House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 2 July 1661

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 2 July 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 2 July 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 2 July 1661". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Martis, 2 Julii, 13° Car. Regis.


JOHN Henry Zachary and Matthew Diamount, in order to their Naturalization, did this Day take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, before the Speaker, at the Clerk's Table.


This House being informed, that one Thomas Rasell, who is a menial Servant to Robert Barnham Esquire, one of the Members of this House, hath been arrested, in Breach of the Privilege of this House;

Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms attending this House do repair to the Officer who hath arrested him; and that he do require the said Rasell to be discharged; and bring in Custody William Wolgate and Thomas Taylor, to answer the said Breach of Privilege.

Reducing Interest.

Ordered, That the Bill for Abatement of Interest, for Debts contracted before the Wars, to such as suffered for their Loyalty, be read To-morrow Morning.


Ordered, That Sir Thomas Overbury and Sir Thomas Stewerd, be added to the List of the Commissioners Names, for the County of Glocester, to be inserted into the Bill for better regulating Corporations.

Ordered, That Mr. Thomas King be added, as a Commissioner for the County of Essex; and that Mr. * be added as a Commissioner for Wilts; and Thomas Holland Esquire, for Salop; and Mr. Young, for Devon; and Mr. Justinian, for the City of Exon; and Sir Henry Coke, John Weare, James Rod, and George Potter, for the City of Exon; and John Turner Esquire, and Samuell Davison Esquire, for Durham; Mr. Fitzherbert, for Derby, Sir John Nicholas, for Cornwall; and Edward Penruddock Esquire, for Westmorland.

Ordered, That, before any Member do move for an Addition of any to be Commissioner or Commissioners, in the Bill for better governing of Corporations, they do first acquaint the Knights of the Shire serving for that County, within which such Corporation or Place, for which they would have any Addition, doth lie; and have their Approbation for such Person or Persons as they would add.

Chambers, &c. Estate.

Ordered, That Mr. John Hutchinson have Notice to attend the Committee to whom the Bill for Mr. Chambers, with two others, for charging 2,690£. on his Estate, is committed, at their Sitting on Friday next.

Prestwich's Estate.

An ingrossed Bill for Confirmation of a Sale of Land, made by Sir Thomas Prestwich, and others, to Sir Edward Mosley, was this Day read the Third time: And Resolved, That the said Bill do pass.

Resolved, That the Title be, An Act for Confirmation * * *

Marq. of Winchester's Estate.

An ingrossed Bill for the Marquis of Winchester, was this Day read the Third time: And

Resolved, That the said Bill do pass.

Resolved, That the Title of the said Bill shall be, An Act for Reparation and Satisfaction to be made unto John Lord St. John of Basing, Earl of Wilts, and Marquess of Winchester, out of the Manors and Lands of Robert Wallop Esquire, for the Sum of Ten thousand pounds, heretotore granted unto him by the then pretended Parliament, out of the said Marquess of Winchester's Estate.

Ordered, That Mr. Fane do carry up both the said Bills to the Lords, for their Concurrence.

Stower, &c. Navigation.

A Bill for making navigable of the Rivers of Stower and Salverp, &c. was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again, the Second time on Friday next.

Bash's Estate

A Bill for settling several Lands, late of Sir Edward Bash Knight, upon Sir Ralph Bash Knight of the Bath, Heir of the said Edward Bash, and his Heirs, being ingrossed, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the said Bill do pass.

Resolved, That the Title of the said Bill shall be, * * * *

And Mr. Fane is also to carry up the said Bill to the Lords, for their Concurrence.

Dudson's and King's Barton Hundreds.

A Bill for dividing the Two Hundreds of Dudson and King's Barton from the County of the City of Glocester, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the same be committed to Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Pryn, Sir Bayn. Throgmorton, Sir Lanc. Lake, Sir Edw. Massey, Mr. Dowdswell, Mr. Fane, Lord St. Jon, Colonel Legg, Mr. Churchill, Sir Tho. Strickland, Mr. Swanton, Mr. Swinfen, Sir Robert Atkins, Mr. Goodrick, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir Tho. Allen, Sir Wm. Lewes, Sir Geo. Ryve, Mr. Orme, Mr. Yorke, Mr. Knight, Mr. Strickland, Mr. Flint, Mr. Lowther, Colonel Gilby, Sir Solomon Swale, Lord Bruce, Mr. Wm. Sandis, Sir Courtney Poole, Mr. Coriton, Mr. Washington, Lord Buckhurst, Mr. Bulkley, Sir Jo. Covert, Mr. Scudamore, Colonel Phillips, Sir * Clapham, Mr. Ernley, Sir Cha. Cornwallis, Sir Edm. Pooley, Mr. Smith, Mr. Tirrell, Mr. George, Mr. Heron, Sir Jo. Strangewayes, Mr. Jo. How, Sir Justin. Isham, Sir Edm. Peirse, and all the Members of this House who serve for the County of Glocester: And they are to meet To-morrow in the Exchequer Chamber, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And the City of Glocester is to be heard before the said Committee.

Ld. Aburgavenny.

Ordered, That the Bill for the Lord Aburgavenny be read To-morrow Morning.


A Bill for the suppressing of Perjury and Subornation of Perjury, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again, the Second time, To-morrow Morning.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir Thomas Spencer, one of the Members of this House, have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.

Ordered, That Captain Sherrard, one of the Members of this House, have Leave to go into the Country.


And then this House resuming the Bill for regulating Corporations; the several Knights of the Shires, and other Members concerned, brought in the Lists of Commissioners Names, for the rest of the Counties, to be inserted in the said Bill: Which said several Lists being twice severally read;

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree thereunto: And as to the City of London,

Resolved, That instead of Commissioners Names, these Words be inserted, "such Persons as his Majesty shall be pleased to authorize, under his Great Seal."

And it was further Resolved, That the Words "since the Twenty-fifth of March 1642," in the enacting Part of the said Bill, both in the Place which concerns the Restoring, as also in the Place which concerns the Removal of Magistrates, be struck out.

Which being accordingly done; and the Coherence then read;

Resolved, That the said Bill, with the Commissioners said Names inserted, and the Omissions and Additions aforesaid, be ingrossed.

And then the House adjourned till Seven of the Clock, To-morrow Morning.