House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 13 January 1660

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 13 January 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 13 January 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 13 January 1660". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Friday, January 13th, 1659.

Army Committee.

A BILL for constituting a Committee for the Army, and Treasurers at War, was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed; viz. unto Colonel Lister, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Millington, Mr. West, Colonel Feilder, Mr. Solicitor Reynolds, Colonel Dove, Mr. Corbet, Colonel Fleetwood, Colonel Downes, Mr. Ash, Colonel Thompson, Colonel Peter Temple, Mr. Smith, Mr. Blagrave, Mr. Pury, Colonel White, Mr. Love, Mr. Nevill, Mr. Oldsworth, Colonel Fagg, Mr. Cawley, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Mr. Nelthrope, Colonel Rich, Mr. Garland, Mr. Ralegh, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Scot; or any Five of them: And are to meet, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Mr. Speaker's Illness.

Mr. Speaker, being in the Chair, acquainted the House, That he was much indisposed in his Health; and therefore prayed, That he might have Liberty, for his Health's Sake, to retire himself for Ten Days.

Ordered, That, in respect of Mr. Speaker's Indisposition of Body, he have Liberty to retire himself for Ten Days, for the necessary Recovery of his Health: Nevertheless, if his Health do permit, that he do attend the Service of the House sooner.

Mr. Sey Speaker pre tem.

The Question being propounded, That, in respect of Mr. Speaker's present Indisposition of Body, Mr. Sey be appointed Speaker pro tempore, to supply the Speaker's Place, when Mr. Speaker leaveth the Chair, during his Absence, occasioned by his present Indisposition of Health;

And the Question being put, That that Question be now put;

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put; It was

Resolved, That, in respect of Mr. Speaker's present Indisposition of Body, Mr. Sey be appointed Speaker pro tempore, to supply the Speaker's Place, when Mr. Speaker leaveth the Chair, during his Absence, occasioned by his present Indisposition of Health.

Irish Army Commissioners.

Mr. Scot reports from the Council of State, That Mr. Serjeant Steele, Sir Hardresse Waller, Lieutenant-General Ludlow, Major John Godfrey, and Lieutenant-Colonel Walker, are Persons fit to be Commissioners for governing the Army in Ireland; and to have the Powers that were formerly solely in the Lieutenant-General: And that those of them, who are now in England, may be speedily dispatched over thither: And that Major John Godfrey have a Commission to command the Regiment of Horse, whereof he is now Major, as Colonel: And that Lieutenant-Colonel Walker have a Commission to be Colonel of that Regiment of Foot, whereof he is at present Lieutenant-Colonel.

Resolved, That this Report be taken into Consideration on Monday Morning next.

Money Matters.

Ordered, That the House take into Consideration Matters of Money, To-morrow Morning, the first Business.

Army Appointments.

Resolved, That Thomas Goddard be Captain, in the place of * Blake, in Sir Arthur Hesilrig's Regiment.

Resolved, That Gabriel Bott be Lieutenant in the place of * Acton, in Sir Arthur Hesilrig's Regiment.

Resolved, That Thomas Rutland be Cornet, in the place of * Wright, in Sir Arthur Hesilrig's Regiment.

Call of the House.

Resolved, That the House be Called on Monday Sevennight next.

Army Commissions.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig, a Member of this House, making his Obeisance, came from his Place up to the Clerk's Table: And Mr. Speaker acquainted him with the great Trust reposed in him by the Parliament and Commonwealth; and that the Parliament and Commonwealth expected Faithfulness from him accordingly: And thereupon Mr. Speaker delivered him a Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Horse, and Captain of a Troop in the same.

The House being informed, That divers Officers of the Army were at Door;

They were called in: And coming up to the Clerk's Table, in usual manner, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust reposed in them by the Parliament; and that the Parliament and Commonwealth expected Faithfulness from them, accordingly: And thereupon delivered them their Commissions; viz.

To Arthur Halford, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop of Horse in Sir Arthur Hesilrig's Regiment:

To Nathaniel Hunt, his Commission to be Quarter-master of that Troop:

To John Browne, his Commission to be Major of the said Regiment, and Captain of a Troop in the same:

To Robert Longland, his Commission to be Cornet of that Troop:

To Anthony Grey, his Commission to be Quarter-master of that Troop:

To Robert Hesilrig, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Thomas Tey, his Commission to be Cornet of that Troop:

To Robert Betham, his Commission to be Quarter-master of the same:

To Thomas Goddard, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Tho. Rutland, his Commission to be Cornet of that Troop:

To Peter Backhurst, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Timothy Cloudesley, his Commission to be Cornet of that Troop:

To Wm. Whitman, his Commission to be Quarter-master of that Troop:

To John Spencer, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Edward Hasel, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Troop:

Army Commissions.

To Silvester Salesbury, his Commission to be Cornet of the same:

To Edward Nest, his Commission to be Quarter-master of the same:

To Colonel Matthew Allured, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Horse, and Captain of a Troop in the same:

To Roger Hickman, his Commission to be Captain Lieutenant of the said Regiment:

To John Nelthrop, his Commission to be Major of the said Regiment:

To Benjamin Okeshot, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop of Horse in this Regiment:

To James Strangewaies, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Samuel Knipe, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Wm. Keene, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Colonel John Streater, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, and Captain of a Company in the same:

To Matthew Scot, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Robert Goodale, his Commission to be Ensign thereof:

To George Walden, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel of this Regiment, and Captain of a Company in the same:

To Edward Hore, his Commission to be Major of this Regiment, and Captain of a Company in the same:

To Abraham Hoare, his Commission to be Lieutenant of this Company:

To Robert Smith, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:

To Robert Dunne, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in this Regiment:

To Stephen Coone, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in this Regiment:

To Robert Wright, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

To John Newton, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:

To Thomas Bayly, his Commission to be Lieutenant thereof:

To John Ashley, his Commission to be Ensign thereof:

To Morgan Powell, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:

To Andrew Farnham, his Commission to be Lieutenant thereof:

To John Lloyd, his Commission to be Ensign thereof:

To Michael Bland, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:

To John Daintry, his Commission to be Lieutenant thereof:

To Israel Bolten, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:

To Andrew Faith, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in this Regiment:

To Alexander Fry, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:

To Thomas Howley, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in this Regiment:

To Edmund Browne, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop of Horse in Sir Arthur Hesilrig's Regiment:

To Edward Rivers, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in the same Regiment.

Colonel Valentine Walton, a Member of this House, making his Obeisance, came up to the Clerk's Table: And Mr. Speaker acquainted him with the great Trust reposed in him by the Parliament and Commonwealth; and that the Parliament expected Faithfulness from him to the Parliament and Commonwealth, accordingly: And thereupon delivered him his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Horse, and Captain of a Troop in the same.

The Speaker, in manner aforesaid, delivered several Commissions to other Officers of the Army; viz.

To Richard Southwood, his Commission to be CaptainLieutenant of Colonel Valentine Walton's Regiment of Horse:

To Robert Huntington, his Commission to be Major of the said Regiment, and Captain of a Troop in the same:

To Edward Scotten, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To John Phelpes, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To James Goodwin, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Troop:

Army Appointmants.

Resolved, That the List of Colonel Rich his Regiment be re-committed to the Commissioners of the Army.

Mr. Warcup.

Ordered, That Mr. Edmund Warcup be, and is hereby, recommended to the Council of State, for some Employment answerable to his Merit.

Great Seal.

Ordered, That the Great Seal of England be delivered into the Hands of Wm. Lenthall, Speaker of the Parliament: And that he keep the same in his Custody, until the Parliament takes further Order.