Extracts from the records: 1629

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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'Extracts from the records: 1629', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1914), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol1/pp368-372 [accessed 19 February 2025].

'Extracts from the records: 1629', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1914), British History Online, accessed February 19, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol1/pp368-372.

"Extracts from the records: 1629". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1914), British History Online. Web. 19 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol1/pp368-372.

In this section

3 January 1629.

Anent the justiciarie.

The prouest, bailyeis, and counsell ordaines Patrik Bell, dean of gild, thair commissioner electit to the particular conventioun to be haldin at Edinburgh the viij day of Januar instant, to treit and deill with maister John Hay, clerk of Edinburgh, for this burghe, that it wald pleis him to deill with his Majestie and my Lord Duikis grace of Lennox anent the justiciarie of this burghe, to obtein the same in favouris of the saidis proueist and bailyeis and thair successouris ony maner of way that the samyn may be maist commodiouslie obtenit.

21 March 1629.

Warrand, reidar.

Ordanes the theasurer to have ane warrand for fourtie pundis money deburset be him this day to Mungo Craufurd, reider, according to the directioun of proueist, bailyeis, and counsell, for his help and supplie.

18 April 1629.

Warrand, justiciarie.

Ordanes the thesaurer to pay to Ninian Andersoun tuentie pundis money for his chairges quhen he attendit the Kingis counsell concerning the seat of the Justiciarie of the Yllis agitat betuix my lord of Lorne and Seaforthe, quhairof he gave ten merk to James Prymrois for forming the tounes supplicatioun.

9 May 1629.


[The treasurer ordained to pay £60 "warit and bestowit vpoun the building of the Trongait Kirk dyke"; and 40 merks "for supple to the building of the brig of Garvin."]

24 May 1629.


[The treasurer ordained to pay £23 18s. 4d., in addition to sums of £60 and £100 formerly paid, "for building of the New Kirk dyke in the Trongait."]

26 May 1629.

Millaris, loikis.

They statute and ordane that the fermoraris sall mak chois of the myller of the tounes mylnes, and ilk mylne to haue ane myller and ane vnder myller allanerlie for quhome the fermoraris salbe ansuerable, and na kynd of deutie to be takin heireftir be the fermoraris and the saidis mylleris bot onlie the ordinar multour knaifschip and bannok, with the measouris now presentlie delyuerit to tham, and incais thai or ony of tham tak ony loik or vther deutie directlie or indirectlie in tyme cuming the saidis fermoreris to be obleist be ane band to pay to the dean of gild and deacone convenar for the tyme, equallie betuix tham, the sowme of fyve hundrethe merkis money to be imployit be tham for the weill of the pure sustenit in thair hospitals, togidder likwyis with fywe pund of vnlaw, the ane half thairof to the bailyeis and the vther half to the pairtie damnifeit complenare, toties quoties, for ilk falt in tyme cuming.

Commoun goodis set.

[The towns mills, with the multures, etc., set for a year for 8050 merks; the duties of the ladle for 2000 merks; the custom of the tron for 500 merks; the duties of the bridge for 484 merks; the grass of the Green for 80 merks, and the grass of the kirkyaird of Litil Saint Mongo for £6.]

6 June 1629.

Warrand, metrapolitane kirk.

Ordanes the thesaurer to pay to James Colquhoun, wricht, [300 merks, in part payment of 3100 merks,] for working of the measoun work, ruffing, theiking with leid, geisting, lofting, glassing, and dressing of the liberarie hous of the Metrapolitane Kirk, conforme to thair aggriement in counsell.

20 June 1629.


Ordanes the thesaurer to give to William Yair fourtie pundis money for his panes tane in writting the rentall and to buik and extract, the same being lang and grit paines to him.

26 June 1629.


Ordanes the thesaurer to give to Henrie Conynghame, cairter, ten pund to help him to by ane hors to sustein his wyiff and bairnes that they be not burdingsum to the toun.

