Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1882.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1574, Apr-June', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1882), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1573-89/pp12-16 [accessed 18 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1574, Apr-June', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1882), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1573-89/pp12-16.
"Extracts from the Records: 1574, Apr-June". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1882), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1573-89/pp12-16.
1574, Apr-June
2 April 1574.
Proclamatioun, preaching.
The baillies ordanis proclamatioun to be maid, dischargeing all personis of the resort vpoun the hie stretis and commoun venellis the tyme of the preiching, vnder the pane of pvnisment of thair personis at the juges will.
14 April 1574.
Proclamatioun, flesche.
The baillies ordanis proclamatioun to be maid that na flesche be sauld nor eittin on Fryday or Setturday within the housis of this tovne, cukes housis or vtheris, vnder the pane of tyve pundis sa oft as ony man beis apprehendit doing in the contrair.
23 April 1574.
Douglas, papist.
Jhonne Douglas confest that he resauit his housil in France, and being demandit quhither the mes was idolatrie or nocht, declairit he could geve na ansuer thairto, quhairfoir he was commandit to behave himself quyetlile vnder the paynis contenit in the law quhil thay be farther avysitt.
28 April 1574.
Villa, pure.
The baillies and counsall ordanis proclamatioun to be maid that na flesche be hand bell throuch all the pairtis of this tovne, charging the pvre to convene thame selues in the Gray Freir kirk yaird on Setterday nixt be tua houis efternone, geve up thair names in writt, that ordour may be takin for their sustentatioun, and to keip thame of the commoun streitis, with certificatioun to thame that comperis nocht thay salbe scurgit and baneist the tovne.
30 April 1574.
Villa, Canogait.
The saidis baillies and counsall, efter lang resonyng vpoun the greitt hurtis thay daylie sustenis be non calling of thair actioun befoir the Loirdis aganis the vnfriemen of the Canogait, ordanis and appoyntis the personis following to wait on the said actioun and to solist the saidis Loirdis for expeditioun, viz.: [three persons in each of the four following months] and sua monethlie, in ordour quhill the said actioun be callit and vtheris put in thair place.
3 June 1574.
Villa, merchantis, Ingland.
[The bailies, council, and deacons], efter lang resonyng vpon the greit troublis sustenit be the merchantis of this realme be the piratis of Ingland vpoun the sea coistis of the samyn, and siclik of the dampnage sustenit be the persute of ane Dull, Inglischeman, for allegit troubill done to him at Lochebrome in the yeir of God 1566 yeiris, concludis that ane expert and diligent man be send to the Quenis Maiestie of Ingland with my Loird Regentis Grace wrytingis already impertrat at his Graces handis for the remed of the saidis wrangis.
Villa, Fergeson, Ingland.
The baillies, counsall, and dekynnis foirsaidis appoyntis and aggreis with Jhonn Fergesonn, merchant, that he sall with all diligence possibill pas to the Quenis Maiestie of Ingland with wrytingis purchest at my Loird Regentis Grace hand, for the remedies of the piracie committit be hir subieetis vpoun the subiectis of this realme, merchantis vpon hir coistis, and for purging of hir watteris of the saidis piratis; and, because thay haif na present syluer, thay ordane the said Jhonn to beir his awin chargis of his awin proper gudes, promiesing faythfullie sua sone as he plesis efter his return his comptes salbe hard and his money maid gude conforme to his last compte in his vther weyage maid be him at thair command in Ingland and France, the samyn to be refoundit to him agane thankfulle but delay, together with ane honest rewaird for his paynis in baith weyages; and James Ros. thesaurer, is becum actit and obleist heirfoir at the said baillies, counsall, and dekynnis command: and thay obleist thame to releve him. [The following is written on the margin—] Payit to Jhonn Fergesoun be James Ros for his expens as his compt hard beris, je iijxx xv li. xix s. xd.
Villa, craftis, Leith.
