House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 21 May 1657

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 21 May 1657', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 21 May 1657', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 21 May 1657". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Thursday, 21st of May, 1657.

Levant Company.

ORDERED, That Sir Francis Norris, Sir Thomas Honywood, Mr. Throckmorton, Mr. Fleetwood, Sir John Trevor, Sir Wm. Strickland, Mr. George Smyth, Mr. Goodwyn, Colonel Chadwick, Mr. Grove, Mr. Trevor, Mr. Waller, be added to the Committee, to whom the Petitions of the Levant Company, and of Sir Sackvile Crow, was referred.

Sir J. Trevor.

Ordered, That Major General Goff, and Major General Whalley, be added to Sir John Trevor's Committee.

Winchester Cathedral.

A Bill for vesting the Church, commonly called the Cathedral Church of Winchester, in certain Trustees for Publick and Religious Uses, was this Day read the First time, and appointed to be read the Second time on Monday next.

Arthur's Claims.

Dr. Clerges reports from the Committee, to whom the Petition of Captain John Arthur was referred, as followeth;

WHEREAS, by an Order of Parliament, dated the 14th Day of March, it was ordered, That the Report that Day made by Dr. Clarges, concerning the Matter contained in a Petition of John Arthur of Weymouth, referred to this Committee on the 22th of December last, should be recommitted to us, to state the Particulars, and report the same to the House; and to bring in a Bill, if we see Cause, for the Petitioner's Satisfaction, out of Lands in Ireland: Upon View and Examination of the several Particulars, it appeareth to us, as followeth; viz.

That there is due to the Petitioner, by a Bill, bearing Date the 9th of December 1642, for Plate, Ten Pounds Two Shillings; and, by another Bill, for Disbursements upon Portland and Weymouth Garisons, by virtue of an Order and Warrant of the Earl of Warwick, then Lord High Admiral of England, bearing Date the 13th of July 1643, the Sum of One thousand Two hundred Thirty-four Pounds One Shilling and Ten-pence; and, by another Bill for Disbursements for the Garison of Weymouth, bearing Date the 13th Day of May 1646, the Sum of Two hundred Ninety-six Pounds; and by another Bill for Disbursements for the same Garison, bearing Date 14th May 1646, the Sum of Sixteen Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Nine-pence; and by another Bill for the same Use, and of the same Date, the Sum of Twenty-four Pounds Seven Shillings Sixpence; and by another Bill, bearing Date the 12th June 1646, for the Hire of the Ship John of Weymouth, for the State's Service, the Sum of Three hundred Pounds; and, by another Bill for Disbursements for Portland Garison, bearing Date the 13 July 1646, the Sum of Seventeen Pounds; and, by another Bill for Disbursements for the Garison of Weymouth, bearing Date 14 March 1647, the Sum of Forty-five Pounds; and, by another Bill of the same Date, for Disbursements for the said Garison of Weymouth, the Sum of Ninety-three Pounds: All which Bills, being allowed and signed by the Committee of Dorsett, and Colonel Sydenham, then Governor of Weymouth, do amount to the Sum of Two thousand Thirty-six Pounds Five Shillings and Elevenpence; which, with single Interest, according to the Ordinance of Parliament, amounting to One thousand Six hundred Sixty-one Pounds Six Shillings and Twopence, do make the whole due unto the said John Arthur, to be the Sum of Three thousand Six hundred Ninetyseven Pounds Twelve Shillings and One Peny.

That, in regard the Petitioner hath been zealously affected to the Parliament, and did supply the Necessity of the Commonwealth in the low Condition of their Affairs; For the present Relief, and the present Necessities of the Petitioner;

It is the humble Opinion of this Committee, that the Bill, this Day read to this Committee, be, with this Report, presented to the Parliament, to be by them passed into an Act, for Satisfaction of the said Sum of Three thousand Six hundred Ninety-seven Pounds Twelve Shillings and One Peny, out of Lands in Ireland; as it is therein expressed.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee herein.

