Churchwardens' accounts: 1483-5

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1483-5', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1483-5', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1483-5". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.

[a.d. 1483–5.]

(fn. 1) + Ihesus.

Thys ys the Rekenyng off harry vavesour and Iohn Baker, late wardens of the Rentes & goodes belongyng to the chyrch' of S Marye at hyll', ffrome Myghelmas Ano 1483, vnto Myghelmas Ano 1485. Summa for ij yere.

The Rentall' off the chyrch'.

Sir Iohn plommer for ij yere Rente, paying yerlye xx s. Summa xls
herry Mershe, for the kechen by ij yere, euery yer vj s viii d. Summa xiij s iiij d
tow hyll'. herry Mershe, for the howse with gardens at tour hyll', by ij yere. Summa xl s
Syr Iohn Philip, for ij yerys Rente of his Chambre, by yere xij s. Summa xxiiij s
Syr William Soulby, for ij yere of hys chambre, euery yere ix s. Summa xviij s
Syr Iohn lovyer, for ij yer of hys chambre, euery yere viij s. Summa xvjs
William hall', watirman, for ij yer, paying yerlye xxxiij s iiij d. Summa iij l'i vj s viiij d
harry Williamson, for the house that he ocupied, by yer iiij l'i. Summa viij l'i
Iohn Ducklyng, for the schoppe that he occupied, by yer xvj s viij d. Summa xxxiij s iiij d
William harman, for the howse above, paying yerlye xvj s viij d. Summa xxxiij s iiij d
Iohn Colman, Bucher, for hys house, paying yerlye xxvj s viij d. Summa liij s iiijd
Thomas hunte, draper, for hys house, paying yerlye liij s iiij d. Summa v l'i vj s viij d
The Chyrch' wardens of seynte Botolphes in Temmistrete, for quitrent v s
Thomas Seymour, for the quyterent goyng oute of hys house, by ij yere vj s viij d
Summa totalis, xxx l'i xvj s iiij d.

The Rentall' of Mr William Cambriges.

Rychard Cryke at the Stockes, hauyng all' the tenementes yn hys owne handes, paying yerlye x l'i. Summa for ijo yer, xx l'i

The Rentall' of Roose Wrytell'.

William Myln, yremonger, hauyng all' the tenementes callid the olde Swann, paying yerlye vl l'i xiij s iiij d. Summa ijo yer, xiij l'i vj s viij d
(fn. 2) li. s
64. 3

(fn. 3) Ihesus.

The Rentall' of Nasynges.

Iohn a Bristowe, for a Chambre occupied ijo yer, paying by yer viij s. Summa, xvj s.
Iohn harris, watirman, for a chambre paying by yer vj s viij d. Summa, xiij s iiij d.
Nicholas Thornley, for a chambre ijo yer, paying by yer viij s. Summa, xvj s.
William Paris, for a chambre ijo yer, paying by yer viij s. Summa, xvj s.
Ysabell' Cutler, for a schopp ijo yer, paying by yer vj s viij d. Summa, xiij s iiij d.
Iohn Ionkyns, for a chambre ijo yer, paying by yer viij s. Summa, xvj s.
Iohn harryson, for a chambre ijo yer, paying by yer x s. Summa, xx s.
George olyver, for a chambre ijo yer, paying by yer vj s viij d. Summa, xiij s iiij d.
harry vavesour, a house ij yer and the celer, euery yer xl s. Summa, iiij l'i.
harry vavesour, for a house ijo yer, paying by yer iij l'i iij s iiij d. Summa, vj l'i vj s viij d.
Roberte Baycroffte, for a house ijo yer, paying by yer xiij s iiij d. Summa, xxvj s viij d.
Summa totalis, xvij l'i xvij s iiij d.

The Rentall' off Mr Richard Gosslyn, ffauster lane.