The foresaidis baillies, counsall, and dekynnis dischargis voluntarlie all pactioun and band maid betuix thame in ony tyme bygane and the craftismen of Leith, and of all dewtie acclamit or that thay may acclame of the saidis vnfrie craftis or vtheris actionis quhatsumevir betuix thame and Leith, hurtfull and preiudiciall to the fredom and libertie of this burgh, and bindis and oblesis thame be thir presents for thair selues and thair successouris gif ony of thame dois in the contrair heirof to tyne thair fredom and pay xxvi pundis to the common warkis, and to be repute vnfreyndis of the commoun weill, and this present act to extend and tak effect vpoun provest, baillies, counsall, dekyn, and all vtheris inhabitantis of this burgh doand ony thing in contrair the tennour of the samyn.
Villa, Leith, craftis, Logane.
The counsall and dekynnis foirsaidis ordanis the baillies to close vp all the duris in Leyth on this syde of the brig of all sic as occupeis craftis or merchandises or ventis wynes, mak oppin all gyrnell durris for seruyng oure Souerane Loirdis liegis of wittalis, remove Jhonn Loganis gudes of the Links, poynd and pryse the samyn according to the ordour, and to reform the biggingis outwith the West Poirt quhairby the passagis ar narouit and allterit by the auld ordour, as thay will ansuer on thair offices.
4 June 1574.
Precept, gild.
The baillies and counsall ordanis the dene of gild to cause flure the Haly Blude yle with burdes, and the expensis debursit be him thairvpon salbe allowit in his comptis.
Conventioun, burrowis.
The baillies and counsall ordanis writtingis to be direct to all the burrowis for thair commissairs to be send heir the xx of this instant Junii, for resonyng concernyng the commissionis to be send to the Quene of Ingland for stopping the piracie in hir watteris, the commissioun to be send to the Prince of Orenge, and the commissioun to be send to the King of Denmark.
9 June 1574.
Villa, bulwark, schore.
The baillies, and counsale, and dekynis ordanis James Ros, thesaurer, to chairge Murdoch Walkere, masoun, to mend the west bulwark hurt be this present storme and to proceid forwards in repairing of the schore; and the expensis debursit thairupoun sall be allowit in his comptits.
11 June 1574.
Precept, thesaurer.
The baillies and counsall foirsaidis ordanis James Ros, thesaurer, to pay to Alexander Vddart, baillie, the sovme of tuenty pundis iiij sh. for ane new ansenzie maid to the gude tovne.
16 June 1574.
Act dischairgit.
[The bailies and council,] efter rype avysement with the pretendit act and ordinance maid the tyme of the troublis, bering that all sic as seruit the King in Leyth sould nocht be removit fra thair housis within this tovne for ane yeir nixt efter thair cumming thairto, notchtwithstanding ony wairnyng maid of befoir, quhilk thay fynd preiudiciall to the heretouris of this tovne and contrair the auld statutis and ordinances of this burgh, quhairfoir thay discharge the said act and all effect thairof for ever.
18 June 1574.
Regent, villa.
[The bailies and council,] efter avysement with my Loird Regentis Grace wryting direct to thame, willing thame to gratefiie the air of Pumpharstoun, to quhome his Grace is tutour and governour, with the annuell quhilk thay haif furth of his landis of Lethame, and to discharge him of all byrunnis as thay wald do him plessour, and repoirt the gretar benefitt at his Grace handis in recompance thairof quhen thay sall haif ado, and knawing his Grace to haif bene sa beneficiall to thame in all tymes bygane, thay ordane Archibald Stewart and Jhonn Adamesoun to pas to his Grace this efter non and schaw his Grace the actioun betuix tham and Punfresoun depending befoir the loirdis, and that thay schortlie luke to haif decrit, quhilk being obtenit his Grace's desyr salbe satefeit nocht only in that bot in quhatsameuer thing lyis in thair powar to his plessour.
25 June 1574.
Villa, Kyntor, court.
The baillies and counsall, vnderstanding Dauid Kyntor in Leyth to be ane troublar of the baillies and pepill thair in thair courtis be his dilatoury and manie dilayes, quhairfoir thay discharge him all procuratioun in all tymes cumming.