House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 5 May 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 5 May 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 5 May 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 5 May 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


Die Martis, 5 Maii, 1646.


THE Grand Committee sat, to take into Consideration the Ordinance concerning the Court of Wards.

Mr. Bacon in the Chair.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Mr. Scawen reports the Amendments to the Ordinance for putting and keeping out of the Lines of Communication, Papists and Delinquents as have been in Arms against the Parliament: The which were twice read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

And then the Ordinance, thus amended, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Sir Thomas Dacres is appointed to carry it to the Lords.

Ordered, &c. That, on Friday next, peremptorily, the Report from the Committee of Excise, concerning the Garison of Dover, be taken into Consideration, and settled.

The House being informed, That divers Gentlemen of the County of Herts were at the Door, desirous to prefer a Petition;

They were called in; . . . did prefer a Petition against the Payment of Tythes: The which was read.

Sir Thomas Dacres carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Ordinance concerning the putting and keeping out of the Lines of Communication, all Delinquents that have been in Arms against the Parliament, and all Papists.

Mr. John Stephens carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Order for Addition to the Committee for Irish Affairs: The Order to enable the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall to administer the Oath of Abjuration: The Ordinance for One thousand Pounds, and Interest, out of the Excise, for the Prisoners of Gloucester: The Order for Fifty Pounds, out of Haberdashers-Hall, for Captain Povey: The Order for Fifty Pounds, out of Haberdashers-Hall, to Colonel Coote: The Order for Thirty Pounds to Captain Fann, and for Twenty Pounds for Captain Clerke, out of Haberdashers-Hall; and the Twenty Pounds, out of Haberdashers-Hall, for Mr. Brereton: And the Form of the Pardon for Delinquents.

He was also to put the Lords in mind of the Ordinance for Continuing of the Northern Association.

Sir Thomas Dacres brings Answer, That the Lords will send Answer to the Ordinance for putting Delinquents out of the Lines of Communication, carried up by him, by Messengers of their own.

Mr. John Stephens brings Answer from the Lords, That they will take the Messages, carried by him to their Lordships, into speedy Consideration; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

A Message from the Lords, by Doctor Aylett and Doctor Heath;

The Lords have commanded us to bring you this Sense from their Lordships, upon certain Letters, which they had received, concerning Guernesey: They desire this House would take them into speedy Consideration; because it concerns the Safety of that Island:-This Report from the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque-Ports: It is for Mr. Peters to be Resident in Spane: Here is an Ordinance drawn up upon it; to which the Lords have agreed; and desire your Concurrence.

Two Letters from the Lieutenant-Governor . . Guernesey, one of 13 Aprilis, the other of 28 Aprilis, 1646, from Guernesey; another from Monsieur Petro de Beannoir and Thomas Careye, of 28 Aprilis 1646, from Guernesey; also a French Letter of 16 Aprilis 1646, from the Governor of Alderne, to the Governor of Guernesey; and the Lords Sense upon the said Letters; were all read.

Sir Henry Mildmay is appointed to go to the Lords To-morrow Morning, to desire them to concurr in a Vote of this House, for Sir Hardres Waller to command the Forces that are to be employed for the Reducing of Jersey: And

It is Resolved, &c. That the Lords be desired to concurr: And that the Members of both Houses that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, do grant him a Commission accordingly.

Resolved, &c. That the Twelve hundred Men, appointed formerly for the Reducing of Jersey, be made up Five-and-twenty hundred Men, to be employed for that Service.

Resolved, &c. That Five thousand Pounds be charged upon the Receipts of the Excise, in Course, with Interest after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum for the Forbearance thereof, to be added to the former Five thousand Pounds, and employed for the Raising and Transporting of the Forces that are to be employed in the Service of Reducing of Jersey.

