Churchwardens' accounts: 1477-9

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1477-9', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1477-9', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1477-9". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.

In this section

[a.d. 1477 and 1479.]

(fn. 1) This is thaccompt of Iohn Palmer and Iohn Clerke, Wardens of the Church of Saint Mary atte Hille from the ffest of Saynt Mighell' tharchangell' In the xvij yere of the Reigne of kynge Edwarde þe iiijth Vnto the ffest of Saynt Mighell' in the xixth yere of the same kyng by ij hoole yere

(fn. 2) The Rentall of Londes & tenementes longyng to diuerse Chawntries (fn. 3) & to þe Chyrch (fn. 3) founded in the Church of Saynt Mary at Hyll in london renywed atte ffest of Saynt Mighell tharchaungell in the xvij ere of the Reygne of Kynge Edwarde the ffourth & ce'

lyuelode belongyng to the Chyrch

(fn. 4) Iohn Westons Chauntry (fn. 4)

In the paressh' of Saynt Mary atte hyll Harry Williamson, for a tenement iiij l'i
William Geffrey, for Rente of a tenement xxxiij s iiij d
Thomas Raynolde, for Rente of a tenement liij s iiij d
Sir Iohn Colyns, for Rente of a xx s
Sir Iohn Mortram, for Rente of a xij s
Sir Iohn Plummer, for Rente of a ix s
Iohn Dokelyng, for Rente of a tenement xx s
Sir Iohn Philip, for Rente of a viij s
Sir Philip Norton, for Rente of a viij s
Iohn Iohnson, Bocher, for a tenement in the paressh' of Saynt leonardis in Estchepe xxvj s viij d
Harry Mersshe, for a tenement and a gardyne atte Towrehill' in the paresshe of Saynt Botulphis xx s
Margarete Powtrell, of quyte Rente goynge owte of a tenement in the paresshe of Saynt Mary atte hyll'e iij s iiij d
The Wardeyns of the Churche of Saynt Botulphis besides belynesgate, of quite Rente goyng owte of a Tenement longyng to the same Church', sette in the paresshe of ij s vj d
Summa, xiiij l'i xvj s ij d.

(fn. 5) Iohn Caustons Chauntry

In the parissh' of Saint Mary atte hille William Blase, for Rent of a tenement iiij l'i xiij s iiij d
Hew Clerke, for Rent of a tenement xx s
Iohn Byrkeby, for Rent of a tenement xx s
Iohn Modley, for Rent of a tenement xx s
Iohn Breuster, Tornour, for ij tenementes in the parissh' of Andrews (fn. 6) in Estchepe xxxviij s
In the parissh' of Saynt botulphe withowte algate Clement hille, for a tenement viij s
Iamys Cokke, for ij tenementes xvj s viij d
Iohn Smerte, for a gardyne iiij s
Cristan Stevyns, for a gardyne xij s iiij d
Iohn Motte, Carpinter, for a gardyne iiij d
William harrydeson, for ij gardyn [?] v s iiij d
Iohn ffissh', for a tenement in greschurchehestrete vj li
Summa, xviij l'i xx d.

(fn. 7) Tenementes of the Chauntry of Richarde Gosselyne

In the parissh' of Saint leonardes in Vaster lane Iohn Dighten, for a tenement iij li
lewis, ffisician, for a tenement xl s
William Shirburne, Capper, for a tenement xx s
Alice lovyndon, for a tenement xvj s
William Cator, Brawderer, for a tenement xviij s
William levesham, Capper, for a tenement xxvj s viij d
Williams Busshope, Tailowr xviij d
Summa, ix l'i xviij s viij d.

The Chauntry of Iohn Bedeham

Lewis Lumbarde,, for a tenement in Saint Botulphe lane in the parissh' of saint George xiij li vj s viij d

The Chauntry of William Cambridge

In the parissh of Saint Christofer ffor tenementes there for half a yere iij li
ffor the same tenement for a hole yere x li
Summa, xiij l'i.
Summa of alle the Rente by the said ij yere cxxv l'i vj s iiij d

[a.d. 1477–79.]

