House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 September 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 September 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 September 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 15 September 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Martis, 15 Septembris, 1646.


Resolved, &c. That a Warrant be issued, under the Hand of Mr. Speaker, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for the Issuing of a Writ, for the Election of a Burgess for the Borough of Wendever in the County of Bucks, to serve in the place of Mr. Fountaine, late a Member of this House, deceased.

Resolved, &c. That a Warrant be issued, under the Hand of Mr. Speaker, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for the Issuing of a Writ, for the Election of a Burgess for the Borough of Wallingford in the County of Berks, to serve in the place of Mr. Thomas Howard, disabled, by Judgment of this House, to sit or serve as a Member, in this present Parliament.

Mr. Speaker acquainted the House, That he had received, by the Hands of Mr. Baron Atkyns and Mr. Serjeant Greene, Justices of Assize for the County of Yorke this last Summer-Circuit, the humble Presentment and Remonstrance of the Grand Inquest, being the Representative Body of that County, concerning the present sad Condition thereof.

The which was read; and was signed "R. Hawkesworth cum Sociis, Tho. Boynton cum Sociis. Ex. per Johannem Carill Clericum, Assizarum & Coron. ibidem;" the same being a Copy, the Original whereof is entered of Record by the Clerk of Assize of the said County.

A Letter from Yorke, of the 28th of August 1646, from the several Committees of the Northern Association, relating the sad Condition and Sufferings of the Northern Counties; and desiring Supplies from the Parliament; was this Day read.

A Letter from Yorke, of 13 Augusti 1646, from the Committee there, concerning the sad Condition of that Country, under the Burden of the Scottish Forces; and concerning a Petition, which remonstrates the Charge of one Part of one of the Twelve Wapentakes in the North Riding, by the Scottish Army; was this Day read.

The humble Petition of the much distressed Inhabitants of Cleaveland in the Wapentake of Langbarguh, and North Riding of the County of Yorke, representing the sad Condition and Sufferings of the said Wapentake, was this Day read.

A Letter from Morpeth, of 8 Septembris 1646, from the Committee of Northumberland, concerning divers Delinquent Ministers, who are returned to the said County, was this Day read.

Resolved, &c. That Dr. Bezeer, Mr. Alvey, Mr. Sadler, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Forster, and Mr. Snape, be sent for, in safe Custody, to appear before the Committee for plundered Ministers: Who are appointed to examine their particular Delinquencies, and the Charges against them; and to report the same to the House.

A Petition from the Committee of Cumberland, of 24 Augusti 1646, was this Day read.

Ordered, That, for the more speedy Perfecting of the Compositions with Delinquents, the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall do sit at such Days and Times as they have formerly used.

It is this Day Ordered, upon the Question, by the Commons, assembled in Parliament, That the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds, charged upon the Compositions with Delinquents at Goldsmiths-Hall, by Order of the Fourth of July last, for the Forces of Yorkeshire, Bishoprick of Duresme, Northumberland, Westmerland, and Cumberland, be forthwith paid unto William White Esquire: Whose Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge for the same, or any Part thereof, to the Treasurers at Goldsmiths-Hall: And the said William White is hereby authorized to issue the said Ten thousand Pounds, or any Part thereof, according to such Order as he shall receive from the Committee for the Northern Association.

Ordered, That the Report concerning the Cornish Gentlemen be made on Friday Morning next.

Ordered, That the Reports and Ordinances from the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall be heard on Thursday Morning next, the first Business, until Ten of the Clock: And that, at Ten of the Clock, the House do take into further Consideration the Paper of the Eleventh of August last, and the other Papers delivered in from the Scotts Commissioners.

Ordered, That Mr. Henry Pelham be heard to make the Reports in his Hands, concerning the County of Lincolne, on Friday Morning next.

Resolved, &c. That the Presentment and Remonstrance of the Grand Inquest of the County of Yorke, presented to the Justices of Assize there this last Summer's Circuit, be referred to the Committee of the Northern Association, as to those Particulars, which concern the Settling of a good Preaching Ministry there, and which concern the Civil Government of that County; to consider of those Particulars; and to report their Opinions what is fit to be done upon them.