4 July 1629.

Wilkie, minister.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell, for guid and ressonable caussis and consideratiounes moving thame, and for the love and favour they beir to maister Robert Wilkein, thair minister, and speciallie for help to pay his dochteris tocher guid, ordanes the thesaurer to give to him fywe hundrethe merkis money.

18 July 1629.

Visitatioun, grammer scooll.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell hes ordanet the Grammer Scule of this burghe to be viseit vpoun the xxv day of Julij instant, and appoynttit maister John Bell and maister Robert Wilkein, ministeris, the principall, and maister George Young, Patrik Bell, maister William Steuart and John Bornes, and this done, maister Wallace present in judgment; and ordanes tham to report bak thair diligens to the counsell.

8 August 1629.

Chairtouris for ten markis.

It is statute and ordanet that the haill heritouris of the tounes landis sett out to thame in few befoir the dait heirof, quha hes not chartouris alreddie, sall haue new chartouris maid to thame for payment to the thesaurer, to the tounes vse, of ten merkis for ilk aiker thairof, the proueist, bailyeis, and counsell being frie of all warrandice.

15 August 1629.


Ordanes the thesaurer to give to the gentelmen quha hes thair landis over flowet with the Mos fourtie aucht merk to mak out the contributioun collectit to thame for this burghe ane hundrethe pundis.

6 October 1629.

Provest admittit.

[At the desire of the archbishop, the bailies and council admitted Gabriell Conynghame, merchant, provost for the ensuing year.]

Baillies choysine.

[From a leet of nine persons, six merchants and three craftsmen, the archbishop elected Colene Campbell and James Stuart, merchants, and Johne Padie, craftsman, to be bailies.]

Non to beir the office as baillie langer nor ane yeir

The said Gabriell Cunnynghame, new electit provest, and the said auld provest, bailleis, and counsall, present for the tyme, statut and ordanit that nather merchant nor craftismen sould be put vpoun the bailyie lytt bot onlie for ane yeir togidder in all tyme cuming, sua that na baillie present nor to cum within this burgh sall have power to exerce the said office of bailyarie langer nor ane yeir togidder allanerlie, and that be pluralitie of vottis, past the tyme that the said William Yair [acting for John Huchesone, town clerk, "quha was direct to the justice aire"] was absent presenting the saidis lyttis to the said archibishope, and at his returning ordanit him to sett doun the said act as said is in absence of the said clerk.

17 October 1629.


[The new provost and the old and new bailies elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be councillors,—the last provost being one of them.]

21 October 1629.

Dean of guild, etc.

[The provost, bailies, and council elected Patrik Bell dean of guild; William Neilsoun, younger, deacon convener; Thomas Gray, visitor; Robert Patirsoun, treasurer; and John Briscatt, master of work.]

31 October 1629.

Statutis for this present yeir.

[Ordained that no higher prices than the following be charged, viz.: ale, 1s. 8d. the pint; bear, 2s. the pint; the loaf of twelve ounces, 1s.; the trone stone of tallow, £2 8s.; and the troy stone of candle 4 merks.]

14 November 1629.

Warrand, maisteris of grammer schole.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell ordanes the thesaurer to give to maister John Hammiltoun and maister James Anderstoun, maisteris of the Grammar Scole, ilk ane of thame fourtie merkis money for helping the ministeris to preitche in thair absens at diuers tymes and vther guid respectis moving thame heirto.

21 November 1629.


Ordanes the thesaurer to give to vmquhile maister Robert Scottis wyff tua mairtis and fiftie merk, frielie, not for ane obligatioun, seing scho hes na richt be law to sute the samyn.

Anent the 1000 li. was awin to the lord Boyd.

The proueist, bailyeis, and counsell ordanes maister Robert Scottis wyff to be persewit for the sowme of ane thowsand pundis money addebtit be him and his cautionaris to this burghe be his band, for the quhilk the toun is obleist to the lord Boyid, and na pairt thairof to be givin doun heireftir nor yit putt in voitting.