House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 March 1668

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 March 1668', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 March 1668', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 March 1668". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 11 Martii, 1667.


Carr's Petition.

A PETITION of Wm. Carr was tendered to the House.

Resolved, &c. That the Matter, upon the former Petition of the said Wm. Carr, preferred to this House, and referred to the Committee of Grievances, be now committed to Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Geo. Weld, Sir Wm. Coventry, Sir Edw. Massey, Mr. Collins, Sir Richard Oately, Mr. Morris, Col. Sandys, Lord Gorge, Sir Jo. Knight, Sir Geo. Probert, Mr. Westphaling, Sir Solom. Swale, Sir Trevor Williams, Col. Kirkby, Lord Angier, Mr. Marvell, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Thom. Allen, Sir Wm. Lowther, Mr. Chetwin, Mr. Daniell, Mr. Seymour, Sir Jo. Rouse, Mr. Pleydall, Sir Jo. Cotton, Sir Richard Ford, Mr. Hobby, Sir Charles Wheeler, Mr. Scudamore, Sir John Talbott, Sir Thom Dolman, Sir Jo. Birkenhead, Sir Robert Carr, Sir Foulke Lucy, Major General Egerton, Mr. Crouch, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Grey, Sir Thom. Gowre, Col. Whitley: And they are to meet To-morrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And to examine the Matter; and report it, with their Opinions therein, to the House.


Ordered, That Philip Nicholas the elder, Andrew Nicholas, his Son, Edward Nicholas the elder, Edw. Nicholas, the younger, Phillip Nicholas the younger, and Wm. Nicholas, Sons of Philip the elder, and John Gwinfrid, be sent for in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms, or his Deputy, to answer their Abuse, and Breach of Privilege, in surreptitious obtaining of Judgments; and entering by Force, and turning the Tenants of Sir George Probert, a Member of this House, out of the Possession of certain Lands, which they held of Sir George Probert.

Escapes from London Sheriffs.

An ingrossed Bill to indemnify the late Sheriffs of London, and the Warden of the Fleet, touching Escapes, and other Matters, occasioned by the late Fire, was read.

Ordered, That the Bill do pass: And that the Title be, An Act to indemnify the late Sheriffs of London, and the Warden of the Fleet, touching Escapes, and other Matters, occasioned by the late Fire.

Exchequer Writs of Error.

And Mr. Vaughan is to carry the Bill to the Lords; and the Bill concerning Writs of Error in the Exchequer.

Dr. Wharton's Estate.

An ingrossed Bill to enable Jane and Henry Perkins to ensure Lands purchased by Thomas Wharton Doctor in Physick, in the County Palatine of Durham, was read.

Resolved, &c. That the Bill do pass: And the Title shall be, An Act to enable Jane and Henry Perkins to ensure Lands, purchased by Thomas Wharton Doctor in Physick, in the County Palatine of Durham.

Defaulter to Call of the House.

Ordered, That Sir Robert Holt be excused from his Fine of Forty Pounds imposed on him for not attending at the Call of the House.

Rooke's Estate.

A Bill for Sale of Part of the Lands of Lawrence Rooke, Esquire, for Payment of Debts, and making Provision for younger Children, was read.

The Question being put, That the Bill be read the Second time;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went out.


Mr. Thurland, For the Yeas, 44.
Mr. Head,
Sir Courtney Poole, For the Noes, 66.
Mr. Weld,

And so it passed in the Negative.

Southampton Parishes.

A Bill for uniting Parishes, and raising Maintenance for Ministers to supply the Cure within the Town of Southampton, was read the Second time.

Resolved, &c. That the Bill be committed to Sir Richard Ford, Sir Phill. Musgrave, Mr. Scudamore, Sir John Birkenhead, Mr. Neale, Sir Jo. Northcote, Mr. Crouch, Sir Thom. Gower, Sir Nico. Slaning, Sir John Norton, Sir John Earnley, Sir Clifford Clifton, Sir Robert Carr, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Wm. Lewis, Sir Wm. Lowther, Mr. Vaughan, Sir Edm. Pye, Sir Robert Worsley, Sir Lanc. Lake, Mr. Hungerford, Sir Walter Young, Mr. Hatton, Sir Solom. Swale, Lord Fanshaw, Sir Richard Oateley, Mr. Buscawen, Sir Phillip Warwick, Mr. Lucy, Sir Jo. Duncombe, Mr. Hobby, Dr. Burwell, Mr. Morrice, Col. Kirkby, Col. Legg, Sir Jo. Knight, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Sir Thom. Allen, Mr. Bold, Mr. Gold, Sir Jo. Napper, and all the Members that serve for the County of Southampton: And they are to meet on Monday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber; and to summon all Persons concerned; and to hear what can be offered on the Behalf of the Town of Southampton: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Intestates Wives and Children.

A Bill for the Relief of the Wives and Children of Persons dying intestate, was read the First Time.

Resolved, &c. That this Bill be read the Second time To-morrow Morning.

Defaulter to Call of the House.

Ordered, That Sir Francis Anderson be excused of the Fine of Forty Pound imposed on him for not attending at the Call of the House.

Robinson's Petition.

A Petition of James Robinson was tendered, and delivered in at the Table.

The King's Speech considered.

The House then, according to their former Order, resumed the Consideration of the latter Part of his Majesty's Speech: Which being debated;

Resolved, That the House be called over on Monday next come Three Weeks; and that the further Debate of the latter Part of his Majesty's Speech be assumed on the Wednesday following, being this Day Month.

Proclamation against Papists, &c.

Resolved, &c. That Col. Sandys, Sir Thomas Meres, and Sir John Birkenhead, or any Two of them, do attend the Lord Keeper, and desire his Lordship to give Direction, that his Majesty's Proclamation, for putting the Laws in Execution against Papists and Nonconformists, be sent to this House; to the End the same may be delivered to the several Knights of the Shire; who are to take care for the speedy sending down and dispersing the same in the several Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of this Kingdom.


Ordered, That all Committees be adjourned, except the Committees relating to his Majesty's Supply.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.