A Petition, directed to both Houses of Parliament, stiled, "The humble Petition of many Thousands of the well-affected Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the County-Palatine of Lancaster," was this Day read.

A Division of the County of Lancaster into Nine Classical Presbyteries, together with the Names of Ministers, and other Persons fit to be of the said several Classes, was this Day read; and was in hæc verba; viz.

The First Classis to contain Manchester Parish, Prestwich Parish, Oldham Parish, Flixton Parish, Eccles Parish, Ashton under Line Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the First Classis.

Mr. Richard Heyrick; Mr. Richard Hollinworth, of Manchester; Mr. John Angeir, of Denton; Mr. William Walker, of Newton; Mr. Toby Furnes, of Prestwich; Mr. Humphrey Barnett, of Oldham; Mr. John Jones, of Eccles; Mr. John Harrison, of Ashton under Line.

Others fit to be of the First Classis.

Robert Hyde, of Denton, Esquire; Richard Howarth, of Manchester, Esquire; Robert Ashton, of Shepley, Esquire; Thomas Strangwaies, of Gorton, Esquire; Wm. Booth, of Reddish, Gentleman; John Gaskell, of Manchester, Gentleman; Edward Sundiforth, of Oldham, Gentleman; John Birch, of Openshaw, Gentleman; Thomas Smyth, of Manchester, Gentleman; Peter Serjeant, of Pilkington, Gentleman; Robert Leech, of Ashton Parish, Gentleman; John Wright, of Bradford, Yeoman; William Peake, of Worsley, Yeoman; Thomas Taylor, of Flixton Parish, Yeoman; Thomas Barlow, of Eccles Parish, Yeoman; Peter Seddon, of Pilkington, Yeoman; James Jolly, of Droilsden, Gentleman.

The Second Classis to contain Boulton Parish, Bury Parish, Middleton Parish, Rochdale Parish, Deane Parish, Radcliff Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Second Classis.

Mr. John Harpur, of Bolton; Mr. Wm. Ashton, of Middleton; Mr. Wm. Alte, Mr. Andrew Latham, Mr. Jonathan Scotfield, of Bury; Mr. Robert Bath, of Rochdale; Mr. Alexander Horrocks, Mr. Jo. Tilsley, Mr. James Walton, of Deane; Mr. Thomas Pike, of Radcliffe.

Others fit to be of the Second Classis.

Ralph Ashton, of Middleton, Esquire; John Bradshaw, of Bradshaw, Esquire; Edmund Hopwood, of Hopwood, Esquire; Robert Leaver, of Darcy-Lever, Gentleman; John Andrewes, of Little Lever, Gentleman; Robert Heywood, of Heywood, Gentleman; Peter Holt, of Heape, Gentleman; Arthur Smethhurst, of Heape, Gentleman; Thomas Evershall, of Bury, Gentleman; Edward Butterworth, of Belfield, Esquire; John Scotfield, of Castleton, Yeoman; Emanuel Tompson, of Rochdale, Clothier; Samuel Wild, of Rochdale, Mercer; James Stot, of Healey, Gentleman; Robert Pares, of Rochdale, Gentleman; Ralph Worthington, of Snithill, Esquire; Giles Green, of Westhoughton, Yeoman; Henry Molineux, of Westhoughton, Gentleman; Henry Seddon, of Heaton, Yeoman; Roger Hardman, of Radcliff, Yeoman; Jo. Bradshaw, of Darcy-Lever, Gentleman; Richard Dickonson, of Ainsworth, Yeoman.

The Third Classis to contain Blackborne Parish, Whaley Parish, Chipping Parish, Kiblechester Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Third Classis.

Mr. Adam Boulton, of Blackborne; Mr. Robert Worthington, of Harwood; Mr. Richard Redman, of Low-Church; Mr. William Walker, of Whaley; Mr. Henry Morrice, of Burneley; Mr. John Briars, of Padiham; Mr. William Ingham, of Church; Mr. John King, of Chipping.

Others fit to be of the Third Classis.

