Preface |
page |
1528, September 26. |
Ship pertaining to the town to be sold, [C.R. Adv. Lib.
fol. 100.] |
1 |
— October 2. |
Grant to Sir John Tyndale of an altarage in St Paul's
Hospital, [Ib. fol. 110.] |
1 |
— — — |
Notarial instrument on behalf of Sir John Tyndale as
to that grant, [John Foular's Protocol, Vol. IV. fol. 25.] |
2 |
— — 6. |
Assessors of the Council, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 3.] |
3 |
— November 14. |
Proclamation as to holding Alhallow fair, [Ib. fol. 81;
C.R. Vol. I. fol. 32.] |
3 |
1528–9, February 24. |
Act prohibiting the regrating of fowls, [C.R. Adv. Lib.
fol. 83.] |
3 |
— — 28. |
Treasurer of past year to pay over balance in his hands;
present treasurer to redeem two booths held in
wadset, [Ib. fol. 101.] |
3 |
— — — |
Annual owing to the Preaching Friars furth of lands at
the fleshmarket, [Ib. fol. 110.] |
4 |
1529, April 13. |
Notarial instrument as to payment for silks and other
merchandice purchased for the Earl of Murray,
[Vincent Strathauchin's Protocol, Vol. II. fol. 93.] |
4 |
— September 24. |
Persons coming from towns suspect of pestilence not to
be received, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 212.] |
5 |
1529, October 8. |
Acts anent ale, bread, candles, stable-keepers, poultry
and wildfowls, fish, wepons in booths, browsters and
regraters, and the meal market, [Lib. Stat. Burg.
fol. 54, 55; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 39, 40, 42, 83, 184.] |
5 |
— — 10. |
Act porhibiting bickerings, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 55;
C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 184.] |
8 |
— — — |
Margaret Clapane banished for buying oysters to regrate
contrary to the statutes, [LIb, Stat, Burg. fol. 55.] |
8 |
— — — |
William Cawder banished for buying wild meat contrary
to the statutes, [Ib.] |
9 |
— — — |
Janet Brown banished for her demerits, [Ib.] |
9 |
— — — |
Surety for Agnes Turner keeping the statutes, [Ib.] |
9 |
— — 15 |
Certain regraters banished, [Ib. fol. 56a.] |
9 |
— — — |
Two persons prohibited from buying or selling oats, or
holding stables, [Ib.] |
10 |
— — — |
Allan Blair banished for coming to the town furth of
St Andrews, being a suspect place, [Ib.] |
10 |
— — 17. |
Sentence of banishment against a breaker of the statutes
relaxed, [Ib.] |
10 |
— — — |
Act prohibiting persons dwelling beyond the Forth from
coming, or bringing merchandise, to the town, [Ib.] |
10 |
— — — |
Sentence sof banishment against Margaret Clapane, relaxed,
[Ib.] |
11 |
— — — |
Obligation by Besse Penny to keep the statutes, [Ib.] |
11 |
— — 20. |
Sheriff-court held before the bailies; John Dougall banished
for theft; sentence of banishment against
Cristane Reynaldson for rergrating relaxes, [Ib. fol. 56b.] |
11 |
— — — |
Acts anent the masures for selling oats and meal [Ib.;
C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 162.] |
12 |
1529, October 20. |
Oats to be sold in the daily market, [Lib. Stat. Burg.
fol. 56; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 64.] |
12 |
— — 21. |
Sureties for two persons keeping the statutes as to the
selling of oats and hay, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 56.] |
12 |
— — 23. |
Surety for another person keeping these statutes,
[Ib. fol. 56b.] |
13 |
— — — |
Act prohibiting the inhabitants to harbour any person
coming into the town, [Ib.] |
13 |
— — — |
A regrater discharged from selling fowls in time to come,
[Ib.] |
13 |
— — — |
All measures to be brought to the Tolbooth and marked,
[Ib.; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 162] |
13 |
— — — |
Certain persons prohibited from buying meal to regrate,
[Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 56b.] |
14 |
— — — |
Two persons banished for their demerits, [Ib. ] |
14 |
— November 13. |
Act anent the regraters of fish, [Ib. fol. 57; C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 64.] |
14 |
— — — |
A beggar and a street singer banished, [Lib. Stat. Burg.
fol. 57.] |
14 |
— — — |
Janet Heriot ordained to cease from begging and to work
for her living, [Ib.] |
14 |
— — 23. |
Ann Brown prohibited from coming to the meal market;
Andrew Gibson banished for regrating the king's
money; persons discharged from buying or selling of
butter, [Ib.] |
15 |
— — — |
No ale to be brought furth of Leith for two months,
[Ib.; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 133.] |
15 |
— — — |
Luke Jamieson banished for regrating herring; David
Scott banished for his demerits, [Lib.Stat.Burg. fol. 57.] |
15 |
— — — |
Surety for keeping statutes anent buying and selling of
oats, [Ib.] |
15 |
1529, November 23. |
Pestilence still in St Andrews; all persons to reveal
sickness in their houses, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 57.] |
— — — |
David Scott scourged and banished for disobeying the
statutes, [Ib.] |
16 |
— — — |
Robert Anderson scourged and banished for theft, [Ib.] |
16 |
— — — |
No indweller to pass beyond the Forth to buy cloth, or to
harbour any person from that district without licence,
[Ib. fol. 58; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 213.] |
16 |
— December 15. |
Act as to hucksters, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 58; C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 26.] |
16 |
— — — |
Act as to the weight and price of bread, [Lib. Stat. Burg.
fol. 58; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 42.] |
17 |
— — — |
Thomas Mereleys allowed to come from the mure to his
own house uncleansed, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 58.] |
17 |
— — — |
Act as to price of ale, [Ib. ] |
17 |
— — 22. |
Pledges for certain hucksters keeping the statutes, [Ib.] |
18 |
1529–30, February 11. |
Persons from St Andrews not to be harboured for danger
of pestilence, [Ib.] |
18 |
— — 15. |
Two persons banished for regrating butter, [Ib.] |
18 |
— — — |
A woman banished for reset of theft, [Ib. fol. 59.] |
18 |
— — 16. |
Margaret Borthik banished for " commone pikere, [Ib.] |
19 |
— — — |
Obligations by browsters to keep the statutes, [Ib.] |
19 |
— — 18. |
Sheriff-court held before the provost and bailies;
Margaret Cok convicted for breaking the statutes
anent pestilence, and for reset of theft, [Ib.] |
19 |
— — 20. |
Obligation by a browster to keep the statutes, [Ib. ] |
20 |
— — — |
Arche Clerk banished for his demerits, [Ib.] |
20 |
— — — |
Proclamation against repairing to, or buying gear from a
fair at St Monans where infected persons are, [Ib.; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 213.] |
20 |
1529–30, February26. |
Browsters accused of breaking the statutes, ordained to
find surety for keeping same; sureties found for
certain browsters, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 59, 60.] |
20 |
Two vagabonds banished for their demerits, [Ib. fol. 60.] |
20 |
— — — |
Obligation by a browster to observe the statutes, [Ib.
fol. 59.] |
20 |
— — — |
Sureties for browsters keeping the statutes, [Ib. ] |
21 |
— — 28. |
Act against outlandsmen buying meal and causing dearth,
[Ib. fol. 60; C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 64] |
21 |
1530, March 28. |
Obligation by "William Achinson to deliver certain goods
on his next homecoming in Scotland,
[Vincent Strath-auchin's Protocol, Vol. II., fol. 110.] |
21 |
— — 31. |
Seal of Cause to the bonnetmakers, [Original Seal of Cause
in the possession of the Incorporation of Bonnetmakers.] |
22 |
— April 1. |
Sheriff-court held before the provost and bailies; certain
browsters convicted of breaking the statutes, and
suerties procured for future observance, [Lib. Stat.
Burg. fol. 60–62.] |
24 |
— — 2. |
Sureties for browsters keeping the statutes, [Ib. fol. 62] |
25 |
— — — |
Sureties for corn and hay sellers keeping the statutes, [Ib.] |
25 |
— — 3. |
A goldsmith to be paid for making a silver candlestick,
[C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. lll.] |
25 |
— — 5. |
Stable-keepers convicted for regrating corn and hay
contrary to the statutes, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 62.] |
25 |
— — — |
Sureties for browsters keeping the statutes, [Ib. fol.63.] |
26 |
— —26. |
Act against lepers coming amongst clean persons, [Ib.
fol. 63; C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 214.] |
26 |
— — — |
Act against hucksters selling eggs; regraters and hucksters
to have licence of the provost, [Lib. Stat. Burg, fol. 63; G.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 64.] |
26 |
1530, April 26. |
No servant woman to leave her service to be a browster
or huckster and take a house without licence of the
provost; no browster to have brewing utensils in hire,
[Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 63 ; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 64, 184.] |
27 |
— — 30. |
Janet Anderson ordained to use no injurious language
against Thomas Wauchope or his spouse, [Lib. Stat.
Burg. fol. 63.] |
27 |
— May 5. |
Obligation by William Ker as to selling fish in the market,
[Ib. fol. 64.] |
27 |
— — — |
Margaret Thomson accused, [Ib.] |
27 |
— — 12 |
Act against brokers of wool, hydes, and skins being in
the market, [Ib.; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 64.] |
27 |
— — — |
William Berton fined for regrating fowls and attempting
to slaughter the informer, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 64.] |
28 |
— — 14. |
Adam Robertson banished for stealing a pot, [Ib.] |
28 |
— — 25. |
Acts as to the pestilence; persons to reveal sickness;
clothes not to be taken in pledge or bought; persons
or goods from St Andrews not to be received; swine
to be kept in their houses; streets and closes to be
cleansed; houses to be set to honest persons and not
to vagabonds; persons who have been in infected
houses to reveal the same, [Ib. fol. 64, 65.; C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 205.] |
28 |
— — — |
Obligation by Margaret Smith not to use injurious
words to the vicar of St Cuthbert's Kirk, [Ib. fol. 65.] |
29 |
— — — |
Act prohibiting servants to take from any person
clothes to wash amongst their household's clothes, [Ib.;
C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 214.] |
30 |
— — — |
Isobell Forsyth to be burned on the cheek and banished
for not revealing sickness, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 65.] |
30 |
— June 4. |
Isobell Cattal to be burned and banished for not revealing
sickness, [Ib.] |
30 |
— — 18. |
Three women banished for their demerits, [Ib.] |
30 |
1530, June 21. |
Decree arbitral betwixt the websters, and the walkers
and shearers, [Notarial instrument in the possession
of the Incorporation of Bonnetmahers.] |
31 |
— — 25. |
Four persons ordained to be punished for not revealing
sickness, [Lib. Stat Burg. fol. 65.] |
35 |
— July 1. |
Patrick Gowanlok and others ordained to be banished
for breaking the statutes anent pestilence, and goods to
be escheat, [Ib. fol. 66; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 170.] |
35 |
— — 16. |
Piece of waste land given to the provost of the College
Kirk, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 112.] |
36 |
—August 2. |
David Duly to be hanged for not revealing sickness,
[Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 66; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 170.] |
36 |
— — — |
"William Miller to burned on the cheek and banished
for not revealing sickness, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 67.] |
37 |
— — — |
David Duly having fallen from the gibbet, his sentence
commuted to banishment, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 66 j C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 170.] |
37 |
— — — |
Burning of "William Millar dispensed with till he be clean;
meantime to be banished, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 66.] |
37 |
— — 3. |
Persons who have passed out of the town to stay at the
port and inform the officers before coming in, [Ib.] |
37 |
— — — |
Act as to cleansing the gear belonging to infected persons,
[Ib. fol. 67.] |
38 |
— — 17. |
The bailies to visit persons who have been infected and
ascertain that gear has been cleansed, [Ib.] |
38 |
— — — |
Obligations by two cleansed persons that no danger will
come through them, [Ib.] |
39 |
— — 30. |
Persons and gear to be cleansed of new; poor vile
persons to be removed from the town, [Ib.; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 214.] |
39 |
1530, September 2. |
Two persons banished for their demerits, [Lib. Stat.
