm. Waller from Hereford, of the Twenty-seventh of April, concerning his Proceedings, since his going from Gloucester; and the Manner of the taking in of Hereford; and a Note of the Prisoners of Quality; and the Articles of the Surrender; were read.

Members disabled to sit.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Conisby, Mr. Herbert Price, and Mr. Scudamore, shall be forthwith disabled for sitting or continuing any longer Members of this House, during this Parliament; for bearing Arms, and being in actual War, against the Parliament.

Money seized, &c.

Whereas, by a former Order of this House, Captain Leigh was ordered to pay Two hundred Pounds, which he had seized of the Lord Tenham's Money, a Papist, to the Treasurers for Plate and Monies at Guildhall, London; to be by them forthwith paid over to the Treasurer at Wars; and, by him, to be paid, upon Account, to the Lord Fairefax his Agent, Mr. White; for Relief of the Army, under the Command of the Lord Fairefax, and no other Use: And whereas Captain Leigh did forbear to pay the same, till the House had declared, how he should have the Arrears due to the Garison at Upner Castle, in Kent: It is this Day Ordered, That the said Captain Leigh do pay the Money, according to the former Order; and that he shall be satisfied the Arrears, due to his Garison aforesaid, out of the first Monies that shall come in upon the Ordinance for Sequestrations in the Country of Kent: And the Committee for Sequestrations are to see the same paid accordingly.


Ordered, That the Barons of the Exchequer do, this Term, hear and determine the Cause of the Starchmakers, depending there; and either cause the Money, deposited in certain Grocers Hands, to be brought into the Court, or the Recognizance thereof.

Money for Army.

Ordered, That Mr. Darley, SirWm. Strickland, Mr. Blakeston, Mr. Ashurst, Mr. Hoyle, and the Burgesses for Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Lincolnshire, do meet, from time to time, and consider of the best ways for providing of Monies for Relief of the Army under the Lord Fairefax his Command: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, and Writings; and to meet when and where they please; and to report their Opinions to the House.

Delinquents Houses.

Ordered, That Sir Arthur Hasilrig do bring in an Ordinance for raising of Monies, out of Delinquents Houses, in and about London, for Payment of Sir Wm. Waller's Army.

Warrants granted.

Ordered, That the Earl of Lindsey shall have a Warrant, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, to convey a Standard of Plate into Scotland, without Lett or Hindrance.

Ordered, That the Earl of Irwin shall have a Warrant, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, for himself, with Twelve Servants, and Four Horses, which he brought with him out of Scotland, to pass beyond Sea.

Treaty with Scotland.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Armyn do report, To-morrow Morning, the Business concerning the Treaty with the Scotts Commissioners.

Debts due to the State.

Ordered, That Colonel Manwaring shall, by himself or Deputies, levy, by Seizure, or Distress, such Monies as Arnold Beak, Wm. Bewly, Joseph Phillips, John Bird, Simon Bird, John Tanner, and Marmaduke Royden, Merchants, do owe, upon several Bonds, for Customs to the old Commissioners, out of their respective and several Estates (for which Purpose they shall have Power to break open any Door or Lock;) of which several Debts the Committee of the Navy are to give a Particular unto Colonel Manwaring, or his Deputy. And it is further Ordered, That Colonel Manwaring shall seize all such Lands, Goods, and Chattels, as he do find do belong unto Captain Marmaduk Royden; out of which Mr. Tho. Cullen, and Mr. Alexander Bence, Creditors of the Navy, shall be satisfied such Debts, as are justly due unto them, according to their several Petitions presented to this House: And, for his or their so doing, he and they shall be saved harmless, and indemnified.

Culling's &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Thomas Culling, and John Heather, of London, Merchants, this Day read, be referred to the Committee for the Navy.

Bence's, &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Alexander Bence, Squier Bence, Members of this House, Wm. Adis, and other the Owners of the Ship Samuel, this Day read, be referred to the Committee for the Navy.