Arthur's Claims.

He also reports a Bill, intituled, An Act for the Satisfaction of Captain John Arthur, for divers Sums of Money, disbursed by him for the Service of this Commonwealth, out of the forfeited Lands, Houses, or Leases in Ireland: Which was read the First time, and ordered to be read the Second time on Monday next.


The humble Petition of John Browne, one of the Serjeants at Mace, and Nicholas Wolley, one of the Yeomen belonging to the Sheriffs of London, and now Prisoners in Newgate, were this Day read.

Resolved, That the further Imprisonment of the Petitioners, from and after Saturday next, be remitted.

Resolved, That the Petitioners be discharged of their Imprisonment out of Newgate, after Saturday next.


The House, according to former Order, resumed the Debate upon the Bill, enjoining Ministers, and others, to perform the Duty of Catechising: And the Question being put, That the Proviso last tendered be Part of the Bill;

It passed in the Negative.

Another Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; "Provided that this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to compel to come to the Parish Church to be catechised, any married Persons, or any Person or Persons who shall produce unto the Minister of such Parish a Certificate under the Hand of the Pastor of a Congregated Church, agreeing in Matters of Faith with the publick Profession, that such Person or Persons are Members of such Congregation, or the Children or Servants of such Members, and are under his or their Care, for their Instruction; nor shall extend to make any Master or Mistress liable to any Forfeiture or Penalty imposed by this Act for the Default or Neglect of any Servant, other than such as live in the House, where such Master or Mistress hath his or their Dwelling, with their Families:" Which was read the First time; and, upon the Question, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That this Proviso be Part of . . . . Bill.

Resolved, That these Words; viz. "And, in case any of the said poor Persons shall wilfully sell, make away, or imbezzle, any of the said Bibles so provided for them, that then such Offender or Offenders, being thereof convicted before One or more Justice or Justices of the Peace, shall, by the said Justice or Justices, be committed to the House of Correction; there to remain, without Bail or Mainprize, by the Space of Fourteen Days;" be transposed after the Clause enjoining Persons to have Bibles in their Houses.

A Proviso was tendered to this Bill, to this Effect; "That the Bill should not extend to compel Persons to attend Catechising in the publick Congregation who can say the Catechism without Book, &c."

The Question being put, That this Proviso be read;

It passed in the Negative.

Resolved, That this Bill shall pass for a Law.

Ordered, That his Highness the Lord Protector's Consent be desired to this Bill.

Irish Bills.

Ordered, That the Bills for Ireland be read To-morrow Morning.


Ordered, That the Bill for Recusants be read Tomorrow Morning, next after the Bills for Ireland.


Ordered, That the Bill for Marriages be read on Saturday Morning next, the Second time.

Creditors, &c.

Ordered, That the Bill for Creditors and Prisoners be read on Monday.


Ordered, That the House be now resolved into a Grand Committee, upon the Bill for the Three Months Assessments for England.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Downing took the Chair.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Mr. Downing reports from the Grand Committee, to whom the Bill for the Assessments was committed, Amendments to the said Bill: Which were twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed.

He also presents Commissioners Names for the several Counties, except for the County of Wiltes: Which were agreed.

Resolved, That the Commissioners for the County of Wiltes be the same that were in the last Assessments, with the additional Names now presented.

The Question being put, That more Names be received for Commissioners;

It passed in the Negative.

Resolved, That this Bill, so amended, be ingrossed.

Scotch and Irish Assessments.

Resolved, That the Bill for the Assessments on Scotland and Ireland be read To-morrow Morning: And that Major Aston be ordered to bring in the said Bill for Ireland.

Nyne Navigation.

Resolved, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to make the River Nyne navigable, at the Charge of the County.


Resolved, That the House be resolved into a Grand Committee, on the Bill of Excise, upon Wednesday Morning next.