(fn. 8) This is thaccompt of Iohn Palmer & Iohn Clerke, Wardeyns of the Churche of Saint Mary at Hille besides Belynesgate, in London; ffrom the fest of Mighell' tharchaungell' in the xvij yere of the Regne of kyng Edward the fourth, vnto the ffest of Saint Mighell' tharchangell' in the xix yere of the Regne of the same kyng, that is to say, by ij hole yeris & cetera

ffirst, they be charged with xxix li xij s iiij d of Rentes of the tenementes longyng to the Rentes (fn. 9) of Iohn Weston for the said ij yeris, chargyd at xiiij l'i xvj s ij d by the yere

And with xxxvj l'i iij s iiij d of Rentes of þe tenementes longyng to the tenementes of Iohn Causton for the same ij yere, Chargyd at xviij l'i xx d by the yere, &c'; And with xix l'i xvij s iiij d of the Rentes of tenementes longyng to the Chauntry of Richard Gosselyn for the ij yeris aforsayd, Chargid at ix l'i xviij s viij d by þe yere

And with xxvj l'i xiij s iiij d of the Rente of a tenement longyng to the chauntry of Iohn Bodeham for ij yere aforsaid, chargid at xiij l'i vj s viij d by the yere

Item, receyvid of the Rent of a tenement sette in the parissh' of Saint Cristofre atte Stokkes, which was sumtyme William Cambridge, for the termes of Midsomer & Mighelmasse Ao xviij°, iij l'i, And of the Rent of the same tenement for a yere endid at Mighelmasse, Anno xixmo, x l'i xiij l'i
Summa, cxxv l'i vj s iiij d.
(fn. 10) Increce of Rente Also they charge them selfe with xxiij s iiij d of increse of Rente of a tenement in the parissh' of Saint Mary at hille, whiche is chargid among the Rentis of Westens Chauntry, callid the Churche Rentes, at xx s by the yere, now late to Iohn Dokeling for xxxiij s iiij d by the yere, that is, by a yere & iij quarters of a yere, & c'
Summa, xxiij s iiij d.
Bequest Item, Receyvid of Richard Bliet, of Thurrok in Essex, of his gift to the Churchwerke. vj s viij d
Arrerages Item, Receyvid of Iohn Iohnson, Bocher, of Arerages of his Rente xlvj s viiij d
Item, of Sir Iohn Mortram, of Arrerages of his Rent xxiiij s
Item, of William Geffereis wife, of Arrerages of Rente xx s
And of Iamys Cokke, wever, of Arrerages of his Rent xx s ij d
Summa, v l'i xvij s vj d.
Summa of this side, vij l'i x d.

(fn. 11) Casuell' Receytis.

ffor the beme light, Receyved in the said ij yeris xlij s
ffor the Paschall' tapir in the same yeres xxv s iiij d
ffor the wast of ij tapres at Caustons obite iiij d
ffor the wast of ij tapres at Iohn Bedhams obite iiij d
ffor the wast of ij tapris at Richarde Gosselyns obite iiij d
ffor the wast of ij tapris at William Cambridge obite iiij d
ffor an empty hoggishede, solde to William proyne vj d
ffor an olde Gravestone, solde to vj s viij d
ffor ij Busshell' sande, solde ij d
Item, Receyvid of Thomas Crullis wife, for Ryngynge of the grete Belle for hir husbonde iij s iiij d
ffor Buryyng of Thomas Crulle in the Church xiij s iiij d
ffor Buryyng of Sir Thomas Wilkynson, preste, in the Churche xiij s iiij d
Receyvid of of William Prune for Buryyng of his sonne in the Churche xiij s iiij d
And for the buryyng of a straunge manne in the Churche yarde iij s iiij d
Item, Receyved of Iohn Iacob for the obseruaunce in the Churche for a Spaynarde þat was slayne v s
Summa, vj l'i vij s viij d.

(fn. 12) Parcellis Receyved for Buryyng of Corses in the pardon Churchyarde

ffor buryyng of Crullis doghtir ij s
ffor harry Clerkes, of gifte ij s
ffor William Blasis Childe ij s
ffor Iohn Smyth' ij s
ffor the kerchife-launders doghtir ij s
ffor Dokelyngis manne ij s
ffor huntis wife ij s
ffor Cecile Crulle ij s
ffor John Clerkis doghtir iiij s
ffor John Bakers doghtir ij s
Summa, xxij s.
Summa of alle the Charge, cxxxix l'i xvj s xd.