Ordered, &c. That Mr. Corbett and Colonel Walton be required forthwith to go down into the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolke: And Colonel Walton and Mr. Corbett, and either of them, are to have the Command of the Town of Lynne, during their or either of their Residence there: And the Governor, and all other Officers and Forces there, are to obey all such Commands as they shall receive from them, or either of them: And have Power to call into Lynn the Train-Bands of Marshland, and other Parts of the County of Norfolk, as they shall see Cause; and to search for, disarm, and secure all Delinquents, such as have come out of the Enemies Quarters, and other Persons of the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and City of Norwich, as they, or either of them, shall have in just Cause of Suspicion: And that they, and either of them, do take in any of the Trained-Bands of the said Counties of Norfolke and Suffolke as they think fit, for the Securing of the Town of Yarmouth, the Isles of Lovingland and Flegge: And that the Sheriffs, Deputy-Lieutenants, and Committees, within the said several Counties and Places, and the Mayor and Trained-Bands of the Town of Lynn, be aiding and assisting unto the said Mr. Corbett and Colonel Walton in the Premises: And that Sir John Potts, and the rest of the Members of this House, that are in the said Counties, or either of them, are to be likewise aiding and assisting to the said Mr. Corbett and Colonel Wallton herein.

Ordered, &c. That the Members of both Houses that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, do forthwith give Directions unto Captain Pickering, now at the Leaguer before Newarke, to march with his Troop unto the Town of King's-Lynn in the County of Norfolke; there to receive and obey such Orders and Commands as shall be given him by Mr. Corbett and Colonel Wallton, or either of them.

Ordered, &c. That Colonel Russell do forthwith go down to the Isle of Ely, and take care for the Securing thereof: And hath Power to call in the Train-Bands of the Parts adjacent, for the Securing thereof, as he shall see Cause.

Ordered, That Mr. Leaman and Mr. Gawsall, late Treasurers upon the Earl of Manchester's Ordinance, do pay all such Monies as are in their Hands, being of the Arrears of the said Earl of Manchester's Ordinance, unto the Mayor of Lynn, and Mr. Bartholomew Wormell: Whose Acquittance shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Mr. Leaman and Mr. Gawsall, for the Payment thereof: And that the said Mayor of Lynn, and Mr. Wormell, do issue out and pay the same unto such Person and Persons as Mr. Corbett and Colonel Wallton shall appoint, according to former Orders of this House.

Ordered, &c. That the Committees of Accompts, and their Sub-Committees in the Eastern Association, except in the County of Essex, do forthwith pay all such Monies as have been received by them of the Arrears due by the Earl of Manchester's Ordinance, unto Mr. Leaman and Mr. Gawsall, or either of them: And that the said Mr. Leaman and Mr. Gawsall do immediately, upon the Receipt thereof, pay over the same unto the Mayor of Lynn and Mr. Wormell: Whose Acquittance shall be a good Discharge for the Payment thereof: And that the said Mayor of Lynn, and Mr. Wormell, do issue out and pay the said Monies unto such Person and Persons as Mr. Corbett and Colonel Wallton shall appoint, according to the former Orders of this House.

Ordered, &c. That the Committee of the Eastern Association shall have Power, and are hereby authorized, to get in all Arrears due and payable by virtue of the several Ordinances for the Maintenance of the Army late under the Command of the Earl of Manchester; and of the several Garisons: And are to send for such Person and Persons as shall obstruct or refuse to pay the same.

Ordered, &c. That the Ordinance for a Recompence to Mr. Scawen for his good Services be brought in, and read, on Thursday Morning next, the first Business.

An Ordinance for constituting Thomas Peters Esquire Consul, Factor, or Agent for the Parliament of England in the Parts of Cadiz and St. Lucar, in the Kingdom of Spaine, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

Answer returned by the same Messengers;

The House hath taken the Letter from Guernesey into Consideration; and will send Answer thereunto by Messengers of their own: And, as to the Ordinance for Mr. Peters to be Consul at Cadiz, they do agree.