Maister lewes, fecissian, for a house ij yer, paying by yer xl s. Summa, iiij l'i.
large, his wyffe, for a house ij yer, paying euery yer xx s. Summa xl s.
The housse uppon the steyer off, xviij s o yer, summa for ijo yer, xxxvj s.
Thomas Exmo, goldsmyth, for a house ijo yer, paying euery yer xlvj s viij d. Summa, iiij li xiij s iiij d.
Iohn Mowce, Clarke, for a house ijo yer, paying euery yer xxvjs viijd. Summa, liij s iiij d.
Alys loffden, for a house ijo yer, paying euery yer xvj s. Summa, xxxij s.
Byschopp, Tayllour, for a house ijo yer, euery yer xviij s. Summa, xxxvj s.
Summa, xviij l'i x s viij d.

The Rentall' of Bedaham.

Gabryell', de vr s ffor the grete lombardes place yn Botolph lane, paying yerlye xiij l'i vj s viij d, for ijo yer. Summa, xxvj l'i xiij s iiij d
(fn. 4) l'i d
63 16 (fn. 4)

(fn. 5) Ihesus.

The Rentall' off Iohn Causton.

Iohn ffyshe, grocer, ffor a house ijo yer, paying yerly vj li. Summa, xij l'i.
Iohn Brewster, tornour, ffor his house ijo yer, euery yer xl s. Summa, iiij l'i.
harry Kello, tayllour, ffor hys house ijo yer, euery yer iiij li xiij s iiij d. Summa, ix l'i vij s viij d.
Alexaunder Worsley, clarke, ffor a house ijo yer, euery yer xx s. Summa, xl s.
Rychard Chelmysho, ffor a house ijo yer, paying euery yer xx s. Summa, xl s.
Thomas ffynche and penrethe, ffor a house ijo yer, euery yer xx s. Summa, xls.
The Bredrede man, ffor a house ijo yer, paying yerly viij s Summa, xvj s.
The ij wydewys, ffor a house ijo yer, paying yerly viij s. Summa, xvj s.
The wevers wyff, ffor a tenement ijo yer, paying yerly viij s. Summa, xvj s.
Rychard Careden, ffuller, for cobb, a Garden ijo yer, euery yer xiij s. iiij d. Summa, xxvj s viij d.
Iohn Smarte, grocer, for a garden ijo yer, paying yerly iiij s. Summa, viij s.
Mott, Carpenter, for a garden for ijo yer, paying yerly iiij s vj d. Summa, ix s.
Iohn harrys, Gardiner, for ij gardyns, euery off þem ijo yer, paying euery yer iij s for þe oon & ij s viij d for the other. Summa, xj s iiij d
Summa totalis, xxxvj l'i ix s viij d.
Summa totalis in Renttes, clxiij l'i xiiij s.
Item, I charge me with the Clarkes wages and Beame lyte Reseued by us within the tyme off thys acompte. Summa for vije quarteres, euerye quarter xxxij s one with another. Summa, xj l'i iiij s
Item, I charge me with the pascall' money Resseued for ijo yer within the tyme off thys accompte at xij s o yer. Summa, xxiiij s
Summa, xij l'i viij-s.
l'i s d
148. 17. 8 (fn. 6)

(fn. 7) Ihesus.

Also I Charche me with such Rerages as y haue Resseyued off them, leffte in harry merschys days, that ys to witt off.

Thomas ffynche, tayllour xxv s Summa, iij l'i xiijs xd
Syr William web, prest ij s iiij d
Byschop Tayllour iiij s vj d
harry Wylliamson, Grocer xx s
And off Iohn Wade iiij s
Elisabeth Cutler viij s
Iohn Breuster, Tornour x s
Summa totalis of the hole charge, lxxix l'i xv s x d.
(fn. 8) l'i s d
3 18 10 (fn. 8)

(fn. 8) Ihesus.

Here followeth the Paymenttes off the same.

