Churchwardens' accounts: 1519-20

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1519-20', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1519-20', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1519-20". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.

[a.d. 1519–20.

Robert Game Wardens.
Thomas Clayton

Obit List.

Quitrent List.

Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents.

Quitrents and Payments.]

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(fn. 1) Item, paid for a planke for the stepp at the west dore of þe greate chirch'yerd iiij s
* * * * *
Item, paid for Trymmyng of the courten of our ladys tabernacle and for vij Rynges for the same Tabernacle viij d
Item, paid for a quarter for the skaffold ouer þe porch' ayenst palmesonday and for a carpenters labur to mend the same skaffold vij d
* * * * *
Item, paid to a carpenter for Trymmyng of the peyse of the pyx iiij d
Item, paid for iij ll' lede for the peyse of the same pyx and for iiij ll' of lede for to make fast the hoke of the branche of þe Trynite . . . . Summa v d quarter
Item, for the hoke that berith' the braunche of þe Trynite iij d
Item, paid for a hoke for the lyne of the pascall ob.
* * * * *
Item, paid for a braunche of iij fflowres that stondith' before the Trynyte, weyng xv ll' & di., the ll v d. Summa vj s v d ob.
Item, paid for drynke at the takyng downe of the sepulcre j d
* * * * *
(fn. 2) Item, paid for iij dossen Garlondis on Corpus Christi day for the procession xv d
Item, paid for ij dossen of Grene Garlondis for that procession ij d
Item, paid for ij Garlondis for Mr Doctor and the parissh prest iij d
Item, paid for iij Garlondis for the iij Crossis, euery of them [2]. Summa viij d
Item, paid for ij Newe Torches weyng xxxiij ll', the ll' iij d. Summa viij s iij d
Item, paid for a Braunche of laton before the Tabernacle of our lady Assumpcion, weyng xxxij ll', the ll' v d. Summa xiij s iiij d
Item, paid for mendyng of the crosse of Berall ij d
* * * * *
Item, paid on Seint Barnebes Eve for drynk for þe clerkes at Evensong v d
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Item, paid for brede, ale and wyne for the clerkes & þe children at Masse xij d ob.
* * * * *
Item, paid for Bryngyng of the Orgons from Seint Andrewys to our chirche ayenst Seint Barnabes Eve ij d
Item, paid to the Clerkes þat were at Matens, Masse & both Evensonges v s
* * * * *
Item, paid for the beryng home of the Orgons to Seint Andrewys iij d
Item, paid to the clerke for mendyng of the Bawdrykes xvj d
Item, paid to Gymbold the Ioyner for a chest for the vestmenttes xiij s iiij d
Item, paid to Baleham for makyng clene the vestry ij d
Item, paid for parelyng of vj albis vj d
Item, for mendyng of the lytell orgons in the quere vj d
Item, for mendyng of v clappers of the belles v s
Item, paid to the Raker for his hole yeris wagis for the chirche xvj d
Item, paid for mendyng of the lok on þe lytell chirchyerde dore iij d
Item, paid for a Newe albe for the blake vestment ij s viij d
* * * * *
Item, paid to Mr Doctor for Newe cloth' for ij Amesys xiiij d
Item, paid for iij Gyrdellis for the Albis iij d
Item, paid for a reward gevyng to þe Bisshoppis seruaunt at the halowyng of the vestementtis xij d
* * * * *
(fn. 3) Item, paid for makyng of v trestilles in the vpper vestry vj d
* * * * *
Item, paid for brede, ale and wyne this yere for the quere, of the whiche Ress' of Mr Doctor þe Summa of ij s viij d. Rest paid iij s vj d
* * * * *
Item, paid for makyng of the greate bell claper þat was broken iij s iiij d
Item, paid for beryng of it to the Smythes & home ayene ij d
* * * * *
Item, paid to Ioh'n Woulff for clensing & fresshing our ladys tabernacle v l'i

(fn. 4) Casuell Resseittis.