Burg. fol. 67.] |
39 |
— — 9. |
Heirship goods of John Young delivered to a chaplain
in pledge for a loan, [John Foular's Protocol, Vol. IV.
fol. 89.] |
39 |
— — 30. |
Landlords to remove " husseis, " vile persons or vagabonds
furth of their houses; such persons also to leave the
town, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 67.] |
40 |
— — — |
Persons who shall be allowed to get wool to card or spin,
to brew ale, [Ib.] |
40 |
— — — |
No huckster to sell goods for fifteen days without licence,
[Ib. fol. 68.] |
40 |
— — — |
Cleansed persons not to come within St Giles' Kirk
without licence of the provost and bailies, [Ib.] |
41 |
— — — |
Act ordaining persons to reveal sickness in their houses;
persons leaving houses at night to be provided with a
light; no person to take cloth in pledge, [Ib.] |
41 |
— October 4. |
Patrick Gowanlok restored to his former freedom and
privileges, [Ib.; C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 170.] |
42 |
— — 6. |
Katryne Heriot, convicted of theft and breaking statutes
anent the pestilence, to be drowned, [Lib. Stat. Burg.
fol. 68.] |
42 |
— — — |
Margaret Baxter banished for resetting a common thief,
[Ib.] |
42 |
— — 8. |
Three women banished for contravening statutes anent
pestilence, [Ib.] |
42 |
— — — |
Price of ale fixed, [Ib. fol. 9.] |
42 |
— — — |
Acts as to revealing sickness to be observed during the
session of the year to come, [Ib.] |
43 |
1530, October 26. |
Burgh Court held before the Bailies; Marion Clerk to be
drowned for contravening the statutes anent pestil
ence, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 69.] |
43 |
— November 10. |
Sureties for the browsters keeping the statutes, [Ib. fol
69–73.] |
44 |
— December 15. |
Pestilence in Leith; no suspect person of that town to
repair to, or have dealings with, inhabitants of Edinburgh; servants not to take other than their masters' clothes to wash, [Ib. fol. 73; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 214.] |
44 |
— — — |
Proclamation as to cleansed goods and clothes lying in St
Rokis Chapel, [Ib.] |
45 |
1530–1, January 4. |
Sureties of the browsters who have broken the statutes to
be poinded, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 74.] |
45 |
— — — |
John Anderson ordained to cease selling ale in Leith, [Ib.] |
46 |
— — — |
Browsters who have broken the statutes; and browsters
who have found sureties, [Ib.] |
46 |
— March 22. |
Notarial instrument taken on requisition to fulfil a
contract of marriage, [Vincent Strathauchin's Protocol, Vol. IL, fol. 128.] |
47 |
1531, May. 19. |
Obligation by master of High School to make his pupils
perfect grammarians, [C.B. Vol. I., fol. 38.] |
48 |
— — — |
Decree arbitral betwixt the websters and the walkers,
shearers and bonnetmakeris, [Extract from the Burgh Court Book, in the possession of the Incorporation of Walkers.] |
48 |
— July 1. |
A baxter fined for baking insufficient bread, [C.R. Vol I.,
fol. 38.] |
50 |
— — 7. |
Act as to persons failing to appear in court when warned
by the officers, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 77; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 170.] |
50 |
1531, August 12. |
Notarial instrument referring to the making of a window
in a dwelling-house, [John Foular's Protocol, Vol. IV.,
fol. 117.] |
50 |
— October 19. |
Obligations by browsters to keep the statutes, [Lib.
Stat. Burg. fol. 77–78.] |
51 |
— — 20. |
Seal of cause to the Tailors, [Printed copy of Seal of Cause in
the possession of the Incorporation of Tailors.] |
52 |
— November 22. |
Act as to grinding wheat at the mills, [C.R Vol. I., fol. 38.] |
55 |
1531–2, January 24. |
Obligation by a flesher as to selling sheep skins, [Ib. ] |
56 |
— March 24. |
Tenants of the Burgh-muir ordained to complete thair
kilns and barns, [Ib.] |
56 |
1532, March 27. |
Tenants of the Burgh-muir not to have other than the
lots fallen to them, [Ib. fol. 39.] |
— May 29. |
Discharge by the websters for an annual payable to them
by the walkers, shearers, and bonnetmakers, [Extract
from the Acts of the Burgh Court, in the possession of the
Incorparation of Walkers.] |
56 |
— June 18. |
Contract with two Frenchmen for constructing the causeway of the town, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 38.] |
57 |
— September 12. |
Gift to Sir David Purdom of the altarage of St Nicholas
in St Giles Kirk, [Ib. fol. 39.] |
58 |
— — 19. |
Three hundred men armed for war to be furnished to the
king's army against the English, [Ib. fol. 38.] |
58 |
— — 25. |
Grant to Gilbert Lauder of the lands of Petravye in Fife, [Ib.] |
58 |
— October 5. |
Price of malt, [Ib.] |
59 |
— November 24. |
Grants to the chaplain of St Roks kirk of part of the
lands of the Burgh-muir, [Ib. fol. 39.] |
59 |
— — 29. |
Multure to be paid for the grinding of malt, [Ib.] |
59 |
1532–3, February 12. |
The candlemakers ordained to extent and bear charges
with the fleshers, [Ib.] |
60 |
1532–3, March 8. |
Grant to Sir Walter Turnbull, chaplain, of the prebend of
St John's altar in St Giles' kirk, [C. R. Vol. I., fol. 39.] |
60 |
— — 12. |
The bonnetmakers ordained to pay extent to the websters,
and the walkers and shearers, [Ib.] |
60 |
1533, — 27. |
Multure to be paid by a tenant of the Burgh-muir,
[Ib. fol. 40.] |
60 |
— May 27. |
Freighting of ships, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 136.] |
60 |
— August 13. |
Freighting of a ship, [76.] |
61 |
— — 22. |
Seal of cause to the Skinners and Furriers, [Notarial copy
in the possession of the Incorporation of Skinners
and Furriers.] |
61 |
— September 17. |
Seal of cause to the Cordiners, [Original seal of Cause in
the possession of the Incorporation of Cordiners.] |
64 |
1533–4, January 9. |
Freighting Freighting of a ship, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 137.] |
66 |
— March 17. |
Grant by the commissioners of certain burghs to the men
of Middleburgh, [C.R Vol. I., fol. 39.] |
66 |
— — — |
Resolution by commissioners of .certain burghs that all
the burghs should send commissioners to meet in
Edinburgh yearly, [Ib.] |
67 |
— —19. |
Assignment to the chaplain of St Roks' kirk of the parts
of the Burgh-muir formerly granted to him, [Ib.] |
67 |
— — 21. |
Gift to a chaplain of the chaplainry of St Eloyis' altar in
St Giles' kirk, [Ib.] |
68 |
1534, August 4. |
Act as to loosing arrestment of wool, [Ib.] |
68 |
— October 6. |
Gift to Sir David Lawson of a chaplainry in St Anthony's
kirk, Leith, [Ib.] |
68 |
1534–5, March 12. |
Two millers feed to the farmers of the common mills [Ib.] |
68 |
— — 17. |
Gift to Patrick Barron of the office of water bailie of Leith
port, [Ib.] |
69 |
1535, May 26. |
Gift of the prebends of two altars in St Giles' kirk; a prebendary leaving the land for heresy, [
C.R. Adv. Lib.
. 111.]
69 |
— — 28. |
Auditors ordained to audit certain accounts, [Ib.
fol. 3.] |
69 |
— July 28. |
Gift to a chaplain of St Dyonei's altar in St Giles' kirk,
[Ib. fol. 111.] |
70 |
— — — |
Gift of our Lady altar in St Paul's Work, [Ib.] |
70 |
— — 31. |
Act anent the selling of wool and other merchandice to
strangers, [Ib. fol. 133.] |
70 |
— August 7. |
Justice Courts held by the town, [Ib. fol. 170.] |
70 |
— September 3. |
A woman sentenced to death for slaughter; execution
deferred, [Ib. fol. 170.] |
70 |
— — — |
A woman, confessing theft, ordained to be burned on the
cheek and banished, [Ib.] |
70 |
— October 7. |
Cautioners for meal sellers keeping the statutes, [Ib.
fol. 172.] |
70 |
— — 15. |
Acts of Parliament as to the making of burgesses ordained
to be observed, [Ib. fol. 26.] |
71 |
— November 16. |
Act as to the weight and price of bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
71 |
— — — |
Act as to accompanying the provost from the kirk to his
house on certain days [Ib. fol. 4.] |
71 |
— December 29. |
Duty to be paid for admission as burgesses; burgesses who
have remained furth of the town contrary to the acts
declared to have lost their freedom, [Ib. fol. 26.] |
71 |
— — — |
Persons who have not lands to be stented by their gear for
making the causeway, [Ib. fol. 149.] |
72 |
1535–6, January 8. |
Act anent bread, [Ib, fol. 68.] |
72 |
— — 9. |
Act against regraters buying and selling wild meat,
[Ib. fol. 67.] |
72 |
— — — |
Act anent the selling of bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
73 |
1535–6, January 9. |
Price of ale, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 83.] |
73 |
— February 26. |
Act against bickerings; vagabonds ordained to remove
from the town, [Ib. fol. 185.] |
73 |
— — 27. |
Keepers of ports appointed, [Ib.] |
73 |
— March 17. |
A propine granted to the Queen; stent to pay the same,
and for common works; fore mail to be taken upon
four booths to redeem other three booths lying in
wadset, [Ib. fol. 148; C.R. Vol I., fol. 74.] |
74 |
— — 23. |
Masters of work appointed, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 3.] |
74 |
— — — |
Extent roll of, ?20, 000 granted by the three estates to the
king for sustaining his expenses in France, [Ib. fol.