(fn. 13) Payementes and expenses vpon Westons lyvelode

Quite Rentis ffirst, paid to thabbot of Waltham, of a quite Rent of xxxviij s yerely goyng owte of a tenement that was sumtyme Iohn Westons, sette in the parish of lxxvj s
To Myghell' harryes, wardeyne of the churche of Saynt george in puddyng lane, of a quite Rent of xx s yerely goyng owte of a tenement sette in the parisshe of Saynt Mary atte hille, for ij yere atte Michelmasse, Ao xixo xl s
To the priowre of cristchurche withyn Algate of london, of a quite Rent of iij s yerely goynge owte of a tenement sette in the same parisshe of Saint Mary, for ij yere endid at Estir, Ao xixmo, by ij Acuitaunce vj s
To the same priowre, of a quite Rente of v s yerely goyng owte of tenementes sette in the parissh' of Saint Botulphis withowte Algate which was Iohn Westons, endyd at Crystmasse, for ij yere, Ao xixmo of the sayd kynge v s
Summa, vj l'i xij s.
Prestes wages Item, paid to Sir Iohn Philippe for kepyng of the morow masse, for euery quarter of a yere v s, by þe same ij yers xl s
Item, paid to Sir Iohn Colyns, in Augmentacion of his wagis, at viij s iiij d by the quarter, by the space of the same ij yere iij l'i vj s viij d
Summa, vl'i vj s viij d.
Summa, xj l'i xviij s viij d.
Vacacion (fn. 14) And allowance of Rente of a tenement settle in the parisshe of Saint Mary atte hille, in the holdyng of harry Williamson, chargid in the Rentall' at iiij l'i by the yere, stondyng voyd by all' the furst yere iiij l'i
Obites Item, paid for thobite of Iohn Weston, holde ij tyme within the tyme of this accompt, for eythir tyme iij s iiij d vj s viij d
Item, for the obite of Sir Iohn Bradmere, which gave to the Churche a nywe Chalice weyng [ ], for either yere iij s iiij d vj s viij d
Paid to Iohn Modley, for servyng the quere for þe terme of Mydsomer & Mighelmasse, Ao xviijo, for eythir quarter, vj s viij d xiij s iiij d
To the same Iohn, for his wagis, servyng in the quere from Mighelmasse, Ao xviij, vnto Midsomer, Ao xixo, for euery quarter, vj s viij d—xx s; And from Midsomer vnto Mighelmasse next suyng, seruyng as a paressh' Clerke, for his wages, xiij s iiij d xxxiij s iiij d
To the parissh' preste, to Remembre in the pulpite the sowle of [Richard] Bliot, which gave to the Churche workis vj s viij d ij d
Item, paid to William paris, for beryng of the grete boke to Sir William palmers Chambre, to write anothir boke by that iiij d
Item, paid to William paris & the Clerke for ther mete one good ffryday ij d
Summa, vij l'i viij d.

(fn. 15) Expenses for the Churche.

Item, paid to a vestment-maker for the mendyng of the Blak Copes, & of all' othir Cope that were fawty, by xiiij daies, takyng by the day ix d. Summa, x s vj d
ffor Rede Silke xij d, ix s ix d
Rebende of diuerse colowris iiij s,
for velvet ix d,
ffor bokeram for lynyng, iiij s,
To Rafe Smyth, for mendyng of a chayne to a boke in the quere, ij d, x d
ffor makyng of a bawdryk and a nywe bokyll' to the lytill' belle, viijd,
ffor a Rope to the same belle, iij d, ij s
ffor viij fathom of Rope for the myddill' belle, ix d,
ffor wasshyng of awter-clothis, awbis, amyse, & towellis, xij d,
ffor scowryng of the Standardis candilstikkis, & the Rode loft, by the space of ij yere iij s viij d
Item, for vj doseyne lb. of talow Candill', spent in dyvine seruise doon in the said Church withyn the tyme of this accompt, and in wacchyng the Churche vj s v d
To William proyne, for xviij galons oyle spent in lampis in the Churche xvj s
ffor scowryng, amendyng & gyldyng of a crosse v s
To William paris, for naylis, & amendyng of certeyne pywis in the Churche, xd, ij s vij d
ffor a key to the vestry dore beneth, iij d,
ffor ij smale keys to a lytill' Chest in the vestry, vj d,
ffor a nywe key, and mendyng of a lok to the stepull' dore, iiij d,
ffor leddir and clapsis to an Antiphoner, viij d,
ffor the mendyng of a surplice, v d, ix d
ffor amendyng of the pavement in the Churche, ij d,
Paid to William paris, for takyng downe of the Crosse apon the Stepull', ij d,
ffor wasshyng and sawyng of Iohn Modleys surplise ij d
Summa, lvij s viij d.
(fn. 16) Item, payd for birche at Midsomer, viij d, viij s xj d
Item, paid for box and palme on palme sonday, xij d,
ffor Colis one Estir evyne, x d,
Item, for Garlondis one Corpus Christi day, x d,
To v men to bere the Torchis, ix d,
ffor Rose-garlondis and wodrove-garlondis on Saynt Barnebes day, xj d,
To Sir Iohn henley, for syngyng tho daies, viij d,
To iiij Childre of Saynt Magnus, for syngynge, iiij d,
To Water plesaunce, for playing at the organs, vj d,
ffor expensis of the said prestis and Clerkis in brede, ale, and wyne, at the sayd ffestis, and at the ffest of
Alhalowys, ij s v d,
ffor a nywe key to the Chest that the torchis be in iij d
Item, payd to Thomas Goldsmyth for the mendyng of ij pax, and the soket of a siluer candilstike ij s
Item, for mendynge of the capis of the organs by Mighaell' Glocetir viij d
ffor iij mattis of wikirs, boght for prestis and clerkis iiij d
Summa, xij s ij d.

