House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 February 1662

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 February 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 February 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 February 1662". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Veneris, 7 die Februarii, 14 Car. Regis.


ROGER Derrick this Day took the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, in order to his Naturalization.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir Thomas Tompkins have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.

Great Level of Fens.

Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bills for Bedford Level were committed, do meet at the Place formerly appointed, To-morrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon: And the Persons under-named are added to the said Committee; viz. Serjeant Keeling, Serjeant Littleton, Lord Herbert, Serjeant Charleton, Sir Richard Onslow: And the said Committee are to appoint a Sub Committee, to draw both the Bills into one.

Ferrer's, &c. Nat.

Mr. Rigby reports from the Committee to whom the Bill for Naturalization of Anna Ferrers, and others, was committed, several Amendments to the said Bill: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and after, delivered in at the Clerk's Table.

And the First Amendment, being, Folio 7, Line 9, after the Word "Lords," put in these Words, "Spiritual and Temporal," was twice read.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Second Amendment, being, in the same Folio, Line 13, after the Word "the," put in the Word "said;" and after the Word "Lords," put in the Words "Spiritual and Temporal;" being also twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Third Amendment, being, Folio 9, Line 1, after the Word "hereby," put in these Words, "from henceforth;" was likewise twice read.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Fourth Amendment, being, in the same Folio, Line 2, after the Word "be," put in these Words, "from henceforth," was twice read.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Fifth Amendment, being, in the same Folio, Line 1, after the Word "hereby," put in these Words, "from henceforth," was twice read.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Sixth Amendment, being, Folio 1, Line 1, after the Word "hereby," put in these Words, "from henceforth," was twice read.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Seventh Amendment, being, in the same Folio, Line 13, after the Word "his," put in these Words, "her . . . ."

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Eighth Amendment, being, Folio 11, Line 12, leave out the Word "hath," being twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Ninth Amendment, being, in the same Folio, Line 13, after the Word "shall," put in the Words, "from henceforth . . . ."

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Tenth Amendment, being, Folio 13, Line 1, after the Word "also," put in the Words, "from henceforth," being twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Eleventh Amendment, being, in the same Folio, Line 2, after the Word "and," put out the Word "Tenements;" and, instead thereof, put in the Word "Hereditaments . . ."

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And the Last Amendment, being, the same Folio, Line 4, after the Word "also," put in the Words "from henceforth . . . ."

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And he likewise made Report, That these Persons under named had not brought in Certificates of their Receiving of the Sacrament; viz. Sir John Rothe, James Tanden, John Symons, Robert Dallison, Kath. Hessen Shers, John Scase, George Matson, Charles Hessen Killigrew, Walbrough Howard, had not Certificates, that they had received the Sacrament: And that Mary Winter is a Papist: Roger Derrick taken the Oath, and will receive the Sacrament upon Sunday: And that the other Persons hereafter named were Infants; viz. Henry Cely, Wm. Hanmer, Charles Slingsby, Frances Topp, George Roberts, Charles Killigrew, Robert Killigrew, John Shers, Richard Boyle, Richard Boyle, Wm. Northey, Nicholas Saule, Wm. Howard, Jane Perkins, Hermanus Cely, Charles Hales, Mary Slingsby, Tho. Sandys, Mary Roberts, Thomas Killigrew, George Shers, Charles Boyle, Heneretta Boyle, Richard Minors, Wm. Saule, Charles Howard, Lovis Carterett, Bevil Skelton.

And this House being then informed, that divers of the Persons named in the said Bill, were Merchant Strangers, which would be very prejudicial to his Majesty in his Customs, and to the native Merchants;

Resolved, That this Bill be re-committed: And that the Names of the Merchant Strangers be struck out of the said Bill: And that a new Bill be brought in for them apart.

And the Reporter acquainting this House, that some of the Persons in the said Bill had not paid the Dues of this House;

Ordered, That all their Names be struck out of the said Bill, except such of his Majesty's Servants as Mr. Speaker shall particularly direct to be continued therein.

Sir John Mounson.

Ordered, That Sir John Mounson's Bill be reported on Thursday Morning.

Committee of Trade.

Ordered, That the Grand Committee of Trade, after they have considered fully of the Trade of Woolen Manufactures, do resume the Debate of the Bill concerning heavy dyed Silk, in the next Place.

Sudbury Election.

Serjeant Charleton made Report from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, touching the Complaint made by Sir Thomas Bernardiston, and Sir Robert Cordell, against the Election of Mr. Walgrave, and Isaack Appleton, as Burgesses for Sudbury, in the County of Suffolke, That the Question was, Whether the Mayor, Six Aldermen, and Twenty-four Chief Burgesses only, had the Right of Election; or the Common Burgesses at large; and the Opinion of the Committee, That the Mayor, Six Aldermen, and Twenty-four Chief Burgesses only, had Right of Election; and that Mr. Waldgrave, and Isaack Appleton, ought to sit in this House as Burgess for the said Borough of Sudbury; and that a new Writ ought to issue for the Election of a new Burgess there, in the Place of the said Mr. Appleton.

Resolved, That this House doth agree in Opinion with the said Committee, That the Mayor, Six Aldermen, and Twenty-four Chief Burgesses only, had Right of Election, and that Mr. Walgrave and Mr. Appleton were duly elected; and that Mr. Walgrave ought to sit in this House, as Burgess for the said Borough of Sudbury; and that Mr. Speaker do issue a new Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown for a new Writ to issue, for the Election of a new Burgess there, in the Place of the said Mr. Appleton.

Privilege-a Person discharged.

The humble Petition of Challenor Chute Esquire being this Day read;

Ordered, That, at his first Coming, he shall kneel at the Bar of this House.

And he being brought in accordingly, by the Serjeant at Arms; and humbly kneeling at the Bar of this House Mr. Speaker declared to him his Offence:

To which he made his humble Answer, Excuse, and Acknowledgment:

And was then commanded to withdraw.

After which, upon Debate of the Matter,

Resolved, That he, being again called in, shall receive a severe Reprehension; and thereupon be discharged of his Imprisonment, paying his Fees.

Whereupon he was accordingly called in: And Mr. Speaker gave him a grave Reprehension accordingly.

Confirming Acts.

Ordered, That the Debate of the Matter upon the Conference touching the Bill for Confirmation of Three Acts, be taken into Consideration on Monday next, at Ten of the Clock.

Excise Revenue.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to take into Consideration such Reasons and Proposals as shall be offered, for raising and improving the Duty of Excise, be revived; and do sit in the Star Chamber To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.


This House this Day resumed the Debate of the Amendments reported, to the Bill for Enlarging and Repairing the Highways, and once read.

And the Eleven first Amendments being now read the Second time;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Amendments.

And the First Paragraph of the additional Part of the Twelfth Amendment being read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree thereunto.

And this House then proceeding in the Debate of the next Paragraph;

Resolved, That this House doth adjourn the further Debate thereof till To-morrow Morning.

Coppleston's Estate.

Ordered, That the Persons under-named be added to Mr. Coppleston's Committee; Sir Edward Moseley, Mr. Stonehouse.

Peck's Estate.

Ordered, That the Committee to whom Mr. Peck's Bill was committed, be revived; and do sit in the Star Chamber To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning at Eight of the Clock.