The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.
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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1479-81', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].
'Churchwardens' accounts: 1479-81', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,
"Churchwardens' accounts: 1479-81". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.
[a.d. 1479 & 1481]
(fn. 1) This is the accompt of William Mille and Harry Mershe, Wardeyns of the Paressh'e churche of Saint Mary atte hille in London, fro the fest of Saynt Mighell' tharchaungell in the xix yere of the Reigne of Kynge Edwarde the iiijthe Vnto the fest of Saynt Mighell' in the xxj yere of the Reigne of the same kynge, that is to witte, for ij hoole yere &c.
Rentis & ffermys.
Item, thay be chargyd with the Rentes longyng to the chauntry of Iohn Westone at xiiij l'i xvj s ij d by the yere, for ij yere, | xxix l'i | xij s | iiij d |
Also thay be chargyd with the Rentis longyng to the chauntry of Iohn Cawston at xviij l'i xx d by the yere, Summa for ii yere, | xxxvj li | iij s | iiij d |
Also with the Rentis longyng to the Chauntry of Rychard Goslyne at ix l'i xviij s viij d by the yere, for ij yere, | xix li | xvij s | iiij d |
(fn. 2) Also with the Rentes of the chauntry of William Cambrygge at x li by the yere, Summa for ij yere, | xx l'i | ||
Also with the Rentes of the chauntry of Iohn Bedham, atte xiij li vj s viij d by the yere, for ij yere, | xxvj l'i | xiij s | iiij d |
Also with the Rentes of the chauntry of Iohn Nasyng, at ix l'i iij s iiij d by the yere, that is to say, for the termys of the annunciacion of our lady, Midsomer & Mighellmasse, Anno Edwardi quarty xxjo, | vj l'i | xvij s | vj d |
Also with the Rentes of the Chauntry of Rose Wryttyll', at vj l'i xiij s iiij d by the yere. Receyved for a yere an halfe & a quarter, | xj li | xiij s | iiij d |
Summa totalis Redd cl l'i xvij s ij d. |
Increse of Rente.
(fn. 3) Dona & legat.
Bemlyght and paschall' tapyrs for the same ij yere, as in the boke of parcellis of the same more playnly doth appere, | iiij l'i | vij s |
Summa, iiij li vij s. |
Buryyng & knellis.
(fn. 4) Clerkes wages.
her lackyth the Rekenyng of the quyterent of Th. Sayms house, ij° yere | vj s | viij d |
Item, the Quyterent of Seynt Botolphus chirch, ij yere | v s |
Allowaunce. Quite Rentis.
(fn. 5) Item, payd to the priour of Crystes churche for a tenement lyyng in the pareshe of Saynt Mary at hyll', for ij yere, | vj s | |
Item, to the priowre of the same place for a tenement lyyng in the pareshe of Saynt Botolphis withowte Algate, | x s | |
Item, to the prioresse of kylbourne for a tenement in fayster lane, for ij yere, | xij d | |
Item, to the Churchewardeyns of Saynt georges in poddyng lane, for a tenement in the pareshe of Saynt Mary atte hylle, | xl s | |
Summa, lvij s. | ||
Summa totalis |
(fn. 6) Westone.
ffor the obite of Iohn Weston at iij s viij d holdyn by the yere, for ij yere vij s iiij d; for brede and ale to þe prestes and clerkes by the same space. Summa, | viij s |
Item, for the obite of Iohn Bedham, holdyn by ij yere, And in mony yevyn in almys to the poore peple, And in drynkyng amonge prestes and clerkes by the space of this accompt, | xiij s | vj d |
Item, for the obite of Iohn Cawston, and in almys yevyn among the pore peple, and in drynkyng among prestes and clerkes for the same ij yere, | vij s | iiij d |
Item, payd for the obite of Richarde goslyne, And in almys, And in potacions to prestis and clerkes, by the same space, | vj s | viij d |
Syr Io. bradmore.
Item, for the obite of Syr Iohn Bradmore, holdyn by the space of this accompt, | vj s | viij d |
Summa, iiij l'i xd. |
(fn. 7) prestes wagis.
(fn. 8) Clerkes wages.
(fn. 9) Thexpensis of þe Church.
Wecchyng of þe sepulcre.
