House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 July 1661

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 July 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 July 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 July 1661". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Mercurii, 3 Julii, 13° Car. Regis.


Ld. Aburgavenny's Estate.

A BILL enabling the Lord Aburgavenny to make Sale of Lands to pay his Debts, and provide for his Brothers and Sisters, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, The same be read again, the Second time, on Friday next.

Wells Key.

A Bill for repairing and preserving the Key of Wells, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the same be committed to Lord Richardson, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Jay, Mr. Pleadwell, Sir Jo. Covert, Sir Solomon Swaile, Mr. Peckham, Sir Tho. Dyke, Mr. Goring, Sir Antho. Irby, Sir Tho. Strickland, Sir Tho. Peyton, Sir Bayn. Throgmorton, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Knight, Sir Hen. Newton, Sir Geo. Reeve, Mr. Pryn, Sir Edw. Walgrave, Mr. Perry, Mr. Gawdy, Mr. Laur. Hyde, Mr. Clifton, Mr. Strickland, and all the Members that serve for the County of Norfolk: And they are to meet Tomorrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir Thomas Allen, one of the Members of this House, have Leave to go into the Country.

Lindsey Level.

An ingrossed Bill, sent from the Lords, for the draining of Lindsey Level, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again, the Second time, To-morrow.

Radcliff's Estate.

Sir Solomon Swale reported from the Committee to whom the ingrossed Bill, sent from the Lords, for the Restoring of Thomas Radcliff, Esquire, to his Lands in England and Ireland, was committed, That the said Committee had considered thereof; and saw no Cause to alter any thing therein.

And the same Bill being thereupon read the Third time;

Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Bill do pass: And Sir Solomon Swale is to return the same to the Lords.

Peyton's Estate.

Mr. Steward reports reveral Amendments to the Bill enabling Algernon Peyton, Doctor of Divinity, to make Sale of Part of his Lands, for Payment of Debts, &c. from the Committee to whom the said Bill was committed: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and after, delivered it in at the Clerk's Table: Which said Amendments being severally twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said several Amendments: And

Ordered, That the said Bill, so amended, be ingrossed.

Gips' Estate.

The said Mr. Steward likewise reported several Amendments to the Bill enabling the Trustees of Richard Gips Esquire to sell Lands for Payment of his Debts, &c. from the Committee to whom the same was committed: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table: Which said Amendments being severally twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said several Amendments: And

Ordered, That the said Bill, so amended, be ingrossed.

Stocking Knitters.

Ordered, That the Petition of the Stocking Knitters of Norwich, be read To-morrow Morning.

Downton Election.

Serjeant Charleton reports from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, touching the Election for the Borough of Downton, That the Question was, Whether the Out-livers that have Freeholds, but no Houses, within the Borough, had Voices; and the Opinion of the Committee, That they had Voices; and that Mr. Eliot and Mr. Eyre had the major Voices; and were duly elected, and ought to sit.

But some Members insisting, that divers inconsiderable Freeholders were fraudulently created; whereby the said Mr. Elliot and Mr. Eyre obtained the Majority of Voices; concerning which, some of the Evidence was not heard;

The Question was put, That this House doth agree with the Committee: Whereupon,

The House was divided: And

The Noes went forth.

Sir Jo. Duncomb, Tellers for the Noes: 109.
Sir Cha. Cornwallis, With the Noes,
Sir Tho. Fanshaw, Tellers for the Yeas: 108.
Mr. Whorwood, With the Yeas,

So it passed in the Negative: And

Ordered, That the same be recommitted to the said Committee, fully to examine the said Point of Fraud.

Duchy of Cornwall Leasing.

Ordered, That the Bill enabling his Majesty to make Leases of Lands in the Duchy of Cornwall, be read the First To-morrow Morning.

Restoring Loyalists.

Ordered, That the Bill for restoring Appropriations to Persons sequestered for Loyalty, be read To-morrow Morning.

Regulating the Press.

This House, taking Notice that several traiterous, schismatical, and scandalous Pamphlets have been printed and published since his Majesty's happy Restauration;

Ordered, That Sir John Maynard, his Majesty's Serjeant at Law, Serjeant Keeling, and Sir Solomon Swale, be desired to prepare and bring in a Bill for the Regulation of Printing; and for the calling in of all seditious and schismatical Books and Pamphlets, in whose Hands soever they be.

Uniformity of Worship.