(fn. 17) Reparacions

Item, paid for iij ml' Tyle, for euery ml', vs iiij d, xvj s xxxj s xj d
Item, for c of Rofe tyle, xv d,
To harry Clerke, for viij lodis lyme, and a sak, viij s ij d
ffor iij lood sande, xviij d,
ffor ij loode lome, viij d,
ffor ij hundrith lath, iiij d,
ffor iij pecke of tyle-pynnys, iiij d ob.,
ffor ijc of vj peny nayle, xij d,
ffor vc Sprigge, iij d ob.,
ffor a watir payle, iij d,
ffor c of iij peny nayle, iij d,
ffor ij lb. & iij quartrons of Sawdour spendyd in the tenement of harry Williamsson & Iohn dokelyng, xxij d,
Item, payd to a tyler & his laborer, wirkyng apon the Church by a day, xiij d
Item, to a tylere and his man, wurkyng apon Thomas Raynoldis howse by a day, xiij d
Item, to ij tylers and ij laboreris, wirkyng apon Iohn Williamsons howse and Iohn Dokelyns howse, by ix dais, takyng amonge them by the day ij s ij d, xix s vj d
ffor a welbokette to harry Williamsons well, and for byndynge of the same, iij s ij d
To a dawber & his laborere, wirkyng there by iij days, at xiij d by the day, iij s iij d
ffor caryyng awaye of viij loodis Robissh' from the same placis, x d
ffor voyding of ij Tonne owte of a pryve in harry Williamson howse, v s iiij d
ffor iiij c hertlath, the c at v d, xx d
Summa of this side, iij l'i vij s x d
(fn. 18) Item, for a wainscotte ix d, spent in harry Williamsons howse, xix d
paid to Stere for sawyng of iij kervis of the same, iij d, ffor leggis, iiij d,
ffor c of iij peny nayle, iij d,
To a Carpynter wirkyng there by ij dais, xvj d, ij s v d
To a Mason and his manne by a day, xiij d,
To a paviowre, for pavyng of ix teies, afor the tenement of Iohn Modley and hywe Clerke, for euery teis, vij d, ffor iij lodis gravell', xij d, vj s iij d
Item, paid to William paris for wacchyng in the Churche in tyme of makyng of the Vestry, by xvj nyghtis, xvj d, iij s j d
ffor a quarter of Colis, v d,
ffor brede and ale boght of the wife of the Belle, xvj d, spendid there
Item, paid to a Carpinter to make a shoppe dore to thomas Reynoldis howse, And for naylis, xij d, xv d
And for a key to the same, iij d, xv d
Item, for iij lood of lyme spent to make vp the Sande that was left of the Stuffe that was purveyd for makyng of the vestry, iij s
ffor makyng of a payre endentowres betwene the Churchwardeyns and mille, for the lese of his howse ij s vj d
Item, to masse, Scryvenere, for ouerseyng the olde endentures of the same howse, viij d
Summa, xx s ix d.

(fn. 19) Payementes of the tenementes of the Chauntry of Iohn Causton:—

Quite Rente In money paid to the Wardeins of london Bridge, of quite Rente of xiij sii ij d yerely goyng owte of a tenement in Gresschurche strete that John ffisshe holdith for ij yere endyd atte ffest of Estir in the xix yere of the kynge aforsayde xxvj s viij d
Item, to William Inkyrssale and Thomas broke, wardeins of the ffraternitie of owre lady & saynt Thomas of Cantirbury of Salue, Regina ffounded in the church of Saint Magne in london, of a quite Rente of vj s yerely goyng owte of the same tenement, for ij yere endyd at Midsomer, in the said xix yere of þe kynge. xij s
Prestis wagis And to Sir philippe Norton, prest, Syngyng for the Sowle of Iohn Causton, for his wagis for ij yere endid at Mighelmasse in the said xix yere of the kyng, at vj l'i xiij s iiij d by the yere, xiij li vj s viij d
Obites Item, payd for the obite of the said Iohn Caustons for ij yere, vij s viij d
To hew Clerke and to Robert Clerke, for money diew to them for the dirige of Iohn Cawston, x d
And in allowans of Rente of a tenement þat hywe Clerke helde for xx s by the yere, standyng void by the terme of Estir, Midsomer, and Mighelmasse, Anno xixno xv s
And allowaunce of Rente of a tenement þat the Clerke of Saynt Dunstons helde, which was in dette to the church in xx v s, And departid from the same tenement and left no distresse for the said Rente, And aftir died in the pestilence, and had noo good to paye. xxv s
Summa, xvij l'i xiij s x d.