149.] |
74 |
1536, May 31. |
Act as to the letting of the stands in the flesh-house,
[Ib. fol. 101.] |
75 |
— June 16. |
Act as to the selling wool, hyde, skins, and cloth, and
mail to be taken therefor, [Ib. fol. 81.] |
76 |
— July 8. |
Production of a writing subscribed by the king ordaining
the provost and bailies to forbid the raising of the
price of black cloth, [Ib. fol. 71.] |
76 |
— August 8. |
Vagabonds who cannot pay their debts to be banished
[Ib. fol. 185.] |
77 |
— — 30. |
Obligation by Ewfame Adamson as to an anual payable to
the town furth of her land, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 37.] |
77 |
— September 22. |
Seal of cause to the Cordiners, [Original Seal of Cause in
the possession of the Incorporation of Cordiners] |
78 |
— October 7. |
What beggars shall be allowed to remain in the town, [C.R.
Adv. Lib. fol. 185.] |
80 |
— — — |
Vagabonds, nightwalkers, and players at dice and cards,
ordained to remove furth of the town, [Ib.] |
80 |
— — — |
Act anent the weight and price of bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
80 |
1536, October 7. |
Meal sellers within the town to have their place in the
meal market by themselves, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 69.] |
80 |
1536–7, January 10. |
John Jackson appointed common lockman of the town,
[Ib. fol. 3.] |
80 |
— — 27. |
Elizabeth Forbes and her spouse decerned by the bailies to
pay an annual due to the sisters of the Sciennes,
[Ib. fol. 111.] |
81 |
— — 31. |
Act fixing the proportions of the contributions by Inverkeithing and Kinghorn towards the taxation of
Edinburgh, [Ib. fol. 148.] |
81 |
— March 1. |
Tenants of the Burrow-muir ordained to grind so much
malt at the common mills; sureties for certain of the
tenants, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 73.] |
82 |
— — — |
Offer to lease a vault at the Nether Bow; offer to
purchase a piece of land outwith the West Port '; the
vault and land, and also the vacant acres of the Muir
ordained to be rouped, [Ib.] |
83 |
— — — |
Protest by Patrick Flemying as to conditions of taking
the common acres, [Ib.] |
83 |
— — 3. |
Twelve parts of the Burrow-muir rouped and feued, [Ib. ] |
83 |
— — — |
A piece of waste land outwith the West Port rouped and
sold, [Ib. fol. 74.] |
85 |
— — — |
A vault at the Nether Bow leased for a booth, [Ib.] |
85 |
— — 23. |
Agreement with Mr Adam Mure, master of the grammar
school, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 3.] |
85 |
1537, April 10. |
Land lying betwixt the Sciennes and the Burrow-loch feued
to the Sisters of the Sciennes, [Ib. fol. 111.] |
85 |
— June 16. |
Cramers not to come within the Tolbooth to sell merchandice [Ib. fol. 185.] |
86 |
1537, July 26. |
Surety for a person making amends whenever required,
for "loissing" wool after it was shippit, [C.R. Vol. I.,
fol. 34.] . |
86 |
— December 22. |
Farmers ordered to receive multure for malt ground at
the mills; farmers also ordained to keep malt dry,
[lb.;C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 101.] |
86 |
1538, May 22. |
Act cancelling a previous deliverance by which a farmer
of the common mills was discharged of arrears of mail,
[C.R.Vol. I., fol. 32.] |
87 |
— June 13. |
Appointment of a keeper of the market of wool, hyde, and
skins, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 4, 71.] |
87 |
— — 26. |
Fleshers to be poinded for the mail of the flesh-house
stands, [lb. fol. 101.] |
88 |
— July 8. |
A woman, convicted for " trublance, " to be put in the
irons, and thereafter banished, [lb. fol. 170.] |
88 |
— — 9. |
She being fugitive, her banishment to be declared at the
Cross, [lb.] |
88 |
— — — |
Another woman ordained to be exhibited on the scaffold,
and afterwards banished, [lb.] |
88 |
— — 16. |
Acts made in preparation for entry of the Queen:—
Beggars to be kept within their bounds and closes;
red to be removed; meal market to be removed
from the Hiegait; grass market to be changed; coal
sellers to sit at the entry to the Blackfriars,
[lb. fol. 189.] |
88 |
1538, July 17. |
Further preparations for the Queen's entry:—Twelve
persons to be arrayed in gowns of velvet; arraying
of craftsmen; all the other inhabitants to be in their
best clothing, and no vile persons to be in their company;
work iipon the Cross to be completed; causeway
to be kept clean; beggars found in the burgh to
be scourged; certain persons appointed to attend to
furnishings and order; propine to be delivered to
the Queen; Mr Henry Lauder appointed to welcome
her, [G.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 189.] |
89 |
— — 18. |
Certain persons to be on horseback at the entry of the
Queen; liveries to be furnished to twelve seriands,
[Ib. fol. 190.] |
91 |
— September 24. |
Sundry acts anent the pest, [Ib. fol. 214.] |
91 |
— December 10. |
Neighbours authorised to apprehend wild meat which
regraters refuse to sell at certain prices, [Ib. fol. 65.] |
92 |
— — 14. |
No person to have firlot measures in the meal market
except the gatherer of petty customs, [Ib. fol. 162.] |
92 |
— — 18. |
Regraters prohibited from selling wild meat, [Ib. fol. 65.] |
92 |
1538–9, January 20. |
Act proclaimed at the Cross prohibiting regraters from
selling wild meat, excepting those who have links in
tack; regraters also prohibited taking links in lease
in time to come, [Ib] |
92 |
— — 29. |
Waste ground in Swift's Wynd bought as a place for a
fish market, [Ib. fol. 126; C.R. Vol. I., fol. 41.] |
93 |
— February 8. |
Act anent having weapons in booths, [G.R. Ad. Lib.
fol. 184.] |
93 |
1539, March 26. |
A vault to be wadset to raise money for bigging the
Nether Bow, [G.R. Vol. I., fol. 41.] |
93 |
— May 21. |
Decreet obtained by a baxter for the crop of the mill
land, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 107.] |
94 |
— June 17. |
Fleshers ordained to pay two years' stand dues, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 41.] |
94 |
— July 15. |
Persons alleging themselves burgesses ordained to make
residence in the town, and comply with other regulations,
and if not, to be treated as unfreemen, [lb.] |
94 |
1539, August 6. |
Part of the Nether Bow to be wadset to the treasurer
for payment of sums disbursed in bigging it, [C.R.
Vol. I., fol. 41.] |
95 |
— — — |
Extent of 100 merks to be raised for furnishing a ship to
seek certain robbers, [Ib.] |
95 |
— — 20. |
Weight and price of bread, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 68.] |
95 |
— September 30. |
The mails of certain lands of the Muir to be wadset, and
the booths to be fore-mailed, to raise money for payment
of sums due to the late treasurer, [C.R. Vol. I.,
fol. 42.] |
95 |
— October 11. |
Hours for beginning wheat market, and for unfreemen
buying, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 69.] |
96 |
— December 9, 12. |
Regraters banished for breaking the statutes, [Ib. fol. 170.] |
96 |
— — 18. |
Proceedings of the town council and the commissioners of
certain burghs in regard to changing the staple to the
town of Antwerp, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 42.] |
96 |
— — 20. |
Two deacons of crafts accused of making insurrection and
convocation, [Ib. fol. 41.] |
97 |
1539–40, January 31. |
Convicted persons having no goods to make "assythment, "
ordained to be put in the irons, [C.R. Adv. Lib.
fol. 170, 185.] |
98 |
1540, June 23. |
Egyptians banished furth of the town, [Ib. fol. 185.] |
98 |
— July 13. |
Common booths to be fore-mailed, and a land purchased
with the fore-mails, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 43.] |
98 |
— — 14. |
A house and land at the east entry of St Giles Kirk sold
to the town, [Ib.] |
99 |
— — 16. |
Occupiers of common booths to be warned to pay foremail
for five years, [Ib.] |
99 |
— — 31. |
Fore-mails received from certain persons, and discharges
granted to them, [Ib.] |
99 |
1540, August 25. |
Grant to Symon Preston, provost, of the office of common
clerk for life, [Rey. Mag. Sig. Lib. 27, No. 95.] |
100 |
— — 27. |
Royal proclamation of the preceding grant, [Ib. ] |
101 |
— September 3. |
Vagabonds and others having no craft ordained to leave
the town, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 185.] |
102 |
1540–1, January 10. |
Two persons imprisoned for shipping unfreighted goods,
[C.R. Vol. I., fol. 43.] |
102 |
— February 17. |
Petty customs to be paid by certain persons for goods
passing out of the haven of Leith, [Ib.] |
102 |
— — — |
Two decreets obtained before the Lords of Session with
reference to the payment of petty customs, [Ib.] |
103 |
— March 14. |
Act of Parliament as to waste and ruinous houses at Leith
Wynd, and forbidding the slaying of flesh on the east
side of the wynd, [A.P.S. Vol. II., fol. 374.] |
104 |
— — — |
Act of Parliament as to removing the Meal Market from
the High Gait, [Ib.] |
104 |
— — — |
Act of Parliament anent the selling of bread and
flesh, [Ib. fol. 378.] |
105 |
1541, April 2. |
Act of the Town Council and the commissioners of
certain burghs as to the staple and downgetting of an
imposition in France, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 44.] |
105 |
— — 30. |
Freighting of ships; Middleburgh fixed on as the staple
port; obligation by Leonard Cornelius to pass there
with his ship, [Ib.] |
105 |
— May 5. |
Letter from the King as to merchants having power to
pass to whichever port they please; votes of the Town
Council and community found to be in favour of
Middleburgh, [Ib.] |
106 |
— — 20. |
Regraters prohibited from being in the markets at certain
hours, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 67.] |
107 |
1541, June 20. |
Obligations with reference to unentered goods and a ship
not freighted, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 45.] |
107 |
— July 9. |
Money borrowed from the king to be applied towards
"bigging" of the park, [Ib.] |
107 |
— — 14. |
Obligation by the town to repay a sum lent by the king to
the Burghs to aid in downgetting of the customs
exacted in France, [Ib.] |
108 |
— August 23. |
Offer by Commissioner from Middleburgh to deliver sealed
articles of agreement within a month, [Ib.] |
108 |
— — 29. |
Writing by the king requiring the town to pass to the port
of Vere and no other port in Flanders, [Ib.] |
108 |
— October 15. |
Gift of victual and waste land to the nuns of the Burghmuir,
[Ib.] |
109 |
— — 27. |
Price of malt fixed, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 69.] |
109 |
— November 8. |
Ground at the Grayfriar Port feued from the Sisters
of the Sciennes; a piece of ground at the Common
Muir gifted to them, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 46.] |
109 |
1541–2, January 20. |
Agreement with reference to an annual payable out of a
land at St Giles' Kirk purchased by the town, [Ib.] |
110 |
— March 1. |
Feu of lands of Grottel to be passed under common
seal, [Ib.] |
110 |
1542, May 28. |
Decree of the Lords of Council and Session as to escheat
of goods of persons who have committed slaughter,
[Balfour's Practicks, p. 52.] |
110 |
— October 4. |
Persons who have pig-styes, middings, or tar-barrels on
the street ordered to remove the same, [C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 185.] |
111 |
1543, April |
Gift of an altarage and chaplainry in St Giles' Kirk to Sir
John Wilson, [Ib. fol. 111.] |
111 |
1543, July 20. |
Agreement between the Bonnetmakers and Walkers,
[Official Extract in the possession of the Incorporation
of Bonnetmakers.] |
111 |
— October 2. |
Fee granted to a person for keeping the kirk and cleaning
the pavement, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 4.] |
112 |
— — 19. |
A person feed to make and mend the causeway, [Ib. ] |
112 |
— — 24. |
Act as to measuring of wine, [Ib. fol. 162.] |
112 |
— — 27. |
A glass-wright feed to uphold the whole glass and windows
in St Giles' Kirk, [Ib. fol. 4.] |
112 |
— November 23. |
Act of the town council with reference to agreement between
the Walkers and Shearers and the Bonnet-makers,
[Ib. fol. 38; Official Extract in the possession
of the Incorporation of Bonnetmakers.] |
113 |
— — — |
Act as to walking of cloth, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 40.] |
114 |
— December 18. |
Price of Romany wine, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
114 |
— — 19. |
No wine to be bought in Leith till the town sets the price
thereof, [Ib.] |
114 |
1543–4, January 21. |
Acts passed anent the pest, [Ib. fol. 214.] |
114 |
— — 23. |
Act against the sending of goods to the port of Burnt-island
to be loaded, [Ib. fol. 137.] |
114 |
— — 31. |
Measures used by taverners to be of a certain kind and
marked, [Ib. fol. 162.] |
115 |
— February 25. |
Prices of wines, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
115 |
1544–5, March 23. |
No person except a freeman to buy malt in the market,
and to brew and not regrate the same, [Ib.