Item, payd to the Clerke and paris for mete and drynke, for wechynge of the Sepulcre, with othir bysynes done in the Church at diuerse tyme by the space of this accompt, | xxiij d |
A laborer.
(fn. 10) Item, for Rope and smale Corde for þe church, iij s ix d, | v s | ix d |
Item, for iij doseyn tukkyng gyrdlis, ij s for the ij yere, |
scowryng of þe laton.
Item, for scowryng of the latowne, the grete candylstykkes, and the Rode loft with all' othyre smale candylstykkys, per idem tempus, &c. | iiij s | vj d |
Item, for Colis to the churche, & frankencence, in wechyng of the sepulcre, & at othyre tyme of þe yere by þe same space, | ij s | vj d |
ffor swete wyne. Item, for brede, wyne, and ale for prestes and clerkes spent in the church apon dedicacions and othyr festyvall' days, as the boke of parcellis of the same more playnly doth appere by the tyme of this accompte, | vij s | viij d |
ffor flaggis & garlondis: Item, for flagges and garlondis, and pak thredde for þe torchis, apon corpus christi day and apon saynt Barnabeys day & othir days. And for vj men to bere the same torchis, as it more playnly shewith by the boke of parcellis, | iiij s | vij d |
Item, to a mason for settyng of the hokes of the vestry wyndowys with lede, and for mendyng of othyr thynges in the church, | vij d | |
Item, for mendyng of the churche lanterne, vj d, | xj d | |
Item, for beryng of iiij torchis, to bury the portyngaler, ij d, | ||
Item, for the caryyng of ij lode gravell', for the procession churcheyarde, iij d, | ||
ffor makynge of a pywe: Item, payd to Christofer, Carpynter, for the makynge of a nywe pywe in the churche, as it apperith by a bylle, | xxj s | iij d |
Item, in expensis and Costis done in fechynge of the chalis. And for rewardis yevyn to the goldsmyth & othirs, as þe boke of parcelis makyth mencion severally, | ij s | |
for candyll: Item, payd for viij doseyn lb. candyll' for the churche, as it aperith &c. by this accompte, | x s | |
Item, payd for a table & a payr [of] trestellis to stand in the vestry, to ley the Copis apon in festyvall' days, | ij s | |
Item, spent at the Receyvyng of sir Rafe & sir Thomas, prestes, v d, | ix d | |
Item, for a Shovell' to the churche, iiij d, | ||
Summa, iij l'i ij s vj d. | ||
(fn. 11) Wex chaundeler: | xxij s | xj d |
Item, payd to the wex chaundeler for makyng of all' the wex to the churche, by the space of this accompt, &c. | ||
Item, for vj loode Robyshe to both churchehawis, xij d, | v s | viij d |
Item, for haly watyr sprynclys to þe church, iiij d, | ||
Item, for a stone potte to put in oyle, j d ob., | ||
Item, for a bokyll to hange þe clappyr of the lytyll' belle, ob, | ||
Item, for nayle to amende the whele of the Sanctus bell, ob., | ||
Item, for papyr spent in makyng of this accompt & for the parcelse of the same, iiij d, | ||
Item, for Bowis and Ivy to the church for ij yere, ij s, | ||
Item, to the cornell' Raker for carynge of the Rubbysshe & duste of the churche at diuerse tyme xij d, | ||
Item, for evys borde to the lityll' howse in the churchyarde, for nayle & makyng, iiij d ob, | ||
Item, for c of ij peny nayle, ij d, | ||
Item, for iij peny nayle, j d. Summa, | ||
mendyng of the Crossis: | iij s | iiij d |
Item, payd for mendyng of the crosse that is borne abowte euery day, And for mendyng of the mustenaunce crosse, as it apperith in the boke of parcellis of the same, | ||
The grete Antiphoner: | xxij s | ij d |
Item, payd to a Stacioner for the grete Antyphoner, and for a quayer of clene stuffe sette into the same, & for a Rewarde to the Stacioner, & for berynge of þe same boke, as the boke of parcellis more playnly shewith, | ||
the Vestyment makere. | ||
Item, for mendyng of iij Rede copis, the grene cope, & ij blak copis, xvij s j d, | liij s | vj d |
Item, for golde sylke & perle, bokeram & Rebande for the best cope, xiij s, | ||
Item, for mendyng of othyr vestymentes, awbis, chysyblis, copis, & othir diuerse Stuffe boght to the same at diuerse tymes, viij s vij d, | ||
Item, for workemanshyp of the same for the sayd ij yere, xiiij s x d. Summa, | ||
Item, | ||
Summa. | ||
Summa totalis, v l'i viij s iij d. | ||
(fn. 12) v l'i viij s v d ob. (fn. 12) |
(fn. 13) Reparacion of the church.