ffirst, vacacions off the house that harry Williamson occupied a hole yer iiij l'i
Item, vac' off the house that William harman dwellid in o quarter iiij s ij d
Summa, iiij l'i iiij s ij d.
Paide for the kepyng off the Obyte off Mr Iohn Bradmer, the xxv day off nouember, for the yere ano xiiij c lxxxiiije, to prestes & clerkes, iij s iiij d
Item, ffor the kepyng off the obite off Iohn Weston the xix day off Aprell', the space off ijo yere, þat ys to wit yn ano xiiije lxxxiiije & in ao 1485. Summa, vj s x d
Payd to syr Iohn plommer for hys labur to syng the morowmas, payd yerlye, xx s. Summa for ijo yer, xl s
Item, payd ffor the wages off Alexaunder Worsleye, for vij quarteres off a yere, within the tyme off thys accompte, euery quarter xiij s iiij d. Summa, iiiij li xiij s iiij d
Item, payd to Iohn Russell' for hys wages off vije quarter, for euery quarter, xiij s iiij d. Summa, iiij l'i xiij s iiij d
Summa, xj l'i xvj s x d.
Payd to mychaell' harrys, chyrchwarden, off S Georges beside puddyng lane, for quyte rent off a hole yer at Mighelmas, Ano xiiije lxxxiiije, goyng off the tenementes off Iohn Weston. Summa, xx s
Item, payd to the Abbott off Waltham for quyt rent goyng owt off the tenementes off Weston for o yer and halfe, fynysched at Ester, Ano xiiij c lxxxv, for the yer xxxviij s. Summa for the yer and halfe, lvij s
Summa, iij l'i xvij s.

(fn. 9) l'i s

19 18 (fn. 9)

(fn. 10) Ihesus.

The costes done within the Chyrch'.

ffyrst, payde for ij quarters cooles, occupied at ij festes of Ester, within the time of this accompte, xij d, xxij s ix d
Item, for palme box, and oblyes for ijo yer, xij d.
Item, for wachyng of the Sepulcre, and in expences of brede & ale to William paris for ijo yer, xij d,
Item, for Byrchene bowes ayenst mydsomer for ij tymes, vj d,
payd to syngers on S Barnabees even yn wyne spent at tavern, and at many other festes of the yer to syngers within the queer, within thys jo yeres, v s,
Item, for a newe holowe key to the Roode loffte dore, price iij d,
Item, for a holowe key to the south dore, xij d,
Item, for mendyng of the orgons, x s,
Item, for mendyng of the dayllye Cross, xij d,
Item, for cariage of xij lodes Rubrysch', the which' was leyde out of the chyrch' by the good man prewne, vnder Maister pagis wall', ij s,
Item, payd for a prickid song Booke for the chirch, (fn. 11)


Payd to a dawber for ij days werke in dawbyng with in the house that William harman occupied, uery day, viij d. Summa, xvj d, vj s vjd ob.
Item, to a laborer for ij dayes, x d,
Item, for ij lodes lomb, viij d,
Item, for j c di. saplath, vj d,
Item, for iij quarter of o mll spryg, iiij d ob.,
Item, for a carpenter for a daye, viij d,
Item, for iiij quarter, viij d,
Item, for borde, ij d,
Item, for nayll'es, j d,
Item, for a mason for makyng of an herthe in the same house, for a daye, vj d,
Item, that daye to a laborer, iiij d,
Item, for sannde, jd,
Item, for ij sackes lyme, iiij d. Summa totalis,
Summa totalis off the Chyrch' Costes, xxj l'i vij s iijd ob.
s d

(fn. 12) 29 3 3 (fn. 12)

(fn. 13) Ihesus.

The costes of Mr William Caumbriges chauntrye.

ffyrst, payd for a quytrente to the abbot off Barmondsay, goyng oute of the tenementes at the stockes for a hole yer, at myghelmas anno xiiijc lxxxiiij. Summa, vj s
Payd for kepyng of Mr Caumbriges Obites ijo tymes within the yeres of this acompte, to the prestes and clerkes. Summa, viij s viij d
Item, to ij Mayers of the bequestes of Mr Caumbryges, xiij s iiij d
Item, to iij Schryves wythin this ijo yer xiij s iiij d
Item, to the Swerdeberer, comyng with the Mayer at ij tymes, iij s iiij d
Summa, xliiij s viij d.
Payd to Sir William Soulby, for hys wages for ijo yer, euery yer vj l'i xiij s iiij d. Summa, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Summa totalis off Mr Caumbrige, xv li xj s iiij d.

The Costes of Roose Wrytell'es Chauntrye.

Payde to Syr Phillip Norton, Syngyng for Roose Writell' the space of ijo yer, euery er vj l'i xiij s iiij d. Summa, xiij l'i vj s viij d
(fn. 14) li s
28 18 (fn. 14)

(fn. 15) Ihesus.