(fn. 20) Reparacions

ffo ij ml' tiles spent in reparacion of the tenement of William Blase and of othir tenementes, x s viij d, xiiij s x d
ffor c lath, v d,
ffor c of iiij peny naile, iiij d,
ffor c of v peny nayle, v d,
ffor a pekke of tyle pynnys, j d ob.,
ffor a lood lyme, xij d,
ffor a lood Sande, vj d,
ffor a lood loome, iiij d,
ffor iij quarters Sprygge nayle. iij d ob.
ffor a lok and a key to Crystian Stevyns gardyne, ix d, and for naylis,
Paid to a tyler and his laborer, wirkyng there by iiij dais, takyng both by the day, xiij d—iiij s iiij d, To a dawber and his laborer, wirkyng in the tenement of Iohn Brewster, tornour, in Estchepe, by a day, xiij d, And in the tenementes of Iames Cok & Clement, ij dais ij s ij d, vij s vij d
Item, for iij loode of pavyng gravell', xij d, v s j d
To a paviowre for pavyng of ix teis of pament, for euery teis, vij d—iiij s j d,
ffor a post, a plate, and a trestell' hede, to sette vndir the byndyng Ioiste in John Breusters howse, xiiij d, for ij pecis for Steir shides, vj d, vj s j d
ffor xxv foote of Elmyn borde, for steppes and standardis for the same steyre, vj d,
ffor vj quarters for the walle, and brydgis for þe stayere, xij d,
To ij Carpinters wirkyng there by ij dais, ij s viij d,
Item, for the mendyng of a lok, and for a nywe key to hew Clerkes howse, iij d,
ffor Reparacions done in the tenement þat Iohn ffishe holdith,
ffor a ml' tyle, v s vj d, vij s vj d
ffor a lood & iiij Sakke lyme, xx d,
Item, for iiij Rofe tyles, iiij d, spent in Reparacion of John ffisshe howse in Gresschurch strete,
To a tyler and his laborere, wirkyng there by iiij dais, at xiij d by the day, iiij s iiij d
To a Carpynter, for his labour, a principall' post & a watir borde, xx d
ffor iiij lb. di. (fn. 21) of Sowdour, ij s iij d, iij s x d
ffor a key to William Blases shoppe dore, iij d,
ffor cariage of a ml', and a lood of Sande, from fforster lane to greschurch strete, vj d,
ffor Cariage of v lood of Robishe from fforster lane and Estchepe, x d,
Summa, l s xj d.

(fn. 22) Payementis and expensis done apon the tenementes longyng to the Chauntry of Richarde Gosselyn:—

Quit Rent To the prioresse of Kilborne, of a quite Rente of vj d yerely goyng owte of the tenement in ffaster lane, for ij yere endid at the ffest of Saynt Mighell' tharchaungell' in the xix yere of the said kynge, xij d
Obites Item, paid for the Costis of the said Richarde Gosselyne obite, holde ij tymes in the tyme of this accompt, vj s viij d
Vacacions Item, in allowaunce of Rente of a tenement that William Dighton holdith, stondyng void by a yere, for lak of a tenaunte iij l'i
Item, in Rente of a tenement that William Catour, browderere, holdith, standyng void by all the first quarter of this Accompt iiij s vj d
Prestis wages Item, paid to Sir Iohn Mounteyne by xij wekis & v dais xxxj s viij d, vij l'i iij s iiij d
To Sir Thomas Wilkynson, by a quarter & di, l s,
To Sir Thomas, for a quarter, xxxiij s iiij d,
To Sir Robert Barette, for v wekes & ij dais, xiij s,
And to Sir William lun for vj wekis and a day, xv s iiij d; Prestis syngynge for þe Sowle of the sayd Richarde Gosselyne, withyn the tyme of this accompt,
Item, paid to Sir Thomas Keyle, prest, Singyng for the said Richarde Gosselyne, from Mighemasse Ao xixo, vnto viij dais aftir Candilmasse than nexte suyng, by a quarter & di. aftir the tyme of this accompt,
Summa, xiij l'i v s vj d.

(fn. 23) Reparacions vpon Richard Gosselyns tenementis.