Sir Ralph Ashton, Baronet; Richard Shuttleworth senior, Esquire; Richard Shuttleworth junior, Esquire; John Starky, Esquire; John Parker, Esquire; Richard Ashton, of Downeham, Esquire; John Livesay, of Livesay, Gentleman; Thomas Barcroft, of Barcroft, Gentleman; Nicolas Cunliffe, of Wycollar, Gentleman; John Cunliffe, of Hollins, Gentleman; Robert Cunliffe, of Sparth, Gentleman; Nicolas Rishton, of Anteley, Gentleman; Roger Geliborne, of Berdwood, Gentleman; William Yates, of Blackborne, Gentleman; John Howorth, of Clayton, Gentleman; Thomas Whalley, of Rishton, Gentleman; Charles Gregory, of Haslinden, Gentleman.

The Fourth Classis to contain Warrington Parish, Winwicke Parish, Leigh Parish, Wigan Parish, Holland Parish, Prescott Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Fourth Classis.

Mr. Charles Herle, of Winwicke; Mr. Thomas Norman, of Newton; Mr. James Wood, of Ashton; Mr. Wm. Leigh, of New-Church; Mr. Henry Atherton, of Hollinfaire; Mr. Bradley Hayhurst, of Leigh; Mr. Tho. Crompton, of Astley; Mr. James Bradshawe, of Wigan; Mr. Tho. Tonge, of Finley; Mr. Hen. Shawe, of Holland; Mr. William Plant, of Farneworth; Mr. Rich. Modesley, of Ellins; Mr. Timothy Smith, of Raineford; Mr. John Wright, of Billing.

Others fit to be of the Fourth Classis.

William Ashurst, of Ashurst, Esquire; Peter Brooke, of Sanky, Esquire; William Vernon, of Shakerley, Gentleman; John Dunbabin, of Warrington, Gentleman; Tho. Risely, of Warrington, Gentleman; Robert Watmough, of Winwicke, Gentleman; Gilbert Eden, of Winwicke, Gentleman; John Ashton, of Newton, Gentleman; George Ainesworth, of Newton, Yeoman; James Pilkington, of Ashton, Gentleman; Arthur Leech, of West-Leigh, Yeoman; Peter Smith, of West-Leigh, Yeoman; Richard Ashtley, of Tilsley, Gentleman; Thomas Guest, of Astley, Yeoman; Henry Morrice, of Atherton, Gentleman; Alexander Thompson, of Wigan, Gentleman; Peter Harrison, of Hinley, Gentleman; Tho. Sephton, of Skelmersdale, Gentleman; Geoffrey Birchall, of Orrell, Gentleman; John Lathom, of Whiston, Gentleman; George Deane, of Ranhill, Yeoman; William Barnes, of Sankey, Gentleman; John Marsh, of Bold, Gentleman; John Rylands, of Sutton, Yeoman; Thurston Peake, of Warrington, Gentleman; Evan Heaton, of Billing, Gentleman; Roger Topping, of Dalton, Yeoman; Peter Leyland, of Haddock, Yeoman.

The Fifth Classis to contain Walton Parish, Hayton Parish, Childwell Parish, Sephton Parish, Aulker Parish, North-Meales Parish, Halsall Parish, Ormeskirke Parish, Aughton Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Fifth Classis.

Mr. William Ward, of Walton; Mr. John Fogg, of Liverpoole; Mr. Robert Port, of Toxteth; Mr. Rich. Pickering, of Kirkeby; Mr. William Norcott, of Derby; Mr. William Bell, of Hayton; Mr. David Ellison, of Childwell; Mr. Hen. Bolton, of Hale; Mr. Joseph Thompson, of Sephton; Mr. John Kidd, of Crosby; Mr. Robert Seddon, of Awlker; Mr. James Starky, of North-Meales, Mr. Tho. Johnson, of Halsall; Mr. Wm. Donne, of Ormeskirke; Mr. James Worrall, of Aughton.

Others fit to be of the Fifth Classis.