fol. 65.] |
116 |
1545, June 1. |
Persons having pleas to be ready in the Tolbooth at eleven
hours, [Ib. fol. 171.] |
116 |
— — 9. |
Price of bread baked by baxters outwith the Burgh,
[Ib. fol. 68.] |
116 |
— — — |
Price of ale, [Ib. fol. 67.] |
116 |
1545, June 9. |
No person to brew or sell ale unless admitted by the
provost and registered in the town's book, [C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 67.] |
117 |
— October 2. |
Extent granted for supplying and sustaining of the West
and Middle Borders, [Ib. fol. 149.] |
117 |
— — |
Fowls and rabbits to be sold in the market and not
privately; as to sellers of tame fowls; time at which
huksters attend in the market, [Ib. fol. 67.] |
118 |
— Oct. Nov. & Dec. |
Acts anent the pest and cleansing, [Ib. fol. 214.] |
118 |
— December 23. |
Nightly watch appointed, [Ib. fol. 185.] |
118 |
— |
Act as to the selling of malt, [Ib. fol. 65.] |
119 |
1545–6, January 4. |
Manner of freighting ships, [Ib. fol. 137] |
119 |
— — — |
Act as to the prices of strangers goods arriving in Leith, [Ib.] |
119 |
— — — |
Prices of wines lately come in a ship; two persons
appointed to distribute same, [Ib.] |
120 |
— — 5. |
Acts anent the cleansing of clothes, [Ib. 214.] |
120 |
— — 26. |
Acts anent measures, [Ib. fol. 162.] and price of wines,
[Ib. fol. 70.] |
120 |
— February 10. |
Act forbidding the breaking bulk and weighing of certain
goods in Leith; to be first brought to Edinburgh and
offered to the neighbours, [Ib. fol. 133.] |
120 |
— — — |
Persons contravening the statutes as to goods in Leith,
[Ib. 102] |
121 |
— — 27. |
No person to hold open tavern except burgesses and gild
brethern; none of them to have false measures,
[Ib. fol. 70.] |
121 |
— March 2. |
Act anent the rule at the West Port, [Ib. fol. 214.] |
121 |
1546, April 2. |
Act anent infection of pest, [Ib.] |
121 |
— — 13. |
Act forbidding the carrying away of meal to the English,
[Ib. fol. 69.] |
121 |
1546, April 20. |
Tallow not to be sold to strangers, nor to be used for other
purposes than candlemaking, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 40.] |
121 |
— May 30. |
Nightly watch appointed; guard to attend upon the provost;
town council agree to take a part for defence
of the town, [Ib. fol. 4, 186.] |
122 |
— August 6. |
Fish not to be sold to regraters, [Ib. fol. 66.] |
122 |
— — 11. |
Custom and duty of ships and prizes arriving in Leith,
[C.R. Vol. I., fol. 47.] |
123 |
— — 16. |
Price of victual and other goods taken in prize, [C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 137.] |
123 |
— October 8. |
Price of wines, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
123 |
— — — |
Wine measures to have the town's mark, [Ib. fol. 162.] |
123 |
— — 12. |
Price of oats and hay to be sold by stable keepers, [Ib.
fol. 76.] |
123 |
— — — |
Prices of malt and ale, [Ib. fol. 67.] |
124 |
— — — |
Obligation by sellers of wild fowls as to prices, [Ib.] |
124 |
— — 30. |
Price of wines, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
124 |
— — — |
Market of bear and oats to be held in the place of the old
Fish Market, [Ib. fol. 69.] |
124 |
— — |
Regraters, huksters, &c., to find sureties to keep the
statutes, [Ib. fol. 65.] |
124 |
— — — |
Price of ale, [Ib. fol. 67.] |
125 |
— December 10. |
Price of wines, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
125 |
— — 14. |
Unlaws to be taken from the persons who have broken
the statutes anent the prices of wines and applied to
the reparation of the high altar, [Ib.] |
125 |
— — — |
Stable keepers find sureties to keep the statutes, [Ib.
fol. 76.] |
125 |
— — 20. |
Act as to quantities in which strangers goods brought
within burgh are to be sold to freemen, [Ib. fol. 27.] |
125 |
1546, December 30. |
Persons discharged from the town till the pest be repressed,
[C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 214.] |
126 |
1546–7, January 5. |
Wines bought, and two bailies appointed to distribute the
same, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
126 |
— — 14. |
Order by the Lord Governor and Lords of Council to take
proceedings against regraters for causing dearth of
fowls, &c., [Original order in the Archives of the City;
Inventory of City Charters, Vol. I., fol. 109.] |
126 |
— — 26. |
Prices of wines and iron lately inbrought, [C.R. Adv. Lib.
fol. 70.] |
127 |
1547, April 5. |
Statutes against tavern keepers who are not burgesses or
guild brethren to be put to execution; tavern keepers
to be poinded for duties to St Anthony's altar, [Ib.
fol. 27.] |
127 |
— — — |
Price of butter; hour at which it is to be bought by huksters
in the market, [Ib. fol. 76.] |
127 |
— — — |
Crames not to be set at the Cross except upon the
market day, [Ib. fol. 187.] |
127 |
— — — |
Cairns of stones, &c., on the street ordered to be removed, [Ib.] |
127 |
— June 17. |
Price of Burdeaux wine, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
127 |
— July 11. |
Order by the Lord Governor as to proceedings against
Adam Liddle for slaughter, [Original order in the
Archives of the City; Inventory of City Charters,
Vol. I., fol. 110.] |
128 |
— — 15. |
Officers ordained to visit their quarters, [C.R. Adv. Lib.
fol. 214.] |
128 |
— — 20. |
Iron brought into the port of Leith to be taken to the
Over Trone and weighed, [Ib. fol. 138.] |
128 |
— — 23. |
Ships not to be entered unless a bailie be present; the
bailies and council to fix prices, [Ib.] |
128 |
1547, July 29. |
Skippers in Leith ordained to appear and see their freighting
modified conform to time of peace, [C.R. Vol. I.,
fol. 78.] |
129 |
— August 5. |
Treasurer and others to fix the price of goods brought in
by strangers to the port of Leith; goods to be sold to
the highest bidder, and the balance above the fixed
price delivered to the treasurer for the common works,
[C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 138.] |
129 |
— — — |
Goods bought by John Hamilton; price to be paid to the
merchant, and the balance to the treasurer, [Ib.] |
130 |
— October 7. |
Market of bear and oats to be held in the place of the Old
Fishmarket; market of malt to be held above the
Tolbooth; maltmen within burgh not to buy from
outland maltmen, [Ib. fol. 69.] |
130 |
— — — |
Prices of malt, ale, [Ib. fol. 67.] and bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
130 |
— — 12. |
Ports and walls of the town to be repaired; two porters
to be set to each of three ports, and the remainder to
be closed; porters to be well armed, and to find surety
that they shall not be absent, or take extortions from
passers, [Ib. fol. 186.] |
130 |
— — — |
Act ordaining that there be a nightly watch of twelve able
men well armed; to be punished if negligent; duties
of those appointed to watch, [Ib.] |
131 |
1547–8, January 3. |
A nightly watch appointed, [Ib.] |
131 |
— — — |
Goods brought in by a ship ordained to be sold, [Ib. fol. 138.] |
132 |
— February 1. |
Prices of malt and ale, [Ib. fol. 67.] |
132 |
— — 8. |
Price of oats, [Ib. fol. 76.] |
132 |
— — 17. |
Neighbours failing to watch ordained to pay for one in
their place; keys of the ports to be delivered to the
bailies, [Ib. fol. 186.] |
132 |
1547–8, March 13. |
Wines lately brought in French ships not to be sold for
eight days; price of wines from that date, [C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 70.] |
132 |
— — 22. |
A merchant contravening the statutes against breaking
bulk in Leith, [Ib. fol. 173.] |
132 |
1548, April 8. |
Butter, cheese, eggs, &c., to be sold in the market and not
privately, [Ib. fol. 76.] |
133 |
— — 19. |
Persons able to handle and shoot artillery not to pass out
of the burgh without licence, [Ib. fol. 187.] |
133 |
— May 4. |
A merchantunlawed for breaking the statutes, [Ib. fol. 173.] |
133 |
— June 14. |
Daily watch of twenty-four men appointed to be set at
the ports, [Ib. fol. 187.] |
133 |
— — 20. |
Prices of wines, [Ib. fol. 77.] |
134 |
— — — |
Prices of bread and oats, [Ib. fol. 68, 76.] |
134 |
— — 21. |
Bailies to pass through the town and see that certain
statutes are kept, [Ib. fol. 4.] |
134 |
— — 28. |
Bread to be furnished by the baxters to the army, [Ib.