Resolved, That the Bill for Uniformity of publick Prayers, and Administration of Sacraments, together with the printed Book of Common Prayer, now brought in, intituled, The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, annexed thereunto, be committed to Sir Tho. Fanshaw, Mr. Fane, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Ashburnham, Mr. Clifford, Sir Rich. Ford, Lord Bruce, Mr. Churchill, Doctor Birkenhead, Mr. Potter, Sir Solomon Swale, Serjeant Keeling, Mr. Clerke, Sir Cha. Herbert, Lord St. John, Mr. Lowther, Mr. Knight, Sir Justin. Isham, Mr. Walderon, Mr. Jo. Newton, Sir Phil. Musgrave, Sir Tho. Fanshall junior, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Jo. Talbot, Mr. Orme, Sir Tho. Littleton, Sir Courtney Poole, Sir Hen. North, Sir Edw. Wallpoole, Sir Bayn. Throgmorton, Sir Hen. Newton, Sir Geo. Reeves, Mr. Comptroller, Lord Le De Spencer, Mr. Geffery Palmer, Lord Ossery, Sir Wm. Compton, Mr. Giles Strangwayes, Mr. Edward Seymor, Mr. Stanley, Sir Tho. Strickland, Mr. Strickland, Sir Tho. Ingram, Mr. Rigby, Sir Wm. Lewes, Doctor Birwell, Mr. Weld, Sir Phill. Warwick, Sir Tho. Hebblethwaite, Sir Edm. Boyer, Mr. Waller, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Glascock, Mr. Vice-chamberlain, Sir Edw. Seamour, Sir Ben. Ayloffe, Sir Jo. Strangwayes, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Thompson, Baron of Kinderton, Sir Tho. Leigh, Sir Tho. Lee, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Lovelace, Sir Tho. Smith, Sir John Shaw, Sir Rob. Rolle, Sir Antho. Irby, Sir Allen Apsley, Mr. Chrocuh, Mr. Lewis Palmer, Sir Robert Howard, Mr. Coventry, Mr. Milward, Mr. Kent, Sir Tho. Peyton, Sir Chichester Wray, Sir Edw. Walgrave, Sir Hugh Windham, Sir Edm. Peirce, Mr. Aldworth, Lord Buckhurst, Sir Edw. Smith, Mr. Manwaring, Sir Wm. Hayward, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Secretary Morice, Mr. Ashburnham, Sir Allen Brodrick, Sir Geo. Goodrick, Sir Geo. Sands, Colonel Kyrkby, Lord Rich. Butler, Sir Wm. Hickman, Sir Fran. Clerke, Mr. Coriton, Mr. Wm. Coventrey, Mr. Pleadwell, Mr. Thomas, Sir Edm. Pooley, Sir Hump. Bennet, Sir Tho. Stukley, Colonel Windham, Mr. Swinfen, Mr. Phillips, Sir Roger Bradshaw, Mr. Hender Roberts, Mr. Chetwind, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Mountague, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Shaw, Sir Lanc. Lake, Serjeant Charleton, Colonel Legg, Mr. Goodrick, Sir John Holland, Mr. Puckering, Sir Hen. Williams, Mr. Vaughan, Sir Nich. Crisp, Colonel Fretchwill, Mr. Morton, Sir Tho. Coventrey, Mr. Clerke, Mr. Andrewes, Mr. Wren, Mr. Wm. Sandys, Mr. Sandys, Sir Hen. North, Sir Jo. Harrison, Mr. Tho. Jones, Sir Ben. Ayloff, Sir Cha. Harbord, Mr. Harbert, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Yorke, Sir Jo. Nicholas, Lord Cornbury, Sir Jos. Craddock, Mr. Lau. Hyde, Mr. Whorwood, Colonel Shakerley, Sir Wm. Gawdy, Sir Phillip Howard, Mr. Font, Lord Richardson, Mr. Robinson, Sir Hen. Wroth, Sir Rich. Oatley, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Trelawney, Mr. Bulteele, Sir Geo. Reeve, Sir Rich. Breham, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Whittaker, Lord Cavendish, Sir Adrian Scrope, Mr. Dolman, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Mallet, Sir Clem. Throgmorton, Sir Robert Atkins: And they are to meet this Afternoon, at Four of the Clock, in the Star Chamber: And, if the original Book of Common Prayer cannot be found, then to report the said printed Book, and their Opinion touching the same: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Members not taken the Sacrament.

Sir Allen Brodrick this Day made Report touching the Members of this House who had not received the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, according to the Order of this House, That, besides Sir Ralph Ashton, who had the tacit Dispensation of this House, the several Persons undernamed had not received the same;

Francis Lord Angier, who was then, and is now, in Ireland;

Mr. William Ashburnham, who was then sick;

Doctor Burwell, who was then sick;

Sir John Chichester, who was then sick;

Sir Gervas Clifton, who hath since received;

Mr. John Grubham How, who was then in the Country;

Mr. Richard Hamden;

Mr. George Howard, who, as it was now attested, did then receive;

Mr. Henry Henly;

Mr. John Lovelace, who was then in the Country;

Mr. William Love;

Roger Earl of Orery, who is Lord Justice of Ireland;

Mr. John Radcliff;

Mr. Gilbert Raleigh, who was then sick;

Mr. Edward Stanley, who was then sick;

Mr. John Stowell, who was not then come to Town;

Mr. Charles Trelawney, who was not then in Town;

Mr. Henry Wallop, who was not then in Town, and hath since received;

Colonel Norton;

John Tanner, Esquire who was not then in Town;

Sir William Tompson, who was then sick.

And Mr. Hamden, Mr. Henly, Mr. Love, Mr. Radcliff, and Sir William Thompson, being now in the House, did offer their several Excuses.

Upon Debate whereof,

Resolved, That Mr. Hamden, Mr. Henly, Mr. Radcliff, Sir William Thompson, and the rest that then were sick, and not in Town, who have not communicated, have Time to communicate, and bring Certificates, on Monday next, of their so doing, from so many of the former Commissioners appointed to take care thereof, as is required by the former Order:

But, as to the said Mr. Love, this House being much unsatisfied both with the Matter and Manner of his Excuse;

Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Mr. Love be suspended from sitting in this House, until he shall communicate, and bring Certificate thereof from the said Commissioners, according to the former Order.

And then the House adjourned till Seven of the Clock To-morrow Morning.