Ress' for the Buryall of Ioh'n Condall this yere in the chirche xiijs iiij d
Ress' of Ioh'n Goodwyns wyffe towarddes the braunche of the Trinite iij s viij d
Ress' of the ffounder for xj ll' of metall at þe chongyng of þat braunch, þe ll' ij d ob. Summa ij s iij d ob.
Ress' of the ffounder for xv ll' of metall at the chonge of the braunche before the Tabernacle of our lady Assumpcion, the ll' iij d. Summa iij s ix d
Ress' for the buryall of Thomas ffurgons wyffe in þe pardon chirchyerd ij s
Ress' for the buryall' of a Breton in the Greate chircheyerd xij d
Ress' of the goodwyff Burnegyll' for the buryall' of hir childe in the pardon chirchyerd ij s
Ress' of sir Ioh'n Tyllisley for an olde chest viij d
Ress' of a pewtrer for xiiij ll' of olde pewtur, the ll' ij d ob. Summa ij s xj d
Ress' of hym more for xlvij ll' di. of olde laton, the ll' ij d. Summa vij s xj d
Ress' more of hym for xxix ll' of olde potbras, the ll' j d ob. Summa iij s vij d ob.
Ress' for the Buryall of a yoman of the Gard þat dyed at þe Swan ij s
Ress' for the wast of iij Torches for the same man vj d
Ress' of Mestres Mongeham of þe goodys of Thomas Austen towardis þe ffreshing of the tabernacle of our lady Assumpcion vj l'i
Ress' of the goodwyff condall for þe buriall of her brother xvj d
* * * * *
Summa of this casuwelles, viij l'i vij s.

Clerkis wagis & Bemeligth'.

Ress' of the Clerkis wagis this yere a[s] aperith' by the Rowle viij l'i ij s xj d
Ress' for pascall money & Bemeligh't this yere xj s ix d ob.
Summa of thes Resseittis viij l'i xiiij s viij d ob.


Item, paid to Ioh'n Snowe, Clerke, for a hole yeris wagis vj l'i
Item, paid to William Wylde, Sexten, for his yeris wagis xl s
Rest of the clerkes wagis & the beme ligh't xiiij s viij d ob.

[Wax Reckoning. Rehearsal.]

Articles foloing.

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(fn. 5) Item, Thomas Clayton is contentyd to pay for the Monyelles of his bay wyndowe whiche he had of the chirche as it shal be Iugged by Woulston Wyn, Carpenter. (fn. 6)

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(fn. 7) Item, that the blake vestmenttes of blake velwett be Regestrid in the boke of the gyfte of William Vagham.

* * * * *

Ress' iij l'i (fn. 8) Item, that Robert Game oweth of the xix l'i xij s j d in his acompt before wretyn, iij l'i: to be brough't in on sonday the thyrd day of ffebruarii next foloyng after the date of þis his acompt. Ress' the thirday of ffebruary of Robert Game the sum of iij l'i above wretyn. iij l'i
* * * * *

(fn. 9) Memorandum: that it be Regestryd in the greate boke that Ioh'n Austhorp, sector to Mestres Noneley, hathe geveyn of his porcyon of the goodes whiche wer in his hondes of her goodes of þe se[id arers ?] the summa of xx l'i for a table to þe high auter, whiche money was Ress' at the byldyng of the new howses in seint mary hill' lane, whiche money was paid by phillip heyward of colchester, whiche table to be provided for of þe money of þe chirche box whan the chirche is clere owte of dett.

* * * * *

(fn. 10) Memorandum: that the Ivdas of the pascall', þat is to sey the Tymbre that the wax of þe pascall' is drevyn vppon, weyeth vij ll' di.

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  • 1. leaf 444, back.
  • 2. leaf 445.
  • 3. Sum scratched out.
  • 4. leaf 445, back.
  • 5. leaf 446.
  • 6. leaf 448, back.
  • 7. leaf 449.
  • 8. This section is scratched out.
  • 9. leaf 449, back.
  • 10. leaf 450.