fol. 42.] |
134 |
— July 5. |
Baxters in the burgh having bread on hand which the
army refuses to receive, outland baxters charged not
to bring bread to the market for three days, [Ib.] |
135 |
— — 6. |
Unlaws of maltmen and ale, [Ib. fol. 170.] |
135 |
— — 25. |
Agreement as to appraisement of heirship goods, [John
Stevenson's Protocol, p. 14.] |
135 |
— August 5. |
Notarial instrument, on behalf of Robert Malville and
others as to homicide committed by him, [Ib. fol. 16.] |
137 |
— October 15. |
Act as to procedure in actions depending before the town,
[C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 171.] |
140 |
— — — |
Persons refusing to come to assizes when warned, ordained
to be poinded for the unlaw, [Ib. fol. 173.] |
140 |
1548, October 15. |
Four persons appointed to pass to Leith, to make prices
of certain prize goods, [Ib. fol. 139.] |
140 |
— — — |
Fleshers forbidden to hoard tallow; candlemakers not to
buy material in hurt of the occupation of Cordiners;
candles bought in the burgh and taken furth thereof
to be escheat, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 41.] |
140 |
— — — |
Filth ordered to be removed from the streets, [Ib. fol. 187.] |
141 |
— — — |
Women quarelling on the High Street ordered to be
punished, [Ib.] |
141 |
— — — |
Act as to using water in the wells, [Ib. ] |
141 |
— — |
Price of ale, [Ib. fol. 67.] |
141 |
— November 2. |
Goods arriving in Leith to be valued before bulk is
broken, [Ib. fol. 139.] |
142 |
— — — |
A person guilty of breaking bulk, [Ib. fol. 173.] |
142 |
— — 3. |
Officer's fees in time of pest, [Ib. fol. 214.] |
142 |
— — 7. |
Unfreemen ordained not to buy merchandise except from
freemen or burgesses, [Ib. fol. 71.] |
142 |
— — 20, 21. |
Oaths of maltmen as to keeping the statutes, [Ib. fol. 173.] |
142 |
— — 21. |
Tavern keepers to be burgesses and guild brethern, and to
pay their duties to St Anthony's altar, [Ib. fol. 77.] |
142 |
— — 23. |
Maltmen to be punished for breaking prison, [Ib. fol. 173.] |
143 |
— — — |
Act as to regraters and fruit sellers, [Ib. fol. 76.] |
143 |
— — 24. |
Filth on the streets or in burned and fallen down lands
to be removed, [Ib. fol. 187.] |
143 |
— December 1. |
Lint bought in Leith to be weighed at the over trone,
[Ib. fol. 138.] |
143 |
— — 7. |
Prices of wine, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 77;] and bread,
[Ib. fol. 68.] |
144 |
— — 11. |
Order by the Privy Council as to the price of wine, [Original
order in the archives of the city. Inventory of City
Charters, Vol. I. fol. 110.] |
144 |
1548–9, February 1. |
Agreement with John Little as to the selling of goods
brought by hm to Leith, [C.R. Adv.Lib. fol. 138.] |
145 |
1549, May 24. |
Obligations to pay certain sums to the common good for
the profit of goods brought to Leith, [Ib.] |
145 |
— August 3. |
Filth, etc., ordained to be removed from common streets,
[Ib. fol. 187.] |
145 |
— — 30. |
Consent by the Town Council to the feuing of a land pertaining
to a chaplainry of which they were patrons,
[Ib. fol. 110; C.R. Vol. I. fol. 76.] |
146 |
1549–50, January 30. |
Price of wine; to be sold openly, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 70.] |
147 |
— March 13. |
A burgess losing his freedom, [Ib. fol. 26.] |
147 |
1550, June 28. |
Price of wine, [Ib. fol. 77.] |
147 |
— — — |
Price of flesh; to be sold in the market, [Ib. fol. 41.] |
148 |
— — — |
Fish market to be held in the Fish Market Close, [Ib fol. 66.] |
148 |
— — — |
Price of bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
148 |
— July 1. |
Act as to the laying down and removal of filth, [Ib. fol. 187] |
148 |
— — 30. |
Act as to the making of burgesses and gild brethren,
[Register of Burgesses, etc., Vol. I. fol. 29.] |
148 |
— August. 25. |
Division amongst the burghs of a taxation, [Ib. fol. 148.] |
149 |
— September 11. |
Price, etc., of bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
149 |
— — 16. |
Price of malt, [Ib. fol. 69.] |
150 |
— October 9. |
Venders of wine who are not gild brethren discharged,
[Ib. fol. 77.] |
150 |
— — 11. |
Gild court; act as to privileges of daughters of burgesses,
&c., [Register of Burgesses, etc., Vol. I. fol. 30.] |
150 |
— |
Letters by the Lord Governor ordaining a Commission of
Justiciary to be made under the Great Seal in favour
of Francis Tennant, provost of Edinburgh, [Original
Letters in the archives of the city. Inventory of City
Charters, Vol. I. fol. 59.] |
150 |
1550–1, February 24. |
Butter market to be held in the flesh house, [C.R. Adv.
Lib. fol. 76.] |
151 |
— — — |
Price and weight of bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
151 |
— — 25. |
Proclamation as to merchants sailing to France, Flanders,
and other parts with merchandice, [Ib. fol. 27.] |
152 |
— March 13. |
Seriands to put decrees to execution within forty-eight
hours; duties of officers and seriands as to appraising
of goods, and as to sasines and breives, waiting upon
the provost and bailies, and division of profits,
[Ib. fol. 5.] |
153 |
— — — |
Merchants calling on any person to buy goods and passing
to another booth to be fined, [Ib. fol. 27.] |
154 |
— — — |
No person to set gear or boards on the hiegait, in booth
doors or passages, except on market days, [Ib.
fol. 188.] |
154 |
1551, April 7. |
No person to buy goods arriving at Leith till the price is
fixed, or to buy more than will sustain his own house-hold,
[Ib. fol. 133.] |
154 |
— — 10. |
Price of bread, [Ib. fol. 68.] |
154 |
— — — |
An Englishman fined for cutting goods in small pieces
and selling the same in Leith, [Ib. fol. 173.] |
155 |
— May 4. |
An Englishman put in ward for selling goods in small, [Ib. ] |
155 |
— — 11. |
Treasurer to pay fee to the officer of the haven of Leith,
[Ib. fol. 5, 103.] |
155 |
— — — |
Officer of the haven and port of Leith ordained to keep
the measures of victual and salt, and uplift the duties
thereof, [Ib. fol. 103, 162.] |
155 |
— — 27. |
Measurers of victual and salt in Leith chosen, and the
measures delivered to the farmer of the "wild
adventures, " [Ib. fol. 162.] |
156 |
1551, October 7. |
Unlaws and duties of wrongs done to the town to be
collected and distributed by the council, C.R. Adv.
[Lib. fol. 102, 173; C.R. Vol. II. fol. 1.] |
156 |
— — 9. |
All the seriands discharged for failing in the execution of
their duties, and the bailies ordained to receive others,
[C.R. Vol. II. fol. 1; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 5.] |
156 |
— — 10. |
Acts passed by the provost, bailies, and council anent bread,
malt, meal, fish, poultry, stablekeepers, hay, oats,
candle, tallow, vagabonds, fleshers, candlemakers, malt,
middings, assizes, stands on the hie gait, maltmen,
tavern keepers, and regraters, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 1–4;
C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 5, 39, 41, 64, 68, 69, 76, 83, 173.] |
157 |
— — — |
Act ordaining the neighbours to keep the above acts,
[C.R. Vol. II. fol. 4.] |
161 |
— — 12. |
Three regraters apprehended; a common regrater decerned
to be put in the irons, [C.R. Vol. II., fol. 4.] |
161 |
— December 10. |
Red, filth and stones ordered to be removed from the
streets immediately, [Ib.] |
162 |
1551–2, January 26. |
Burgesses sons after marriage to pay extents, or to pay
custom as unfreemen, [Ib.] |
162 |
— — — |
Booth doors of unfreemen to be shut up, [Ib. ] |
162 |
— February 10. |
Prices of flesh and malt, [Ib.] |
162 |
1552, April 8. |
Price and weight of bread, [Ib. fol. 5.] |
163 |
— May 11. |
Customs to be paid by unfreemen, [Ib.] |
163 |
— — — |
Officer of Leith ordained to keep the measures of salt and
victual, and to uplift the profits thereof, [Ib.] |
163 |
— — 27. |
Workmen of Leith admitted and their fees fixed, [Ib.;
C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 4.] |
163 |
— — — |
Measurers of victual and salt to be chosin by the council
and judges; common measures to be delivered to the
farmer of "wild adventures, " [C.R. Vol. II., fol. 5.] |
164 |
1552, May 27. |
A stone dike at the kirk-yard to be taken down, [C.R.
Vol. II., fol. 5.] |
164 |
— — — |
Weight of bread; a person fined for having light bread, [Ib.] |
164 |
— June 17. |
New weights to be made and delivered to the weighers,
[Ib. fol. 6.] |
164 |
— — — |
Hours for selling wool in the market, [Ib. ] |
165 |
— July 6. |
Bailies ordained to give in their account of the extent of
the Gallows raid, [Ib.] |
165 |
— — — |
No person to wash clothes at the Burgh Loch; burnmen
not to take any "burn" from wells, [Ib.] |
165 |
— — 15. |
A person fined for breaking the statute against burgesses
buying goods in Leith, [Ib.] |
165 |
— — 26. |
Price and weight of bread; prices of malt, ale, and flesh,
[Ib. fol. 6, 7.] |
165 |
— August 19. |
Price and weight of bread, [Ib. fol. 7.] |
166 |
— September 2. |
Goods brought to Leith to be weighed at the trone; payment
of duties to customer, [Ib. fol. 8.] |
166 |
— — 7. |
Goods declared to be escheat for not being entered in the
town's books, [Ib.] |
167 |
— — 9. |
Wages of the keepers of the ports, [Ib. fol. 9.] |
168 |
— — 17. |
Workmen and pioneers of the shores of Leith decerned to
obey the officers of the town, [Ib.] |
168 |
— — — |
Goods in an unfreighted ship declared to be escheat, [Ib.] |
169 |
— October 7. |
An indweller in Dieppe ordained to produce his right
whereby he is free and owes no custom, [Ib.] |
169 |
— — — |
Articles and ordinances concerning the common weal of
the burgh produced by James Henderson, [Ib.] |
169 |
— — — |
Proposals by James Henderson to the town of Edinburgh,
[Original proposals in the archives of the city. Inventory
of City Charters, Vol. I., fol. 103.] |
170 |
1552, October 7. |
Acts relative to bread, malt, ale, meal, and candle, [C.R.