The Costes of Nasynges chauntrye.

Vacacion of the house that Richard fflecher late occupied for o quarter xs
Payd to the abbot of Waltham for quytrente, goying oute of the tenementes of Nasynges for a yer & di. at xxij s o yer. Summa, xxxiij s
Payd to a preste to syng for Nasynges the space of ijo yer, euery yer vj l'i xiijs iiiid. Summa, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Summa, xv l'i ix s viij d.
Payde to a man werkyng in Barcrofftes house, in makyng ther of an herthe, vj d, iij s vijd
Item, to a laborer, iiij d,
Item, for ijo sackes lyme & sannde, vj d,
Item, for breke & tyle, iiij d,
Item, for ijo peyer henges & hookes to the house next to Iohn Bakers, weying xj lb. di. price xvij d,
Item, for ijo keyes to the same house, vj d. Summa totalis,
Summa totalis, xv l'i xiij s iij d.

The Costes of Mr Richard Gosslynn.

Vacacion off the house that large, his wyffe, occupied the space of o yer & di. at xx s the yer. Summa, xxx s
Vacacion of the house uppon the steyer ijo yere yn owre tyme, at xviij s a yer. Summa, xxxvj s
Vacacion of the house that Thomas Exmo now hath taken, o yer & a quarter affter, xlvj s viij d o yer. Summa, lviij s iiij d
Vacacion of the house that Byschopp Tayllour occupied, a hole yer, xviij s
Vacacion of the house that Alys loneden hath oceupied, o yer and iij quarterys, at xvj s o yer. Summa, xxxviij s
Summa in vacacions, viij l'i x s iiij d.
li s d

(fn. 16) 24 3 7 (fn. 16)

(fn. 17) Ihesus.

Payde to the priores off Kilborn, for quytrent goying oute off the tenementes off Maister Gostlynn for o yere yn oure tyme. Summa, vj d
Payde for the Obite off Mr Rychard gosslynn, kepte the first day off Decembyr, ano xiiij c lxxxiiij, to the prestes & clarkes, & brede, ale, & offeryng. Summa iiij s j d
Payde to a preste for hys salarye, the space of ijo yer, euery yer, vj l'i xiij s iiij d. Summa, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Payde to a Carpenter werkyng in Maister lewes house, & in the prestes house, & in Thomas Exmo house the space off ij days, in makyng of a pentes and in mendyng of diuers thynges necessarye, takyng euery day viij d. Summa, xvj d
Item, to Iohn Broke for vj c di. & iij fote quarter borde at ij s j d the c. Summa, xij s vij d
Item, for cariage and wharfage off the same borde, v d.
Item, for iiij quarter, viij d.
Item, for ij c di. iiij penye nayle, x d.
Item, for di. c vd nayle, ij d ob.
Item, for di. a c iij penye nayle, j d ob.
Payde to a tyler for iiij dayes & di. in poyntyng of dyuers houses, at vj d a day. Summa, ij s iij d
Item, a laborer for iiij dayes & di. xviij d.
Item, for ij lodes & iiij sackes lyme, ij s iiij d.
Item, for ij ml tyle, x s iiij d.
Item, for ijo lode sonnde, xij d.
Item, for tyle pynnes, j d.
Payde to a dawber for iij dayes werke in Mr lewes house, and in other tenementes, for euery day, viij d. summa, ij s
Item, to a laborer for iij dayes, euery day, vd. Summa, xv d
Item, for di. mll sprig, iiij d.
Item, for a c saplath, iiij d.
Item, for a lode lombe, iiij d.
Item, for sannde, ij d.
Item, for pavyng of vj teyse, ij s x d.
Item, for vj lodes gravell', ij s vj d.
Summa totalis, xv l'i xiiij s viij d.
(fn. 18) l'i s d (fn. 18)
15 14 8.
(fn. 19) Payde to Iohn draper, laborer, for v dayes & di. in makyng clene off the house that Thomas Exmo hathe taken, euery day iiij d. Summa xxij d.
Item, to Thomas Wycam, laborer, for makyng clene of thes aide house, and the house that the preste hath taken, for vj dayes, ij s.
Item, for a stapull' & a haspe to the prestes house, ij d.
Item, for a newe key and a lache to the clyket locke, vj d.
Item, ijo newe keyes to the same place, vij d.
Item, for a new spryng to a locke, ij d.
Summa v s, iij d.
Summa totalis of Gosslyn, xxiiij l'i x s iij d.