John Moore, Esquire; Gilbert Ireland, Esquire; Mr. John Williamson senior, of Liverpoole, Gentleman; Nicholas Cowper, of Kirkedale, Yeoman; Edward Chambers, of Liverpoole, Yeoman; Jeremiah Aspinwall, of Toxteth, Gentleman; Peter Ambrose, of Toxteth, Gentleman; Henry Woods, of Kirkby, Yeoman; Thomas Thomason, of Derby, Yeoman; Henry Mercer, of Derby, Gentleman; Thomas Tyrer, of Heyton, Yeoman; Brian Southworke, of Tarbucke, Yeoman; William Plumbe, of Woolton, Gentleman; John Williamson, of Woolton, Yeoman; Thomas Rothwell, of Ince, Yeoman; William Watkinson, of Blowicke, Yeoman; James Mosse, of Crossons, Gentleman; Thomas Hesketh, of Halsall, Gentleman; William Wilson, of Lidyate, Yeoman; Thomas Bootle, of Melling, Gentleman; Hugh Cooper, of Ormeskirke, Gentleman; Peter Blundell, of Scarisbricke, Gentleman; James Crosse, of Aughton, Gentleman.

The Sixth Classis to contain Crofton Parish, Leyland Parish, Standish Parish, Eccleston Parish, Penwortham Parish, Hoole Parish, Brindle Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Sixth Classis.

Mr. James Hyett, of Crofton; Mr. Paul Lathom, of Standish; Mr. Edward Gee, of Eccleston; Mr. Henry Welsh, of Chorley; Mr. James Langley, of Leyland; Mr. Ralph Marsden, of Brindle.

Others fit to be of the Sixth Classis.

Sir Richard Houghton, Baronet; Peter Catterall, of Crooke, Gentleman; Thomas Wilson, of Wrightington, Gentleman; John Cliffe, of Brotherton, Gentleman; John Binson, of Winnell, Gentleman; Ralph Lever, of Chorley, Gentleman; Roger Hadocke, of Chorley, Yeoman; Edward Doughty, of Adlington, Yeoman; John Pincocke, of Euxton, Yeoman; Alexander Chisnall, of Whitle, Yeoman; George Dardy, of Croston, Yeoman; Thomas Wasley, of Chorley, Yeoman; John Crane, of Eccleston, Yeoman; John Cowdry, of Longton, Yeoman.

The Seventh Classis to contain Preston Parish, Kirkham Parish, Garstange Parish, Poulton Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Seventh Classis.

Mr. Isaac Ambrose, Mr. Robert Yates, of Preston; Mr. Edward Fleetwood, of Kirkham; Mr. Thomas Cranage, of Gosenargh; Mr. Christopher Edmondson, of Garstange; Mr. John Somner, of Poulton.

Others fit to be of the Seventh Classis.

Alexander Rigby, Esquire; William Langton, Esquire; Matthew Addison, of Preston, Gentleman; William Sudall, of Preston, Gentleman; William Cottam, of Preston, Gentleman; Edward Downes, of Wellam, Gentleman; Richard Wilkins, of Kirkham, Yeoman; Edward Turner, of Gosenargh, Yeoman; Thomas Nickson, of Plumpton, Gentleman; Edward Veale, of Layton, Esquire; Robert Crane, of Leaton, Gentleman; William Latewise, of Catterall, Gentleman; Richard Whitehead, of Garstange, Gentleman.

The Eighth Classis to contain Lancaster Parish, Cockeram Parish, Claughton Parish, Melling Parish, Tatham Parish, Tunstall Parish, Whittington Parish, Warton Parish, Boulton Parish, Halton Parish, Hesom Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Eighth Classis.

Mr. Nebemiah Barnett, of Lancaster; Mr. John Sill, of Gressingham; Mr. Peter Atkinson, of Elell; Mr. Nicolas Smith, of Tatham; Mr. Richard Jackson, of Whittington; Mr. Richard Walker, of Warton; Mr. John Jaques, of Bolton; Mr. Tho. Whitehead, of Halton.

Others sit to be of the Eighth Classis.

Henry Porter, of Lancaster, Gentleman; William West, of Midleton, Gentleman; William Turner, of Melling, Gentleman; Thomas Rippon, of Lancaster, Gentleman; William Gardner, of Glasson, Gentleman; George Tolson, of Lancaster, Gentleman; Thomas Towlson, of Lancaster, Gentleman; Thomas Claiton, of Wiersdale, Gentleman; William Greenebanke, of Halton, Yeoman; James Thorneton, of Melling, Yeoman; William Wither, of Brownedge, Yeoman; Edmund Barwicke, of Highfeild, Yeoman; Robert Eskrigg, of Whittington, Yeoman; Henry Story, of Story, Yeoman; Christopher Shearson, of Elell, Yeoman; Henry Holme, of Kellett, Yeoman; Robert Lucas, of Kellett, Yeoman; Robert Curwin, of Kellett, Gentleman.