Vol. II., fol. 10.] |
173 |
— — — |
Ratification of acts made last year anent fish, poultry,
stables, hay, oats, tallow, vagabonds, fleshers,
middings, assizes, stands on the High-gait, stoups of
taverns and regraters, [Ib.] |
173 |
— — 10. |
Statutes as to the duties of the burgh officers, [Ib. fol. 10, 11.] |
173 |
— — 21. |
Assessors to have power to advise and vote with the
council, [Ib. fol. 11.] |
174 |
— November 3. |
Contract for making stalls of the choir, [Ib. ] |
174 |
— — 9. |
Bellman and clock-keeper to have a key of the steeple
door, [Ib. fol. 12.] |
174 |
— December 9. |
Dean of guild to be relieved of sum in contract for bigging
of the choir, [Ib.] |
175 |
— — 23. |
Extent to be gathered to furnish the town's part of the
soldiers who are to pass to France, [Ib.] |
175 |
1552–3, January 21. |
Sureties for paying expense of freeing merchants detained
prisoners in England, [Ib. fol. 13.] |
175 |
— — 26. |
Licence to a prebendary of the choir to pass to England
and France to get better knowlege of music, [Ib.] |
176 |
— — 28. |
Treasurer to pay expenses of commissioners to Stirling and
Linlithgow, [Ib. fol. 12] |
176 |
— February 1. |
Commissioners appointed to agree upon the town's share
of certain taxations, [Ib. fol. 13.] |
176 |
— March 4. |
Act as to the ringing of the common bell, [Ib. fol. 14.] |
177 |
— — — |
Occupiers of booths to have weapons therein, and to assist
the officers in preserving the peace, [Ib.] |
177 |
— — 13. |
Brewsters warned against having caldrons in hire, [Ib.] |
177 |
— — 15. |
Treasurer to pay a sum to the Prebendaries of Corstorphin,
[Ib.] |
178 |
1552–3, March 17. |
Black Friars to be paid for their bell, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 14.] |
178 |
— — 18. |
Persons granting deductions to the farmers or tacksmen
of the common good ordained to refund the same,
[Ib. fol. 15.] |
178 |
1553, April 14. |
Act as to the weight and price of bread, [Ib.] |
178 |
— — — |
Treasurer to pay for making the almery of the common
bell, [Ib.] |
179 |
— — 20. |
Treasurer to pay the school mail, [Ib. ] |
179 |
— May 25. |
Act as to the selling of butter and cheese in the markets,
[Ib.] |
179 |
— — 20. |
The council desired by the crafts to reform an act of the
Convention as to the choosing of officers, [Ib.] |
179 |
— June 9. |
Treasurer to pay a fee for service in the choir, [Ib.
fol. 16.] |
180 |
— — 30. |
Act as to weight and price of bread, [Ib. ] |
180 |
— — — |
Malt to be sold at a certain price, [Ib. ] |
180 |
— July 13. |
Council to remove furth of booth occupied by their clerks,
[Ib. fol. 170.] |
180 |
— August 4. |
Treasurer to pay expenses of commissioner to Convention
of Burghs; also rent of booth occupied by the clerks,
[Ib.] |
180 |
— September 2. |
Money to be furnished to complete the bulwark, [Ib. ] |
181 |
— October 7. |
Acts passed as to bread, malt, &c.; swine to be
kept in houses and not allowed to be at large;
fullers not to water their cloth on the streets; certain
acts of previous years ratified, [Ib. fol. 18–19.] |
181 |
— — — |
Butter, cheese, and eggs to be sold at certain prices,
[Ib. fol. 19.] |
182 |
1553, October 11. |
Parties who, in repairing their lands, injure their neighbour's
property ordained to reform the same, and to
pay a sum to St Giles' work, [C.R. Vol. II.
fol. 19.] |
182 |
— — 13. |
Auditors of accounts chosen, [Ib.] |
182 |
— — 27. |
Ratification of acts as to "colouring" of unfreemen's
goods, being partners with men of Leith, and buying
of goods from strangers, [Ib. fol. 20.] |
182 |
— — 31. |
Sureties for certain fleshers, [Ib.] |
183 |
— November 8. |
Prices to be taken for sawing of timber, [Ib] |
183 |
— — 29. |
Council to convene and consult upon the common affairs,
under certain penalties, [Ib. fol. 21.] |
183 |
— December 1. |
Treasurer to pay rent of school-house, [Ib. ] |
183 |
— — — |
Freighting of ships to France, [Ib. ] |
184 |
— — — |
Freemen not to make any indweller of Leith his factor, [Ib.] |
184 |
— — — |
Treasurer to pay expenses of messenger to Dundee, &c., [Ib.] |
184 |
— — — |
Timber to be delivered to the Friars Minors, [Ib. ] |
184 |
— — 8. |
Prices of wild meat, tame fowls, and wines, [Ib. fol. 21, 22.] |
184 |
— — 15. |
Rent of music school to be paid, [Ib. fol. 22.] |
185 |
— — — |
Part of extent paid by Inverkeithing, [Ib. ] |
186 |
— — — |
Rent of clerk's chamber to be paid, [Ib. ] |
186 |
1553–4, January 3. |
Protest on behalf of the deacons of crafts as to the election
of seriands, [Ib.] |
186 |
— — — |
A seriand made a burgess, [Ib. ] |
186 |
— — — |
A seriand elected by the council, [Ib. ] |
186 |
— — 25. |
Treasurer to pay the dean of guild for the burgesship of
the Lord Governor's servitor, [Ib.] |
187 |
— February 9. |
Brewsters to buy their malt in the market only, at the
town's price, [Ib. fol. 23.] |
187 |
— — 16. |
A person taking stones from ground at the Greyfriar's
port, ordered to full up ground with earth and not to
break it in future, [Ib.] |
188 |
1553–4, February 16. |
Treasurer to pay the dean of guild dues of a burgesship made
at request of the Provost's wife, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 23.] |
188 |
— — 21. |
Unlaws to pertain to the bailies unless otherwise provided
for, [Ib.] |
188 |
— — — |
Chest with four keys to be made for preserving the evidents
of the town; protest by the deacons of crafts
that they will not be responsible for documents,
having no key, [Ib.] |
188 |
— — 28. |
Treasurer to pay dean of guild dues on the making of a
burgess at the request of Lord Huntly, [Ib. fol. 24.] |
189 |
— — — |
A person found guilty of speaking irreverently in judgement
in presence of the bailies and council, [Ib.] |
189 |
— — — |
Claim by the deacons and craftsmen to have a vote in
the election of seriands, [Ib.] |
189 |
— March 9. |
Dean of guild to pay to the Blackfriars a sum of money,
[Ib. fol. 25.] |
191 |
— — 20. |
Act as to entering of ships, [Ib. fol. 26.] |
192 |
1554, April 6. |
A watch appointed, [Ib.] |
192 |
— — 27. |
Music school to be repaired, [Ib. fol. 27.] |
192 |
— May 25. |
Burgh Loch to be built up to hold in water, [Ib. ] |
192 |
— June 8. |
A person hired to sing in the choir, [Ib.] |
192 |
— — — |
Cowgate port to be kept open, [Ib. ] |
193 |
— — — |
Heritors of the Friar wynd to mend the causeway, [Ib.] |
193 |
— — 15. |
Treasurer to pay rent of provost's house as part of his fee,
[Ib. fol. 28.] |
193 |
— — — |
Quarriers to take stones from the Burghmuir on certain
conditions, and sell the same at certain prices, [Ib.] |
193 |
— — — |
Treasurer to pay the expenses of a play, [Ib. ] |
193 |
— — — |
Council consent to repair the dike around Arthur Seat,
Salisbury, and Duddingston crags, [Ib.] |
194 |
— — — |
Three craftsmen found guilty of assault, [Ib. ] |
194 |
1554, June 27. |
Treasurer to pay for making the playing-place, [C.R. Vol. II.,
fol. 29.] |
195 |
— July 6. |
Treasurer to pay men for keeping the tolbooth stair, and
also a sum to a taverner, [Ib.] |
195 |
— — — |
Treasurer to make a sluice for holding in the water of the
North Loch, [Ib.] |
195 |
— — — |
Shops to be removed from the High gait, [Ib. ] |
195 |
— — 20. |
Sacristan of St Giles to supply kirk with light and water
and attend to the ringing of the bells, [Ib.] |
195 |
— — — |
Treasurer to pay for completing the play-field in Greenside,
[Ib. fol. 30.] |
196 |
— — — |
A pension granted as a reward to the builder of stalls in
the choir, [Ib.] |
196 |
— August 18. |
Treasurer ordained to pay certain sums to the workmen who
completed the play-field, and to minstrels, [Ib. fol. 31.] |
197 |
Materials for the music school to be furnished, [Ib.] |
197 |
— September |
Persons to be chosen to vote for members of council when
absent, [Ib. fol. 46.] |
197 |
— — |
Sir Robert Carnegy to be paid for downgetting of customs
in France, [Ib.] |
197 |
— — 20. |
Timber arriving in Leith to be delivered to the wrights,
coopers, and builders at the town's price, [Ib.] |
198 |
— — 28. |
A late provost found not entitled to remain at a meeting
for choosing the council and leets, [Ib.] |
198 |
— October 9. |
Acts passed relative to bread, malt, &c.; ratification of
certain acts passed in the previous year, [Ib. fol. 32, 33.] |
198 |
— — 12. |
Treasurer to pay for furnishings supplied for the play, [Ib.