Reparacions. ffor vj ml' tiles, for euery ml', v s iiij d— xxxj s viij d, l s viij d
ffor vj c lathis, for euery c, v d—ij s vj d,
ffor a quarter of Rofe tile, xvj d,
ffor a busshell' di. of tile pynnis, ix d,
ffor vj lood Sande, iij s,
ffor x loode and iiij Sakkis lyme, x s viij d,
ffor ij loode of lome, viij d,
ffor xij foot of plancheborde, iiij d, ij s vij d
ffor v fote di. of lire borde, ij d,
ffor xxxj yardis of Evis borde, xx d,
ffor quarterborde boght for the phisicians howse, xvj d, iij l'i ix s iiij d
ffor ij quarters, v d ob.,
ffor a Raftir foot, j d,
ffor a legge, j d ob.,
ffor a quarter di. of Elmyn borde, vj d,
ffor a quarter of Elme, v d,
ffor ijc of vj peny nayle, xij d,
ffor a c of v peny nayle, vd,
ffor ijc of iiij peny nayle, viij d,
ffor iij peny nayle, v d,
ffor lede nayle, j d,
ffor sprigge, xij d, & for Rofe nayle, viij d,
ffor ij hokis, j d,
ffor the Chaunge of a c di. of lede, ij s j d,
ffor x lb. di. of Sowdre, v s iij d,
ffor a nywe buckette to William Dightons welle, viij d,
ffor ij nywe hopis & byndyng of the same Boket, xiiij d
Item, ffor a baste Rope, ij d,
Item, paid to ij tylers & ij laboreres labowryng there by xx dais, takyng both by the day, ij s ij d, Summa, xliij s iiij d,
To a laborere, to cast owte Robissh' from the howse, by ij dais, x d,
ffor caryyng awaye of Robisshe, xx d,
ffor caryyng of ij lood of breke, and sum to Cwi..kes hows, iiij d,
ffor brekyng of a chymney in the lytill' Shope, vj d,
ffor clensyng of the Sege holis, xviij d,
To a Carpynter, by ij dais, xvj d,
To a dawbere and his man, by iij dais, atte xiij d by the day,—iij s iij d,
Summa, vj l'i ij s vij d.
(fn. 24) Reparacions. Item, paid to a mason, wurkyng to turne the gutter for voydyng of watir in shirbornes kechyne, ij s,
ffor iij c breke, xviij d,
ffor a ml' Tyle spent in the fysicians howse, v s vj d,
ffor ij loodis and vj sackes lyme, iij s,
ffor tyle pynnes, jd,
ffor ij loodis sande, xij d,
To a tyler and his manne, by vij dais, at xiij d by the day, vij s vij d,
To a Carpenter by ij dais, di. xx d,
ffor di. c and viij foote of Elmyn borde, xiiij d,
ffor naylis, vj d, xxvj s j d
for quarter borde, iij d,
ffor legges and hokes, iiij d,
ffor makynge clene of the howse & caryyng away of the dust, viij d,
ffor Caryeng away of iij lood Robissh', x d,
ffor a lood of lome, to ovircast the flore in levishams howse, iiij d, xvij d
To a dawber and his man there by a day, xiij d,
Summa, xxvij s vj d.