ffor tyle: ffyrst payd to Iohn Chaundeler of Waltamstow, tyler, and to Knyghte, tyler, and to othyrs, for tyle to þe churche, þat is to say for ix ml', the ml' at v s iiij d. Summa, | xlviij s | ||
hertlath: | xj s | ||
Item, for ij ml' & ij c hertlath, the c vj d. Summa, | |||
Item, for vj ml' di. Rofe nayle, the ml' at vj d. Summa, | vj s | iij d | |
lyme: | |||
Item, for lyme, to harwarde, lyme man, and to clerke of lyme oste, for vj c a lode, & iiij sackes lyme, as it apery by a byll' and by the boke of parcellis of the same more playnly in toto, | xlj s | ||
Item, payd to Rolfe Smyth, for diuerse stuffe of hym boght and made, as it apperith by a byll of the same, | x s | ||
þe glasyer: | xx s | vj d | |
Item, to glasyer, for glasyng and mendyng of the church wyndowis, the vestry wyndowis, with othyr wyndowis longyng to the churche Rente, by the space of this accompte, | |||
þe tylers. Item, payd to Rowland, tyler, and his men, and to othyr tylers and thar men for tylyng of the church for the tyme of this accompte, iij l'i x s iiij d, | iiij li | x d | |
Item, for viij busshell' tyle pynnys for þe church & oþer places, iiij s, | |||
Item, for viij loode sande, iiij s, | |||
Item, for caryng away of xij loode Rubyssh, ij s vj d, | |||
Summa, | |||
Iremongers. Item, payd to the iremonger in gresse strete, for diuerse stuffe of hym boght, as it more playnly doth apere by a byll' of the same, | xiiij s | vij d | |
Item, payd Iohn Nevell' for nayles and othir stuffe boght of hym as the boke of parcelis shewyth, | x s | ||
Item, for Rofe tyle by the same space | xvj d | ||
Summa, xij l'i iij s vj d. | |||
(fn. 14) xj l'i xix s xj d. (fn. 14) |
(fn. 15) Reparacion of the Steple.
labowrers. ffyrst, for brekfastys of the Carpynters & þe plummers, and in the ernyst penys and potacions at diuerse tymes amonge the workemen, as þe boke of parcellis Shewith, | ij s | vj d | |
Item, to Iohn parysse & Dykson with othyr laborers for brede and ale And for thar labour abowte the steple for to have vp the planckes & þe lode in to þe steple. And for mendyng of the hovell' in the steple, and for othyr diuerse labour & attendaunce abowte the same, as it apperith by the parcellis of the same more playnly in the boke. | viij s | ij d | |
Item, payd to a mason for mendyng of the corner of the steple, vj d, | iij s | iiij d | |
Item, for caryage of viij c borde fro Quenhith to þe church, vj d, | |||
Item, for caryage of ij lode lede for the churche to þe plummers howse, vj d, | |||
Item, for a laddyr to þe steple, x d, | |||
Item, for dowbyll' lynyng of the stayre dore into the steple, for borde nayle & workemanshyp of the same, xij d. Summa, | |||
Item, to the Kanell' Raker for caryyng of the Robyssh of the steple, vj d, | x d | ||
Item, for iiij Raylis to þe steple, iiij d, | |||
Item, for mendyng of the vane of the steple, iiij d. Summa, | |||
Borde. Item, payde to geffrey Koo for viij c borde, price the c ij s ij d. Summa, | xvij s | iiij d | |
þe Carpynter. Item, payd to Christofer, Carpynter, for takyng downe of the Steple, xx s, | iij l'i | xiij s | |
Item, to the same Christofer for tymbyr, and for othyr diuerse stuffe for the steple, and for workmanshypp of the same, as it apperith by a byll' of the same, liij s. Summa, | |||
Iremonger. Item, for naylis and othir Iren worke for the steple, as it aperith by a byll', xiiij s vij d, | xxiiij s | vij d | |
Item, to the same iremonger for othyr diuerse stuffe boght of hym, as it apperith by the boke of parcellis, x s. Summa, | |||
Summa, vj l'i ix s ix d. | |||
(fn. 16) | |||
iiij l'i xviij . . . (fn. 16) |
(fn. 17) Reparacion of the lumbardis place and in ffayster lane.