The Ninth Classis to contain Aldingham Parish, Ureswicke Parish, Ulverston Parish, Hauxehead Parish, Coulton Parish, Dalton Parish, Cartmell Parish, Kirkeby Parish, Vennington Parish.

The Ministers fit to be of the Ninth Classis.

Mr. Tho. Shawe, of Aldingham; Mr. Philip Bennet, of Ulverston; Mr. Kempe, of Hauxehead; Mr. Brian Willowe, of Coulton; Mr. Jo. Marygold, of Cartmell.

Others fit to be of the Ninth Classis.

George Dodding Esquire; Thomas Fell Esquire; Edward Rigby Esquire; Adam Sands, of Booth, Gentleman; John Sawry, of Plumpton, Gentleman; William Knipe, of Cartmell, Gentleman; Robert Rawlinson, of Greenehead, Gentleman; Thomas Fell, of Scarthewhett, Gentleman; Thomas Daubson, of Leere, Gentleman; Richard Myres, of Becleefe, Yeoman; William Rawlinson, of Grathwhett, Gentleman.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of the Division of the County of Lancaster into the Nine Classical Presbyteries represented from the said County.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of the Ministers, and other Persons, represented from the County of Lancaster, as fit to be of the several and respective Classes, into which the said County is divided.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired in these Votes.

Ordered, That Sir John D'Anvers do go to the Lords, To-morrow Morning, with the Message he was formerly appointed to go withal: And that he carry the Ordinance for Chester, and the other Messages appointed to be sent to the Lords by him.

Ordered, That Sir John Wollaston, and the rest of the Treasurers at War, appointed by the Ordinance of the Eight-and-twentieth of March 1645, do forthwith send away the Five-and-twenty thousand Pounds unto Sir Thomas Fairfax, to be disposed of, according to former Instructions, for the Reducing and Transporting of Colonel-General Massie's Forces.

Ordered, That Colonel John Barker, a Member of this House, be referred to the Committee of Accompts; to state and certify his Accompts to this House.

Ordered, That the Debate, concerning the Disposal of the Great Seal of England, be taken into Consideration on Friday Morning next, the first Business: And that no other Business do intervene: And that Mr. Speaker is to put the House in mind thereof.

Ordered, That the Cheshire Ordinance be read on Friday next, after the Debate concerning the Disposal of the Great Seal.

Ordered, That the Petition for the County of Berks be read on Friday Morning next, after the Business of the Great Seal.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of the Grand Jury of the County of Devon, assembled at the Assizes for the said County, the Twenty-fourth Day of August 1646, be read on Friday Morning next, after the Petition of the County of Berks.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Doctor Aylett;

The Lords do desire, That such a Provision of Money be made for the Duke of Yorke's Expences, as the Houses may not be troubled to order every little Sum of Money for him, nor he be a Burden unto the Earl of Northumberland: And they have commanded us to acquaint you, That, in Sense of the sad Loss of the Earl of Essex, a Person of such eminent Worth and Service to the Parliament, they have adjourned their House till To-morrow Morning.

Resolved, &c. That the Committee of the Revenue do forthwith pay, unto the Earl of Northumberland, Twelve hundred Pounds, for the Maintenance of the Duke of York.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Revenue, and the Committee for the King's Children, to consider of an Establishment for the Maintenance of the Duke of York; and to report it to the House.

Resolved, &c. That the House be adjourned till To-morrow Morning at Eight of Clock.

Resolved, &c. That the Answer to that Part of the Lords Message, concerning the Adjournment of the House, in regard of the sad Accident of the Death of the Earl of Essex, shall be, that the House hath adjourned till To-morrow Morning at Eight of Clock.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth declare, That when the Body of the Earl of Essex shall be carried to Interring, that this House shall accompany it.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message: And, as concerning the Duke of York, they have taken it into Consideration; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own: As to the other Part of their Message, they have resolved, That the House be adjourned till To-morrow Morning.