(fn. 25) Payementes and expensis done apon the tenement that was Iohn Bedehams:—

Prestis wages ffirst, paid to Sir Iohn plomer, prest of the Chauntry of the said Iohn Bedehams, for his wagis for ij yere, at vj l'i xiij s iiij d by the yere, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Obites Item, paid for the obite of the said Iohn Bedeham, for eythir yere of this accompt, vj s viij d, xiij s iiij d
Bequestis Item, allowid to the wardens of the said church', of the bequest of the same Iohn, to eythir of them by the yere iij s iiij d for both yeris, xiij s iiij d
Summa, xiiij l'i xijs iiij d.
Reparacions. Item, paid for iiijl' tyle, xxjs iiii d, xxxixs ij d ob.
ffor iiij c lathis, xx d,
ffor a ml' cc di. sprigge, vij d ob.,
ffor a bussell' di. of tyle pynnes, ix d,
ffor v loodis Sande, ij s vj d,
ffor xij lood & ij Sacke lyme, xij s iiij d, ffor
To ij tylers & ij laborers, wirkyng there xviij di. dais, takynge amonge them by the day, ij s ij d, xxxix s vj d
Item, paid ffor di. c & a quartron of pavyng tile, vij d ob., xvj s ix d ob.
ffor a quarter of Smale pavyng tyle, v d,
ffor v peny naile, ijc xd,
ffor a c of iiij peny naile, iiij d,
ffor ijc of vj peny nayl, xij d,
ffor iiij c iij quarters of quarter borde, xij s ij d ob.,
ffor ix quarters of Oke, xvj d,
To a Carpenter, wirkyng there by v dais, di. iiij s iiij d iiij s x d
Item, to a Carpenter, to mende the Sege there, vj d,
Summa, v l'i iiij d.
Summa, of alle this side, xix l'i xiij s viijd d.
(fn. 26) Reparacions. ffor a lood lome, iiij d, ij s vij d
ffor Strawe, jd,
ffor a dawber & his laborer, by ij dais, ij s ij d,
ffor ij plates of iron and naylis to the gate, xij d, ij s ob.
ffor a Borde to the kechyn, xij d,
ffor naylis to the same, ob.,
Item, paid to the Skauagers for the pament endited. viij d
ffor iiij lood of gravell', xvj d, vij s ix d
ffor pavyng xj teis of pament, for euery teis, vij d— vj s v d,
ffor a pek of plastir of paris, for thamendyng of a chymney, iiij d
ffor caryyng away of Robisshe xij d
ffor iij l'i of Sawdre there spendid xviij d
Almes Money.
Item, paid to iij poremen of the bequest of Ioh'n Bedeham, to eueryche of them by the wike, iiij d, that is to wite, from the xxviij daye of Decembre in the xvij yere aforsaid, vnto the vjte day of ffebruare in the xix yere of the kyng afor named, both dais accompted, that is, by cxj wekes cxj s
Summa, vj l'i vj s x d ob.

(fn. 27) Payementes and expenses made for the tenementes longynge to the Chauntry of William Cambryggis & cetera:—

Quite Rente.

ffirste, paid to thabbote of Bermondesey, of a quite Rente of vj s yerely, goyng owte of the same tenementes, for ij yere endid atte Mighelmasse in xix yere of the kynge, xij s
Prestis Wage.
To Sir Iohn Mortram, preste, Singyng for the said William Cambridgis, for his wagis for a yere and halfe at Mighelmasse in the said xix yere, x l'i
Obites of W. Cambridg.
Item, paid for the Costis of thobite of the sayd William, in the xviij yere of the said kyng, to viij prestis, euerch' of them, iiij d — ij s viij d, xxiij s iiij d
To ij clerkes for there labowre and for Ringyng, ij s,
To humfrey heyforde, mayere of london, vj s viij d,
To harry Colette & Iohn Stokker, Sherevis, to eythir of theym, iij s iiij d—vj s viij d,
And to Metford, Swerdeberere, xx d, accordyng to the testament of the said William, for there labourer to see his obseruaunce done,
ffor the wast of ij tapris, iiij d,
ffor brede, xij d,
ffor a kylthirkyn of good ale, ij s,
ffor x Cuppes, iiij d,
Item, paid for the obite of the said William in the xix yere of the same kynge, to viij prestis, ij s viij d, xvj s xj d
To ij Clerkis for there labour and Ringyng, ij s,
To maisteir Gardiner, Mayer, vj s viij d,
To Robert hardynge and to Robert Byfelde, Sherevis, nothyng payd for they came not
To Metforde, swerdeberer, xx d,
ffor brede, xij d,
ffor a kylthirkyne of ale, ij s ij d,
ffor a woman that drew the ale, ij d,
ffor offryng, j d,
In almes, ij d,
Item, for wast of ij tapris, iiij d,
Summa, xij l'i xij s iij d.

(fn. 28) Reparacions.

Item, paid for a lood Sande, vj d, xj s vij d
To the plomer for the mendyng of a Cysterne of lede, vj s,
To a mason for to amende the pament in the kechyn, by ij dais, xvj d,
To a laborer by ij dais, x d,
To a Carpenter by a day, viij d,
ffor ij postes of tymbir to vndirsette the kechyng, xij d,
ffor a quarter of Borde & viij foote, ix d,
ffor playstir of paris, ij d,
And for nailis, iiij d,
Item, paid to Richarde Cyryk for Reparacion done in his howse ffor a Rewarde towarde his Costes of the same Reparacions, v s
Item, for makyng clene of the Sege in Cyrikis howse ij s
Item, paid to hew Clerke and to Robert Clerke for that they lackyd, of thar dueteis of William Cambridgis dirige and obites afor the tyme of this accompt, to eythir of them xij d, ij s
Summa, xx s vij d.
(fn. 29) Item, paid to Banestre, sergeaunt, for the arrestyng of Crystian Stevyns apon an accion of dette for howse Rente, viij d, xvj d
ffor entre of the playnt, ij d,
ffor withdrawyng of the same, vj d,
Item, thay aske allowaunce of money pardoned & forgyven to the same Cristian by the paresshyns, v s iiij d
Item, paid to Iohn Russell', Clerke, for a quarters wagis, xij s vj d
Item, paid to Roberte Clerke, for that he lakkyd of his wagis at Mighelmasse Ao xix° ij s j d and atte Cristmasse Ao xix° iij s iiij d, v s v d
Item, paid to hewe Clerk that he lackyd in his wagis in the tyme that he was in seruise here, x s j d
Item, paid to Thomas Warwyk, Clerke, þat he lackyd, of his duetee that shold have be payd by Joh'n Smerte, xix d ob., Robert Revell' xix d ob., Iohn Braymong xix d ob., and Iohn Palmer xix d ob., vj s vj d
Also paid to a Clerke that cam [from ?] saynt Margaretes, for his wagis, xv s x d, xv s x d
Summa, lvij s.