(fn. 18) Reparacion of Iohnson Bowchers howse, now the howse of Colman bowcher.
(fn. 19) The turners howse at saynt Andrews.
Reparacion of Thomas Raynoldis howse.
(fn. 20) Reparacion of harry Williams howse.
Reparacion of the phesicians howse in ffayster lane.
(fn. 21) Reparacion of Crykes howse.
(fn. 22) Reparacion of þe prestes howsis.
Reparacion of blasis howse.
(fn. 23) Reparacion of þe seges for the clerkys.
ffor ij Sackes lyme, iiij d, | iij s | |
Item, for c breke, vj d, | ||
Item, payd to a mason and his man by ij days, ij s ij d, | ||
Summa, iij s. |
Reparacion of ffysshis howse.
(fn. 24) Reparacion of þe Wevers howse.
Oyle for the church.
(fn. 25) Payd to the plummer.
Almys men.
(fn. 26) Rewardis & potacions amonge þe tenauntes, & in oþer costes in ouerseyng of þe workys by the same space, &c.
ffirst, yevyn to ther tenauntes at the Receyvyng of the Rentes, and in potacions amonge them, and for owre expensis and costis in waytyng apon the workemen durynge the space of this accompte, | x s | v d | ||
Item, in allowaunce to the churchewardeyns for thayr attendaunce apon the churche workes by the yere vjs viijd. Summa for ij hole yere, | xiij s | iiij d | ||
Vyewers. Item, payd to the vywers for to ouerse the howse þat dyghton dwellith in, and the tenauntryes next the clerkyn well', for to know the Ryght, ffyrst for ther costes at þe tavyrne for brede & wyne, vj d, | xj s | vj d | ||
Item, for a byll' of the verdytt hadde owte of the mayrys courte, viij d, | ||||
Item, payd to a sergeaunte for the arrest of our tenaunte þat dyd vs wronge, viij d, | ||||
Item, for withdrawyng of the Cowrte, iiij d, | ||||
Item, payd for the costes of the sergeaunte for his attendaunce at diuerse tyme for the same arrest, &c., xij d, | ||||
Item, payd for the vywers labour and attendaunce at diuerse tyme, viij s iiij d, | ||||
Summa, xxxv s iij d. | ||||
(fn. 27) Item, payd to Maystyr Mandyke and to othyrs for diuerse expensis done and hadde, as it more playnly shewith by the parcellis of the same, | xv s | x d | ||
Item, for the makyng of this accompt | vj s | viij d | ||
Item, payd to Iohn Carpynter for his goodwyll' to be shewyd in the byldyng of the lumbardis place in saynt botolfis lane, | vj s | viij d | ||
Summa, xxix s ij d. | ||||
Summa of all' the allowaunce, | clxx l'i | v s | vj d | ob. |
And they owe | xj li | v s | ij d | ob. |
Therof is owynge by diuerse persoone as apperyth by the names and summes in the lesse folowynge, | viij l'i | xviijs | iiijd | |
And by the said accomptantis clerely to be payd to the church, | vj s | x d | ob. | |
(fn. 28) Olde arrerages, Iohn Dighton, Capper | xlvs | |||
William Sherborne | xv s | |||
Cobbe, Brewer | vj s | viij d | ||
Clemente atte hylle | xij s | |||
Iames Cokke, wever | xij s | vj d | ||
Iohn Doklyng for buryyng of iij of his chyldyr in þe pardon churchyarde, | vj s | |||
Summa, iiij l'i xvij s ij d. |
Arrerer of þe tyme of this Accompte | ||
Iohn Dighton, capper | iij l'i | |
William Grene for iij quarters | vj s | |
Grene for a quarter Rent | xx d | |
Nicholas Williamson, wever, for iij quarters | xiij s | vjd |
Summa, iiij l'i xiiij d. | ||
Delyvered to gabryell' lombarde, owre tenaunte in botoll' lane, in olde lede, | xc wegh'te | |
(fn. 29) harry vavasour, Iohn Baker, | 1483 |