fol. 33.] |
198 |
— — 19. |
Proclamation of a weaponshawing on the Burghmuir, [Ib. ] |
199 |
— — — |
Making of defamatory and blasphemous ballads prohibited,
[Ib. fol. 34.] |
199 |
1554, October 19. |
Four additional seriands to be chosen, [C.R. Vol. II., fol. 34.] |
200 |
— — — |
Fleshers warned to keep the statutes as to the price of
flesh, [Ib.] |
200 |
— — — |
Act as to stands on the gait; certain goods not to be sold
thereon, [Ib.] |
200 |
— — — |
Persons using unjust weights and measures to be
punished, [Ib.] |
201 |
— — — |
Four seriands elected by the council, [Ib. fol. 35.] |
201 |
— — 26. |
A person decerned to make amends to the bailies for
accusing them of oppression, [Ib.] |
202 |
— — 30. |
Act as to convening the council ratified, and collector of
unlaws named, [Ib. fol. 36.] |
202 |
— November 2. |
Proclamation as to armour required at the weaponshawing, [Ib. ] |
202 |
— — 3. |
Act as to bringing home of bullion, [Ib. ] |
203 |
— — 14. |
Strangers to sell their goods in forebooths on the High
gait, and to freemen only, [Ib. fol. 38.] |
204 |
— — 16. |
Streets ordained to be lighted at night, [Ib. fol. 38.] |
204 |
— — 23. |
Licence to an Englishman to brew soap, [Ib. ] |
205 |
— — 24. |
Four persons decerned by the provost and bailies to remain
in ward till they pay their customs; protest by the
baron bailie of Holyrood house, [Ib.] |
205 |
— December 12. |
Propines to the Queen and the Provost, [Ib. ] |
205 |
— — 24. |
Building of the tolbooth to be begun, [Ib. fol. 39.] |
206 |
— — 28. |
Farce to be played before the Queen, [Ib. ] |
206 |
— — 29. |
Treasurer to pay for goblets bought to propine the Queen
with, [Ib.] |
206 |
— — — |
Obligation as to loan to Monsieur Dosell, [Ib. ] |
206 |
1554–5, January 15. |
Commissioners appointed to authorise payment of expenses
of certain actions before the Court of Session, [Ib.] |
207 |
1554–5, January 18. |
Burgesses not to be partners with indwellers of Leith or
Canongate or with an unfreeman, not to appoint
such persons their factors, and not to freight ships
with them, [C.R. Vol. II., fol. 40.] |
207 |
— — — |
Ships arriving at Leith not to be entered in the books till
they are lying in the haven, [Ib.] |
207 |
— — — |
Goods not to be sent to Burntisland to be loaded in
ships, [Ib.] |
208 |
— — — |
Two seats to be made in the Tolbooth for serving the
Courts, [Ib.] |
208 |
— — — |
A burgess and guild brother to be entered in the books
of the date he was sworn, [Ib.] |
208 |
— — — |
Treasurer allowed the price of velvet delivered to the
council house, [Ib.] |
208 |
— February 1. |
Duty of the guildry granted to a person gratis; protest by
the dean that he be not prejudiced, [Ib. fol. 41.] |
208 |
— — 13. |
Treasurer to pay for engraving the arms on the
"cowpis" presented to the Queen and M. Dosell,
[Ib. fol. 42.] |
208 |
— — 15. |
Protest against the provost and bailies being judges in a
cause at the instance of the treasurer; objection
repelled, [Ib. fol. 43.] |
208 |
— — — |
The New-haven to be repaired, [Ib. ] |
209 |
— — 16. |
Extent to be taken from the town to purchase timber for
the haven, [Ib.] |
209 |
— — 27. |
Proceedings as to a case at the instance of the treasurer,
[Ib. fol. 44.] |
210 |
— March 1. |
Gift of conservatory in favour of George Hakheid
presented by him, [Ib.] |
210 |
— — — |
Gates of the park dyke to be repaired, [Ib. ] |
210 |
1554–5, March 12. |
Grammar school to be repaired, [C.R. Vol II., fol. 44.] |
210 |
— — — |
Gift of the guild seriandship and procuring of bread to
beadrels; licence to any person to collect alms for the
wife and children of the last possessor of these offices,
[Ib. fol. 45.] |
210 |
— — 14. |
Protest by treasurer as to writings under the seal of cause
being signed by the clerk of court, [Ib.] |
211 |
— — — |
Resignation of a councillor, and a successor appointed, [Ib.] |
211 |
— — — |
House to be built at the North Loch; causeway to be
cut, [Ib.] |
211 |
— — 22. |
Timber to be bought in Norway and other parts for
bigging the New-haven, [Ib. fol. 111.] |
211 |
— — — |
Resignation of a councillor, and election of his successor,
[Ib.] |
212 |
1555, — 28. |
Gift of a beadralship in the hospital of St Mary's
Wynd, [Ib.] |
212 |
— — 29. |
Resignation of a guild officer, and appointment of his
successor, [Ib.] |
212 |
— — — |
Market cross rouped and set at a yearly rental; tenant to
build booths at his expense, [Ib.] |
212 |
— April 20. |
Proceedings to be taken for supporting the poor, and for
expelling sturdy beggars, [Ib. fol. 47.] |
213 |
— — 24. |
Place of cloth market to be changed, [Ib. ] |
214 |
— — 27. |
Surety for a burgess of Lanark, [Ib. fol. 49.] |
214 |
— May 4. |
Gift of a beadsmanship of St Paul's Work, [Ib. ] |
214 |
— — 10. |
Commissioners appointed to the Convention of Burghs, [Ib. ] |
214 |
— — — |
Protest as to Burgh-loch injuring adjoining land, [Ib.] |
214 |
— — — |
Money lent to Monsieur Dosell to be applied for; neighbours
who advanced the money to be repaid, and the
balance applied towards repairing the New-haven, [Ib.] |
214 |
1555, May 16. |
Obligation by the Queen Dowager and Regent for payment
of the balance of M. Dosell's loan, [Original
Obligation in the Archives of the City. Inventory of
City Charters, vol. I fol. 114.] |
215 |
— — 17. |
Water in Burgh-loch not to be let out; slaps to be built
up, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 49.] |
215 |
— — — |
Acquittance of the town's extent for building of forts, and
the Queen's obligation for balance of M. Dosell's loan,
presented and put in charterhouse, [Ib.] |
215 |
— — — |
Act as to the making of burgesses, [Ib. ] |
216 |
— — 24. |
Skippers ordained to receive in their ships such merchants
only as are admitted by the bailies and council, [Ib.] |
216 |
— — 27. |
Protest on behalf of the deacons of crafts against the acts
of the Commissioners of burghs hurting their
privileges, [Ib.] |
216 |
— — 28. |
Commissioners appointed to the Convention of Royal
Burghs; protest by the deacons of crafts against the
appointment hurting their privileges, [Ib.] |
216 |
— — 31. |
Common seal to be hung to a writing consented to by
Parliament, [Ib. fol. 50.] |
217 |
— June 1. |
Two persons appointed to make alterations of the extent
of burghs, [Ib.] |
217 |
— — 3. |
A master of a ship ordained to receive certain merchants
in his vessel, [Ib.] |
217 |
— — 7. |
A similar ordinance, [Ib.] |
218 |
— — 13. |
A lodging taken for the grammar school, [Ib. fol. 51.] |
218 |
— — 14. |
Treasurer ordained to complete the shore and bulwark,
[Ib.] |
218 |
— — — |
Alexander Stevinson appointed to sing in the choir, [Ib.] |
218 |
— — 21. |
Gift of a beadsmanship in St Paul's Work, [Ib. ] |
219 |
1555, June 22. |
Musicians to be paid for playing during the time of Parliament,
&c., [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 51.] |
219 |
— — 28. |
Timber inbrought to the Newhaven, [Ib. fol. 52.] |
219 |
— July 4. |
Masters of work appointed to the bigging of the
New-haven, [Ib.] |
219 |
— — — |
Two offenders forgiven in respect of good service done in
capturing a pirate, [Ib.] |
219 |
— — 19. |
Treasurer to procure stones for the bulwark, [Ib. ] |
220 |
— — 25. |
Officer to be paid for passing to Aberdeen and apprehending
a criminal, [Ib. fol. 53.] |
220 |
— August 12. |
Gable window in St Giles Kirk liable to fall down,
[Ib. fol. 54.] |
220 |
—September 6. |
Musicians to be paid for playing before St Giles, [Ib. fol. 55.] |
220 |
— — 13. |
Disbursement for banquet made to the King of Denmark's
ambassador, [Ib. fol. 56.] |
220 |
— — — |
Keeper of Cowgate port appointed, [Ib. ] |
220 |
— — 25. |
Office of treasurer found not to have right to a burgesship
yearly, [Ib. fol. 57.] |
221 |
— October 4. |
Money to be borrowed from certain neighbours and lent
to the Queen upon pledges, [Ib.] |
221 |
— — 8. |
Statement as to money in the bailies' box; protest by
Francis Tennand as to proving his allegation, [Ib.] |
221 |
— — 13. |
Dean of guild and treasurer bound for repayment of
money borrowed from the neighbours, and the
Council bound to release them, [Ib. fol. 58.] |
222 |
— — 18. |
Keys of charterhouse and documents delivered by former
dean of guild to his successor, [Ib.] |
222 |
— — 24. |
Pledges for money lent to the Queen dispensed with, and
her obligation to be received, [Ib.] |
222 |
— — 25. |
Act as to convening of the Council, [Ib. fol. 59] |
223 |
1555, October 26. |
Right of giving a freedom of guildry granted to the provost,
[C.R. Vol. II. fol. 59.] |
223 |
— November 6. |
Act of 15th January as to actions ratified, and other
persons appointed to order payment of money, [Ib.
fol. 60.] |
223 |
— — 8. |
Act as to the duties of a prebendary and master of the
music school; treasurer to pay his house mail, [Ib.] |
223 |
— — — |
Letter from the Queen as to the appointment of a water
bailie, [Ib.] |
224 |
— — — |
Acts passed relating to bread, milk, ale, meal, candles,
oats, hay, and fish, [Ib. fol. 61–2.] |
224 |
— — — |
Ratification of certain acts formerly passed, [Ib. fol. 62.] |
224 |
— — 23. |
Treasurer to pay for vessels got for the Queen and for
two banquets, [Ib.] |
225 |
— — — |
Treasurer to deliver clothes to a person for alms, [Ib.] |
225 |
— — — |
Loft of the iron house to be mended and floored, [Ib.] |
225 |
— December 6. |
Claim against a maltman for taking his malt from the
common mills to Cramond mill, [Ib. fol. 63] |
225 |
— — 11. |
Committee to take order with stall-keepers and fruit
sellers, [Ib.] |
226 |
— — 13. |
Farmer of wild adventures ordained to pay the whole
sum contained in his assedation, [Ib.] |
226 |
— — — |
A customer of the wild adventures to be paid for his
services, [Ib.] |
226 |
— — 16. |
Presents to be given to the Queen and M. Dosell, and
also to the provost, [Ib. fol. 64.] |
227 |
— — 20. |
Act of the Privy Council as to ships comming from places
where the pest is, [Original act in the Archives
of the City. Inventory of City Charters, Vol. I.
