Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1875.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1564, Jan-June', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1875), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1557-71/pp175-181 [accessed 16 January 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1564, Jan-June', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1875), British History Online, accessed January 16, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1557-71/pp175-181.
"Extracts from the Records: 1564, Jan-June". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 16 January 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1557-71/pp175-181.
1564, Jan-June
7 January 1563–4
Tymmer, hospitale.
The baillies and counsale ordanis Dauid Forster and James Adamsoune to deliuer to Jhonne Blakburne the sowme of iijxxli. of the radeast money in thair handis collectit for biging of the hospitale, and for tymmer bocht to the said hospitale.
21 January 1563–4
The baillies and counsale ordanis Dauid Forster and maister Jhonne Prestoun, collectouris for the ministeris, to deliuer to Jhonne Carnys, reder, the sowme of xl li. of the radeast money in thair handis.
16 February 1563–4
Villa, Reidpeth
The prouest baillies [and council] ordanis Thomas Reidpeth to deliuer of the radeast money [in] his handis, or that he salhappin to get for the biging of the hospitale, the sowme of xxxv li., to Jhonne Blakburne restand awand him of the tymmer resauit be the said Thomas for the said hospitale, and oblissis thame to satifie him thairof in case he haif nocht or gettis nocht in of the collectouris of the said hospitale the said sowme agane.
18 February 1563–4
Feu-duty to a sister of the Senys.
The prouest baillies and counsale, efter the forme and tenour of the Quenis Maiesteis writing vnderwrittin, ordanis the tenenttis takismen and occupearis of the craft vnder written to mak gude and thankfull payment of the ferme thairof to Beatrix Blakater of the crop in the yeir of God jm vc lxiij yeris, extending to viij bollis quheit and sex bollis beir, and siclike yeirlie and termelie in tyme cuming . . . . . Regina, Prouest baillies and counsale of oure burgh of Edinburgh, we greit yow weill. Forsamekill as we ar informyt be oure louit oratrice, deme Cristeane Ballenden pryores of the Senys on the Borro Mwre besyde oure said burgh, that scho, with the consent and assent of the sisteris thairof, set to yow and your predecessouris tuenty yeiris syne or thairby ane litill croft of land liand within the wallis of oure said burgh at the Grayfreir port, in few ferme, for yeirlie payment to hir and the saidis sisteris for viij bollis quheit and vj bollis beir, and that ye and your predecessouris in all tymes bipast sen obtenyng of the said few hes maid thame thankfull payment and thair assignais of the samyn quhill this last crop of lxiij yeris, quhilk victuell is assignit be the said priores and hir sisteris foresaid to Beatrix Blacater, ane of the sisteris thairof, for hir pairt of sustentatioun furth of the fruittis of the said place, quha as we ar surelie informyt hes bene ane of the nowmer of the said sisterris thir fourtye yeris syne or thairby, and that the samyn croft wes conquest be hir fadir and predecessouris and dotit be thame to the sustentatioun of the said Beatrix, for sustenyng of hir and the saidis sisteris, quha now ar sa strikin in aige that scho hes na vther moyin to wyn hir leving bot onlie to depende vpoun that small portioun assignit to hir as said is, thairfor it is owre will and we desyre yow rycht effectuislie to mak thankfull payment to the said Beatrix of the foresaidis viij bollis quheit and vj bollis beir for the yeir of God abone specifeit, and siclike yeirlie and termelie in tyme cuming according to the said pryores assignatioun and ay and quhill scho discharge the samyn, as ye will do ws singular plesour, sua that we haue na forther occatioun to write to yow in this behalf be thir presentis. Subscriuit with oure hande, at Edinburgh, the penult day of Februar the yeir of God jmvc lxiij yeris. Marie, R.
22 March 1563–4
Ordinance for walkaris wobstaris and lytstaris, and for clayth making
[The council, "for eschewing of the manifest fraud vsit within this burgh be drawarris and fals culloris of clayth and ordour to be put thairintill in tyme cuming conforme to the act of parliament maid be vmqubile oure Souerane lord King James the Fift," ordined that no person "vse or lyt ony kynd of fals cullour, or draw calyth, dring, calk, cerche, flaill or caird clathy," and it was agreed that an ispector should be appointed, and other steps taken to ensure that the law was kept]
28 March 1564
Extent,jm merkis
The baillies counsale and dekynnis ordanis extet of j merkis to be rasyt vpoun the hale nychtbouris, quhairof for furnessing of the ambas sabour to Denmark vijc merkis, tho remanent to be applyit vpoun the new tolbuth ad remanent warkis of the toun.
24 April 1564
The baillies and remanent counsale befoir writtin ordanis James Barroun, James Adamsoun, maister Johne Prestoun, Eduard Hoipe, to pas out throuch the quarteris of the toun amangis the faithfull and require of euery ane of thame quhat thai will frelie gif be yeir for sustening of the ministeris, and to report thair ansueris in writ vpoun the nixt counsale day.
28 April 1564.
Villa, Innerkeything.
The baillies and counsale foirsaid, efter awisement with the supplicatioun gevin in befoir thame be the nychtbouris of Innerkeithing, lamenting that in this last extent vpliftit for furnesing of the ambassadour towart Denmark thai wer set to the soume of tuentie merkis quhilk thai wer nocht abill to pay becaus of their greit pouertie and vtheris caussis thai had in hand towart thair hevin, desirit consideratioun, etc., as at mair lenth is contenit in thair complaint etc. The quhilk complaint the saidis baillies and counsale vnderstanding to be of veritie, in consideratioun as said is, without preiudice of that commoun ordour in tyme cuming, ordanis that the saidis nichtbouris sall pay onlie fouretene merkis in this present, and dischargeis the officiaris collectouris of the remanent sax merkis, without preiudice as said is.