The Paymentes of I. Bedahams chauntrye.

ffyrst, alowed to Gabriell' de vr s at euery quarter of hys rente xiij s iiij d yn owre tyme, for vij quarters. Summa, iiij l'i xiij s iiij d
Payde for the Obite of Bedham, kepte twyes, the xxiiij daye off May, at euery tyme iiij s v d. Summa, viij s x d
Item, off hys bequeste to the chyrchwardens, for o yer. Summa, vj s viij d
Item, to iij pore men, of his almes euery sonday yn þe yer, xij d. Summa off ijo yer, v l'i xj s
Item, payde to the preste, Syr Iohn plommer, for hys celarie for ij yer, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Item, payde for the oyle for the lampe, expendid the space off oo yer & di. Summa, xviij galons, at xij d the galon. Summa, xviij s
Summa totalis, xxiiij l'i xvj s vj d.
(fn. 20) li s d
25 2 2 (fn. 20)

(fn. 21) Ihesus.

The Costes and paymentes of I. Causton chaunterye.

Vacacion att the tenementes at the tourhyll', the space off ijo yer, onelye resseued a ffetherbed off the weveres wyff, price vs, and so was xliij s
Vacacion of the house that Roger penreth occupied, o yer xx s
Vacacion of the ij gardens that Iohn harrys, gardyner, ocupied, o quarter, xvij d
Vacacion of the house that Richard chelmysho now occupieth, di. o yer, x s
Summa, iij l'i xiiij s v d.
Payde to the Bretherhed of owre ladye, Salue Regina, founded within the chyrch of S magnus, for a hole yer, ano xiiijc lxxxiiij at mydsomer, goyng owte of Iohn fischis house. Summa, vj s
Payde to the Brige house for o quytrent goyng owte of the tenement off I. ff. for the tyme of this accompte, that ys to wit for ijo yer, euery yere xiij s iiij d. Summa, xxvj s viij d
Payde for the Obite of Iohn Causton, kepte the ije dayes of August, twyes within this acompte, spendyng at euery tyme iiij s ij d. Summa, viij s iiij d
Payde to the preste for his celarye for ijo yer, euery yer vj l'i xiij s iiij d. summa, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Payde in Reparacions in fischis house for iij newe hopis, and ijo Eris to a Boket, price, xx d
Summa totalis, xix l'i iij s ix d.
Summa totalis payde, cxxxiiij l'i viij s vj d ob.
Reste due to the chirch, xlv l'i vij s iij d ob.

Wherof ther ys in detters, and moneye delyuerid to William prewne and Iohn halhed as it apperith' ffoloyng more pleynlye.

(fn. 22) l'i s d.
19 3 9 (fn. 22)
(fn. 23) ffyrst delyueryd to them in Redye money by Mr Iohn Redye and Iohn Bakers wyffe Such money as was leffte of beame lyte monye, clarkes wagis and pascall' money to the Summa off xxxiiij s j d

The names off the detteres that the sayde William Prewne and Iohn halhed Resseyued ffor the Reragis off owre tyme.