Whereas his Excellency the Earl of Essex hath granted his Commission, under his Hand and Seal, bearing Date the Eleventh Day of March 1642, thereby authorizing James Mauleverer, Colonel, to levy and raise a Regiment of Harquebusiers, in the County of York, or elsewhere, to be employed for Defence of the Northern Parts: And whereas the said Colonel Mauleverer is now, according to his said Commission, raising the said Regiment, consisting of Eight Troops, (viz.) Sixty-three Horses to every Troop; which, according to the Rate of Ten Pounds for every Horse, will amount unto Six hundred and Thirty-five Pounds a Troop; in all Five thousand and Forty Pounds; besides Two thousand Nine hundred and Fourteen Pounds, for Advance Monies, and Two thousand Five hundred and Twenty Pounds, for Arms; in toto, Ten thousand Four hundred Seventyfour Pounds: And, for the better and more speedy effecting thereof, he, the said Colonel, doth humbly desire he may have an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament; and he may have Allowance of Pay for all his Officers of every Troop, from the First of this Instant May; and also for every Troop of Horse, after they shall respectively have mustered Forty Horses of every Troop, to be viewed by any such Commissary, as by both Houses of Parliament shall be appointed, together with Four Shillings Eight-pence per Diem to every Captain for his Waggon; and that by the said Ordinance he may be armed with Power, for completing of the said Regiment, to take Horses and Arms from any Papists, or other Malignant, as the House of Commons, or Deputy Lieutenants, or any Two of them, residing in their respective Counties or Corporation Towns, shall declare so to be: For which Horse and Arms, so to be taken, he will be accountable to both or one of the Houses of Parliament, by way of Defalkation: Whereupon, it is Ordered, by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That the said Colonel Mauleverer, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, and all and every other Person or Persons whatsoever, that shall lend or disburse any Sum or Sums of Monies, Part of the foresaid Sums, or advance any Horse or Arms, towards the raising and completing of the said Regiment of Horse, shall have the publick Faith of the Kingdom, for the Repayment of all and every such Sum or Sums of Monies, so by him or them, or any of them, disbursed, or to be disbursed, and laid forth, for the Service aforesaid, with Interest for the same; he making a just Account of all the said Monies, Horse, Arms, and other Goods so disbursed and received, in and about this publick Service, unto the House of Commons, or unto such Person or Persons, as they shall appoint to receive and take the said Accompts.

Delinquents at King's Lyn.

Ordered, by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Mayor and Justices of Peace of the Town of King's Lyn, in the County of Norfolke, or any Two of them, shall and may make diligent Search for, and apprehend Sir Hamond Le Strange Knight, Sir Nicholas Le Strange Baronet, Mr. Nicholas Le Strange Esquire, Sir Charles Mordaunt Baronet, Captain Clench, Robert Bacon Esquires, Captain Goodwyn, Captain Naunton, Captain Havers, the Lord Allington, Sir Robert De Gray Knight, Roger Le Strange, Artkur Heveningham, and all such Strangers and Lodgers, (that have or shall come into the said Town, or near the same, since the First of January last, and are now, or shall be, residing and being in the said Town) as are Popish Recusants; or that have endeavoured, or shall endeavour, to put in Execution the Commission of Array; and such as have not executed the Commands of both or either Houses of Parliament, being thereto required; or that have or shall withdraw themselves into the said Town, to avoid the Contributions of King and Parliament; and the said Persons forthwith safely to convey to Parliament, or to the Castle in Wisbitch, there to be safely kept till further Order of Parliament: And that the said Mayor, Justices of Peace, and Deputy Lieutenants aforesaid, shall and may seize upon all Horse, Arms, Ammunition, Plate and Money, or Letters, or other Writings, that may be found to be prejudicial to the said Town; or shall be found with the said Popish Recusants, and other Persons abovesaid; or that are, or shall be, by them, or any of them, brought or caused to be brought and conveyed into the said Town, or near the same; or are belonging to them, or any of them: Which said Horse, Arms, Ammunition, Plate and Money, shall be disposed of, for the Defence and Preservation of the said Town and County, as the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Norfolke, or any Two of them, shall hold fitting; or shall be otherwise directed by both or either Houses of Parliament: And that all Deputy Lieutenants, Sheriffs, Justices of Peace, Colonels, Captains of the Trained Bands, and Voluntiers, and other of the County of Norfolke, Cambridgeshire, and Lincolnshire, be aiding and assisting to them, for the Execution of the Premises: And Sir Thomas Hogan Knight, John Spelman, and Gregory Gawsell, Esquires, or any of them, are hereby required to be aiding in the Execution of this Order: And also, the said Mayor and Justices are required to call the said Gentlemen, or some of them, to their Assistance in this Service.

Weekly Assessments, &c.

Ordered, By the Lords and Commons, That the several Persons, appointed by the Ordinance of the Third of this Instant May, and instructed, for the bringing, out of divers Counties therein mentioned, perfect and speedy Accompts of the weekly Assessment, towards the Maintenance of the Army, do also use their best Endeavours for the Discovery, and finding out of all other Monies, levied, or to be levied, and collected, by any Act of Parliament, or Ordinance, either by way of Subsidy, or of Loan, or Contribution, for England or Ireland, which have not been brought into the Treasurer's Hands, appointed by such Acts or Ordinances to receive the same; and particularly, such Monies as are yet uncollected, or not brought in, upon the Act for a speedy Contribution towards the Relief of Ireland; and an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons, of the Thirtieth of January last, for a new Loan and Contribution, for the same Purpose: And that they, receiving certain Informations of such Monies, either from the Commissioners, Sheriffs, Collectors, or other Persons employed therein, do take course that the same be duly and speedily levied and paid to the respective Treasurers or Receivers aforesaid: And have Power to send for the Collectors and Sub Collectors, within their several Counties, for the speedy effecting thereof.