fol. 214.] |
227 |
1555, December 21. |
Wheat sent past the common mills without licence of the
farmer to be escheat, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 64.] |
228 |
— |
Letter by the Queen authorising the Town Council to
change the place for holding markets, [Original Letters
in the Archives of the City. Inventory of City Charters,
Vol. I. fol. 19.] |
228 |
1555–6, January 8. |
Licence to stall-keepers to sell their wares at certain
places, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 65.] |
229 |
— — 10. |
Robert Quhyntin to be paid his expenses to Norway and
wage for overseeing the work at the Newhaven, [Ib.] |
230 |
— — 11. |
Act of the Privy Council as to the prices of bread, ale,
flesh, fish, wild meat, and other victuals, [Extract act
in the Archives of the City. Inventory of City Charters,
Vol. I. fol. 215.] |
230 |
— — 15. |
Two persons appointed to receive the poor folk's bread
and money and to order the same, [C.R. Vol. II.,
fol. 65.] |
232 |
— — — |
A wright made burgess in consideration of his having been
injured while engaged in the town's work; another
person made burgess and gild brother, at request of
Murray of Blackbarony, [Ib.] |
232 |
— — 17. |
Burgh-loch to be allowed to run furth, [Ib. fol. 66.] |
232 |
— — — |
Treasurer to pay an additional sum for furnishing coals
to the Lords, [Ib.] |
233 |
— — — |
Persons thirled to the common mills ordained not to pass
to other mills with their malt, [Ib.] |
233 |
— — 20. |
Commissioners appointed to attend a Convention of
Burghs; protest by the treasurer against choosing a
craftsman as a commissioner; protest in name of the
visitors of crafts, [Ib.] |
233 |
1555–6, January 23. |
Answer by the commissioners of Edinburgh to an article
given in in the Queen's name, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 66.] |
234 |
— — 24. |
Three commissioners appointed to convene with the rest
of the burghs, and endeavour to obtain discharge of
acts as to bullion, fish, and wine; protest in name of
the crafts against any other articles being given in to
the Queen, [Ib. fol. 67.] |
235 |
— — 25. |
Craftsmen desire to dispense with an act of parliament
made in hurt of their privileges, [Ib.] |
236 |
— — 27. |
Ratification of appointment of commissioners, and grant
of money authorised; three dissentients, [Ib.] |
236 |
— — 31. |
Alexander Scott to be paid for singing in the choir and
playing on the organs, [Ib.] |
236 |
— February 7. |
Treasurer to pay expenses of the provost and others to
Stirling; price of wine delivered to the Queen and
M. Dosell; and expenses of Robert Quhyntin in Norway,
[Ib. fol. 68.] |
236 |
— — — |
Custody of the keys of the charterhouse, [Ib. fol. 69.] |
237 |
— — 24. |
Weaponshawing appointed to be held on the Burgh Muir
[Ib.] |
237 |
— — — |
Act as to the prices of bread, malt, and ale, [Ib. fol. 70.] |
237 |
— March 20. |
Office of water bailie desired by Alexander Barroun, son
of the last officer, [Ib. fol. 71.] |
238 |
— — — |
Two writings by the Queen, presented in favour of John
Little, of the office of water bailie, [Ib.] |
238 |
— — 24. |
Act by the bailies, assessors, council, visitors and burgesses,
ordaining that the office of water bailie be
yearly changed at Michaelmas, [Ib. fol. 72.] |
238 |
1556, April 1. |
West end of Burgh loch to be built up, [Ib. fol. 73.] |
239 |
— — — |
Ratification of acts as to the baxters, [Ib. ] |
239 |
1556, April 1. |
Ratification of act made as to the downtaking of shops
in the High Street, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 73.] |
240 |
— — 10. |
Hector Blacader ordained to pay a sum for refusing to
pass with the "pece" to the procuration to St. Giles'
work; he being a burgess is ordained to be put in
the book, and his duty paid; statute as to persons in
future refusing to procure with St. Giles' "pece";
statute as to burgesses and guild brethren being
entered in the books, [Ib.] |
240 |
— — 20. |
Act as to the prices of bread, ale, and malt, [Ib. ] |
240 |
— — 24. |
Treasurer to advance 1000 merks to the bigging of the
Newhaven, [Ib. fol. 74] |
241 |
— — — |
Ten pounds delivered to the master of the French school,
[Ib.] |
241 |
— — 27. |
Treasurer to take up the rests of the bailies accounts; to
furnish a green cloth and cushions to the council
house; and to be allowed expenses of the bailies and
others to Stirling, [Ib.] |
241 |
— — — |
Letter from the Queen charging the town council to
appoint John Little to the office of water bailie;
Alexander Barroun desires that the writing should
be registered; the crafts desire the writing to be
obeyed, [Ib. fol75.] |
241 |
— — 28. |
Protest by Alexander Barroun, against the office of water
bailie being given to any other person, [Ib.] |
242 |
— — — |
Bonnetmaker desiring to have a vote with the crafts [Ib.] |
242 |
— — — |
Protest as to the voting of the crafts in the election of a
water bailie, [Ib.] |
242 |
1556, April 28. |
The bailies, assessors and council, decline to give their
particular votes in writing in regard to the office of
water bailie, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 75.] |
243 |
— May 2. |
Letter from the Queen commanding the council to elect
John Little to the office of water bailie, votes of the
provost, bailies, council, and community thereanent,
[Ib.] |
243 |
— — 7. |
Letter from the Queen again commanding the council to
appoint John Little to the office of water bailie, [Ib.
fol. 76.] |
244 |
— — 8. |
Letter from the Queen to the provost, charging him to
deprive certain members of the council from their
offices for disobedience of her commands as to election
of a water bailie, [Ib.] |
244 |
— — — |
Office of water bailie given by the council to John Little
at the Queen's command, and that during her pleasure,
[Ib.] |
245 |
— — 11. |
Common seal deposited in the charter house, [Ib. fol. 77.] |
245 |
— — 15. |
A boy put in the Tolbooth for stealing the Queen's silver
plate, [Ib.] |
245 |
— — — |
Persons appointed to receive poor folks bread, and distribute
same, [Ib.] |
246 |
— — — |
John Little sworn to exercise the office of water bailie
faithfully, [I.] |
246 |
— — — |
Treasurer ordained to big up the door of the iron house, and
to make the weights to the Trone, [Ib.] |
246 |
— — 30. |
Writing by the Queen declaring her will to be that John
Little should hold the office of water bailie for life,
[Ib. fol. 78.] |
246 |
— — — |
Treasurer to pay for candle furnished to the high alter,
[Ib.] |
247 |
1556, June 5. |
Extent of the Burghs for 1000 merks granted to the
Queen, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 78.] |
247 |
— — 19. |
Quarriers of the Burghmuir to serve the farmers of the
common mills with stones, [Ib. fol. 79.] |
248 |
— July 29. |
Wells to be made deeper and prepared for gathering
water, [Ib.] |
248 |
— August 14. |
Harlots ordained not to wear a particular kind of clothing,
[Ib. fol. 80.] |
248 |
— — 28. |
A farmer of the common mills to build another mill on
certain conditions, [Ib. fol. 81.] |
249 |
— September 2. |
Extent upon the whole Burghs for payment of expenses
of downgetting of customs in France, [Ib.] |
249 |
— — 4. |
Consent by the provost, bailies, and deacons of crafts to
the raising of an extent on the town, [Ib. fol. 82.] |
251 |
— — 16. |
Pulpit to be furnished for reader in Magdalene Chapel, [Ib. ] |
251 |
— — 22. |
Inquiry to be made as to persons who took down certain
images, [Ib.] |
251 |
— — 23. |
Letter from the Queen as to persons who issued certain
odious ballads and rhymes, and took down the images
[Ib. fol. 83.] |
252 |
— October 1. |
Expenses of a messenger to St Andrews and the Borders
to be paid, [Ib.] |
252 |
— — 16. |
Acts passed relative to bread, malt, ale, candle, tallow,
fleshers, oats, hay, stable keepers, meal and measures,
[Ib. fol. 84–5.] |
252 |
— — — |
Acts as to removal of filth of animals slain by the fleshers
within burgh, [Ib. fol. 84.] |
253 |
— — 21. |
Queen to be consulted as to prices of new wines, [Ib. fol. 86.] |
253 |
— — 26. |
Act as to convening of council ratified, with an alteration,
[Ib.] |
253 |
1556, October 30. |
Key of the "little dowket" above St Thomas' aisle
delivered to David Rowane, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 86.] |
253 |
— November 2. |
Contract for execution of work at the Newhaven,
[Ib.] |
253 |
— — 3. |
A ton of wine to be presented to the Queen, [Ib. fol. 87.] |
254 |
— — 6. |
Penalty incurred by Adam Foularton for not riding
about the town's common, [Ib.] |
254 |
— — 7. |
Gift of a beadralship of St Mary's Wynd, [Ib.] |
254 |
— — 10. |
An assesssor discharged of his office for speaking unpleasant
language to the Queen Regent; protest by
him against this decree, [Ib.] |
255 |
— — 18. |
An assessor appointed in place of the one who was
discharged, [Ib. fol. 88.] |
255 |
— — 27. |
Rent of grammar school to be paid, [Ib. ] |
255 |
— — — 27. |
Common seal to be affixed of new to an instrument, the
old seal being decayed, [Ib.] |
256 |
— — — |
A burgess and guild brother made at the request of the
Queen, [Ib.] |
256 |
— — 28. |
Extent on the Burghs for their part of a general tax,
[Ib. fol. 89.] |
256 |
— December 2. |
Claim for payment of duty paid by a burgess and guild
brother, [Ib.] |
257 |
— — 4. |
Propines to the Queen and Provost, [Ib.] |
257 |
— — — |
Passage at the West Port to be made free, [Ib. fol. 90.] |
258 |
— — 9. |
Proclamation as to accounts of the burgh, [Ib. ] |
258 |
— — 11. |
Inquiry to be made as to ability of inhabitants, and the
quantity of their substance and goods, [Ib.] |
258 |
— — 16. |
Act as to persons who are to keep taverns or vent wines,
[Ib. fol. 91.] |
259 |
— — — |
Wells to be repaired and overseers appointed, [Ib.] |
259 |
1556, December 16. |
Bailies not to pay extent in respect of their labour
in collecting same, [C.R. Vol. II. fol. 91.] |
259 |
— — — |
Musicians to be paid for playing through the town, [Ib.] |
260 |
— — 23. |
Presents to be given to the ushers of the Queen's chamber
door for obtaining their "benevolence, "[Ib.] |
260 |
— — 30. |
Servants with torches to accompany the provost, [Ib. ] |
260 |
1556–7, January 9. |
James King to be paid for his labours in connection with
the inquiry ordered on 11th December, [Ib.] |
260 |
— — 20. |
Drytapsters discharged from using ale, [Ib. fol. 92.] |
260 |
— — 22. |
Rent of a chamber in the High Street to be paid, [Ib. ] |
261 |
— — — |
An altar to be repaired and an aisle made [Ib. ] |
261 |
— February 5. |
Landward fleshers discharged from privileges conferred
upon them, [Ib.] |
261 |
— — — |
Act as to the poor folk's bread, [Ib. ] |
261 |
— — — |
Nightly watch to be kept; all persons to carry lights
after a certain hour, [Ib.] |
261 |
— — 12. |
Freedom of the burgh renounced by Janet Richardson,
[Ib. fol. 93.] |
261 |
— — 13. |
Gift of a beadmanship of St Paul's Work, [Ib. ] |
261 |
— — 26. |
Extents not to be added to without the consent of the
council and deacons, [Ib.] |
262 |
— March 17. |
Protest by the dean of guild as to producing the guild
book, [Ib. fol. 94.] |
262 |
— — 20. |
A person ordained to desist from selling aqua vitæ, [Ib. ] |
262 |
— — 24. |
Rent and annuals of the Hospital of St Paul's Work to be
collected, [Ib.] |
262 |
— — — |
Gift of a beadmanship of St Paul's Work, [Ib. ] |
262 |
— — — |
Act of the council, and letter by the Queen, as to payment
of extents by the crafts, [Ib.] |
263 |
Act passed by the provost, with consent of his council, for keeping clean the
haven of Leith, [C.R., Adv. Lib., fol. 133.] |
265 |
Act of Parliament in regard to maltmakers, 17th June 1535, [A. P. S.,
Vol. II. p. 351, s. 42.] |
265 |
Act of Parliament as to prices at which craftsmen and others are to sell their
goods, 17th June 1535, [Ib. p. 351, s. 43.] |
266 |