ffyrst, off William Myln ffor iij quarteris v l'i
Thomas hunte, ffor di. o yer xxvj s viij d
Thomas Seymour, ffor quiterent ijo yer vj s viij d
William harman, ffor o quarter iiij s ij d
William hall', ffor o quarter viij s iiij d
harry vavesour, ffor ijo yer s' o quarter ix l'i xvj s viij d
Roberd Bercroffte, ffor ijo quarteris iij s iiij d
Iohn a Brystow, ffor iij quarteris vj s
Iohn harrys, waterman, ffor o quarter xx d
Syr Iohn phillipp, ffor o quarter iij s
Alexaunder Worssley, ffor o quarter v s
Thomas Armerer, ffor o quarter ij s
Iohn harryson, ffor o quarter ij s vj d
William paris, ffor o quarter xx d
Iohn Ionkyns, ffor o quarter ij s
Roger penreth, ffor o quarter v s
Iohn Bruster, torner, ffor ijo yere iiij l'i
Gabriell' de vrs, ffor o quarter liij s iiij d
Richard Crick, vpholster, for o quarter l s
Iohn ffysch, grocer, ffor di. o yer iij l'i
Iohn Colman, Bucher vj s viij d
Maister lewes, for o yer and di iij li
Thomas Exmo, for iij quarters xxxv s
Iohn Mowce, carpenter xxvj s viij d
(fn. 24) l'i d
39 5 (fn. 25)
Summa, xxxvij l'i vj s iiij d.
Summa totalis.

(fn. 26) Ihesus.

More detters.

Sir William Stodale, preste, for o quarter v s
Richard Careden, ffor ijo yer xxvj s viij d
Iohn Mott, Carpenter, for ijo yer ix s
Iohn harryson, Gardiner ix s xj d
Iohn Smarte, for ijo yer viij s
The chirchwardens off Sent Botolphes, for ijo yer v s
Summa, iij l'i iij s vij d.
Summa totalis delyuerd to þe wardens William Grene and I. h. xlij l'i iiij s.

Theis be the names off them that I axske alowaunce off that paide no thing in oure dayes.

harry Mershe, ffor o quarter rent off the tour hyll' v s
Item, ffor ijo yeris rente off the kechyn xiij s iiij d
Item, Iohn Ducklyng paide no Rente in owre time ffor the space of ijo yer. Summa, xxx s iiij d
Summa totalis due to the chirch, xj s vij d ob.

(fn. 27) Ihesus.

The Rentall' in the tyme of Iohn halhed & Robert Roucybye.

Seynt Maryhill lane.

Ioh'n a Bristowe, a chambre by yer, viij s Nasynges.
Ioh'n harris " (fn. 28) " " vj s viij d
Nicholas Thornlay " " viij s
Wylliam Parys " " " viij s
Item, a Schopp vnder the chambre by yer, vj s viij d
Ioh'n Ionkyns, a schopp with a chambre by yer, x s
Iohn harryson, a chambre by yer, x s
George Olyver " " " vj s viij d

The Prestes Aleye.

Syr Iohn Plommer, a house by yer, [Prices torn away.]
Harry Mersche, a kechen by yer,
Syr Ioh'n Philip, a house by yer,
Syr William Maltbye, ijo chambres by yer,
Syr Ioh'n lovyer, a chambre by yer, The chirchyard.
Alysaunder wursley, clarke, a house by yer,
Richard Chelmysho, ioyner " "
Robart Grapeles, tayllour " "
Wylliam Dyckson, grocer, a house by yer,
harry vavesour, diuers tenementes " "
Robart Barcroffte, waterman, ijo chambres by yer,
Wylliam hall', watirman, a house by yer,
Richard Alenson, tayllour " "
(fn. 29) Iohn causton The chirch'. In Temmes strete Roose Wrytell' Sir Th. harry Kello, tayllour, a house by yer, iiij l'i xiij s iiij d
Thomas Seymour, grocer, the Corner house, quytrent by yer, iiij s iiij d
Thomas hunte, draper, a house by yer, iij l'i vj s viij d
Wylliam Myln, yremonger, by yer, vj l'i xiij s iiij d
The chirchwardens of Seynt Botolphus beside byllyngesgate, ijs vj d
Summa, xiiij li xv s x d.
Ioh'n Bedaham. Gabryell' de vrs, ffor the greate lombardis place by yer, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Ioh'n Causton. Iohn Brewster, Tornor, ijo tenementes by yer xl s
the chirch. Thomas Colman, Bocher, & william dye, a house by yer xxvj s viij d
Ioh'n causton. Iohn ffysche, Grocer, for an house by yer vj l'i
xxij l'i xiij s
. . . Cambrige . . . he Stokkes. Robart Crycke, wollmonger, ijo tenementes by yer, vj l'i
Iohn Byrlyng, goldsmyth, for a house by yer, liij s iiij d
William Reynnysfforthe, poyntemaker, for a house by yer, xxvj s viij d
Summa, x l'i.
. . . lynn . . . lane. Maister lewes, the kynges ffesissyan, a house by yer xl s
Maistres Browne, wydewe, a house by yer xx s
Item, for the house vppon the steyer by yer xiij s iiij d
Thomas Exmo, goldsmyth, a ffayer house by yer, xlvj s viij d
Ioh'n Mowce the yonger, capper, a house by yer, xxvj s viij d
Gloucetter, organ maker, a house by yer xxvj s
A patynmaker, a hous by yer xiij s iiij d
Summa, viij li xvj s.
By the Meneris. Iohn causton. Ioh'n Wollmonger, a lytell house by yer viij s
The ijo wydewes, a house by yer viij s
Ric' a kechen, Bedredman, a house by yer viij s
Ric' Garden, ffuller, a garden by yer xiij s iiij d
Ioh'n Smarte, grocer, a garden by yer iiij s
Wylliam Boyes, gardyner, a garden by yer iiij s
Ioh'n Harryson wyff, gardyner, a garden by yer iij s
Ioh'n yong, a garden by yer ij s viij d
Summa, lj s