1 May 1564.
Precept, thesaurer
The baillies [and council] ordanis Alexander Park, thesaurer, t o daliuer to maister Lwes, sumbeleir to the Quenis Maiestie, the soume of thre scoir fyftene poundis for thre tunis wynis fureist be him to the gude toun, quhlik wes propynit to hir hienes at Yule last, and mair to deliue to the said maister Lewes, for his seruice and reasonabill price, als mekill fyne sating as wilbe him and doublit
3 May 1564
[The bailies and council] ordinis the haill communicantis to be convenit befoir thame vpoun Fryday nixt, and first the northwest quartar, and sa furth quarterlie that it may be sene quhat euerie ane of thame will frelic grant for sustening of the ministeris, and euerie baillie to convene his awin quarter
11 May 1564
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the supper to be maid in honorabill maner vpoun the tounis expenssis, efter the device of the laird of Quhittinghame, ambassatour, in his lugeing, to the king of Denmarkis ambassatour, being present in this toun.
15 May 1564.
The baillies and counsale, efter inspectioun of the compt and particular expensis thairin contenit, debursit vpoun the banket maid to the King of Denmarkis ambassatour, quhilk the samin extendis to tuentie sax pound, quhilk soume thai ordane Alexander Park, thesaurer, to deliuer to Johne Douglas. servand to the laird of Quhittinghame.
24 May 1564
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Alexander Park, thesaurer, to deliuer of the best of the townis monitioun being within the castell the peces follow to the laird of Wittinghame, for seruing of him in his vagyege, and to tak the said lairdis obligatioun vpoun the ressait thairof, viz., tua slangis with thre chalmeris, sex cutthrottis double and singill with xij chalmeris, four lyn nalis, sex wegis, half ane barrell of pulder, certane bullettis, tua pair of calmes of bras, the ane for the slangis, the vther for the cutthrottis; and siclike ordanis the said Alexander to resaue the samyn agane at the said ambassadouris returne.
31 May 1564.
Copburd,Quhittinghame, villa
[The baillies and council,] being convenit in the counsale hous, comperit before thame the richt honorabill laird of Quhittinghame, ambassatour towart the King Of Denmark, and declairit that for the honestie of the realme and for furthsetting of the caus quhilk he hes in hand towart the said king of Denmark, necesser it wer to him to be honestlie set furth with ane coupburd of siluer, of the availl of ane thousand merkis, quhilk he sould obtene and borrow of sum freind sua that thai wald becumit bound and obleist thairfor incace the samin perresit vpoun the seis or reft be greitar powar or vther wayis inlaikit be chance of fortoun, nocht of his sleuth nor be him disponit ony maner of way at his plesour or his awin commoditie, quhilk desire thai thocht reasonabill, providing the said laird wald obtene the Quenis Maiesteis charge chargeing the remaning burrrowis to beir burding with thame and to be compellit thairto according to thair pairtis incace the samin inlaikit in maner abone writtin, and the said laird promeist faithfullie to obtene the samin; quhairfoir the saidis baillies and counsale bindis and oblissis thame, be thir presentis, and thair successouris, incace the said copburde of the availl of ane thousand merkis perreis be reft or inlaik be chance of fortoun, nocht in the said lairdis defalt, to releve and keip him skaythles safer as thai may be burdenit according to the ordour of taxtis, viz., to pay (blank) pairt thairof.
2 June 1564.
[The fourpence loaf of bread baked by baxteris within burgh to weigh 18¾ ounces; fleshers to sell best "muttoun bouk" for sixteen shillings.]
[Of this date, one of a series of acts, passed with regard to the selling of wine, provided that there] be collectit of euerie pvncheoun of wyne wenttit within this burgh ane choppin, and the money to be put in ane lokit box haueing thre keyis, quhairof ane to the dene of gild and the vther tua to tua of the maisteris, and the said box to be in the keiping of ane of the saidis maisteris, and of the money thairintill compt and rakning to be maid aneis or twyis in the yeir, and to be disponitt at the sicht of the prouest, baillies, dene of gild, counsale, maisteris [appoionted to attend to the selling of wine,] and ane pairt of the saidis brethering, for the support of the pure, payand of thair officeris feis, help of dekayit brethering fallin in pouertie be chance, or vtherwayis as sall be found gude of the commooun weill.
16 June 1564.
Regina. villa. Leith, tolbuth
In presens of the baillies and counsale, comperit Walter Cant, in Leyth, and producit the Quenis Maiesteis charge vnderwrittin, of the quhilk the tenour followis: Regina. Prouest bailllies and counsale of Edinburgh. Forsamekle as we haue send oure requeistis sindry tymes vnto yow to permyt oure inhabitantis of oure toun of Leyth to big and edifie oure hous of iustice within the samyn and hes resauit na ansuer of yow, and sua the weark is stayit and cessis in your defalt; quhairfor we charge yow that ye permyt oure saidis inhabitanttis of oure said toun of Leyth to big and edifie oure said hous of iustice within oure said toun of Leyth, and mak na stop nor impedyment to thame to do the samyn, for it is oure will that the samyn be biggit, and that ye desist fra forther molesting of thame in tyme cuming as ye will ansuer to ws thairupoun. Subscriuit with oure hand, at Hallyrudhous, the fift day of Marche the yeir of God jm vc thre score thre yeris. Sic subscribitur: Marie R. Quhilk writing, being red, the baillies and counsale foresaid commandit to be registrat in this present buke, and the principale to be put in the charter hous with sic vther supplicationis and writingis as hes bene purchest be the inhabitantis of Leyth in this caus of thair tolbuth.