House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 February 1662

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 February 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 February 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 February 1662". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Sabbati, 8 die Februarii, 14 Car. Regis.


A BILL for the Regulating the Trade of Silk-throwing was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same be committed to Sir Thomas Littleton, Colonel Phillips, Mr. Morris, Mr. Churchill, Sir John Duncomb, Mr. John Jones, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Musgrave, Sir Wm. Stroud, Mr. Knight, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Clifford, Sir Rich. Everard, Colonel Windham, Mr. Trelawny, Mr. Gawdy, Mr. Goodrick, Sir Wm. Lewes, Colonel Whitley, Mr. Robinson, Sir Lancelot Lake, Mr. Morton, Sir John Brampston, Sir Allan Brotherick, Sir Francis Anderson, Mr. Stanhop, Mr. Jay, Mr. Lewes, Sir Tho. Tompkins, Sir John Norton, Sir Robert Haward, Mr. Higgons, Mr. Street, Sir William Lowther, and all the Members of this House who serve for London, Middlesex, Surry, Essex, and Kent, and all other Citizens of London, that are Members of this House, are to be of the same Committee: And they are to meet in the Exchequer Chamber on Tuesday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Browne's Estate.

An ingrossed Bill, sent from the Lords, for enabling Sir Anthony Browne to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same . . committed to Colonel Phillips, Sir John Goodrick, Sir Wm. Stroud, Mr. Whorwood, Sir Rich. Onslow, Mr. Culliford, Mr. Clifford, Sir Thomas Dyke, Sir Rich. Everard, Sir John Brampston, Mr. Newton, Mr. Higgons, Sir Tho. Tompkins, Sir Tho. Littleton, Sir John Holland, Mr. Puckering, Sir Solomon Swale, Sir Edmond Peirse, Sir Robert Howard, Mr. Trelawny, Mr. Goodrick, Mr. Steward, Sir John Duncombe, Mr. Windham, Sir Thomas Gowre, Sir Hen. Newton alias Puckering, Mr. Knight, Sir Tho. Allen, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Gawdy, Colonel Sandys, Mr. Churchill, Sir Lancelot Lake, Mr. Rigby, Sir William Lowther, Dr. Birkenhead, and the Knights and Burgesses for the County of Essex: And they are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Enyons' Estate.

A Bill for settling certain Manors and Lands of Sir James Enyons on his Trustees, to sell, for Payment of his Debts, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again, the Second time, on Monday next.

Exeter Stuffs.

A Bill for the Restoring and Preventing of sundry Abuses and Deceits in the Making of Serges, Perpetuanas, and other Stuffs, in the County and City of Exon, and the County of Devon, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again, the Second time, on Tuesday next.

Bills from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Nathaniell Hobart and Sir Toby Woolrich;

Mr. Speaker, the Lords have sent down Two Bills: The one, for Restoring of Charles Earl of Derby to the Manors of Mould and Moulsdale, Hope and Hopesdale; to which they desire the Concurrence of this House: The other, for Confirmation of the Register of Sales and Pawns, made to Retaling of Brokers in London and Westminster, and Places adjacent, with some Amendments; to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Ordered, That the said Bill for Restoring of the Earl of Derby; and, as to the Amendments to the said Bill for Confirmation of the Office of Register of Sales and Pawns; be read on Monday next.

Exporting Leather.

Ordered, That the Bill to restrain the Exportation of Leather and Raw Hides, out of the Realm of England, be read the Second time on Monday next.

Interruption by Members.

Ordered, That all such Members of this House, as shall interrupt the House in their Debates, by private Discourses, be called to the Bar.


And the House, according to a former Order, of the Seventh of this Instant, then resumed the Debate of the Second Paragraph of the additional Part of the Twelfth Amendment, reported to the Bill for Enlarging and Repairing the Highways.

And some Amendments were ordered to be made therein, as followeth; viz.

After the Words "from time to time," in the Fourth Line of the said Paragraph, insert "by Order from the Quarter Sessions."

After the Word "County," in the Fifth Line of the said Paragraph, insert these Word, "authorized thereunto by the Sessions."

After the Word "returned," in the Second Page of the next Folio, wherein the said Paragraph is contained, put out these Words, "and thereby found, that it is not to the Damage of any Person or Persons."

After the Word "same," in the Seventh Line of that Folio, insert the Words, "according to their several and respective Interests in the Whole."

Which said Amendments were accordingly made therein.

But this House conceiving, that, in this Paragraph, Provision should be made, that the new Fences, after the same were once set up, should be maintained by those that did maintain the old; and that the same Provision should be made for buying the new Way, as is made for the repairing the old; and that the Satisfaction might be given by the old Way, and otherwise, as should be fit; with some other Particulars, not yet thereby particularly provided for;

Resolved, That this Paragraph be re-committed to the former Committee, to rectify the same in those Particulars; and to report the same with all convenient Speed.

And the next Paragraph being read;

Ordered, That, after the Word, "amended," in the Third Line of the said Paragraph, these Words be inserted, "by such Parish or Parishes, Town, Hamlet, or Village, or;" and that, in Two Places in the said Paragraph, the Word "broading" be struck out, and the Word "enlarging" inserted, instead thereof.

Which was done accordingly.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Paragraph, so amended.

And the next Paragraph being read; and debated;

Resolved, That this House doth disagree thereunto.

Dover Pier.

Ordered, That Mr. Solicitor General do prepare and bring in a Bill for the Reparation and Support of Dover Pier, by such Impositions as was formerly laid upon the like Occasion.


And the Question being put, That this House shall be adjourned till Thursday next;

The House was divided:

The Yeas went forth.

Lord Rich. Butler, Tellers for the Yeas: 106.
Sir Tho. Meres, With the Yeas,
Mr. Higgons, Tellers for the Noes: 77.
Mr. Puckering, With the Noes,

So it was resolved in the Affirmative.


Ordered, That all such Committees as were to meet this Afternoon, do meet accordingly: And that all other Committees, that were appointed to meet on Monday and Tuesday next, be adjourned till Thursday next; and do meet that Afternoon, at the Places formerly appointed.

Privilege-Persons discharged.

Ordered, That Thomas Holmes and Andrew Ford, who by an Order, of the 5th of December last, were brought up in Custody, to answer their Breach of Privilege, of causing the Servant of Sir Courtney Poole, a Member in this House, to be arrested; and have made their Submission, to the Satisfaction of the said Sir Courtney Poole: be enlarged of their Imprisonment, paying their Fees.

Bp. of Ely's Estate.

Ordered, That the Bill for the Making good and Confirming of a Lease unto Elizabeth Barker, Barbara Barker, and Frances Barker, of a Messuage, with the Appurtenances, called the King's Head Tavern in Chancery Lane, London, be read on Thursday Morning.

Hessen's, &c. Nat.

Ordered, That the Names of Katharine Hessen Wife of JohnSayers, George Sayers, Robert Sayers, Thomas Sayers, Peter Harding, Johannis De Gens Van Hooren, Agnetta Phillips; Peter Davison, Bernard Davison, Charles Davison, Anne Davison, Elizabeth Davison, Children of Sir William Davison Baronet; Maurice de la Dale, John De Gens, Claude Sourcean, Mary Griffith, and William Kircum, Son to William Kircum, one of the Master Cooks to his Highness the Duke of Yorke; be inserted into the Bill for Naturalization.