Tour hill' + Harrye Mersche, paynter, a house by yer xx s

(fn. 29) Ihesus.

The Booke of the clarkes wages.

[that is, the Book of the parishioners' contributions to the Parish Clerk's wages ?]

Ioh'n Crescroffte j d
Ioh'n Ricard j d
Nych' Roose, taylour j d
Gabriell' de vrs xij d
Ioh'n harryson j d
harry Mersche xij d
Richard Chelmysho j d
Ioh'n a Mylton viij d
harry vavesour xiij d
Richard Cloce viij d
William dickson iiij d
Peter Russell' iiij d
William Geffrey iiij d
Maister W. Remyngton xvj d
William Cook ij d
William hall' ij d
Robart Barcroffte j d
Robart Staunsour iij d
Richard Alenson viij d
Peter Andrew vj d
Robert Rivell' xiiij d
William prene. xij d
Ioh'n halhed viij d
Christouer hobye j d
Ioh'n a Grene j d
Ioh'n fformes j d
Reignolde Bull' j d
Garard Ionson j d
Ioh'n Markes iiij d
Ioh'n Clarke viij d
Ioh'n Smerte xiiij d
harry Kello viij d
Th. Wattes iiij d
Th. Blake iiij d
William Graye xij d
William Duerey vj d
Robert Michelson iiij d
Ioh'n a downe iiij d
William harman iiij d
Robert waldyng iiij d
William Remyngton iiij d
Christian hunte iiij d
Ioh'n Ducklyng xij d
Thomas Seymour viij d
Thomas Colyn vj d
Thomas hunte viij d
Ioh'n dewblyn x d
Ioh'n deraham viij d
Robert howtyng vj d
Ioh'n Townnysend vj d
Robert Roucybye vij d
Iohane Bremonger iiij d
Nicholas Smythisson j d
Moder Selbye j d
Ioh'n Polyver vj d
Ioh'n Ionson vj d
Wylliam Myln x d
Ioh'n Nevyle iiij d
Ioh'n Russell' iiij d
harry Smyth j d
Richard abell' iiij d
Richard dockyng j d
William Maunsfelde ij d
Ioh'n hewes j d
Richard westus j d
William pratt j d
Thomas Caley j d
Ioh'n Bircham j d
Richard welton.
Richard Silke.
William Silke.
Th. a bynkes.
Ioh'n topladye.
Ioh'n a Bristowe.
Th. Baate
Thomas Toddes.

[. . . Accounts for a.d. 1485–7 lost . . .]


  • 1. leaf 43.
  • 2. In corner.
  • 3. leaf 43, back.
  • 4. In corner.
  • 5. leaf 44.
  • 6. In corner.
  • 7. leaf 44, back.
  • 8. leaf 45.
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  • 11. Scratched out.
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  • 24. In corner.
  • 25. leaf 49.
  • 26. leaf 51.
  • 27. Written in full in MS.
  • 28. leaf 51, back.
  • 29. leaf 52.