House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 20 October 1648

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 20 October 1648', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 20 October 1648', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 20 October 1648". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, 20 Octobris, 1648.


Sir J. Danvers.

ORDERED, That the Business concerning Sir John Danvers be taken into Consideration on Saturday Morning next, the first Business, peremptorily: And that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind hereof: And that Colonel Goulds Business be heard next after That.


Ordered, That the Business of the Army be taken up To-morrow Morning.

Loan by Merchants Adventurers.

The humble Answer and Petition of the Governor, Deputy, Assistants, and Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England, to the Proposition of the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Navy and Customs for the Loan of Twenty thousand Pounds, for Supply of the Necessities of the Navy, was this Day read; whereby they offer their Credit for raising the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds; so as they may be reimbursed their Principal Money, with Interest, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent. per Annum, to be paid every Six Months, till the Principal be fully discharged, by the Security of the Customs, in Course, which they understand shall immediately succeed as well what is anticipated upon the Moiety set apart for the Occasions of the said Committee, as the other Moiety reserved to reimburse the Engagements of the Commissioners of the Customs, which shall first happen.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth accept of the Offer of the Governor, Deputy, Assistants, and Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England, to lend Ten thousand Pounds upon the Security proposed.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do give the said Governor, Deputy, Assistants, and Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers, the Thanks of this House, for their good Assections, and willing Offer of their Credit, for Raising of Ten thousand Pounds for supplying the Necessities of the Navy.

Defaulters Fines restored.

Ordered, That the Lord Fitzwilliams, Lord Clinton, and Sir Thomas Wroth, shall have their respective Twenty Pounds, deposited by them, restored; their Excuses for their Absence, upon the last Call, being admitted.

Dr. Bastwick.

A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Mr. Halewill;

The Lords have commanded us to bring unto you Doctor Bastwick's Petition: Which the Lords do especially recommend unto the speedy Consideration of this House.

Sir H. Chomley.

A Letter from Sir Henry Chomley was this Day read, touching the Command in Chief of the Forces at the Siege of Pontefract.

Resolved, &c. That a Letter be written to the General; and this Letter from Sir Henry Cholmley inclosed: And that it be recommended to the General, to settle the Business with Respect to Sir Henry Chomley's Honour, and faithful Services; and especially for the Carrying on of the Service for the Safety of the * * * *.

Sir John Evelyn of Wiltes, Colonel Copley, and Sir Peter Wentworth, are appointed to prepare this Letter.

Taking of Carlisle.

A Letter from Lieutenant General Cromwell, from Carlisle, of 14 Octobris, 1648, relating the Delivery up of the City and Citadel of Carlisle into his Hands, for the Use of the Parliament, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Sum of One hundred Pounds be bestowed upon, and paid unto, Captain Edward Wolfe, that brought up the good News of the Delivery of Carlisle: And that the said Sum of One hundred Pounds be charged upon Sir Charles Keymish his Fine, in Course, after the other Engagements upon that Fine first satisfied: And that the same be paid, as aforesaid, by the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall, unto the said Captain Wolfe, or his Assignee: And that the Acquittance of the said Captain Wolfe, or his Assignee, shall be a sufficient Discharge unto the Treasurer at Goldsmiths Hall, for Payment of the said One hundred Pounds accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Ordered, That the Sum of Twenty Pounds be bestowed upon Mr. * Noble, one of the Messengers that brought the News of the Success of the Surrender of Carlisle: And that the said Sum of Twenty Pounds be charged upon Sir Charles Keymish his Fine, in Course, after the other Engagements upon that Fine first satisfied: And that the same be paid, as aforesaid, by the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall, unto the said Mr. Noble, or his Assignee: And that the Acquittance of the said Mr. Noble, or his Assignee, shall be a sufficient Discharge unto the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall, for Payment of the said One hundred Pounds accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Dr. Bastwick.

Ordered, That the Ordinance concerning Doctor Bastwick be read on Tuesday Morning next, peremptorily, the first Business: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind hereof.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and taken it into particular and especial Consideration.


Ordered, That the Report concerning the Supernumeraries in the several Counties be made To-morrow Morning.

Message to Lords.

Colonel Harvey carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Order concerning the Contractors: The Order ... Thirty Pounds to the Messenger that brought the News of the Surrender of Appleby Castle: The Order and Declaration, That neither the Lord's Days, nor Days of publick Fast, be accounted any of the Forty Days for the Treaty: Order for Payment of Part of Colonel Birch his Arrears: Order for the Moiety of Five thousand Pounds to be paid unto Colonel Mitton.

Treaty with the King.

According to the Order Yesterday made, the House resumed the Consideration of the King's Answer to the Proposition concerning Delinquents.

The Question being put, That the Persons expressed and contained in that Part of the First Branch of the Proposition concerning Delinquents, to which the King has not declared his Consent, be proceeded with, and their Estates disposed of, as both Houses of Parliament shall think fit or appoint; and that their Persons shall not be capable of Pardon by his Majesty, without Consent of both Houses of Parliament; the House declaring, that they will not proceed as to the Taking away of Life of any of them, to above the Number of Seven Persons;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Richard Houghton, Tellers for the Noe: 63.
Mr. Holland, With the Noe,
Sir John Curson, Tellers for the Yea: 98.
Sir Walter Erle, With the Yea,

So the Question passed with the Affirmative.

Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.

Sir Robert Harley is appointed to carry it to the Lords.

Ordered, That the Debate touching the Proposition for Delinquents be taken up on Tuesday Morning next: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.