(fn. 30) Costis of the wex Chaundeler.

Item, paid for nywe wex boght for the vse of the church as in Bemlight tapres, prykettes and Candillis, weyng lxxxxij lb. di., prece of euery lb., iiij d ob., xxxiiij s viij d

Item, thay Recceyved in olde wax of Store of the church as in bemlight olde tapris within thies ij yeris ixxx xj lb. Summa of the newe wex and of the olde c c iiijxx iij lb. di. by the Smale c

Paid to Roger Middilton, wex Chaundeler, for makyng of the said nywe wex and olde wex made in tapris for the Bemelight and othir tapris, prickettes and tenebre candill', for euery lb., ob.—xj s ix d

Item, payd to the said Roger, for makyng of the paschall' tapre by the said ij yere, eythir yere weyng xxx lb. ffor euery lb. j d—v s, and for the wast of the same in ij yere v lb., for euery lb. iiij d ob.— xxij d ob.
Summa, liij s iij d ob.


Item, thay aske allowaunce of money spent among the tenauntes in gaderyng of the Rente and ouerseyng reparacions in the said ij yeres x s And for papire boght And spent in makyng of this quayer and othir quaeres made to title ther parcellis apon of payementes and Reparacions iiij d, x s iiij d
Summa of this side iij l'i iij s vij d ob.
Summa of alle payementis and allowaunces cxiij l'i vij s j d.
And so remayneth xxvj l'i iiij s ix d.

(fn. 31) Item, there Restith in the handis of the tenauntes of thar diew to the Church, whos names folowith' &c.

Iohn Iohnson, Cowcher liij s iiij d
Iohn Dighton Capper xlv s
William Levisham xxvj s viij d
William Shirebourne xv s
William Breuster ix s vj d
Harry Mersshe v s
Cobbe, Brewer vj s viij d
The Clerke of Saynt Dunstonys ij l'i
Clement atte hille xij s
Motte, Carpenter vj s
Crystian Stevyns ij l'i
Iames Cokke xij s vj d
Iohn Kyrkeby ij l'i
Summa, ix l'i xj s viij d.
So Remayneth diew to the Churche xvj l'i xiij s j d

Receyved per Thomas Breteyn & Iohn Smert, Summa xvj l'i xiij s j d, that was putte into the Box.

(fn. 32) Item, there is diew to the Church for buryyng of Nicholas Vavasere and for his doghtir & for his sonnes childe in the Churche, for euerych of them xiij s iiij d, xl s
Item, for buryyng of harry vavaseris doghtir in the pardon Churchyarde, ij s
Item, by Iohn Dokelyng, for buryyng of iij of his childir in the same place, vj s
Summa, xlviij s.


  • 1. leaf 12.
  • 2. leaf 13.
  • 3. In a slightly later hand.
  • 4. Scratched out, and the line above substituted for it.
  • 5. leaf 13, back.
  • 6. Andrews substituted for leonard.
  • 7. leaf 14.
  • 8. leaf 15.
  • 9. 'Chauntry' scratched out.
  • 10. leaf 15, back.
  • 11. leaf 16.
  • 12. leaf 16, back.
  • 13. leaf 17.
  • 14. leaf 17, back.
  • 15. leaf 18.
  • 16. leaf 18, back.
  • 17. leaf 19.
  • 18. leaf 19, back.
  • 19. leaf 20.
  • 20. leaf 20, back.
  • 21. di = dimidium, a half.
  • 22. leaf 21.
  • 23. leaf 21, back.
  • 24. leaf 22.
  • 25. leaf 22, back.
  • 26. leaf 23.
  • 27. leaf 23, back.
  • 28. leaf 24.
  • 29. leaf 24, back.
  • 30. leaf 25.
  • 31. leaf 25, back.
  • 32. leaf 26.